The Signal, 1894-2-22, Page 4.1 THE SIGNAL • CODI RICK, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1894. tin $nat, iu rtttttaraan EVERY THURSDAY MORNING as a, MIALLSI I I. sot of1'ubltttaties--8 suet le Norte street, eaderb►. Ontario. Tease .r wwtt•.erepI$.a ne month. In ad g b t tree Ilaasth•. Ifo Kia .. .. ... .. .. Ow year. 1 In if seta aimed, the price per leerwill be 1 30 tw..a at Poor tenth. 1 oar label is a renderer receipt of the date to which tees ere Wig up. tee that 1t is tot a*owvd to 1.11 aim:rest. Wire u e e•h tree of .AArew to d..rre.l, bath the os en! the nee .seeress shoeld tit 'even. Aeatrie •Ina au.. Legal ant eerier use tel &Over?:een,eete Mr. per 'one for Art? inettfoe, :mite r. .• p --r lice for 14/.14 �.u'•awut:eat eseetlun. Measure* hl • n.:npa; all serfs. tI riser carts am six 1: poo and wader. IS per ysAIrorti•eatanta er i.os•. fro-me.'meed ltlutattvn. V..ot, etii seems Wasted ani Resin% cleaves Waite .ot *toe relpd t Uses .•,apsrei1.11 per menet. Meese. on ti'le.vn.! Panes on este. not 10 e ase •d A line.. 21 ter nee mantle. Seo. ter .'.b- tt meek limiter seem. in peoportsue. • • spored nn•t e, abs qM t f a mwelch s t / reote rte meentery stem! or nemeses. 10 be re set.'.eered ea ad ea. -tenement sol chic ee n. r.riinely. ----- Local net lee iu none Ieel el p•• sue c:ot per. -word. 1141114014.•611664 11,4n rte. tpoal Dative. in °element roadl.l 1 pe''wo t miK per *net, No r..•i.... e'er lee.' t 1M lire'• for eines-hes DIA other meso s and buro:rat iu.:.• cion. ha..' Csstllselr/.t C.atrert telvertheentesta. A Harem Lumber nt d:s •Sneed adt.rgtan mess wttl be inserted at itis tro `meta: rates • Per fere. one i, ,eN,nn. ,) re '• t. air in::erti•vna 1 00 e there nru:tke. ... Y e .. mix m.enttJ e one veer- - ... S ee No addvertiseetrrd i.-.. 'Lae two ince, is leatth'w!ll be c.,: • ll... -J on •have mesal. S par emit. A..couotel:owed Aar :fun iserneMe is three momb.i ere, Tact - to her 0.01, on sit Wrathe%and tS Cer c -est. :a a ye+r'•. Tari sasdltions win pie .;r:e•;. , e!ur•ced. - About ...The Meant" aeltve,y. Snhs.-rt'. r wbo raft to resew. Tmr. T*le,(AL re ee:rt%. r:tor: by career or b, nail, will tourer r. ras or by amps.. tins eta or the fact a• . se carte .1 dart a a. possible. Hcje ted mencter'pt• aaacot be rearmed. t'arrrrpon unite mutt be written unouts *ids of paper only. lhiWMller• Melee, .1, r. Le Ton',l. of Otderich. has bees ap p •t cd !1s.teel Yrate:te %zeta for tee town- ships of Aovlstrlch. Culboreke, A.hsold a Wa- Imesl osetawters over the df.trlai ire aim empowered to rocelvii nik�eriptlaails.-TIIe tlW raL A:' cornmusiositoss slut be addressed be D. bleGILLlC11DDYo r iepbta. Call.>h w aausliw valrotib., THAT s LABEL 4 AGAIN • See that vonr lapel it Dahl up. THE SI(INAJI. is $1.50 a year, hot if paid in ad- vance only $1. Send along t oar sulibcription at onctl. Address U. McGILLICUDDY; THE Slri'RAL, Goderich. CODERICH. Tftf SDAT. 11,11/1.11S,col. e (I EVER :►T. lItt*Dt.grirt it writing reminiecesees of the Northwest rebellioo in the mag., nes, but although Flirt and 1'ot•snw.tele. come in for some very nice dsoriptive writing. no reference is mate to • gentleman named BKF.Msri wbo owned some very fine fare, which were expropriat- ed es c,otrabeod of war during the "recent unpleas atnw," of arbich the able general writes with each ease and grace. The fur bssisses is not foreign to the subject by any MIMS T wold.l not be a had ilea to relic.. t l oun;r L.b.rai Club which in pant years was such an satiliary in 6gh'ing the battles of Liberalism in West Huron. In other ac: time earnest work has been put forth in Ails direction; and good result* have born obtained. In /ioderich to day thc.e is a capital opening for eke establish -coot of • successful Young Liberal Club, and we hope M ass much intertest taken in putting the actio.• into practical working shape. Let the Liberals take held and push along the good work. - IT i. beginning to look are if the eight constituencies - four by oedema tea " that were chasing around after the Hew. Jt-IJC+ 1' ceen PiTTxw,•O., &begging of ham to be their representative in the n ext Parliament of I attache aro likely tom e madly diseppsistd. It seem thot arrange- ment+ aro now on foot for the retirement of the genial Minister ot Muskata, who it to aswpt a jndg(ehip, and h s pace wiU be tak - ea by Senator S•ernet., the eminent bed of a well known tailoring establishment in Rassiltos. r Iil:N dons 1' 11, K4st, the plan yeas who boss.' Gravesend, was caught