HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-15, Page 7THE SIGN.► I : GODFRIni,, ONT., THURSDAY. FI?BRUA i{ Y I.►, 1894.
Out (':rh .S ytetq.i,► now one week old. We aro pleased, our Cu,.•
homers aro uioro than pleased. We have wade it plain k) etrryoae
that One Dollar in flash Will buy Mord Dry Ooot1t than One Dollar .ill
the old l'rwlit $y'ttnt.
In re -omitting our ,stock Wu went about it in a systematic. ittyti•
orad -like ulannryr, closing our Stor., for ;h1 ',purpose, and marking
plain figure.; ;ivory .pieee of goods.
We slashed right into the old prices. We are showing 25 I,i• e.•. of ;
mist we.. i)rfnWeF i l (joo.la at 23 cents. We hate placed in stock thin
week 63 pieces of New Spring Urals
\1'e are also showing New Prints, New Satin Check- Insliva, New
Flannelettes, New Embroideries, New 1 -ace Curtains, New Carpets,
.ori right hero we would like to call your special attention to this de-
I.artlncnt Wo didn't forget to stark each piece W the Cash Level, and
it you Want to �lf4rp.'1 this Sprint;, tt lol.k through t)ur Goods k will c•)n-
%ince you that "THE i'h:Ul'LE:S CASH -STORE is the plate to
l•uy Carpets.
+ + + + + + 4
Oer 50c. Corse Cannot be Beaten.
Ladies' and Ctldren's Underwear, eitra Yalu.
Nary and Black Ston® Series, the but in
Ton for the Bony.
• Draper and Haberdasher.
Dr. Low's Sulpbnr Soap i• a d.lirhtJul
.e.ampoo. It cleanses the scalp and darkens
;fey haw. 4
It w• would overcome the Isws of nature
ee must sot rueist, we motet baleen them
a,taisst one &m•ther.
inns is toothieg igoomiaious about pow •
erty. It may even serve as • healthy stim-
tilos 10 great spirits.
It Is not in our opts Pioneer* deeds that
we used the cull voters of the silent nitiattor
,nit is the small skeet every day acts of
If we could read the secret history of our
enemies, we should fiat to each men's life
sorrow and reffering •soui;b to dts•rm all
f bore is Ins misery in burg cheated than
to that kind el wisdom which punier,
Kinks it perceives, that all manktad are
Mee whish is always Dorman possesses a
mysterious sad poem -fel stt.rwetton ; rid
hearts amen to it as to the stn to warm
i hea..lves again.
Work pates the only way leading to
Loowledge. The way is • long ere, ssld tae
I.thculun in it are missy. bet step by Nap
:• can be traversed, if be the guide.
es must net only work, bat yes must
t der year work with tutelages°, ; yon
must he preemie, the way fee what yon
west te Weems, as well s. do what Ilea to
your head.
Capteis Sweeney, U. S. 1.. San Diego,
at, says " Shiloh'. Catarrh Remedy le
the first taedieise 1 here ever foetid that
would do sus any good." -Pita 50 °eats.
•old by all druegista. • w
We may divide thinkers into those wbo
,oink for themselves had these who think
through others ; the katal ere the ride. the
termer Me =tint- Daly the light winch'
we have kisded 4. ourselves can illutwinate
rt hese
Hush of li4.a misery iodise to indigs tion.
,r who oast be happy with • pails is his
stomachAs • corrective and Ateongthener
of the alimentary organs, .Aye•'s Pills are
:evsluabe, their w being always attended
with marked benefit.
The man is poor indeed who menet in
some way help his moigbbor, if °lily by
ends of sympathy ; sad sales he has the
•i tion to .lo this woes he is poor, there
s little likelihood that the possession of
riches will transform hs nature.
He who makes • busiest insinu•ties
sgaiest a tlsighbor'u integrity or baser is
tufty of aa impieties whish 1. atrooioat and
tnonotrona in mesmerism with the petty de-
predation of the deapis•ble thief who Weeks
foto his granary and surreptitiously carries
away his corr.
" Bacteria t'o root o •ar in the blood or ie
vie tisanes of • hsnhky bring holy, either
of sae et of the lower animals " So says
she celebrated Dr. Koob. 1)thee doctors
say that the heat medicine to render the
Mood perfectly pots sad healthy is Ayori
• u e•parills.
