HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-3-1, Page 3inial flat Oo$M.
Trots aeries and depart Yderlob as tot
allied e m
Yam sod gaper 1.01 pia
allied ............. .,,,,,1.NIp.m
Mid sad express............-. 1.M M,
Mize'' • •••••
AIL���./r(� pit:HOLM /N. LD.S -DENTAL
room. 6ppeote Hent .Iglw Wwt•et.,
Underfelt. 111 *wader.' and approval kcal
anaeathel.•'+ 0s heed Ilf Painless' tonne -
or teeth. _ - -- - - tMtr.4
I1R. E.RICH' 4)N, L.1.134.
l write . A.•n' tet. u .AItI)asd %ilalair
almlantered for paiuIOY .Rtranrtoa of leteb.
gpselal attention peen to the per.s..rvati.a
of the eaters, teeth. (Ml* Up etalrt.
Wendt/cern House rloor. entrance on Woo
dt_, Uo.irrt.•b. tlel-lr
M•dle nil.
\H. 111 \ 1 F.I:. PHYSICIAN, 1Sl'It
1 Y gsoa, a.. lln.e Urlw•.n'. Mime. flung
Ira' n, %igbt 06114 from Kroh& kachaog.-
Hotel. 13 1)
physicians. etrresspaa Aee000ke,s. so.
1'. TII Y Iteem nos, N&.. er 6I prat.
0601.J.•t a'1' "l.-KMidep.•o North .t,
▪ Model le"ii1•
- 1
tANPlt4` ,h J•tll�iri' eeN, tARRId-
�' ore, astidM
le -. NefarJUa .nedefeb.
tm .-trier Jirds'.'iya�, K. CAM
slov,.q. C.. M. U. MN, .. coat •e
h os.
CYTE (I E l Y. YY.►RR/t►
1J ao•,clser. Move, tea r10o, east'
to tu•w at towage rates llorios'a rack. tlp
poss... Colh•wae Hort I. Uu4rrleh.O.1. 1311-tf
,1' N. L`WiS, BARRISTER, PR(►0-
Ja for to ale itie:.e Courts of gamete
Cites -Month C.sibore. Last. 1157
It.0. HAYS, tit )Uc:iron. Le.
Untie. earner of libitum and West
.snott Oodrri •h. over t.kirr.pb odic, ill_
rats ■tin,,• le lead at lowest, nit• of .utef-
.tst_ 1n;. -
AR -
k% ti•.ee's, Attorneys, Mal Woofs. tc.. Code
irk. J. f. ()arrow. 11C.. W. Proudfoot.
1+. WILit t oer y
Nrr.4.111 a• .11Comeru In (:bmarer7 tc
tMaleyI1*1 1, �(ymrrvn. (l C.: P. llott
• . a:e.. and ormirnissinn.•r fn• eesiwa and re -
.e . a.r ncoirn.sam•ee of hell. .1114... Is n1
eftlreu•.or.s. dep'wir.ons or solemn del•ian•
1,,no, m nr.w.n••0tneng say Gerson, stilt nr 010
soot '.r ,n Ili 1t.uh eines of Justice. the
,'o .rt .r '.peal for 1 * t4rtn, or in any •'entity
or i,'-1• .n Court; 4:1 tr•na.Pto.s carefully
arc 1 trornt • lyr,.co , -1 ftes,Aeece and P.O.
arlr•s• l,untrannoo •int 124b-tf
Mechos' Ines' Inatltute.
1ODF.KICII St':.'11NiCA' iNMTi-
Vi 1I. IR LtnitAltV Asti RZADINU-
K.ltib, ear. of Aad,: •tr.-et sad taceen Ism
Open from 1 to . r. s, . and from 7'010 r, e.
1.0.10,,.y //may, Weakly sad Illustrated
1' ,pari, tf waif/era , eft. os 'ileo
MgMl4gKgNlt rICICgT, ONLY et.M,
greeting free nee of Library Yd mamma
Hoorn. theis-
Applwgtl..ns to. nwembereblp received by
Librarian. In room.
IL :1111 r11 CLO. ITIV KS,
Pr... Mont. ..ecreter7.
(►odsrleb Var. 4 Irth IIeC,
Knitting Faotory.
`RW KillrrlN•: FA('Fl►tth. THE
aal..nimeel nous to ensure to the pith
He that M has metal op pre.n.Ws with 10e
I.test ed 01 ,o! 000100.4 knitting mschieery
J1IRT; . ill tr run by a ft, .eighty exper.e.eed
operate,. and is preperrl to do the rent peal
") of kn..tlntr ai very reasonable 'neve
term*. awl •,*hers broodier in their own
tarn to be knit into sock imps. sock. 110.. will
i r I.beralty and pru.noriy date with. Order -
I.1• at my stare, nor. \'latoria and Hrnne-.ra
• r.eeire prompt n1te311011. 1). K
KT It A(•I1AN.
