HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-22, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22, 1894.
It is nut our custom to announce hurgaius sole..., we h:tl,-
something especially good at especially low price..
We carry a full range of High Class liuotl., inarkes1 at Chide
Cut Piice , but our big Bargain fur this weelt"7.b a
(About 1000 Yards)
'these Goods are shipped to us direct from the still, and are
rt Cal, from 4. to 10 yard, Iirng. We are welling thew ends
an.l they are superior to ,111) 12 ie. Cotton in the tru•le.
Oar 50c. Corse Cannot be Beaten.
Ladies' and Children's Underwear, .Ilea casae.
Navy and Black Storm Series, the best in
Town for the money.
Drayer and Haberdasher.
1 w •
ere stat se German" lid are 1 sed rb
tereratMw sod I• raprM•g t«r..
i his country cootr.bots some thousand
!oilers' worth of material yearly to the pro
Motion of a fad loos prevailing to (:ermaay.
The rage for collecting postage stamps,com-'
^;un enough here, is much more widespread
,n 4:e nuuy, a.d for some time out collect- 1
ors have been mass cancelled stamps for
dsoonuv• purposes. \lilhons upon niil-
hoes of stamps are used •nouallin (ler--
:er•elegy to paper walla. A room of moderate
sue may be papered completely with 100,•
)00 stamps of the ordinary sire. Persons
wbo indulge in the Macy exercise great ia•
tenuity in the arrangement of the stamps.
and remarkable Dolor eflecta may be produc-
ed by tasteful combinations. When the
stamps here been affixed to the walls of a
.room, • tedious pens of work, the whole is
.4e—oohed, is order to prote.:t the papntt.R
from damage.
Stamps and of stamps are mod t.
decorating sate and cabinets. Those who
de this *ort of decoration laboriously cut
out the bead of\Waahiogtoo from the current
two Bent stump and paste the little •Ignetts
by the hundred upon the able or cabinet to
he decorated. Theo thousands of the troy
tieure "2 are cut from the lower corner of
the stamp and disposed so u to form a I ot-
der about the repeated head of Wwhiotton.
,.ores of other demesne are treated in like
rash os, and 'tempi of various colon area.-
: kneed in accordance with the taste of the
t toe gra in New 1 ark, not himself a pro -
:et meal dealer in damp', sends nearly 25,-
900,00) stamp' per )ear to • dealer in ra
teeny.ny. The same dealer (;e
has an agent is
Italttmore who wads him yutly larger
. ; motet:ea
They are scot to the ¥ta from all parte
of the East Children in carob of pocket
money, women in need of pin money, Sus•
day schools, and chorines of one sort or &n-
ether collect •ad seed these stamps to the
agents in batches of 10,000, 20,000, 50,000
or 100,000. The earl etre.. ie 10 mate per
thousand, but the red 2 -wet stamp' fetch
Zees because they are easily obtainable, and
also breams their dye 1, .ot well fixed. The
•'ol•mhia. stamps of small de•omi.atioes
fetch 30 cents per tho.s..d. Rare stamps
fetch more, of course, but the german deal -
•r makes on special effort to obtain 'gob
stamps here. Many other dealers i. Ger-
many have lost been baying large quantities
•.1 stamps in the United States, but as geese
lolled to pay for their paraka.es it is sow a
little difficult to obtain large gqratitiesgave
t hreugb rapidest seems. Tbs erre for
stamp decorate.. hes se yet made 'nail
headway in this country, theogh at bast
,ane onllsctor in New Yetrk ie om ieq ready
to paper his ream mile tMesaps. --New York
east, Illepedued.
" Why is it that there are tee marriages
in Heaven •"
' Havense iw tals world the Roots girls are
•frays pin looking."
11tlllei•a eteatespe.
Mrs. 7. S. 1lawkis., Ckstta.ong•• Te...,
say " Mkilo►'e Viteli,er ' .awed my life.'
ramader it the beat remedy ter a debilitated
•ye(etn i ever red." Tor dreperillb.IivM
or kidney trouble it axesle. 76 wets -
Sol 1 by all drsssl to e w
h fall a Nod I.
