HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-1, Page 7TM! SIGNAL: CODERTCTT, ()NT., TIiI'1tSP Y, JI1R('fl 1. 1891. THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. It is not ORE eUstotn to ..,ete'thuig especially'�nxn1,at o4peri3llyfbargainsce unties w. low pal elinea We carry a full range of High Chun floods, market' at (1 •e ('ut Pri., - but °lir big Bargain for this Week is :t ASUF WHITE COTTON (About 1000 Yards) Them. !look are shilrpe•.1 to us direct front the mill, and are in '.•'rt ends from 3 to I(1'r'aris long. We are se!' Or.: these! rd (s AT 10 CENTS PER YARD, 'en.' they ars superior to tiny l Cotton in Be' trn•ii'. '`:SPECTION INVITED. JOHN T. 1&CIIESON. T THE DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. 00� 50e. Corse Cannot be Beaten. - Ladies' and Children's Ucdnear, extra value. Navy and Bieck Storm Series, the best iu Town for the money. Only a Step from Weak Lunge to Con- ..froln Depleted kiith1ld to Anaemia, from Dis- ease Blu?Dti t•, Scrttfulsl,from Loss ar ):Nish to ,torous. 't • tit Aiinti tit•• t're:snl of (dxl�fiver (oil, I't't•vonts t1,t's lttep for. m benne Utttrtt and restores Health. irleysiwians, thcwurld oat; r, en- do'' .t it. DWI k WWI In Satstihtts! Ita.rle • !Wane, ke1leri:N. Au L1l111 Cr. e, re.. the first time at the new hone' of the lega- tee, Thoth is filled with new a Mame ser rants Mega* bill strip was left in the vestibula au.l being carried t . the new Jdioiatar profoundly arae te•l him. It was evidently intended, he thought as • sofa tic/vim, of w•mcbo ly • ,la-ath, an 1 a It ata ktt at the legation door it doubtless in d.eated the bere•vemest of ,no family high iu whorl life. The Minister at on:e gave leolere to dos. - the hoax. The unit! roe(rementeofomen • In were brought out, the .shuttor, were drawn, wed pampers by for the ressain.tir cf the eveniug were regaled with a comhiss tem of tureens noises, .0 •1. Y the ( his,..' only Lwow Lott to uttor when engaged .n IMw7lhng• the dead, and the minister re tired with the ►ati.factioa of knowing that he had performed a diplomat'. eourtuy. Amami, alar,. .1 manager in one of the chentital works near. ditsgois found a •wake toe otb r day. i3 a cargo of 'horns and Lidos troth. Se.uth, America Nektlle1tles'-reptile l.y ptazing it in apuit., *•d pat it MVO a battle for th' purpnseof presentugitto the Kei.ingtor.. •Juteuut Trt,e11.11 by rail to lilisgew with his capture, be Lewd hiutxif in act'* partment with two Hamilton farmer, wile v . mnrh interested in the snake, sad the history of it' arrival is 'cotlead. "Ay, ran," said one ut them, "an' hoo di.i ye ki'l't "tlh," Paid the n acager, "1 duet -mei it in whiskey "' ••.sly; man," safd the other farmer, in a tune that sreme,f t'• imply regret that he himself was not s 'iouth Anterit:an snake shipped t;e d:lu„ow by mistake, "eic • glorious death ' ' nerrenedieas. The choioe of surrouadns, either fol ourselves or others, is one of the most int portant means of developing and improving character. It is n. longer • mere matter of preference where we live. with whom we spend our t me, what books we read, what recreations we pursue, what nicht. we gime epos, or what *cued' we hear. We should oho we as far •s pox table, not only er always the most cougepia but the most improving, and such Y wit teed to develop the very points in which nue special sate -es happen to be lacking. The babies of mind, ot thought, and of actioe. that are thus insensibly but steadily formed are the materials out of which character is built. and upon which the value and the permanent happinoss of each individual de- pend. IY3P34TI0:T 11:I2'DLT LOLICITSD. 5 I'F.R CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. MZTI.NTRO, Draper and Haberdasher. A POOR MRCS ROMANCE. 