up- mttMe the commit otiose] rights of the people* he wee promptly indicted, broseht to trial, foaled guilty and sebtesod to six raw in States prism. That's the way they d e it is the Staters, but in (amide • neon can g ag • eoeetitneney, through a dishonest m- ew -Mai odbese, Net a lodge to endures the Moat and i1 a newspaper draws mtentioe to the rascality of the returning °those. the dishonesty of the Parliamentary seat -thief, or the venality 44hr poly, the editor of the basysal it mot illijjaU for oo.tempe. TUESDAY 1 a poor man was losoght before Mayer 1rwt.as,cbarged with hslhen• maall unantisp est oral frees a brat at the Iarbn►. mid wattwmtwitt.d foe trial. Rail w applied for sill his Worship plat ed it at 11.0011. douhtseeS is the belief that tate is.sKity .cold not h. rehearsed. [aside of NIM lash two years the ease diwras*r of ja111111s.rs11 sand epee M take hail is is. .ase tit w T.r2M• je rsliet charged with May WOO, • ptawisient politician clad hoe w saw Warmed. fired the •omen'. M a rimy l)pR llsaer•ds• la the was of otir Meal Ihm,sssat a to of rare imperious to be charged with taking • wee tle "1 .:..al than of deetroytae the charsctee tit • lead - tog pub6o emu. I;ad.riob can't have • pa - boa 'magistrate Mir lee ages ] ) R 1Y 11. t.ovltt*aw, a Thiry i.1 PI' . it of uptown tits' it wssld haw hew Letter ter the Mowat t,overwmeot it their wadi - date lied beets defeated in L&e.rk. Accord cog to the lector's miaowing it wuuld be • eery bad thtng fix Mr Mow er if 11,. %% u. 4,1, 1151 wets defeated in North.mberl•nd at the neat Provincial election. What ar- trant nosiest* thew fellows talk ' If • Lib oral candidate is defeated by another Liber. al in Ikuoo they shook " Moo tr mutt go'' I and if a Liberal candidate is elected in a hopelessly Tory co•.tituency they hasten to i.fotm us that it is m bad thing for \low AT. ---.--- —y-. f 1•AL1'1:1) .•orne,poudent of Tory (wising' writes Tee St.., ot.: Please be good enough t0 explain why you hove of late referred to the Hoa. J. l'. I'attereou as the iloo Julius Corr Pat- terws ` His given name IS not Julius E • ter, but Jen" Colebrook'. 1 t.r,tr.t... The answer is r coy one. The late la- meuted JULIO. Cs: nn was the War Mime- tic par eawfIos . of 1:t4 day and gva'rm- 1 tion, and se, we imagine, is the Canadian War 1.•.rd of today. The iaittala of Mr. I'Atrra-os, ":1.t'.," also fit the parallel. Reps the application of the name duet' C 0•• to t e t he lend leader of Iegtou.. We might incidentally remark at this pint, however, that the military lesetkman who was akin by hie friends at the foot of P.m. t•t:t s statue did not wear stripy down his pants, as does the' great l'anadma %Car I.x.i of Lesley. We will admit there is soot iwhat of • ebfierenoe in that retard. hut the Jt'ut'a C.t..AK mod ui the 1'vrre¢ws sarterelatere is, in all other re spc.ts, aco.xdieg to HOTLY - ova FISIIH4G INTERESTS. f,nL!i3't net',•:• ',tier Isms Ile. 1i.t*t., hist terce that 'h., r ta- e -e,., mesio• that rore'a•fri '-:. ''rat epiitk does not permeate` the later pro ice• tier. It will be seen ilia', w'.th ilii exeep- tiou of &u insinattion that the letter in re- ply to itis--an.l whi.:h wit reigned " Either - men " -wits not written . by a 6abermas, there ie really setting --to a.nwer. It ►:.r r will cAll at Tot Ste. 11. office at time we will he pleated to 1st him exaaine the msa-tscript of the letter signed ",Prh- ertuan,' which hears uomistak .vi- ---alikYu hems wri :en by a iiia who n ot ply worked at the calling erideut. ly is in a position to give cxparteetini 01' Sot -hs issue whit's odr correspondent the waik en.hvitors to raise is after all ouly an attempt to draw a herring ac:oss the swat, and we shall not persue it turther. Whet Tess 5*..s.it, met out to to some weeks ago. wheel the first articles in condemnation of the present poh'y of restriction which bit been placed upon Caiadi•o fishermen by an iucoatpetent fishery department, leas been ac:ompliahed. The idea was to have pubic.: stteotion drawn to the serere handicap under which the Canadian Usher, rota bbored, and to so work upon public sentiment that c:uuty coancils ani other bodies in the sections affeetwl by the re- strictive 6aheries policy would take aetton towards mmssorsaiizing I'arlismeot for the abolition or material abatement of the ob- noxious regnlatiort. As above intimated, Tug Sites if. hes been successful beyoud ire most sanguine an- ticipation. At the tut meeting of the Hurob county council a resolution •lcng the hoe of action