HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-22, Page 2T A '11'avtNunig °uldis •RAND TRIMS RAILWAY. lfnklt .er.ve sed devout . a. • *aww.......'''''''i4.0 aYrw w .,,:.,,,,,,lad 1i PAW aa.rs•;.. • LSO p.m. t�dlesq•&u� .ate eat ,..•,,.,..,:::::--:1::::::• .. Imp maysem • alaM ...... 4.0 p.m. 3 OGINEINIFIN M NICHOL80N, 1.D.8,-- DENTAL ALL reeves apposite Poet Delk•e. Wessel.. iledeg m all •t■udan) and appro.li4 load a.seMhetiee on hand for p•lnkw extra,- ef teeth. fly DR, L RICHARDSO:c, L D. tl„ sanction deseist. Uv and viL.J.rd air .dmtetetarvd hr petals extracting of teeth. special ltLeo•too mien to the preserve:Ma of the nalurol teeth. (Mice- Up stair.. Greed Open House (flock. adrenal, on Weep; tit.. (Later .ch. 1101-1y Medical. • Vitt. Ht \ 1Klt, f'L4V'k'IAN, )1CR lJ gess Ace. deity - if.•Iw,tn'. Siert. Mont ep�.sa• al INKfit eallt 'from British K shaoge Morel, _ 43.1, DRB. SEIA.NNON s *MAANON, Mssitdatln s, s.raee.., Accoeea., /be. ''N e. -I wideeee. Napierwear. Seel. J. K 4alaart�-.1 ... - Itesldenee Nertb.t, opp. Model -. hoot, --- - Legal. CAllftak)N .v ,It►HYsCON, BARRIS- 1 tors, Sslleitore. Notable. Lc- .:odefr►. Otiose -Oyer Jordan's Drug Mute. K. !'Aft 1o1&O)N, 11. C., M. 0. JONNSTON. once. to s 1OFTFN-K DANCED, B.1RRi:LITElt. 1.4 Solicitor. Coarser/ow. kc.. ate•. Money to loon at lowest rates. Horten'. Klock. t)p- p•elteColborne Hotel. Oodrrich. Ont. HMI-tf N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PRI EtO- . ter la Maritime Courts of •aararto OMs.-8outb Colborne holm. 8112 C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, !c. OIL*, corner of Pquare and West street Ooderich. over telegraph osteo. Pr,- rete Feuds to lend at lowest rater of inter est. , roto (I ARROW & PROCDFOOT, BAR- l�rimers, Attornef.y yoIkIton, kc.. Oode bah. J. T. rrow. 4C.. W. ProuJfoot. CAMERON, HOLT HOLSMES, (tar-i.ters, Solicitors In (itaecer7 c. taod.Noh. M. C. Cameron. Q.C. ; P. hSte. ; Dalley Holme". O. WARD, CONVEYANCER, • • tot. and commissioner for taking sad re. esteem recognisance& of hail. afadavits of adlem•ttens, depositions or solemn declare. thugs in or concerning any action. suit or pro - dieseling in the Hick Court of Justice. the Court of Appeal tor Ontario, or In say t runty or Didion Court, all ua.s wises carefuliy aid peeepppdcly _attested. P-id.-ee sad P.O. sadrwse-Dnnisannon OM. I)/6-tt ■aohanlns' IOSitltut h. 110ISERICEI M NIUS' INERT - • Wilt LIBRARY AND READTNes- M, oor. of Bast street and !louvre lop Open from 1 to 6 r,a1.. and from 7 to 10 r.w. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Landing Daily, Weekly and illustrated Papers, Mega -tints, tie.. on File. N U Kltsitlf' 1'tcKRT, ONLY poet, granting free gas of library and Hs•dinR- Boom. Applications for membership reoefv.d !M Librarian. In room. H. SMITH. ORO. STI VAIN, President. meoretery. Oodarleb March IRh Idri. Knitting Factory.. N kw KNITTING FACTORY. -THE 1� undersigned begs to &noose* to the pub tic that be 4.. 4tred up premises with the fates sod most Improved knitting machinery which will be run to a thoroughly experienced operator, and is prepared to do the lest quaff ity of knitting at very ra.aoable prices Manners and other" bringing in their owe heera to be kei' into stockings sock•. etc., will liberally and promptly dealt with, Orden left at my store, our. Victoria and Braoeat.., will receive prompt attention. D, K. PITH ACHaN. Auo&tunesri . • THOMAS IiUNDRY, AUCTIONEER 1 end taemeaes Aaeut. Dederick. Oat. haat Leedom sod La*c..blre Vire Ina. Co.. sad Gore ilaotilet Mutual Ins. Co. Soles at- te.4.d to is any part of the constr. par OHN KNOX, OEIsgRAL LOC - It closer sed Land valuator. ('.asa. Moving had eo.ideeabt. ettporlle... M Maae(y trade. he le Is • po•ltloa to withncherougk eatiefs tI all ease trusted to him. orders kh at er seat by mall to kis eddresa 0.. oseefully attended to. JOHTI Amides mer. 160711 Boots s.. CANADIAN ORDER OF HOME Carola-Ooderiob Circle. No 1111. meets Wed Matta of each month la the hell ever a.