HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-8, Page 7Y THE SIGNAL: GnDFRI(`TT. ONT., TII1'RSDAY. FEBRUARY 8, 189!, THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. Our U. h System is now one wetik old. We are pleased, orad ('wA• towers are wore than phxsexl. We have made it plain to everyone that One Dollar in Cash will buy more Dry Goal, than Oue Dollar on the old Credit 8t'stehu. In re -marking our stock we went about, it in a systematic, Lu,i- ntoss-like manner, closing our Store for the: l,urlx►sc, and marking its plant figures every piece of gook, IN DRESS GOODS We slashed right into the oke prices. We are showing 25 pieces of35 Kiel 40e. Double Fuld (:mods at 23 cents. We have Owed in stock this ,t're'k 64 pieces of New Spring Dress Uooda. We are also showing New" Prints, New Satin Check Muslins, New Flannelettes, New Embroideries, New Lace Curtains, New Carpets, and right here we would like to call your special attention to this Ile- Ilartn►rnt We didn't forget to mark each piece to the Cash Level, and if you want a Carpet this Springa lock through our Uoais will con- , intoe you that " THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE " is the plate to lady Carpets JOEN T. ACIIESON. AT f///: DRAPERY ANO HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE + + + + + • + A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Oor 50c. Cone Caput be Beatel. Ladies' and Chldreo's llodemear, ertra valoe. Navy old Black Scor® Serge:, the best io ?on for tie money. ixsPZCTIO11 =DLT eoraOITZD. I'ER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH lvrCTINTIZO, Draper and Haberdasher. T DOSEASE OF INESRIETV. he 1 a. at AI•eh.e1 1. Invariably relienr.d by Mental Iseg.evratl.a. Tile alta«ea c ..f Inebriety was urged as fact lona before the (hriutias era." ley it is accepted and established on den,. shore doubt or losestion, Ther disease primarily begins in the p�ychu(-al I.rain entree, where all ins prnseiona of the senses and nerve for.* •n. correlated and adjuster'. Failure of these .•entree is followed by exhanstiou. sod alcohol of all other remedies brings the most poeitve relief. Some unknown rnnditi.n of derange went. feebkttese and eihanstion Hegira either in thew renters or is refler•t d fr•'m other parte of the nervous systems mud concentrates hers. and therttStn'for alcohol is literally a "signal flag" (leech distress. Heredity learns a feebleness of these centres. with often a strong pre - disputation of alcohol, which may re wain dormant, only to name into great activity epee taking the first glass of spirits. Injury and disease may be fol - leered by the derangement of these high et brain venires. and the narcotic action •f alcohol affords a grat.fnl and smite - tire relief. The atndy of alcoholic cases shows that over two thirds of all inebriates have a history of previous degemeratios tw th of the brain and nervous system before spirits were first used. The lar - +t proportion of those eases cotta tenet alcoholic, insane. consumptive and other uearutic ammeters. The remainder have a marked histi ry of diseases, injury, bruin strains. shanks and atatee of profonnd exhaustion. from which they re ap patently recovered, although followed by the woe of spirits. Persons with such a history show grist attseepUbllity to the action of *Icu- htot. The effects are grateful and se Prnnnncel as opium when it quiets the painful nerve. The first action of aim 1 gnicken:ng the brain eirculetim. - then slowing it. nnnshing and partly: Ing the sensory centres, give the impre- riot of comfort and approach to health that the victim is finable to correct. 1 he use .of alcohol is quickly followed • a train of degan.rati•on that le alwsya Instated in the early stages and is nn mc.ypriaM by the victim and often by his friends. The disease of inebriety is clearly tut "'witted with criminality. in both • IK•wrissivs degeneration of the blither nnoral centres of the twain toner an with a steady decline of all twain ,trot and h'•alth. No other drng is known to science which han an prominent an in- flnenrr river the highest and last rernted *lenient* of brain fore. and It. •scttlM. rteher part of the brain is so gtsiekl 'I thawed and diseased by alcohol and mewled by delusions of the settees. Dr. l rothere in Voice. I la in .f fr t• f Woman's Cry .f Agony, It hag been said no mond ever