HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-1, Page 4$ht � �� �' giros ease .. the belief that Sir Joni
Y 'llWN es& has lib. 1 h ter.( of sirta•ea
ups sit.. 1t will sow be u order for him
a tratsuartttn to have his tpttnar.tel troesets *rut to
xvER-Y' tpUR8DA1 MORNING "sats t+.•a., oat. the t'as*1 *. Intl:tan
lathe, so that the stripes can Ise *alto out
■T feeilLU.YMT. e1 then and that their u..•lulnese w,II not
aloe of Puelleetton -t! m- et FA, Nerds -street he all vise when the Hou. J. C. is relight
Goderid:h, Obtarto.
el to the bench.
- • • renins of *ssrrtptles r
se inoses. in advisees ' • I, 1 T i. -tatted Iliac Ni titate% 1 alai CON -
4 twee moat ha, :.:..1.: . s • •.11 t hate been set free for the good of
Oa.' lest, •• •t W 1'.etrlhe.lth, Dr. C. $ . Acrel ti. a, the t'arle
It r:r,lit Is eat.e.t, the price t„r tar ! trill jail surgeon' having So recemm tided.
will be ___ 1 Id 1f the nsrttr wes 1e ,led tut., it might be
l.•.t.: i 1. ar Eat tl. , !' ..tual t'.at Cho freedom is owing to the 111
1'. r ' • • _ • t.' of 1l- 'sir .alllt .•f the t.overninest, who fear din-
t., w' ;'o* 1b .t it i, oat
n t• •. •.. • os,ur• if 11 . atl7krr tried 1.1'. ..'u.v stayed
tt • •:batt. " 1•otl. •'
... rasse.44 bt-.'4t0. i •ut and sir ttN•t rue and �.r Mr. -P.48
t kept nut Itrit- hother the ems' ion!
: K'aee.
„i; tom, a .re I:Iwuated or net is will t.. iv the
�.•. p . : e • vtnrw•n• .11 tt s wnrkine tines i.t l.reseet
a: an le11 of heel• 1- in this r.',, rd w'l:e:)
•.i...... le • I t•.ou meet,.
lar sutrrcriptt.• witarosl harbor it pas .6 e.,.rly watch." the
advance. dad be mods watching, tau 32. _ ' _
By stopping ore tnas'osewspape:, ahem
they eareleeely let it fall tato arrear. you �''�PI • tiny bets r. a I, I.8 au.1 clr.
rtes day u going to rake it heat ter sledding
male them enemies for hie, and by keepias foe the Thvutpe..n tiorerantut The tease■
&suttee mai • name oo the he * week or M ao4'far t.. sea. The drpresswu is lifting
Leo Imager than the time subeeribed feel saver the line, and is unfertuartely steak-
eausn sin to bellow that you wast to Jew itt� tan.. Ju •t .1 hits i• *1. mastL
hien out of another year's sutf►.'ril.tioe. 'I'ntt Au 0l.
it knows .x.res of loth r4eass, UI1 1 geotletri* axiom hat's down
• rice .11iaitiou of s pow, a+ bring that „Alias
wader these a.ldttiu.tr Its c •4480 to the cult • hath to para, ate', whioa hath tea magnitude.
elution 'het .tbe pet In telt aned system u Thtt dt• 1iotius escurately' dee.trtbe Gm
yeiats mule ly. ljr. Ia SA- •'., `•l.1'!'., u
hi.,attael s on the Aloe . :1dietnittrati.to.
t:..• (.ret a.I at..uu t. • •. r rtI•-rts to calorie
i1 durst the past t„ •', ears Lave L.ra fair-
ly a.t:. msful, and we Lula- no reason all
the pt: n •,u,uld not work es reit with, ihi
c -)nutty newspa lore as i''Jets with the ei1y
• lialio:.be rens 1'-'v w�.rkr , ur
C. 1.7 l 1. .... ' l 8.,•.•11 1.•1 . i
00" t•s1.sa'.itai 'a:lt'.,r,., and u:here Lave
toti.irel•l uetie++-ly titat't.' 41.0: rtaik.t►eir hay f .:tt' I. . • .:rf .rt .•f" ...- ...,r.lrir l..
ler pay-laPet c tF,e_t...tert .•r l..l.•prrtn.est
luano".-tern n huwi1r. '7 • . . 10, (11.1
tweet rig t br the' p.o.fle talk
shout ;Alta -.0res-if it be to iterterre t•ts stir.
gas: iti It:* • ol !toren hat',e dries
Ile; field Cie ..i.licatents to a tely
in the it-ttottn„,airriettli•tral vote and at eilid
Tory pull iv I. tot•eirt.