'1111oMAK u1LNDItY, AU�T101iT1<R
l and Ineur•nee .Agent. Oederfeb, Qat.
Anent London earl I.anevblre Ylre Ia& a.,
ar,,1 (Jove District Mutual Iaa Co. dean a4
Ien,lcd to in say part of Ube avuots. tibio .
' Iaaeer sod load /allsater. Oodert.k.
Oat. Raring ted enosider.ble sxperdeses 1.
tube loaners altb�t trade.
bkb. 1s 1r' s padtt•s M
• estrust•d to him Onion 1dtadattaditiais ail �
�s�f'ss Hotel. or seat by slap his addresia
RHOZ OOirs Iv ssOMssst.P.N
nUoairefoily to. H
Direlea.third Mosdar-ef Baca 'Postai 1.Ib. hall No 1111. Iver
Tits moraL a11m apseW tads -manta Is
instin.os sad sick b•sellts. D. CAL.YICK,
Leader: R. J. ACHRIOL. Treasurer: R.
RICHARDSON teem/Ism Oa -to.
Dental AQQotlaoement.
MEW A• Pattun0,
0,113 NOME UJC,a ME1T-ST1111T
OOD1dTOI, O 1.
tt agoras me tanmlssd esttefaetlnn. after it
1 res.)Wy Is the most e.taale. .
tieP• t 4111. l ,a, It daltabttal and r*51.7 ke/
P•41•4111. tow It l!•� 1 lays the ab ed
otetoslro Malt to Liss 1.O.derlob. the beta
ariest111e dloeevery, wbiab Y waraated await
to mato the least psis aorta/ the .*Y�b��1-
of teeth se eeamks of Y7 klad, b le
os e00 s.A vert Yttdo owe Is the
A.1.41 TX -241111311e171111 1c11QM♦
Is a lase'' t�( never as Nisei the
Is a
1s bsnalses dater.
"pos.4 tge Li me a ea earth to modes
et inem ate Itee lama to pain' ,.Bests
esealleollp ■ar..asss ea Ne Rgboss.
(1� M DR. I. RJOUA*D110111.
• rums? VvILIDIT W 4N Tr.N'r.IIT pale (•Alis
nom .a.M- Chile I:Y A 1131aM4, re
pant oda Sura Ta1411. lob Uta4Tr -
Tut IIIrrY ta%rl.T.
reuse the fit. roma Confederate.
Mr. ileo. Fud.ay is a well knuwo resident
of Ileum Furst, and umuug those ac luaial-
eJ with him 1t t. Loewe that he has been •
great sufferer from chronic bronchitis, tie -
paused by • bad au. gh that used to
leave him ►. weak that he would lc down
law hours at • tour. \1r. Friday's (needs
boar a,tt..•eJ latterly that tie has regained
his old emu vigor, and 1u (vuvrreatiou with
a representative of the t'uulederete • few
date .go, be ass asked to what agency he
owed ors renewed health. "To the same
•gen.y," said fir friday " that has .c
c.,mpiuhed au many %underlid cures
throughout the country lir. %ViIhama
Pink Pula For the put three years I have
beers w all 1 have been able to di. but hitt.
work. 1 doctored and tried many remedies
with.but little or no reuetit, sad at loot 1
rout to -the h..pital at Ilrenlford, where 1
trimmed for some time, and while there 1
le.t eun,ewhat better. The Improvement,
twee Yer, wee ubly temporary, h.r svaroe:y
had.' rttureid home when 1 was ague a•
iU ee h.fare. 1 had spent a great deal of
mosey w doctoring without beuctt,t awl I
fol, dnsc•.urage l and began to look .rpon toy
oce.d,tem as hi pelea. A friend advised me
t . try Ur. Williams' I'tok lhlb but 1 bad
slq`lady 1, i1 , many alleged "•sire cures
th•4J dpi bet foul like spending my n.ore
io .ury on me ficins. Fondly, however. l
was persuade 1 to git r l'.ok Pills • trial, and
as )••u can see h.%e reason to be tbsnkful
that I did. 1 pus chewed a bub and began
using term with cum hope of recovery. To
m) .u:rn$e sarutactiou I noticed that they
*ere doing me good, cod you may be sure it
required uta further pi simaion to cutlltuue
th-.r see. after 1 Tied token a number .4
rites, the cou`.t winch had trouhkd nm• so
esu•b. entirely teased. and 1 c eat •
workingman's hearty iva1, trod before long
1 was able to go to work. 1 an. now m ex.
elh 0t health and I believe that Itis - il-
Lat.a' J'ink hike have saved my life. 1
would not be .Ithout a supply in the house
and 1 warmly recommend tbeni to others
who may be ailing.