••.saris. When are the blew gegtln'
His wife .Here they are. What de yea
moot of them
" I want to wear therm. New w His
scarf •heat my week alew im te h ems.
Pali my bat dew. ever my eyes That
right- New help see ea wtli thle old ever -
teat 1 des eat of the sada Pee
the hetehe.'s he bay • pwilifilalle Mlik.~
'resell Pei vase: and [terudite re..
Is France, the bulk of the revenue comes,
as in I:oriaad and the 1 nited Stator, from
indirect taxes ; but the French have • much
greater range and variety of imports. lo
roused ti;urns the total annual revenue of
Erase for the put two or three years has
averaged about 3.300,000,000 fraae*, or
:f6t,0 000 five !series equalling one dot
Sari. Of this amount, 2,000,000,000 francs
accrue from indirect taxes, of which 500,-
000,000 came from customs dues on imports
and the rat from • great variety of internal
tssa, including a registration tax which
yields more than the custom hooses, • Iugar
tax that gives .early 200,000,000 francs of
revenue, a lucrative group of stamp taxes on
legal papers and tt•nsactions, and vari..us
impost. on 'minor, etc. The direct tales are
upon lands and bui!diogs, personal property
tr.ors and windows, trade licenses, etc., and
amount altogether to Dearly 500.000.000 of
revenue. The `ate moeopol/es of tobacco
and gunpowder and the postal and tele
graphiclserviees ield • large revenue, ex-
ceeding 600,000,000 francs The public for-
e sts and various misor sources make up the
rest of the sum total.
To meet charges as • the public debt the
great sum of about 1,300,000,000 francs is
rr.1uired. The army requires an outlay of
about 650,000,000. The maintenance of the
navy cants about 225.000,000_
New York Advertiser : The season of
Lent is the opportune tir.le for all of our
neighbor* to repent
Boston Globe : Be good. Wear sackcloth
if you like, but pot the mites no the walks
wherever they are slippery.
Detroit Tribute (toe of the most not-
able features of the Le.Teh ammo 1. .the
judicious moderation which the avenge MO.
Lea obs rses in the way of self denial.
Omaha Bee twat will he more strictly
observed this year than for some years past
if the .amber of people giving up comfort,
and luxuries ie • lair iedio•tioo. I-nfor-
tunately the a1f-denials wall not be aU vol
('trecinoati Tribune Lent, like the Sab-
bath, without regard to its religious ser
row•dIi.gs ie • necessity to the tired de
vetoes of .osiiety. Pale cheeks will redden
tad tired frames pt • needed ret during
tibio wwbosis steges.
Detroit New.: it is impossible to con-
ceive a world as growing wore* •ad worse
sod mere and mon .e.atlal which year by
year gives deeper respect to • sacred amens
that steeds for the greatest this. i. • huger
life that regards itself imperishable. A
world that as growing warm and worse
would leek ere awed sod spiritual thins
with gr.wisg cn.tempt.
Milwaukee Sestina : Why sot make the
forty days and forty nights of Lent the ea -
cries for burying the •Maris'• popular
ttea.a�� s Int the bee..bolder see to it that
aaithet the wife of his bosom, hie e•spri.g,
his ewe ..wast hie maid .ervest, nor the
e trtopr within his gates .i.ga, whistle.,
performs oe the piece. or °Owner mal-
treats Dairy, 1)aisy, or "Two Little furls
is Blot'
a YNtees e1 a/wt/ml.aesee.
The grown girl of a family wets', doesn't
wase her face for several days, claiming it
ie sot gond ler the eamplsxiw. if the bey
makes the same clef= he le whipped.
seams-.eweaose acv Jet..
Idem.tgw Bey—Where'% the man what
met a est with this here aweless'
Mr. Btlldtb--it wag I that seat yea.
Ye[Illtger Boy—Naw, the fdbw that
..e M of wail s . shaved Melo. gad
yt.',. gat a leas heath
Mr. t This—Wdl it grew sues yes clam-
Pale Faces
show Depleted Blood, poor
nourishment, everything
bad. They are signs of
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
with hypophosphltes, en-
riches the blood, purifies the
skin, cures Anaemia, builds
up the system. Physicians. the
world over, endorse It.
