HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-22, Page 5THE FIONAI,: G9DRRIOH. ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1894.
Wbst we have for you this week In
the hue of
erste. ens: roe the boat value luu were
.ter offend•
Our be. Hero Comb.
Our D.. !lora Comb.
Our.;,. Block Unssala,l L'uuih.
OW' IOa Black '
Alse our 10c. Tooth Itruebcs.
t_'_r Comb are Just as asap ea our Soap..
W. 'ch Oar
that .1is-
I Iiia Z\ !'UtaVONIC
---Cetves instant relief
in -tbd worst eases[.
Try a bottle and
siti.fy pour.elf that
this is 3o.
Prepare.] only by
J. E. DAVIS, Phtn. 13,
1ledival Ball,
TOSIIIIIro Wanted.
T- EN bRII1.-
seal.•d tcsders w111 b reoelsed up 'o the I_ab
r,b. 1,S. for secretary of W. Iluron t Dees.
t•p. tiro ter wale of caber. Lowest or any
soder i.e' 111eoear.r7 accepted.
JOHN VI'YIN. Pres. W. JON103. Bee.
%mo le
f Mi
',k:4G$R. O( YAI/CJ! t AND
- >- ermie• • l0wwfellt$rttL s Hoa1
e a 11 ..1131' TO LEND ON MORTGAGE
Kial&S4 rar asst. H.bn dhscoweted, 0.
osis oppoMte Manistee llet•l.Oodc-
k f ONEY TO LOAN. - S25,000.00
1 Private Inds to lead aty per oat. an
n•iWy. Ula L DANC*Y.Hsrt.s's Moak.
orpnrle 0elbema. Mad, Onteroh. 40741
sOeiisas lattareece 1leep{ a" bwcet
vrates. Oie•-Qtr. Neetbet seed I MOod-
'1'CAMERON HOLT & HOLMES.t lett.rft a
at lowest ro` asfeseMettof Parsee Ir Mul ..
ans. Apo
tea* MOW & PROUD
.3.. surest" Real Wean aad Mean
L.s.iww, Only tlssl.lsss ees/eew
MwsNM. Messy M Lead en suierli
Isms. M the lowest nue et Msse0 • ie
lotT w17 .e Oak ares sarewer Oa -claw. see.
ot der tram treapmars. Wen IMetrree-
tip. .J w.iiMs.
;ill PER CENT. (WF
cur nolle Cash Pricta
Nu Goods marked
up in price to give
this discount off, as
i 1 thine 111 other
Inspection and colu-
pari-o1k of prices in-
t it* d.
Jordan's Most. OetterLcL
Jm 11. 1111.
Loot or FOinteL - - --
shout .; p to . on the reed to Port Albert,
a brew ■ plaid was bet, It was missed afloat
a mile north ut Sanford The Iu.1er will be
arses, mustard by leaving .t at FRRASER
a PORTKWll :Td -1t
Publlle $Oboes,
The Milk Itoatc of the West Huron t'be.•+e
Cis. tf.'t'dt, w112 be sold hoAurtlun al the O.-
aaas Hall Nile. on March Sth. at 1 o'clo.k
T(lllS4 Tt rF17 . N M. JONES.
PrrNdewt. tee/. Nile P.O.
Nile. Feb. mit. 1.1. 21.3-_a
IN.t - lead Lsuwn ar Hig Uleadow.rtalt
flout teal 1st to Not emhrr 1st. V. r par -
licit. re address It. YOUNG fili .iru•oo.l Merin.
fealtfurd, :.t it
_ _Animals for Sale.
1312.8F.'11 SALE. -THE ShKSCRIIl-
1 er offers far sale a somber at lance tot -
whaler. swine of both a.•aea set
prises. JOHN Ti IO/ N. M Itc T,O.
s, -St
lNSOl1► far bales Or far Malt,
trM concession. thelerteb Ww.-
eetenty of Huron. Inaba fresh Godes-Mk,
ttoosistfsg .sf I IC acres mon r le -s. Hart Ma
.20. neatly new. good crdu ed of choke fruit.
wall watered with spriest creek, as„.excellent
marine farm. can 4.c Weight oer easy terms.
ADW) to JOHN K%O'. Asetisseer.
Int I le the tozoken trent. west of the Labe
road to the Weetera der bade., Toweehlpp of Co:
borne. county .4 Heroes.:1 utile, from Oo.feHeh
eompr*.Inif Iib acres Lance bask earn. trod
Fame hoax 11 story high. newly new and
gaud orchard of chili.: fruit. can W bought on
may terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Auction
Mork A ani H Loki- noire. in the township
of Colborne, consulting not NS acres more or
)ear. Titers aro oe the prewit's, • frame
ltc::,wo frame barn and good stn ::tall. About
*nee }cues oicbard of cbobe fruit. Ahot:t
u% acres of bush. Thi-* farm Ie coordered •
Reesclaaa grazing farm. The farm can la
divided_to won purcbasets and nought on easy
terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX.
Hone snot lot is the town of (listen. -Lot
Il, Marr st., opposite the oil woolen null. morecom-
potfratae house 1! ore high. 9 rooms,
os• outdati,w with mood cellar, all In goal
Mmaw.ae of maw. Apply to JOHN N ENOX.