•RAL ei0os. Special ledue•moy 111 leGerewe• and ink beatete. D. CALMICK, R. J. ACHESON. 'h6mlmer ; R. RRDIBON Ilearelarv. parr Dental ALAMOU00111111011t. TEETH EITRACTEO NiTNOUT PAIR ■v elms cos a AT DR. Z. RICHARDSON'S 168811.48 IP•8111H8a„ MENA MU KOPP •EST -STREET SODIUM oxr. it .weds ms aatlmned saU0arxloe, after umwr bis i restto 01 trarsii awl mowcos.tuwy learees. to submit that 1 have the only ass .nimbire right to sus Is Oo4•rieb. the haat selemeW dbasevers. which te surnamed ed *ever le erase the West pals daring y extreettea .f tooth er cutups of uy klub. la Daft sm., elect sad very little pale 1a the weal .access eases. , . TX -1K1 RVE POIEJyT� S. eternal er.eetbtte khat _.ver ewes. the M w allArewL to hornless as teaser. hew mottled kern w earth wronger tooth asr+.ealtive to pais. Patlent. esus_. one It le 1 .L1 /OSSHy_1, elervesene IMral * •1.AIw es ot �lia � user, 'r am .14[ 'Only the Scars Remain," SOPRRNRY aft a'si., .1 the image t•uulh W.etlrm \Lu luuery I'e ,. 1'iula.l.Iplli:t, 1'.t., tolyl •t-rlt. h• • billows: •• toeing Ib. n,inx t,..tlnitnits al• elite ti 1 woo :ill wooed lo ce16 1 .0 a to. ill. 'lime Vtfnra/Ilo 1111, vl.•. e+llltt the blood, sm., Il,ne istiptel.4041 More tbaa tiny 0 a case. Ter my y •nen ,.•;.4, Metho eza of IS years, I had swat/int room 011 my legs, whi•:i ionic .1141 became-frJaN. wing e.r•i. uu• family !Ay- e.. taro •OU1(1.t do no good, and it was £.:trod that'tbo cora rimed bo t:ffr::cd. At la.t, ftty Mother Urged Me Ayer'. Sarvapant la. I took three I,..rtl.s,for..•n. t.•.oi•J, ind1hat. not ., . tr•.o1.L.1 • Only the scars remain, un.4 the no- y of the poat, to rewind me of the stood Ayers Sarsaparilla has done me. 1 sow weigh tau hundred aid tw..tay p,nnds, and um in the best of b• a1th. I have heves on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sar- saparilla advertised in all parts of the United States, an.l always take, pleas- ure In tellin:: what goo.( it did for ms." Ayer's Sarsaparilla (Prepared DI L r 1 . .t , r r L ,'u., Lowen, ]fan. Cures others,willcureyote heeless for some years, it is • great piss tiro to me to testily my apprecuttoo of your plans sod business methods, and to km,w that they are producing the most favorable lesulta. %V,v. T. KT -tat.►:.. C•setdtwg Actuary. - Mr. John L. Rlaikie,, be moving the ados, tion of the report, said:-\ ----____ TI.t.AN, -The yesw will ewer he memorable as cue of unprecedented fa•s cul disturbances in many countries, nod of what has ►(moot amounted to • complete paralyats of tate great mdnetriee of the neighboring republic. `ouch • coedltion of affairs could no; exist without 1'aaada suf- fering, more- or Is, sed when we hear from nearly oil siaesteee oomplaiatl\l_ ' a' falling off O b.ma.1., asd of dirni*steed profits, it is most satistaetory and cherish- ing -to turn from such • picture, and look at the &oomel report for 1893 of the Norio Atnencao Ltfe Assurance company : in theft there is no sign whatever of falling oft. Bei ht. touching upon • few of the salts{ points to the report, permit me to make a comparison of the company's record, five years ago, with Its record of to -day. yet lseuraa v rvi Assets teat in face. cwt Dee.hi, ctrl gl 764t•U S4 813.210.1111 --- 31, lets 677 0.1 19 7.137.461 Increase si,e.e.379 p toll t S.9otest e THS RIONAL: rODERICH. O' T.. THURRTI Y. FFRRPARY ''•'. 