Thi reporter collet' upon \1 m. 1 oldeugb,
th • cell known druweist, .Lo said he was
acquainted with Mr. Friday's case and bad
every confidence in the statements made.
loterr'og.ted as to the ells.- at thee retn�,ly
boort which everybody is talking. \1
. ,kIeugh sed that so ter as his eal...rteoce
went. he knew the ales to be very large,
• d that the remedy gave recent sstifac•
n. n. In fact althcugh he haadled all the
4-1 prop- etory me linnet, he finds IM.
tV hams' 1'iuk 1'il:U the best selli.gremedyt
on his shelves.
1►r. Williams' link fills are an weeding
• pecncc for all diseases arising from an lut-
poverished condition of the blood, or from
.0 Impairment of the nervous system, .0-h
•a I 05 of .ppeule, depression of spirits.
an • mia. ch'ore•ae or Preen sickness, general
muscular weak Dew, di 'rise's, loss of
memory, luawrnotor ataxia, paralyns,
soapie1. rheumstittn, St. % /tut' dance, the
:af er effects of Is grippe, all diseases de-
peI.ltng npoo a vitiated condition of the
blood, ouch as scrofula. chromic erysipelas.
etc They are Ilea • specs:tc tor the
troubles peculiar to the female system. cur
recl.ng irregularities, supprewimns and all
forme of tela)e wcaksew, building anew
.he I.lo rt, and restoring the glow of health
to pa's and sallow cheeks. in the case of
..en they et/rat • radical cure in .11 enses
u.stogfr..m mental we[ry, overwork nr ex•
ceases of any nature. These pal, are not a
purjetive medicare. They contain onlTbfe-
pi• tog properties, and nothing that could
,o.- re the most delicate system.
1►r. Williams' Pink 1',110 are sold only in
hates hearing the+ firm s trade mark and
•rapp'•, i printed in red ink.. hear in
into that Dr. Williams' ''ink ''ills are
never sold in bulk, or by the 4orca or hun
,lied, and any dealer who offers substitutes
ie this form is trying to defraud you mid
.nou'd be •v ided. The public are also
,motioned .4.10.1 all other so wiled bloo.i
'•uild.rs and nerve tonics. put up in smiler
form intended to deceive. They are all
initiations, whose makers hope to reap •
p-. nni try advsotage from the wonderful re
IM arson achieved by Itr. Williams' Pink
Dr. Williams' Pink 1'111. may be had of
all druggists nr direct by mail from lir.
Wil'iams' Medicine Company from either
eidersss, at SO cents a box. or six boxes for
02 50 The price at which these pills ere
e el 1 snakes • course of treatment 00 'para-
• veto inexpensive as compared with other
aemedies or medical treatment.
a nanny leelde.l or 1Ire Iles, .1 'be hlr
mienhen, ala.. noir.
Irmo the St. Lot's Obbe-llemeor•t,
" The fa mle.t thing I witnessed during
hat brief but exclung period known as the
ham, in rm
mg ham AI
a. assd Ik.
' K
Kverett at the I.iodell, "wit the form.( • n
of • company to establish • monkey faun.
About the time that excitement was at iiw
greatest height, two Hebrew tankers from
✓ country tow' oats* with $40,000 in cash,
and were very s.xi0ns to get into the hit I.
group of capitalists who were nuking bid
cermet. They haunted two or three of 11..
ladl.lg nnresl.xs until finally Its. Jackson.
who stool at the head ni the local Ir•ncia
world, told thorn he bad • friend with r
scheme 1n winch he himself was potting I.•
520,000, asd It they rally wanted to invest
he could, as • perusal favor, secure • like
amount, it nue hal( was paid down, the
other half to be paid in at • meeting to be
paid in • few days. The banker wrote •
check for 110 000. sad feu jubilant that..•
last he 'Pa•1 leen admitted iota the charmed
circle of hna0- lira.
in • few days be was notified to attend a
inertias of the stookboMe.s. whirl he did.
Thee the promoter 01 the e.t.rprise *x•
plained it. iia plan was to buy an abuse'
n ear Mobile. Seed assxpeditios to Africa
awl Reath Am iia& in secure monkeys.
Stook the form with 100.000 monkeys and
raise them for the market. An eleb•wste
array of stoti.tine was gives, showing the
GSA and market price of monkeys and figur-
ing eat immerse profits. but It was sues•
sorry that the satire amount seb.nrib.d
ahold be said ie at e00.. The le.ker
jumped to hie feat. ' 1 don't rant no moo
kay farm. I knows outlier alma* dose
monkey l.Nioess. Yeo nee leap my 110,-
000 if yes release is. from dot sep-
Bon. TIM woe deo. earl be swallowed his
olsrievio asd dia.ppointmest at the less as
hest be eaoM. iL a fns wears the meo.,
waa rwtaemed to Ma sad 1a woe esplsrsd
that it was all a Mho. bot isle beaker bad a
1000 diary •s pay for.
There war hay tlpw. hie feiebeaal.
''here Wan gh•ry Io bi. us11e�e.
He had led lie count re '• eWwwtr
1 hnwrb the ereu.,.n 11.1.1 of fie our.