dies the air, but echoes' forever a baby's '10. a man s oath, a woman's shriek th if this be true, then the mien agony the corse of man has wrong en a woman's lips will go on and on— 'reit the starve grow .td. of the 'cora. nnd ( th. j r.tddMwk enfold. Woman hag et wined the very stars ar prayers. bet under this reign terror (dual se.ws.d pitiless to file s.7. erred wen Isi(tst she Pry with the psalmist of old. "They have given any *ml to the heart, my starling to the power ((1r " 1,1101111 BINSBOVAINW if 0 i oar imettesre 'd /NE sled thews I'MIr the thee& airs sag at the smother s ansa all is welt but out in the great world of trade and 1•omuten•e. where hi+ life invariably centres. she cannot come Saloons on every side, with softly yielding doom. awing inward to bis touch. Law and custom make them hares of brass to *het her from fol lowing. to shield and Kaye, gelert'd. Athletic Total AYstaiaera. During a re s nt conflagration in the harbor of Baku. set the west shore of the Caspian. a number of Cir•assian labor era rushed to the landing and prevented an imininent explosion by rolling a lot of Meavy naphtha barrels up the steep slope of the ieveee with an ease and die patch as if they were trundling toy colas. In ars than fire minutes a dozen of the athletic natives had thus relied tial barrels to a place of safety— ' feet which a sore of Rtsasian 'long- ehorrmrn could hardly lure achieved in less than an hour. While they were alone it the plucky highlanders (who never touch liquor in *fly form • *leo mired several hnndhy of hides and incidentally refuted the weer- lion eertion of an American drug elector that ted• children of moderate drinkers as a class are more vigorous than the chil- dren of total ab.tatners.' The real ow cret .f that widespread .elusion can probably be fond in the circumstance that a resod many of our American tee taaters have been seared into reform by the lino -grew' of seine disorder due to long e„ntinn ed habit. a inteemperanee —Ex A rsmny ItennIted I went rseently into an elegant, fine stun its one of .'ter famous cities and fu 1 the head manager whom i met se the doer. in every aentae a gentleman, educated. polite and with an easy grace that was charming. He wan one of those magnetic characters that stay with eon even after they are gone from your presence Tus 1 saw him, heard him. formed my estimate .4 him. but imagine my surprise when after a little eomveration 1m. said 'I Me year ago 1 was a cot firmed drnnkart. i had spent a fair eetst... my wife and child had left me, and I wag nothing more or lea than • salx'u tramp I'rovidentielly. however. a frie•ud induced me to reform, and now 1 am a new man in Jessie Christ i have had my old church relation,' re sewed. and next weak my wife and daughter . who have, held me on trial a year. are conning beck. and, sir, I will surprise thein with a neat new home, e»mpietr'iv furnished for them. 11h. sir. j stn happy me a king. ”—Rev. R. S. Martin. White Ribber. wnesee. How strange it is that slime people are so slow to grasp the meaning that white ribbon w.nnen. or white riMxroers, is the term internationally given troll we men Wore/Ong to the Io federated ea theta! associations of t peeane. wo- men It nests math. tri n1 harp con atantly to playthe song, " There Are Bands of White Ribbon Aronad the World This is "imply the poetic• arr w of petting it, that N, or mons fe l.rtt"d motional assoniatlma form the interne - theta' federation of women the world over, MO that theis a knot of white ribbon, sad thath.dge a name of the aasnciatictn thus forked in the World's Wo,nan's (yI*ar Temperance ('nine. — W att11 lls�wr. the sea 1. Ib. and. Pimps. nfu. Wog, "Whore 1s My Mat. lsrhg Bey To might'' hat the truth is whas the para is wwmt to sere\ re* to the tempts -aa stseting this "waada.ing hey" ala 1d1 h... tad *mil Yds .»..lata ea Blood should 1* rich to Insure health. Poor blood 'nee us Amem la; diseased Lluoi means Er•rOfula. Sco 's Emulsion the Cream of Cod—liver Oil, enriches the blood; cures Anaemia, Scrofula, Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, and Wasting Diseases. Ph3Yrttans, the world over, endorse it. bet Ise deceived by slllstI tes! f111etii so.a., I1slls std . A1J Drava..... se a t L she street corner. 