Idoetatren ethowinir ug what a gong .4
bets,s the jot, of potting ,town the thwee•
Catumbt had betel men
any of at the'front. or the retselhon
a0tild not have boss pot * •
ars stops to bottle with the steer*.
tieettlat of Lite has Ittreoloe's. site in te...t-
ht0,1*.:111,141Y flbotit Vet we hilts te tiers
hies atte•Ii•nz .:;410184'
nc,-oin.tIly revived ;let: for.strett-
7.1 The World liove eatisel
lett .4 e. Aer811-8-thd-Ind Wis•
fun moos L.
1,..urualistt !At.' play dittrtlThltese, the
editor, ed The Teromer-.--World,wathe
i• r 'Ili:alert:At • of the fate that it alleges
*timber np with the jetting .ot
- le reply We urea say thstosith-
out arthing to beck up Wrists in atm wav
8.r ship: ti_t_c_t_teve no Mina:ion in saying
that he is * cleaner mad -more houtirabk
man than the chap W.? represento -the
raveyard- vote of Eat Toronto in the
..tar.iament. which hill natort do.
811.1.i NIA. tone jgreat thilsomos
between Wtot aod Ma. to:or is shit
the one 2iw his kite too high, whilst the
other 1.as trailed( bur in the dirt : and the
one, es en iu his adversity, has the instiacts
of a gentleman. in oppositioe to which the
other exhibibs the well-known peculiarities
tor esteemed and hitherto exalted fellow
townsman Mayor Burl Ea has been in the
the year. Election nicht he lost his pliant
majority at the council board, and no effort
of hie has been able to make up for the Iva.
r Hien, at the first meeting ot the new coun-
cil he was deprived of the ehatrinanshipe
which he hail illegally held duriug previous -
years ; awl with die Imre of the ChiallII&D,
ships went the purehising power in coonee.
taps and mains, and other commo lams used
in the waterworks and electric light plant,
tozether with the bossing of • department
that had • spending power of over $6,000
per annum NIonday last he lost the office
of county statiorier. • more progressive and
eeergatie firm having " sawed hie boat ' by
public tender. With the further curtailing
of his powers in tite memorializing of the
Legislature by the town council tor the ap
may he done on Friday night sackcloth
and ashes aasuredly will be the portion of
the now moribuad lead to.
Se.c. that yuur 'abet 14
up. THE SlieNA1, i4
a yeAr, hut if paid in ad-
vance only $1. Send along.
your aubscription at once.
4110DRRIC11. 11141.11*DAT. MAR. I. 144..
IT is said that the thicktwas of the
ioe in the viciatity of Itytown, *due to the
M tit Grit and the tuicy honeeelsitreentle.
man who is the head of Cie Ciao Corm. is
•x coolness which has existed continuoualy
sines the Brandon Mail, Dun's orgsn,
jumped un the HOD. .14)11‘ with coarse boots
on the question of general intelligence and
departmental knowledge.
'11.1 I NGS are getting. to a pretty pats
when • man like Ens ant. Ittottset who
sold himself politteelty, body an t bones, so
1478, for the %respective bsoefitt of • pro-
tective tariff -has the sublime impudence to
speak of hooest men, wlio believe in no
class legislation, as anarchists. If name-
celhng was in order, there is • word beein
aing with T and ending with F, with HIE
in the middle that would very atteurattly
describe the kitsd of men who have become
millionaires by .4et of Parli•ment, and
some of whom call honest men anarchists.