1%94. lay abode year alter year a Iver retauve actual warping tato tet ether. It is to the amplest policy holsters have to look upsa that to keep a has eye all the time, a. that Is the only source front which they ora .craw profit ; Mew, the ox,mpaay that can wily lay past • small surplus, tea sin, trine an tave•tnleet .taadpetut, du well for policy -holden, *heroes. the company aacumulating a surplus lerge when outpaced to Its Itabtlitlee cab oto so, and i, therefore, the one to imure is. Apply thio teat to the North .tinerlean Life and how Joe_ it maid • 1 have before me, gentleman, • carefully fully prepared statement showing the it by or the amount of the year's income etd.fed to the reserve auJ surplus foods for the year sliding 31st ..1 lasoeesbv, 1382, .. par (eat obtainable otltclal repo/tn. 1 shall not tr•uble you with all the details, bat w1111.1ve you the percentages. The tadtable life of New 1 ork put 1.y 4S per cent. of the veal's income: the Mutual Life of New lurk, 37 per.eut ; the New Vork Lafe, 36 per root. the Aetna Life. 18 per cent, while the average tor all Amen can cnmpam ee was ..i7 pier cent. Then limb to solne of the Canadian companies . The ('*nada Lite put by 41 per cent of the year's ,o.eme : the l'cwfeneratiou, 40 per cent.; the Ontario Mutual, 58 p. -r cent ; the Sur. Life, :1. percent.; Out Msoafacturere 41 per cent.: average of all dauadiaa Gain Dani... 43 per Deet. The North American Lfe'e put • by for 1& !wa. over 4:1 per cent of the years income, brio,; as high .. the bet ,•( those named, whale the percentage for 1893 we" I3 Thi' showing of the North Amonobn Life is unexampled and greatly strengthened the already nose rpamed financial poem n of the eoglpaay. Another matter is worthy of very epeeial notice, and u .11 important. It is whether the enmpany is .o colon tute.l and is working upon such sound prlo cepa!_ that it will be able to meet ell it, obligations. it is the more important to closely ecru troll, this point, because we hear so much in these days about cheap insurance, an., prom we are made by mushroom compau1e. pu•hwg themselves into notice to pay en dnwment pnlicie..1 elm ur,ty wit hove nook mg ade.iuste provision for theta. The holden of sue`. , oh les are donne 1 to certain disappointment. They will be like act build.ng houses on the sand - when the flood of maturiog policies comes in. they w 11 he swept away in utter wreck, chagrin and absolute failure. tin the other hand, the North American ba..a all its eaIculations upon well estate• h -bed e,p.r.eoce and mathematical prin- clples. • • aided thus by certain knowledge, it ac up o1 rates in carrying on Its business th ensure the fultilmeot of all eta obligation an 1 all of its investment policies at the maturity, with abet lute safety and equity the lasari 1, whoa- iat.re.te are Mils solid ly oe the rook an.' n -,t upon _sere •hiftin Med. In commotion with this, 1 may roma that fi�tt�.. lam at our fi,turee aed �e lar�A.ysdltidi i. to our reserve a surplus funds. conclude that we are Lakin more from our policy -molders than we r 9ni.e, that the targe additions to reser, and surplus for the year is to) much clea profit. While the death claims Outpost year hay harm stall. in the future; thorniest Certs ly Tourisme, then the taventmeot or en dowtne„t policies to mature in ten. fifteen or twenty years must be provide( for, an the North American Life prudently loo m &bead and makes ample provieton m os s3.ry passible claim against it : besidretool.'t, the teras ret these policies retool. suspension of the surplus belonging t t m till the expiration of their investmen peeled•.cornetta.entlemen, 1 cornett conclude without te few words about the at paragraph in th report. From da•ly intercourse with, and obe.