HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-22, Page 111THE SIGNAL"
Milt IlW1.LA. A halt el ADVANCE.
Tet;E t nA.rot Tee zr*WBP*.PER OF HVRON OOVNTY.
T]c3I(t3 W 28 EC 11C _
he Grist from the Local MM.
4 Neel io nag, ea se fast, .we nerved
■p 1. *mea Nerr&ed1 e& sad
retest k tipped sad l sea
trews Leery Ibeetba. ,
Brussel' : Wm. %V1bse and family have
.11110'01 to their lately purchased (aim, 6th
hoe, Murns
.fonh : John Stet, s sack .t pretreat
w l c wiped to the house. He i. troubled
ash "rostprlas iu the face.
I:ruu••Ls James Ittashill, butcher, had
hii arm tutored me day lest week, by get•-
t:o(t it c+sight in the oogs of the meat chop-
Per -
14041.1 .
ler -
1 041.1. John H•ueten. 'I. A., miser -
1 of Chalon ('ollegatc 'mutate, very ac-
ceptably mien the pulpit of St. J rew'e
church on sebbatb.
Ithth : 1/es Jay last week, Mr. Snow
den, cooper, hail the psmful misfortune to
love • p.rttu° of three fingers on one of his
hen Is whilst w•4'kisl at the trade.
Prue,. is . Thu week lawyer Slacker
nee beau Leving his patience tried like Job
int o1.1 and by • sle•.are of the rine process
used wok the good eras o1 Mile story.
•tenl•y Mr. awl Mrs William Sten•
bur) . •d the Ludo. K .& 1. celehr.ted their
silver we g Y m
the twenty fifth &university of their uia.
tied life.
Slu1•s : Dr. F. I.eM. Grs..et, of Tor.
este, wag *abet to consultation with Dr.
Shaw. enTdssiay. regarding Joseph White-
head. who ii'&t pawns& in a very critical
Newel up to the Speaker by Tum 1:100on,
Mo ria ; tea Mtedsaad.y d two think ol Hews' and Bill Ttirkwood, bT We mg
Ih•:•1 hrsokouri•1gr, of th;. tow°ship, end ton, will not immediately proceed to hasten
Mess 1 trete of %e' nd, were united iu mat• I the else of Mossy• goin with bin vets -
r mono by the aid of • marriage license and ' Tr,mto Evening News : 'due 1 etas•
Bev J W'. L n.. cwrre.pos.leat Intimates that Angers .a to
Hallret . 'fhe ether Jay, the wife of Ie crowded out of the t;utersment bemuse
tuh. Hill mad owent lug operatienfor there
°attain nm+rk. mein by him herr cans.!
rental n(. tumor She u recovering es well
offence on the Nortnwtat. Kut J Angers is
as net 1 e •:pretest, which her frauds will torsed oar 4..r thin naso. bow can intly be
M plo..et to learn- msi•tatn,d' Thu latter not only attended
Helvrsve . _rs. M' I4.n.ld, daualtte ter peepl- of Wienteag by compering them
tym a. K.., who d:md in \I.mroRaj to fleas, hut he also brought discredit .lake
oat hin.edl and the g:oternmeat by hid
1,1to on Frits evaluate it bean
tat:, .' w.:'&1 d., "hale ,;" iTHE FISHING INTERESTS,
Miss Mary, who •Lo looked ch..o.ing in
greyalk, while the grown was supported'
H Patterson, of Toronto. • The Big Meeting' at Windsor
F:teter: On Friday eeerring, Feb. 10.
during the tett-d"& thunder storm which paa
sed over this place between 7 an 1 8 r w ,
lightning struck the residence of Mrs. Mary
F.elw•r, on Huron street, tearing shingles tar
the roof of the kitchen and splintering some
of the rafters The bolt then Jeaceuded a•
to the cellar, taring the runts, but no ser-
ious deviate was done.
Breasels : Oran Turnbull, an old Brussel Erom The. Torusro Star
its. now of Guelph, returned to i:ruweela on Wevewutt, Feb. 19.-- Fishermen to the
Tuesday, and oD W'.Iseeday seeming, lot uuwber ul 200 tact in or nvenUao here on
week. at 7:30 r.. , he claimed May, young
cat daughter of Kw .1 1,. Koro, ashy wife. Sao urday and discus/4d the restrict:ous n-
the beets and irruum are printers by cowly imposed by the Fishery Ihpertrneot.
trndr,havirtg l.ain.l in the sans ofh,c»,.r.d ltesoluteeis were &doped for presentation
it now tuns out that they were learning iso Ih. tximtog scion of 1'ar:&hent,
more than printing Anyway, it ended in
this (appy marriagenee/eating that the restrictions to abolish
Tier 11.&eemea ea amens Ortaalnr as ler-
armed be anent Ilea el .'sr
a-- rr'
wt a• 1
IIa.M-rhe Men er'be
new 111
tegalatleae.lf Carereed.
le WI/wan..+h K. McMurray, of East
have reined is t no year was less than 100,- 4 Icli; TIME AT CARLOW
(davit until after the elands. , I.sughter.
000,000 of artificially propagated fry a • (lot he would say to hie (rands it May sero
would aka Mewls Tupper and Wilmot wJ;ing to have •law Lawyer, to get the best
62,500 pears to plant the same ttuautity of they could. t I:eoew.d laughter. He then
fry into Late Brie u a rlepootted )early by Tile Colborn0 LIbS'Kli Dine. Went Into& thorough esplaoatiou of the fee
the fish naturally. Nearly ours million ; system rod the mode el appointing tete:ere
and •Itbvugh hat tog no ubjectiou w the low.
rang of lees, contended that the present
teethed of "sleeting oth x holders was better
th•u eitherekotion or app intmeut by oouo-
tyy council, as hes been suggested by some.
