HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-8, Page 8• THE SIGNAL : GODiKRICH. ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1814. THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE ATAWOMILO IMT. s HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. IlaMTM. IMOD UPI SIN SUWON DOLf.11R$ • ▪ 611.000.O1104• Sl,lOO,000. SCOT S. E. WALKER, 13ENEa*L MA,utOta. GODERICH BRANCH. A GEIsIAAL BANKING BUSMEN TRAIISACTID. FA IRS' MO11ta DISOOt1ITEO, DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT ALS /OMITS IN CANADA, ANO THE PRINCIPAL Cain IN TNI UNITED STATES GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCE, BERMUDA. sa SAVINS$ SANK SLPARTbeEST. OEPOS'TS OF *1.00 ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED, AMO CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED I•TEREsr AOOIO TO TWI MIa1D,PAL AT Tan END Or MAY ARO Mr• ••ER IN (ACM VIAL Special AtN•tbw &tela es ties Oe/loctlon or and Farnsers' Sales Notes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. • The Sig^2! W. ACHESON & SON. sloe niece calls special attestisn M its Job Printing facilities, shish an master - poised outat& the eines for the pump sad proper e:ecatios of all steams el printout. A permed et tide aaaos.es- tsse.t may suggest nostetbiag you may be in Hoed of, and is such case we soh - cit your patreslsge, feelieg ce.adsst that our effects to please will meet Sita the .approval of our patrols. 1\‘‘ ' R xxJ►t of \Y ork in the typographical printing line can be dose in this establishment ill wn expeditious and artistic manner mud Our Zti%t tit tivA.\ be. Sokk'il.a► veru reutotmab t. 14 DAIRY PRODUCTS February, 1894. I: take this opportunity of retuneing thanks to our tunny C'uetoi,.ers of the pari year. aril to solt.:it a coutinusnee of your patronage. As we have, now one of the largest and most conveniently ar- ranged stores to the To t, we are in :i better position than ever before to hind -ter to yOur want'. ( ear :-to' li i, NEW AND COMPLETE 1 W. ,.',. vnu net to forget our resit values IN TEAS. We can please you t•.,tll tit .tUality and prae. IN SLTGARS we yell Redpath':, which is considered by far the lies:. IN SYRUPS we ere rushing tine goal.; :tt low prices. S1`T-CRC"CX - E RY • . • • We have a good nsa.•rtment. • If you want a Set of Pieties or anything in Oat line, be sure and see cur stock before purchasing. If you are not nTheriily our custom ,' call and see our stock. We - -gersrontee- bati•factiaor-as--1s•-I4ww. wet a-- stock in our store. Voters respectfully, G EO. M. ELLIOTT, HAMILTON siTRFET, GOPE:i;i• ii. FEBRUARY BARGAIN LIST 50 PER CENT. REDUCT'ON ON VERY MANY LINES. Other Mores are nonplused to compete with our Clearing Prices. TO START : Ladies Unaterwear--Vests--All Wool, Long Sleeves, Buttoned Front or Jersey, were $1.00 each, we are selling at 50e. Drawers, 65c. and 75c., roust sell at 4tie. Tweed Dregs Goods, 40 inches wide, stylish goods, were 45c. a yard, down to 29c. Plain 40 inch Heavy Serges in Black Nary and Myrtle Green has been a big selling line at 30e , will- sell at 19c. till February 6th. Lathes' anti Children•s Jackets -All kind/. Oh ' Here is Bargain Department. All Styles at ebont Half Pries•. $7.00 and tA.00 Coats for 84.00. 