HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-15, Page 6THE RlONAL : OODI4 RiCII. ONT., THURSI)A Y. FEBRUARY lar 1*114.
tt e•teics at) At _ ,, Amnto•Ie. L.
P0w/1aMseeant' 160"41111*
}14.11 A ItRIe.HT LITTLE (= I.'S LIFE
A TI i:itt t'• t 11 1 aLE rale. .T. t ITt" 1' '. E
a . e. L.• :T Tito nktteltIvi A\1 111 TO
nE 11-t•.L1 ' '. 'T• 11Et. -* t!!•a1.r' ;C•
.*.• oft i tiTFXrer 1.1 ,1LR e.atTCrn, rag.
From the `:,adheres Economist.
' lastly of the readers of the Economist
• Lave doubtless toren Impressed to a crrt•en
.-.tent by t? -e repot f• of mtrauloes tures
elected to \uioua para of O} ovuutry by
the intel',grnt 1.$e of 1)r. William.' Pine
I'M" for rale People, and yet in the mind"
, of a few there may linger just the shadow of
a deiale regsrdina; the veracity of these re-
ports. To lee caudad, 'the writer of this
.ragele oonfeares to have had is the past a
dse:reioit 1d the miracle column of t1;e
p.jerr bat now lie .allot, that -were --the
set, anythiar like that which came under
his pers•e1a1 observation a few days'agt•, the
proprietors (ascot say too much concerning
tatter pill. recd the cnretive powa•rs in the
u.any.dar:rses to wi:ich Nish is Mir.
4 'ne day Inst wetk the npwter waited
upon Mr and dubs. Jobe Lindsay as their
bows, Lo: M, Con. 1, F R: `t., tawssk pot
' Mono, and listened to the woWane.epetefel
acknowledgment wietch tell from Miter hpe
while describing the terrible milady from
witch age of their children had been suffer-
inr, eat of the complete restoration to
health .lc:tad by the ase of lir. Williams'
Pink Paf.. It appears that duripg the wia-
ter of 1F5:1 2 the child. Ferule Ella May by
name, and oew aged about seven years. cow
tracted la grippe One night during her
ilisess her father heard her scream and ran
to bet hal. Tl.e child appeared to be in a
.t favit.
ud for some tame could not
fru pacified, and although she appatently.rt-
tovered from the usual symptoms ot la
grippe. sloe was never the Janie in heaps
-and strength. Her nervus system
tweeted_ to have become deraogett
and as time pulsed the terrible slrmp-
ten.. of :e'. aothony's or Si. 1 itus'
riance were noticed by the parents. Doe-
r tore did all they could fur her, but instead
.r getting better she became worse. until
the parer to had giye•n up all hope. -iie
could not feed herself, nor could she
take hold of a cep when handed to her. She
would frequently fall down when attempt
ins to 'wait actual the flout. and had to ley
closely watch.- . for fear she might at some
time fill un the store. Nor could she sit u..
• chair. it seemed as though she nail cram
plrtely lest centre! of her limb". Prior to
her illness she had usually .noted' in dress
ing herself new her parents had to hole
her hntbe when putting on her clothing
The could sot tern herself in bad and he,
parents had to turn her. she was perfectly
helpless and had almost lost the power of
speech. When she did speak it was with
diniculty she was uuderatood, as her tonru.
was drawn to one siege and she had lost con
trol of It. She had • strange, demean -41
look that forebuied the loss of reason. The
condition of the poor child was pitiable in
the rxtiea.e. One dray atrout :he end of
.lantern' last the father read of the case of
Little Einem Duke, who had been cared '.y'
Dr %Vilhams' Pink fills, end he secured •
1.0e from Mr. Itrown, druggist, of Shel-
bourne. They cornseencri the treatment by
giving the child three pills • da - ortafter
each meal and never varied
from that
treatment tc the wee'. Velem the first box
had been used they noticed that the little
Kerre appetite was Improving, and by the
usew three boxes were used she had improv
ed to • marvellous client.. In April kat,
the child bevieg fully recover d, no mors
pelts were given her several months haus
since then and there has been no r•
•ed no sign of • return ot the terrtl le
inelady. The cure seems to be complete
reed no further medicine hes been require...
The parents state emphatically that IR.
Williams Pink Pills seed the life of their
little girl.