Y t Il,ma has beea•I iI uu.lolgut,
4410•o for throes hail rwa..e.l lo ahaer,
Hr look • (Mt*.' bl.e.vw.
Alol k*.•.'d it ILII I. car,
.\ Ut11. la.leel o b tel, • -
.l bis..u. of witheeed true .
Mut mon. titan tape
Ile loud ,•delete
H.• p'Isrtt ft. l.do•b 11tie
N r has. all • attar.
11/5441 more t'arablear
r mar.
tt'ar hide It wit .ear I.tsahta•r.
II w111 haunt 1:. .. his a Ivor.
Arid we've all seism1111{. ktsel'•a1•
1i hen et; sir .ori • • • et Wart,.
.(nal. take the gum at ..muuantler,
We it In the Mirk.
\ 111.1. fa.1-4 '1.1. t.
1'en haw -r . to p tet
44111'.1 h..
%S r pure wlar%e
•.11 that 11.e rartli eau hold.
There was weeping and wailing and
I;.ia-liiug of teeth in the St ('lair huger
le .11
1 .tr.•liree the yonngwd daughter. had
d.-. pled 1., carve her own fort: trice, no
those of the tinnily were getting in a
meet l•ntelegl el couditiem, and '"tlube-
ku.•wnet ' to her worthy;' relative-. hail
e.,aght and .e'uresl n situation mm type
writer in one of the Litt wickeel 1.'hi
raga'. well known buent.•.t If,.iie*.
a diegruee t.. the faultily •Hruth
er Bob ehe•lan•J, .11.1 Lr 13.muts1 itis
Ovide st and r.•pair.'d to the,eltaldnitmo
ar.•nu11 the. corner \larutla usj j4 101141
I t p e
finned fuitth .
•1i \ an*lergrlgt'" tuoane••l ugutena.
ft» oiH or*es-lnot et yrs a�ain• A
drmt!uvy of ticte a p.•writer'
Caroline a 'ih„rt'•f ' 1ppc'r lip cnrjrd
elttfl the. ttorl (batt already -curled by
hatters. althunth 1111 alg,reherlsive holt
did ...me into h r great hazel eyes.
• if yen think. any •Iear•rt mother.
Heat 1 ail going •to starve here iii this
hem.te gnarter of\ the weuelr. even in
the neer genteel skein. just for .one look
from Mr 1 al.lergmit ytru azar. vastly
m iw* *ken1
-Then- are other rmoluymentw. for a
w".uen .rich a (titbit(' p.s.itiuI And
typewritere lire• always so -se; talked
.lett. • . .
' In the news/411('r. nd.l•'d 1'ardit:e,
"But ti, • u, wIll +•rear talk-als,pt
the firii.he•! with stern bravery
Refer.• it was time for 1'ardine to
leave f.•r the distant city. her father
tool .altogether trinetl_lintlaitut er_ au
wee coneiclerilig tete tldvautages of his
daughter a 0PI•ietauee. a tf late years the
.trnggk lead Leen it hard one for him.
His wen. had always been a 0rw•iety Wo-
men and , extravagant/. in.inlgrd Pons
and fashionable drnghter•. whine. mar -
Name' had -cost him a small fertnne''tad
1hi•..tatat*Ltn tde_initis.
that, new. in hi ..1.1 age lwnkr,ptey
coneteltly. stared Itlut ni the foie
i regret. •-dangleter.' he Raid a- the
train Whihttr.l and they were out ou the.
station Oath -wenn.' t11at' m"� ,o
far from lotus Bnt ,1 'ka !sou yen
wool.( feel 1.. b•gin labor heir. and 1
fulls apprilrirt.' your: e114t14 'in ieus4at-
in t me. The billtdeu isgr••wing h 'vier
every year. and. henigbed. _..
oometeiay hale to du something, re-
turned the .lanshter .t'nt.•Iiti,*ttsly
And 1 know yon are frilly capable
of taking • are of your self (:•.,I lil.eee
y,4i,. me girl
A11•1 the .arew••rn father woe r?,tiilor '
or his typewriter girl than of hits wealth
i•st ato.l gooey heantifnl daughter
But eine.. on • the ear and eteatuing
f lir •tg•a ward, ('.rediae was not .[Hite
SO brave. *lid despite her tall. dignified
self. um or tea.. trate roll.'.' Clown her
ariotievatil none• and defied the•1I.perior
little earl of her short nipper lip.
What ifJuhn Vaudrrgeet -they had
hien rads friends before ore lir left for
Ei.r+•;•e. STA although Cordite. ha') net
given i-e'r rendre. for .he wan net sure
of Let elft ehe hail .•.u.ented to speak to
him a , au neon the eubje.t when le.
wotltlt! ri t inti .