1 he ehief office of lams is to bury all
hat is earl, and the chid tan of speech is
o demise, and diesemia.t• all tarot is
I..t this be eau with iesurity and airiest
nal, sad let ao criticism discourage it. for
,Is ultimate benefit to ammeter sod t, eon-
,Iset is established beyond • denim
To gide pills sad purgatives fee da101ah-
r•m of the liver is like giving • weak ren
w hi.hey to keep Nm wet hie. They waits
the digeNiv •mase se overwork bat leave
them weaker and Ism able t• refer- their
'sactime. Kt.Ijay'a Elver lineages Melee
Nature to ds Ila went Mad M the seam time
?e-'eagtt th ap.MThey My am
drug storm
1., AmPu. is sally can lithe a year.
Have it emit r year Mesita
tie true Ther Dims Mae 1utii his r« -
leeks .sed.
Three men who tried to get a donkey
down Seventh avenue at 1 ; o clock yester-
day afternoon when the beast didn't choose
to go gave tbouswds of storekeepers and
pedestrians • spectacle that );otbemitesvery
seldom get • chance to see. 1 his particular
donkey was • little fellow with an amount
of eetf assertiveness entirely out of propor-
tion to his size.a first became an object
of •tteation at the corner ot Seventh avenue
and tarty -emend street. The man had
beeo India; lido Jong Forty -snood street
by a rope which was looped mound his
n eck They were turgtng with all their
etreugth oo the sad ot the rope. but the
donkey decided that he wanted to stead
still, and he did it with an abrupta.se that
nearly yoked the three wee off their fest.
A crowd gathered and laughed at their oom•
bitted but mar•ilisg efforts to bemire tbe
' do.key. All three men tired lansmage at
the •aimed in sharp and unprintable volleys.
IHot as the language was, however, it
didn't phase the donkey
A change of tactic, became necessary. and
the three men got • horse and wagon, hiteb•
.d the donkey'. rope to the tailboard of the
wagon, and whipped up the horns. The
donkey parted is sarprt e as he felt the
reps yanked up suddenly. Then his proud
sprit rebelled against .coercion, and hs
brcet bis lege for resistance. The horse
Iwas thea however, and the doehey
was desired bodily alone, with his hoots
vainly trying to grip hold of the granite
pavement -
Everybody laughed at his comical strug-
g le. But when be bad been Amend three
blocks thele was as •deupt change in the
popular feeling. The donkey had resisted
( ro deal e-ately that his hied legs slid for-
ward until his fetlock joint rubbed on the
lose track sad bled from the coaefaat frte-
i tion. The donkey's hind feet finally slid
completely under his body. and he lost bis
balance and rolled over. He was inat as
obstinate when he repined hes fee:, and one
of the men been to belabor him with •
Nick. He broke the stick without coo 1um.
Iisle the donkey, and the crowd began to pro -
'tele agaiaet the cruelty.
1.eorge Hicks, • wrestler, ,•.tnealeeg with
• baby in his arms. He was walking with
two ladies. Ile yelled at the men who were
trytog to make the .Mokey go, and tried to
pt one of the ladies to bold the baby so
that he could hare a nand with the Joc-
key driver. The wont's were alarmed at
the pn+pect of a tight and wouldn't take
thet!r y. The wrestler fretted and tamed
and roared at the driver. Letter -carrier
Noah ,f station 1: Wads Jour. and he trine
pnthissd with the doak.y too. The chit
dreg is the street were Drying in their pity
for the deekey that wouldn't go.
P became midget that the donkey would
be seriously injured it he was dragged any
further vaned his will and at Thirtieth
street the teem got down sad uahiteMd the
reps. 0.e of them who wore a coachman's
rig with Mather leggings. Degas to belabor
tbe desk• with brakes tad ot the stick
that had been previously ettisabd ea he
A els footer hove in eight Piot at this
point. He were a fisherman', peeper end
big beets. He steeds over to the mast with
the Meek.