'tee renegued segment the aple.Ald Nee, if Mer *mashy Mu.bead. r'ran The Philadelphia Record. Wt.: Ceii•rrt:, Pa., Feb. 16. 1 ro L• e, in which R .bort Reale.' wife, Lillie, :a rep'rted to have received 013,000 to rs• hn.luot, her marriage certificate too give ip all • lain.* upon him Y her husband, has tet r• ached a neost interesting clonal at •'afe, theater comity. 11 the report proves :o he correct Beale will doubtless araell ro be a wanderer in the far West, and re- turn to the life of luxury amid ease which he formerly eujoyed Y a member of one of I'he*ter county's wealthiest families. Robert Reale, who is a man of 50, de - doped his fascinating romance in the sum- •ner and an:umn of 1891 He and his Disc ally wealthy brother raido4 in the mansion en the hill, above (,'aln Station oo the !'enneylvani• Railroad. They were the -.beef landed proprietors of the neighbor hood. Near their numerate down so the .,little village that clusters about the station esti the modest cottage of Robert Walker, • section boss oo the railroad. In Walker's humble home dwelt the protest eirl in 1111 /he neivhborhood lathe, hu daughter who wY sent on frequent errands from the • ottage to the mawioo. OA one of these running visite to the hill l'the charms of the section bnes's daughter "tracted Robert leak. enbes',ne lly he sought and found many an occasaoo to west his little charmer, and, finally, one day ie e t•tobsr, 1892, the two took • train le t'hiledelphia, and when, two days later, they returned, the one to the mansion and .he other to the cottage, Lillie told with vide that eh. was Robert's bride, and showed to her nearest friends the marriage Y.ftaheate in evidence of the happymutts for to all who heard ot it the matcmutts seemed an improbable Y that weddrag of poetic Macy in which Maud Muller a -td the lode were wed. Ilut the romantic fires which Cupid had kindled seemed to hive been completely ex- tinguished at the thought of Hyenas's hand. I:s•'e had no .00aer claimed Lillie as his !reads than he had aouaht to rehneuisn her. ')gain and again she called at the mansion •e the hill. but its donee were closed against h'r Mr. Rnbert had given word that she was not to be admitted, the servants said. Two weeks alta the w.ddiog limb. west Philadelphia, whither he was followed and ?rimed by a detective whom the girl bnde Mid employed. Thee be went to fenv.',, 1'ol , and hY *Moe been • wander- . • In the various cities ot the Want. %flee Roberts .other had died • few ',elks ago, Lillie .t coded the ohsagnles, "mein' there to find and claim her hua�h,.a►t►e�d Rot he was not there- Sind Ilion she hoe received and apnrdsed as offer of 15,000 to rive up her marriage rrrtiBeate and re- henaer her bride) claims. Finally, as the tmposeihility of an intimate renewal of'me- nage relatives dawned open her, she was persuaded to give up her hoeb•ad, sad thus, d is reported, the eettlsneet for $10,000 'alae about, and RAM Reale se expected home again. • abet limit tiro An karetiean paper 1e11, to that Fliph 1'. Brown, of Liberty, !.dumas Irma the iaveot er of what in known ea "the patent inside " of sewep.M,z Ile Ism made a large for- tune. Mt bseneris, tired of the sT•etiting nature of tee t..snessaarl hayloft wow •ss• home is the direction of snore purely liter- ary Wert he geld • t, west to Debase sad IN'lgj" a term+ hum, whisk he iNwdad do- "Innittg fate • needs Lena fie boa • nomtifisvet hew sad .manged ter s eM- t're keneswarsaing. it ems •.',seed those nsktiM_ should 4e invited. A des - est • Mllk%r et Mr. Brows -low. gbt !him to invite his p•etor, but pointing to • portrait of Ingersoll in the main hall lie said, -That's any pastor," and declined to ' extend au invitation When 11'.ody was holding evangelistic