'Piro parents are singing Nis Sony and shouting'lows with the Gideon ' while they are giving their boy full liberty to do as he phseaca. And be generally hoss up to hu privileges. This is one pha.s of • large subject. and it is a please which should be lookoa i.luarcly in the face. however ardent parrots may be in supporting the eansc of temperance, they may by tour very Deflect, by their short uutniug in home training, help to foster the liquor teethe. Their plain and manifest .duty as to nip the evil in the bud by wise and careful training of their boys in all that is a xcelknt and lovely sal of good report. In the work of tempsransc reform every one must build over against his uwa house. Muth l,'ou t ineut. Bert be a L.batrr. A lobster when left high and dry among the r 'eke leu not sense enough to work his way batik to the sea, but waits for the sea to conte to him, explains an exchange. if it does not come he remains where he hand dies, although the sligtteat exertion would enable hits to reach tie waves which are, perhaps, tossing and tumbling within a yard of him. There n a tide is human of tarry that casts men into tight places, and laves them there like stranded lobster& If they choose to die where the breakers have flung them, expecting sortie grand billow to take them on its big •boulder and carry them 'rack to .month water, the chances are that their hopes may never be reali.ed. Nor a it right they should be. The social element ought not to be expected to het p him who makes no effort to help himself. - - Exchange. - Who • were (benires tier tease. It is and that the practice of the wife as - miming the husband's name at marriage or- dginated from • Roman custom and became the coming wagon; after the Roman o.xu patios. Thus Julia and l lideria, married to Pompey and Cicero, were called by the Romans Julia of Pompey and I i, tavu of Cuero, and in later times marred women in moat European countries signal their names in the same manner, but omitted the of Against this view may he meotioo.d that during the si.teenth and even the brines* of the.eveoteenth century the usuageaa•sa doubtful, since we find Catharine Parr se signing herself after she was twice married, and we always hear of lady Jane (:ray ( not Dudley s and Arabella Stuart loot Sey- mour). Sorne persons think that the set tom originate•l from the scriptural tr that husband and wife are one. It was di, tided in the case of Baa v. a Smith, iu the reign of Elizabeth, that woman by marriage loses her former name and legally receives the name of her husband. IRISH BULLS. A barrister defending a prisoner in !Amer ich, said: "Gentkmee of the jury, think of his poor mother -hu only mother." Some people were laughing at an Irishman who woo • race for tayiog - " Well, I m fret at hat." Von needn't laugh," said he ; "sure, wasn't I behind before'" About 70 years aro, the grand jury of the noun of Tipperary passed h the following res- olutions : Fist, that • new court bone should be hid ; wooed, that the materials of the old court hoose be used in building the new court house ; third, that the old court house shall not be taken down till the new court house is finished." Tom Moore used to tell a .try about staying, when • troy, with an code at Sandymount, near Dublin, aad finding one morning a dead highwayman lying on the road. There was • small bullet bole in his right temple. A. old woman' was looking at him. "Gentlemen," else said, " isn't it the blessing of God it didn't bit him in the eye." in the coffee roost at • hotel in Dublin an Inch gentleman said to a friend who was breakfasting with him : " I'm sure that's my old college friend, west, at that table over there.' " Then why don't you go ewer and speak to him '" said the (riled. " I'm afraid to," replied the other, "tor he is se very shy that Ise would feel quite awk ward if it waa't he." Sore young fellows of the ravy shaved the head of • brother officer, an Irishman, whew he was drunk, •ad pmt him to bed. Ile had previously give111 orders that he was to be called at 5 o'clock in the m..rnine, nod M was, accordingly, called at that hear. When he looked a the glass anti saw an ap- pearance so anfike What he expectes Hang me," said he, ' if they haven't called the wrong man." The following oe•ver.atios was heard in the Fenian titre., some yeah ago A cab- driver named Tom starts the eelieiny. " These are terrible times, Hill" " Redad, they are, Tom : it's a wesdber It we'll ret out of the