HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-1, Page 66
ARDE`N filaassrt t'mpl...iaewt for winter bass
amid E•esetese.
Then ie without mete. p:e•a-uyt to the
made !'ram au tad Tr..rk or Oilier Vstilt
Tim illustration herewith neer -east* a
cart Made freer ail teld neve c or even
trent the miming gear- of an ordinary
heat walt(.n The e•tigreicul; i• limper
tact lees! is t,;:1 nee:%,• t.. girt ac
kiln u! d. •N' t•• Beate T Le efient
*mete etlgpi: 1,1 1'.' r0nt.14,1 • near
Or tem 1. •c th.• i,t it (eel of
%useelm' •ett•it:r1 alt!
Slitocdt %noted be a !anent %eel gale that
yeti he geedly o ,e•t.t,t f. rthnnl.ing When
t•1' law(:.: •, dirt. er ether Material et
• handed t.: the desired place. open the'
eaA pea! , {•n}I tit the c••Itliine; pin 1124
Mart " tF..• team, The br.l of the cart
isaliglitly I, . e i -•r in the rear att4 veil
tip lea• kw 1 1 t1 ,1, . i.ljdvinq 1t••.•'f.'
This.' • •• !, a e- rn heelless; carth
f nr gr., • . I. . wien:ete it i•
• t. r nuhwlsn>;
. i, ,mei,,;*
f: ,
with t.
•1 r
et.•• ,lar
ire t . 1'r alveus
j., ,;e• • I nit teem
eel - 1 .. . i • tin• raising of
dei .4 -p.• vel bassi
u::n • Budin.
r+ -re 2 e 1. Ii`a•'hv'j,,
1111:: ! 1 ..• : ' three ..pr
t :+iT Qt .1 , •a:'. ar 1 lire vaso L
Of n:-1.! t • , 14%04 conai*ts of
n . • t • 1.t delete the
r•: 'Milo the lay•
ins; • at:.- : !,e [r elect -elm fiteil
l,•; the i,e,t .'f td.t- r ,•ff+i•ring
N'h.'they le.eiti tehave it is itnJ,yr�1 t
t tit ....Ir-tlie d.:' -k- vete. a forger ib*re
of elinin: t,-..1 a, ill • i+ick often lays an
eat %eery dee' ler .ti welt:!•. mud 'femme
see• the•he-l-itt- #xt respect.' p riedncirtg-
m •re egg- in a peer tiro' the Ir; n, and
Stiiyllrl her weak en it titch shorter
time. For (hie reliever site shonl4 be fish
liteem I v bnf i •*l ive erein exclusively
tt:•• 1n.•1a tray Ix thrr••.rn out of condi
ti•.n 1,-.t:tti4g weak iu the here, a711-
faith n
r. lay Nettie mut a
! 114
R old:
:roto of rat . I1 rPi, ., dealdel, turnips.
verset- i•r Is .tet,•ee ee.okc,l. t-. w}ticll
bran is atl•led, ' fanmtshe4 au rev -dent
meant for then!: but the *uituat fool
all •nld tett •ii.- ..eerloolte••1
w'hrot !or freed.
It is 1:-lewitlenit r.ea.+.''n that f;ar:. I••r,
are cant 'elle air eft P-nliug wheat t.•
✓ w..tv.ty; th. 'e price t tat. dui its low nee It
es x gran, whteh hetes very _rapidly ween
t•.. torch hu been fel. We $h4.-214 e.4
(dose! it whole• in any event. bee-et:et
sural! the quantity giv.•n at a time.
Wheat bran. to alp km.w. i+- cue•llent
fee milk pr.ldnetion Why net get .441fir
wheat gr•.nmI whole tieing the bean as
w4 -n s- 11.0 flour. and bleu mix :t entail
1}>t'1s,rtieu of tits• wheat meal with a
Larger p•rupstrti•.ta of wheat bran. This
wr•nid give a mnrh higher nutritive
vane re the ration -mild at present prices
of wheat and wheat lean it would not
c;'at any more per pound. If a.ri1•her
(nod in 'tat is required sell a ver small
arnnnpt ..f lineee•.I. to -al 4,r of enttonaecel
with rhe hull Wheat thus fel will
d••gbtlens return more ir: milk anti butter
than can lie get from it by sidling at
pleseitt prices. Hitt wheat,(' not a grain
then eau pnptttalete be feel gams
!'ale, weak women need •deice strenegtt:
•tinge flesh hnahlingn.edisioelike •lhlbnra'a
, tree and Wine • 1
✓ e -•tel tett pa.s.*•1hal -breloan Tel aed-
1 -um tie New hark -triunes.
1'ou didn't kon*, , you. that some
p..,ple awry'rnuad s is their pockets.