service. in 1 bikago it occurred to ler. ' Brown to atimed- one, and report the pro oceding. In • fashion worthy of a disciple of Ingersoll. He began by a would be witty deecnption of Moody a• a tat men with • abort neck, etc. .leantime the evangel*. began an impreestce sermon on the Prodigal Son. Describing with great pathos the !father's welcome, !foody suddenly pointed straight at Mr. Brown iu the gallery and ex • chimed witb impassioned earnestness "Sinner, that Father is your God •" StarUed Y if addressed by name. Rrown dropped pencil and tablet, and turning to • man sitting beside ht.0 Yid i "Is that to '' • " Yee, it is all true, ' was the reply. and the COn, ICIQti unbeliever was prevailed upon to eater the ealuiry room, where he yield ed hie heart and life as • returning prodigal to the Father of spirits. Mr. Brown felt impelled at first to eran- gelutic service, but the journalistic instinct wY strong, and he became persuaded that this wan the field in which be could best verve the Master. As a result he le now edi for of the well-known Ram's Horn. Rite legethe Ma4Mes al..ii,. It wY a short time after Lulu McStub• bins was married that the startling truth was forced upon her tbat her young hus- band was not exactly • teetotaler : and one evening a short time after the wedding that strict old temperance nun, Papa !IcStab- bins, dropped in to call, and found 1 is daughter alone. After • time heasked " Where is d'hristopher . " "Well, the feet is. Christopher isn't feel- ing very well this evening." •'s that ea' What seems to be the mat- ter,,. ' Well, er the :feet is er t'hriatopher is offering from • ball attack of prepare sit g Propinquity pmpinqulty," repeated the purged old geetleman " That's • dis- ease i never heard of. 1 guess you must be mistaken "Oh no, father : let me evplais. Pro- pinquity mean. nearw•ss, doesn't it • 1 goon so." " To 1.e near ix to be close, isn't it "' • Em yes yes." " And when we speak of a man as being close we mean that he is stingy, don't a,he r. " And when a nese i. stingy we call him tigbt, don't we' 1 believe so." •• Well, sloe added with ab, " that's what's the natter with ('hristeewpb.r. ' wesrw1a•mine,•SOS Sall. Irmoth' MORN Bally Advert,car. The Chinese i•egatioa has always been an object of curiosity lin Washington, sed the mysterious goings on in the Marone old Stewart castle, which the I'alett.ab need to inhabit, were • savor -failing warm of wee - Aar and speculation. Now that the legation 4as • .sgNlloeet triple hoose for its home eat er the heights, the interest is the m. habitants is still further impressed The Clauses Minister ie now to Wtshiegtee, sad his ignotsnoe of some o1 its ways was tie mase of a very pse.liar oesspeati-s the oilier day. Tis ssaethly kilts el rho Wasbiegsen I:Y Light (Jeespaey are printed en of apo eelierly dirty yellow tient, wb M be tie sweet bee of the (biose ens of ssn.reine. The let stripe were left re - "sleety as the leers of •11 bass ha the oder, sad at the Mame Linen ammo tie rah Tks eilist day ens was lett Ilan Put a Prensl.ns on Sobriety. We once heard a coed missionary worker my, "We must look after the children even if we leave the old topers alone and allow them to die yet " The suggestion • startled UP. We believe the drunkard should be thought of, sought for and if possible saved Slimy drunkards are silted, the Rev. 1►r Reivaford to the coetr•ry notwithstanding : but in this matter prevention is better far than cure. We Deed to multiply our age' cies for the ea'vation of our yowl] of our land. Then if to the multiplication of such agencies there be added • determinati .n on the part of large employers of labor to pot a 1 r:mium en sobriety and to do away with the services of men addicted to