HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-15, Page 2Z
Travelling Ouldel-
TNF iPf:NAi, f :4 'T)
lits'. arrive sod depart idedertob as hl
Miall and 1'
. [sprees .. ....:..... .MLA a.a
:.,LAS .m
Mixed .. ................... f. loss
Hamid i4aptiou t :.l p.m
Mail oast V. lt..s .......... T.61/ a.w.
Mail sad Ns prow. ••.......... ••••••t.11'vs.
1. NtCH(►UiON, LD.$. -DENTAL
lrmato*. opposite Poet OMete. Weat.t..
OnderMO. 411 elesdanl me 1 ap&roved heel
aa•eashd►r0 ea hated tM-•proal etrat-
of teeth. Weell
DR. E. ItICI1ARU8ON, L. D. S..
.artmon droll.*. thes and Vita lard air
• dm••t.•..•..d 4.r peiobee ettteedn4 of teeth.
precool ua•r.. vet pleas eye ria prow'vatloe
rte n'. rrN tretey.. Otacw-tp emirs.
Orsi • ...TA 11 time 111:um entrance oo West -
et. t:..!.rich. 21Q -1v
OR HINTER. PHYSICIAN. SURewe.. at:..Mj••e WI k. Hash
rot' •t. Norio c..'tt front hellish Xxeh.nee
Hotel. lily
'M:Moos, $.race... Aaowchers. ha
▪ t'. taua.x
rat\.y.-ilisidew.,.. Xavier -et near.
enJ. It. Pux.-Ite.idewoe North -et,
spp. Masi School
A Lillie Daughter
Of a Char( it of 1•:ui1..u.i lonti.ter
enrol of .'. didasagirg wets\. ty
Ayer'. . •:'p►,ir:3'a, lir. Ili' 11.1111)
NOON the \1.11-kuov:n 1lnl,4:•t, _t(f7
)1c4ret.. llol;ltt.il, 1'. 1)., :-,tt.:
I halve •el. Ayer'," F•mtiiy ` ell. duet
!1••t 40 ..*r .t t:.l 1.. ;:.::rt too Slog but
rood .a:d : ; .'10. 1 4•a.w tit twiny
LJ tern ae4lMMre. uederich.
t>icr{s Over Jordoas Drug Stare. k. ('AM,
�1►, Q. C., n. 0. JOHNSTON. t to•
11149e41ee.00ptey.noer, ke.. etc. Money
es IoM el IDIOMS rates. 11nrtoo i *nock. Op -
MAW Ceibleee Hotel. Qeder.ch. On,. ad -IL
ylr la Maritime Courts of Ontorie
Oiee- aceta Colhorae toter. illi
. 0 h.
00e. corner et Square W.
shook Ooderioh. over telegraph office. Pri-
vate roods to laud at lowest race of inter -
ear. 97ro-
‘...X raters, Attorneys,SetldnGeode
to.. ede
lob. J. T. Oarrew. C.. W. Proodfoot.
et1MER3N, HOLT 11OLl1ES.
lV Barristers, Solicitors la Chaao.t'r k0.
Oederteh. M. C. Cameron. Q.C. ; P. tfolt ;
Dedl•y Holmes.
itres . ka. fed o� tar taking and los•
•alvlag reoegnl hr s affidavits ce
atisemtiasB, d et „edema deci•t*-
.otfoo•J malt
Soy County
f/si { -O.
ig eotlsme se r Dulls$ ria
DOOM, ear. of nest .sleet and Square lop
Op.afreinrtoaP.11„sadtrout Ttoleeds.
Leadsttg Daily, Weekly and IUU*ulretel
Papas, Mayasiess, etc., on le,
grandee tree nee t Linter, sad Resets*.
Arelie•t'ose ter membership roelved ley
Libreria*. farness.
Qoderleb March lab I.
Knitting Factory.