"Say?" he yelled. "ill l4ek par it yea
isn't � up with lbs stick,"
" 1">i bit $60 there isn't a man in tows tea
leek -e." sheeted the mean is essehttnn's
fklh.r .. "Ili N It Mr.Mb4. get
His brawny 1st slue eat hem the shad-
dereaagtt the ether re's law. mad let
phihim steer beheststhe tar 1SM
.tweed 1st Mmes a mighty .feet .1
and the big Yes -aa wanted axil/
Loss of Flesh
is one of the first signs of
poor health. Coughs, Cultis
Weak Lungs, Diseased Sloot-
ole v, blew es the two,41 plaits, ah.cb prove
fatal. A oars is knows to us el suck's in -
',bey 1.teg moved, sad leuvtmg seemu,yet
is tee yeses after•eels, the recipient, en
et'•'r•e, dropped dead as the direct .eau:' ot
... ut a ispected Moral kits) that had brio
-sore,' Is a Wood vtasel le the l rs.o, the
death pm:wrist: *lieu the sou sae af.par
ent'y healthy arid I:e.rt), Lulu .widen a
•al. meet. Am,thrr re.., which ga.• rise
uo r l..wsuit, wm that of • proem injured in
a r• I. ay ao,rclsot. there wee literally no
mail: •.r sig.t id injary, o.v tinooliete JI
t'1., t. beyond a slight reactive. ba Ors et.,lp
mei headache. .1. t r .Duds yewru this pat
,'ted at hila itiuucr talar, Wilde- hiler.ese.!
' i•Tllt • e;uj moat ata child l birt►.Isy. Hap•
t'M ie medical adviser w,,. • rtry able
i..a1 mad he werutut the r...,. peuv v hen thee
fa.•cid.st occurred, but bis ptti.nt ought.
bate bees very seri .tuiy i. p, •d, and he
would hold them twpn.sible f..: .bntegea-
t, Itich�, viol/ace
r•oev,•tr.l. The m.drr. crate
In viol/ace W wee. is an llenient of risk I
tit dile iata•trau.e •on,pmutr,, from 'tree "ob )
scar:" i juries, •bion thigh' nes{ ea lake
grew ease to avoid suftering fres., ss apple- I
tants balite to devel••I, •r,a.0 wrakiti.s of
0154 ,!a.. are usn:.'ly sound is „ remit sal
limb' and a,,par. nay .: v.•1 bees ,.
I3mu 1sioi��,.
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
cures all of these weakne.ws-
es. Take it in tone to avert
Illness If you can. Physician,
the world over, endorse it.
bel 11Imbed W Selethehel
"tett 41 them amenus. Illtkwgtat.. to, /t•1.
had a belt around his waist beanag- the in
scriptt..n "Tom i..ahr►vht, N. .1.
There was • Cnru rani 'on Ls tact, aa• he
watched the ku.ieked out driver ..:ramble
out of the mutt to instant later shouts of
laughter raug tht.,u1;h air. The Jockey,
rho lead turned to see his U.rmeator lent to
gems, tooted ell on a trot of his own accord
Dangling trout his halter was a t and labe-
led : "1' 1' Ku.k, Pittston, 1'a.
. Well, 1 Ii 1e id i."cried all three of
the drivers as theys {are,' after the donkey
with distended ey "What the Dickens
thauv..ithat (look 'e'mad "'
Capt. schmttt said that the don
key'. behavior was s 'ply s striking Ales
tratioo of the principal of moral suasion es -
pressed in the memorable poem -
If 1 had • donkey and he wouldn t go.
D., you 'husk 1 would wallop him tilt,
00 n0'
01a Tec.praure net. Rho tW,.old
' Not Break 1111. 1'reu,l.e.
The des o1 hcroieni are never peat,
and the history of temperance ul the
dant where it was everywhere d•uount,;
est would afford .mane noble epe, imens
1 have .sten spoken of Willie Bartlett,
au.1 it will interest iboor of your read
yrs who admire pluck wherever it in
found to real of his trial and triumph
w this'll father was ui,lii. fatter. one
of the multitude, whom the drink sweeps
away who are Will to he "nob.i ly'e eu
enlIp t bot their own" -a haying terribly
false, as Willie's mother and the father -
Imo children nous felt Burdened with
debt and with AN smell children to asp
``tort, her lir..sperts were very dark indeed
Earl- in life. however, she had become
a true l'hristiati. mud though her has
ban•1, who had once walked with her in
the narrow path. had been led away by
the drink fttw.l, she remained faithful,
sed now that the day of trunble had
come she knew where to go for support
and gniden.•e
.tfter awhile Welter's tn..ther deter
mined t apprentice hint to his fathei s
trade. and after iter. negotiations the
master wooed to take hien. Having a
high regard for the father, the master
took him into the works and gave him
in charge of his principal foreman As
soon as the master had left the foreman
"Well. Willie, we'll make a man of
thee here for thy father's sake, and we
must have a footing to drink thy sne-
reie, and as 1 know money is not very
plentiful at home. 1 will pay for it I I
self,' and immediately .lite of the other
lads was sent for a quart of beer.