drinkers habit. great gun to Inc to mperanoe cause will result. Something can be done, and what can be done ought to he done, even though it ie not the ultimate coal of our hearts desire. New York Observer, Plata Toll' N 54. lsrdahlp. From The 8t. Louts amieb;,c. A venerable and pompons English Ri*hu p wY having his portrait painted by an emin- ent artist. After suttee steady for an hour in silence, the churchman thought be world break the monotony with • remark •' How are you getting along he io Mind. " To the astonishment of the Bishop the knight of the palette ahaorbed in his work, replied • Move your heal • little to the right and .hut your mouth." Not beer.' accustomed to such a form of address, his lordship said " May I oak why you address me in that member ' ' The artist, still absorbed in his work, said : 1 want to take o8 • little of your The Rishop collapsed. he, Di d ter • iii blvib At a sateen in Paris 111111141 years ago the Sieur d Aimerie was am of • group to whom he WON imparting an account his pedigree, which he claimed ease derived from the I'harnehs of Egypt. .lust then the late Rama de Rothschild approached the group, and one of its members called not " Rams, come and let me make you ac- quainted with the Steyr d'Aimerie. He oomen of Pharaonic stock, and you ought to know mash other." Yes," said the Rare., bowie, gravely, and addressing d'Aimerie, , 1 believe oar famltlM leaf some transactions is time Vise, ise, o ieined d'Alene e, " we have • ruoerd that your people wow leavi•g the oowetre harrowed A eessiMwble amount of i•ItKity 01 m'maid people, ter which 1 aid now Oka to he repaidwith interest." ' i remember the transaction, sod Roth- schild. " het the .e*ee.1 was Battled at due data \'Her fathers received • *heck os the Banks of the Red Flee" The blew bird Is'waled all a kv41.., d Mpylwg It is arse • renshder time a bleed• purifier is needed fes prepare the gstees fee Um iaWlksting weather te ween. (yew sod yea will hese sae birth id !sake Nap's Mnap' " is Merck yrt4 Mc.e LOOKING AHEAD. \ :iwwd 1'1.. Thal .1 1.1 ♦et r s Ie►.N- tea This 11 ear. 1•:'.'ry winter 1i1 ferment. make t'ie'r piano for lie *ming ..Tartu/. de• ...lu.l: the ...net t, 1.• grown Uai e,it•h c1 I if .repatrytlsite. have liot alrrlMly liven outdo in /ante e•a'ie and the prop e. w.•th.4-of cultivatiou to be gives In •rrl.•r In ee•ttre tar tart re eedts. t Ki 1:4e PIMP of the crop will dap, net entirrIv •l e -profit or lose of the Wag.", are .o I'i:(h lu a: the I,r.•erut tits . newt farmers are tor.-htl L. do ate intie h of their work as I,r.--lid.• them -clot, +tad wiling t* Lirulrr doe* his uw.n wu k �e.r• 11,441, lv '1.h It w.,.'. .h''-''I„ye• tL,' ield of it field telt .,,.•tllt.ru e1 flet faro r'•• petit Thuto't,jb . rultivhlti.u* 1- 1, to Le ntw.o!ttt••1y 4e••. '..try, , torts ks .rra!h are it..t :apt. to toy. Clio. When the Vouutry Ives w u, ti • .41md was Clift "l j *alit Leal i.tut ►;.v.., rued even very l:tnte. crepe were ..nr,• f••i,•,•v pN..r ctsltiv.•ti'.0 That tiino p Iu a 1.y stud thter..u,;h a'tltttrc, Lut ia,•' .i1n•ral.epph.•ativus of,uuuttr';"lutist-1* 'riIie )Natter •of tanittir• iA the main .tndy of t:,.a•t farmers N hen utunttrr em t hu. ill large.*':at.la 4',, there in II tr. ulblt• ill gottinK i:tr.J cr thris• kilt very few fame where ten re is mini tepee' immure Mink 't.. till 1141 ur. 'lenge It iA ne+'e.spry to lone inutd'er tares from ',Mlle :- )Urtw u:ttnuias :.f !itis fart;. 'Chore ar.. 1. t• nt}. 1 rucau• rI idl !poverty in the market, and nest. it uut ell, of the good oars are ,..1d at rrae.u13h1e• l.ri..'e. Ther. au.-''nt.. lowevep. 1hat. an; di-han..'tIv Made...) ',ebb -01t i• bed to beware. They are tliv3„rialily 'Rola at I,wl.,r prieve than w honest arti.'ls' eau ie affur.Nd, and than feet is a pretty stir. guide in buyieg.