•ry fii inn of, the oxn of the company, I • ah'e to bear testimony to their diligence thci.ncy and' fidelity in the discharge o it respective duties : especially to on .haying director, Mr. Mcl'abe, and to me secretary, Mr. Goldman, we are indebt or the unwearied efforts they put forth t remote the interests of the company. But these _aorta would mot have accent tidied the splendid results est forth in th report had they not been slily seconded b 1 excellent staff of inspectors and agent. hose service. deserve all praise To th ent'emen i tike the liberty of saying, g Orth upon the work of this new year fuli o ape and energy. The report and eccom statement*ponying ststatement*before us will be effect- ve weapons in your skilful hands in ron- incing proposing insurers that the North inerican 1.ife is the company for them, tied hat to be dilatory in so important a matter d nb • providing for wife anchildren by Omar. g for their hsuofit is in many cases cnmin- negligence. Hv tact, perseverance, and iligenoe you will accomplish great things the way of new business ; every policyn, meal will henefit you. but still mothe mann immured, so treat, the more bootees cru secure, the more you are entitled to be led public benefactors. The vice-president, Hon. I; W. Allen, seconding the resolution, acid It s now h e fourteen yea, i think, moos the tat• on 4:eorg• Brown said some other friends mfh led oe e at my oe.e, and stated that it a their intention to establish another life entrance company in Toronto, and that the ain object they had is view was to ee- vor to retain in (arida much of the nay that was being taken out of the untry for life premium. by foreign coot- ies. The outcome of the interview was satabliehment of this c.tnpaoy. I can- t imagine anything more cruel than what happened over and over .gain, with of the companies of the character to ich the president hes alluded, whore men are continued for years to Me in their vinovinfor the ohpect of making provision their t.milies, and that nhject has been feared by the disastrous failure of such minim. i think you must all feel co red from the explanations that Mr %skit h.a girlie in the report which he bee 41, and from the figures in the loaaeial ►ement, that the North Americas Life . aUained o leading position among te- nses and financial institution" to the ntry i feel eery proud, indeed, the have emceetd.vl in building up such a fatty as the North American Life Neer - "t company. it will he re.neenh_red throe late 1 •mento d president, the Roo Alex - Mackenrie, although of late years i. Ale health, freely Rave the company the t of hs great &hility and micelles,. gsr,rot, ever evieeing the greatest inter - in the meows of the company. The reef.+, and .11 friends of the 4'nmpaay al ye fenthe deepest gretit..'e for hie jmdm gemt and mogul attention is esmlaoy's fakirs, to the very else. of life Perhaps f may be permitted to say / 1 therewith!, .gree with everyt)44a e hen hese Wit ie the report ss to the te at s, it to v rk ad 41 • e • >L d lea es m w O • Y ase Per Cash I Rr 8u -pins cent Inoses Dec. 30. II. 1106 $ 2!7.01(7 �ti s 43=514 Sr_ SSM MAIM la 176176.11R 2I,- Increase 0 214,60 s, 441 $ 404.312 10 7 That ,gent lemen,show. wonderful growth. substantial progress We neither moor.moor.to cross the line to the south of us nor to cross the Atlantic to find good life insurance companies in which to insure with profit and safety. a have as good ones in Canada as anywhere, and we may be proud of our Some country, of of its life insurance cool. ponies, of it. hawking and monetary lost,- cations, and of its vigorous, intelligent and haw-abidiog people, loyal sotyecte of our most gracious Queen, whom God bless and preserve long to reign over us Let us now glance briefly 01 • few of the moat interesting facts revealed by theetate meets before you. Comparing results at the closing of 1893 and 1892, we find au w cnaae for the year In cash Incomes $ 36,039 68 In &meta . . 281,471 59 In reserve fund..... 203,604 00 In Insurance in force of .... 1,160,112 00 Theo we find two important decreases lo expenditures of $ 29,533 81 Anti in death claims of 27,906 10 It will !hum be seen that the death claims ro aetceedinvly favorable, which reflects great credit upon the skill and vlgilaace of our most esteemed medial director, tiro Tn.rburn, especially when we con.ides that there 11 an literates of over a million dollars In force. That the interest receipts hive more than sufficed to meet all death claims, matured endowmeota, and same paid to annuitants, is a moat gratifying fact and steaks well for the soundness of the in- vestments of the company. 