.! ell don't have to be h,etsadow to drag
a -mad the stove, eitbet,'te IC isn't a
kitcbeo range. I4 -icing 414 -teen wind. a
Tribune man wan introduced. \the tittle
w l.
furtlacc and as grateful. it\ear's much
b ager than tLe, old fashioned timepiece
%retch your grandfather carried. end it is of
the Fan c absee, in a nickel plated case. A
little square block of carbon maids furnishes
tete fuel, mad when you go out for • sleigh-
n•le you al.p • stove into each overcoat
TP.•ket, and when your hands gel void fest
lent me in your pocket. and hold the
stove. I1 makes s4 inuch neat that one can
not hotel the bare throb against 1t. Chuck
nue tato the font of your bed on • cold night
iu Maine or Canada, and your feet went
reel up like shavings 'rhea you get is be-
tle -en the sheets
tearru cause nelsons sickles. lir. Low's
N.,4m!yrup,d.stroysand expels all kinds
' corms •.uicklf and sorely. 4
W e Year ateesme. MN *tar.. err 1a a Kew
*.rt raper.
New l..aa, jreb. 18. Moore
Abe ewe -overt r of perma.gaaate of potas
sewn as an antidote for morphine poisoning,
Les written • piper upon the salved, which
win puWiahed today in • medial petioli
ca. 1a the he treats the subject in • tech
rural mana.r, but tells also 0' the invssti-
godsons that led to his (Hseneery. In oats
el porouiog by any of the salts of morphia,
the doctor says. ten to Stumm gree.* of the
aatadote dnaolved in six or eight Duron
awl repeated at intervals of thirty minute',
three or four times, or even pore often.
t•Prmangsfese of potassium, as well ea the
u aes of ma*trateee. are comparatively
harmless. teen if given in large quantitl's.
Hr. Moor nap • further "In case of
pasosips be the alkaloi 1 itse'e or by tow
tura 0fopium *laudanum •, alto by opium, it
•eeegalele to acidulate the wt1dotal solo
tons with diluted sulphuric acid, or in the
abstain of this with some white vinegar
feet red eriseg•r'. by which the ioaoluhle
it!�' M will be at o.^e coarerted into the
s'i.•se sajpbate of ar•ptist.. 1, hart strong
roans to Relieve that the spnti.ieterin`` of
p_O,ag,_,aa" will bac. . beneficial *dem
$M ataer ah.eptioo ot the morphia's his
Wive 11111010:,_
Maier Oen said oma g0ars,iee. 11
was ltl4bat a paomptinn len tl'. tat
ry ().y nae cent a dose 'L5 r to ,
N eio6*er bottle. Sold by .tl
rce nr mora a'.•rptal•L• than a rustic, -
. hair or settle. on p..:.•h .•r lawn and
1(r tee, a
. 1:1
)ft li,e vire:lee. of •the•-' thin is
oftett .,o a ‘tis :l -i1'•. 1.. Its .•e.ible' I••r
the• avrag.' 'lira. 1°w,• he.mt-Heel,
arti.l.sblal. .iia rc,'.•:I: till. 6avr IMl
the to think !nue easy to rt.i!P and sub
stoning! si:. h thing- eat. 1s. The fir.(
a long sod 1•n.i•1 settle with a With
lark. 1 calx np ,.u.l•l.•uly to my our
twice :u: 1 gietifiee ,.; . out the veranda
freeitl ('. ill. Tele., at qtr
Therese (-en it heti'*" high acid rota
fortil.t.• lack and silt! legs to whin h
the *teat and .arut, art mortise 1. A seat
ie lila le 4S restful atte'k* 44havctl (tat on
theesurflcesuis. and tin' white et well
braced :eel gree -fu' • as the rut .:heats.
The erns are ru e' ftato nut ural s.k+
fouul :n the w-o'tis. teem,enntein 'muted
iesri•ireg Felten' %4 v - In reply to my en•
'inert teas told that the young nem .et
jay lu'st.ha,I c,sr.tr:o•t.-.1 it. and had he,
come void- girl 11•1e1a .it <neii work with
lA littk {•tart:, .
Tine *n4 i- elute-. -4 apte•i.eue, with
a teat like that 44 the settle It has
al 'fit lee. er eeertitltg� the lei eek. Fuld the
arms are weltt.r•am l be cres.k,'d .ticks
temtly lettered and hearted •in-place. It
p'.a(•„,. + the ad vintage of bring quickly
n4ui :1. there are but few' pieces to it.