--1uRuy e-tse it -ii. well to make the talker ..r Iii- u. 'i.t g;. • a 4tturallts'eel analv.:., of *lie f• retic• r. and tM•n if there is any d,mht ee h. ilio' hour'stv of the lialdterv. a Act:utile .ho•it,t le Peet 10 the Ii.t\. torment cue -rile lit -*:,tion. where it wilt be atialvie. •i and •1 pr.ltil.t.rep Tt inside t•, the w'udrr. It w ill pay aimed any farmer to buy rtrmlu•'r- eiat fertilizer's to nee itt IiUiti. n kr t*se Giro' Mauer.•, but only the err• -t •,uaratt 'tires" nu11alti. rfonld !,• {.on••lri .\ •4r.u$ t1••l: !puny A r*rn• - tr.mg trough tuts lief tutele ..f naw: ! lumber, se '.h.)wu iY the uc. t oIi'allyi'1:$ migrating F,.r every three feet length ..f tbron;ttt twie a�,l}. air ut; r...rt tau or two tut.! •Nle -haat te.i L t,. tt.. lvrincle•N widat::etul two Anittes a eat_ ,�111RS .t xt I' -'VTI .t. F1.11. ra•.l... I0. thick. Saw "n: /rein the puddle uI each piece it right angle.! triunitular }sir..• with the Alders termite; s ispiare of the same length ("se -beanie one in• h thick f.'r the side., and nail the teemgh toy;.•thrtsus 11.1131 with the tri angleaaam•ed not ..f the two inch 'tuff f.:r mule. Now *4 the trough in the angles vwetl out, but far en..ngh away fritts the end piece to nail from the in eide ot the trough into. the eupport.., ane' pet the triathigle sawed from the e upp.rte for the centre. and nail that after entting etuingh from the ie.ttoul corner to let water rnn through. We a,re indebted 1.. the 1uu'rirau %gricnl tnrit.t for this .k. teh and diewription. Maraedu.g 1•r.Niur•-. Ti..' uiau n h.' takes great pride in pr.. .luring a good article, and recommends it for whet it is. without any uii.repre eputatip t. -will -cion gain a reputation for fair dealing That will be a g6r.ut help to him in marketing Iris products. If yon are going to trill to the graver, re meuls'r that he likes to deal with pro (inters wboue word is as good as their bond. They desire to be euro that in every liel.ket. box or barrel the nniforu. `oodnese of the contents reaches -clear to the bottom. They like men who. when they take orders to day for tomorrow. can be depended noon to live np to their engagement., wh.ei' vegetables are al ways walled clean: tie,* tightly and ar ranged neatly, and whose call can be depended upon with never failing cer taints every week day and tinder all conditions of weather. L niformity is another item in snaking produce salable. Particnlar lainx should he taken to have all the vegetables in one bench or package .the radiehe-. iota. onions. or whatever they may be as near like each other is..•arefnl melee tion ran nuke them. If the articles to be marketed are of uneven site, grade them and put the larger ones in one package and the ,aualler it another Careful 'sorting and packing are jest . nece.Rary as skillful growing. Regular ity of supply is still another point of im pRortanee No matter how fine and abundant your prYrdnce may be, it will nut be appreciated by yonr cnetoniers unfree yon furnish them regularly ju.t what they want, and when they want it Tbia inspires rnnfiden.'e and reli- ance. and Inger*el permanent patronage even at higher Klee.' than cu.tolnetw would be willing to give to the man who offers his Kmiec, at irregular intervals or on rue occasion. - • Farm Life, Saipan Petits. w1 ,..,.arta! .Merit. often fruit.. ..t various descriptions are hrunght before the tnhlie. and sometimes they aro very disappointing to the planter. nn•i we wool.! not advise any one to iuv.,.t largely in new eerie tire, of fruits 1.1 any kiml as them ifs great risk, especially where large smut of money are expended in ',!ante. etc. It is far Metter for the grower to plant those kinds which have been fairly tented and which are of good reptitation However it iw well for all pr.gr.