world alive." " I'm afraid we won't, tree if we had as tars lime as Plutarch." "If Oliver Cromwell oould only Dome up out of hell, he'd sees settle it." " Pe lad, alybe bed rather stop when he Is 1796, h the Doers* of a debate cos the heather tax. the ob•stellsr o1 the exchequer, Sir John Parnell, observed that "in the pro ..aline of the pretest war, every mean ought to be ready to Rive his lest makes to protect the realainder." Mr. V•edeiewr said that"however that might he, • tem ns leather weekl peer* heavily en theherefoot. .A paass•try of Insa.d. T. whirls Sir Itnyk Roche replied that this .mild he me removed by maklag the ruder-latb.r, .f wend Speaking is favor of the osier, Sir Hayti. midi that ere of its ether weeld he " tire the hasten bills wank henriese fartae eat - le eeeaher dab.te h* swill • • 1 boldly *a.ww M the a1Sr.Nii., Ne." 1• the Ceps be Jad krties (*whim were me casae• there that they mho ewes mist a t�„ Wan Wring 'boa band to mouth hits the butts of the air." To sir Boyle Roche, also, is abttlbut. ed the portentfoue ward.[ : ' Y .0 should refrain from throwing orae tba tiowl•P'_ of democracy lest • ,,a should pare 1 •r • 1•enera1 ' ,,oll�g,.tiy. " rite way I Ht WINTER SEASON. I 11. mi, or n'.rl inn 11, Done Frani Nen 1 nth epilog, DA lug tho winter Neeson all work tu.l..t ,,, done wider eh,ltrr, except at ouch time a. tie. w• shut -r way is warts .•n.orsgh loo draw 1..,' front out ..f the furetn.d and Limn it mf ns. int a.anrthiug In the tield. r:h rul.1 sit. h o ^►t.tnitit•e nrive. the farrut•r.. will not make •cal; mistake by using the plow. as it who In. a proper time• fur destroylt►g in se te. at well as permitting the frost ti get down into the ,.oil and pulverirs it. Feast power i" o great beim to the farmer if he will stiller it but many of thrum ilo not du ru There is plenty of work in winter if farmers will deter route to lose no time, arid eespec•ially'em etua•k fauns. In fart. thee*. is more work to le*• done with etc. It its the win ter season than its %nusmer, and the newt 'successful stock raisers are those ,rho give their anivale their whole at teethe) in wiuter How many firmer* go to the expense of ovrrhaniing the manure hcsp, - %et it is a ueeesih-. fer dawn in the center of the heap, amt near the bottom. is beet sufficient t, permit ..f ferments. lieu of the materials, while near the, top the heap it roll and solid. When the time comers Ibr spreading title Imatnre. one pretest] will be coarse and nsetese while tlw other will he fine and well rutted. T., properly manage the heap it must ire .rrhanlerl several times. the n e comrvs Material plated be- low and mixed with fresh ut:tunre and liquids, in order to reslncr it. Every hour's work on the manure heap is well bestowed. as the fanner eau bring the materials to a ....million 1eady fur the imme.late rise .1 the crop. thus' saving time in the epring, as the manure not rotted now meet first rut in the field Ise fore the plants can utilize it Not on.. -0 or twit e. but a doom times. if netee- nary should the manure heap be handled during the winter, sti as to make as well preparation for spring as pu..sible GROSS -COT -- SAWING. A Device wlib w knee Ai.1 One Mas. Can Operate a sae. (her iHind rat ion. re -engraved from the Practical Ferner. is of a device to ell _ able one man to sutressfully and easily use • cross -cut saw. A is the bench made of • hog flattened on top. Id B two boards, four inches wide. placed on lop of the bench which are far enough apart for the Raw handle to work be- tween (' is the est. D D pins in the bench to hold the boards which should be nailed down. E is the block of wnod between the boards to hold them in their plate. F is the spring pole (1 is the rope attached to spring pole and saw. H H i. the Ing way. consisting of two lugs placed abort two feet apart. and showing the ends of two rollers on them to keep the front one in its plies at each enol. 111 the ,hsps ..f the fr..ut N °NE HAN SAW' Ne; II,:r111;. roller on the one side where it rests on the log way. Bore two holes in either end in opposite directions to insert a abort lever with which to tarn the roller J is log to he sawed Attach the saw and see bow easy one man can use it sad thus nave expense._ Way'• Wager. Little Sammy, who is just four years old came into the house the other day with his pinafore off and thrown away, and