\taw she woe ante of herself --but'
Jodie' '
• •et toe true more test." she said sternly
to ;.er-.'If a- she brushed away the int
pertih: tet t. are. •'and a good one toil. I
am s.. filed I. defied =tannin and took
the tett-.terse course at- college.'' •
In the excitement of her new life Car -
..line forget her little th..ughts that
might have been called sentiment She
passed the ordeal of critical examination
by the .other typewriters in the office
evitl1 eta ,remc indiffernece and mo im
premed her implorers with her dignity
that they were haft afraid of her
As a typewriter 'hr was invaluable --
rapid. correct, dietinet her every Sheet -
perfection itself. but there waa no social
intercourse or pleasant eo nyerrotion
"That girl." declare.'' the junior part
ser. ". tat, a ly cars me. She's too pret-
ty to he such a prude. -
"Ye -m."
ride.""Ye-eta, drawled the alOdsid tliit
afternoon the gentleman asked her hoer
she aprnt her evening..
• " enquired Caroline."
Von-eserine inc. but you are vonng
and not homely. and you will pardon an
old man if he takes an interest in your
welfare in this great city "
'Ah yes'' Caroline drew a long, ex
premier, breath. and a nesse olwryer
would have said her nostrils dilated
something like those of a high strung
horse "Sunday evening 1 attend tier
viers at lit. .lame. Monday evening 1
devote to literature. Emerson, Carlyle,
and Renan. being my favorite authors:
Tnes,lay evening ( attend themnmitatew,
snit Wewln4Aday evening I attend pray-
ers. Thursday I again devote to read
ing. Fridejo evening i generally attend
the opera di. con.xtt. and Saturday even
ing 1 give to preparations for the Sab
bath. '
Then she turner] to her Remington,
and the old gentleman groaned in an
Caroline was fii.hed and wrathful
"The old sinner"' she was finning to
bermelf am Ale took his dictation in short
hand "As though he tbunght i ronld
not nnderetand'"
('aniline waa past twenty and cnn.id
erect capable of taking ran of herself,
yet she felt as injured and immolted as
thnngh the white haired tea hail ogled
her as he dint lb. yunnge t and most
flippant girl in the homer.
13nt 1 aroline did not wish to lose her
poattinte for it was an nnte.n•lly paying
one, mrd it began to be as effort to her
to Toppi the tnstneatton of the eenb,r
partner without nfendisd hien She
aeon detested him neat heartily
( brie morning the junior partner tame
In very mach Anrriel
"Vsndergast is in town, he maid
And deaptte hermit Caroline reddened
sad tbeu grew pale
"Hey? You dont says Well, that's
deucedly inconvenient peat now
"Be will be kiokin tato ace. ants asd
we are not prepared for that at p esost,
said the youth eignilicaatly.
"No," mod the ether. std thee they
hell a lengthy oeSwrrtiur. during
which Caroline wag as the qui rhe W
catch every word
But they spoke guardedly, for all. that
i her outward appearance was meet,' such
• indiference Evidently idently ; it was of
i enough Importance to out trust her
U••Ves. ' said the seuiur at last, 'that
will be the beet phut We. will .e'nre
the lends at the lank to plot u dotal fare
on things, and then Le will u..t lar likek-
to look deeper until after the crisis It
would ruin 1s for him to withdraw his
share now
A11 this was (:reeek to Caroline until
she I -cum ln•i-v.1 sleVeral rata IU Unfelt
t • elle had taken which were to re-
nd to upt•ulrti•.Ia . reel then it was
clear to her The juoi..r partner went
at owe to the batik. and sur old goad.-
num ..' ;ue'l wou,•w•ii•,t worrier'''.
Caroline male n•• si411. but ,made a
rev.luti.*n. and when there o'clock. hour
fax quitting work, •Attic•, she and cihy
ly .
"I believe 4 must sever any connection
with tide office today. 1 wins) to re
torte home '
'Ah - aheta' Do 1, 31rd.trstrmel you
mean to quit me at olive.' •
Yell. 1 with to return- hone to
morrow morning." she tot untied ignore
t nrbgl.ly.
' Thi:• is rather sud.Ieu.- I*,lec4. I de
tout r him 1 can let von go 4-wser. "
'llut you most, sir roil ('anditle
with de'e•i.ion - -
St. he oracle out her cheek apd bade
her a snare good bye. amt a Mk min
u ta, later f..lind her in the hotel -wait
ing for John Vandergaet „
Whether it ate her Johtt ix some
other Vaneler*iaat,t alto hail deter
mime! to warn him 'awl tlivii Q. home
for a rae.'rtion until She .,l•unvlauuther
ppi.sitien. And when .he looked on the
betel register sloe knew it was her .f.thu
Why. t'aruhnr,-- h • .mid, when he
lame in, his fiu•r lighting lip. 'Thee is
IN e•
A lU L '►Ilex W t hunter. ea 1
ad ter 1 I -ash hurry
I 1' .
nag i n•.in,'w matter. ree as to get home
to morrow 1,,,,r von -
11•• -hook blare ha;wl warmly and look-
er, up to eoe If- he might v, uture any
fort her greeting ,
No one would ie. rpt to take even •
lovers liberty with ('emitter '
"Voss have made my stay a long :sue
and a tedious one, to met by denying lou
th.• I.riv le••.• ..1 writing to -yon. ' he said
it reprint It.