prepared by Tue Sr..Ai received the nnasimoos sanction of the members of 'bat body. in Etre'. where a similar move- ment wit being agitated by The Windsor Record, The Amherstburg E.ho end other oewapepers Df that csnoty, like results fol lowed, and m memorial to Parliament, &ek- ing for the removal of the absurd reetric sone was &ins unanimously paved. And that ta not all. J)urtng the past few weeks arrangement* were made for the holding of • &betmes's conventioo, and on Saturday IW they mustered in Windsor, over two hundred strong, and pieced them- selves on record against the •xrtiog policy of restriction which prevails in the Fiaheris Department et Ottawa, and io.trocted the menders of parliamer-t who represent the distr,eta affected to lend their meantime* towards the abolition of the obnoxious regu- lations. Now, It is somewhat singular that if there was no injustice being dm* to the fishermen of Ontario that over two hundred of them, from all esetione of the Province. wreald forgather at. the Windsor 0041444111 tion for the purpose of placing themselves on record as being opposed to tbe exatie/ cos of things. If the contentions of 'rest 811:‘ AL heretofore. and of the eorrspon denta who have so ably assisted this journal in the tattle for fair play for the Canadian fishermen. were merely in the interests of American fishiest crpration@ which is • len insinuated hy Mr. Rtt.i. how dos it come that, with a few week• rel agitation, probably the moot r'epfese•tativ. gathering of Canadian fisherntes ever Ii btm'ght together can be had to practically endows the mare' petered by Taa Shiest. in is fight for the ahnlitiia of the uttering j snore of restriction • 4f in another onlame will be fount a special ea The Toronto !tar, dealing uensue satwt with the mretisg •t W'ondrw, l wbieb we have alluded, sail stems f rth woo .f the disabilities ander which I:awlrs 6&hennas labor is tbmr alerts to tbak. • livelihood, while( their Americas oempeMirs, tlshing y is prwotio•lly the same waters, have • flu I hand. PETER'S TARDY REPENTANCE. ] \ u ...rite• of articles in The 'Toronto News, Hoa Perla 111. aro. be. been wi- le( away • few of the warm ooebis•tiuc• by which Sir Julie 11m uoIAu.) bolstered btmeeli to public office dunsg • Wag term of years. The Hon. I'IsTrk. however, ugh e• nothing sew, of • public nature, and his private dealings with Sir John only go to elbow that the Hun. Pei Le wanted t, hare the Hoa. Penne takes oar. Of, whilst Sar .l.,u, took mighty good cars that Sir Join wit well cared for whether the Hoe. 1'KTgu or anyone else .udered. In proving that Sir Jew. was a weld blooded, self-seeking politician, .acing little who Was trampled down in tote nud whirl aro long u he was not caught in the vertex, the Haut. Perri; plainly 'twee only what e very politician of any Astuteness who hail wat.hed the trend of affairs for the past quarter o(■ ceot.try'ne,wel! •wale of. lllK SI'..,t., however, believes that the HOD. 1.1:T[tht cyuld 1x eogagcd in better business thau in throwing mud at the pr•ve- stoats of the man to whom 1.e played the atcophent fur so many year., and whom he edes%°reel to •hiald when the gravest charge ever mato aigaust a Canadian statesman was proved ieaia.t him. Sir Jon. had its faults and fallings. and they were maty, but Tut 5L. s.• never Warned him fee- doping the men win made thcmeelves hie willing tools, anel the Hon. i'xrx1: tlrt. usu., by his owo confessioo,corne. un• der that bead. SUFFERED FOR A TITLE. Tilt; (Princes. l' :vote t, w ho i, the daughter of Jo•u. W. 11 t. . tt, the Ameri• can"Silver King," has been hiving a lot of trouble lately. Some years ago she 111.14-. tied a I:urope•s Max with a looe pedigree bet a short hank etc:mute. 1f we remember correctly, her marriage portion was three tnillione, hif1 it would stem that his royal nib* made *lucks sot drake' of his tare Cride's good Amortise dollars. Not only in that way did itis Princes thud oat that rhe haat made • hatillWegaira by cleaving unto the titled Italians—leho if she haat not taken him to hatband, alight bare made au excel. lent organ rioder be but s sit aorrow supped rro in other respects that it isn't ne.:e:sary to go into the partic.lan of. R.eewtly she in- stituted proceedings in the French courts for a jnlicial reparation from her husband, but judgement was returned ag tins% the applica- tion in that the Prince was an Italian s:,b- jaet, -and therefore outside the j•,risdiction of the French courts. 