11111 N hated h Sitdbiai
Suet k Sews, DNMrL1v. AL Drvesiste, Oa AM.
tee t.xwerlr.er of a tallied N..ter ..0.
It a. Leaded 1rewm tete S.amra
flus, the Oalvestun airily Sews.
Fully forty mon started out fro:n this
place Saturday afteruoon to shoot ducks,
awl Ili
one party was 1'turley Ainsworth, a
married man, who baa rustded here for •
year and a half. .1.1oawurth got arparrted
(rout the rest ot the party, but, tha game
was M plestiful that by 4 o'clock he had
bagged twelve ducks and oue brant, and
tht.kiog he hal as many birds as he needed,
concluded he would return hone. 11e was
probably lege than these 1ni:ea from home
at that time, but the rushes were w bitch
that he cou1.1 not see the tale ,m ileeetecte
at the mills, and before i be sun went down
he Iost*lits reckoning. Nut returning home
at night, h s wife became alarms 1, sod ai
daylight Sunday morning • party of twelve
took • boat and pulled dowu the river and
up ('oaway'■ Bayou. where they found
Ainsworth'* boat pulled up on the *here.
Twelve men started auto the marshes to find
the Inst man, but met with no success.
lletweeu 4 sod 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon
Ainsworth walked into town iutte exhaust
ed, laving wandered all Set urday afternoon
all that night, and the whole of Sunday w
water from six taches to two feet deep,
where the rushes were ten feet high and rt
thick ne could not see three feet before him,'
with the rattle of oouutiesa hocks ot ducks
;awes evelbead, the doleful inane of the
lonely bt.l1 frogs and the koarie, dull, deep
bus roar of the hundreds of alligators that
abound in the dark and muddy wallows.
All through thew low marshes he wandered
knowing that be Itad • sink wife •t home,
whose anxiety would increase with every
hour he was delayed, and with the weight
of the game he bad titled added to the gun
'Mid carte -ogee. lie nad nothing to eat sine.
Saturday. He had no idea of the course he
was going or u het direction he was tram
home Ile waoderel, by the merest •cci-
deot to the river hank, which he followed
for several hours, and finally crowing 'over
on the timber and booms to the Texas side
nine miles above town, and came down home
without knowing peeitively whether he was
going to or from t orange :1s soon as he
got to the bank of the river he threw his
duck. •way. thus relieving himself of fifty
pounos of burden that he had forgotten he
was. encumbered with.
Those who went in search of the lost
hunter returned Sunday, in response- to a
signal announcing Ainsworth's return.
Itemmark r Old Mail Insurance company
pensions Its member* at 40 yeah of age.
1 he name of the mao who lights the
statue of hbarty to \Weehinrtoa nightly is
Mr. America.
A rattlesnake killed by .lames I.raham of
Columbus, lett, measured nine feet in
length and had thirty nine rattles.
In South Ameri.a they boast of • beetle
that averages • foot in leugthand butterflies
fourteen lochs from "tip to tip
A powder made Iron a fossil known as
"the devil's thumb" is regarded both as •
c.rro and a preventative of whooping cough
in many parts of England and Ireland.
11y • remarkable piece of engioeeri.s
nearly 1,500 acres of salt meadows AM
Bridgeport, t on. , have been ditched,
diked against the tide, and arerapidly being
got into upland gram.
The eotering wedge of • fatal complaint
is often • slight cold, which a dose er two
ofAyer's Cherry Pectoral might have cured
at the comm.uc •tent. Therefore, it is al -
violable to have this prompt and sure remedy
always at hand to meet an emergency.