S1tf. A uctloneer.
I41OR SALL-N. } LOT 31, 2ND OON-
1 oasioa. 1a0 Waymire& tee area This
rytsb. Apply to PHILIP HOLtowsT. {7 s, •oar
told homestead of the late James Case -
day. of the tuwnstsp Of Kest Wewtost. be-
ing last half of lot At. oeeoesslon 1. on the
gravel road ,bat Made frost Ood.rich to Wing -
hem. It is sitnat•.tt about 00 rods from Aub -
arse • privug vile with four chueebs.nd
a sAwW sear at bawd- A oosparaUveiy sew
trews hams with eaves Woo ressessea asps
w/tb ether 0Mrre splenoes. mad /0M Mak hers
tMableWO sembMrpslenaseaaro Tno true aro he
l lpts CtM T Alines P 0. ` tfr
r eempason at
Win.floteteosdslsesa0 blt>1MIsr: Klmwa0
I. H. BTI'. anneals P. O. t
SOUV Improved and ulsprored fart:
Lada at distmen varytrt from 1 to 12 dM
from Qu'Appell• Stmto., N. W. T.. per Mb
miry cheap. No Mier 1•e& ler MOM awe
tag an to be towed lCamAK- i
/ser fall particulars enelf to
{04.40 fae•S mP.
J •.went We taew will be Me Roe k120 ea the
014 Piper MIs. prapert, sad w111 hare fresh
I n. 4.7 A.r pp IM. B M4*g yN egse always tea
hood. Prf.ss right Seed arm seders.
r, M JOeE 0adNrlsh P.O.
1 Sm pwperd indent Made st amain WNW
Mann shw
art engem WI
MW b rasalwg an 1 have the been awl Mt Isproved
w,se4.4.dry dispiaeh ..d lease Priam
se a•Ya No delay V S*Otutyour ober bone
with rm.
ally If
J MACHINE WORK& To the p.Mle:-
0' Remiss Nes f sad 1 Sewn Rawl
ram had reline ad feet •fauces. Walter/
Nes 7 mol I plswa AsrMa
Some twin
Plenpmw R 14.. 4.0 111.MSIpRdNe
atulllere. the iseeers. Wadei- El "1a01tla1,0 rs1Abay to
00114.0 OW ninal.
BARK, ter erlppS,110.
Area, Ibo.
W ILIUM 11 CATs MIE etiieflv ,Alm still r
to taak a mak
wawa CATINIAaT4.0WW1 • OW
'mown Olos nodal for iso 1* 111NO
•',rLmes% 1Asmw t, IIl1Ni !less.
tie► s
TM llas_iels Colon&
bi EAR O. T. RT. STATiON.-
t*s.We. Retro No. 1. 01.00 (sea cu Ind chasmneare
1enr1 sbsaab•
DOORS. SASH ago BLINDS. equally los.
MAPLE Aon WtRell FLOORING. k11a dried.
DRY BEMLOCK. ter bandlres. LATH PICK•
!ITB, OA1'L ..so.. eta
My &le1PH KIIDD.
Agelds Stamm
aseni1sT' or ohne, sad hardy aarr,rl
Meek .403106 ,scary r emas(sl,n. We ,4
r give ear sea the pNyadwe N ,Mtlng our
sew avid obese, serials of wed p,s *s .
Swear* the •essay es sane,whish w10 hawd
7. { l mow , !IIS tine a 111
. yl., IIAY COMPANY Nereus
tmin ens,in
- e N. T. et Cltetee deed Pats
M A N W A N T S I)
Ye peef fe of Iowa Apaq. este
m, Nfhe
.0 a part. 410.1 tta •a
re u
•4 xis vwleALlssm tNm`d Ot .rwhads
"sli eft sM write R
It T.
Tse SO.u*L tr ilea AdMr a y.
N Met et te yew flMs year.
uotITt tecs
Dellis smllf..ri and is...provcr-tltH.
tel..a t„ 1 ,,j• .1:: .4. vl.
ri• .T'.ap'.a• , :eelFre l:e•-
ter '' •t!relined enj elifenln►n.lnit
lean e- • rl►•1..411 , Ly w , o i,ra1_.i.:4
ala tl. 1.•i'1'3 n"o•altee to
the t: ^31 c0 ph•-v;vit heir,. will attest
the r,..•l)f...: !.,;..•J
Iaw:i3O p.u.wf..u. a:saL:t.:r.. La ..._
I....:ay, Syrup of Fig*.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the term Inset ac.:p**L'e and pleas- ,
ant to the tai.te, the refreshing end truly
beneficial prelierti s of • peefece L's-
atlee ; effectually elenneeng the ti) stem,
dispelling a ell's, ben nches and fevers
and peru,.u.ently tering onestile.tio'n.
It Las given aatiafactern to for lLols at:d
met w=•!1 the aper„rd- of the medical
pt..fesei••n, because it acts on the Kid-
ney s.
iJ.neys, Liver and B.•.,-ls wi't.. nt w•^.►k-
ei.:ng them said it is lierfeet' . free from
every objectb'nable subet:u.ce.