1t war further order- ed rdered that the children of the ntrriage br handed over to the Prime within twenty - font hours, and that they be plee1 in the care of their aitat, Princes See !.*%so, of Naples. The Princess of Cols.s x t del not take kindly to the order of the Court, but gathered together her children dud belong- ings and took the dna steamer from Europe to the land of the free and the home of the brave, evhere her millionaire papa will have an opportunity of fighting the matter in the courts. or arranging with the Prince by set- ting the noble Italian up in business with a harp, & haul organ, or • peanut eland as the outfit. if there are any girls around here whose fathers are millionaires Tux ,. takes this opportunity of warning them against entering into m•tnmony with any titled foreigners, whether they be Italia& prince', English dukes, F'rencb oouota, or Spanish hidalgos. No American girl who has goo. tots the busman has got the worth of her money up to date, and oo one ever will. THE RAILWAY BONDING SYSTEM. THE question of the abolition of the existing railway bonding system between the limited States and Canada is agitating the press and politician acroes the border, the leader in the campaign being The New York Sus, one of the most powerful jour- nals published •crura the line, and it h .troarly baokd by The Philadelphia Press and other influseti.l journals of both .ides of polities. it is chimed that one after an- other the great Americas railways are passing tate the hands of receivers. Under thew cosdttiose a oowtiouaoee of the pree- s.nt bonding system e. •pplie.1 Ire ('soodi•n railways is considered • gross impieties to their 110e, and. it is claimed, should be abolished without delay, root and branch. Say. the Sun : Canadian r•lis ay. under the pressed system divert at least $d0,00O,. 000 el e•rniye anntally which legnt•m.tely belong to our own roads, while they have n ot contributed nese dollar to ereate, pro. mete, or protect railway traffic in this moot rye They have simply diverted traffic created hy oar own liner. in this policy they have leen aided and tio•cowlly as - meted hy the 1:neerarn.nt est Canada. To aid the Grand Torah Railway 1'em posy to eoeatreet • mise free Port Hares direct to Chicago ter the etprer purpose of diverting Amerman traffic to Most el. the Government of Canada paid it P1,500,000 for its bee from Quebec t. Riviera d■ i..ep, which had always Imes worsted at•seelees loss The moralism of this has by the (:ev- eremaet less made emstitiosal spas the .x psaditere of the parttime" mrw.y to eon - street the (Aimee .ad timid Trunk The iloveremest of Canada else gat. the timed Truk RaUwsy (impuay • mash hares of P3715,000 to enable it to raise the capital to etoae(net the tassel ostler the Detroit' Mem at Port H.,.,., that it might be better able se esep.te for Americas trate ageism* cow ewe lines. Ras for the Award i lea traits that wee diverted to am firmed it would Item ago lave pe into book - reptcy. t'outtuulag, Thr emm gays 'f1a tea strut•time of the Cama' Nada we. • .(.tibsratoly pleased t&tbsase to &act Amtris', teethe lo Oieadtaa porde Not a startle promoter of the Cauudiab Pathe Railw•r was simple mouth to expect that u meld or corn operating eapww, i( ooafitted to ('aaadi•a mato. The charter of the Canadian Pacific and the shiftiest railway Ie`ialatioa of t ased• were Wilma. WI; tateuddedd to secure for It • monoply of Canodise trunk fax sway real., rod at the sasse time leave it tree to prey upon Aw.rt -ma hostages. Th. general Railway Act of Caned& eat toilsomely depended to perutit the t'atsadian Peetifie Railway Company to tasks discriminating charges against Pana• than shippers, whenever this might W nec- essary to divest Amore -au teeth: to ,ts line. This policy of the Go'ernm&st of Canada nut only j_oitj4ss, bet requires that the t:overstnent of the Vatted Sites ahold now promptly escarole' all lawful powers to protect and ticked its own traaatwottoout•I hoes seminal this Cuseltan, /repetition. The stock of the (Saadi= Needle Rail- way world not be w'urtte use delfts 4 the env dere was denied to tt of weenie upon Ameries's trat1e, which it bit doss nothing to proruote. it is paying to is eltsrthohkrs moneys aadisiderdg which easily helmet to ahareholdersuf ourowatr&e.cootioentalcuni munts,and is tberebydnvieg our nwu trans- oontinoutal hues into baukruptcv. It is greatly iujub'ieg the credit tit Amenwu se entities i. Eatopean markets. le has re .coved from the (:ovcrrmeut• of 1 anal& and Creat Britian subsidies