Ile concluded by la tug that in the &p-
po °ting of e.,ticars by 4.overoment I:rit-
nh precedent was followed, and in • Itrit•
o.h colony Hrit*h precedent was beet.
Loud and prolonged applause.
'fhe gathering tae brought to • close by
the sowing of "Auld Leas Syne.
Nose • leaad•esa.■ and a Weiser' Reeled
Stan and err Jobs 4. Sard.aald.
Trani the St. Thomas Amnia. -
The tete Sheriff McKellar wan
J•.11srs uf public money have already been
a(uandered to this fad. How tong will the • Wise Lalbrrlaa et seem liberals volt&
foolishness continue meow std Liberal,, and ■ •en solid
TOE 1.1„T w11J.,t'N, "' W.os o i. Towles lake In Ilse Maguey
Milln.ns of dollars are atom illy lust to a.. `ares,, • .preen.
[Mere by the absurd restrictions now in _ _-
force. The free American fishermen caught
more tab an the -Cullen States shores o11 Titers ea, a line turnout .t tLt 1,.uug
Lehe F:rie in 18t39 than the Canadians Liberal *tastier at Carlow Fridry eveowg
aueht in Lakes Ontario, Erie, Huron, last. The g.:hetlug woe not martinet' to
superior, Georgia/1 Ilay..e Manitoba end Young Lllx•rah, for we noticed Jobe
in Itntuh ('olumhi• iu that year \1 hat Ilntvaosu, Joe gad Gtora. Morris, Ed.
better proof u required that the liron•e aye- iii augbaa and •new utters who NCI u LO.
tem and all rwtncnews should Ie: abulshe.l, t•utlt out uf their teens, bn' why ►p;.c.itd
hatcheries closed, fishery tusp•e•ton dismiss- to crony the loo iva ars much as they wou'd
ed noel our firhertnan nr]r free as their have dune a quarter of a century ago. And
American hewtbre°' then there were s.me bromdggangr l'on•
W'arano.S. gives the following facts treat tl .we wk cell 444.
us Tanto Asn i,11 . •• rru, tervatives w the *Laps int coat wider \slime
hie experience in laisittg hogs the past vein The true reason for the bars lath L al' Why should Ontario fisher._ eatcnia[ Johns and others, w lr. ideate doh te:se leo-
From leer spring until New 1 ear he sold breed Ly h.hermen to be that Mr. \Wiltnot, ooly 42 000,000 of tale pay yearly L12. 000 .8 . and remark. that • o!'w mrd: c of
things had hero estate' shed rime t he decree
hogs to the value of fL700, wed still haul 'l3 kriowao slut rho .rufic•sl ru of ti.a of , f whoa \oce 4•at1• tuhenun 1 •tl I 1 h •.
On Ohne 1 d f w•Lite fish i► • !allure, is domineer of erre- paid only $3,800 in lio•o,e fear, although Dealings with the Samaritans
Four of term he feel what to Ther •urn
n w . is experimented • little. g D 1 iia is icenee ew went forth that the Jews to . ha,c no
ora• 80 era•. • bushel, while the market piing and curtailing the fishing industry, t:try "tight over Qb,W0,000 worth of fish A•n the rinsed woe up to date and lets
price was 60, • gain .f 20 cents on every hoping thereby to be able 1.0 try that an to burl rec••ertvl $2.000 in bounties from the
bushel f.4. He considers what at b0 cents create of he u apparent in Lake Fate and . Dominic.° 4;overutuunt ` Can it be that lbs
• bushel a ehcsp feedtug grain. Introit roar and attribute the expected In Nava scents hsbermen ere apt to return)
create 10 the leoctit■ of •h:. hatelory. Tee I ippositlmr nit of Parliament if they\
WHAT THE NEWSPAPERS SAY. superintendent of the Sands. h h..'ehery think the powers that be at lhtswa are me
Hamilton IlsraLi To be tos.nset the last year obtained lettere irom men in his , helping the fishing Industry.
rnipiny, .tally( that the dee-ease of herring - -
m Ihrtr.•tt over Was a proef tint 14 11 were• Tbs. els&evIe. 0..l 4*.
not for the hatchery the white fish would
have decreased in the mew mintier.
A lin._ • at the statements lollowiup, of
firth 'aught on both Ades of l..ke Eric prove
the absurdity of th.re letters
x1011 en 01410 AMLI lt'At4 alp..
fish, Herrin,
Pounds. Porde,
1880 333.800 11 774,400
12185..... 3.531. R55 19,354,900
1 88ret .1.3.323,;72 37.200,1[50
.. rem rAr ••NT nx eAnAP1AN
fish, Herring,
Pounds. I'••uode
1880 205,0`90 854,000
1885. . 18:e .08r1 5.935.400
1'[59 . . 3. 213 6 902,563
ll'.1' A. mah,.. to attach Le He demands that
.wren•. and meoa•teries be held open for
sou, an ..flet to opeu itself, Its nuns
amel preceding* " to public isepectton.
Why net h.ve nue law for ail'
Tor.°.u. Telegram : Patron ..r no Pat.
„j•a, McNeughtrn, of puslineb, who is
1 ,n i.ry 29th, woe burned tram her fathers hsoriah conduct ea tis Toronto hoard of
r. a,Jenc' on the 4:h met , the funeral being reaps dinner
Wry Isrrely attended H►mdtsrt Times: The Empire u very
8reasels: hiss Fannie Small started wrath wr't the Prohibition convention. I.•
,nett It• mss-ls ca this week for • t'e.atluent• ealt.e.it him ex°re■ve.l satisfaction with Su
al tour, ol rag with • number of mends Oliver Mowat, ems a refers.to the premier's
from Toro .to and other points She u •
sister of Mrs K L Taylor
Seatorth : Feign Maltby, lite of I'alm-
eNEoa, s now in charge of the Seafnr•h
r eye et the Salvation Arm) . Mrs Maltby,
then (ysptua.lgs&ks. was. some years ago. •
eery AEsr efb a i. (' oto°.
an Mrr McI>emeelt sod her dough•
ter Kaes lett the farm on the 314 os
of St•nley,'ead rem peed to 'harm, where
tis y..00geat l •s has leen fur seine time at-
testing tis Cdlleetste Institute.