1h. Williams' Pink Pills are a spec; c for
all diseases arising from an impoverished
oendition of the blood or a shattered del
dittos of the nervous force". inches SICittis'
darter, locomotor etas la, rheomatsss.
the atter affects of i.
Parslr„., ..rte_,
gfippe,hele of appetite, headtane, ,
chronic erysipelas, 'crank, etc. They so
elm • specific for the troubles peeull•r t'•
the female system. correcting irregu:aritle•-,
.oppremitsss and all form, of female west
sols, building anew the Moll and restor.ns
the glow of health to pals end ata.,
eheeka. In the caw of ;wen Latey etf.-e•
radical cure in all Caere arising from melee!
worry. overwork or eieeees • t .ay nes. u .
Three pile are mem a pores+ie. ne-•t , ase.
'rM1 restate only life giving pen ert i ••s. sad
nothing that meld injure the meet Jr... .
• lir. Williewee Pink l''lle. grsMlet only •n
hoses twitting the firm's trademark a,.•
wrapper. sprinted n, .•• 1 •'.k )
mind this they are Deter sold is bulk, ..•
h e the doses or hundred, and any realm.
who effete substitutes is this form i• 'ryas
to defraud ,Fen wed short •w,ivoided. A k
veer dealers for 1)1 't7 llt.sa Pink Pill- 1•.
l'si. People and refuse ell imitetinss -ad
west t totes
1*. William. rink P,11s may he hal
all intemiet5 or deem by _all from 17r.
yt'iIhatne. Medicine I'ne.plsy. Brock. 111.,
ar Se►tonsete4y, N V.. at M1 ewers a
two, or sit horst ler 112.60 The price se
mob these palls are sem make. • moms el
treatment esel,stsaveb rsexpeseiv. ..
with ether remedies we seediest
Nearing' of Witaneaer la the tieorg*
• too r Air klaalaeil.
*I. t•+.• Caicedi.iis I..lae.,• (..w-
eerw111e St. I',- .'are at if.. ► 10.1
mid le 'sot. Dela
e, Teem we as 4 1..,. -gr of
I.,..1:..& e,w,. F'ab. 6 --The it yuirl lft)
toe deatk al Into Campbell war resented
again leaf night. ('.weer Balt seand and
t'roan .etturney Matheson .•paned the
rutin with eloped door. As a result of
I to week a work t'onety frown Wadley
bad a .wall altuy of wlturases ready' to
tate the stand.
John Mei abbot, bartender At the t lark
huLre, rwonl, corroborated Lai et niers.
4iven ..n the t'lhh of January', saying that
lean t .mobs. met him the day atter the
tight Deceased appeared t.. want to be
+ uarrelaniur• but Le omitted him and they
shook hands ao•.l agreed to bury the kst•Let
for all tinea to curer. Witness saw do
ceased `o honer that eight with kis sister-
lu•law, •
The ncyt witness, oars. Three. Campbell,
.1 tl.e 1'Ltrk honor. sworn -Knew of nu
tight near the house on the with Jannan.
Ste .1.d not ki.uw the deceased sett raw ado
blood iti the rw'tu where Ilan (implied
t,a.l slept.
Thomas ('ampbell, Proprietor t)1 the
( bort home, swore, as►nowlelgevl taking
dece.u.d tfpstairs'tobead. ftaringhe might
Ire; auto a (m!arvel. Witness paid Vr..
lhmean t'ampbt'll, sister of dectsssd,csme
ti. his hotter later in this day mid took
dreeeted home. I)er tee.; 1ua1 ,i ark% en
his face and head. but did out eulupLlia
of any pains.
t►n hearing several (tier with -erste the.
co•trt ad;nusne.i, leaf leg iro►u tifteet: t •
twenty r,�itnew s yet to take the stared
Ali eoueetetel ie the case are merit
\oohiing carr '1,r learned as to what th.•
uatnrr of the etidete s. to rectae will be, hnt
it is believed the must imlg.rtaut witnesses
are being bele till the last, velum three .1
an,tot the court in making so MAU.% .e1
jeer/tenets ets will be ea.te pnblr..
l eroa.rtow'S. Feu. 6.-N•illiam Ilar-
rui,d, arrested last week n'e _a vh*rgn_'4
eerier} in connective with evil ace itl the
tlsutpbell assault case acid remanded. was
breugbt from Mitten jail yesterday by
t ..unto ('onet*We Bredley. .114- appeared
.�lalg.ietratte ,lanes Berber east -K. -i. • -
role in the morning.