A 1e;1;g lett ee•r s.pling. such as con he
got 11y the tlieu.au4 lu :use dense• sei•
cetut gr. wth ttlnber. rea Ise feet.•tird to
(lir, tea:- r at A. (eaTrie,1 -down to the
• t /•-1••71
esearemerW lav .t fleeter Whaler a sondes
Wirelei the 4 apo o[ ttiead 4s•M<
Three bulla are cuwtt.it•lwul. says l'.
H _\II.•u. in Aulrreen .Agriculturist.
asu.*lg the roan.' that have leen intro
ducetl Leal the 1 'ape of ti.,u4 !tope. not
poly f,••• tl.rir graceful forms anti pies. -
1111 fragrance but for deur nave in the
wind, vs• gamer. uroi'f' 2 florets' pie w.
r lit Bowe• . The species wereOrealiu.n-
fl.Utia.in 1144tanl461 and ',mate rel
la ti.r.a as early as halt, but they did
not lemon's 44 general nee rule! within
the }ant ten years. Whether there ire wort'
lh:i,i one .pet iese Is It 11pe•elion to di44
tette. that there are dieting -1 v'arietiee.
Itui one that Lar watt -heel their gn.wth
•will deity. and that there 1s a sad Milt
tun• or running together of tire." 1*
plaiu:y appan•ut fermata refract* ills
is the type or variety. in delnun,l ley
the t..eri-t It+ towers. are pure white.
.lighti) relieved 1' n tint of !. flow and
delicate streak. of lilac in the lower
part of the tithe There hear been
went . tit twit varieties of this, the one
he'rug le refracts. which has delicate
yeIlhhv 'lemur. the two being caned
en..1 the swine ,,j..,•ie-s F. Leicht
is of 3 'realm yellow, •with an
open brown threat and a lees deli
rate 1»etfntrte. The frreeia i.ulie is very
sanely luaeegr•d, lent it analis abut our
condition of growth That is in a cool
grrett)lotta4, and without any attempt at
./,.rent. The bulls* uuty be 'plaided at
anyailue 112.41 .Angnst tut ,rt ..lx•r. after
*lieu they 1 eat' to dry up and ki.e• their
vitality. They can be grown in hoer*
or plats;_ if in is,xees they slunk not 'be
hew duel ,/liar iO4-ines deep, lei's would
le better,:,** they reset and form new
hullo dderply. Altilouela the bulbs are
small, they lowered, best when all••w.•tl
r.•tret rr•tibb• Resin- The first .ize !death!
pe pia •.1 two invitee apart • each wale
nos cove•rrel with one inch 'Leif stilt;.
1t in lot%, put fr ,i, ,lege to , seven
bulls lu a .ie•inrh plot. Prim the'
o-..11 Frilly, ewer the tit. and pit the
t•,'ts, vier bone.. melee the bench.
gi lug them eerily suthri.•h1 water to keep
rat will tweet_ bur not wit_ pert them
`•nelai:I.. until th.• 1, 1 s appear al,eve the
Its -Tt tit t1.•
forwent lee lie• sew the ...a: and' neatly
pinned er :screwed .on. !rut *bent over
the f,.rward L•.; t.. serve we an ani.
carried Lark t.4 the top of one near
poet. fh,et*-n.•.t and bent 'amulet to the
-other rerrie'! d .
post an•1 fast,'nel, tent still again and
nen l..u•k nearle parallel t•. a /4'.int .4.
the re it post Iii:dway between the seat
and ter to • correspond with trite c.pps,xite
vele obs which it started 1f
leets chair
L..Iu,t tis 11, left in tin. weather. grip.•
14.•22'.' :1 'l'e•etl and satiefsctory
pm -pee. ee. , 1n ti." mtieilnfactefe of camp
choirs the vinw...f the will grape are
without eel for the. purpose Thi -
chair wan iu:,l•• and ie in use it the
eharnring farm hien.' e.f i..' it Smith
St. Aliatn... 1t`t
F rola thnae few suggestions other ar
title, of furniture mit, 1'e easily: mule
they iticht•1• plant hosts. nrn., 1424404.
gatew'ay4 SWIM:It, I...rche-• snMtnfr
le•n*e• ati,l n 14 .,r.' of other metre,
at the .cane. time- oetiem42tel Hauge -
II -Rider Nate. int% metre ttenth•Iuau
A. Plum intoner'. e.spete rare.
Genera. \ i. in nt,..,it tate same,
C1M1111* •sue as tel climate as 1 Intarie. ane
it 1Villenl•e e.xterielte in _plum
wving contain% valuable tenet for 4nr
Lorecultnrist+ Hi%attrnti•on wee fiat
attrat•tei t•• slum gt•..wing by visiting
the liiud,'eo; River frnit section where
they were ranting the Ki'sue i'lande,
packing the fruit in barrels and tending
it to New York by the tight boat. net-
ting tram' o1 $.1k. per acre. He had a
newly planted apple ..rchard and he went
hone and planted rest pitons between
the. now.. hew began to prcmini .' the
entitle year a met return of file or ere
per tree. The tenth year the Italdwin
apple tree.' im.lnctetf a barrel each.