(':sites . Ked. Twitchell, w ho has been
working as Mewitoelin (.land, returned
hoer • few days ranee. •ed bad the mnl..r-
telae to Lee hie pocket book containing $4S,
which he b.• not yet reoovered.
Brenda • Sims the 1S•h of January,
l''II, IR Hogg. undertaker, Kreseelr, has
burial fens persona who bad attained ripe
a:rs. They were P Murphy, 8R years old ; ('sthn.ic. All the •how. what a .tat..-
!I-. Hyslop, 81 ; 81... Oliver, 84 ; and 31 r. men Mr M redith u. He is just the kind
!1c\.ail, 81 of • stere mm the people always keep oat
I,odencb tow ;whip : Thos. Dyke walked of power
trr m Porten Hill south to the line knee he Tor n:.. F: wing News: Hon A. 1:. Joly
teem !lasses John Toerasoe s mod John who r &b•ut u, •isit Torootn, u a Protest
MacDonald* farm, heing between 13 .L 1 ant An t yet he fact that he is ■ tele and
14 m les n.. two hours and 35 minutes. Mr. an honest 111.Nt a, well, did not vent hien
(tyke a is his 80th year. from ee•rs'thg u Premier of the Catholic Pro-
'eeforth : "Kit," the brilliant writer in vine"' "i Quebec. There are bigots u On -
the Woman'• Kingdom of the Toronto On-
tario who would not, if is Lieu pewee to
'.turdav Mad, was m town lest Wank. cls prevent it. •clow any Catholic, n, mater
e. onfermnro with the delegation u •' • clever
cap dare.' Sir 4/liver has • knack of mak
Ing ales*' moan, by keeping Fath with
the people. The people know that when
Sir Ohio promises he means exactly what
Weave. auk that, moreover, he is Pot lack -
want .beet &slain( what he means That's
.8v the people trust hint.
Cain 1 Cas«t.: The Meredith party in
(h. .r' is • moat peculiar oombo.•tion.
Mr ►1er.l.th btm.e f u .lent, but he has
Ito, 'Ryerson lesson ing the I'. 1'. A , Sol 3t. flair, Innen neer and as par as the
White •NdM'•n ng on the advantage' of an- Michigan line, twenty•hre mil.. frontage on
lir. Mercer nig the
r pen .i- Lake E -:e, caught seven tints as many
idem, Ir Km+ r ...sour -nig the Ib,u•.r people white ti•li ars the Venetians directly op•
and ver I[am nKham, hu mg& derv, a w- p,aite, covering the same amount of water
Mary or the "Nat W'onhioi l Grs.d fro°tsrv.
Lodge of British Amenca,' aad to Mr o .s u.IAs• ar..Ttt1 ren.
f la.e. , of K. mt. he hu seaweed the
srduoos tact of 'sting- the pear benighted ---The Moister of 1 iaheriee claimed anadian
water contaue.0 many hih u the Amen•
ego waters In this he u correct. But he
prevents Canadians catching fish w that
Americana c.n profit by the enforced idle.
new of Canadians.
The white fish in Lake Erie hate not in•
creased, although 1.500 millions of ertificiai-
ly propagated white fish fry nave been de-
posited in the lake during the past fifteen
years from the Sandwich and American
hatcheries. No doubt all perish u soon u
pliant in the colder waters of the like,
hatched prematurely as they are in the hot-
house h•tcherv.
I 7'0 the L lour of Tit llp•!eAJ.- -SIR n In
your last you published • letter,aoppowlil to
be ou &newer to mine In • previous Issue,
but, as it doss not teach the points, thea
causal my appearance in print, 1 have baf
,Ltrl. lin ash
ktods. In answer to • statement you editors!!)!
Pastel'. rtade 1 gays well-known facts, not what
29.081.300 ought have been, or might be, •ud the tact•
51.556.647 then ,given should have beets knee n to every
irg3,32 fishermen of °ralway intelligence. Judge
then nq• eurprse when 1 read your imnteu..
.nor_ clippings,particularly the rrfarence Co Win -
All uIp.g,16 tan•' uvre that may lead your read -
kinds, ors merry, but will not tale me so fu
P•weds. West, though wins 1 sm convinced of the
2,008 000 bone fides of "Fshertuan' 1 will do my beat
7,653,400 10 ud hun if he be a Casettes. ii au Amari•
9.2b5,7'3 est. 1 shall leave him where 1 found hien -
9 hese figures show that the Amore -nes is Tine ".•••.ti .
caught more tisk in the years 188) and 11,.89 The next tete "Fnhermwrites, he
than the ('.nasame di•ns caught out of the .ae night intorno your1*readers why soninny of
lake in the past 25 years. 1 challeu;;e the his ang have *4
kit its other .de, the
F ashen; Department to prove from their an- "Fnherenau'a 1'..redise' to fish to a country
Dual reports that the total catch of fish ns that hes suck awfully bad lase
the Canadian aid, of Leke Erie, from 1867
to 189:. aninunts all told to 50,000 tons of
6.1.. Without doubt the Amerman* caught
out of the same lake during that time 550,•
000 toes cd fish.
The total catch of white fi.h in leak•
Erie from 1877 to 181)2 ism only 3.452,718
p..unda. The American couch of 1885 es.
needed that of fifteen yews try the Cana -
to 1842 the Americans fishing on 'Ake
guest of Mrs. T. F. Cslesin. She ie on how great, to weepy the office now filled
Ler way to the ('.hlnrnie Mid Winter F:x•
p sitfon .t San Francesco.