N%- F. regret to learn that the finaneial
dopressiou which for months back hos exist
e d in the 'tilted States has cramped over to
Canada, and that its terrible effecta are be-
ing sadly experiencei in the centres of
popuLatioo in the Dominion_ le Torooto it
is stated that 6,0')0 men representing by
famiLes • population of between 25,000 aod
30,000- are out of employment, mid their
families are in alisokite want. And yet we
have Toronto newspapers that have the
hardihood to tell their readers that t 'Liked*
wait Dever in • inete prosperous candities,
Til .ttateuient that Ill Lot to i.•
likely to be called to the Ottawa Cabinet ;
would almost' as to believe tlAt Sir
on tkoi Supremo Cowl Heoch. 004. thing
is positive • Mout-sera and Mtatiorti are
more then enough in One 4 smoke,. and if
11 Elltatst-rte roes in. just as assuredly will
Teirierma step ont *ad water will not
▪ sad there is less prospect of satimilation
bee wren Tnom mom and II neon 11 than there
is between oil end water. To adapt the saying
of Ili•nrit J. " Must
JJP to the time of wriring the 118,,,
to..etes CSWAII PATTIllioa has mad* no et
fart to dany that he made the had " break •
et Wheaten is bia now ostelootted asti
that he gam pamaiary aosimanco toward
▪ the first P P A mom e. ter mutt
Melted in Carer's., although As lhas twee
asked to do se by the Ottawa Free Press,
owned amid edited by l; W. 111rw moor • the
beauty brother of Paerraorm'e spologiet la
Oodortob. Rot m wit Muratori *1'1
Wawa Mao beam t`te sentient! War
Illiebber CastaIs. and thie lad that be le
4 )1' 1 best thank, are due to tiow. of
our subscribers who have reoeweill their
subecriptions for the current year, but there
are • hove number who have failed thus far
to comply with the rejnirement of paying
for their local newspaper in adraoos. 'They
pay for their daily or their city weekly in
advance, but they think of treating
their local newspaper In the same business
like mousier.
As a result of this cavalier treatment,
between 11,000 and *1,500 which ought to
be in the banks to the credit of Tut Sp. t.
are scattered over the country arnemgst sub
*critters. who ay mpathize with the paper
and patronire it by taking it, but who
begieet to pay for it in rid vance,and who do not
sum in individual inatanoes, yet single dol.
Ian from two thousand pay -10•advanos sets
scribers mese a bank credit of (2,000 to aid
tu making the paper teeter and brighter WI
the weeks roll by.
couner, we tied with all grades and
conditions of nun, and although WI angel
..ouldn't work • *chime, to suit all news
paper sithecriben alike, many subseribers
think the editor ought to be able to do so.
thee man will write wanting to kona why
lila pap ‘r has been continued %fun. the term
, for whi le• had paid had tepees& awl the
suss tas.1 will perhaps briag a protest from
' OMNI narrowly terms it a Mika With an un
' rilleateihseed 100 sere farm wee ant seenider
el by Mai editor geed for • mosaly em del -
of I.:leg-atilt, 8,818:V tirtrit la that city „ti .
1 ; a West Harms. Should Witt.' 8 m le•noin-
, We dent't 'know whether we hive any Monad it 'will just mean that no Tete will be
froth the earnings at lahoste t men, 'but are -St" rreit•Ii. is a decent, mil•dinannered Mita, '
-40 boo* that ut late _the. re-reenteedation
of employes to all --tire ttovernment j Ase in
this mighborhood has been in the hands of
a "boss." who saw to it tint ewer,
possible pipe was id loftier the appoint-
ment to. he of porsomi Una& to bile tar -
fore curios (lay posed ever. To parody
If the diiidga snow wants a hand;
Ask the Hose
If the party's net of "sen.1,•
l'er he runs the whole machine,
'Though he's frill of tole and opirea,
For the other chaps are green,
Says the Bose
Awl he ran the conned, ton,
. Did the Boss,
Talmo found it would not do
With the Roes:
So. os election night,
We put out his lectric light,
And katteked out in the fivht
Was the Boss.
For he out as in a hole,
1/id the Bose.
With his cargoes ( f bad coal,
So, we hit him in the neck,
.tinel turned him down on spec ,
And the people are cm deck,
Ain't Bole!