It would be difficult, says the St. Lou's
republic. to convince the average man that
fir es a'troncer wood than oak, but s.ob
has been proven by act ual taste that wore
made by • fair and impartial committee ap-
pointed for that purpose. The timbers end
were each 214 inches and four feet loog,
both ends solidly braced, and the weight
applied ie the middle ot the span. Yellow
fir stood a *Vain of 3,062 pounds, oommon
Oregon oak, 2,922 pounds. Fine grained
yellow fir from near the butt *trod a strain
of 3,635 pounds and beet Michigan oak
snapped with a strain of only 2,428 pounds.
The tarts were made by the \nrtbern
Pacific Railwat oomp.4 alTaco a, R'uh.
Folk, who hope are ..•.rally folks who
Then can be no tree politeness without
the pew. tee of self denial.
Many • prayer for a revir.l has been de.
hated by • church entertainment.
Small Sager ('sated Burdock Pills do set
gripe or aokrn. They are mild and effec-
tual. 4
Moine people sever pray for • revival to
come as • lime when it will interfere with
their week.
No mare nauseous Mlle required ' Eget
jay's Liver !Assegai are pleasant to take
and better than pills.
kverybedy hooves "het the sue has spots
ea it. and yt sem. people nitrite. expect •
10ye•r-old boy to be about perfect.
Daniel had time to pray three tine •
day, but some obsroh members thuk they
are deiag well if they pray once • week.
111 your tongue is coated use Feel jay's
Liver Laster la Tkey will set veer liver
workiag healthfully •.d purify the blood.
Adam was put set o1 Use fer eemrft-
tieg vas aa, sad yet there aro hers end
thieved who expect te be made treleeste is
heaven became their wives belong to the
fthileb'. Cure ie seta e. • gamest*. it
e.res i.eipi..t .toss. ptiea. It is the hest
sough ewe. Daly ems awn • deer • $ ata
W eta. sad 111.00 per bottle. 81& by ill
bsrgite. • w
k r•. Fauna and Ilcr Fellow rel. -no -re
I oultuitleil to Strad Friel.
Looks t ery Mack Agates, /pe Aasweed
I rto Maggie Stela'. Et ld1•..'. COIF
ruboraed by Another MI 11 -
owes Trial at N. -at
Tuao%T0, Feb. 9 The trirl u( the as.
ewers' trio in the ca -e of allr',trd poisoning,
iu which au attesunt was said to have bees
Wade Ula the life of a's'ter h'n-ru., • hotel -
keeper sl Sharon, bMettler,
his wife. his htler,
named i tauten, an 3 dung u.an nomad
Pe'.'g.. slue up in the l'ounty Court beam
Isere yesterday.
lee first wituees to give evidence In the
we was Maggie 15.1.1, • .errant girl. Her
--eidetic* was of a decidedly seneatiuual
nature. She (tail heard Pegg tell Mn
Evans that the only wily now left was to
try the stuff in oyster*. She saw a letter
that Mrs. Evans wrote to Pegg. who wee
going alt a visit to Tuynuto. truing hint t .
Ix ►nee
and buy the staff that atert.•d
with 5 wheu he reached the elty. She
had also seen l'.•,te's reply. which slated
that he could not 6'et the nog 111 the city
wallow being found out, •lid alro ols h. r
to ..u.j i;..,.rgs to Bradford or lluuut
ahem. 1 /sin se had been went to Bradford
.111 of the girl Heid'. evidence wee of a
most startling and damaging chara.'ler as
she told the *dory 4,1 the domestic d./.deity
exitt.ug betweeu Evan. al! his wife and
of the suspicions relations the young man
Przs hal with Mrs Evans
The whole case before it is completed
proo,ises to develop rinse of the most sen
rtioual evidence heart in . uurt foe ut•nv
T.•.,..yo. Feb 10..- ri, moienes given
yesterday in the alleged . res wt attempted
plisoeing brought agrin.t Mrw }:Want,
'harlrw Ppgg anti i leer!* *Nolan, was most
damaging to the aettxd trio.