-salve fruit growers to test Rome new sorts each year and thus keep np with the timet*. Anil it ie not unwise to plant quite esten.ively of some kinds which w een to possess special merit of a degree which insnrY's a good profit 15111 tbeet Weeds sad In.erta. Practicing rotation in the production of crops is not only a most exeeltent eonrse• for preventing soil exhaantion, bit the hest means for preventing the multiplication of weeds and insects. The Narrare Tells the t'..dII.a. Porn kernels having a flinty, 'lapel surface contains an 'scarfs* autonnt of starch while the doll colored, shriveled grains knee aM exce.s of sugar. - Thom se attend to Tools. Although it is winter vet, the time will be short when farmers will need haying tools. Is is well to look After each saaht• taw. v Owe M *be we... Grind *tie eon MI cob together and try it, tesilsept ski& Semi reset the gisirom•laptit..1 bola. Sys sap' ro THE FASHIONAIiLL LUNCHEON. I The Thies. to Sr Meweeed .4. Thlrg. bet re re. A ladies' Innche•Nr le peculiarly an .\mart• esu fenetioo. !freak fset par yr, ..r' 4iv4 abroad, but we have tustatuted the Mack. It o said that 10 the tar_ \V�y�L'� my` )nrat� which is served at an midttasJ r omitted lunch, but the orliniry hour kir this repot , in I o'clock 1 •1. .tui ng one'* rump••. us , In a.oqu*Istenees there may L... ' women M *.ons o.e stairs tU eve at one , tat!., but whose h*M4'nds ot•e utas Lot rate' to elver!, n. To • Iunchq..n these boilers ' Cru be in, lied, snit h Ie v •n• rslt•t aril i',lctsaut way to par scuisl delta. 11* lu .ah it het1cou.iat of four :antsy the ..:.ilde n Lobo mut !an.h bestrew! ,:anally without &dab os • 'm,a: gmi t,ble, wht•'hnever shows to better a•Ivat- a„e (boa MI en set with •hihic;; esNrtr'Mad y*Mteou;*' glue. A paetty .t.IUruukred critter piece im fa;J u..11te huddle of the told*, ep.n *bleb is placed the• burl of 11oi,ere er of ferns *ad I Le little Overdulhy eoataiuing apody and pall.,) a:mete:ts. •Ela tore each great. is i dab`ty on which Ike plate et pet, au that it it is hot :: will het injure thelabia tfrlgtae'iamet the i_teeitd*ors er toad.. ere pet a silver casters' having felt 01* 11,. bottom, m., i.r. ve*LL!t :1 c ►ciateltipg .•f die 8.0.1 1 loch Otherwise rwise mt►tht coeur. 1f the desfeg teem ieflat l„ as eefe.rtuuately it i apt to be i4 City hooses..Mindks or lamp. CAA (rg u•rd .n the tahie : bat i1. tI••re euu.hviii- tie t h •L ••idr.ity the bort' L,'r.t Wahl e honl.l ant be shut mit u# any how. : rti- tkiai light. is weevers." et this home ut the .lay, an.I anything tl.a' is o obvievel)• un. n e •• **Airy is io load taste. rays an s.altnritj• .1t neort font•,. (vete re, are '.^:c.! Raft then tnruable or chair teeth :•. .-.pe. This seems to be regards(' at a •listimeeve thing to nine!; the d.fl:•rtnce Itetwe•eu this n eai and diener. Thea fellow two di.lel,* :tad .flrrward a sweet, and fruit. It tea ..81 coffee are nerved on the ta'tle the, hostios presides aI the tit urn and a*L x.a .v fl mad to pour the c'.ffes at the other end of the teibte. ..1•ete.uning hot kcal. n.mkes a eeiv w l,t,leat•*t accetelaunu.ent-m the voices sod is 'tomcat ive of homelike doer_: It the Imiadbeee ie huge it would 10 too south of • tax to make the era on the table, and it is letter *creed ,titer Much in the ars.. 1114: ✓ 1a".110, Napkins are saralkrthee ;hose used at di . Our English coasias di►p nee writ' them altogether at lir. akfest oi.l lunch !bi ma. how one is to wipe one's fingers ie a iiyetery, the tablecloth, if there is one: ap -iarebtly being the only available medium. ft le said to h,' in tad taste even, to put it napkin to oat '•.natty, end eery +ski's per- sists never unfold 'the captors eetirely_ 1f wilier aio served at lunch, "*bite wide, rrkay or skerry is ynit,e sufbci rot, bco,nee Y a rule women do *tut care for etiatutant, In the middle of the .lay. -•Tt.e rules f..r .leve at lutchcon are the ammo as for afternwm tear,.sari the, women wear their bonnets, no' removing them. The hostes. wears a simple afternoon dress. •b.