The charter u! lerjury againet Harwood
grew oat ?.f .vusn Metwassts mole by the
prispnef at the different trials rw.*eerieg
the- r ni.bell tight on t'hrilitw ,Ess.
Hsrw'u•el was $ntnItnt'ied as a witnees
againet parties charge.; with breaking the
un t'hri•ttnas evening. He a 'en
swore that he wee not in the Bennett
hones tlnring the Sg'it and knew nothing
shout it.
llarw•nrd. at the interest• sworn. ad-
mitted thee be struck .alter (`*ntpbeil
luring the ri„rilt at the Bennett honer
t hrie'idas (light. Several witnessea were
etel d to ',rev.. that tlar'ycxel watt present
during the figL•t.
• 1,Awt. t•.tunrkuu,.w eperei vd for the
ptiouter. and elaitu1 l that no
asleep nt1•ie ,wt .rains: Harwood. and
pleaded hard tor hie ac.tnittel. Magi.
trate. Barber and Kennedy ce.nld tout gee
things in the Mune light and commit:.,t
Harwood fur trial.
An 1114 Couple and Fire (1,414rea Turned'
Ilnutateee or Ike chest.
lisami r.•". tint . Frb. 6. -With it.,'
thrru,omrter deem alnit•st to len' a lame
.l1 marl tamed John Doherty. hie wife
aett five children erre ei ietad from thrid
home ..n I..oeke street veaterday by Sltei'I ' s
I hbcer. Stewart and I:resettle -I.
i►..Serty bad raised Mone)" by murt_e-,
ir.g his testae, the m.'rtgage brifig hell Ly
ex•Ald. .losel.h Keut. ;Doheny tree no
able to raise funds is pay the mortgage or
neterest azul Kent took -action to secure the
Ih.berty t•arricad.,1 the sheers and re
sieted the sheriff's . dlicers for te.u.e mutt:u,
but the law [heeled against him every
.Fane. and when the sheriff's officers went
Ito t. the Loose yesterday Doherty and his
fetidly' wade no resistance. A portion •f
the handler.. was taken peseessi..n of by
Ilaiblfs•Krlly and limiter. acting for the
city waterworks detwt•tmeut. All the
fnrnitltre and household goods. incloding
carpet., ear , were bustled out of the Lines
and on to the sidewalk.
The scene was heartrending, as Doherty
ami his family stead agide bewailing their
bard fats and pleading for time to enable
dein to secure a home. Doherty is in
very, pour i'ir,nmstances. and he acid hi..
:avidly will have to he eared for by the
charitably dupusad. 1
Ire Fereh4...1e.1 .a.1 yak. year M1s4 nod
our almost p Nen.
How about flat Ivry patch yenpnnn
Weil sour wife and family you would
dant next epnng• asks Sir E King
its Ohio Panner 1'la.e von turgettelt
how glad those etrawl*rriee 1 hour
A. Jest over tartlet, or how you relished
thew• wild raomberrie'•. sour wife mother
ed in the fetus cornet for a hereon
en wr`
1 believe 1t 4.. be A fact that people
evert of the poorer clasw, li\irtg in our
towns and cit ie,. eat more incl i11 a year
than the average farmer. This toes
tion is of growiug importance. shun it
seems that apple.. the st•udanl fruit.
continue to Isla a failure. We Mare
A mord. well eared for erclu►rl of locket
fruit just in bearing prime. vet in the
ley t right year, we have only hal one
full crop of apple.. and head it not been
for our small fruit we would lane been
without (runt b1'llile uu other fruit
will take the piece of apples yet when
one has plenty..f small fruit he does
not trine appfee..i wnch.
I1'hv farmers with Menta' of land can
not spar.- enough nor entail fruit h:u.
always been a mystery to Inc We have
half an .urn in our lorry and fruit gar
den and wt. get more real wttisfa•titul
fr.•ln it that, from any. either tiro acnes
end our f.tnu. (hl it we raise all the
berries' we an portably use Bering the
berry- „eweul and with ua this mean. a
g(as1 deal. It memos not A ft•w email
dishes. of berries tease tr twit' a wank.
but all we will eat. with no restrictiute
.n1 any one. every Clay of the week aur
lug the aias..n.
Our Ie'riy season Opens with straw
h,-rricn. the w•.rttlelic•ous of all berries.