bunging; $1 :le per barrel- lie dtlg up
the applies and replante.l t. plums
There oval riot as much difference in
price then Aa new. mud he world not
advise the sacrifice of an apple, orchard,
or the est•Insive growing of pl
The culture of applies was tint keeping
phare with the pepnlati'•nand not far is
the future there world be a demand
for mere apple,' than there were tree to
pnelnce them The Hudson river plum
orchanta were ruined by the black
knot and thi* world detn.y any orchard
if the trees were not exit mitied thorough-
ly twice a year. and the esen•arencee
cut out spraying with Bonleaut mix
titre would pr •vent loaf blight, And
careful following it up year afteer year
result in healyearthy foliage He
caught the curculio with a wheelbarrow
supporting an inverted umbrella mode
of stiff ribs five or six feet long covered
with cloth. The Centre wan over the
forward aide of the wheel and there %vale
an opening on the front side wide enough
.o the machine could lie n•Ilel up with
thee-nhee1 t.nehing the tree.When the
machine was in tame the limbs were
jarred with an iniplernent much lit. a
lame mane crutch, the erase piece being
covered with rubler. After jarring.
the bugs were %wept with a mall br.tnm
te the centre of the reeeptaele. and,
transferred to• pall containing a little
k,•r.w.'n.' Hugging was routine -need as
seen as any cnrctllios could he feline
and kept up for two or three weeks
As for varieties the Heins' ['hand, .1.
linear was the [Holt pnsdnrtive and
salable, lint it was tint (nil'.' hauly at
(ie.e%a Nett carne lunehard which
was hanlyehealthy and very pnslnrtiye.
but ripeneel at tem, wrong time, coming
int.. the market in c empetitinn with
northern Teaches. Field was another
excellent market a..rt Aftet these se t•atne-
flradmh*w, Fn• ech Ilatnann. tinsel ifiel
won Hivet Fagg (',le'slin1dkn I)r.q.. Stan
ton and M.tr.arch The elen,n•h was
the beret late 1tl41m14. Opening the. last e•1
September Thome mrnti.i,,l were all
1•:llr..p'*n varieties.. or needling% there
trent The Ani'rican or ('*nadeneee
varieties' were not desirable for rnItiv*
tion in western New York There wean
• thirst flu.•t of phloem howhver. that
preemie -II mnell nem was the Japan
CRP The Japan varieties have a very
ditch heavy- foliar) that .nems to be
old. to ntancl all kiode of fungoid du
engirt. and the tree% ars' handy to twenty
degrees i'ekow FMO.
ester -t 2 I:e I't: v T2 .21.nt-
suites. -then relieve 2.4 the bench when -
they are to grow.. 1t to 1.--t t.. grow in
pn'te. lweanee•. in canto/ lig. rnt.grnwtit:
On, I•..t can be phtice.1 se 114 to give the
plants tlw requital r.a.m. The tempera -
Hire of the bun -p should not, at stir
time. rise 34h..ve :o Y , anti ge.-.l veil
tilati'tlah. nl' l t , *,•ureal Nt'verallow
the -soil to Ise omu•dr} After flew..•ring
they 004'14 be giv,hl,4n.reheat, to ripen
the. Tenth%, The t•M' c, -44241o11 p.nlctire of
putting the 141ant. 1110s1*the hegrh ter
n p•n off is not a good '•ter. a- the 1,.b,e
pns{ice.l will he small awl weak In
comn:ou with all other 1.141bs the'" pre
;$ration f,•r the neat year a fero•,-r• ay
complet4 1 the plr021111. sraw•n.. it is
therefore. iuips•rt*ut to give the ball"
every pioessible hole- net ' •ply 1•. deyeb.p
Aix, 14M Liget-Ming 'pud rhes.
j`+34fraw herrir• for 11194,
Tu pr.pl.riug (.+1 tlie .trawla•rry ..•a -m
ref 1eel one of the need important theme
is mnlrhing. The twitch not ore)
keep. the berries clean that holds the
:mestere: an acre of good rt wle•rrie.