•1 e=. 1• kit .iv, ,Tulin." she rejoined
hastilo , fiat ahs was •. he b1 • hes
mlir 1 .•n.-•.nra$e au ren Ware, " t yon
k etsr.1 on a tyrorritne now terwaa an
hoer ago .,
- And .he looked at him defiantly. He
1 enderot,xsl in our -of any letters
(rime home that you tial accepted *erne
'coition herr in the city Idltl.s:srnllllio
rn where or whnt it was. 1 am toles
von are the sa:u q''rjf tort ,wire to toe for
that. Typearritcfre lae'tt filar set of "One-
An *inti ietakable .gtisfact1ua came
*roues• s raw - 1
' 1 Nita -.••, gla't oust thiol not think *es
of IUM then Cott .fid, • he tear der het
breath. Then I.h. rt'to(lllt't•i ht r .•r
She t.4d hint what .rhe knew, and he
bedews! with 11 grave fare.
'' '•1 alit glad you tnl•1 mt. It is pr.,vi
deleted yon were etttpl.ve.l there. Ser
they arc epeenlating. and from what von
tell me uta thou.rn.1s would have been
higher than the totem by .Sar after to
lnorrolrt will withdraw thetu for you.
m\' gn.•vn. this eery. day ' - .
'Fhtu as there was not a minat.' W
lose. Caroline bade hint good bye and
hurried to her b..u,Hnit hon.*.•. ' Th.
next nl'rnin': she - woe home Avant
1... 1, John \-:tnderpi-t'* pr.imieed
Several liv • able later there was a quiet
wedding in the St ('lair hone etead.'and
the typewriter dangbter win, the MO
erst h•,nt•re•1 the worldly mother h,l,, i
A Pretty, leiIIihile e.ar'. r unmeant"'
Stith Her r'pan.r. -
lhing mar lai--'- ('once here. Louise.
m ear wife Come here. Magnate.
naibI�� ),unng matt Yen love each other.
d.., v/1 net Ah, you nee•' not answer
I knew it ',l know what noble re'•.traint
you have exerci..wt in not getting mar
Hell till I .lir 1 know too of your vir
teiries determination to exchange tinge
only three times a day after ensile dnr•
ing my illness All, what man has ever
before been blessed fry to. virtuous a
wife '• And _what wife has ever been
loved Iy n more noble. honorable yonng
man 'r it is hham•dnl of tete to linger on
here sad •Islay our happin.•se. '
Auguste-" Not an. mi.rltnis. leo not
harry yourself, 1 begon
Lonioe-"tele my
dear hndrand. do
not bather yoltrmadf We know you
cannot help it.'
Martinis "Noble young man' M(iiwl
faithful wife' Nov*' I roll die happy.
since 1 feel assured that yen .lo not
blame me for hatgiug Gn all these
weeks. rfPoT104 your patient..• wonld
be worn ont
Auguste- "Well, it has been pretty
tough. but we made up our minds ltu
Beat it. and we did bear it -didn't We,
Louise- "Yee Auguste We prayed
for strength and strength was givenns."
Margnta-- "1 have but one more re
quest to make of you. 1 am ashamed to
snake it. lint i know yon will not laugh
at the whim of a dying mat. 1 want
to loan yon to promise me not to get
married till after the funeral '
monies-"tJh heavens' invest we porni
Ise thief -
Auguste -"Him' rather looks as if
he were taking advantage of our gruel
Lennie la look of sublime self sacrifice
on her tate)-No, Angtste. deny not
his last request. Let it be so. We
pr,miee not to marry till after the fu-
Marquis -"Bks you' 1 die in peace."
A ft4n.dl.w Amphlhaaw.
An ingenious kind of craft is now be
ing adopted in the Canadian inmbering
r'egiona. It im known as a steam warp
ing tng, and propels itself on land as
well ae on water, and it la useful in op
.•/.tions cAmw1 on among small lakes
connected by stream of uncertain navi
g ation They are built in "crow" shape,
with ate.I shod runners for moving
overland, are 37 feet tong, 10 feet beatn,
decked Al ever the bottom and the bow
being covered with steed plates An en
gine of 12 hexes power furnishes, the re
gniate power In the water. it moves
six mike an hoot, forward or hai.kwenl,
am rep nimil, propelled by paddle*. on
land. It is propelled by mean/1 of a Gable
drnm, ors which ile coiled fire eighths of
a mike of steel wire e*Me One end •af
this cable 1. fastened with pulleys to a
tree or tither imitable object in front
the bust noels( as the wire is mike*
Rated 1rr••wti, .,f Sneer mats u aoaidered
to iodinate good health.