.1fter Maggie Keit' hadfiuodied her story
..1 the doings at the Evans house, lir
Lewis 11. i'ampbeil, of Bradford, gar. his
testimony. Ills evidence corroborated the
statrtuerlte alma.ty published. t leorge
• *num ha,' Imrehasol :10 grain* of strych-
nine on f%oeulber 20 and 20 grains ou
Janna•- 4, saying that he wanted to poi -
"on foxes with it.
after aarimber-of other witn.uass were
.:•opted. ell going to damage the accused,
lira. I•:vaus wee put on the stand, after
with h the t'rowu testes its case.
The three urboners wete then e ,totnit-
ted to stand their trial at the next maims.
Haller Campbell Charged With rerjw
at Ilse laqurat on His Nrulher'e (Math,
tir..tlti.k-row-Y, Feb. 10.-5 IDOP inform*.
Eon was laid yesterday with (tome a Ken-
nedy.J.� , by Alexander 1. anipbadlleharg
ing \\'alt r Casupbell with perjury at the
inquest of his deceassl brother. 1 war
rant W$ issued for \1 alter'* arrest So
far he .•.sunt be found. but the conatablee
expect to otertake him before many hours
.0 10%
Several others, who have been miscun
ducting tbrluselves lately, will be suss
mond for di.,.rlerly conduct. Next week
will be unusually lively and the magi.
trate* are preparing for heavy work. The
authorities aro bound to stamp out all law
leasnees, and those who cawsut .how clear
ly bow they make a living will have to
leave the town or take the consequenoea.
Aril Killed Nb second Wife sad Hassell
1• Year of lspoure.
IIMotesx, 1'eb. 9.—A few years ago,
while the west riding regituent was here,
Serg. grant of the regiment was married,
and when the regiment went to Jamaica
be left his wife behind. .t few weeks ago
she heard he had married there and she
wrote, telling hist she was ,ping ou the
*tinnier alpha on her next trip to expose
him When the Alpha ties sighted on her
last tris., (:root, who was then connected
with the army pay department, being first
clans staff-eergeaut, decided un killing him-
self and his second wife.
He first poisoned the woman, and after
taking a walk about the camp he returned
and laid down beside the dead woman,
placed the muzzle of a loaded Martini ride
to his head and touched off the trigger
with a roue, death being immediate. lire.
(trait did not go down on the Alpha at all,
tat is still here.
The tragedy occurred at Cp Park Camp,
Januar 20 and when t irant's door was
broken open a ghastly spectacle was found.
Mts. Grant was thought to have been
poisoned eighteen hours previous to the
shooting The bnllst pierced throngh his
chin and'rmad out between baa month
and nose. He w_ w 30 years old.
The Trench Are Jea1ews,
FARM. Feb. g.—The Steels mutable a
violent article against England. Ths
writer gays that Britain has meted in
Newfoundland, Egypt, Madagascar. the
Soudan and Siam ae thon;ttl the world be
longed toper He able that the time for
an explanation from treat Britain is ap
Wettish Captola. Rewarded.
I.o.ners. Feb. 12 --The }iritish captain.,
Burke and frond, have received a ,add
watch and chain each front the United
Stats gocernnieut for saving the crews ,if
the American vessels Acme and Peter
Cromwell respectively, on October 11 mid
November it _- _
New Bro.awblk ead.e WNW at K idd'i,
• }' .leas
Rata tlltag
One trent.
ban fa slim.,
SH I LOH ltd
AIROTAT IO1 e. Qa tIW!•.'i>t
.o.. luAJaaaTill �
• • • • • • •
If you
Linen to
be White
as Snow,
Ieau oat teat Weft it
you bace seer tried
Owe* who use ft what
they 00110 e1 11, then try
it for yourself. The re
salt will pleat. you, and
roue clothes will be
washed in far lees thus,
with Less Labour,
Greater Comfort. and
will be whiter the.. t L, y
hall. ever hero before,
when you used a 1.iary
SOAP is perteosl pun,
lad eout•tas me urt-
a11 Obtained* to ore
slaw your embed Ce
TOW hands. Greatest
care is easrcieed 1a its
Manufacture. and 1 to
quality is M appreciated
by tie eubh,• that,. has
the Lament Male of any
Soap a the Wd,hl.
tot the lest way to de-
ride the /natter' 11M
by enquiring what the
ratlerlenes Le ul tbose
wbo already use it.
tecoodl , 1•. • fair trul
yourself. tun are not
committed la any way
to um the may all we
ask is : Don't Delay. try
It the next wuluog day.