Well mulched and cl.ane.l L+.north.
from Irle t.. epee more an acre. eat' the
mnl,•le Ream will benefit the se41 mon
than the feet it.rIF
The points all taken carr of, the rex'
thing in, order will 1e getting ready for
picking . the time will w.111 be here and
before we are rea.ly for it if we don't
watch tett. The mutes and basketx
must les im readiness_ for the coming
crop For the ih,e.t .nitable crate•.-te3-
us,'. each grim-ere:out dw•ide a;'.•unling
t•• his nearness to market Every per
son who own* .•r rents. a email garden
should s.•e that pie has a strawberry
patch it will give much pleasure to the
gold wife and children. From loll' to
enal plant% will make a nice heel for a
email family. awl by planting the. earliest
and Intuit varieties yon have a long .ea
eon When "IC. TRU get a stack of
plants a new be.% eh1.nl,1 be started
every year. be.•anee although the two
year old hells mune in a few days earlier
the l'erritw''22 the yne year old led are
truck larger ik. not try to raise gond
.trawberrim on peer land Hone dust
rind woeefeali •• ate nn recellent fertile
zer Keep clean from wee41%, and above
all do not forget y• ear tunlch and be par
tirnlarh' careen! there is no gram or
clover meat' in pine mulch ..r the man-
ure you ns' - - ('onntry 1 ientknlan.
An tl.ple .jn►•Il.n the*A.A.
The oneotion as to whether apple
orchards shenId he enitivated or kept
in grave lel• long leen a subject of dee
erasion The Maaachneetta horticnl
tnral s,x•iety hat dw'ided that .pgdiea
grown in grail land will keep, hewer
than others, *12.1 therefore approves
of tient ,neth4.d at lee*,( fur late keeping
'(net •
'The lie A. Ten rue...
11(4 orharl 1. planted in nowt Any
kind .of a way, and io cultivated when
ever mere". time. whether it is in sea
e on or ort .4 aeame.n.
w later Watering.
Water should )m41'111(4(11'017 given at
this season of the year. plaids i1 a stale
.1 rest requiring lent little
A r...ter.
• Take rip the seedy oefcertain cropland
ears all that you can Mann theme W
he prepared to p41t the koowl.4., *So
practice nett apnea.
A Cream -mime Insert N bleb, revels It p..
Thane r•..8. 11. rem MUtters.
The imam .rrtria s•ituta. lelwlgs to
the ..rdrr ..r fatuity of Le`udoptlra (thee
order cetlt*i4. all 111..rtn having broad.
thin and natant• bright coherwl wings.
ate l.utterflieee. moths. rt, . This member
of t Ile fatuity is a sinal' moth ut the uight
firing v'ariety. It oe euro ulgst romITIVAIY
to (4.4ti•ig1(•.awtri.w but hall hltrly been
found in the weeter241 *rl of the rubes!
State.. hieing ..f a p4radtween. ,441 prey-
ing, t&Atnre it 11/01 roar to In• a factor in
the life histories 41 211214141'. '11. .14311*314*1241
trete., particularly the t elves. feeding as
it does upon the l'.m•ritke ..,r Lark lire.
which tufted these trees 'thele are five
sut•.e-.-ive 1111221141 gets.13twu. Thr
Kalif( 1.111: Dh6*Tn erElt
1:. boas (tom la kiwi h, same (rani adage.
.. lan•a laf, moss,. lb.l e• d.ea...t lnti•,r••"w lar
f• 17 1*.
first"'1pparmtte of the adult eCcurs
*boat the middle of \lay the oust gen
enthral about a Mende Later _%l4144
the medals. of Jul- a third 1434,1 very
abundant generation i. Gunn,! the t,onrtb
appeals near the end of August, and the
last p mo4•tlt latter. The first and last
generutionr. are generally few to nam
• Ler owing to the scarcity .4 fee ml at the....
seasons of the year 'The egg, Laving
perish lint : several .1444. each female
pquetus-Mg abenit 1111 They are elepo•it
II 1. one at t► time. npa.0 esti* or young
! lends laud are often laid - .11rectly neat
the hacks of bark lice As W •'tl as
hatrlt..dd the.larra enter- the lark bares.
deeyollrtng the internal ••rg:ulsleaving
only'the shield like coveting whit+ is
:were 4'r lea thick and Ilenl. As .tion
as. the contents of ow hark lone" has
been dhvuurc•.l the larva eleand• tie it aeslel
peeks atttitbrr. Burying it.;lf in a new
Victim is but the w'.'rk of a few;-auin-
nt,r When about 141 day4 0111 the• larva.