*Aate t'.sak yore). t4\11 LIMN. 1 had A very bed cough which 1 could out, get rid .4, but' by usiry Hagv.rd's Pectoral Rattans 1 wits cured in two sr three days.- s the (test and street cough medicine 1 know of.. Joeeru 1;Asnlrnrt:e(ien.h, the. Merest. .-- "Sorry.'' _'•Sorry." remarked 1'harpie to the beg ,•r on the street, " but I haven t a rept mot.' Well, 1 ain't ppeeriickler about a red cent," retortt.d the beggar, •' gimniea white ten cent piece." • Weirdest' Indeed N111 r r + . llurlock Itlood ifitters is .. medicine made from roots, hark and herbs, and is the hest known remedy for dyspepsia, con *titration and biliousness, and will cure all blood diseases from • comnwn pimple to the worst scrofulous tore. fewitseHsea*. I:urglar .1ny jewelry Man No. )Woman-1)on't say that, dearest. 1'er haps he's the tame fellow who robbed that unspeakable Sirs. Del:lash of her diamonds and he'll go away anti circulate stories. A !tie ger (~tads. There is no remedy that makes as large • percentage of perfect cures as lir. Wood's Norway I'ioe Syrup. 1n nearly every twee of coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hoarse o wn, croup, etc.14. its curative effete are are prompt and !,seting. eienefierll► end Throe " 1 tell you the generosity of men like )Macon I.umbaking u an illustration of the social economy of wealth " Yes, indeed, he gave $5.000 toward building a new church anti sold the build- ing committee 1113,000 of material." Sew RI sprrala H t aired. 1 enffered from dyspepsia, and was weak and mieerablo with what the doctor said wan nervous debility. seeing Burdock Blood (titters advertised 1 tried it, and after taking three bottles feel perfectly re stored to health. Mite .1 H. i'nntt, Klelohurg, I int. t 1ea.•pt Insperteare. Iitlder " Ip't Aadereon, the millionaire, a self-made man !" balder " No he'. a machine nude man. Rilder " Machine made Calder "Yee, he invented a successful typewriter. " ah11.4'. flapper. Mrs. 1. s. Hawkene, i hatteuroga, Tenn., says '• Shiloh'. Vitaleer • saved my life.' 1 enaetder it the host remedy for • debilitated system I ewer used.- For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it ev,ele. Ince 75 cent*. Mold•by all druggists e w New Brunswick oedar shingles at Kidd's, $t.80 we. STOCK TAKING SALE. orler to ge` 0.11' Stock Reduced we will Otter SPECIAL BARGAINS In all Lines POR TUE �IEXT THIRTY DAYS. Lamps and Lamp Goods, Cutlery and Silverware, Granite _,nd Puritan ware, Carpet Sweepers, rip Japanned, Tin, and Cc,poerwar•e. Clothes ,'J Viers, We have a Fine Assortment ofeeetovea and Ranges and if you are thinking of buying anything in this line we think we can suit you as to quality and price, III�RING AND SANITARY PbIJMBI11G A SPECIALTY, SAUNDERS & CO., UNloeme ma. Tat io CGatD 6te6t7.ONe or T..t SOwEL4, P.cNtvn Aso LIVER, CACP. INC 01.(04 CVILLY. *IT«oUt wean r N• ,e INC 4T.rtre •LL IMP•,,0.••t% •ht'. r00e non00.. AT Inc .•.E tint CORRLCT. INC ACIDITY or Inc 3TOYAC04, Lon' me 4IL*OUSNr SS, 0 - IA, HCAO ACHES. DIMNESS, HENn1•URN, CONSTIPATION, RHtuMATIaIw, DROPSY, 44114 O14t*ScS. .IAUNOICC, SALT PINCUS. tCYSIPLLAS. SCRO• ,ULA, FLUTTCRINO 01 TME HEART, Nt#YOUSN1LS, *NO GtNt#AL OLOILITY. 10tlt •ND •LL a.r'iisw' CCMrt•,NT• OUICRLY Y,IID t0 Tno CL•A• ♦IVI INV►Ut EWE Or •URDOCK SLOOP PLANING MILL ESTABLISHED 1155. Buchanan & Son, rANo►ACTI-awn• SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers is all kinds el LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And hnilderasmater's' of every deecriptlds School Furniture a Specialty. 