in va,i..us forties to the value ofI/150.000,000. Th. t'.sadtas l'acolio Railway es a poli- tical neresity to save the Confederation from diaw.tulion : and now the lnakruptoy of Coat coULDrn would furca a collapse of tate Ilomioiou. It is also a military bi,thway from reg. land to bar cohesive in the t'.i s:le, which by oar boodioe apace we are livaucully aid- ing her to maintain or rather coutpelliog our own railways to maintain. it it also • highway between Bettie!' fortileetion. at Halifax, ',Schee, •r) Esquitaalt, all of which ar.cdnn.cted by cable with the imperial tear Office. And still again it is a military h.ghway.,for Eobland along our eat if/ nntthoro (matter. Th.: Ca,.aJus Pacific Railway was built to •ireugthen cal prelorio Bri !eh power upon this cuutiaent, and alau to aid England in steering as meek M po•s;b!e of the coolie betties the Pac:h1 Ocean and Europe. U•ar hemline s) -sum directly ails her at the e.- p.•use of our own people. The Canadian )'anti: Railway Company is the nest scree ant anti. dmeeiow earporatiw upon this continent. It is about to apply to the Par liatment of (Smola for • guesses* upon W3,- 00,000 of its bonds, to citable it to caesium is warfare upon .4m.rican raelroads ; and as it contrihutes larimely to th•s corruption j rued of the Tory part;, and as its supper' is an eceolute necessity to the cootinuence is power of the present Government of Can .de, while its bankruptcy woati .moody coppte fintirh power upon this contidest, is demand for help wilt no doubt be grant ed. Ry nontiuuing the bonding system we are practically nidiug the Government of ('auada and gest Britain to destroy Ameri cau investments in tranaoont.ucutal rail- ways. We, very wisely and properly, secure to .American emelt freedom from competition from foreign vessels in our tweeting trade upon the sea and lakes. We do not permit • foreign vessel to carry a carpe from owe American port to another. as, fur ex.outs, from New 1'ork or Breton to San Francisco, or from Chicago to (taffeta. )tut by our bonding system we authorise Ctoatisn rail - wars •., do what our Taws present foreign vessels from tieing. We tie the hand of our railway enaragers with the Inter -Stats Commerce law, stitch forbids them to sake discriminating chargee satinet any class of Ateenoau shipper'; sad tbeo we permit Canadiw fume, which are specially authorized by the Parliament of ('ansda tee di,erimite •gatnstesnadian •hip- per., to prey upon the legitimate traffic of our own meals. Had the Northern Pacific and 1'oion Pacific hal the earuiogs which the Canadian Pacific itailway has been per- mitted to divert from there during the past four years, they could have emit; met all tle w obligations and avoided all proceedings ID bankruptcy. The fact that the Canadian Government denies to American ti.hayoea the privilege of landing • cargo of fish &t • Canadian port .sad shipping it in pond oder Canadian rail ways to the Potted dates would jostle; the immediate and nncoodittenal•h olittonof the present bonding system. Simple jettoe to American railway credit ad investments .lemanda The abolition of this anti-.tneseisan sys- tem is sot a ynestiw of partiaan politics far from it. It involves the earning power and credit of 100,000 mils of American railways, costing not les than f'6,OOO.000,C00 It destroys the confidence of capita/mw in American railway .ecunties. It retards railway constructers' in the country-. It delays the development of the resources of our tram• 11inisippi Stets. is abolition would compel the (Maths Pacific Railway Compare] to abandon is anti-American pol- icy, and exert its power and influence to essuummate continental union. it would largely iscrese the etodus from 1 •nada to the 1Jaited Stain. Ws should. no doubt, snare several hundred thousand meet de. arable citizens from Canada more than we shall obtain if the present polioy i. contin- ued. It would rune the cotlapee of the monarchial party in Canada and hasten very much the solution of mar tartare relation to the northern hall of the continent. It would open the eyes of the ('anaemias pnuple to err how inextricably they are bound to the United States, geographically sod ones- m.rcially, and how absolutely their pros- perity is dependent upon free intercourse with is. The Tory (.ovrnmtet of ('b*ada has an- tagonized American iataeesta whenever as opportunity teas awed. it has we claims upon os to justify •oobtieaatteselthe hood- ing ordeal. We are well pleased to kers that • determination