22lltle melte the covering_ or shill of
one..( its allows. le fu'. OW rein
striv-i1.,n of a silken wee niece
iteel1. ,tait*K- the- har:-l..tu'e -hell an a
framework- 4.tpruiftg+are left 1.•r the
head and tenet and it uow crawls about
t !7 'sn� its Artificial re;ud d.•veurin9
neeend vu.
italism ea.•h a) ,J' -'Ills lull
green n hart a is winch` larger {!tale a hark
linins and tie it grows it caw 1s built eat
with silk and fragment .4 it. v-i,'tims
When (iiWTz'ruern it 14121 11ee for a
[eventide etwition ht eili,'h t.' hasten its
• cis.• •n-. u. it selecting the angle f•lrtnret
by tae, bra:ehcx or a large• cre2 ice iu the
park • prepares It. toe ion au.1 transforms
to a pita. Before trausfort1ing
however ihp !arca prepares.* point . t,
'exit fort;1' fnteir4 mi4h Upon euo•14
lug front the rta.•.ou the tooth falls 'tot
trip grennd '/hnw •r four f1linntee
later . its. wines • ex rel awl! it flies
-til' inlet Mit ills in*. .During
, held
. remain n tasaitai, akxs h 11
lace ht itrmlh
Mgit.win_- cheat. be it • 40.1y. Thy
pee sibility of transp,rrting et11e insist',
from peace to place hae received at
tension It i. fennel that the halt
gr.•wn larva- will five eight .laye with
ort 11.euri+hineut. Nor will they .1.
strew each -outer W. is the case with
Hies( rsrl,tvor..ut rvie Placed to
b•.tthe. they teen be esteemed 1.4129 dis
tenetss. mill at the n.l Ulf the j..nrne-e
sped •1411v' 2.. II' p.h -*-.l t,p.e1:. plaints or
trees ihft,+t,* wyfh liarit{ie. Thr co
e....ns r..itls a 14( full grown Lirv-w
%rill ale, nti1n, jt.nrlr.ev .,f eieht or ten
'hnys. In wi ter the ci.c» u- or eggs
c lee .' .•.% ,
311 Mph. at hAtai,t fuel there
is nee reason why it can not 1.• *cell
mated iry all countries where to injn
ri.m4 1)Ark lice prevail. The accee e
piny: Y illustratona are n• eu1,-rave.{
fr insect Life Mined 1'y the l'uited
lvt es Department of _Agriculture. En-
u'•b•gical ••ettto2
The, Are t.ntirety Aaeawbf to Meow
I Culture by,'A.esiew
The Hon.ekeePer soya ' -, any *ma
tour• florists are nutlet. the im;r0a4eion
that rows are se. elifficnit t4' grow as
hon*• plants it would be ;lather lest t4'
attempt cultivating thein. With little
extra ntt.utien 1 have found them quite
ate amenable to bone. collo*.' as the
stnrely geraniums. and the sweetn.•414 of
the fragrant ,. varieties Makes them ill-
finitrh• more desirable.
The polyanthus, .•r fairy roves. are so
*Wert that after- one his once gn.wn
thrid thee be•44wr almost indispensable.
Pagnerette, the smallest of thle variety.
has beautiful double snow white flowers
and Mourne pndu.edy Cecile Bruner
has much larger flowers. perfectly
double. very sweet and pale pink in
color, changing M white. each shoot
bearing an itmrnrnse clmater of blown.
('hlotilde t4onpert is the finest of all,
the flowers being (mite large, and
very double . it is . silo the most
abundant bkouler. often an many
as thirty bode blooming on one
branch. and flowerinr1g�, nearly all
the year round, if growd in the horse,
lllanche Rebatil is another lovely Tar
iety blooming in t cluster., and
forming 1 delightfulcontrast with the
paler masa. its color bring a rich deep
Thea(• roses. I think. are more easily
coaxed into yielding a wealth of blew -
some than the larger varieties A few
of the Monthly or ever blootning ream
however. yield equally as charming re
snits. Of throe ( would recommend the
following to the amateur eeneen'a Scar
let. rich, velvety erimmon, very eatable
and sweet, and a generutu bloomer;
t•Iaffrano. bright apricot yellow, sense
times peculiarly ahade,l with nese, very
fragrant, blooms profnaely, deliciotaly
tela scented, and exquisite bads indeed
true of the loveliest of raves. and lastly,
American Meaney, a deep brilliant pink,
and as perfect as a tone ran re in every
way Meteor and Papa (lontier are
erre handsome crimson varieties. Toth
hlemmming abundantly La Frenfe ate!
lion Silents are ex(nisite, lent for ins Gtr
too chary of their sweet bh4mann,
164111. T11np In Ilse (.erdrn.
We may piem great thine. for the
garden anis l'Iek • Fh'r,l (►nide, but
we find that the grFat things t.. he done
threes are alw*ye tread.. up .1 little.
asmoly unimportant thug. If we neat
bell thr.e because they /rent trivial the
t iris we plannedto de are Inver
,.... d
Therefore do the little
Vel'afttliy. and lo ' before, you
(t the en ,
you had In view is at
'!'here 14 always a int, even
8112..11g :1 score 4.1 goodAtilt"
and every Lillie smoker who
h:t-, tried the \instilll' brand
acknowledge,' it. to be the
sweetest, eel4est:frunoking to-
baero made. It does not bite
the tongue, autt`r positively
free front' any foreign inliture.