Deter• they err ail gone our rasldwermirs
begin to Ttla•u, s'. we granv*lly Wive
strawberries and rwspb5•rries both for a
.bort taws•. By the time unrncrplrrrir.
are pretty well gone ear blackberries be-
gin no rine). so that for at lt'at three
months of the year we have then. berries
fresh ever\• day. and wt. have rnrrants.
Ittlelw•l1•rTIM, 14111104 and.l;rnl.•s to till (Olt
Nur d,w • this red our lr•rri.. by ley
furan.. Witt. always can, plenty-, so
that while elft patch i+ wrapped in
.u.ew and ice we can enjoy a ntr*whvrry
sterrecake and rich Jrrmoy er•so. Nor
1. Tis all. We well berries cuonp h to
{'oy .us peel wages to�rvur time in tering,
With ns. berri.'ee are wit considered a
ltti,iiry ret a-. wvrawtfv y
Dustily iu ten around not Stare all of thine
fruits they can nee•, pelhape Our berry
garden lit. along the road. Last stint
Bret wr were in the petclt when a
ueighleor-use of the kind that can'bny
his berries cheaper thou Is. can rain
that -drove np and n.kr.I what we sold
).moiee At We told him, eels were
grtt/Tic 1:1 •'ants ler •lfu►rt for these
1711 amuone.rment almost toady hitt
btealb...r 1 suii)l.onel it die1. for he did --
n ot have breath cnr ugh to say whither
or trot he want,'! to buy any.
(K course if a mmm.unly' buys flew or
live quarts of berrie', in n year he reit
bne that many cheaper than he
can ran... them Int if_ farmer.
kern r.eepelleel to t.ny enough, to all
that their families mull nee ,and not
lsr exlrava►taut in awe• or three yearwe
wewonid.t-wH ierry patch oto .very
fans. I an. safe in oaring that we
could iso: buy 1 •r fifty dollars the l.er-
riee that wt) tine in t)1,• year I.esides the
other fruit. witch n* cherries, plants.
ttntpc+. peaches and blears. Except onr
:a ple tees ltd a 'few peach treese, all
our fruit has 1,e,•ti wet by tea own htnde
And at a • ver- small ers.t. - I bought a
:en- choice blackberryan'I raspberry
p1a►its. (:rapes+ and pi•w,seebe•rriee are
rimy t.. rainy from enttinga, and no one
n'e'4;isye.t more than the rush of one
hne11r11 of either lorry tamed to get a
good start. and in n very taw var• have
an abundance of entail- frnit. one can
di. the ensue wen' with atrawlwrritet, but
at this price•e the VI1,11t. *11 for 1 prefer
to buy my plants
llama peraare ('dal_. ...wally lus.aM Good csOars are
\ Mala.• la the l alter bt.1...
Statistics collected carefully tryst all
1111 stntrs of the 1'uiou .how' that 131*.
tall tH•t'pl• an• rt cry year the• \1t•tlluw of
iuteinte r'auce.
There are two resew•• of victims of
tnte'wtwrauer. Fane claw comprises
thee« who die from the effrcle of drink
.m1 them•.•Ive•y. The prdrea.r restricts
in his estimate of the victims t., this
class, ltd if the evils or intenllwrauce
were confined to the drinkers his re
;narks slay be correct But the evil
effects of interaper*eee extend for be -
vend the driukrr, of the y1s4.i..n► and
iujmrr the liven of tt•ns of th,ntsauds "t
ethers These din free the indirect
effects tot iutew{a'ran. e
Drunkanls all have or have lin.l Lar
rets Many of thein ion. brothers .•ret-
• husliuids or w iv, .. parent's rel
ploys.•' and ut-iit31ls,r Wan • *it catult
np the 'ember .•f deaths that result
front the neglect erueit*'. violence. or
other things done M' the intemperate to
th..w• who .n*tain these various robs
tons. ut the untidier of &tithe from
drnuken brawl.. eeposur•s. Accidents on
railroads mid ebwwhrr, ese..osl.wesl by
Irtuiken eu,pK.y.s•st
A large uuwber of the Pannier. areal
nnicideaare ales the result of intemper
*ucr t her ctey'. pats report thea..' in
* faeces A watchnau, L. S. Ky.•s. fatal
Iy eh.t his wife and Mrs Mary Weir. Is
n.'l*hlr.r. Ksr. came home drank and
.riug into the .-rima where Sirs lf;vir
w•Ae nnreitgR his wife he go: angry 1g'
canoe Mt's. Weir nutuvoil hie heavy over
l t.at from the bider the ru'k wol:am and
.hut first thee wife. thou the neighbor
anti Let Limat•If. Were root tlew• two
women the victims of intenga•r.uk't .