• • • • • • •
Boys should not consider 11 manly to list
profane language.
They ought oot to hold others up to ridi-
cule anywhere.
They should not indulge their propensity
of playing tricks.
they ought not to read dangerous crook■
and papers.
They ought not to interrupt •theta in
their coaveration.
Neither ought they to deceive their
teacher, or their parents.
Boys ought not to sem ke, for at Ceti r
their nervous system.
Boys should not backbite others. It ift.
mein to do M.
Boys should hart the greatest pwsible
horror of lwtoxiostiog Brisk.
Boy. should shun evil companions mule,
d demons from below.
Boys should ever hear in mind that
eye te upon them always.
Boys should couttnually struggle to
come their special bad Mihail.
Itoye. cultivate self-respect ; you
of the future. t)rphan'a Hulyuet.
1 ole/ss an Ias.l&
Colonel i;abet.. Pierce, the tate Minister
of l'urtu,al, once picked up in his arms a
young lady wbo stood hesitating it the cor-
osner of the street in an Indiana village, un-
•hle to cross it, because a slower had tilled
it with a rushing torrent of water. The
young lady submitted without protest while
the I'olooel strede gallantly through the tor-
rent quill he deposited his fair charge on the
opposite sidewalk, with dry feet. " sir
she then said, indignantly, "are you aware
that you have insulted me
" I was not aware eif it," replied the col
onel : " but seeing that you are right, 1 beg
so make amend..' So saying, lie picked up
the protesting damsel and restored her to
the point where he had first made ber ae•
Fewest ••Iwu1.-
" 1 will," when said in right down faith,
says an exchange, is the mast emphatic and
declarative sentence in all the world of tan
guage. You ,an tie to " I will " feeling ab-
solutely sure that at no time aro you likely
" to he given away." A modified proniw
or anent amunnts to but little, for in the
very nature of to expression, it may mean
something or nothing, so you are kept in a
state of constant, anxiow doubt- A positive
•' no " • a better wayof putting the fact
than a half "yes.' o know the wont and
then provide for it, is always an economy of
o.e's individual resources.
" 1 will " Imes forth to conquer; It burns
the bridges all along is line of march, for It
recognnw no retreat " 5ne'eed or die "
almost invariably briny SUCCORS. (t is your
'Wet heart which never wins the fair lady.
To he up and doing with the aseurance of
the victor ie to win the field, however ob-
stinate the foe. " I will " is the scriptural
faith in objective form, which reawcts the
mountain and oasis it into the depths of the
sea. What this world most "weds is a poet
tile, aggressive declaration, to be followed
by positive, a ye action. " To tight
it out on thus toe If it take. all summer"
has in it nothing of surrender. " 1 will" is
the trump cud that who, the trick, so that
he who holds it env know that he can play
•lose, and Inakes a march every time. " 1
will " not only appropriates in • personal
way the present, but it lays fta ontatret.ch•
ing hand upon the future and secures it with
all that it hu in store. " 1 will" is the ful-
fillment of the promise, for it o•rries with
it the rightful claim to the promise.
A. L b,I a*
• '•Wse.ut, AmplormirrirriVethtsith of
w 400'"
"To he .uah. it wouldn't be the 400111
' How'. that •"
" Why, ninny, it weaid only be the
D.) you feel the weaken. 14 ops' Son.
lees die •t an age at wbMb• Din arty..*.
Take F.ssljay'. Liver Lef•yse.
ESTIgl1nmL,b IHSS.
Buchanan & Son,
el Aerr►aanrsm0
Dealer Is all kind. of
AM bundses1 atrial et every dascriMie.
School furniture a SDecialtl.
In order to get Our Stock Reduced we will Offer
In all Line3
Lamps and Lamp Goods,
Cutlery and Silverware,
Granite and Puritan ware,
Carpet Sweepers,
Clothes Wringers,
Japanned, Tin, and Copperware.