W w dors ::J Cures
t err- ee'e ki:.r n!wriflrt, ono
iu particular 1.. '.; 11c't ' 1 a little
•ianzht'-r of a (bur. a of Koolau. t taints-
t- r. The ehiki w a.. literally covered
frown he idfoot with a cavi and,ex•
r'.,bual ir..n%4. "tut. resh.fr..wwhich
►loo loud MaIrr.•d 1 r .w -u er tie... y. -:n.,
iu Mpue of tb. I'.•s'. il`.du'::1 !realm. 0.
,.ailalde. Iter father was in Brest
Mistretta nb..nt the ram, sot... vt 1 r
• nmlo,en'I.;11.'11. n! Iwo: I. o e, t.• i•1-
ntini,-ler--Ayer's N.rr.etwrilia, two Ir.:-
r :-
of whist h rf1., t ,1 r eot.pNte core,
mu• h to l cr r. 1 noel L r (nth. is
•I.J,.b1.1:•r,.nr,t.cn k1 lieretoder.
he u «. •1.I teetify in t::.• ser sepeai berms
. i t.. 441•• 0f, tit..•1
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Yr,-Irn•.1 b, I'r .1 .' , .r r .. .., Iowrll, MOWS.
Cures others, wilt cure you
trdrrs(gaed begs to ann000e to the pub
Ile flat be he, fitted op premiums with the
lsauM ed most improved knitting m ebt.ery
«111 be run by •thorough) ex oed
ep ..nd 1s prepared to do the host .al-
lty of knitting at very rne.on•ble prloes
Partnere .n4 others briwging in their own
yore to he knit tatostocktans, sock.. etc.. will
be liber.11y end protege', dealt with. Orders
lett at my more. car. Victoria and Bruce -eta..
wilt reedy, prompt alletias. D, Q.
and lawrease *seat. tiedertek Oat.
Amiss Ieseisa and icas.rseire Pita laa Co-.
sad Ogre Marta Mutual lee- Ca Sales at-
teaded to la ear ganef the county. ally
denerr sad Loud Volas•.', Ooderleb,
Ont Review had 000siderabte espsriesoe le
theaeetioneerlsqq trade, ha le Is • p..itlee 10
elasbarEe with tberettgh sattataotlos W nom
.esters estrum•d to bleu. trier* late M
•Hese..er east hrwell le hie
P.O.. 0.retull7 .horded iss.14.101112
x Oee? Amalgam. %Hatt
Vy-YtWslok (:kala No IA meet,
Aril� Is the hall over
at tad.oseeente la
a.d .0
n. c Atce,
'R1 • • J A Treasurer ILin
Dental Aaaounssmast.
04 ?aa eM M
NCVTaa raat•saa.
Tie ON aetfe'I.tl Massae.,.
" I praise the Lord, my Christian friend',
that I am with you still,
Though stand..' like an old log house upe.
• west side hill ;
The music has sone gpt. yes, keen! ; die
timbers have 40404,4 .,4 . 5
But sunebtne on em's lust as warm as when
they first were laid."
•• Almost • hundred years have pared since
i was born, and then
'Twee only fifteen further on. and 1 was
born .rata.
I've Been the forest melt away : niece louses
have bees reared ;
The world has quite outstripped the church,
I'm very much •feared.'
" They used to tell a Methodist as far as
eve could scan
No gewgaws on • woman thee, no nonsense
on s Wort -
Hut now our ooasregstao is Or Bo much by
fashion led,
They look just like • rainbow wrecked up-
on • Dose bed.-
" The ancient riders of them days were not
so fine aid grand ;
They took degrees • h•ulin' loris and eleartn'
up the land :
But wbeu one of them rose to preach, 1 tell
you we would smell
The fragrant dower of Hear.. aqd the ,ti•
ding smoke of hell.-
"We had an "Amen corner," tisk htltlide the
pulpit -stats.