his clothing otherwise demoralized, and hailed the maid with : "Ho ' Biddy, I can jump higher than the big pump out in theyard." "(►h -go away wid you. t1'hat d' you mane by that, Sammy " 1 tell you 1 can Amp higher than the pump. Now you sea." And he caught Rridget by the dreg, and pulled her away out Into the yard, when stood the old wooden pump, iaratr,g spas it that he could jump higher than the pump. " Tbete," said the girl " now let's see youump." ' Ho ' Biddy, if 1 do it will you give me • cranberry tart'" Yea -Kiddy promised him, if he would jump higher than the pump, that he should have a cranberry tart_ Then the little boy clambered up on the platform, and gave • tremendous jump jumped with all Isis might and main. And then, with •comical leer, and • eeliant nod at the pomp be cried tint 1!0 ' now old pomp, let • Kae yon pimp ' end he elapprd his rhot.by bawls in high glee when the old thing utterly refusal to budge The pump couldn't lamp • bit ' And then Biddy naw where she had been sold. Howev.:, Sammy was her favorite CURE THAI COUGH WITH SHILOHS CURE TAM HE LINT Wait ase pie Ort tails dal. §:IMMO otrsua°rooritli CATURRR Ir►ae.ega�y r� "SWINT," ;SLUR 44`,‘°151 141144,4"tettfr fOUNDED ON MERIT and Ow took hmu and wa.he.l ham, sad o I ha p-nal.er., w.1 Fair Mum the tart. Shiloh's ('are iswild on a .uaranti$11 ores tncapient oou.umptiun. 1• is the brats • ough cure. Only one strut • «o.,• 50 eta, and $1.00 per bottle. ;old by all druggists. a w• Parash...we ND $e.nark. Miss FlYP11t Oh, Miss Elder : ho you know that Mr Slillinabect thinks you are as ,.reity as a psitore Mia Milder (greatly pleased. sth, come now ' He didn't my anything of the kind. Miss Fly pp- - Vs «I1, he didn't use just those word., but 1 gathered that to he his meaning Mir Elder But tell me exactly what he pial. afire F lypp - Ile said you reminded him of s citromo. Any tendency to premature baldness mar be promptly checked by the use of Ayer s Hair Igor. Ikon t delay till the ac..lp is bare and the hair•root. destroyed. If you would realize the bet results, begin at once with this invaluable prepare, ton. Inlet and Drunkenness. If one is well fed. not much fed.. there will be no lie'rbid craving for at insulants. A lack of proper nutriment to supply the demand of every part 04 the system willa1 ehsc.. a constant (tissue fate unnething. •u.l ,... the bailie -co stet drinking habits are formed Mother, upon what do yon feed )our children! Is it crackers aril white brawl and rich rake and pastry and tea and coffer'! Then expect thetu to be peevish and irritable. you are starving their nerves and brains. Give thews fruits, brown bread and (-creels—such as ..atmtal. rdle,l wheat. etn study the nutrient values of different articles of f,sel. Not only drnnkennes•s but criturand insanity may be trareel directly to intemperaut habits of eating stimulating fossil.—Ez• change -. Whets n.'11 Quit. The lfiltri who can drink or let it alone is still with US. He is • genial sort of a fellow and it might Is• barna to roll him together as a send) or boil him in oil.lw bake him over a slow fire. as he de se•rvew. H,• feels Kerry for the slave to row. "Why ," says he..'all yon need is will power. when I want to quit I'll sineply quit. The day *ill route when ise ll gnat sure .atottgh. The cunstter will be notified wtsen the time comes. and there'll be a nice inquiet. with home comforts. and all modern improvemehts. and if our friend is rich the verdict will be, that he died of heart (Minns. if he is 'o.er, it will Ise that hr Bird of alvohul ►amt. The man who can drink sr 1.•1 it alone is worth studying.—Banner of gold ESiUAT$ uvea tl. They are not s cm* an, het are the Mar ,{' •.,. t.wwen f NKiliou.n... (.o.tipa. 1t' "eY'l•.1. lip.,ion, Henrie•,.ralin.sena s..dltaro. •.est..._.. freer iv* aro h4.d .1n v- 1n.r. 25 CENTS ABOX. Ask Isar $retort Per the a -. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THFCOOKSBESTFRIEi D LA*GCST sate to CANADA. ,.. . PLANING MILL UT*N lIl(O ISS. & Buchaanarn Son, rairweac•reawaa BASO, DOOR and BLIND Dialers 1■ all blade of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And ban...'