1'poo these points, however. I shall not dwell, bot refer von to the report of oar coosultiag actuary. To have the hearty endorsement of so emi• s nest an authority on all life insurance mat- ters affords good Rronnd for wm couragent and satisfaction. tt Allow me to draw very special eentine to a matter of the greatest interest and im pentanes, either to sliding policy -holders or those who may yet become en viz ,se the fact that the cmnp.ny has, in no ea, come short of what ie held out ea .tpeetedapeprofits • n its investment policies The con- trary name been the ape with certain of the largest companies ie the world ; companies with many millbss of assets and doing an eoormos•ly large basis es. A nest striking article appeared some weeks ago In that great Rritieh Bsaeaisl.l- authority, The bendes Economist, metre 'Mr the difference in the naso of one of tie ai leading Americas companies, between pro- mise d fulfil/neut. Iwve.tmwt poli•y- hoed. et did not realize ie that oonpeay aimpost.hall of what they had been led to impost. Why. it may be asked, den the North Algerians Life Company elo ssuch better for polity hold.,. than a wrestle corpor- a each ae the ealluded to • It in he -rtes N the orth Americas Life deer wet g•a. so many •iteovsgt eapendituna, is subject to tesla Mimetic •ed saber (cairns.. rola, hseahawsesits hods me idiom tree0ed, sad WesselWesselIt is thus enabled se the m P 0 gin • A a in a' d in pt 7 c&1 mom (1 cel we in et dea m en Pas e e n hes •OTO wh ha ea for .1e MAT vie tea uta ha coo ootn 1 oat soder fee Woof; jed rue di wmeurd the his the IA. writ a i.y as to the treat ability n/ the ataesserig doseIer, Yr Mersin, sad ear bd0Medn,ss to him, and frost what i knew •f the very 1srge aetn.wt of sureties our p.sideet, Mr Medi* gives to the affairs 4.11 tet oe ntsamy, and the ability ha hoe brought to hear i. 8llisq that impeart.Os pstn- 1 feel that yea willall agree with me than he has proved hanbeelf • very worthy owiegmr to our 1•M eel mamasase- lemeg president, Hoo. A1a•eder Mae- buseS. TIM motion woo snneimesely tarried. On cutchQ .. et J. K. herr, - l saotn vtr e-�rieillestt, seeund.d by test. Lease Q 1,., Ike by-law for the dw- triberton of the ..mpswy's surplus ea its in. vaoteal tct pollens, msl.ri.4 a 1884, es loomed by the esaipasy'r oeawmammy adopted. er Hearty votes of thesis were tended the board, u4boers .ad .gnat_ of the company, an 1 .t a 1111' seyuevt meeting of tl a Dourly. board, John 1.. Blaiku waa uoalimuusly re- elected peesi4•at, sed Hou 4; IV All.. Iemit.J. K. Kerr, Q.l'., vitae i' -r• Lents. • RAISING ONIONS. 011 Na..lug s 1'rulltahle •ed tent hos.. t r..p. 1•. '1' l'erkius, to MIrr..panJ Farmer, says the char.t-ter of the +ilii on whieh 1 plant onions is gaudy. The ground is plowed quite deep early in th.• .jinitg when it eau be worked e•Itsily. Them it is harroweel until well pulverised. It to very important to have it fine. for onion areas are email am, a...ubl.,therwise drop .hove" A., deep. The laud is then furr.wefurrowedau.l a liberal .Inuntity of well rotted .table manure and ashes are strewn in the furrows. 1 draw the earth whio•i1 was thrown out back and thoroughly tail it with the tuanure by haul : probably should do differently if growing onions on a large stale. 1 believe in early sown seeds for a good crop -the earlier the (tetter -so they will quickly. as the ground is 6001*!. !'over abut half an inch. If planted late. tin rather motet soil, ilo••y ate liable to. (emu thief: necks and become nearly wnrthlres 1 have broken 'Lown the. tole of specimens that aeted i1: this wanner, hitt have never been much good resulting from . the trent latent. aa the necks will never dry up like the rest. often they grow u11, again if the steam is wet. 1 used to plant in beds. but they are difficult to wool. By planting in row-' there is much less work in keeping the weeds oat. They must be kept free from. werdls, for you cannot grew both. When the little /dent. appear. 