Brum 8 : 1; A Deadman has parched
remit!), two Bee register 'l .1.r.ey heifers
The dam of one has tested 17 Iha. butter
per week, at 14 years old. The other dam
has a record of 14 Ills at 2 years old. His
Mrd now amebae* an even dorm.
l:ruesel. George McLaren, who for
y ars has been • clerk in the store of A. R.
:.mith, bin pose iliao p.rteership with him.
and *4.. n.w 6... .114 6. ksowa ..Musith &
Mcparoa---A. 8.. Smith, *Ito h.. been
Lid up for mate few days, is area &rowed
Hills Gress : Sohn. J.rrot has sold his
5) tern farm. .ee m11s meth of thio viWaa,
to James Terser, of the Parc line, toe to
sum of 02.360. Jas. Jarrett, of He.msll,
has sold her 180 acre Gins .djoia[at this
tr., ace to Jas. Leve for the sum of 115,500.
Hamer Thrs, MclAmbles, Croy,
brought • dressed 8.r to Bremer market
Toy of hat week that weighed 511
reads Wm. Bryan, Morris
elm me e that tipped the scales .t
Iba 125 to 13* foe one pig must be profit-
able pork raring.
I;od.riok township lentil the theed..
. nem of Friday, Feb. 9, the L.' rn of Loan
Aldwod was streak by lightning, but for
tenmely wane sd only alight injury. Tb.
electric plaid however, rue down into • .tag
'v copied by two omits, sod killed mss wink•
not isjuriy the ether.
clato.: R. W. Perry, formerly of (Ile-
um 1'ollsgi.te, has bow .pointed ex.misor
.n 4 ; reek .ad Inti., far tie let. 2nd, and
' 1 year fat ?vows. Usivereity. t►Y is •
very • _peeisi 4. paritlw, and 41.. Parry is
to be oongratelated epee s.o.rieg it, for be
is well qualiled to drawee *be deli's.
Clinton : Mn. O. Oaken, sr., of the
Maitland eimeanie., Gale 4.h township,
1nne of the oldest mod meet rested resi-
dents of the teww.bip► has rested the home
owned by Mrs Cooper, Albert queen, end
with her two d.ogbtsn. has ensue to tows
to nsid.. (Merge F. Olen, km sem, hoe
lese to reside w the fates.
Klytk : O. Rt Valet i.m'. ley, Wd.es-
,lay, 1m11. 14, the ammo was . some of as
'st.rsetfaa red ple...wt sera .vest, whew
neo of 1Myth's meet esti.-Me ladles te the
ries of Mks Kw* shiest daughter el
eve A. McLow, Ire vs bar bend tem
1" Rev, D. Mae% ear, of De emera T6s
eereeswe tank pine. •t 12 tiara. ie the
proems of a .amber .1 Wvited peters. TM
(wide look very pret•t' le • meet besemiee
by Sir Oliver Mowat. They would, if able
t, do so. nen prohibit ons o1 that far b
from presiding over the Government of this
D'mistime in which Catholics form o.•rly
one half the nopolatica. Let these narrow•
unaided fanatics look .t despised Quebec
and learn • much needed lemon in toter -
Montreal Wiesen : Many of the ('on
"ermines nrg+us of Ontario have highly
commended Mr. L•tirier s timely •pvs&1 for
tolerance, eat both Conservatives and Lib
eras believe that it has dope and is doing
goal One or two of the Coeaervtive
orgasm fear, however, that Mr. L,arier'e
flee mares may strsegthon him as • politic -
•1 loader, to they here begun to mew at
bum, to scream him of waist of tolerance,
sal, se few at pnssib'e, Dodo bin work.
They hark back to his declarative that bed
he hese • Yetis at R•leohs dories the sec-
ond rebdKos be sr it'd bays •ho.Wered hs
...kat. A greet many C-n•ervtive• now
Mew abet the Mete were driven into rebel-
lion. Red 14i. jobs. Meedeseld granted the
O sten review of th. Midis before their
outbreak thea ne greeted is host* why.. the
n ew. aim • 18.4 the rebolus. was • feet. all
the loves sad itvran lona in that ...hellion
would have bass sand, firm t • 13arlieh
graph. nr Mnn,t..ha had to resist ter Derain-
i.a tl ver.mee$ .ed the Caoddise Pacific
R,ilway by se &ppeal to force before they
meld free tb.isestres of the .wteopnly
which the terverwtaent bound thea) with.
11 the Conservative mesas really loved tol-
e rance they would welcome elfeouve •p
pole, no stetter whom IN whom they pro-
ceeded frost, and they sw•' ant try to en-
do the work of pseilisils by Marino open
aid sores.
Mw le S0* & ••111111111M101" menet..
Road 26 " Irby Does
Marin the words (" rby Flee• • Woman
Lok Old Sesser Thee a Yee "1 M Levet
Rr.... Lad , 43 9oett-ot Termite, red you
will ren des by pest a pretty pietism, free
from ailvertrieg, asd well worth hsminp.
TMs is s may way to demeans yaw Mme
The soap r the best in the market tied it
will only end le. postage to seed le the
wrappers, if yon leave the aside epee.
Writs yew same esrefelly. le
Twit Rletsar is wag a e year is •ivaee.
A premier& leekilslea, if Wow Heeee
WA. starla that forty 96 per meet. mere
week will have is. be dene by l.m8rsse
these the ansae se smesa.t m/ the leek mf
harem m the work.
111r ,reRI,.• t 4.1IL1kt.
Herring have not been propagated. Yet
the vetch in Like Erie increased from 12,-
628,400 pounds in 1880 to 44,103.413 pounds
in 1899. Thu is • proof that hatcheries are
• failure.
Its former years fishermen aught large
quantities of white fah in the Introit river
which were placed 1° pens through which
the water plowed freely. The fish were
kept from November to i)ecember to obtain
• higher price for them. The fish spawned
in the pens and, &wording to the report of
the United States fish commiusiouers, the
eggs cans to life and drifted Into lake Brie.