J. 1'. I'AM'B Tohncco ('c., Ri:bmond, ya„
and Montreal. Coo.
if:N'1'aat 1.a� lora bas Marl a1 Ware.
Sanit�i.hitria Letwr.11 winter a411!spring
mewtn,r. bet weal the fatiguing pleasures of
the holidays and the fatiguing hu:tors of
h.•use ckaaing- le sh••rtetust at :his aaaaoo
e.f the year conics the `enOd whip the
busy wotrau shoul.I, lin: never dee., tate a
rest. With hotly, 14'4441 and not infrequent-
ly limper, all eueverin4 from- the strain of
the fall's and winter's e'en k. be will cheer.
fully cvuteaa to • add lengiug to had herself
• Lodger in IOn,e cast wilde2Bes,. away
from the eights and *04124.14. of c:vih1ed ex-
istence. and eras- ar free breath before aIle
take* up the burden of Ids again : hat
should you placidly suggest her dosing (kat
sante thing. if her sora is able to'tepes,eYsi�'
self ,n wends teey melte be. •• Aad "1f'e
this and illy and the othe'r's teeth's,
poaslbly '
.lnd wIile taking it be our* you do take
it, remembering that a t-emcatioo" u limply
at, •' en. pty i0Q • an unceiemoaiodidismissal
of'e l). ••ares that ibfret the 4s ' so tarot o or
sewer and' fresher interests. Higginson'.
"Women and lletl' tell. of • clergym.u.
wife who frog► -the verge et nervous proem
tatty aaaiuna1 with tragic IN.'t
talk to me of lectures aril clamors and
things : 1 want to go to see • Mack (:rook '•
tLc author dryly ald,n: the( here was •
'Twice of 'wei$ti pleat which )artier t
v i.4ttd. Because sof 5 of 1111
nut ha c pcAc tm.s s f
toilent nd this to iocip e, 1 hove acid nr • h.
lest of the suppo•cd- ee tl+jug p r ` -•.,:
by Lent, knowing that mos. arewitis stead
one-haif •• the pntilrrttel seat.., as 1 -tee
centre saw it peiae41, is tonic to chard',
and moat appropriately singing. 'lib. is herr
shall rest be found ' and ire , tete in Lent-
en sewing. Lenten iecturcv. I c*tea teas and
[,e22te4 ver thi►w saee that weans
To make a pert* real motion machete of
°pewit. may. pet kept, be the right ant
l.itlon, since is is this careless activity, we
aro t.,!.1, that makes the whsle of the
spheres : but it is as remonah'e to (kink of
that "high imagined .'horn, all .► hurrying
homey, without slops or pauses,. as to
auppnse that the oar *ork of creation aheel
never needs rest should he that work which
man in his more &samel moods tometines
calla the 1. hest.
.w Ther teeb. Mow They If Wei lewd thaw.
flea Porter. •
The w soothers
T6 omen O f the upper clan i22 4au 1era
Italy may be described as a brilliant bun.
mow bird. whose irresponsible etiaten. a 1s
passed in Bashing her own bright hues 4gi
the sou. To her outer. of the lower orders
the lot of the hewers of wood and drawers
of water has been given.
TI e following is the simple history of a
day of thouiands ho live in the little
"clam' which gem the curving ahures of
the auathcrn half of the peninsula Car
meta nes while it a still almost night, ties
• Wight celcred key:hitt over her fresh,
white blouse ae') dark petticoat, and places
a thick ped, the badge of her trade, on her
black curly hair. which was brushed out and
plaited a week Igo. and will need no further
attention for some titre to come.
Theo she caution, her little son to be
puectualatschool, and 2202 keep the good
priest waiting. His ester, quite oblivious
of the fact that idle is bearing s eery fair
propoitioo of thb wrongs of women on her
little brown brow, cheerfully follows her
mother, for she is ten years old to -lay. e0
is forthwith to be instructed in her profes-
sion that of" beast of burden.
A new wing is to be added to a 1,2,1, an
embankment to be extended to enclose an
other acre of vineyard, or a breakwater to
be carried fifty yards further out to sea, and
as the mea are all fully occupied in peddl-
ing up lime to make cement, In turning the
handle of • construction for raising small
Clocks ot stone singly that very machine
which Romulus meowed when heto
pile up his wall -and u laying the lig hob,
low bricks one on the other, it is necessary
that ('armela and her httk girl should help
the other women :.o begin the real work of
the day ; that is, to go down to the water's
brink, pick up the blocks of stogie thrown
down there out of the large, and carry them
up the steep slope to the point where the
addiuiooal wing is being spread.