1 sprinkle ashes over the ground. Some advise platting radishes among 1h...einem.. e. as the onion maggots will attack Mew first. then they can be m pulled and ora planted. By this neethcsl 4',•14 can destroy many of thew, and p'rlial.s nage the a•rot from destluc t Hen I% Mi.. tl..w -hull we make our hens nests is, n,.tradare, a question winch dita'ues d hY i'.taltrywen. A great many hnui- 1,14g4 have been invented -wire and .14.11. or Heidi 141104. et. -each cue re• .' ..minnding his or her invention, but 'pule Are a-. good as the cold box nee!. Fill well with new straw or line hay. Keep them s., they are tempttug to the ',Adios... Wood Is * great protector against nncleaIe.s, of which cloth is tint wire is very geed. No matter whit kind ,.f nests yon ices, eTwefeikeep them clean. There is no part of the hen Iu''ii a worse to breed vermin thein the next She hen want,. w•znu:h tfleet the nt ie" winter, which is what will .(raw the. vermin. Newer allow one lot of straw t.. remain over two weeks. nnleae the hen ie sitting, then it is a good plan to throw in sulphur and lime (equally. rallenemy11 is a great enemy of lice and will not hurt the eggs at all . pat this in twice during the three weeks of sitting. Du not let the pest get the best of yon. One hour of work now will prevent Pt flay/ when the warmer weather .•nnlr% on. When yon take old straw out Let the nest always burn it -Ohio Farmere .a %low -►'..ding Hera fee 6's•..eles• Horse& 11aay horses are tench rapid eaters that much of the oats and other !(rain enteral the stomach without being broken amt consequently payees off nndigeetted. The feel iaox Illustrated herewith, 111 • L� 14.1,1011N4 .% t'..0 4,.K.tt'IDots 11..st wx says the American Agriculturist, obel- *tee thin difticnity The improvement consists in simply attaching a small bo:, e, t.. the outside of a common feed box, a slot being sot into the feed box proper at a. It is plain that gratin placer' in the hoz c will fellow the incliner( bottom of the box, and gradually fall into the feed box, but ono- as feet a•1 It is 10,00,ed !non the aperture a by the anintslfeed. ing It is a simple and vary effective arraugemettt. and should find a place in inane staples It saver grain by caus- ing lice animal to eat slowly. without throwing the grain as many hones da ores Lady's lids tine. A lady writes' us as follows "Nylon, band is a professional man. and 1 peened the early years of my life in a large city But when we (lune to reside permanent ly upon our farts 1 becalm Interested in the poultry upon the place. and now here an interesting flock of upwards of 10IT.ight Brahma'', White 4'Rhorns, Spangled Polish and some exquisite iittle Bantams. which 1 attended to myself, an.1 enjoy the pleasnrs vastly 1 am sore that ladies whose household cares do not absolutely prevent thein from giving to thio rural pastime the 'tam tion required to make it mncceasfnl. will rind real sattstartiou in this agreeable word, and i only wonder that more Can alien women do not believe thus afldset upon it." The 1tr•wberry Ned. An exchange gives this g•eel Hayle.: " 4trawberrtea'honld receive an appli- cation of fertilizer now, en as to allow plenty oaf time for the anheU eeet to die - only. and be carried down to the roots by the rains If the rows were treated with fertiliser teat fall the beet antistatic* to apply now is about 101* punnets of nitrate of soda per acre but it tar, ferti liter wan then applied. potash and the pbosphatea should to a11ew1 A Rei.tdy mer Heaven A unh,rriher to the Farm. Steck and Hume. says he has never found • remedy far heaves equal to* comp.nnd of eg, honey sad vinegar lie heats three � eggs into one quart of pare fruit vine - gas, and after about three days. or when the mixtnre M welladdsone pound of strained honey In table- spoonful doses it tem bssiviu with the feed twice a day et jii ff e>• iY Susses el the berm. Weems maw.6r100.ellinem O. taw's Wen 9p .p destroys sod impels MI kb& et worms q.sekly .std sersly. 