And while he raised his .ertnon bl� WO
lifted with our pryers
We threw in mot • bud "Thank (JI,"
and weren't obliged to go,
To give the I..rd the glory, to • class -retie
down below.
It surd• tee ..limited eatiefaotlen. after •
yob tem, rstdu.a is do. most e.t0e.e '
us seeese&Wes of delightful and arm.l.bea
_, to wbmat a
tt that 1 hare tb. b s.a
e"s veright te are 1nOodsr44, Ups Wad
_._L"dieseery, whieb Is warranted ,ream
.iters. she wont pats steel.( the •tth,Mts
ta MOM dwnoefisheuat
wear as.:..4v,fnp le: seat
IballaWaa 111111111.
TI -1.0' 73 Ft
e -
TI-I0'73Ft les 3P0ICzr
is s wag,that .ever &Owe the
Is a• water.
f dM bastsiei .a�sat b b.. so reader
see* .
ulna see,ta ewes vee. ma tats• pow.%
raw ese M le
r..ussdg e} e.IasS ss we doers.,
ed Ifs natural test p
.alcor elt died
are arose.
"The grand old .1uart ly mestio's were Mall
the brethren deer,
Just like four green Dares in the desert of
the year;
The people Hocked from miles around, my
wife would take • score,
And after supper they would pray, std
sleep rpon the doer.'
"1 know the worlds . MOT tog on, as 4:alh-
leo said,
For now 1 rent • cushioned pew to hear u
essay read
But when through stained glass windows
the sun throws blue and gold,
1 cannot belp s-thiokin' bow tie /glory shone
of old."
"They .ill me an "old foetal," and • "retie
of the past,
A "tory" end • "croaker" too ; but this
won't always tut
I tread a tremblie' isthmus where two seas
of ',tory roll,
Acid anon the past sad future blies wit)
♦wallow op my noel-"
7.esg'r War H114..
now *Y. nuallIMIO aasyi Wars.
The P.assi•as Irv. • great knack of mak-
ing their winter� Vit. Yoe teel nothinr
of the cold is then. tightly built howler,
where all doors sod windows aro double,
end where the rooms are kept. warts by lig
stoves in the wall. Thera ,s no damp to •
Russian house, and the tamales n.ay dress
indoors is the lightest garb, which contrasts
oddly with the mass o1 furs awl wrap
which they don when going ort. A Rinniaa
owe afford to run no risk of exposure whim
he leaves the hoes for • walk er drive.
He coven his heed sad sere with • far bon-
net, hie fast and legs with felt boats lined
with wool or for, which are drawn over the
ordi.•ry boots aid trouser., and reach up
to the keens ; he .ext clanks hamenlf is $
topon.t with • fur collar, lining and cuffs ;
he Marisa his hands is a pair of fingerless
gloves of sealskin or bearable. Thus (strap-
ped. sad with the colter of his cost raised
all round so that it mottles him lop to the
eyes, the Hewson ('spores only his seas to
Me cold air ; sad he tekeeetre to fropesetly
give list aro • little rob to keep the oir
(rotation rreg. A strssg•r, who is opt to
forgot the pre.awtioe, weak' often get his
turas traria Nit were sot for the courtesy e*
the Resole.., who will always warn him if
t�ied .e• his ease ' wkitsst1egg '' sad will, ss-
farbidd•., help him to shah it vigareeely
with slew. 1. Basals• sties waken, is
slot piewelik to one. aeiag the winter, het
▪ ly es I« Is The weans el the
lower order weer kw beets ; the al tike
e asy kesphr dors seldom testae eat at
all ; thaw .r the ar4teenaey p ret le
Oh: to ha' a tit .d ..h: vat lie aim lone,
.lost e.,-rl thins area t 4aru:n.g,
bee lacer, and slider...•re Itkn Walla
And .sakes r r.. mei MN n.L.gl
When every day *be glia .tune out
Vie «trial llidM t„.t r•Mal Jug.