The women make the nets for the fisher
men, and that most graceful of Implements,
the spinning wheel of Margaret, is seen to
door and window, its silky mesh gleamio,
softly .a .t passes through the lithe brown
Sneers of w representative of oat of the
handsomest, strongest, moat Ind ustrinn..
meet virtuous, sod dPrlite the manifold
hardships of life, most c4Wtested women of
he r.sth r.f l'erepf.
*.n '•T1s • T4o4Tan 5[011)414
Specs cif, and Antidote for
Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dy.
ppeapsin, .leeplemntm, palpitating" of lbs
lmat, liver .tanpMast, neuralgia, loss of
memory, bronchitis, chitis, onaaumptte,' gall
dais., jimmies*, kidney .ud 'winery
dfasa.s, Rt. Vitus' donne, female irreg-
ularities and 'funeral debility.
PreprWsr sad ilassasats/or.
I1oi�o ti tltwrsa tt.wov anon am 1 * W
r lie dr n 1m. Is sews, 4 wig mamma
now+. 4414 woes One. Illswaa
Meath. Prism es. I'.rt,.• and T
NU Iv.
I. 1 ( sO,er
Special Sale!
Crinkled and Crepe Tissue Paper.
All colors in English and French
Tissue Papers.
Note Paper and Envelopes, Fancy
Boxed Note Paper and Envel-
opes in all the delicate tints.
Letter Pads in all sizes at reduced
A line of paper covered Novels at 10
cents, usually sold at 25 cents.
Nothing booked at Sale Price,
March Delineatcr to hand. ,
1IETr.u1'1.1.1'f,►N FAell1u7 SdEETS GIVEN TV eurtTOMER4 IHV,'
Booksellers and Stationers.
Loral Itaosees a1H1 fIlba/s.e 4..
ProtectYour Chest
it means health, strength and long life to .lo .so. lou
avoi,l ('nugles' and ('obis by wearing one of Oar '
(eneale'e Din. le 4 berr. (..ab t ore None better - .•a''e.
our 41erab'. /..., 4 arab 4 ore For (•o. 12. ('roup. etc . In 1•hitdren
� vtaa.a . whisk Uar.l t ream Fn. .1 ('Laps and Irrilatepas.
(Jur High 111.
U I 1 1 1 1 i- 1
A (testi, Jut
1s the most attractive undstnkjn, ter.
nee In the house. La about the tint
thing fon notice. Then els imp.lrtao:
to have good 00e11, and taut sty lea. Not
even in the cities titan IOU find a greater
range of designs or .luahty than a:
We make up on the presorts all 'be
latest at 'les
is (ria lace .
v ten • e•a 1 rml.ro,d
Pry, ltarrtlons, etc , to let any si.,• win
dos, and have now 011 route a duvet
importation of F:eglish and Nose shady
trimmings and upholsters, Lean, gonda
for our spring trade, ever shrew.. l0 the
county 4 Our large stork and ja-•slt:es
for cutting, making and tmmoang, tr.
able* us to sell at wholesale. prises. net
hare fringe shades with spring rolkr all
slim kte from :•Q• up, and .o decorated
shade.. an immense line of beautiful
When you wast the beet quality, the
hnest designs. the greatest assortment,
and lowest plots no window shades,
go to
Seasonable Goods
Best Brands of Canned Salmon, Mackerel, Lob-
sters, Sardines, Fresh Herring, Kippered Herring,
Herring in Tomato Sauce.
(0 1-11 EI;:-; SEI.L(iS .1N1) Si Nl►A111►�
Finnan Haddie, Codfish, Pickled Salt Water Salmon and
"Clam Bouilon " Burnhams.
It is not Swdust
Some people think it is, but they are mistaken.
We use nothing but the longest and strongest
Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without obam Or
joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pro-
cess which renders it impervious to heat, cold and
liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WARE imparts no
taste or smell to its contents. and is the lightest
tightest, sweetest and moat durable ware ever
Ask for EDDY'S.
Have .drier! to their present business one of B. J. Nosh's Latest Sty
of Oity Hearses, also rhe finest line of funeral fnrnidiing* in the innate
and are now proparod to conduct funorala .t pr's reaaomable
This ei.partment will be strictly attenders to by his sWilliam, vb.,11e•
in the employ ramof the late 1). (Ionian for the past ton ram hos • thorest
knowledge 01 the business., and Vey prompt attention hopes to share part of
public patlnn*Ro. Roeher the plical- Wiest -M, on your way to the poi
office_ Give ns a call