212.00 Coats for $600 and THEY MUST GO AT ANY PRICE. INSPECTION INVITED AT ONCE. 3 Per teal. 541 .sat for rads ea all tseaslar Geis. W. ACHESON & SONS BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - - - $12,000,000. REST, - E,o0o,000. A Saving Department has been *toed in con- vection with this branch. Interest allowed al current rates. H. LOCKWOOD, Manager Godsrich Branch: CLOSE TIMES ESY PRICES. Now that there is a lull in buail�esa, it is the time to have your Watch, Clock, Jewellery, Silver- ware or Optical Goods Repaired LL WORT C UAR NTEED. WE CARRY A,FULL LINE. OF GOODS ' OUR TRADE. C H SEE It COI 1 tine cruel; made Foal pcottress spiritually ' I and siaaeially. se t:}- after leaving to i resume is et: i ' DAVISON & CO., SUCCE :olLS 7•i' E. F. WILKINSON, mamma 11 General Hard�oviare, Paints, Oils, Glass, 0. A . B� & SO • JEWELIERT EM 11 0. Tei SSSASE4 being, what is unusual, no snow drifts to ' Ye1Ce.A.11. Illy. '• r4 impede travelling, which renders it plea. -- lta H illb;-Heesee C Jean fhtsbar, Iter\ic Caen bane, to all. ot slam ie Soil, h. Sr. 20.1 chair -Edith ellow Nit. Rt:-u•qx• c �J,,hs Tithe, �ooe nam the township of Colborne's industrious and Jahn Nellie, Edwin ()Iver. '-Jr.,2-t i class progressive yeomen. in view et building a Stints C'usningham, Ada ween, E::t;.s d t himself aid family nett . tleM' . l'on 1! slams -A ar Farrier, hue residence ETC., ETC., SPORTING GOODS A SPECIALTY. Having steadied the wants of the people for the past eight yeas in the Hardware Line, and hating purchased the business and good will of R. P. WILKINSON, we .hall endeavor to retain the reputation of our Predecessor by giving at all times the lest %elue in our lines. Soliciting your valued orders, we are obediently Fours, DAVISON ESL 00. TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE Abstract Statement of Receipts and Expenditures for the year 1893. g stegi Ts. • ytrmalTf. Te Casa Balssce has f�C. .. .e !e W 0y CW near EI lith I•• Usaee balsam ItRE..... 3e 5 M.uek S aT arta Td IN . Ltcease 'or SOS.. . IN (1 •' !4a1N040 .... • • • • • . e53 Iii •' Ncuadarp stoat . . ....... LIE m •' Treasurer's sae cashed.... . el 1611 III dee y S.ir7 IC " Clerk from isle of County 1W 11 911 Itans 1-1em " t7Mbctor Is full .... .. .... . SIMM ea timid .,...... 2:2 NB Tetra TWO- M UNE tttAfE i' We lb. undersigned Adlgs rsr rho TewRs ip et (�Yerse hr►be 1� &.D.1»>ta Uwe - by certify that the tsof the a b iwr�tAe oon see sod *vow h 1 , .rate.at moos to particular et tee re - e gad nor • meats end ot dt Si us prndJa pplEeeaa end r1-surer'e books, end to v wvd for the Wast& Jeer tag 31.1 day of portedmn d pat wen.t belie re them o be truetalo ed co,rect , we are leve pafft�nls, beaks tbesesablt Elated this Mrd day ot February. Ifel. RANT w/LtIAMa, ALE\. sotl•Tsev. , Ac4 err+. or t . I.onima Mct:re, Pieter E•atrew. rail 1 class serine, Si busily liseved in hWulisg hien, . Ihivid Guidry, Willie Smil., Allan and other material na•ewsary. We wish him y hundertaking,hoping he n,ay }r Biel ard.on. The 1st in the stout .pell- tic aucoes en u te; match were : 1■ 4th cla•s, nail Eton. spared to It for many year.. � pate. an. A. o .. sr claw At VV/ A•. 61 6. -It will be pleasing to 4!e- Sed 3•.ht Melillan: sr. Wan the many fnands of ean.ue1 I'eatltal, who 1 Joh Nellie : jr. 'Ind clam, Alfred t;uiud visiting at her parents and other friends. whilst in the act of shoeing heroes. roelvd 1 p.r� II a U• . y,ct.•r Farrow : put I else., Thos. Boyd aril alis lh•rotiry Boyd hide a ki,i by which he was somewhat injured IMv, t:auley. returned :rem visiting *Amide ie hayfield. and oa account of which he was use's& to fir. asci St • h ut es he wag strut. w t h a .1. 