Monte menthe ago In the fe eve of I ear
field. Whitman senna Wali • at mets
was lict'aaeel to tern u s.aloe,u Tw•o Inch
of iuflttcta.• in the village relived to joie
in tilt- effort to hinder tI. license. A
senor our of thr+c men bet'awr lut•ni
retied with whiekry from the molten anti
enffered, ex all.nw which foresight on a
at•efl5 of which he died. In December
la'+t nearly half a tile. n boost i1 the town
gut drnul to the rul.s•n, end going out
Prow it they n.et and attat'krd throthe'r
man who would to •t .'ppnnn the licence
killing hitt. These taro : per1'1L were
the viclrms .'f intemperance.
The New Tisk Weekly W itnem %tate,
the caw.- "t a small child of a sateen
keeper who tenet jv .t 114.1.1 td an.l drank
rt not oltr Pearly a pint"U*Tiektor and d1i .m
the effteds of it. Tit. deaths from tie
indirect r4'$Ulle of iillein an'anee are
w..re mm�terons�,rrlut{'e than three ?nen
the*dire•t ( effect% W h.. can enuutersit.-
the terrible list id p:tr•ntswho havt-tlid
t gti.-f *red the neglect .1 droken chil-
dren. of %.l'. ..M.1 children who hay's
dint fr.)ni too• negle.•t and brnNAlity "f
drunken h.:.bands awl parent*. They
ere all the victims of int,ng,eronee -
I're•+b rteri.ul Itat' nc r
- --- hrnwkards er 11,. Mlddlr Aar..
Profrse,.r �-iirhow .1 Herat,' is t.„
eerie] of his 5'pulafity to commit bine
self 1.. any direct 1•rotest aguitl.t the
alcohol outrage :cid in reply t.. a le:tiling
A Codling tenth Trap.
if yon want to destroy an inset enemy
von linnet study its life hi-*tory'. don•
will find it has certain habits that retake
it comtmratively' ewe; of destrtaction.
Th's is ee etrialty true .1 the ('tg11trtir
Moth apple w.e4liu. Any..nr at all
reuniter with its habits is away' thst
after tate first broil of wont. leave the
apple. nature compels then) to swat a
hi'ling plat'..nl the trnnk of the tae.
wher.• they will 15' removed trent the
moisture of the earth, and hem they
change trom'the, worn t.. the moth -
At the time the wine 1. wetting this
hiding play it is easily lel into a trap.
if the trap tnntiahe•s the hiding `.lace for
which it is aft anyi..naly seeking, and
rommoa ernar teaches the fruit -grower
that this is the time to destroy it, an it
remain.- in this trap for two week., nn
able to move.
The early brood .4 moths appear on
the wing during the fore part of June, a
ittle earlier or later• iltrording to the
searson. Totally' at the time it appears,
The Maai.trata'. /Derision Farther a. -
served 1.111 Neai Friday.
Tulare RI% tale chi* Feb 8. -At the
conn hoose Trwtsrdy then w'al a large
attei,4atrcw t.. barn the rn.giserate's de- .
•cadet in the Hooper affair When the
caw was taken up the crown pr,.ecutora
'meteossd my leg that the stenographers
Lod net hal time t.. complete the testi•
m•my given at the engnet.. The prison.
cr.'s lawyer. Mr. Richard K. Cooke, of
• 1.ree River., demanded that the case go
The ua.trate, however. said to
a. l.i r, Serve 0141 des'Wo a until Friday of
his eek. alive the sal. Tee will he ready
A Latest fender
Qs'ttaac. Feb. 6.-.t letter carrier of sr
It.'cr.' nanett.lo.nur• arm stet -stet os San
l:.y ..• ter inete.nee of •.he os sl anthori
les ..0 :be cbarge "( lav ,g ,t.lau two
latae etwa lef1s/$ Tl,r p,' -t fatesn..lwctof
taenra1 td. 1,1*.?s at..r.t e.1 a. .u�rt'rrnt
,whr•+ "...alai g moue) and raring •
4:1, mark "71.e letters were found in
the I..aw adoiS e( thelpn. • • . but still sue
eY• d.
w►. ytesttsaa MI*) A aL.