4 �c Woir � DRY orro $ is ahs best Shorteniwp for aco.t't49 purpodts, RuE S'roRy, ef LEafe. is tits Orth{ saIliful sAorfkm;ti mace , j.es10 ens drt(,e1* It An 0" o iliac upCorntorrtblo fe•MI5 Of ertoo rntAtb rici,ness° fro Jul f..4 cool(eai ire lank. KNEW %od cooked in .1,TTOLI1N11 ill -delicate, delielous, healthFul, col,tfo rtits. .oYOU use Corrol.i mai Made oily by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO.• Wellington and Ann Streets, MONTREAL CRISP AND CASUAL Paris taxis funerals. Tri v.4. cobs .re • :Villain novelty. Meat workers in "wit,erland labor about 11 hours • day. Edison, the Inventor, ham never curled a watch in his life. The breeding of parrots in hot houses is said to Ice practicable. 1•:aljay s Liver Lnreoges are pleasant to take. They are laxative but strengthen jult The fame.. Japan who hob mon than 10 acre of lead it looked upon we a moo upiotst. 1)r. Low's Sulphur sop is a delightful •hamper I t Jean.c.:he 'kelp and darkens troy hair. .1 lo Itesi Pennsylvania had :..250,000 in. habitants and produced -1,2`.0,000 tutu of pig iron More roeneo are employed in government pesiuow In England than anywhere else in the world. le your tongue coated ' 'Fake I:.eljay . Liver l..,,rng.e. They will work off that bilious condition. African ostriches are the ones from which most of the ostrich feathers in use in this country are dented. Pale, weak women need • tonic, strength giving. Clash building medicine like NIzlbarn's Beef, Iron and %Vile. .1 ie" north New Zealand ilarvestingerteede from November to January. In the south it extends from December to March. The longest artificial water course in the world is the neural canal. `•)0 miles : the next is Erie, 3o3. Each cost nearly 410,- 000,000. A statistical person has figure.( out that the average life of a cabinet minister under the present French republic has been nom months Cardinal Gibbons mays he never signed a petition for mate aid for parochial schools or sanctioned it, sad is acre that Mgr. 'sat- olli did not. By the will of Mos. Kite Johnson, of Sas Francisco, widow of It. C. ,lohaaon,that city, under direction of the Catholic hnrch, gets nearly +1,000,000:lor a free hospital. Captain Sweeney, 1'. S. A., Sae !liege, ('al.. says Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy u the first medicine 1 have ever fogad that would do nie any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by all draping. • w • Istamitiw% ellee see. tient...ant A -Nay, comrade, what hare 700 dm a wirh al the little momenta' of your bachelor days. Lieutenant Bit consigned them to the flames I ooly kept the locks of hair. and 1 used them for restuf.ng my old sofa. - Detrfke bier • Remo tatty. A lady named Mas. r. -c, M. Humphries. Ming in Keene, Ont.„treed only tine bottles of ld.mhray'S Kidney and Liver Cure, has forwarded • statement to the effect that it completely cared her of in- flammatory rhedmatimn, kidney and liver troubles. Such a complication of disease, yielding so quickly to this ievsdy .1oeJd ocoursre sister eufferen to et* it M boosts trial. For First -Class Footwear Faultless Fit and Finest Finish, in Foremost Fashis• at Fairest Figures, Find Granby Rubbers and Overshoes. TRZY WEAR Lias IRON. ALL DEALERS SELL THEM. o ATURE YIELDS ANOTHO SECRET ! it has often been contended by physiologists and men of science gen- erally, that nervous energy or nerv- ous impulses which pass .long the nerve fibres, were only other names for electricity. This seemingly plaus- ible