Syrup vt Fig in fur sale by all dreg -
gists in 7:se. bottles, Mit it is suatiu-
factured Ly tho Calif.,n,it Fig Syrup
Co. may, M hose• name is 1 •r atttd olb r t cry
pacing?, 01110 the name. S) rut) of tics,
and being well informed, yen wi:1 bot
accept any -substitute if offered.
Midairse V
▪ tot sale one of the beet steads 'in tar
County OM%iron. Solae agoo1 tusf.er. poet
,Woe la tonne., tion : ••ustfortable dwelling .lx
rooms : gnodatooeme:jerge Mehl more of
land. for ([weber-partteuMn s H0)1
•Uk: NE WTI 01. Pc -see. Nty Pit to is.
of . Music and Tbetm-cape Warm,
Wenda., Doe door pits of (Lor P4.. nna'.
- - Logal 9a1tf.
11 THK 10... ]la!IUP or .ereionsei.
P. W. J. HAftI:IS FSTATii.
Pursuant W • lodgment made heroin. tbere
will be ofkred fur sale at the Colaorae Hotel.
is the Toga 0f Ooderich, County of Horan. on
the 1•nh .1 .y of March, .1.1). 1.9 I,
at twelve o'clock, aeon. by and with the •p•
prohatb. of M. Maailteop 2:sen, ISs.tuire. Master
at tioaerteh, the [libelee valuah:e prolerty
I'si:eet. No. 1, --Beteg part. of Lots S end tt.
in the 3rd and Oto Conc•,seione of said Town-
ship • W.I) t This property eonains of 1.1:
arra 1.10 acres aro cleared seal in a rand
stele of cultivation The balance is timbered
with hardwood. prine'pally maple ae4 beech.
Them Le a frame house and good frame Gane
baro, with stables underneath. and lar,ra shed
attached. Then is alio an orchard et good
fruit -bearing tree.. The Buil ie a clay loam.
tacit watered, and In every way a 4.1,4hlr dr -
suable farm. This property Is altnate.l oboe'
32 miles from the Torn of Ooderich, on a
leading gravel [road.
PA,tcil. No. 2. -loot 7, Concession 1, in sold
Township 1W.1)., costwiniog one hundred
acres. Abont &sweaty W. acres of this Lot
are elearcd. well Mooed and in • good Mate of
cultivation. Then aro about four acres of
good timber. pnocip.11l wept• and beech.
Also a goad frame house with frame kitchen,
and ,tone futwdatlon wader elbotr banding.
A :rood frame tearn 3.'iS•', with stable under
nes. h. The handing* are comparatively now.
and everything is io good order. The soil is a
clay loam. well watered with • saver-failies
aortae. This farm i. situated about 4, miles
from the Town of Ooderich.
I'.*. gt. No. k --North pert of Lot No. 2t,
Maitland Cos., Is aid Township. containing
17 acres. This land is all timbered
maple. beech and hemlock : la situated six
mils from ('Baron and 11 mils from (:ode
Ten per omitdown on the day of 'ode to the
V ,odor, or his Solici•or.. god tha balance Into
Court with(. Ibirty days tbereafter, when .4..
purchaser will be emitted to a conveyance
nod to be let Into pones stem. If deet gad
setisfwuorl arrarutemests made. posesioo
Min be fibra at *am. There w Ili be a re-
IMlMid conditions are Ibe standing con-
ditions o0 tb i • Court. For further particulars
apple to iL C. Hays, Nag.. Messrs Cameron.
Heti t Ho nsee. std tho aaderaiooad
Dated at Ooderlcl, this 1004. 4*, of Febra
ail, 1014.
Mater at Ooderich.
Vendor's Solicl •ori.. 2 t33.R
•eear4sr Freese.
Oinew x. February 21. 1M1.
Wheat. etaadard 0 11 to 0
.... 03:.x0(.0
411 IS MN 1116
••t tea t
d /e d Wheat
HUDSON. Joseph Acheson Hudson,
youngest else of J.a Hodsou, of 1►• Parr
here passed away ea Woduesday of lest
week, aged 6 years .ad 5 months. He had
Ibeen dl Daly a few days.
BAKAD:. There diel et .the residence
of !'.trick Glavin, Stephen. the other day.
Mrs. John Berrie, in the 7iich year of be:
sage. She was well -knows to her many
friends awl relateoa by the wme of the
queen, and was aunt to T. ('ou,thlin, ea M.
1' , el Stephen township.
WELSH. -(lac of the old and esteemed
residents of Stephen, a the person ul Wei.
Wnish of the 3rd cos., Dred on Sunday at
the ad..acel aIle of 74 year,. (turn in lag
land, he come to Canada at .n catty date
awl settled in the township of Sta•phes io
the prta,tttvo days Ile leaves • widow
.uJ grown up family of sou and daughters,
all were provided for.
M. 91 - I.nbella waw Mt:queen,
relict of file late James Mc'Jaeeo, died o0
the 5th hast, at the rn,Jesce of her son, iso
the Io.uduo read, near Hruoehcld. D.eeeaed
war taro oo the lath of May, 14121 , in the
village of .3sooum, near Jedberg, in Rox-
burougbah,re, Scotland. !ler father, Dr.