to do *sties t. Ameri- can railw.ye pureed/as both Roues el ems, and and that them is a probability rhes. • positive decision epos this q.sstinn will M formulated at an ,early day. Ards we say, Abolish th. Mediag fried "TNE EMPIRE'S" FAKE ARGUMENT THE Toronto Empire applies the g•ttirieg emotion to is soul that became speoalabrs pat op the price of tickets .t Hirer lavtso'e rapresentahos of "R.eket" te as aabeerd of nark rvsetly is Trireme, it prove that Termite is primroses. The Empire known hotter ; or if it dide't knew hotter it wool,/ hate a Mal pipe eireb epos the elates est being the greatest fool i. Casa- dian jonrnalitm (1n the same .lay that iIr,cat lar Ir•. Y peered is Ternata, Street 11to o.ishiea•r Joaaa, el that eity, had lastresilens M W Trash Railway by ib Chicago owmeettea, to work fro eco days at $1.36 par day, M chem away what little mow was s the back streets, 1,500 mon, with families who were abselstoly is • .tearrisyg oonditien, un- married mew being refused eves that lime .d asset.ace. It ie situated that fuUy b,000 eca are out of Ilea. and as • result they awl their families are ritbout somas of swtebaace. lhtly • day or tau age 250 delegates, representing 2,500 el the aaem- ployd. waited upon Mayor kK.'cItn. ash - tag fur work 1., cabbie them to make • Ladle mosey to save their f•miiws from hung.I tag. :tad y.t '1'hs Empire is of opintos that Toronto r to • prsperou• coudit,oa because the Apprentices' ut 111 • int lea CAA gat big figures for setts at the Opus I louse. The time sea when Ti,. Empire rested its faith in the prosperity of glue comity on the tact that the balance u( trade was fav- orable ; t bat the return. fur the thical year coding lune 30th showed a surplus taken from Ike pockets ot the people of ('enema by unjust texat.ion to th o casein of .everal seams ; that the people who went out to bear Hon. Wu vett. Lt• Kicc or Sir Jou% Ttureeme talk upua public •laesttow• had ou their Sunday go -to nsecting clothes suet wore smiling taus ; that Panda with to spares population alai great ptasibihties w&* Biot so poverty stricken as t he densely popu- lated Ihat s mistk E tropean countries. Bet rl:e Empire tow draws ooutoletiuo, coo far as hard times in f male r coucern.I. front • new sore*, :s•f claims 'ns a Lasts of prosperity that a world emcee mi trage dien can drew barrels of looney by rvbaba log in Toronto. 11.. the Eotplie nut knew that the tees Mon of the protective system is to divide tato two dames the people of a country mil- lionaires and paupers And does it nut also know that where cue M t,. it or Iter: saLI is made a atiUioo•ire by Act of 1'arlia• meet, a thousand men of smaller possamioa have to he stripi.ed of c.en that which they hat' Oar Toronto contemporary may not look at this matter in tha_ppgir light, lett the nein who buy farm implemoots and stoics _ fl�a biter properly focne.ed,�aad when sleeliea day come, around it will legatee a Meager arruntut then that Hl":v lot , ' hots rood attend• sap et the (:rand opera Masse, Toronto, eMviaas the farmer, the artisan and the laborer that 1 .mala bas prospered under the N.1'. When e'le•••tion .les} comes around well all mts 1'1T I"t.a.t, who is his day and generation nide polities l:um in Huron. it is Im ginning to look -stat if the re• marks of Hon. J. l'. Perrrrtwos at Windsor are rather hastening his depart ire Irmo the arena of lire polities .lu.tiee mete .iot 11' 1►litxi wheel .Iii' aim in • cenrt presided over by our local Do. ismer, but she is odten trnabled aith a terrible obli.lnity of vise*. The Toronto Telegram Lite it al,out right when it says that it was Msectimi not Moe tr she felt the random jab of the Patroes pitchfork to the -Muth Lanark bye. election. Now that 'tI/:i:t:nlrii has once mute taken hie trick at the political helm, that pble bodied political deck hand, kvvaios, has been "seat below.'