[he man .1m 1. rtsndmg tie tor you 6000
pts tired asd 611. duan.
Mrs. 1'. C. .lohnsou. ••t \el,reek•, had,
made • lunonu in .pples.
Esollry'. liver 1w ,eogu ore pleasant to
take and rtii. rent in act ona
'fuc oldest per iu F:uyl.nd a Earl (:my,
.M. se allow 912 )an of sae.
Are you troubled with s tired feeling•
1'.a• F:wljay's later Lo. rusts.
Primer Adelina' the Ikrtdliott syst.•u, o1
/Jen J)*sg rumen in 1(182.
Aulr,icea cute of 1787 bete the t.aotto,
" hotel Your (Iwo Ituauese."
l'►te are turd exteeaoely iD New %ealsnd
fw the destruction of rabbits.
e .venni is the 1*.4 rt ck of the world, be
mgthe truest nu Ilse earth's crust.
Boil gimes are sewed with cotton thrum',
as 11 dues not cul the kid as readily as silk
• Ace you .object to rick headache • 1'..
Firlisv'■ I.1%er 1.:tinges. They will cure
In India old ('eylou tea leaven are ro:Id,.'
b) • .a.aun(•ry, but In 1 lima it its done by
1:.eryleolr likes real,. Noho*ly likes
.**.user''. pills. Try F:sel;r)'s i - ai I.o.eu
4Ve rennet crntt*1 1he mil 1.m,tur■ of
others. but • gaud lee enables -us to despl.c
- Sandi Sugar t'•ata,l I:utduck Pills do not
gripe or sicken.- They are mild awl effec-
tual 4'
llcrnbere of the 'fume of Commons are
all•.we l to pity thou .h.le the 'lomat• ., u1
in the French ('b,mher sof lkpntie* the
eherthanl welters •re relieved every two
ler. Low's Selphnr Seep is a elr!irhtfnl
-hinge.. It cleanses the genii. and ,hat ka-/.•
grey hair. 4
'the tomb .4 Mohonu't• i6 ow°enrl with
diamonds, ..pplures ILII lub:t., %sand at
O aB tier telegrams daisy sent in 1'. gland
•70 Isar tent are dispatched f.wtt the
dol1 pat ol..:er.,,:
if l •w wu.a be prepared for oholen,
re he the hest pisaible erre of your rrnelal
11, Alt h. if your tongue is coated u.., i:.el
1 )' a lever I. •n'rge.•
wo er ii stow',
Q1tiiltsta M►OMIFN-
At the Calamity of Ilee,ra there are
women students of almost every national-
sten. i imitator' 1 hant declares that tit*
good humor of the American women under
all circumstance is uisurp•sso•1.
Harriett Husn:er, who has spent t scatty
years m h*supe mow says that .he *When
she hail stated et home with her one ...cur
try meo.
It seems that Ilia Sparrow, a London
iuurnalut, took It into her head to sweep a
.1.+slur, lust to ere what it was like. It'
oas Lady Iteergsua Full•rtuu, who onus' I
performed the sante act, in ruder' to allow
the rriotlar sweeper to attend maw
Mt" Flora Kimbell selected the trees aad '
superinl.eodad the planting of thrums ow
set -en nide. of the street. of Nstoats' Pity.
1'.1. she wits re. Itieete4 to us betake the
work by the .Supervi■or, • .h, deemed her
to le the nest competent person for the
The mother in law of the Waked., of Jo
pan hos reeently bees ill. She was attea.t-
ed by 4'!t pbysicues,but in state of that has
pnllal'hr.-ugh. The 423 medical /men had
.11 much to say es to the cause of the,
14011'4 1/1111•11, but a Bu.IJhnat priest of to -
�wnton. mind •I-,-ttrr.l that it was owing
to the intr.duati.,u •.f ratlrua.l.,. Hi 11,410
I was eimpla Before there wen ,eanlroa•Is,
.be was well. After then rellruds,
she was 111. What could be a clear than
the conclusion he drew `
Tree only woman admits to the society
:1•wrwed last Fall by the aulpton of New
' Polk is Theod..ra Ku hoer'. She is
only 23 years and h had 11.e roost sac
i woeful carter Lor her tel any *omen who
h.. undertakes t brooch of art She be
ran her stadia 1 the age 01 1 1 to the
',hobo of H. Kowa. whom she married
last year viral of her statues were at
the 11..,0.1' Fair.
Mr* K *.Lith luster is an accomplished
hallard day er She ac.tu,rtul her skill at
the g w during bar Imus r,ldetice at nil•
(wry tattoos in the West. It is rare to God
• 01114. who •s an silty. at billiard., and
there are few maxi graceful games aid
iiw tet wh:• b the delicate aoturacy of touch
wh'ch u. s. mush • femme char,uiteritie is
ottrner eddied tutu r 0111044.100.