Swan, with his wife aud family, wme to
this country in 1333, and ..ailed for • time
oa the 1:r..nd liner, bet soon carte to
"freewheel', where he practise,! till bis death.
.Is. If `-1 she marriedwas .rried to Jar. Mc•!uetn,
fart Imes that time she lived on their farm
to •ta4ilay.
elcNElle -The mother of Peter end
John McNeil, 14th con., trey, .lied on
1'uns.l.y of [hip week at the advanced age
of :'3 years. She was the relict of 1h.oa1J
11c\etl, and bad been ill for several years
1.1 the home of LLT sun Peter. The funeral
took place on Thursday. Rev. I). le 11.:
Pee conduct..' the revelers. Rather • sad
exterisace !are fallen to the lot of !Pr. Mc-
Neil as no len time four deaths have token
Alam in hie home in about 13 months. Hi*
brother Ales. diel on lees':ober 2.10, 11192:
41rs. McNeil on April 106, 1313. Win. •
son, nn Oct. 2nd, 1833, and now the aced
el, li EN /.1 t . --The follow seg nc lice taken
from lite South Haven Record, referr to the
death ot a futmer citrzea of 1.o.1 -rich: !'apt
John if M. Ket•ie, for several )ears one of
'..uth Haven's most respected ctttzm.,pass-
.d quietly away at his r sideuce 00 South
Ilene .'tech WeJec.ay n.orniog, Feb. 7.
1 he funeral Scot pace under Masonic nus•
pets teutelay, Feb.11. at 1 30 at the house and
at 2 o'clock at the M. B. church. Rev. S. 1 ..
Strieleand oil:elated, &misted by Rev. C.
11.11'. Brower of tide Cuogregnti• Dal chard,
the 4l•senic burial ceremony be eg perform-
ed at the grave, IN:ceased was born on the
Isle of Cape Rodeo, Previa. a 0f Nova -coria,
Jaauery 20, 1851. and was therefore • few
days more than 43 years ot age at t he time
of his death. 1n 1865, at the age of four-
teen ycu., he acme to the United States,
following the lakes, except one season in the
life saving service at Thunder Bay. March
17th, 1ot0, at Alpena, this state, he was
menial es Maria. daughter of Thome, sad
Saraft Th *map, of l't,.ttbam, flat., and with
ber came to Swth }levee in 1881, .a1 ere
tablahed a home. io 1884 he enlisted in
the life. saviug,ervice at Muskegon, where
he served ten months, and on Manch 7th,
1.;-:-, be wai commissioned keeper of the
Ido saving *tattoo* forth elgieou Islam',
from whence he was trao•fes nod to the South
Have:[ station in .1anu4r7, 1833, and re-
m sesta in cb.rgc till last spring,siuoe which
tote (ailing strength has prevented him sn-
oring in any arduous occupation. His de-
cline Or health, it is believed, begat while
he was keeper of the Manitou Island station,
but dad not disiiuelify him from active ser-
vice Until • few menthe Mace, when the
manifstauou of disease because more ap-
parent, and he placed himself under the
care of his physician, but nothing could
avail to stop the disc .e-.tunsumption of
the towels. For torte Lime it had been
known that he was very seriously ill, but
the public was hardly prepared for the Dews
cf his death. IIe wet father of six children,
two of whom died in infancy. the four who
survive him be:ng.11ex. T. Mary A.,Henry
W. and Maria E., the eldest about tem and
the 7000,0 t about threw years of age. who,
with the stricken and sadly burdened wife,
will have the sincere sympathy of the com-
munity. IIe was an lhouored member, of
the Masonic fraternity, of the Ancient Or-
der of United Workmen and of the Koights
of the Maccabees, and until • year since •
member also of the Order of Odd Fellows.
His genial qualities endeared him to all who
came in comet with him, .tad many wilt
sincerely sspn the loss of !'apt. McKenzie.
• ton..
sew, • bosh
f+bei. • bash. .. 0 {t t. 0 6!
Malay tiro rawer;. • bomb ..::-. .. 0 4. b o to
flan ey'saeosesa 0 Ilia • b
Has••tae 0111e7W
Witter. e4., • 10 to • t~!
(bsss ▪ trash aapmeMed' • h 0 11 0 it co • 10 01 1
Potts .
Lire Hem
Itressed Hem
0 IN to 0 10
I':aid Leet -G. Hamden**. u
Pegs for Sate -J. Tiffin . 6
Store for Salt -Horace Newts.. :•
Sp.cul Sales- Fraser & Porter..., ti
New Tin and Stove -J. H. Wersell
People's Cash Store- I. T. Adamson
Household Limens -W. Acheson &
S on
Mesns.riao--Grand Open House. ,
Orating -1t Teens ........
Pahlie Noires-- Wm. Jame ..
Amities Sales -S. Maloolemes.
Notice-Tna Mrnxai
Lete1-T.tloring-F. .1. Priflbse
Lerml-Phetes-R IL Millie .