1'. H•wLaas, of llrandosv . long illtsen, trhieh conlpilied ham to wr.h $ Sleighing has been good for the past wort for ,Dote days, to leapt that he u get Stan, are visiting relatives and heads ti b"ter and able to ,tsrk • tittle- Llys g ars •. Solas a fc:l range Of hope he will be as successful wnh own as • E Ste user p:etaoas to among hen two years . disc Piers fair Tirq sir.�.tt--Sao •foliar a ye} r is •t. ossa. It b up to does asul the flat valhe 1, cur tt.t tuoorr to the linrvat Tewa-t tfrew fres tbomior some tom' : bet new he , couple of uses s end it makes 110150 lively. 0 here - it, able to teatime them one atain, and we I he will conunce to improve Rev, {:. N. l car end tarite. of Holmes- top wt John Japhenm, of Sea/00A, returned Ware a DUNLOP. 1N Ti ►-tatt..lan. 3J. SI si 31agi,ie Ni -:.Minster, of ltelfast, for• WOOL, SEAL, GREENLAND merly of Thu burg. •neat S.turja} nett with Nile circuit+ took place ou the :1 •t of .tan. old acboolaatea of No 9, Lusbp. The three sessions were tersely •heads.!, which allows the interest Taken in these sou• ventions. .1t •i;.•, vide, were renewing oW ru!ita:atastxs tont Cosa %Los. test .tat, A+ Unet . on Nlooday after A week. visit to Lis sister week. Catt•rLT to Stuxlx. We, along with the Sirs ('uttningl..m. A goo.( number ot young folks attended many reistives. friends and acquaintances, It a N. tern el here that the a surprise party oo the 8th coccseion last of Albert Treleaven, the energetic, efficient `-nItract hse changed heads Thursday sight. sod suave clerk in B. J. Crawford's store, John Tiffin ie drawingbrick front the who ha. tor some tune past been todispose.t Nevin to McNaught. 0. other aide of Lu.Staow. from the eff its of having caught s severe He .e preparing to eold, rtntltiog in Ir grippe, are plciowit to build a new rectae nest Sommer. know that he is rapidly h.comin„ coo. ales The san::a1 coaven:ion of theigannon and cxlnt and able to resume his duties u form - MINK. BEAVER, ASTRAL I I,gpM,N u _ -Stns Harriet Noble amt her CIiAN and 'POSSUM. brother 1tainom, of hingsirulge, visited here duriog last week, taking in a social dancing party ,during timer eowurn. Ashur Mason and James itroadfo.•t, of Tuckersntitb. were ar,ona transient vultors GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Full 1,.e, in every 1h partment. Wel all and rtazu.nc goods eau prices. C. R. SIM & COP, retina's Block. Co-. equate sod 33..trealot. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. From our ownCorreapondents. Tb.re 1. iar.rrnaeten Sere Taal ("saw.' be Eeaad A■y centre 1.1.e- Iew•ersae twat, tapertatb taet.erted Ar The Mahal. L£EBUHN. Trp:••:•ars J. ?4. Several more cases of itluesy sante lest week. lir. sod Ilrs..lrthur Keeton had • pleas - sat social gathering of ,youov people Tues. day evening of last wage and on Thursday night quite s wom r of y,.onngg people took to • daacisg parer is the neighboring town of Du lop. The lasygusday of January, 11,.