1a dna time the fry oane to maturity and
replenished the river.
111.1.1\o. „rt 11411.
Since the hatcheries have been establish-
ed 30,000 to 40,000 meters fish are annually
killed off. and from 200 to 300 millions of
ergs .re placed in the Sandwich and Amer-
ican hatcheries. All these *fp are lost to
the Detroit river, •e not • single white fish
ie ever produced from the M0 tailbone of
remit s seen in Detroit river, where,
to 1880, 100,300 white fish were rasgth e,e
the (1 madi•n .de of the neer, in 1892 only
18,000 were aught_ Why is it that then 1.
• great dearer* in the Detroit river sod
set in Lake Brie' Simply this : The fish
that formerly came to the river have bees
killed for the hatcheries sad ail of their
.04 course •'Fishernlan' kuows, and, from
the great q.ace you deyute to the .object.
you also should, that :eliding fishing fires
In Detroit and Port Huron control. through
weak 1'an•.hav, a large number of fiehtuyr
grounds in ()°tario, and he should also
know that tie altsrstioes unite lly advocat-
ed would allow the said lirno to conduct the
buaoeu from their own cities, and thus,
while paving thousands themselves, lave
t'.uode almost bereft of fishermen .ani
I would remind "Fishermen- and, also
yourself. Sir, that the 1'atario (louse is bin
nue of the
most effective stump speakers in the pro-
mos. llany s: xis. are told of lis tact In
getting the beet of an oppment at r meet -
lag. One pablshed Dome time ago is that
once he attrndrol a meeting called by 41r
Hee:lire who was 11111111114 sir parliament,
el 0, wbich p.nwv) that tars .ulruary en t of in .4hJborouglt, and that when he was ru
riled w s perk he arose, and *Lel 1
"ililiy" l.le•'e • hostelry wee run ou booed f
prtn..lpl«s. .Ibe a.:.,.uut'..Iatwa u o.t.i by
tin pr..pt.etor of t:e ('►r:,•a bete'. .8. we. wee teas rf a:u best, and s:ioweJ t h . t. rhe
.nee wars no* in the hand. of • man who
tb •'nu,f8le adeestone hew en eater o 'he
wr• ....t ,h yu'.I .•,
\ «► the tali . l.•1 i.r.•n ci.,i-.•I, 'he
sheds las iskrn by t .pt. 1 g! t:s a .l'
'stet . utl,•r is pi reelect ei ' I, : t•'i, ruJ the
vicehumors chair hrs Were atte.de4 to by Thos.
C'airoll, the ,copular vice•peaident. Fol•
k.wlug is the tort het, wi.ioh we might in-
cideotly remark for the benefit of those who
were net there, wee Jrnritie-hateoBe•
ilueen • ccol 'ave the flume."
The I;orernor I,ener.l and Lieut.-(:overn-
ors--" For They .re Jolly Goud Fellows
The Parliaments of Canada - ,TT. Ofigeni
The Motlicipa' Institutions Reeve Mal-
loy, deputy reeve 1 ouog and councillor
lobos, of 4 4borne. and deputy reeve 14r -
vin. of •\ehlielJ.
The Agricultural Ittereata Harry \lorris,
Sam. hinselt, and 'rhos. Burns.
The Learned Prete:winos Dr Hunter.
Commerce &n.1 Tradt 'thee. 4;ledhitl.
The-:\rmy, Navy and Volunteers Majorfarces.
The Press 11. McI.1lGcudd).
'The ladies W. Bailie.
The Hods and !forams -1Y. Gluier.
.lim Wells, of S•ltford, ltd the choir with
silvery tones and an organ accompaniment.
session, No that you may earned ly work to
remove the fishery restrictions from the On.
tario Game and Ftsh Act, for you know the
obi edam, about commencing at home, etc.
''ours truly_ H. 11'. Bor..
Till: Dude/tenet for April is rho second
of the "Great Spring Numbers," and has
many special features in addition to the un-
usually fine display of attractive styles.
Prominence u given to bicycling in an i1
hutrsted article which describes How to
Bide and What to Weer, and also w • full
page of figures in Kicycline Costume noel an
original piece of mutate entitled Tbc Cyclir 1 a
%larch. Mothers of families will be glad of
the aid of the very suggestive paper on Fit-
ting Out the Family for Spring and Summer.
and both mothers and daughters will be in-
terested in the opening chapter of a series
treating of the relationship between the
two Some new dishes are given under the
bead of Dainty Cookery. The paper on
How to Live Wisely mem • subject that
should commend Woolf to all housekeepers,
and the chapter on The Etiquette of the
Diener Table tread of the most refined oh
.rvooces .1 the festive board. The metre
tuition on The Uses of Crepe and Tissue Pa-
pers gives further instruction in the makes
of teeny model and ornamental articles
Around the Tea -Table furnishes both in-
struction trod entertainment, and further
entertainment is provided to An Easter
Party and Literary Charades. The latest
liter&tore is discerned in Among the Newest
Kooks, and Flower Culture for the Month
tells what work should be done i• prepar-
repsing the garden for the Sprisg and Sommer
The Illustrated articles ce Netting, fatting,
Runtime, Crochettiog, etc , areas famine,
ing u meal to the lever of (agcy work. The
seb.oription price of The Delineator 1.111.00
• year. Single Copes, l5 Dents. Address
order to The Delineator I'oblf8himg Co ,
(Ltd 1, 33 Richmond Street West, Toronto,
all parties gene.ithe0Y I. Mlle printed at
slot o. lotto,,•'• 4I tO I '•.
The feature of the evening was tin•, •.es
tionably the able political &.1Jre.s by Mr.