Poor Willie was bewildered with this
arrangement, for his mother bad trained
him op a strict ahetainer and had taught
him to hate his father's ,unrderer-the
.drink The beer was goon brouttgght, and
the men• ath.red round and each drank
to Willies success. Then the foreman
pptound ..est a glace+ and offered it t•.
"Now. utv la.l, drink sueee . to all. '
Willie quietly replied. "1 am a teeto
tiler and nerd r touch the drink "
Irritated at the bov's reply. the fore
man said. 'None efthat n.roseose We'll
haven.) teetotalism here. Take the drink
at nes.•
\Tillie sa"I promigerl mother 1
would •v'er toueid,h the drink, and 1 never
l ...k here, ' said the wan. we are
not acing to have two mestere here. •t.
.irink it up."
'1 cannot, azul 1 will not, said Willie
Ma,' with the Ieoye rebellion against
his ..esteem, the II rretnan said ' This is all
ntmsena.' 1•oEt will have it in you or
over ion'.' •
11.11," said Willie. "1 can't help it.
1 will never drink. Yon van throw it
..ter me if you like, 1 have brought
herr u titan jacket and ast character.You war spoil my jacket if lou will.
tet yon shall ue,,r *poll my ekaracter.
Struck with tite key's earnest look.
the nuns better natnr. prevailed and
tnniintt away he said to hi. mates
Hr's a runt one. hitt 1 believe he 11
make a titan."
The prophecy wan right, for to day
Willie is a pnomint temperance worker
and is at the heal of a large .etabltah-
ruent ttote•.i for their intelligence and
high principle Pacific.
tele eiec anee Irene Thew *lasers.
The total nnmbcr ..f slaves iu the
United States when the emancipation
prods natein was lune,' ie r..•k.tned AA
4,000,100. The total number of drunk
itialla the i'nitel states alone i. stet t
9 _MOOR fuel there are probably 10,OU
000 other persists bound to thise by
family tiles and sharing to the hnrdom t1E
their enrol.. As m result of the slave
st,tem inilli•tns were tranaferred from
realms of ent$RP'Ty to a halm of eiyilita
ti.m, with mote advantwges nn the whole
oven under slavery then they bad la
their native land. The slave was not an
econotitie hes, the drunkard b' African
slavery was limited to a comparatively
ewtail flit,' iitiame invades all civilise
Don Slavery wee alerting on the lower
ran*, Intemperance allliets the highest
From any point of view liquor has dose
ieraiculably more harm than Airless
shivery. -\ .der
N.e.n Is4sws.
laseraaes and Fineries Chronicle 7'►•
median dlroder of the Manhattan IAN In
._ewes Company (A New York declares
that Menem ka j.ee,. whisk are aessestabe
9foor!m�aany tayNeiw dMrt�i%y are
very fre-
Maswt- lajsriss� l6Nk.U. le-
Mee e-
armee urea as tbe had are trrigriaria,
Ala leave remits that as. •weare he
goo% mI110 reals mtsOlenN$ seegnti Of 111-
1. t,... oft Naa sil.rwr$ei.t.r and Then
M..•\tar VFeb. 2.4 < v..ti1ll traa.rrjM
rr,'wttr,ler laud wi• ids mor t difinitted iu
t!,i. , it. r.•.terd.y t yo wl:4 matt hr
n:g oi, . h.•pnp de M ors street .hag and
tilled his .ester and then killed ht.niirlf.
HAW*. I)t fretj.^, eau.. It ,..l at Igo
1'hamp de Mats ar•'-t with his sister, 1frs.