^:, will be ,.markable her for the first :•unday sleigh meet reenter drive of this pressor year, which Wee caused by once more M,u Snow gently esappeannc under oo stir of hors.. to drift ltd about as we peeper for preen. and thea el he members of the Epworth League of to the comity town ea bosoms.igewe up everybodt for commerce aid the Mlethodiet church intend visiting their1 i•ttr•te; (akin Walker, of Ingersoll itIesear. sister le•gne et Westfield. Friday evening, after Sari ng had a plasmas' riot to relatives goad. t•- In his last week's itemr of 1 Feb. 2nd. A good time Is expected. and fhavirr iogssintplasma, sett here el iilvn- she Nile the invincible sod unseen Jambe i Tl„ boa N the r1...wet and THE stnvat. b da afternoon ea for horse, ?tete journey to that histhebeet One amt., a rear In advance. sub 7 here last week. Lest week cur .ick committee bad \Illus 'liar} Crosby was tufting friends to several patients on its fiat. one of whom 1htnaannoa tut week. a11.J forth three of ds veterans in full Times are lively now en a..•ooant ot the Sotocribe for Tao Pu -Nat. -one dollar a yeaz in advance. It u ep in date. and the beet value for ;he moa'T in the II ,..ria Tract. " BELFAST. Aluzr•sv, six motion. .. motion. Led by its able pros:dent and sup- ported by medial advice they succeeded in having the sufferer 'take a favorable return fur recovery as t: a prepare for press. The best is the chimney. and Tnr !su:car. 1a looks Stale nerd hearty. the beet. One dollar a y.sr 10 advance. :tau - *Clint, sow•. dootple conies tree. Miss 1-ioruce C. ear of the tith son. pored through here on Sunday tut to visit Mrs. Irwin, of the lath eon , who hae been sick with la grippe for the last two weeks. ASHFIELD- Mo>1nAv, Feb. J. Mr Rowers saw mill yard is getting well filled with loge. Mr.. Aitkins from Wingham a visiting friends in this vicinity. The weather and roads are all that could be dsiron, Sad in o0nse.ine.oe business is very lively. Howard Brown, a little boy, had his leg badly bruised by falling orf a loaded .Leigh of maw logs a few days ago. There have bees a great number .ick in ibis vicinity from la grippe, bot we are glad to say they are sow 000valeacent. good sletghicr. }iyery•thiot is booming, parties, ..wnterta, kc. t;eorge Agar, of l;randon, Mao., b enjoy - nag himself among his many friends, he AUBURN. 9Jor*'tr, .lea- 20. Mr, and Mia Fill retusstd cisme Friday. Sirs, Clark Velill l'ery low with the gvtppe• 51ies fleet 1,;„44 of t;oderich, spent sun dsy here. SSis 11„ :giclloleon is visiting friends at Belem*. AEAs F•:aley was the guest of the Slimes Mair, !:undo}. "Jackman,- the tailor, spent Suiday with friend. here. Mr, Will yuaghIst returned home from Kincardine Tuesday. The Orangemen intend having their big tee -meeting some time in F.by. Mrs. .1. ('lark, of 1►ualup was the gust! of her sister Mrs. Itrown last week. DUNGANNON. Mao R. Scott, of God.rleb, u vinting her TresnA1, Feb. 6 sister Mrs. W. Symungtoa this week. tom... llrTri n Wm. Sproule who bas Miss Fides guest, of Goderic+, spent I been for semis time very t11. although .till Satwday and `;ualay with eon, one, somewhat weak. is gradually improving ltrown Mater duo. Brown, who ie attendiag the God. rich collegiate Institute, spent Sunday at home. We hop he will soon recover. Id nn.('ii:.I :.taCor'Tt To. e. -!taring the latter part of Wt week aur much es- teemed and progr•mire merchast. $. .1. Crawford, along with hie son William, were Mee - teas the world at large t t ruing tows of the future has i4 full .hare of block ecru* now. $•stets eeelq fres. him. .. Minn Llrrie Wiggins, of I:orrie, sheep, *swan than heathen*. and • lockup i. Mo-t•►v, Feb. ia. sadly .ended for • sheep fold for those that i F. Morris eundayed with friends ben. net oft their gas in noisy t .dgar ce.t ere& r Sl,.. Frazer, is rioting frie.ds here this Sidor round the meeting hoose, which by iii week teachings of • score of years