And lovely melds es every hand
Th.uoyb horde limas %ere rtr9Iagl
dui to have ttao'nt the prtr•ees knight*
%tie... -tit out den t,:. halite&
\1),l w'4.0 to sse Iemes'ale
1►wtrxs.rd useMao aUMW
.►h: to bat.' ..wr..vt ttx emirs which
With gokf were ale al s nivel
4141 to bore ..-e stn• foible otter
Toet•.r) heLy•i t•4rfet'ui .
141.: to hhi..r tern to. .star 4a,ra ar
A ulsgb- rare, -t fattiest.
A ud is the t wiutdrlg .A an 410
from Ia;a4 to laud so sitth•pi
Ju.t to 4.111' onto a giant seen.
Though at a shit riM}Mate,
A ud to a Ione. e.. 11..1114 re- s
*lave oKer.d ...u,r n.uatetrcc.
OI.: to ba* a Llai 14. Loses. the liege
That frt.•udlr re: ..t,ireotrt::
Oh: to base .W t the 7u•u.scut -,l.a.e
%sibs•b AIM Aye wcrvent•hat,trd:
Oki to hate load %%ban iwouor teen
(irs.t kingdoms could tuIg+rat,
When prioce•..c. .cold pard) churls..
And wa.hio.t tea. a merit:
When promos !.da sad ssotiatc4'. _'se
Wen a...0411y urdanulo4. 1
WIteu e1.-11 twee • of r Ilam .treaty
N'as by won. (firs li.ntx-
Ob! to bole tatown the tune w hen tears
Went &away* turned to bulkier,
And grief to fitly, end people iter'
Happtlr ererafter:
-New Tart Triune
On the shores •(.f lbw grew
Lake Superior, there lived
ago a tall, fearless* Indian
They had one e.'u, about
cow ut".t that he ucatIyfell fa love with
biul,elt, like Ns:cleaue of old.
His friend now pee bins a bowl of
►lining metal un l a sharp blade od
emitted sword gram, that was thrw.t iu
his girdle as n m.MI. ro belle alight wear
a favorite ,dower. 'nceu came some
geurrnl iu,trncttun* oil to his conduct
is Ilii *salmis' isl character.
110 \:ad to Ku dawn to a certain part
of *h., lake ab..r.. .st iii h e..I, ib view
of the iel•in.l where the K,.l Suet -neer
livor). and think out of the Alining bowl.
xlaoy tl[ thelw.tian would thea.•um.
term -wend ark hiul to mat ry throe, lint
the ►aple1.44 veno«.. Was to May she
heel traveled a long way to be the wife
.d ti. it a hie;, whoa 0,11.4 come for Ia'i
bima..If, or she Mould return W her ma-
itre place.
Wheu Halerudo-Tab heard this, he
w,inld .•.01111 in tits •,w1) .ante. After
the tiwrriagt', (ktdl dotal must make the
oppurtcuity to eat Ser the t.ridrgnAIM 'e
bead with the blade of sword straw.
14 was now 'miming. nod the old
wotndil told tie.• ) ouug man to start out
on his mie.i.'u. .tt first ho kelt up a
gond heart, but when a full .rune of his
utrdrttakiug caul.. .,v,•r hill. his cour-
age failed bio. 'nutting to retraces his
steps. the fog dimwit als,nt hitt like a
wall. and he could 11th• dud his way by
plug in the war by had plaited.
1t all cause Piton' is foretold. When
tbe Indians saw the .Mining bowl, they
came docking to the beautiful princess.
who refused to wed any tare but flab -
Undo -Tali himself.
Aad leo the Red Sorcerer came after
hie bride in the *tate canoe, the rile of
which wero formed ut living rattle -
;mikes, with brad:. pointed ontward to
,protect the dart from his enemies.