Brunel, and hersi.ter in lair, Nr. }i.legrl,
returned from the States fft._iietoifirl 1Yl ('
tiiterinq thin conxutuptiun sbd. 4rtat-tor
lice with hilt sister, *1e, is *etiolated from
h. -r heehaw!.
Lately leifrens. batt .1r,t worrying a
gent deal as to-.w+t.st eed�ii1tl1, he,••nn•• of Ilia
sister after M dia.. see** • 14 haws n•.
our. to protect her and . 1.14. ve Ito
inc.,. .1 s,apport. l '+ tooting
Mr.. If stmt Went sits.. , . tkrt and on
her retnrn discovered the body of h.•r
sister in•law in a. chair et the window
Where .he had -bre' sitting knitting. She
ran downstairs to glee use alarm 11'heu
she returned Udrelise was rifting in a
chair dead, wifli k bullet in hie brain and
the smoking revolver, In his 'hand. lie-,
(reuse was ''ori years Of t tie `and his sister
ill year.
Kiwis is Ledeu,
1-,0v1soc, Felt ', t sharp encounter
took pure on Saturday in front of St
I'aul'a t'athedral between the p•dic.an.l a
body .,T unemployed -hews. About 2:00
1.110 delve marched to the cathedral and
attempted to eater. The polite drove
them back, the crowd resisting. The
police were compelled to use their batons.
acid 11 of the riotous eros,' were injorml
4i .nigh an etteut that it was deemed (pest
to send there to the hospital for treatment.
Repulses) at the cathedral the crowd pro-
ceeded to 'Trafalgar s pare, where an nu
portant meeting was held. Three of the
speakers who addressed the crowd tial
blood 'stained bandrefee abut their head.
ti hat "urpri ed the Barheriaa,
-\ S.ondan.e chieftain whom Profes-
sor Hagtmhe'k ,the Iirrutnn Barnum)
had brought to Berlin was intntdnced to
so•m.• n•preeentative of the Ethnological
Anxiety who asked him how he enjoyed
his trip. end which of all the wonders of
the 1;ertnatt metropolis had impres.e.i
him the m.•+t What snrpriete. rue
Meed," Said the ingeni,ni,1 savage,
how you can {trove theetormone freight
trains on your railway tracks, and how
yon can wanage 10 swallow the horrible
drinks sold in yonr restanrauta "-
World's White Ribbon.
Whi.key the Ile.tre,rr.
• All moral qualities dwarfed by drink
in,.; whiskey. " That wag the report of a
phrenologist who examined the negro re- When going from • warm attnoepter° in -
buduktis.-LlanrUYandiloh .e ,6.1taLd tiedge:.thett FOR THE NEXT THIRTY IDAYCe
tar qua.:ty and extent ct ails.
Vied se cord:ng.te directions. It dans •rey
with .il the o:d ashteaed des. lyary of week I �'
day. Try It; yet *oe't be disaprotr.ted.
gG$T a"P .»•
°' f Lamps and Lamp Goods,
Wit.•la,r Castle for 1it rest i )ean, and its
ai.ufaottwersn L •• 1,eru �a,•r.•islty art Cutlery and Silverware,
In order to get Our Stock Redu:,ed we will Offer
In all Lives
awarded 1! A. 1 ltadab
tion of the country. The fact that other
hunters have tool ot seeing these monsters
browsing on herbs up along the 'Ivry girt*
• certain probability to the story. On
Forty Mile ('reek boors of mastodons are
.utte plentiful. title ivory tusk nine feet
lung projects from one of the sand donee ou
that creek, and single teeth have been found
that are so hove that they would foe a good
Toad for one man to terry.
DNarbtw t'a..vd by Dyspepsia. •
lliee:seis i• • symptom of I lyapepsin.. uI
have used Burdock Moo 1 Kitten for di/it
nese which came over me in spells, so that
1 had to quit work for • while. The B B. it.
eat. rely cured me." .lauet- l\'al.•ur,
1 'hestertield, Ont.
Never lean with the back upon anything
that is cold.
Nene begin • journey until the breakfast
as hero eaten.
Never take warm desks sod thea imme•
diately go out Into the cold.
Keep the hack, especially between the
shoulder blades, well covered ; also the
chest well protected.
to sleeping in • cold room, estabhah a
habit of breathing through the nose, and
never with the month open.