.' atertal .f .very daaertptlon 8e�e1 Funitare a Specialty. STOCK TRIG SALE order to get Our Stock Reduced we will Offer SPECIAL BARGAINS In all Lines IFOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. Lamps and Lamp Goods, Cutlery and Silverware, Granite and Puritan ware, Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Wringers, Japanned, Tin, and Copperware. We have a Fine Assortment of Stoves and Ranges and if you are thinking of buying anything in this line we think we can suit you as to quality and price. BEATING AND SANITARY PLUMBING A SPECIALTY, SAUNDERS & CO., 1VE$T ri:Err. CHRISTMAS... GOODS! The Fnest Quality of Christmas Fruits, Nuts and Confectionery. R.W. RUNCIRIAN, WHO Ls IOUR TLJLOB This is a partition question and este to which you should give thought. DOES HB SUIT YOU ? If not, you can easily get sat ufactios by calling at DUNLOP'S KMPOIIIUM WEST STREET. A large quantity of REAM' MADE: ('Lt►TII N(; on hand will be disposed of at whatever they will bring. Call early and get Bargains, H. DUNLOP. GRATEFUL COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST SLIPPER. tAmathermal' knowlednmannas or onemannathe operation or digestion and nutrition, yid by a capelin application of the tine properties of well .elected rocas Mr. Rppe bas preylded for our breakfast and sup- per • delfaasiy ryvoured beverage which may ave ue many heavy doctors' bills. 11 [shy the Judicious ass of such articles of diet that a eon. untidiest may be gradually built up anti) strong eao.il/it to ratite every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there 1. • weak point. We may nape man a fetal diet' by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished triune. -- Cited $errire (Jatrfle. Mode amply with bsiline venter or milk. Bold only is aeketa.by tirneer,, labelled thug: JAMtl0a sera a tee.. ltd., Illesisstapathte etkealw. l..aw, aaglsesd. Immo 1iM —1111 Aimless Alriml fir ATE NTS jells ,' sadt�at�ota►pmsv��s�can�AAr771ti�; :�.� 'INN • co, 1t Alit a►. Vee yO egt1°1�� roans barren fax sitearloat pae..e. In Asda• gyre*♦ p.sssfcwt I•kew s t M q. M te+..tgM Mewl» .k• pe.MYe by s nn5)w•.tt..e few .A A'er'ee iw itis fcicntific American need of a Ilin.Hretlar naps Iw tN IIIe.�rMMetAyrNIloL 1 M�a�p_et �• A.1sa TwONt. 'a CT,• PATENTS! CI EETL. Taiul eggs IN commits Mtfaillad. aN as lewdness In the U. 0. Mersa flee enemas' to h1 NOf►lil1A TX PR1l01. Osr easeIs appeelt. the It. R. Potosi Ot- seat sad or t sae obbttaallati Patina Ie less ttae has these !tette front W AHAl lis d MODAL OR Ul 'ORA WINO. We ad - elm se e 14I VNf.Rs* 'harm fres ef S OF ?411 PA red SWT Ws rolls. t*, , M the Pnstneasaw, the Root. at Massy Order Div.. sod t• eMwle et the U. is those. Per eh”litr. advise saw si setae. root s so Naito or�Om�*st *write* Qlp.sl5.(a , romblnatoo' D. O GODERIOR `Steam Boiler Works. 1 ESTA HLLSH [l►'I WI.1 A. S. CHRYSTAL, tewsaoeto t'ltysfa1 & fltact,I Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright & Tubular 330I1w1=I, Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet iron «'orka, etc., etc. Also dealer to 1'pright and Horizontal izontal elide Valve Kngi•es. .lutonl•t[c Cut (Mlttwines a pacis,tr. All sizes of pl • and pipe fitting ocestently on band. leatlmate• furnished on snortpoke. Repairing promppttly attended to. err It' P. O. Hoc .T,. Ooderich, that. Was fn—OgsaNte O. 1'. It. )Itatioe. Ood(rice. MoLE4D'8 YSTE 1 REONVATOR -sepOrnaa Ta t .craatli. Specific, and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye• poplar', sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint, neuralgia, lo.. of memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall .tome., jaundice, kidney and unnaiy diseases, St. Vitus' dance, female irres ularitiea and ,e.eral debility. LABORATORY. tODERICB, ONTARIO J. M. MCLEOD, Proprietor and Manuhctnrer. McL.ot%a uretero R"XOVATnx can be dale from all drrootgmg,ata la town, as well as /pea all the drinelat, between Owen hound sea aeararth, Rrossela, Durham and Tones. 1117 la. HAVE YOU BACK-ACH E 00005 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "iackackt amass the kid- ney• ar• iw &NNW. D.d/'. Kilsq Pills flue reliefporayPt a pee cent tJ /demi• ft /ltmr�gtpd mati ight as mat by rto hat healthy .Ify arltbtat sorer - matpiped sorer- moat when tiro hida.ys art esprit team sew ti5.Enders erase ti Ltailre tom.. aft. ted *moray r. of the *yellows. "Delay Is elartgarova lee test kidney trembles result lm Sad •lost, Liver Otatr fat, and the most daa- i.r.at a elf. aithte Diabetes sad 'Int abJea &mum ammo. •r/at tykt►t pall's Vitae, Pithy are rasa. •