•1ata.', fete 1--1'we ensminatein
. • .t* no I.... r.. etat• "• 1st. f..r the
....a - copra u, ...•, wn-a finished
..•• • Nr yi• ' it an u - t. eut)ww that
. n 1•re t 4 -n 4.1.... t• J•+'tied bty the
1• a e 1• asa,o . i -1.s ••• col now
'.n. • a ,.stmt. 1 • t, r,''':M for a re-
• . •. , •.1 he 0a. s.r - • .ee•..d .seats'
Ilse A. sol... • \lo 1".
M. halo,►, 1-h. s .,, :.e -e a5 been
eft„ ..ansa Aon. .•, ., .w sad
Ills• • .r ant, n fey .'a . at, .na
.n .. 14 1 4 .ty 11. A ne .. 4e a iF
le , ...en i.•tnikle� ( w
•Ias*_i. le may IR a year in shames I" w, sen eke tersl 111 tae
evUl.l Vit. 1110711 Ta.tr
the vonng smoke are already set and are M
about the slag of • haul nut. The
female deposite a tingle egg in the
eye of the apple. fly cog from one to k
another until her see. k of eggs, s-
ting to pr'Iwldy three hundred, as
is exhausteel, when nhr (elle to the
ground aril .11.•s. In *141)Ilt a 'reek w
the egg hetcnee not, and the yonng i
worn et out'' Iletin+ to hon• into the w
apple. feeding as it goes. but melting its t
he'adgnartrrs neer tile• core. in about
three or four ,• tr►e i•,.• wean to full .1
gi..wn. 1 shortly Is' 0.4' Chia the in sa
feetewl at:pie grileratry talk to the e
g round. as.l the worn •o*kes ito mospn 1
out of the fill then -h a lerge hole in H
tan- sole, W1.14 II it .ls bored in a few w
.. plasm for alts t.terprea•, and trinket' f1
. taw u ire a tree. rep which a
. u n.s •end tteelf a silken w
111. • '•nkw in any eon ,1
1 cc . and. the CrMrh r
• • e w • •.tile spot Here
cneaiott n'tnrtlel the•'rvaaivr Flora
tthm*t "during the widdlr ages sbun,Lt11t
pLysival vigor went hand in hand with
a 1•,ve of drink .Trinklnet : litnit.'d •'uly
i,y the r;w.nr,t•e of iudivi lnal leper-
, The last named lintitati"1p affected
however. at least nine tenth,.'..( the .we
diteval leen. worshiper.. who. in strew,
4.1 cin tato•... often restricted their
revels t.. ' miiiixrevesaml holy abet,.. and
Dr. Egi'ner ..f Brendan remind. the dip
l.•uurtie• le•fewer that the history of the
middle aged rate eels several ratio%. d rath
rr emphatic pr,teets against the habit
foal- use of intoxicating drinks King
W ent..•latex of Bohemia *as solemnly
reprimanded by a delegation of his own
rnhjects anal at last forced to resign i*'
'atter he failed to keep hit penchant tor
strong drink within the limits tot cotn-
tn011*.cency.-l'nion Signal. - -
If crW wapTpt a n+l raw sod'lim. liken aj,', :
It 1.11 411-1. In *M• .....• a 1,..111 all awn Arvin,*
It Find w 1,1, 1.e 1w• ragged and weeryon.' ••d:
11,4111u i -h. n, a wOM, tog,. 10 11.e kW,
Then drink :
it .0'1 w1.11 that ,•ear rife .. fpitnrr ns) toe:
If inn w1-0.-tn Lr 'senile.. .511 at the knee:
If you a I.I. 1.. tr t'oniyl.-,, 1 n, (orlon. •
!f feu w 1.1. t•...•poi ft7.11 tie. - • .,Ln.:urn,
Then drink •
Ii .au . *d• ilia: «our ,na,ht..l la. ••11.113..1 ale.
_•trr..dtt :
That. mitt, da>, Ina> he thew•tr,.ed t•..tie-15e1f
Their Irlgrtl.:
11 :,.0 like the stay um.ic of rune .r of w'.tl:
If yea bong for the st'elhero( the i..•r1,..0 •
Thn n d'it.►'
If )otnr tete, 4..'l .grew with 16. "if. -' .-
If t on'd rather has. lift fall ..f bright nee am'
1f you rare ton to ..•ret nn• toe find ant ,,c,'l ,5
Tl..t the gal. -woo fu hell Fir. through the ,.-
Then don't drink '
iMeakewaes. 1• a IHsea.r.