A lttmeled'stns with ►.marded fwsh-
dribs Swim oases le ea 'Abides i.
Last year Guelph lost 01,445 in fires.
t -alt boys skate on the pond there on out -
Essex county talks of trying to grow
The revenue from tobacco during 18•.1,3 was
In six months Winnipeg registered only
487 births.
From the Reporter's Notebook
01 4.e't.' a Mile 1n a' ler l oat., 1 rode
le tent 11 t a /hies', Arnot 1e
Tenn' 3Mee, aa' latlk we'll
rreas Ir. ' - Sara..
ft d.da't feel touch like tiering las' sight. but
Boeing it C010,01/ all the care, and if you want
• suit that is amid be euro esti eall at the eme
minute of M. J. I'ridnam, the puop:u'sclot Mfr.
Oo to
R. It. Bellows
for the beet there Is
phot'wi aphis ort,
FINK TAII.OI1ING. Fall and 11'inter
clothe is great %Ariel) vert to rowler'e (soot
end *hoe "eon. on the 8.i,,*re You can hate
a bin choice and rely on go ml stile and tl•at
very modern's orient. IL 31.: 'reins.•• Mgr.
'OZ'R S% STE1esiellealessig ►peear-ks is
not sew. but le wit t, ...o.t is.wul.•.
from the fact that a rare not rest ion- .os .•144
as sur a-, 1. rarely met with n..'.,•1.• of city
eper,atiste (ter the only stand in* ao•l proper
way of loses, el•..ebt• .'all in and bare
your eyes tested. 1. 7, Welsh, optician ml
Jews -lice.
Stitt WC.. IN 1'1.71(2'11 '1'. ('111 E• n L..T
t xuu. J. 4'. nal, of the 1•nllegiste 1u•
sttete, prcach,.t acccpt.ble sermons morn•
tag and eveuiig in Vi -loris-et. Methodist
church ettnday last, in the .*0env el the
pastor, threthgh illness,
Aldi.1.. ,.,t: T.,EI ,. .1.. 4...,1•341.N. '1'.
Rev. A. ('unni,aghauh, ot 1;girl ,h, president
of I:uclph 1 uofereaue of tits. , Jlethothet
church is. Canada, -.was i0 turn Slon.iay
last, arranging program aud otit,: matters
in CH.Ine.tlOn with the meeting of the I'me
terence here in June.
Iiia. R S..1 t1_ • The Epworth IMigne
of North set. Methodist church intend bac
iog a peeler soca et the rsideuce of \Vat.
.t•-bc.on 00 'Tuesday evening, 1'eb.
gond program of .prigs, reads.;:., recitation
aril games has been arr,nged by the crone
nhittee, admission only 15 cents.
A. F1t2:L1 E t-TRi:. Easter ',u:..ley. this
year will be the 251h -of March, as it was in
188, and only three Easter Sunday is the
siw'se.th century have hron at an earlier
date - March 22nd in 131), an 1 Slercb 23rd
*1134S and 185,. The latest .late at am
Fleeter Sunday in this century was April
`'.Path in 1886
New Brunswick has an agit tioo a4punst
the fee system.
Aylmer', condensed milk factory is doing
• five *miners.
The (.. T. R. elevator at Pt. F.dward is
beim enlarged,
Foxes were never se pleat►lal in Bruce
county as now.
sixty years ago there were but three steam
boats on the lakes
The amenable value of property in Ham-
ilton b 4.24,b81,720
lest year (ampbellford manufactured
65,000 railway ties.
About 150 men are employed on the canal
works .t Cornwall.
H.aover's Anglican
Mans of marriages.
The Petals oil producers are figuring on
4.1.10 crude shortly.
The pilotageremipt. at Veneerer last
year were 4.720.30.
Ism[ year Kiog.tos had 425 births, 3.34
d.atthe, 162 sarnages.
Tee. town of W.lkerville has a surplus in
the treasury of 4.9,000.
Kamloops, R. C., has all debts paid and a
surplus in the treasury.
1 1srlNtetews, P. F I., hes ea orgasira-
t4ea olpp..ed is sewerage .
The Port AW inr Cease (lab will hare .
bo upid et die wed et the swath.
tUstem beam spotters bare been doing
1.n work around (tarso recently.
The Qu.M. I.egWtare has ordered the
oodi4Obtias of the ernvtariel law..
Aaron 1. thiaklsr about ening away with
.11 ehureb tee meeting mad .masala
TM fall wheat aside bra very bare, nor
dos Use epee wisher ispr.re time.
church publishes
tee T " i •E,• -Fow pert. tis know what
is meant by a " sire " in the matter of caste,
;hon, etc. A size in a cost is au inch : a
sire in underwear is two inches : a size In a
sock is one inch ; in a collar Osie -half as
inch : in shirts ore -half an inch ; in shoes
one sixth of an inch : troilism one inch :
gloves eno-yuerter of an inch sad huts one-
eighth of .n inch.