The marriugu took place at once, al -
'ugh the bridegruoa.'s mother op-
t the hoety onion. saying no good
would come 111 it, Even after the c'.'r-
esn 4y the mother voted her doubts of
the new inmate of the household. at
which 111e bride affected lunch indig-
nation an walked out of the lodge to
the bench here they had landed. The
bridegroom \followed her to where she
sat weeping. fid resting his head in her
lap he tried to Omer her up by planning
a number of delightful slaughterer 40
vrbich eller war to moist, one of then, be-
ing that of her own family.
his bride, in the meantime, was gen-
tly .taking his forehead aud crooning
a lullaby. Soon the "terror of theist."
tell ..deep, and Celahelopb, taking the
blade of sword gratis from his belt, ent
oIT the head of the sleeping s orerrer.
Taking one of the cater(' be soon crow-
ed to the twain shore, carrying the head
with him. Here he waited nntrl the
cries of the Iudians told him the bcad-
leee body had been discovered, when he
started off to find his friend, the old
woman who niake'e war. She was de-
ligbtalllb ere him again w soon. and
cutting off a lock of the Red Sorcerer's
hair she bade the young man change
into his own clothes and set out at
one. for home. hearing the head with
him, which world establish hie reputa-
tion for bravery beyond any gne'ettem.
Upon his arrival hone, he found his
parents mourning fur him se one dead.
They scarcely knew him at first, for he
had changed from a timid youth into*
man who bad seen many wonder* and
achieved mighty deed*. Wbeu the brad
of Hah-Undo-Tah was shown to the as-
semhleri tribe-. a great '.bout of trinmph
and thanksgiving w.-nt np that one of
their uw-n ',ropier had done thin deed.
1 Nl.he'doph was made a powerful chief.
His ileum was plated ammo( the great
warriors of the earth, for iu all the land
that bee between the great waters be-
yond which no eye can fee the Red Sor-
cerer bad been feared, and (Mahedopb
had .delivered them out of his hands. -
Louie Phillips in Philadelphia Press.
Inland sea,
swop prate
std his wife.
e years old,
who had listened to Po Many of the
wild legends of the trine that the de -
loon tsar hal taken firtu ho of him.
One dark night his Lather returned
from the hunt, tined and thirsty. He
asked ll.heitedoph, which was the sou's
name, and meant Strung Wish's, to
go to the river fur sorue water. The
buy relnwd, saving by wee afraid, and
neither threats nor persuasion conic:
mute him from his reeulution.
At last the father said. with a sigh:
All lay non, 1 had hoped it would
be your miesion to kill Hah-Undo-Tab,
and thus rid our tribe of *powerful en-
emy. The wise men have said this
would be done by one ut our fueuily,
but either they have failed iu their
t sant not Dome to par
(hlabedopb hail heard Luluh stiles
evil wrought. by Nah-l'ndo-Tab, or the
Red Sorcerer, i powerful chief liviug
on an island out in the big water, and
who sallied forth at times on mUrdeTOue
expeditions, to the terror of the north-
ern trifles. The boy know that who-
ever should rid the earth of this mor-
ster would be trade the greatest living
chief. Hs' -mad never beard before of
the prediction just repeated by his fa-
ther, and this filled hitt with new am-
hltion.' But how could 11.•, a ia,y afraid
to go to the river in the dark, hope to
do this great deed?
.411 night be sat thinking about it,
the taunts of hie parents rankling in his
breast. At dayhrrek he started west-
ward, taking only hi: bow and arrow',
with which he supplied hinteelf with
Neel. On the third night. jure as be
had laid d.,wn to rest, he ►.eard a rum-
bling noiee and looking about.•aw amok,
issuing from a hollow near by. lining
hastily Iowan' it, he Maw an Indian
lodge in tbe door of which stood an old
woman whom Odahedoph recognized as
the old woman who makes war.