Intemt..rani-e is one of the greatest
mile of the word) Mous with chemistry
in his bands has taken apart and rearm
larva the element+ of nature. He hue
pr.etnrr.l alcohol and morphine and
other intexiranta It is right for society
t, guard against the shrew of these v
far an pulls. end for education, and
moral persw•H,n t.. do alrthey can to
warn and preens& net the habit of
drinking. and great blame may attach
to those who form such a habit But
medical then are telling no now that
drunkenness in a diw•w'. and that in
many cases, the drnnkard is powerless to
resist the temptation. He might have
avoided it once. as many a poor sufferer
might have avoided consumption tit-
fever. tint once sick. the inebriate
may 15• as 'rewerle•r's to cure himself
is the consamtivc -;fanner of (loll.
What (loath nrllevM.
Jowl Maranon, the man throngh whore
ind wends John 1i (lough was con
ertawl, ahonld herr a monument for
sing to twu continents thin great tem
..ranee apostle, whoa.- gratitude wee
.11 shown by the shower of gold which
sonar into the tap of Me. Stratton.
hen her hardened hail left her desti
nte. (lough went into the prtsens and
aniong the Memo. an.l thousands or
renkrn men and erring girls were
red (iongh !.Bever not only in re,
ping the drnnkerd, lint also believed
n the annihilation of the liquor traffic
e died while .peaking. and his last
.Pals as he fell with I.arelysie •'1'onng
.an, keep your remote' clean ' rang ont
11 over the land. His life. after all.
sA a grand sncl•eee and shows that no
rnnkarl, however low. tint trayy he
. ee iiasl and means others Oakland
•.wi a pops stats.
t part of July nr
t, Inrat forth a
• ems to lay
••. ....tractive
. wvtorzL. fall-
Nara I'rl.waert try a k..we4 w'1t1. 11.
J net e. •e ( )nicer,
r•hurg.'.1 with'
14fle..e 1.5Rt'rty
Ion toot nlarh of • j
Mood deal like whisky
1...et is the prwvnsr
Well, your Immo.
ridge. lost it msellsa I
s c'b--Lr,
s' now hi0
becau.5e of
�r ``high
tabid 13 w,).
�� IJ i:l: illb
pipe '
popular kk: c > ;.5e "it
c)wes me:'. (r the
J. 11. 1'ACit Tabard* ('n.. Ci,hm .nd. Vs .
lad hleslre.t, t'an
Say* Led 41rIs ■load crania.
The year of greatest growth in boys, is
the 17th : in girls the 14th N'hile gi,4e
reach fill height in :e 1`i'h year they ac-
quire full weight at the age of twenty. Boys
aro steamier than etre.• frees hit th to the
11th year : then girde beene sup•rtor pby-
siwlly to the 17th ycnr, rhea the tables
ars again turned and remsin M. From
N.n-emher to April children grow little and
gain no weight : from April t.. July they
pet in height, but Ise in weight. and fro,
,duly to Nuremher they increase greatly in
weight but not i■ Leight.
Dareesee 4er. '.Mpplss.
1 am constrained to admit that women
nay shop .tor. advaatageuu'ly 011 the cash
system, but it is not in the way of m5o,
writes I:o!u'n .1 Rur rats in an article on
"My Ch. mama. Shopping in the Ibcemhrr
Ladies' Home Journal i c i' g tnthegoet,
easy red way where you hetet your "trans-
fer'" over the heads of .-.ert Iu.ly r, the 1 ne
ani say in uae breatle, '4 erelehves ley car•
totem ..ensathrotatmeet o-eh*rgr,-, which by
Interpretation is, 'These greets Lave been
purchased by the wane person whose name
appears hereon: will you he soktildes tn.en•+
them to this a.ldre,e, is rare et thehefgsre
master at Broad Street Station ao.l charge
them to the account of 11.e purchaser'
Thank lou : greet afternoon " Acd•theta
all there is of it for the rest thirty days
then It clouds up gad bct;iea to rain : there
is • great deal it thunder, attended by at•
moapheric disturbances, eith mean temper-
ature and local eyelooes.
cuRE 5
OLI4ARE of I141TAV10'
stwisters triweek, in pharmacy fort..