The similar schen: cooventioo will be held L way with the sk of trmor for some 1lthodist church on Feb. 2Rth. but now the virtues of the thiel cow -1 hitr A (;lark, of e•. danch, spent `rtnr Weslseet arm toot kept to (i,e record of John , day aed $a1day with Mie I.no 14own. Wtteisy fimrty the good people of the ter to sbg.rve secret} raise tense to hate a i teased their state i,.a rr g'e at testrteld lest Mire taillight their young I'haroah, fret T1:• " Auburn E:ppww.rth 1, inSa" enter Kik Wo thmail gag then, of .eeteg these Ertday mightzegflo . ` t in the e -at Future flee .4' it is becoming quitergithir L.: our 3 masa IN rtr,'t&. llCets to take IN wwlss, one Foiling Rtaa cunni ties. PreparsMry .ervtc. will be • - A leu da , . ' .,- ' 111'::i ,:, eM i''e t!•1!" ►he sine piece nm Friday, 9114, con. � a,,.l Mt N>, a1 tea..". got sdpeiellitlify cut, Me froaJay actia.l re ! ho' Te rtia • plea** letter from J. is. Ander as le,A. sibs as kr a period of 111112 critlsaak1og the K. R. ler a swafof do' Ili/Mee Farad at returned home on Monday front viertisg saivaiwtanes he this village. Ansst,i'o T:Ia R*'K.--Mrs. McCAaip, we an credibly informed, is is (:oderieh at tootling to a sick relative. if good •treed aloe mil be the means of restoration to health, we preeame recovery is all bit cep - tats, as Mrs. MA'. a prosoueced to he an .sport mid efficient .ttendrnt. F.. • t,l+t I••T' It-. TIls Facnment of the lord's Sapper will tit. V.1 be .dmini.tared u Enid** church, here, es siert SabMutk, the Ilth hat. Service to commence at the hidekko she er the wslfarr, of s gent 1. tr'e.+d the Sind lemasateyty them ee has a.g *Mee D•sM bas Ms. hate mencimg at 7, , , conducted lay Rev. Mr Nw1L McKay, of Lackner, llnroay. Feb. 5* A' nrastn WITH It; Pt rine. l ioa,- Awe Kerr hs. retrad home trent Uwe nor last to first hors of IR!Y1. h•viag '�S� mitts et.d its miseiaan. is e.I nnmbrrwith ow r..itrrg friends Ii 1lederio1. Sli« gags of old Father 1 an. Heweew, haste Ramer says that the esperimretal ray. .dace ill arrival ,hni, far, has farm .f t elbers* has hese eslaryest. bow pew, wintry. 9ktighi'eg u is ereelle.t 1[il f Ida Hetherisgt.., e( Asbars, to alma ler trees , kms iaL. Ma, then el ly. Ne" 1 --ern Te. 'in Wednesday of last week, a meeting of a number of the promin• ent citizens of itungsenoo and vicinity was he1.1 in the court room to cousider as to the organization of a meclianici institute in this village. John t,owers,er deputy reete of cyst lyawanceh, was called to the chair, T. E. therein wan appointed secretory. The chairmen in very fluent languvteopened the meeting by stating the object for which the rtee•ing was called, and also the rcgutatices provided tor orramiz•tioa of an institute, es well as the bene6ta to be derived. The fo'- low ing gene lemen were present R. 1'len- dei n D. it .1. t rawfad, Thos. Smiley, S. 1'. Sanderson, .les- Whyard, K. Pentland, 1. H. Walker, A. McKay, teacher, Adrian I e.her, Andrew Sproul, 3. C. Ward. Mos. d by 1f. (le.deooisq. seconded by It J. Craw- ford, that this meeting proceed to organize • mechanic' institute in this village to be designated I►ungsnnoa Mechanics i.stitnte t erried unanimously. Moved and seconded that to secretary frame • list for aigrettes, of membership. (serried. Moved awl sec- onded that Merry. Crawford, ('lendeneiag, Bowers, A hither and A. McKey I.e • committee to canvass for members. l'ar• Tied. Moved and seconded 'het this meet- ing adjourn to meet