. and has once more found his level. This i, tate time of the year when every boost subscriber puts htmalf ou the right aide ot the ledger, so far as the sub- .cription to be local paper is .oncerne3. The other fellows don't. Which are you ; When (.Ilo.oM, of flurew, oriel kink - wool., of elliegton, introduced the Pettus candidate, M. N t nm., to Nr. Speaker, last week, "1loeat Must go," mint have been snag t o very slow music by the loyal (/pease ten. A eur'uty gl.'tn':e through the pave of our juicy contemporary, The Advocate gives us the decided impression that the anti protttlttton organ bus scored • "touch- down" on the cheque books of the distillers, hewers ►nil importers of Ontario. The Young Liberal Club of Ceil borne will plasm accept III s S,..s warmest eepraseises of •p probation es its able, e•reecat cad hottest elertiens to make tsdf and is abject. • decided .cotes The banquet tin Friday esu up to date in every respect. After the house of 1wlnls it wiped wet of exrteaoe is that lead of old and jest renown, where freedom broadens slowly down fru.n precedent to premeds'', what seder high heaves will ('aneAa do with her e meterial Angeaa stable l aged and play. d at political hacks! In the South Lanark election for the Legisletere Friday lam, W. M. l't.anga, the Liberal esedid•te woe by • beck, with be Tory seoond, the Potreo third and the noedmcript nowhere That will he about the star of the show when the eteciioes are spread oyer the proviso•. Kaes church. Hamiltes, is 50 years ail, oat of debt, hes $26,23N 00.1. abet a melts brship of 967. Then are early 462 ,n nvicta in I he kings on Penitentiary at present, the lowest num her for seem years. - The nitrates of Settee are colehplaiaisg of the nuisear • of rattle ro. i.g at large ow the starts of that village, Jas. Floyd Eaphresi• sold • dressed hog • abort time ago, which wstghod .506 ibs. The hog was 12 menthe old. Warwick property will be amused ac eerding to Yahwism the year, set at se mesh pr acre as hes hos tie whets. Reseedy Elliott, of Rambla, R meaty, died eeertly, aged et Re wee ever 60 years se °r deems. JOY IN TWO HOMES. tareteUy wot.bsd. Than semen dth.ta who, 11 was said, had tinted • girl Miaowm, satiated, was tried, bits three rhwtb's 1,eat. twit pr.deewl se geed malts &ad Mee A I:KYI'INE SKNSATIUN ih GREY Condos we. is pooh • eaaditioo that the family mad tries* s pat cop one audit 1 dly exporting death to wane beton morose., The spark of life etokewed, sad on the co.egg reuses of s friend, two boxes d WO. W. Baer' Ptak Ville were procured. Atter taking them • alight gate was motiosd, eel twit boats more were got, sad .1a.e that taste Iles Comtism has takes *Mew boats sad has eastiaally quad is health slid strength and her weieht hes iaoreseed free 56 to KS puuada. Mee. l'uu•ie• sold the they look epos Ella as dna raise.' front the deal, and they cheerfully reammieed I'sek Pills to all snorers from similar cum. Situated some (outlive miles from the plaint.. town of Colluegwuexl, ou the boarder Igoe ler. N1UIsuu' Tick mills have • remark bstwero the counties of Mtutcee and Grey, able efficacy is caring dimwits *rime( fest u the tbnving village of Smghanspton. It au in,provished condition of the tduud,,,r an wee the duty of the writer to runt this iip•irment of the oervooe system, such a., charming locality, remedy on • useasiun of rhenat•tistn, neuralgia. partial peral)"s, mese than local interest, and to Geo. F. locomotor ataafa, Si. Vitus' dv'ce, am%ous Riddell we are indebted f..r the teeny start headache, uervoos pnretraitou and the tercet ling fact, elicited as a result of the trip. feeling teat results from the after citrus of Having resided is the locality sauce boy la erippe, induet.sa and Geyer* wads, do - hood, Mr. Riddell is one of the best knows eases depending on humors in the blood, tenses in the village and his word le tis- such as scrofula .:hromic erynpelae, oto pected as that of au booest, intelligent amu. Pink Pills give • healthy glee to pale mei He esu found engaged to his work at Mr sallow complexions and are a •pecihc fur the Pearaon's mulls, ma cheerfully tweet with troubles peeulier to the female system, and the reporter to his reeidenee weer. klre is the mew of mere they effect • escheat euro Rehleh1 wag found with her little girl. The in ell eases arising from mental worry,over little girl is two years awl tour mouth. cod, work, or excess of any nature. very brieut and intelligent. Hoe mune u Dr. Wilaaou' fink Ptils are sold silly M Lt: sic 12.41, but her parents informed Cie boxes baartsg the firm's trade nark sad reporter that they call her the "reek Pills wrapper (printed in red tisk) They are !why,- ad they gave those remora.: tt hen never sold to hulk, or 1•y the goreen or bus heure was ten months old site was taken x11, .Lewd, and any dealer who offers eabetitutes the trouble being sou-ibed to her teeth, sad ui this form is trying to defraud and *bottle so trail del she becunte diet elle was .tutee be avoided. blind. for too weeks. :t 4tor said Owe Thew path are manufactured le the 1'e was no hope for her, ■tel the pare.0 shard Williams' Medicine ('om$.ny, Rhea vele , his opinion, for the chSd was ev0etdiegly len•ano,.01 .'