Carrow, the popular member for West
Huron in the l.'glal•tnre, and the honest
presentation of the caw nude by him
brought encomiums from Liberals and ('on•
servativea alike during the evening. Ilegin
niog. he congratulated the Liberate of Col-
horne upoo the establi•hmeot of a young
Liberal Club at the •'Hill " He expected
soon to see one established in ton and be•
hero' that iso more useful organization could 1 hour swab varying eucoe.s, each doing his
be effected in any loc.lity, as no better I,es el beet to draw the people to his aider.
method of spreading p,hticah knowledge I when • nteo with a monkey and • hene
could be hail. The toast of the eveuiog. I organ came to the centra of the Naar* and
the Parliament& of Canada, should interest 1'vegan to grim] out his liveliest tunes while
everyone, as we were, if anything tee, Much the monkey ea the organ grinned his pret-
governed. What was wanted from 4.overo• tic.*, grin to thew around. John A. and
roent was the greatest protection for our McKeller paw the danger of the situation at
homes and properties and the greatest free- the same torr and with renewed vigor did
dom in all our relations of trade and tom• their utmost to make their •howl more in
merce. He did not believe in p.t.rnelism, tere.tiog than the monkey. Rut they fail
and no ergumeut could be advanced in fav- .d, and in five minute* neither one bad e
or of the existing system of protection by listener except the old men, who were 1,M
tariff to pampered manufacturer. If the badly crippled w rth rheumatism to walk. and
manufacturer stand as 1 to 100 of cowum• the chairman. When McKellar met aloha
env, just so much es the manufacturer is A. at Ottawa, at the beginning of the fol.
protected will the 100 consumers be robbed. lowing .nasion, there was • hot discussion as
liabsey sod Carnegie can give great benefse- W which crowd deset led to the monkey
eons to Toronto and Philadelphia respec- first.
tively, but it is the people who have event- - -
ually to pays for the millionaire " n:uolh me 4 ig.rrllr ♦lee.
.seen. The I:oyernmeut .t (Ottawa has It may he thought the .rth1., r e.l
promised that it will modify the protective cigarette 'smoking in kept tea. o ,,mint
principle, and from the action of the people ally before the public Mitt erre ••n••
&cross the hoe it looks as if we were op who ars the Itsimlx•r of small f. y...ti
the eve of • soamler economic system. the r r. et, to teey nothinpg ul th• un•n
Protection s beyond question an incentive who indulge in the habit, wilt feel tl:.0
to tobbery,00mbiuea &ud other forms of die- toxo match cannot be said ngarost it
hoass4y. As an offset to ultra -protection Harper'. Weekly ad.1e a worst ;u. (. 1
the t•xstionists boasted about the "few w
breakfast table," which win going to ter The torr of Cigarette*not merely
.other extreme and allowing tea, coffee, hr., the nee of 40164c0. but a vice by ifs.lf
to come in duty free The speaker did not in refonnatairier where the veer of the
agree with that system either, and thought °pintn. alcohol. and cigarette habits is a
it would be better if • tariff for revenue bueinem. cigarette Patients are not re
were charged upon the article' named end %trio -tett from smoking cigars ..r piper:c
the exoesaive duties on other oommoditres which are resented no eompwaa
reduced ie • minimum. 1Appl.use 1 He tively harmless. The cigarette work•
had sat in the Letpeluure of Ontario for a special evil of ite own whish
three Des.ioee, end coofe.sed that he was tobacco in other forma dues hot
b.ewlsotogtofeel accwtomd tothe.ituasino.
affect This evil remit may be due 4.
ITa win •firm beluver is the propriety .lrng.. or paper wrappers. or to the (net
et( aappnrung the Mowat (:overoment, ed that the amok. of cigarettes is almost
their auoo.wr. were not in puhllc life to- that thinhak,l into the Inngr, w bile cigar
.My lbewr, heart «bile h. adrrittaJ the smoke f* not. As to that let the eipertA
ability of Mr. Meredith. without wishing to decide . about the effect .1 the fact there
detract from the other members el the Op- le no doubt. and no dearth of evidrmer
positinn he did net knew of en. member of No other forst of tobacco eats into the
governmental ap•city. the the other will an cigarrtt.o dn. The adult roan can
Med Mr. Mowat.1 &crpci•tsd wish m
carry off a gots, deal of ptieu•n.ef one kind• .umber of col:eh•agees, of shoat Ai5.y Of another, without diameter. and his do
eo.ntry might well be proud, and it would ties bring Hied and hi+ will forndct,. 8. is
take • whole row of the Opposition to wildly able to make his minor Hem
equal • Fraser. • Rosa. • Hardy, • Ilu• subservient to he more itnpaprtant
east. • Dryden. or a Gibson. 1 be Mowat obliged ions And to. it happens
(lnvevsmont was an edentate ration silk• that it i* a matter "f constant
outs Maio, or . scandal, or a oheroe of our obe•rvti, •n in chin, and whoa
ruption. mew. bear t Whilst it had ex over there are intelligent sten whin allow 184. b.• not b....... eery year .n 116°111"
pied millions, sot one single doper had thern.eleen all the t'reatnre indulgent -`s write life loaureee., and your field fortc•
been ilky.11y diverted The work of the that they dare, that theme experieneel must be ezceedin*ly well ne,taterel to en
Government an the interest of agriculture person* are constantly •• swearing oft' ' able Mery to accomplish the gun which yon
cigwn•tt4's for longer sir *hnrt••r periods. dhow ever the h•ndr,m• reread pert ve•r
was well known sad appreciated ; the
carrying nut of Me laws were and 'smoking cigars in.t..r1. The yip
11 yen hed &chin. ed thio by watr.v..ent not
• credit to Me Trevino.: the educe rette fetter begins to gall, and they fling buy, it would tot h... heart •-, sarpr.ini,
lineal .yokels of Ontario had a world wide it teff. But young bays do not d.. that. but that yen h.v• succeeded in the difficult
fame; and is the expenditure n1 the moseys They Kaye a,l diacr•t,nn en .itgh. fur •'a0 tusk of •cheviot' it at • mo■1.rate coat Is
of tb. Provhaee so rot'eesedul effort had bee. thing. and. for another. cigars neat toff •dettew for sincere rnograt illation to bring Bola,. to the Government ons ranch for then.. and cannot he smokedT" no able to .how • constantly icer ee
questionable act. True, • se•roh was awls surreptitiously m a apart. moment 1t 'ng surplus, oven whit. paying • millibar of
Mtn the cohniatine rads eepeaditiree, is the infernal ch,'apoeattof the eigalrtt•• your investment poli•iew, i. prnel to met of
and attar two weary weeks of delving. it and fts adaptability for concealment of tb. eswlkwt e wwl,ton n1 ynwr barman•.