in the same place on Thursday, the 15th inst., at 7 30 r. u. Tb. meeting was in all nepecte very harmonious which augurs well for a good institute bei.g formed. Too mmono'ach credit mono' k.a000rd• ed to Mfr. Clendenniog for his .MOONS in ob- taining dLining members. We are credibly Warm - eel that lie ha., I hro.gh indefatigable'/karts, added to the list already obtaieed at the meeting upwards .4 tweaty-6re, which will he a all about forty nw.mbsn. Mrs. G J. Crawford has obs Ironer ot brier the erns lady to appal" bar nine to the 11.. With • goodly number of ladies of Mn. ('.'a Pis, the iaatitnte cannot but lie • grand smeos... LANES. Tremor, r, Feb. 6. Miss M. Farrisn ie r:aitisg e.1 11. Camp- bell's, 12th nos., Oa week. .l. It Hogan, s000mp•aid by .1. Armin. of kiogabridv., weal visiting friesd. is Blyth last week. 1 tsrcosie. --Th. insight. Sad Stewart, of Kineardiee vicinity were the gout. of T. v. Finlay last Week. I'awrv.-opsit% a somber of the young people of Ode 'hearty attended • daachr ry] at M. J. McDonald -s, of Craggy Kaon, llkroa township, and enjoyed these selves fsls.snsely. Po.TMe(n. -The entertainment which was berme Ret op here has been postponed for an Unlearnt* period. i u rRnv !MINT. -- F. Soon M harhg • bit• cony erected *Celle frost of hie Morsel reef deuce, which, whore Iniehed, is via/ to add greatly to the already nice appears*m of his hone.. t-rzttrA M Anotia, et Kiagebeidge,wss the Swan 01 J. Hellas ea &Utoday. POSIT ALERT. Troseor, Feb. d 5. neat. Serowe The followis, shows the smgelli g el the is K R. lis 1, taltffdd, fog t5. t.e,.M of Fshrsery : (eh eke% -Cerise (Neeeim Awe - AVM ilenmalt, AMM Ouris a•m. Mead i'. A. pier from 1'. 1. Old Chum Plug. No other smoking tobacco seems to have supplied the universal demand for a cool, mild, sweet smoke like the "OLD CHrsf-" The name is now a household word and the familiar package has be- come a memberof the family. Te LOIIG iid IIOBT of it is 'hat Dit1.1 k Sous' Gigue bare so equal. 14_ --....__ FARMERS ... Arrangenients have been matte with leading t,tauufacturct - sucL as FI.EI'R1-'S, AuroTII, THC)MS•, Watford and other., to ply- nu' with their+ Agricultural Implements at speeial price .luently I urn prepared to give ,you the beat at low' figures. NO PEDLINC OR AGENTS. con - SAYE YOUR HONEY ANI) CALL AT THE FOUNDRY. I can still supply you with Runciman Land Rollers, Plow - Root Cutter bite. - a Yee attention is to le pii .te Ike Plow Point Buaine this season, bot in regard to hardy gelli4Poilits anti having al, kinds on hand. CDsyth for Cast and Wrougl:t Metal. Ca=tinge ninth to or•ler., Repairs promptly attended to. Si R • a % TO flR PaRONS QF--ISBY;_ I am now ready to enter into an agreement with you t•• fnrnieh yon Impltmentt. and Repai.•, syr it will be to your adven- t tge to form committees to meet here at onee and arrange fur q -a cul prices. You will no:, require to employ a clerk. Straight business. Cloott Machina'. Cash Price. Yours reiFeetfully, J. B. RUNCI JAMES ROBINSON, One 'M ice Cash Store. As we do not wish to carry over any Fall Goods we intend to clear the following lines at a 'Auction. Come for bargains. Bargains in Mantle Clothes. Bargains in Dress Goods. Bargains in boys' Shirts and Drawers. Bargains in men's Shirts a n d Drawers. Bargains in Tweeds. Bargains in Flannels. Bargains in Gray Blankets. Bargains in White Blankets. See our Table Linen and Table Napkins. JAMES ROBINSON, One Ante Gosh Store