4 )VR obtuse eontenipentry, Tile Em-
pire, is somewhat tocltned to jubilate over
the fact that ER %art-, W1,1.0i bat been 001
only overtaken with financial reverses but
is now in the toils, charge 1 with contmven
mg, by forgery. the laws of the Vetted
t4atee. The Empire has not closed ita
career yet, but nobody kDowa what • day
may brine forth in regard to it. In any
eeent, its IBUCCOM tiaancially thus far does
D ot warrant It in attacking any man be-
cause of failure to nuike beth ends meet.
The Empire also altedes WIII•N
as an annexationist. At usual, our esteem
ed Toronto contemporary is in error. Mr.
Wits it never wail, is not now, and never
will be an annexationist. He always has
been one of the strongest opponents of (On
tinental Colon, and not only never lent any
aseietance tn the scheme, but devoted both
time •nd money to perpetuate the floating
of the I nd Flag on this vatinent.
speaks by the card on thie
e oeation aa Its editor knew, more about the
stand of Mr. WIWAN on this subject than
any writer The Empire has now or ever
first. last and always, and The Empire
should not kick a fellow flee warer now
that he is down.
In the langUage of I 'tide Ilr.wra
firer It IrReo%, he lay low.
brings to us the pleasing refleetion that
other people who pass bw piano players will
also die Nome time_
town council members back up the bibeloas
mayor of this town soottgli ntake one
believe that the average temperance easels
date is • hest clam hambeag.
nre evidently aseurning their
mew Gimps la ties reeks of Her Mitioity's
Lepel Opposition at Threat.. MYRINDITH
Name mom the head and Raw Heed -and
Blearly limos R. is the tad.
The mayor it co 01ently watching
, the morality departemot tho town mom
eil, es 11410 delights to refer to it, and we
might aim say that the useralay depart -
• II% ie_a_Tatv. by the accideat_of birth. mid
early training.
yet put ea the iact that the state
matt attributal to him that it was the in.-
tenenn the 4 tovcroment to lop col the
highly imaginative netters on the part of •
tar who hut not eniragh elbow rooter.°
repirt cerrectly what Sir realty said.-
. the Fallatattian knight is bible to say so
at any minute.
11 1141'11t.. 1 34 840 18 Mach has been
said •tel" written uf the persecution et Jews
oy the Busmen government and people, but'
little has taro knot. a in America of the
fel$41011 for Hitt cremate. in a• article 011
'' The Iturstati and his Jew. in the March
Harper's Slag vine, Mr. Poultuey [together
ducustes the rime from the !tussles stand
point. Five illustratieas by Frederick
Remington depict seine of the It pee of
•Helirews who hare aroused the enmity of
comptetely to the power which the utiscrup-
ulcus creditor has over the ignoraat
friendless (tenor. Recent issues of Harper's
have jbeen notivaltly strong iu short stories.
The March number uuntains live " The
Buckley Ltdy,- a love -story of colonial New
England, by Mrs Mary E. IVilkins "
Pattie Caere.," • history of • yachting
cruise to the Mediterranean. by W.. E. Nor -
tale of Eoglish country life, by Laurance
Alma Tadeina. daughter of the well known
painter " At a Private View,- • sketch of
New Vork life, by Brander %inhalers : and
Revolution, by William McLennan.
' was te.• ill ,t eeterday to perform his duties,
I446.1 litoion of Sir Oliver %toast Om
Hos. J. ilesteri at one time speaker of the
House. took thy chair.
Mr. ttallirilyas hi aurferilt•:, from • severe
sold. Mit thr geurral hot:•• is that it a di
W alt be soiliiiimt to retitie the popular
Speaker* to pose mom than • day or so
fretui ht. accustoltteel 1)1••••
Mr .18 weey preemted • it'll tam (ma the
''r. Lill to AILIVII 1 the lAud
Ilarr-A bill to mutate tha elle of
good* ht trtist tittcpuita.
- hill tie anteod tit,. net 4n -
,rte take Piople•eld& t 0.
Tourime- .1 141 lo antstiel the Sep.
elate Act.