statement was accepted for a time, but has been completely shall. doned since it has baton proved that the nerves are not good conductors of electricity, and that the velocity of a nervous impuls• is but 100 feet per second -which is very mach slower than that of electricity. It is now generally agreed that nervous energy, or what we aro pleased to call nerve fluid, is a wondrous, a mysterious forte, in which dwells life itself. + A very eminent specialist. who has studied profoundly the workings of the nervous system for the last twenty-five years, has lately demon strated that two-thirds of all our ailments and chronic diseases are due to deranged nerve centres within or at the base of the brain. A11 know that an injury to the spinal coed will cause paralyse to the body below the injured point. The reason for this is, that the nerve force is prevented by the injury from reaching the paralysed portion. Again, when food is taken inW ICC stomach, it comes in eootaol with numberless nerve fibres in the walls of this organ, which at ouce send a nervous impulse to the nerve centres which control the stomach, notifying ! them of the presence of food ; whelttw- upon the nerve centres send down a supply of nerve force or nerve fluid, to at once begin the operation of digestion. but let the nerve centres which control the stomach be de- ranged and they will not be able to respond with a sufficient supply of nerve force, to properly digest the food, and, as • result, indigestion and dyopepsia make their appearance. So it is with t1• other organs of the body. if the nerve centres which eon trol them and supply them with nerve force beelme deranged, they are also deranged. The vlonderfol success of the remedy known as the Great South American Nervine Tonic is hue to the fact that it is prepared by one of the most eminent physicians and specialists of the age, and is based on the foregoing scientific discovery. It possesses marvellous power. for the cure of Nervousness, Nervous Prostration , Headache, Sleeplessness, Restlessness, Bt. Vitos's Dance, Mac - tat Despondency, Hy.t.ria, Heart Disease, Nervousness of Females, Rol Flashes, flick Hesdae►e, 11 is alits an absolute epecifie foe all gllsneb tteubles. SAGS_-RT-IILS ON Wholesale and Retail Agent for Cioderich and vicinity Long Waist, Correct Shape, Best Material, Combined with the best Ectiris in the world, makes the" Featherbone Corset " unequalled. TRY' A PRZR. You - - -w NEED THEM tT rc S. They ain 1yf a c.. an, bat are the o, j. t k..n wives HReea....M,..oe . H.'.,I be (...w ipntta�Iry11 o.psk4 IsdiGe+e. s., ►•iepleti 4alfoweer anal all Ai. ea : free .erre. . J i.4 *i.•.,. 25 CENTS A BOX. Ads Irene llluwsM* Pew Th r -CZTY- COAL AND WOOD Y2.22D. 8MM attealdem glen to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT L BLACISIITH COAL. Met :s tideithw y elsewhere. . Timm CAs. T.ss•Wens ttew.oNMs. JOHN 8. PUTT, Prop. M•r•tr 4 PATENTS ! CAVEATS. TguIR SARIS ASO COMMENTS Obsaleed, .wd .1) Williams in the U. L pats_ Moe attended to at AIOD1RA !'Ai /l1SI. Our ounce ie opppiis the U. 8. Patera of See, and w t mar obtata Palmists Is !dim time hue those •emote from WASHING raw. Sind MODAL OR DRAWING. ire se visa sea It fru of sad re make CNA�1 (NLW 11rs oa- T/IN PA AWT. onderifwlie y OrdCarr. Utoiv�a.d se s0a�els~ f the U. S. Piston Moe. For .*real.,. merle. Mane and tuberoses to usual Mesa M year 3w. -tate or Oeu.ty write to IC A anew a es.. peni4i ,e. 03050. W.shlagMs. 0. 0 r -u WHY Does GEO. BARRY, the Oorlcrioh fnrait ns dealer and undertaker, keep the best Meek of furniture and undertaker's supplies? And how is is that be can nail so cheap? BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the long ran. Rio risotto - ji♦.all Pr'olta sad laidsir iso .mos " He alis ashes • dipselaty of *taro enatinl. Oise hiss a call bila•�a�eb.. fait eiewhgfe. lbabahalag i1uid always as Mead 1161-1