We have a Fine Assortment of Stoves and Ranges
and if you are thinking of buying anything in this line we
think we can suit you as to quality and price.
--iGOODS ! -
The nest Quality of Christmas
Fruits, Nuts and Confectionery.
This i_ a genera question awl Steam Pallet. TYo7'kS.
one to which you should give uK•STAHLISH[p'1fell.i
1f not, you ran .sally get sat
isfact.on by calling at
A large quantity of ItEA1l1 \IAAF:
('U)THlS(: on hand will he disused of •t
whatever they will bring. fall early and
get Bargains.
"Ry a thorough knowledge of the hatnnl
laws which govern the operations of digestion
and nutrition, and by a careful application of
the one oropertie• of wellaekw-led Cocoa, Mr
Rppe has provided for our breakfast and sup
per • delicately flavoured Merralge which may
ave ns many heavy doctors' bind, 11 is by the
jodMloua ser of such articles of diet that a con
atiturea may he gradually built up uat11 @trona
enough to reties every tendency to disesee
Hundred* of mobile maladira arta floating
'around as ready to attack wherever there Is a
weak point. We may escape many- a fatal
abaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with
ppaar, blood and a properly nourished frame.'
Ciel! Senna.. Ilaseff .
Made tempi) with (riling water or milk
Sold only in tlackeu.by (tracers, labelled the
JAPES [TT% a 11'.» Led., N..tw.ps50ie
11ea1aM, t•e.4... [sassed
*En 'ww
IM MO. AMrltlr
Army M
oN PaA [M*
0OPVRIeNT a, ate.
tiler co Rn
.dh.eels. to
MmE a tic let ay, Mew yaa..
IYa.e seem. l.. In Rao .•w
seeneveg patent. 1n A~ el
wee gateM taken set o f *e le tw..wbt Ware
me r.1,1i. to • ant,.• rhos tree M ,i•rye In t..
"cirntific American
:fi sfay.eAwsMaMe as
Siureseor tot try,'al it(ack,l
Manufacturers of all kind* of Station-
ary Marine, Upright Jr Tubular
Salt Pana, Tooke Sta.ks, Sheet Iron
Works, et.. etc.
Also dellen in Upright and Horizontal Slide
Valve Knott Nes. Automatic ('ntOR Kawines a
p.rialty, All sizes of p1 e and ;ipe names
constantly on band. Italimates furnished on
aeon notice. Repairing promptly attended te.
23121; P. O. Il ox .t7. (ioderich, Ont.
Worka-0p.mitsp. T. R. Statics.Oedarice.
•xn UT.*a Tx*1Rn m.want.s.
Specific and Antidote for
impure, weak and impoverished blood, dy.-
pepssa aleeplems, palpItatwn of the
heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, lose of
memory, hroochitie, oonsum tion, gall
stones, jaundice, kidney and unnary
diseases, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg-
ularitiee and renerwl debility.
J. M. McLE011,
'Roprieter and Manufacturer.
Mcl.rotie Murree Raxot-ayon oars le dab
Nom all d 10 town, as well as frees
MI the d between Owen Pound and
Ssatrwtb, Breast•, Durham •ed Toronto.
2317 Iv,
means the kid-
neys are in
troilk/a D.dd'.
Kidney Pills yam
prompt relief'
76 per sent.
of di
ret caused by
disordered kid-
" Night es Iwill
try to Matra •
k.eltky city
.+itheet sewer -
ego, as good
keen* mew the
kida•ye er•
slogged May ars
Sole by al deb.. an
d prim se .moa me
i : maw' /Y,oMedd ' Oa
the scavengers
of tM system.
Delay Is
dangerous. Neg-
lected kidney
trouble. result
Ire sad flood.
Dyape a, Liver
Cone *int, and
f he moat dan-
ysreus of all.
frights Diss..,
yetes and
-The abau•
diseases cannot
•rfet Where
Dodd's Kidney
Pills ars weed.
seal by art es n eige
be. tee sin air hp.
Tes.atl. Trina ■ir