From time to time .he struck her
stair upon the ground, and this hail
caused the noise be heard. The staff
was ornamented with the beads of birds,
and every time she struck tbeearth
with it the birds sounded their differ-
ent notes.
When the old witch entered the lodge,
Odahednph crept nearer. She trx,k- Slf
her cloak, fringed with the eralps of
women, and when she shook it the
scalps uttered shouts of laughter. (M-
obrdoph was now peering in at the door,
when the old woman turned suddenly
upon him. He wan too much fright-
ened to run, even when she approached
him and laid a band nn his sbonlder.
Looking at him kindly, she toll him
ate had watched him ever since he left
his father's lodge. After rhe bad given
him supper and be bad telt! her bow he
came to leave borne, she said:
"Were you really afraid to go to the
river 1n the dark?"
"Yea, I was," anowere11 (Meliedoph.
At this the old witch ohrM,k her staff
.gal cloak, and the bird# and the scalp,
made a horrible din. •
"Are you afraid nowt• 'eked the
"Yea, 1 .s.1," replied thirboy, "lint
not .0 mach am I watt of the dark."
• • V1 by i" asked the old woman very
"B.,-anee I know you will not let
anything hurt me," (hlahedeph answer-
Again the old woman shook her Mite
and cloak, hot the hinds' notes were all
in accord. and the laughter was like
"You will do," said the wito•b, "for
you are very brave. "
"Braver" echoed the troy in anttmieh-
Yeti" paid the witch, smiling and
nodding her head many times, "the
bravest of the brave. for yon have the
courage to tell the troth. it 1. written
that you are to day that monster. Hah-
Urdo-TDA, and i ■m to help von, so
keep up ynnr courage."
But the stnpltng's heart began to tall
him as the old woman began her prep-
First she applied • marr1e comb to
his hair, which canoed it le grew long,
like a girl'.. Then dew demised him in
heauttfnl rboth.., .nth se a princelm of
his tube might wear, and painted hie
face in a moot bewitching manner.
Whoa the young man looked at his
..loge is the slop sew by. be was M
Daily Papers se tM hereto lei,.
No people in the world cling to their
newspapers like the English. lu the
arctic expedition of 1673 one of the
chaplain+ provided a file of The Times
with the reports of the (crimean war,
20 yearn old. of which he doled out two
..pies ..very day, one to each ship.
Tho captain% and officers had it firwt,
then it was handed nn to the fo'c's'le,
and in a little while every One was
as loin aborts the Rnwuan news as
it the war had be.'n going on at
the moment. The chaplain in cea
trod of the preen used to 1.e be-
sieged with entreaties for an evening
eslititne and when Sevastopol was on
the eve rir being taken excitement ran
so high that this newspaper locker was
almost rammed. Howevell. the editor
stood firm and continued to dole out
his single edition a day, r, that the in -
tercet was kept tip to the end•of the es-
pelition.-lwmlon Milken.
}r..tawa *0pphlrea
(linnet eryrtats not fine ctoagh far
gems are found in North Carolina. They
are of huge size, sometimes weighing
as much as 2fr pounds, and they are cont
into dishes and cups. Tow of them are
crashed to make emery and a kind of
sandpaper call..l garnet paper. At Rn -
by mountain in Colorado is a remarka-
ble deposit of each great crystel* .•f
garnet, which. being in, bided in a miff
matrix. initially none out perfect in
their hews i fn l geometries( shaper. They
are acid for weights and ornaments.
Emerald.. inbi•'e and 1apphirra sloe
found only in North ('andin..04 Mon-
tana. The Montana eapphirni, dng from
the gravel bare of the Mi,wuri river,
are neatly of l..orfinality. though some
of the crystal, are fine. They are plen-
tiful enough, the so called Colorer° boor
} holding 2.600 uunrvs of sapphires to
the arm-- Bostua Tranrript.
A rale .wrestle.