Tin Nee Piens. The convectors for
tho piers, Wadden k Mc\aughtor, have
nearly fiuishe.l tour out of the live crihs,and
have started oo the et her. They ex p.•ct to have
them ready t, sink as soon as the ice is
gone. There are five French -Canada ens 11.041
five of onr tot: usenet at work no theist. They
my there is tote of fon *bee one 2( the
French Canadians fall. in and stets wet,
which, by -the -way, is not an unusual a:
curteoce. -
Ft1. 1",,..0-.., -11^c. 1►r. *:. 1..
Mackay, the world -famed mirsivaary from
Canadian Presbyterian church to Formosa,
will occupy the pulpit of Knox 'Meech next
Sunday tnorntnr. i)r. Mackay is. well-
known to some of our old residents, as some
thirty-one years ago be target school seress
the river at Saltford. Durit{g his stay here
he will be the rust of his old friends, elr.
seed Mrs. .1. "tewart, of S.ltlord. The col-
lection on Sunday will be in behalf of
Foreign Missions.
THE 1:11o1.n. Tctn•h r,.•• r: Mrcrta•...
There was a large attendance at the ten.-
peraece hall last Sunday afternoon. The
audience joined heartily in the singing, and
Miss ('nbb favored the meeting with a solo
which was much appreciated. .1. E. Tom,
the president. and Jno. W. \-matter gave
short addresses. The meeting next Sunday
will be addressed ay Pee. .1. E. Howell,
M..1., and the following Sunday by N. I.
Strang, K .1 , principal of I:oderi.•h 1'nllegi
ate Institute,
*:011pR1, n ATn[.ETI. Ct.r.:. One of the
popular iatitatioos of 1 •oderich i, ie athle-
tic club, which, since last September, has
flourished under the iostruction of 1t. 1t'.
fogau, formerly of Barnjium's gymnasium,
Montreal. The club meets tri -weekly
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday sed
goes through • thorough drill in •thletis,
consisting of bar- wallet ben, vaultinv.,
rope climbing. ladder exercise, jumping,
reaming, etc. It is the intention of the
club to give an exhibition during the first
week of March, when • thorough exposition
of the [roues of drill by the club will be
presented. Further particulars will be
given later 0a
R1NCICR At hbreeklemes, Geeer1e4. Tow.
Helm 10 ylm tire. NW R•1. Harvey
The rascal .•el take pis fres 4.i, 1st.
rsMesoa LM K Ors. 4. O.Msreab Tswaskle
es Mem, Fob. SUL se 1 Venn p.m.
Moons sad tell aWU.em w/ please wwert
this I.tleMlea.
DIED IN JaIL. Wm. Black,, aged 63
scan bed Wm Shaw, aged 90, two county
wards, died ia. t'a-il this week the one 00
Tuesday sad Weer ea tVe.Naday.
l he usual inquest,pras boa
F.rtr. .4... ,,.r* -r. Sarah Gauley, • dols.
esti, to the employ of Mrs. F. Martin, was
fatally burned au Thursday morning lug by
the spilling of call oil un her dress walls
cleaning lamps, end the oil afterwards
tchieegg lire from the stow. The poor girl
suucuu.bed to her loonies Thursday e.e,-
mng, and Use remain, wore taken by her
friends, who reside in Ashtiold, to h otail
for burial.
THE Sonrn .1'IL4:l. .. Ili r .t- ii.••
Oak • -(ln our tint aud seems,' page will le
field the annual report of the North
Asaticaa Lite Aruran.. Co., of Toronto
wflich a • most gratifytug v.h:blt and
rpeaks well for the management not this
prosperous Canadian Company Too mach
credit. CaaaoG bee given to the manages(
dire tor, Mr. Nin. Met alo and Use affable
mud cuergetir secretary :1r. 1.. 1 o1.Imaa,
for the marked su.•eess of the company dor
for 1893. The North 1.nerieen Is mere.
sewed is i:odoriclh by F. J. T. Netted, and
when It coma to taking out A I::c p...'t•:•,
cve:youe knows Frei*.
PcRSOVAL PARAQ941112:-3. '
Rev, iI. Irvine hs. beep tory• 111.
John Armour is.isiting Su Detroit :Nis
Nligs 1' Brown. of-tubero, wee in town
'at 1: play.
I he N Lithly'e eldest -daughter is very i11
at present.-
l' .epee wadaved et his hone near
1: ',.rge Acheson returns I teem U :bri.ige
us. Set entry.
elms IC 11'ilsoti visited her t:••tn, is .en
burn Wt week.
C, 4: ;o. Arms:ring and wife are ,pesieli g
this weak in 'Toronto. '
Miss 1unio .Man, of 1►uulop, is t:te g•tee-t
of Miss Lorin 1:lack.
Mia Kate .lohut.ni is Bastin, friends in
Port AIbett this week.
ekes Line Cuatie returced on tetturl.y
from a Kiel* (0 !Janette's.
t1'ill Metes, meruhent. of 1Vin;:h,n:, teas
visiting in town this week.
%V• are worry to state tllat.las.
Britannia Road, is eery i11.
tiIlse Jessie %lel need& of Loudon, !pen'.
-.'o4ay 1.*t with her parrots in to* -u.
Wise Susie. l'rync is •sr.oualy Midis
at the home of Mrs. le'ut, Meek. Flgival,
.I. 1:. Ward, .1.1'., was in town on husi•
nen Monday last, an:l was a wsicotte.l os1
ler at Tu SI. -s .i. olfix.