'MMtw AAaarisa• AT 1S magas11, r 1'1%A it COPY*NSN •, ate. per Infoetoarinn an/ pro ttaoMb•nik wept to NI'K!t a .Tr. ail RRo•uwar. NNW ToRK. Claret harems for _.•.plop petard* In A woe*. V p ,.stmt taken net ht r Ir bro4ht beteg, tle erne brat** tee given tree or eharre m the �citutiftc American tairr�t tlr'vImtlnn of an) .etene'.e paper in the N.rtd. PplenhIdly /.hetet .. ritir 11gRot a.an •noels tr' onthet I.. lyre.l7 a%e•a a year; 45.14 Na N areit. A.W, . Vert. A I•Q., POslta4ana. AS as,aewsr. nee York. Patronise True Competition. Tien Ca,An,n. Pacanc Ranwav Oat TMasaarn has hese eetabIINsd {.give the page a theft- el•ss swelee welt late isd per • m.test cerapetlllea. it N raawa/ai se huskies prineiptas and to the Interest et 11s patrons. it &nerves the app es et every pa.o. wb 4�leves In eeentatt a. /.r mote. tlsw•sses Sae OW rens,ea r. INea, owoeettag with alt !trees see e•abtos he sMes aesesr. ttaseM mad sweeps �ilrl eel wirese to all see to R�s►w•~ttial0.kl. a.di°t+ettts Ta.th sees. 111►3f err.: e. MAw1et1 • GRATEFUL -COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA CREA4FAST SUPPER. "By a tl..rou.th knoWedite of '1•e :,tlr,-rat :we which govern Ptepp•rat,naa of (tern l on and nutrition, ami• a careful •p$. 1-atioo ,•t the eine Drnpertie. wells":e':ted Kppe has provide( for u :r hrrakfas• and 0.1.. per a .lelirately 41Tonfed 6••rerage which ma• save us missy heavy du•:ore' bathe, it u by the ludieione use .ef such ar: :es of d., t teat • COO - mit utura may he granualty buil: up until sten.g enough to redo every teadrnry to flit -moot. Hundreds of .ublk nu.tadlos ere t! .*tine xro,.nd es reed • to attack v. h': -e. er Mere r r weak point. t1e may escape many a fatal abaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with puree bk tel and a pruttesly Dora, 'shed triune. -- ('i rel .Serrere Ua:. fir. Wade simply vs ;in lrilicg wren or mirk, Sold only in uaeketikby Urte•rre.',abetted Ike P Jl ISIS erre, t'e.Ltd.. Mwne*epetkle etre ns/ tea a.e ender I:r lar . A sl :. :der QODERICH Storm, Boiler )Works. &NTAMASHED 'Nell A. S. CHRYSTAL, Sucer.ear le I'A rtistat it llloc k,, Manufa,•ture•ra of all kiwis of Station- ary Marine, Upright .k Tubular 130T.T..d=w Salt Pans, Smoke Stack., !h.•et iron Works, .mite., etc. Also dealers in i'prlght and Horizontal Slide Valve Y•ngises. A utomat le tool on &urines a penalty, All sires of pi e and pipe fitting Donmantly on hand. ltaimates furnished on stat settee, Repairing promptly attended to. 31,1-ly P. O. Hos :q. (luder:ch.Ont. Warks- Ir000•ite di. 1'. It. Station. Ooderich. WHO IS YOUR TAILOR ? Thu is • pertinent ,urtion and one to which you should 'giye thought. DOES HE SUIT YOU ? If not, you . an •arty get wt. iP(a.•ttutt by . allu.g a' DUNLOP'S EMPOIIIUM, WEST STREET. A large quantity of 1:1..AI)1 SI.11)I: 'LOTH Nil; on bemired' I,e diapooed of at whatever they will bong. t'all early and get Barga;ss, H. DUNLOP. HAVE YO BACK -AC H E 00005 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backache ',perms the kid- neys ars in trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills iv* prompt relief ' 5 per ceaf. • disease is sowed by IBeertrbal/ Night as as wall by to hat • a b.nithy city without sewer- •qe, as geed health when tM kidneys ars &egp ed, they an the scaceneme of the system. "Delay /s dnngernus beg - lac ted eg- /acted kidney trouble* result i n end Stood, Dyspepsia, Liver Comp/eint, and the most dan- gerous 0f all, frights Dinbeeqtss an Dro'The •►Ju• dioceses pend s1ist mik•r. Dodd'* Kidney Pills ars mood' field by .a Mein anent by .pegsa el prise p mow pv Me es eh kg bdeibT«.w elft.