was bread that there was an iri&eeur0cy in that tempt thus .ch.4.1 hey * callow it. tied rose finumrial man•mwwi.menr, It n
the figures eel one rent. (lend laughter.) telligr•nce ee steRary el intern atr.nmli, buo.l ;cent a
The speaker showed op • number of other _ besimes that appears to me to he .moneath
"m•ris mswtd" that the l)ppesitln under'" i-wv is entry detail and raisin
took to explore sod implanted how Peek ase The 1' P R. kin awraaq«1 to Mice 16.000 -IMML Such elements, i..eeh as wnw*l
is tun had failed as as engine against the bushel. of 4lsteri° wheat a .1 .Istat 1,000 MrfM era nes gendvwlly ..jny..*.
Government. C etieel.g, be said there terse 01 Quebec hay te. the F:n4118 Market Swift w.,eh.d the onedsM of year
would he soother meta* preaetly, and ha from the port of Rt. •lobe, N 8., as ma .t'
ilmomt fait like wielder that he owned • reinvent. tetsrttltaM w sure 9,1
t le Warn will ve • free mottos printed
la this list so to the teas of solo.
FRIn'., Mar. 2. --Rale of household fur-
niture end offsets at the retardates of the
Imre Thos. Whitely. ear. Heron ant Krntels
spawn lost. Far better clam the hatcheries sin roads The hones and Iota will also he
•sd lave 18. $50,000 eeneaily expended In .offered for ask. 1'ommimci.g at 1 r w. J.
flab breedisg. Korot, mutt.
WIDE 110 ►t.:oant Tutmenay, !larch 1. -At 1 ►.0 , late of
The., too, how posy Ne tie efforts of the tam innek• pr'p.rly el Jehe Knightly, on
mimesis. haulm*, eomp.rsd to the b one. 8, W.D.,AskMld. lotto I:rNke,
ga.atity of .pews dpesitsd by ter fish Stet - ens., F'eh. 24. At 1.30 1•. w , sale
. aurally. Ce.eid.r that parlsps sot me of "trek and implemeet., the^D"*ty of
ash est a every 1,000 that exist is Lake Harry Brows, on the premises, ►tnrnn en.d,
Bels, or say tial ..e to every 600 4. e& ht t:ederich township T. t.osdry, &net.
The wed cold eA whitish f. lake Erie ---
is see and see -half fathom 1t is probable Ifrs fiiMMra abeam.
tat ewe half of lie mature rah spew. leek Has tomb. f)tt slly, is keeper with
other leterfee. A remedy must he plena
amity .eeeptablle is form, purely whelosome
is essepsdtiem, truly beesieisl is effect and
eatiraty fns trim evert viler llneside ..a1•
fly. 11 really i11 hs orseelta a physteims : if
.eethesu1 he nem the reeds hinny tan•
tire, Ryrep of Tire
ouch • responsibility resting •.,.sou him that
be could tint properly teepee.. himself to 14r
Koul.sle language, an 1 that he must Ipc ct
(-wad if he spoke in This owe naive tong:..,
the t.aelic The audience, being cutup se
principal') of 1115814n1 ecoteh, did not
obllct to thin., though 511. Ke.cher pro•
tested ua the grounds that he dry not u*-
dcrstaod f :Ael.e, and therefore would nut be
•L1c to anemic Mit. lt.Sellar, but the pro•
teat did shot .veil, and the orator prooe.de.l.
It WAS not loos before hie vlu,uciu•e began
to tell upon his hearers : they row up front
theur_maiW.,._ sw ung then arts..' and would
have attacked Beecher if the speaker had
no' pial with them to spare the pour c:liel
wha hied .0 ,ales how ha I he himself w•t,.
Mr. Beecher asked one of his friends who
u nderstood the:14411c, what SIcK'dlar was
laying. sad his reply Wes, 'qt. is •wlul, Mr
leacher, it is awful" When McKellar had
finished his speech he turned arouud to
Ilea:her and said, " 1 gin dame uuw, air
ltee••ber, .u,4 earner me it you eine •' 1t i.
o le ilea to say that Mr. Ileecher dirt not
answer brit, and bring a 41.4.r speaker he
did not leave a very favorable impression
upon the audience, loliowiu„ as he diel, so
•b1ecti:e en orator who heel sp..ke° .n the
murieaI dialect of the Scotch Higoleeds.
Mr. 51.Kellcr told • wood story about a
meeting or meetings held in SIm0re many
years ago. when he and John A. were in
their prince. Tory and grit niretinvs were
announced to be held in that-tomon the
same day. &nd each party, to assure Duce..1
had secured its most prominent min as
speaker. The Tory hea.lquarters were at •
hotel on ooe aerie of the &here amt tnel:ti1
at • hot.l on the opposite, and they were
far esougb apart to punnet the voices of
the speakers mingling, tuil there win room
enough for the two ambiences to keep separ-
ate I. John A. commenced hie speech for
the "C. ry candidate to • large crowd, and
McKellar quickly foll•iwed in • speech Co
the (4rits, and they talked about halt an
The General Annual Meeting
a Tear et 1npreredenNd 'r p.N1y-a to1-
l•1arierl atatemesl -targe sar,Iue
toNsprerrd 5N& tattelNte• a
mem, Itassetal reenters.