They hail .recited that stage of the
engagement where she felt free to .maws
hr'rnelf by exploring his pockets. It so
happened that be had forgotten to tale
rut the ticket for his watch, and when
d ie tumid that she immediately wonted
to know what it waft.
"That," said be, with as ranch dig-
nity ea he .,.lel comseaai, "is a see -
verde of the World's lir. "-Iadtasar
e ta Journal.
F' 1;111' % NY
\\'tattoo ^r
f -410
i► , --_.
~-- 4▪ 11
1110- --411P
41110-- -
slli0- . -410
ellP• 6- --410
OP-- -4111
!1F- ft is taw new sholtesiag
di40- --41114
taking the place of lard,gp
4.-- or cooking butter. or--‘I11P
▪ both. Coots Ie.., goes _..4.
lee- farther, and is easily
- digested by anyone. _..
4110._ * -'eta
"Mado o&y by ---411` N. K. rsin.*NK A CO., -
tr' Welb.gtea red Ana Sb., -4111.
The Bane of billions of Dies
Max Muller hac just turned 70.
New Park State as free frog► debt.
The princess of N .les was 49 oD Dec. 1.
['lgare for the prim* of It ales cost him'. 1
One oot of every five native women of
India is a widow
The banjo has now a Lyndon organ, the
Banjo World.
.'aper stockings are now worn as • pse-
veat,ve for toting cold.
A 100 borne power electric locostlotitZe-_ia,
bang built .n i'hiladelphia.
In Taoont• ell tramps are meads ta late s
bath in the free lodgiag-boas..
One et the new cruisers will hi sietell
Motor of the city of ('haLta.00g&
`euall Sugar -Coated Burdock PM de set
gripe or sicken. They .re mild and Oleo -
nod. 4 ,
There is • boy in .lath, 11a, + years old,
who has cut and hauled enough cordwood
to buy a suit of clothes.
Pale, weak women need • tonic, strength
giving, deal building need.cioe bke ]f ilburn's
Bee(, Iron and Wine. 4
Rosa Alter, of Baotou, aged q, appeared
as a "make charmer" in Troy without the
knowledge of her parent".
A'theory of 8,000 volumes devoted solely
to the theatre. collected by Heron Taylor,
has beet dispersed In Paris.
Worms cruse serious Bickner. ir. Low's
1l'ornt Syrup destroys and expels all kinds
of worms gnlckle and surely. 4
American pada catalogues here come to
W works of art, sal veedy super.( r to these
of English or European origin.
}'our dlousagd merits will be riven for the
beat uapublahed German open vent to the
Munich open house within • year.
Are you subject to sick headache' So
were others before they used kselj•y'.
Luer Lammas. They will our. you. 25
The bicycle has brought about the reopen-
ing of .sty of the old -Liam country hotels
in Frames, which had closed long aro be
caw of dee introduction of railroads.
Ca.o. Farrar is about to to pat up in St.
N1rearet's church, l.oeduo, of which he is
meter, a shall het bwstitnl merlbrial to
the Lie Bishop Phillipe Brooke.
Shiloh'. Core is sold os • guarantee. 1t
cores i.cipieet consumption. It is taw bed
rough cure. (►sty oar cert • dose : 25 cta,
fi0 ct. • and 51.00 per bottle. Sold by all
drnggiata. e w
The North congregational church of
Bridgeport, (conn . will oolebeate its second
oasteanial on Jena 13, 1886. Prep.ratiow
•re already bang soda for the celebrs
4. your tongue oohed • It it bthouwnesa
(let E.eljay'e l.iser Loveng's .t once. 25 .
Don't wait till you're down sick If year
Magee is coated get • box of i;'sllsy s 1•e.e r
1.osenges at on' -r. 2Sc. at druggists.
A rrefyeet.sat lark..«.
Hey. F. (;unser, M.ir , of Listowel, t int
says regardi.r R. B. B.: " I have used your
excellent Burdock Composed in practice
and in my family arta 1894, and hold it
No. 1 no my lief. of susative remedies.