-Walkerton Telescope : W. el. Rosh
spent two or three days el last we're on a
Moises, trip to Climes and 4:u.l.•,,ch.
Thies T-rimblie-TSI-asi.ic Mich., iebe
had been visiting hie paresis at Dungannon
during the past week, was. in town this
J. l:, Tom, 1. P. e'., is .0 Tnront•, this
week attending the annual u►eriuse of circ
cease teemed 01 r ietatie I 'i a1 T.urp fors
of Tmuperagoe.
Exeter Advocate : Mi't.m I:u.:haoan, of
f.odtrich_'ollegiate Institute, was hole.. for
Sundae. Milton seems to be greatly p leased
with I ; oderich.
'ulucril.e for THE 8s.:. 11,
Horace Newton is uttering his etcre at
p'„rter. Hill for sale.
A .usotity oflee hes l.eee cut in the bare
hoe and packed in the ice hu.tsuy
The Blesser concert sense are glee*A;Of
fest, and it look• as if the colleghaa will
have another bumper house.
\ Dumber of our citizens Jroee to l'ort
:11bert. Monday last, where • tea -meeting
war held in one of the churches then.
The auction sale of T. Whitely hes been
postpooed until Friday, Mar:h 2, owing to
02rcnnut.uces lseyosd oidivary control.
Itch oo human and horses and all animals
cured in 30 minutes by Woolford'.7anitery
lotion. This never fails. Sold by Jas
Milson wed all druggists 30-1y
The 4:oderich Organ has beoo chu,eo is
preference to all '*thee compettton to the
contest at "f'rewe" church, Ath6dJ, GIS
Thomson is the local anent.
1). McIver was charged by J.. •ilbertsos
before Mayor Butler Tuesday last with take
int' coal from the dredge, end committed to
stand his trial at the Assizes.
The holidays of the ).tar will occur on
the following dates : good Friday, March
23; Queen's Ilsrthday, on Therielav : Dom,
Dion Day, on Sunday : Christmas, on Timm
North at tiunday scho,l will hold its an
niverary on Sunday, April 1st. E. E
Scott, of Toronto, is expected to occupy the
pulpit lin Monday evening then will be
GO entertainment in the church.
The annual .aunty Seeley Sabbath Con
vention is held at Clinton on Wds...day
and Thurday of this week, Mrs. R. W.
McKenzie anal Mies S. Acheson are Jere
sites from North -it Sabbath school.
Ret -*VAI. SIRvn-Es (3 VI. T.IRIA-•T.
M[THoni.r Cur mile --Considerable interest
has hewn aumifested is the special meetings
being held in t'ictoru-et.. Methodist church
Baring the put two weeks The pastor,
Rev. 1{. Irvine, has been untiring in his
efforts to push forwad the good work, Mit
Once Wednesday last he he has flees con-
fined to his home os aerostat of illne••s.
(Jape. and Mn. Stubbs, and members of the
N. A Corps, have assisted at several of the
meetings.. also Rev. .1. E Howell, pastor of
North st. Methodist church. Moseley even
ing the meeting war conducted by the itev.
T. glover, of Toronto oonferesoe, who was
in town in the capacity of general agent for
the Newcombe Piano Co. The accomplish
meet of much rood through the iutrurom
telity of these amit.ings is ooa6dently look
ed forward to by many.
Fit.Ta*' ti. \ r.IT. - -(ltiia a number of
the members of Karelia (easel No. 103, R
T. of T., paid e fraterwsl grist to 1).a•
gammon teemed, Timed'', night last. A
saber of conveyances were employed in
carrying the visitors to their destination,
where they were heartily received by ,nene-
ban of Dungannon Council. After the re-
gular badmen of the Royal Degree there
was an istersiswos is order *hat the visit-
ing brothers and sisters from (inderieh
might partake of refrshww.a, which the
1r(j of Dungannon t'aaaea bad aheadset
ly provided for dm newsier. Altar all pre
sent had done putties to the plod this. set
Ware then, an atesllest pregnant of vocal
and instrumental stsniie, reoitatless amid me!
drama war rendered by resaber, of both
o.sofla ih.ga**ou Coew*il ham deme
geed work eases its ronairatina les then •
year eww, .ad sow numbers oder lift7 ,nem
lien is grand etwodisg.The mem of
Odarleh Omani speak well d We hand
some way they were trental, and bops to
base epprteasay d trodpeM<rg sea as
slaty a
.'1c -Til eE F..Y RC/.SE
-and good food in plenty, tends
to slake children hcaltfiy. If
hildren suffer, however, from
jcrofulons, Skin or Scalp, Dis-
eases •- if -their blood is impure
and pimples or boils appear.
they should be given the right
medicine. 1)r: Pierces Gold-
en Medical T.Diseovery brings
about the best h6dily condi.
tion. • It purifies the blood and
renders the liver itctitc as well
as building t:p health - ;Ind
strength.: p41e, v:cak
chdldren get a 11 ting bcnfetit
and •-a 'good -tart" fat t 1 the
use of the I G:tt5,ry... it
j)ttt3 on
does not lia:l-eate and offend
thee' 1tttillat:il like • the various
prcparation:t of Cod liver oil.