.Mr. asked lies the coriutio-
81.e J. iviatetaalltit iorigneue et the oFelstfalt
re et atteratipg 'emit appoloting certain 1w-
% 1. r is! 4teirslit. hetes homed. If '111110 are
Abe teelthireion had -not es ta4 liosou.sip
iti.yaiaa• ;',St or istin, instruct Mr .1.
JL Stewart. Previte lel tulle:toe '-of.1•••ttell.
licirese low in *be city of ihtnilnoo. leapt,
these metiers. aut! it vo., did lie. bud that
pieces • errs wiaeh had wet the
Mr. Ilorcourt-an.ak reel. Ili* said tit*
,stewart *het had eix I...potted nod 'that
he had 1.••und that there Weri
!eye...test that a bill reitettld be passed
tot Oat -lir -V-4 teseriim itt HIM
eesst-11. hat eirice the retitle -at !tad heel
ridtl. retnimel to hit chrtiee AA Stealer of
the House %este:ley.
r. M ram. erect. NI 14.1i 1 NE, for Margit
has • striking variety of contents. A warm
tribute is paid to the memory of la. Done -
he. An eraisently practical paper is that
by -TW. Meacham, of Japan, entttled "Hard
Timee. Their I 'auses anti Remedies... "Our
Molten Glob...," by the eminent 'idealist,
Alfred Russell Wallitest. is • popular gasper
of great interest. " The Italian Lakin
Como, Lugano and Maggiore -are illostrat
ed with numerous high-claan engravings
In "Tent Life in Palestine" is given an ac-
count rf Bethel, with its stirring Biblical
memoriel, and other places connected with
the Sunday -school lessons now being studied
in "down -east" dialeet,fisscribes "The Tem.
penance Revival at quabbin." An illugerat•
ed article recounts the heroism on the Coe
go of the Comber family, sox of whom be
came mertyro to their miesieoery teal. At
hellbent character study of 1.e.rd and lAely
Aberdeen, their an-ostry and their personol
w ork, by W.T. Stead, is abridired from The
Review of Reviews. A striking taleof •• ro-
ish Methodism, and • strong temperance
story, '•1'he Dragon mad the Teakettle,' are
given. An Easter lover is given by select-
ed readings on " The Risen I 'heist,' " 1 he
Larger Feaster." and Exeter poems. A per -
view of his recent adventure' ie cremates Ore
Dark Coatinent are also Owen.
frontispiece this month is Tito Legai 'a " M iltne
Visiting (Widen," which is accompanied by
the work of Lem, arid the pnrtrait of the
artist, l• fiction Gra number it notable,
containing the first inatalment nf • four.
part story "A Poured of unt," hy William
Monty Bishop the author of "The Howie af
• Alerchant Prime", who has published no
long story for iierend yeane This • tide of
Niece Carlo st the prosiest day, is wench
a young AM./TV/LIM and hie wife am the
prinerips1 actors. The first of octave Than.
et*. Mketehea of American 'I nue is also pub-
lished, under the title " The Fanner in the
North." -• very clever and fasthful charm'
tiwiration of the types a (armor seen around
the State Buildings at the World's Fair,
with illustratioas by A. 11 Frost. Them
mill be other sketcher nf the lending Ameri•
ran types from the same sympathetic and
of "John March, Sosthareier." Mr Collies
groat aerial of the Sew South. is getable for
linmor.tea negro characteriestiene amid for
• duo -mine hit of love -mak in Thera is aim
timacy," hy lemma A. Hibbard, in his meet ;
rimming era.
Tna SPITAL In asap ens dollar a year.
limo it mat to year friss&
frets a tettr�. att.ub.r of rM.p.yoo of t s I THEY DETECTED A SEAR
Iows.Mlp of fu.•heat.•r. «Lily of Kama.
prul.ali ag.trw the pn.pas.d dltidr,s of The 1111.66.0.11::::. Itsressa N • Moose or
this werssobip. tt.sMrtl.ow
1'rus The l:home° later (tests.
T. Tutted Walrus.
T...u.vyu. Feb. 'J4-1-e.tertlay'e session
taste! .•uly half anhour. .tII the tutor
hrrs.e mod to a ..rta•nlarlc 1.r1•pr M. t,41.