The ('et:'.ury 1 tali .1 .1 .plies, \lo., has on
the surf.u.t, as cossoietrop with msrrioae or
intrrert in 'any such frive't.ee. It woo or-
a•uiz.d thr w year* ago by woilea who
l,u,.gered fur "serious study.Three short
years ,,ave p s.ed, mud mat ,of the club's
smell Ine,nh.•.ship eel ris lute married asd
three trti,rr are" en gavial.
Tits Si..11. i6 only rpt • year in •.banes.
0..1lER OWN
has had•
tmab:e in his bank. aril cell ale :
.inns r. - .,y,li_Ven they've appointed a
IF she does. see t' t '
the u. I:.
U h i:. elm +viii ftp
• "Y
Clean Irs:lv.tiian,; h. r
St,•N'!.16i1T S'.1.\1',
u i', h does :an'.:) tt ith tbs.
to r- r . of trash d 3yy.
L.Iseri• a . 'tell) lir' . ' •ta hit LLat
it 1'.\1 S Li us. this &tape.
There has been no more important di•
covery in medical sc,enee during reeset-'-"---"'
,ears Mao the nitration ..f Eseljay'. Liver
lemageii.. T►ei4 •Lorne '
asd beset& N--- :•1 . psrnaa beteg.
Re diens there " Ohs -.
Willy ; Aunty, -whit 4. tiny all the
man who busts ep the Neese Agent Sarah
Taadermist, uv course, because skins
everybody. -
Tug `tl:c.u. 1. only one dollar • year.
'twee it sent to your friend,.
I11r1i.J. iF. 'utilise\ Dt , J' -
uric; t'ca., ;::
•• sC:m•n a „,:rl at :. boo'. la l •
O:.to, I burl a .er. re Lego
fever. On my rereiet ry, I f.e.te 1 1::e.
perfectly bald, r,n.1, fou r. 1.018 Cup., 1
beard I ahcuhl 1.0 )n'rrar,.nentty t •
Friends urged tic, to new A31•r'sT>~::
Vigor, and, ea .Crim; sob ray (hair
Began to Grow,
and ): now have a: fine a heat: of i,../.r_: s
000 could wish ter, tieing phi:n
r ver. from blonde toilet* brown,"
ft.r'Net 'of at. lines., ray hair c•••n°
s type. 1 ,u,a4ewe .ho le- of
Ayer's Hair Vigor
and nnw n:y hair 14 Geer n yard 1onq
rind vary hill and heavy. 111.10* Ttl'Jrl-
mrndrd 'chin pre pan, tion :o ct:iens wi''u
like goal :• fecL"-\L-A. R!.':r. y Car-,
144 ib','lfla 5e., llarrisimr,-, 1'a.
•' I have nsrd 'Lyres Heir Chan for
.rveMl year* ar. al'.i.g•aolrtsiard ant'}
factory ria:+tilts. I know it is tIm
perpne•tion for tila l.:dr thatr'-
-C. T. Arnett, Mammoth: Pring, A .
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Crewed by Dr. J.C. Ayer C. Co., Lunen, )1..s.
./, CURE 5
Price 35crs
stbf11Rlr .f IMITATIONS
Our Stock is - Law i utepla•t.• 1L all r,ra)ol.�
particularly .0 in
If you cnntenwlate I*,i .ling .or r.1.. irin+, it will !tar I
to inspect our (load : nn.i Prig's: -
e11• 1..41:. 10 r. r. vitt ney.e\
The Best in the Market and the Most
Reaonable Prices at
. .r. Nealrrat alive. sad Iq.are.
e • ..1
Ito yea want any arts(:/ rdade tot tin, topper or .hurt iron. et01.• 1110411141 Or
stove pipes cleaned out, • new chimney top 1 0t on or any kind et repau.uy dune, we can
do it for you. `,,,„,1 them • •
Ike you want • new Ilea Stove or Bangs' %. a have the loess asorlmeat to
choose from, of the latest designs and every sluts warranted.
brine in your Tinware and pet it repaired while you are doing your other sltoppiatr.
Butter. eggs end wood taken as cash.
1\ a are the only authorized agents in (:odcrach roFrie Celebrated Howard Pin-
naces. There is no other kind of furnace met as good .r will make as mach heat trout
the same amount of coal as the Howa1J Furnaces. Don't be de•etwat.
Hot Air Furnaces and Hot Water fleeting ted %rm./ming a specialty.
THF: T1\r\II"i Nr,
Protect your foet anti avoid la grippe. Vol, ren .1.. this by pur
chasing your Footwear frons
Gum Shoes,
Mackinaw Sox, &c.
Warranted FIRSTS. No SK1'ONI)S, or obi Bankrupt, Moth eaten
QOf•ht hat the beat quality at price» charged clsrwhere fur an inferior
A'r.nt twenty .iitterrnt lines to choose trsuu. Beautiful goods
Very cheap.