. hence" y, N Y., and are puny and weighed uoly nib* or tea poem 1 ..Id only in boles bearing the ti -m's trade wiva • year oil. mfrs Riddell mud, W. meek and wrapper, at fro coos a box or rev fre.,ueotly could not help wi.huteg the h1Ne one we. AI rs: so much Jul she ender." 11r. Riddell about this time, beard .of 11r. 11'illums' fink fills and determined to try them. As baby cuatioued t.krog the pills she helm to gruw well and strong. and has gone on stedily improving. "1 think,- s.ti 1 Mrs. Itul.Mll, "thee baby w.,u1d lung since hese been to bee grave had it not hone for Ire. Williams' Pink Pills, and 1 unites tatin:iy recunmeted teem w • most re- ALL THREED. hallo remedy. ' '.Ir. FCtde!I said be had _ u been no fur *amt trine lemselle foelittjd cell Mean kale. .era lite w ire end tattier nervous, worried and losing his appetite. ea -se ne ei. ., w .■ AC 1.sp.nit mode. tn Rh left hand also s.eed to be losing its bishops,Ptah- The. rtlt• metier lima strength, and ins weight di•crea ed to 13441Ntmary 141/11146/111/4. pouals. He revolved to try Ptak 1'iW,ani Tumor,. Feb. 19 Neil tJvKeehaoe, • in sit weeks be regained good health and setae barber e4 this city, het been a sof assent*, while his weight showed an In- rerer fres/ chronic ene.tepatiuu for Yes,* crease eel 32 pruaa& He is enthuc;as?ie con He used K:Joey tells sod not cult obtaer.. •b corning Ptak Pills with good reason. immediate relief, but a pernmeeot cure H.. While in S•nehampten the reporter heard sir;f. mot mother la law were atnel•rty Gni.-e n.uch talk "t another remarkable carr, and eel, and used these pillsrrth tbeswnie goitre tieing anxious that all the facts' obtainable waits. 'lirdsosry catharses gime (ably tree . h.,uhf be placed before the public he called perary relief and less• the petered wuree &t :be hang of Mesa Ellen ('oustus. Tut than before using them While Dodd'* Kut young lady was absent visiting friends, tut acv Pills ors nut cathartics, their peculiar bee euuther cheerfully gave the facts of thla ; acttus on tit lit tr sad k ido( y • s it..h ti t are r tri: nroarkabk base. Moe CotsiM esu that the canons of coo• pa I.oa per v troubled with dyspepsia since chiklbon,l, mount ly remeltd. 7 hese pills rte and as she appruacbed maturity other cent i manufactured by Pr. I. A. Smith 3 1 . pli •shoot inflate& .i' uvte.is yearn of ,.Terooto, and are nota by. alt dealers, or mite age the weighed 125 pounds, int bar troubles be boasted no reecipt of price—fifty .vu'.. . 0 redwood her that she fell away to • mere per box, or sea boxes for 112 50. skeleton of ,o pounds, and .: this stage her truublo was aggravated by ervipnlas in both In the collages of Mk a woman collared & kgs. Medicines of .anon, kiwis were tool ' detective .a1 Cut lite out. paper, rod &il wit: oot &veil until the deetor finally edema. Corbett Tsang men pro6tahlr employ ed that nose he taken and that the liet be themselves killing skunks mor Meir hides. OO1'NT1'. Ilona 'Ant w An *1111), Ann now A rat 111,r aataitiKO II1.abTY .trTM$ MM-rJY '3t1) Ia1ES he lou etavos r1 Writ — •-nATIliCt. rAntele 1111.11 MS Till a&'IUIT or 0Ta►It.rrt'Maats, Krum the CUUla.nodd Yawned's& holes for a SO They may Le had of all Jesters, or will he east by snail on receipt ..t price. • Ur+Nass tnesessq. 1la(ppaie— tverte.1 • tragedy fast now. 1 in Ins -No ' How 1'bappi.-. M.o said be'J round me to mtneen..at el 1 an is'1 Kies him • .1•arter, and 1 gar* hie • wearier. Paste this In your Hat. It's about Clothes --Clothes ready to wear. Clothes for Men, for Youths, for Boys. Clothes of the right stamp. New Clothes. About the 3rd day of March we expect to offer a re- plete selection of Men's, Youth's and Boy's Suits. The great advance in the science of manufacturing Clothing by the hundred has brought largely into favor the ready- made garment, which has reached such perfection u to be generally superior to the "made to order." The main point of difference is the Cost. The ready-made garment saves you from 25 to 75 per cent. Our Stock will be altogether up to date. We have arranged for more room and light, so that we can better demonstrate the advantages we have to offer you. NEW GOODS, NEW STYLES, NEW IDEAS, NEW PRICES. The same close sailing principles as prevail in all other departments will govern Prices in this. We feel we have a reputation to sustain in this respect, which will necessitate quoting lower Prices than other stores. 'CWVCCUAESt titt4"owelfAtiti