Tbe auuu•1 uweuug of this oompi n,J wad
held at not had odic.. furontu, .0 Churls
day, ,I&nwry 2,. lb it. ,l.diu 1. K►•tkne.
h: -.i . rrestdeot was appiute4 chairman,
gad thin. JI..•t'ahe, net'ntery, when the f
14 port Wes submitted .
Ittix.k 1.
In provnrtae then lS•,h annual report et
the busmen int the o..inpaoy, the •Ilfecturs
congratulate the p they hnld.r• au 1 suer
antors upon the euutluusncr of the progress
and mantel prwp.rlty of the company
during the past year.
Applt.•.41m s for new insurances sln.klnt •
in to 4!,75b,,trx) were r.or.ee.t, upon which
were te.ue•1 p.ltc:w 10, N.Sb1,350; which,
added to the policies revived. inset the ad
damn to the P.'&r >12,6)i,8 -s handsome
tt;'roese uver the bwinese of any fOluicr
•l'he company has again the stemma ex
p 0 4, 11l'e to life inured .',• et iia orb interest
rec•spte for the year heing more than suf
ti•:Rnt to meet all dealt' cl.iln. •sd enJew-
trent ,•lata{. wader It. policna
It made the uu.torlle.1 addition to iia re•
wove and surplus feuds (h.i.g the amouut
put by for the reeve! over 58 per cent. of
its traitor, alter havtu•o 'het all expense,
and payment. of its p r.ey.hod•Irre, thereby
greatly •treugthen.ug the already tineur-
passal financial pe4ittoa of the nnmpasy,
aud ta:teasing its well-esebl+wheel &bility to____
meet ail .WIKations "promptly as they
mature --au tuuawUal n9.tntte of safe add
workless' nsu•gemrnt. -The &dahlia&
made to its net surplus is61... * flat int any
ame, year, sad now agrnerates the rola-
meiy large sem .4 itt97,06a26--. fact
which it is b.Mred. will be very gt•tifyiag
to in policy holder'.
t'..o of the b-ot testa an tnten.Lng'usur-
er au apply in &rivaling-s-emmTmne 14 TFi -.
relative yearly
,•aw'g.T to./ o: a 1411.14 ft se,
upon its menu asset.. In this Imputant
pat ciculu, the N-.rth .LAirman Life conn
para favorably is it-lr iia chief c uupe'Itors,
and excvrlls moat of thrift.
It to unp..rtent to note that the amount
of terminated insure/ice - t•.nnpw,ratirely
faaorable was Ices thou in the previous
)ear, .hoeing Increastug stability 10 the
business placed on the comp&uy's books.
allocation of surplus to investment
pL•e,ee naturiog in 1894 was epproveJ, •A
us.1e by the entire', • ceu.ulti,g ect.tlry,
and such surplus te again .n rictus of the
eatim•ted ,a.uII. dont&tue•1 in the nom
ponya wthori eel book of tables io use b)
14. 05cnt r.
The Lucks of the • puy were closed
prumptly on the last has new day of the
year, and, ea heretofore, ti a l.rr0minery
std full Graver un,ent rep•. were then coin
ppletel and needed to the sueerinteudent cf
Ineur.nee at 1► •ewe, Lo,getuer w th full de
talls of all n. assets.
The auditor insole a rnniulete audit of the
eonnpny's affairs monthly, au1 &t the clow
int the year verities! the. Cash ..n hand and 1m
bank., and ex•mmed .each n•rtgsge and
every other security held by the .vonpany
The services of the ." mpanv'. •tatT of of
li en, iwpecron end agents again deserve
special conimendaeou
.bail'. 1. l[telete,
'umen•ry of the full financial at.tement
and balance sheet tor the tinancal )ear end
Ing Ikiormtier 301h, 18!43
I 'ash (teems ft 492,514 08
Expenditure Uocluding death
clavus, endowments, prohts
and all payments t.r policy
holder. 216,792 45
Aasera ... 1,703,453 39'
I'e.ervefund 1,319,510 00
Net wrplus for pulley headers 297,01,2 26
Audited and found conect
4455' ('akb LE, M.l).,
!triaging I hrector.
To the President and Ierectors /tithe North
American. Life Assurance 1'ompny
Gentlemen, 1 enclose herewith Int show
log amount nt surplus that may be dipper
timed' to each invsscrte•nt policy metering
in 1894. The surplus added to the reserve
constitutes the total rash value. This sur
plus exhibit is a very gratifying one, exceed
log the estimates that you aro placing beim•
the insuring public, and, therefore. forcibly
demonstrating teat your tables aro bawd
upon Justifiable wumpttoes, that answer to
the rigid tent of actual accomplishment.
In former reports to yon I hare teen good
came to commend the dieerrtion seen -teed,
and the rood judgment manifested by your
mesagem.nt, in .nco0rr.clne the preference
for so admirable • plan of insurance as the
20 year investment plan Knowing the ed
vintage that must accrue to the company
sod the estabxct•rn that each • plan rives
to its policy holder, 1 am eeryed ew
to s
that your business shows • .till larger pre
pneder .ce on this particular form of
policy. This fact alone gives • .reneger
probability of the continued profitabteaess
+of the investment element of your policies
than any other single feature could do.
year, bet lay edye.e-third de. The
eepormem, 7..i) .;:,u,000. Rae ane -third
wield .pews, which be 260,000.000. The
• rsre whitefish .nsbfie
(.s 96.000 .,
.8mold116 old ewe 6,960.000,000,000. 7'b.
Unmet esmhar of fry Yr. Wilmot .Mibe
gwtity of erns .sited M them is