After exercise of any kind never ride in
an -open carriage, or, near the window t,f a
Oar for • moment. It is dangerous to
health, or even life.
When hoarse speak as little as possible
u ntil the hoarseness is recovered from, else
the voice may be permanently lost, or dith
culues of the throat be produced.
Merely warm the back by the tire, and
ne••er conu0ue keeping the back exposed to
the beat after it is comfortably warm. To
do otherwise is debilitating.
tenth' tortured to death in Paris. Teti.
It tells in a single sentence the history of
must of the race troubles of the soath.-
W. oh o. -
seeding cons Frain Showy.
.t word about eroding gifts directly from
the plate where they are bought, writes
Mn. Hamilton Mott in • practiced article
on "lending Christmas Packages" in the
December Ladies' Home Journal. 1f the
article pnrchaa•d is of jewelry, if It is any
thing of glass or china, or if it is something
which, hie • lamp, remakes spec al packing
this may be • wise thing to de. In this
case place your card w th the holiday Arent
Inge woose thereon in • anted envelope
carefully addressed to the name and rest
dente of the person for whom i ; u sent.
And then ask the clerk to remove the price
tag font the article 'archaised, and give
special oder that the cost check shall not
be sent with the package. At all the large
shops preparation is made for this, and the
vulgarity of sending a gift with the price in
evidence is committed.
Live /aMNeM.
Alaska Indians positively apart that
within the last five years they have Ire
quently seen animals which, from the de-
scription gives, most be tpaetodooe. Inst
spring, while out Looting, one of these la-
dies' Dame across a series of large tracks,
rich the sire of the bottom of a salbarrel
sunk keep io the moss. He follo Ike
curious trail for rime mike, finally i.,
out in full view of his game. As a lass,
thea Indians ars the bravest hunters, but
the proportions of this new species of game
tilled the hunter with terror, and he took to
swift aatl immediate flight.
He described the creature as being at
large as • post trader's store, with gnat
shining yellowish white tusks and a month
lane 'sough to swallow a mau at a single
1. further says that the animal is
itatethesilly of the same species as these
wheel buses and tusks Be all over that see -
to • 000kr one keep t1e mouth closed, se
that the air may be warmed in its passage
through the eon before It reaches the
Never go to bed 4►ith cold or damp feet,
Never omit regular bathing, tor, unless the
akin is in active condition, the cold will
close the pores and favor congestion and
other diseases.
Never stand still in cold weather, tepee.
ially after having taken • slight degree of
exercise, and always avoid standing on ice
or sr ow, or where tbe person u 'speed to
the wed.-`faaitarl.a.
lea eke rkNrr-.
Peblic speakers and Gingen are often
troubled with sore throat and housemen.
and are liable to revere branchial attacks
which might be prevented and cured by the
.tae of Hsgyerd's Pectoral Balsam the best
throat and lose remedy in use.
New itrunswie& cedar shingles at h,dd'.,
$1.110 set.
They & ilei ,•am.e. 1. or ra, k an '. treaken the .) d.
the and aberpt►rg.ti. a.i they tone op
awe and .i nowtx.ped-Itivetrtr(:I tci.rh site•e'h
do titer err ovary y ae•• Ali. Theyetre 1 .
•ttpm•►*• 1 ea inn, Headache. Tin.,.
nem., temple■ sod 1,11 di.eaws atne
from inmure 1.4+,14, orZi.h e.
dab lair *r.5QIgt Far Them.
Lliari4at r tlr Caalana.
Buchanan ESTAOLIS EO lion,
[Widen 1a all kleda et
•ad bmaka i'materiel of ever, deseetpalen
Sokool furniture' SDeciultl.
Granite and Puritan ware,
Carpet Sweepers,
Clothes Wringers,
'Japanned, Tin, and Oopperwar e.
We have a Fine Assortment of Stoves and Ranges
and if you are thinking of buying anything in this line we
think we can suit you as to quality and price.
The Fnest Quality of - Christmas
Fruits, Nuts and Confectionery.
This is a pertinent .1uestioo and) Steam Boiler T I ork,d.
ole to which you should give , I*STAIIIJSIIFDWeld
if . isa'essel est-
,. by catling et
A large qu'atity of 1IF:ADW MADE
CLOTHING on bawd will be disposed of at
was: l' v 'ley will bring. Call early sad
g et Bargains.