A deputattoo 11w8u st. 111•.ww o.1t.•.1
spoil the tieyer„ateat ,e.terelay and it
their flyless *bosh' 1..• groute ...Lias cum
pant et.r'te all over the cuuutrr wiU go
doe u severed pot,1u. '1•bo;'askwt that the
gas wail.* is tit. 'Plwtuas elt.•nl.1 he rased
a••c./edit:yf to Civic vat•te, the shute as other
private t t.u.ert,y. 11.. twitter had leen the 1Jaee It 1e t fret show, rod nu the tad
L.te . tl.e• couuty judge. 14%. held livid tit-, side ars a fete wax heads, s tig... • of td e
wattle ...44:1 ot1 be tal..d Juke Ye. Nee George fainter, and several o' list
I8.npa;l,' of Toronto, hrld that they could, ~}chess of statuary." In the rear al th•
u hjie J:ultfe Seidner, of "t. t'atLartoes. - -
h.•MI that they coed not. 4tr Oliver
1' uttyh: that iu else} whom the rur:.paa
were tics •tu.iyh t:1 i.ay dluirirn.os they
en.:i44 be tiii.•d nn th it tstt',tnt. ler,
Handy th..nibt that if it were l rover to tai
bar epai•is It weut,t rend. b.• r.gl.t :ovate *
Minnowlirat •ih.-•..v,ter,factodcided
In r.,neltler tlw twat;.rr.
'!'Mesh bit o v..re httttdtmrd ap.l a
ani urs,,:
tr t reale-sting- A. bred tt iniee k.l t5<
tn.sre:1: e t r71.. •,rttlw8•s ..bel of 'MI • •
Ili. t1 .11a•.re- .A WM'tt, a4let.d •she sinal•
ci1•al"Ait. i
ldr..l:..1r. tit*1:fe»int-•.‘ ►.iii to amend the
Auxuatas J. Meyer went to the Ilan -wee
strert alai ion mail contelaine I to 1..88
Collie* that he had Leen IlVallatiI•11 '.011
MINK •1 all State street. A salrAlat
W&B soirurn oat and the place wei raided.
Iktectives Left us, Ili nimay, Teet•e. Bow
ard,, mid Wooldridge were ilht ch ea Ake
011/1111. A man giving the "Mk.
jonming south'. tor the !outfit .4 his
health. has returated,, and, to, npied
seat in the Home yeafelidar. Mr. it •
health has ronsitlerebiy improved by .tbs
• bilis were intradneed arid read a
first time:
Mr. Brunson r •Apecting the
Portleek Ar itesert Lake Iron Mine Unilway
t.'u. the bill provides for a new railway
to rob frm Portlyck bagbor. north of nt.
iron dierr.t
Mr. leland -A bill to amett.1 the gamin
Mr. Tait -A bill to incorporate the To
• Mr Illardt --A bill respecting ditches
and watereeursee.
Mr Barr Ierfterin • feted -.Hid Mr. E.
spector for the electeral diatrict of Puf•
ferin, resign that office. and if tto when
Wag he re appOnted ;to the office and if
so when IN bat salary is now attached to
the office and what was the salary at the
tune of Mr. Ikeide• original appointment t -
Mr. Harcourt, answer.ng. said that Mr.
Wilda had ou November 1St ILA resigned.
His resignation hail not et beeu accepted.
His salary was POD per yeer.
!Uri Wood i Brant. moved for an order of
the House for a return. duly compiled
(nee the constts returns fur the yeor 11191,
of the federal cement fur the province
abowing the pupularion for each county
and district and the trinuteipaltiles situate
there; alto. t he popuhttiou of the unorgan
ited territory.
▪ terrettitb epestied the . motion on *Mt
greened that the House was already in p•fill•
would. he a ntelies expense.
Mr. 'lardy supported the motion.
w ed that whik the Iblininion cenwill gave
the total population of seek eoeuty and
district, more perticulare were necessary.
The !notion passed.
A Government bill A prourieed on the
subject of mines and iniuing. There has
been cousiderable speculation tie to what
the proposed measure well contain. The
Hon. A to• Manly. Wheeler of Crown
Lands, is diaeretely 441 yet, but It is
certain that the teat of the measure «le
shortly he mete known.