It's .; tai4i1lii.td to b?! e'•t or
cure you, or your money • is
1)r. Sage's ('at::rrh R. lne.:y .. • s
is. the 1t..tt1.
The Signal
once more call* epeeist Attentive to its
Job Printing fe cilitiea, which A:c unsar-
pgasei outside : to cities for :he primps
and [roper elevation of al) .Lasers d
-pciateng_ApountaLof thin aunonnee-
ilsgi :nay suggest anetethiag )•nu may
in in rev,' of, and is. s:ach .Ane we Bolt -
est your patronage, feeling confident
that our efforts to phase A 111 r.:c,:tgale
Gs approval. f • tr patrons
-Rett Jetta.
This uful
.:.' .in is kept iii ti:e fu,1
Inge of i1u:Alities sato! as 'ettc0
h•'arl-. V24 4,
i,etk , y \\t. tt( .
Its this 'lice ttre lase a %try :.:rge
stock of flu'.' tvrhing papers. sui:
able for .'eery Anne of bovineor
represented in this lovably, .:oat
pri:fing :aid and wove, linear,
quadrille and other papery, tuied
or •Inrul(rl, as may be required.
ew\O. %%ett
aye *sot Ito geaeralltiesod, they 6:1.
an important place in commercial
corresponlden,••'. See what w•r'1••
but under the alive heed-.
-Wt\\ '‘‘cots
If the " pay 3, -4 -you -go" p:an was
the order of the day the slit.,,:Ol.l
for account paper Sould not he
so great ; but there aro *clue sten
who get so many dunners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at prevent our stock is cow
plete in this line with four sines.
p Good paper and newt ruling.
hoiXe \e fib
Both single and double dollars
and cents columns. They come
cheaper than hill helado, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once • month. They
are sure to fetch him round -
iirrangementa have been made for the
production of an Irish comedy dram. en-
titled " Troublesome Times in Ireland ".t
the (:rend Open House os Friday, March
16th, under the direction d Harry Hart,
comedian, of Buffalo, and is he•d1a of St.
Peer's R l'. Church. -
English Spavin Liniment reooeee all hard
soft or calloused i.umis and blemishes from
hones, blood 'payee curbs, splints, ring
boos, "mammy, ttt8,s, sprains, sore and
swollen throat, roughs, etc. Nave 4.50 by
Use of Doe tattle. Warranted the moat
wonderful blemish erre weer known Sold
by .1s.. Nilson and all droggiara 30 ly
Rheusrt,.m t tired in • 1)ay. Smith
American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatlens
and Neuralgia, radically cured in 1 to 3d.ya.
Its actin on the system pee remarkable and
mysterious. it removes at once the casae
and the daeaee immediately disappears
The first dos greatly benefits. 75 oro*.
Sold by .1. Wilson and all druggists. 30 11
Relief in Six Hours--lbetresiog k*d
ley and bleeder diews•s relieved in mi
hours by the " Nww nares MorTH Aceta,
t• KinsigT remit" This New remedy a•
great.srpiee and delight to physicians on
anowat of its esnMdiat prownptneee in re
'review grin in the Madder, kidneys, hark
and every pert of the nria•ry mmeoree 0
male or female. It reliwvn r.•t.nton Dol
water awl pain* postai it Memo[ tam. di
ately. if yen want quick relief and con
this r talar remedy Noes by J►. Wilma
ilodgsnn, tho hypno•i.t et 1 appear r
the Or.nd Opera House for three .-von
tugs net, week c'.msenetsg en Neem• s
day. M.araas -Sei.. ea, mys'srv.
mirth, fon ani aide-,phttinl, l.ovhbr
Admiesios 1Se; rwspr,se Coate 21e A
tralable seesaw machine wilt be cheer
baby ob the last nieh', A enopnn will
M gives emit bolder of a ticket parches.
ed banes 0 o'droek each eve•ieg. The
ea.hin• 1.41) be on view .t Freser ! Por
(farm where *ken will he pressured.
Now, it would 6i oto get
along without envelopes., and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock on
hand. We have now about •
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range frown 75c. to
$2.00 per M. We handle c'O
mercial and legal sizes exclu*ive'iy.
has already been partially enum
Prate.! in some of the heads above.
There is, however, a vast amou•
of work under this heael that t0
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this •dv't, but we do it all at The
10 **AL.
-‚hb\.13. t.O %
to an "At Howie" or a wedding
require considerable taste in mien
titin sometimes, but she make it
a. ,easy matter by keeping its
stock the very latest and beet
samples to be hail. Call anti yea
Bake Bv\\s
belong to tie poster .lep.rtmrt:t
also, and we make a .pecia1ty of
there -- promptne•1a being our sins
in this respect. A notice of sale
wi 11 appear in Tea [neat free of
charge when hills for ease Ore get
\1'e extend( our thanks for past far-
rn'. .oil .olkit • contiamece
T slits. iS 611#L,
U(3Oew1•sl 1>►W