"ny a thorough knowledge of the natural
laws which govern the operations of di.lratioa
and nutrition. and by a careful application of
the flee properties of w,IIs. ectad l'oeoe• Mr.
g ypshas provided for our breakfast and sup-
per a delicate) flavoured beverage which may
save us me heavy doctors' bill.. it Why the
J1016011* use of sorb articles of diet that • con-
stitution may he gradually built up until rromg
enough to resist every tendency to di...s.
Hundreds of subtle maladies are Rootlet
around us ready to attack wherever :hers is •
week point. We may escape many • fatal
shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with
pore blood and • property nourished beano.' --
C tr4 Serried Onselfe.
Made simply with h•tillsg water or milk.
gold coli in oaoketa,hy Orsemri, labelled thus :
JAMBS EMI rte., _tisipnthle
OAVIATi iktT'.i
too (a rm rims �P MON Tet, rte.
%N'tt a tri WIC "as ib Nttw r 14ff
Innen t.atw. 4or arteriae pstw.ta a A=kis.
Zrt t ntteot e.ow .St b, Is •n..dmt ret e
•mills 1•y a .,rtes edeas l� est .*arse to the
�'�aaa}rrrcetfftieutiff c American
NrtaINie,) .A aa) lMMI 1I p10•�Ip1 be
.Medi Illeatlrtedre )te 11'3'1
yr t.t.ast... to itred*v. • T °rL
Sttrcrsawrto l'iryoul 4• Sleek.
antifaeturers of all kinds of Station-
ary Marine, Upright .k Tubular
Sat Paas, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., ete.
IAlso dealers la Uptight sad Horiz•alal elide
Valve beiges.., Automatic 1'uelty ems sea s
psctetty. All nate ef et • and pip
etlsstanlly os bawd. Ifa.imetes furnished se
short notice. Repairing promptly attended t•.
tett is P. Box 37. .)uderich, Oat.
Work. -Opposite O. T. 11. Stadler. Oderiea.
alrt)OTwta r'ga ti rtcaseu5t.
Sfecific• and Antidote for
Impure. weak and impoverished blood, dys-
pepsia, deeplemaess, palpitetion of the
heart, liver complaint. neuralgia, loss of
wester', bronchitis, oonsumptio11, gall
stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary
diereses, St. Vitus' daa'., female irreg-
ularities sod newel debility.
J. M. IfcLEOD,
Proprietor sad Ilsamtactarer,
Mcl.am,'e SF■e�rrr'a�no RRatrrovarort ate 1r dab
treat all .It� arerass Oweala town, wall as nd sad from
•n thea d were s Sowe
Beafortt, end Teresa*.
2211 Ir.
P1lu S
hoed. and alt business 1a the U. 8. Pates
attended to at MODRRATR PRitf..
r Waite N oppeslto the t'. a. Patent Of
sad let sae ebfaia Patents is leas trate
a thaw •.mote tress WASHINGTON.
Rend ORt�DRAW/NO. W seWe 10.
ams ; wed
make J ITiMAAO tree
a i» 6.W ides pto the Pemmestwr, the Peet.
f�iag beas, rder IT.. end t• .edits et w
a rtitwrit els olr.al.r. eerier
karat and rite eetese t• metrial disarm la mar
awe Mate er asset, writeN
C • anew a e...
011peM4.Pw t e weaktasS.a D. 0
means the Ind -
Soya aro in
freakier. Dodd**
Kidney Pills rue
prompt relief "
75 per newt.
of draono* is
.at taneod by
disordered kid-
Night as well
try to hew s
healthy city
witkewt ewer-
wenape, es geed
keeltk when the
kidaoye aro
4611.011 the, GAP
the Kraenyere
.f t
he late Ia
clangorous. Neg-
lected kidney
(rouble• result
in Sad flood,
Dyspepsia, Liver
Coewplaint, and
tA• most dee-
/ elf,
Lights deemM,
ei.Astea sad
Ti. eb,le•
• diseases Nowt
•rlet whore
Dodd'• Kieleet
PNIe .ru se
istl ti r drum wad* ler staler
el pan ee ewes.
bowl gill
L 144t sr ek