'tone three Huey he.. Dever sting, weaken
Of worry
First -Class
Fit and
Finish, in
Fashions, at
Granby Rubbers
and Overshoes.
Sick Heads he is • malady which,
makes its appearance moat frequently
in women. The attack often begins
in the morning, upon awakening,
after a night of restlessness or heavy
sleep ; though it is especially wont
to occur in connection with emotional
disturbances, such as excitement,
fright or mental strain. The pain is
usually localised, being in one or
bill ;, more frequently the left
Sr s.1 .he bead. It is gaisturjr
accompanied by great disturbance of
the stomach, when light pains the
eyes ; noises otherwise unnoticed
inflict punishment ; odors excite
nausea. From the fact that people
with strong nerves are never troubled
with Sick Headache, it is generally
conceded by the most eminent phy-
sicians that it is dependent upon
weak nerves or nervous debility, and
eau only be permanently cured by
Strgpgthening the nervous system.
The Groat South American Ner-
vine Tonic is the only remedy nano-
fectnred whieb is prepared especially
and expressly for the nerves. It
acts directly on the nerve centres at
the base of the brain, correcting any
ieraagetstent there may be, greatly
increasing the .apply of negons
energy or nerve fore', giving great
tone to the whole body, and thereby
enabling a system subjoin to Sick
Headache to withstand future attacks.
It gives relief in one day and
speedily effects a permanent cure.
Mrs. Isabella 8. Graham, of
Friendswood, Indiana, writes "For
a number of years I have suffered
intensely with Nervous and Sick
Headache ; had Lot flashes, was
sleepless and became despondent
De. Faris, of Bloomington, 'Indiana,
spoke so highly of Hoath American
Nervine that I was induced to boy a
bottle. That parches led to a few
others, and now 1 sleep soundly, feel
bnojant, strong and vigorous. I
would not be back in the condition i
was in when I begon taking this
medicine for any Sum you could
Mrs. J. II. Proaty, of La Grange.
Indians, writes: "Your South Amer
lean Nervine worked a marvellous
care with me last year. I began
taking it last April about the 40th
Th. first weak I mad. • gain of 16
lbs. and from that time on I made •
steady gain salla I reached my
normal wsiglatoaiking in all a total
gain of 80 lig; Alter taking it three
or four awe I band myeslf a
wall witness."
Wholesale and Retail Agent for
Goderich and Twang
Can only be obtained- wearing
No. 391 tt Improved Feather -
bone Corsets." No side .steels to
break, hurt or rust.
. AN First-class Dry Seeds Houses Sell Thew.
TT 3ILNIV ttlsd ane? rolling 'Lh°°Qsof 14)1'SSTS MAWS
who nee had %portal PreeavatleS far his 'Were prwte.lee. •a•soo missese to every Modest.
Devise spent ome'. Tears is the Oleos Item and nye ware 1. ne.loeee end rain
resonate be obaeld know how W people he�r hsalnew.
It pays to *MOM •1 wheel300 Mia Oesa bard. Wlallaaaatt amt. M POW mon-
OU.ao MOO*" ea
Tce.rlr,, January t Ila*.
tipg t esesstlon given to
ilesigherter. for all grades of
(ye•b welshes se Mins ..rtes er ad
s. 1
Det •t) Priem trier* "stag elscw
Tat= CAW.
TeIegbese rese"Ites.
JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop.
Does GEO. BARRY, the
(l derich furniture (haler and
undertaker, keep the beet stock
of furniture and undertakers
supplies 1 And how is it
that he can call eo cheap t
11e finals that it pay's in the
lOOg nen. UM motto is :
" Small Profits and Quick Rs
alias." H. aim make* •
tyal piasters f s"aulg•
ire pial a call Were percher
fag sl..wieses. Seabska11 !
nail alwaro ea hated. 11671