Dut alt tsymptom.. odieatted is Inst* I*
.arra ttennelaint. Its oto ars troubled alt
tveaeks, Nial.ear, user fi1•Ilneale
ark.-, Indlaesalen Peen ArrrrrTa
.luau t t11.1,0• ton►Q•ATre P• t1r%r
'Irhta L(.laneholy Foal.". et a sees
Nessbrnys Keseey wed 1. er
igrinlmmr4LtereUof•edErrrsc *C re
e. •d at all Dred etor. a
Nerebray :1edklwe e'stnpesy
of P;ttrt.erougte iLissUedl,
Per lads oodriek. rave. 41.
Ten C•414•1%1 t• Pun tawaT$
Teasanrs ha. bine 4 glee taw
Ann a drrhes waffles e t Air and me
_•Deet en,ndetMMa.
It r uneseeed ea heehaw prta lets aad Is
the alarms. of Ite peeress.
ft 4..arree tM et every perms wt.
Mae.« le eompeflt
Per wank eleepaarb sae *bee ('else. a
11...1, ras.e.tb,t with all linen ewe amble.
Ie PaNs4 Maw, feaw end ea
Meet throve* +ir+'s to all le
Illgi eke, etltldl (..law tea end (hailRe► lsmsk M,4 dealt.
U. :114104111111111.
SRN ;Leal lllemslep.. 6106111106
Special drive in School Books
and School Supplies. Best value
ever shown in Exercise and Scrib-
bling Books. Remember we keep
in stock a full supply of all Books
authorized and recommended for
Collegiate Institutes, High Sch ools,
Model Schools, Public and Separ-
ate Schools.
Booksellers and Stationers.
Wes Naaas.n Well feireb.. del
Protect Your Chest
it 1.,411+ health, strength ietol dun Ilf, 4.. .lo V(61 . ,
.stied Cough* and Cold. by e' al *l.4 ores of ();,t
nlark Crllisep IN11>M are- None better watts.
Oar t heraWs Ma•/ diad ' tare - For I'oath.. I+roup. etc , to l'heldren.
Ilavtanra. WIWI Marl !reams For al ('haps and lrriuiss..
I I1,1r I
_this High (3,-rae4.-
811116 POWDER
w tat. Plata.* \C.
A I4.'.ftit
1a the most attractive and 'uniting :...•
ere 10 th. hour. ata ahant-t$w' Me'
thing you notice. Thew its importer'
to hate geed Dors, and heat styles. \. •
claw Its th.• cities .oat you 11•111• gra:.:
range of desiga or quality than
We stake up on tM premises all t:
latest styles in Ir,••ro lace
and emlxvr.
ery, Iosertatw,a, etc , to ret say s.re a: -
doer, and have now en -route a duo •
Iosportate.w of F:.gll.h'u.d Sous .ha,..•
tnntmtage lad upboiater.. Maas good.,
for our spring trade, carr shown to th.
county. tour large stock and faculties
for cutting. rnaklug and trimming, es
able, es we'll at w holeale pries. 11 e
have fringe sbadrs with spring collet sol
r..mplete from :A: up, and ,n de orat.,
shades, au immense lose of beau'.:'
V* hen you want the beet quality, v
horst draowse, the greatest .asurtmrn•.,
and lowest priors ort window shade..
go to
Our Stock is now complete, and we are ready for
your orders
Our CURRANTS and RAISINS are exceptionally
fine this year. Besides, we clean every pound we
Inspect our CHINA and LAMP GOODS Depart-
ment if you are looking for anything in that line
we can suit you.
C. 4i.. NAIRN.
It is not Sawdust
We use in making INDURATED FIBRE WaRE.
Some people think it is, but they are mistaken.
We use nothing but the longest and strongest
Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without sem or
joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pro-
cess which renders it impervious to heat, cold and
liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WARE imparts no
taste or smell to its contents, and is the lightest,
tightest, sweetest and most durable ware ever
Ask for EDDY'S.
Bare added es their prawns bmlineme one of R..1. Naeh's Latest Styl
Of City Hearses. .1.o .he finest line of funeral furnishings in the meaty,
Asa Are new prepared to oond.cs funerals at prices reasonable
Thu department rill be strictly attended to by his arra Williass, whet heal
in the employ of the late D. Gordon for the past ten yetars, has a thernuAh
knowledee of the businesr, and by prompt attention hopes to share pert of tl+
pulite patronage. Remember the place -West -et., ea your way is the peat
Mike. Give us a oall