Mr. lialforat pt. notice that he would
move for • return showing the exam nem -
'her of Catholics and Protestanta in the
pormanont employ of the tiocornmoot in
any caparity.
The expeuditure of the itelustrial insti-
tutions for Peel wet AA i0114•11-11 :
Toronto. asylum 1111.4311
%nitro asylum .. 34,907
1.on.ion neylion -131 1).14
Marathon asylum 122.0t51
Deaf and lined, ineitutioo 13,9110
filled institute nti.e91
lerioon 8.%94.1
Boys' refortnatury 37, 149
tierce" refonnotory 29. 244
Mr. Clelattits bill to amend the gam•
lair provide. for open oration front Sep.
!ember 1 to March I. as under Co. Act in
tome prior to ItIVt. Petitions from a
t ornate. were promoted tei
11.mete last rear in favor of thle (-heti
Mr Preston is deeinore of learning the
amount •xpendel in connection with the
hinder twine indostry for betiding,.
ise-hinery. material. labor and sus/vein
teneiente employed, and the wage% or eatery
paid to each of them . ale. the tuts] output
of twine in enentity and the anneenta
Allred therefrom, giving the names from
whom the sante were reneived. and the
datev.1 the receipt of each sem . ale. the
total quantities of twine said material in
hand the amounts t if ant ienminiiig tin
he persona 41 whom the Sasso are payable,
Int names of the %tests empinyvel for rite
0010 or dimmest of the twine, and the to
msneratimi paid or payable. to each of
Ms. Sol WWI, MS rewired a setitles
Mr ell' te amend the .ket
r t's tat- to anwitti lite Aroma
`Ir 18 I v t• bill to sturend the
11W4111: for as c rder ▪ of, the`
Maim a wi.ad room, from this roe to
that's optima ‘.40,ire.
gams was plated. .1 tota.1,,,r I st41.s-lead
tfoiti.th04mialt reunion' de.** to ilto base.
erown Ito Maine Timm woe light and
his (Ace if he 414111 thi t t.to res.litog the
this mat.
uesay. Trope anti 14.,ward reel &Winkle Map
up .t •ti.st e• urrise
804 n ha' who matter jained lore▪ elts.,
to strike a inat.'41 sod saw the low' Maiding
volt er and rte. dear * tettilde
„ the hoed esmotnit the animal to reel 180 •
one able Liftust gave the hear atiotheor-
were their het:"
pundit et mad mottle With togkoll to tk- bed, uksr
:6"..41;r1.1""VlYtt.•3/.417,..11`.1:4n,r's uirT'''11"1:0,,,s'14...;:"kz):131,•„_•.°111121.1 talw461U"arattiFres:1(ri'71et:I•ell4iaillTfetI4..th:"' !P6i711171114't17h44ittlith"lvau.1' nhdit:
Oa rearing eittpdAyed du tieitriuter *up
aerriee ••• • i tisesett. mai it wits howl io• the docket. it
1.1!, to emelt/es ho Lao grown pk.mantiv 8. eat wet don: In
t lb inn re Ceed
J. 'Stewart, -Frio-Metal bespatter ,
Laminae.. 'importing 'the of the
the ei-examalation previiied by the pls.. .-AUCTI_ptl_SALES.
tkIs to this toad ot sale.
roads The • heuie anti lots will alto • le
Paste thls
in your Hat.
It's about Clothes --Clothes ready to wear. Clothes
for Men, for Youths, for Boys. Clothes of the right
stamp. New Clothes.
About the 3rd day of March we expect to offer a re-
plete selection of Men's, Youth's and Boy's Suits. The
great advance in the science of manufacturing Clothing
by the hundred has brought largely into favor the ready-
made garment., which has reached such perfection as to
be generally superior to the "made to order." The main
point of difference is the Cost. The ready-made garment
saves you from 25 to 75 per cent. -•
Our Stock will be altogether up to date. We have
arranged for more room and light, so that we can better
demonstrate the advantages we have to offer you.
The same close sailing principles u prevail in a
other departments will govern Prices in this. We feel
we have a reputation to sustain in this respect, which
will necessitate quoting lower Prices than other stores.