HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-8, Page 61I $ PUREST. STRUM:MIST. MT. •UT limey ler eros is aw eaaety. Yee =t1:11 Ilurears. A ssawa w:w st=ies .whew Bela by A11 a.e......d F a Ma,, W. O ZZ X. Z Z . !►mw'awea. SAVEi) RI A NEWSPAPER. THE *TOR\ OWAXQ1TAMIAEIKINIiLR.. MAN. A11 LI. ILO tl ITII PTA 13 AND rAfTIAL FAI1fl rIts-10014, Lb To film rt NI. praise. nx .4 l'Ot'\T 0* THP. 1.1Ia M- ITIL. To Telt *fkrlu'L u1 mi. 181 LS low 11.. I LI.% I I 1.1 t lI.+TORF1. To 111 •I Tn. From the wawa Free Prem. R. R3 AO, w110 is Weil -known in (Russia sad hiring been until recently • merciaut of this city, relates an e.prrlence that cannot tail to prey., interesting to all our readers. 1t is well-known to Mr. Cyan's aceuaintances that he has been almost rmslly deaf voce twelve years of eve. and /that some time ago this aattcttoe was nude still more. heavy by a stroke of partial par- alysis. Re•.ently it has been noticed that Me. Ryan has been cured of these troubles, and • reporter thinking his story would be of benefit to the community requested Iter - :session to rooks it public, and It was given by him a1., follows In the Fell of 1863, when' was *hoot twelve years of age, 1 caught • sclera cold in the head, which gradually developed into deafness, rod daily became worse, uutil in the month o: July, 1834, 1 had become totally deaf, and was forced on act -oast of this to leave school. The physician whom 1 consulted informed me that my defames was incurable, and I concluded to bear my ailments as well as 1 could. is 1984 1 /carted a store about two miles tram Calumet Island, flue., but not being able to coOcerse with my patrons on account of my drainers, l found it almost impwsaible to snake business • success. 1 baste aeevere pain, or rather what appeared to be • cramp. in my right leg below the --iterr i was then doing hnsioeu in Ottawa, bevies .ome to the city from the place shove 1n.:.t►ontd. At tiret 1 gave no heal to the pain, thinking it would dwppesr but on the contrary it grew worse, and in the course/of few Weskit I bad to use a cane ant could scarcely bear any weight on my leg. I continued to go -about this way for two weeks, wheel a similar cramp attacked my left are:, and in less than two weeks, in spite of all I csnkd rte •fear it. 1 eeeH sot raise the arm four inches from my body and I found 11 a•. the trouble was partial peralysia. Judge my condition a leg and an arm uscleu,anJ deaf besides. Being able to do Nothing else 1 read a great deal Bpd one day noticed io one of the city papers of • man being cured of por*lyrs by Hr. 11-illiuna Pink Pills. I immeth.ctely began the use of Pink rills and before I had tini,bed the third box I noti.rd • cuneus imitation in my kg, and the pion began to (ease 1t except when I endeavored to walk. %Yell, the improve. meat continued, gradually extended to my arm, asci by tl.e tau 1 had completed the seventh box my lei and arm were as well as ever , and try general health vies mncli bet- ter. .\nd now comes a stranger part of the experience. I began to w-uuder why people who were conversing with me would shoat es bud. I if course, tbey had always had to shout rain: to env deafness, bot 1 was en- der the imnprtse:on that they were beg:t ohne to Nhant mach louder. After luring bade them •'speak lower" several times, I en- gulfed why they still persisted in shouting. or rather yelling at me, and wee 'surprised to be informed that they were not spakiug as loud u formerly. This led to an iaresti gation and lodge my joy when 1 tound that Pink Pills were curing the deafness which was supposed to have been caused by my catarrh. 1 continued the fink Pills for a month and a half longer, and I now consul er myself perfectly cured after haying been deaf for ten years. I can hear ordinary conversation and am tit for business, thoag 1 am yet • little dull of herring. hut this is not deafness, it is 'empty dullness, the re- sult of my ten years o(ioability to hear crow vetwttoOc, which still karts nee with au In- clination mot to Leed what is being said_ lint I am all right an.1 you may say frons me that i consider lir. 1Villiams. Pink I'ilk the best ined,ciuc known to man, ani that I shall be forever indebted to them for my re meweai health and etrcovth. Ncw.paper ethics usually pre%ent the pnbhcation in the news columns of ■ny- thing that might be construed as an adver tisement, and thus much valuable informs w CAREFUL AQTATlON• tghrw Noel' 4.11140 M M :realeel.J •as poi aret.m--eee.11• Irl many places whew a farmer has accumulated more land than lie can cul ttvate, or where Le wialw•w to retire from active labor it ie necessary that he rent hta land. ( often the +i...t. r+ Mot follow the ca1II of the fatter, and althoutypIi this is. in ninny ways. an undestrahls state of affairs. it is here and inns, L. Wei A rioter aaturrll ' wants to c the Med au as to get the crop e most mourn from it without utaeh regard to the effe.'ts Liu the soil F.speetally ie this true where changes of truants went every rear or two For example in the wheat belt it usually pays ■ reuter to raise wheat to the re' elnatuu of meat *atoll grains. grasses and clovers, For this reawn he will insist apron planting wheat again and again slam the sante field. alternating occaaiteually with oats. The only possible way to prevent great damage being done in this way is fur the land owner t/1 plan out a notation, 'divide his fora) into fields sad each year designate which shall be pot in nab- corn. wheat. clover meatdow*, pe*turrs, etc A neglect of this hae cruised tuauv a farm om rich .oil to become prematurely old - yielding smaller crops of pourer .hull ity than might be expecte,% A specific nn.letwtandi.ng roncoroing the care and diapreitiou of manure ought a1 ways to be ceneiddered. While every fanner mw,t plan his rotation 1.. suit hitt own conditions, the following may he eugeeetive to theme htirig iu the corn belt. Stertiug with rani land sow to oats. following with wheat. ( M wheat sow red clover ora mixture of graeeel which ran be left two veara if .teetretil. After one year or the mune autnntiff preferred. plowiug under the rr,p whirl, grew up in the wheat etuhble will be very- advantageous. Follow the clover with Born, never raising more than two erojwm in succession Where uie.do" a and{lastures aro waisted. pia virion must be made for them in the rotation. If roots, potatoes, etc . are a farm cup out them on the (kits etnbble. This crop dots the grumid in t•xe eIlent shape for wheat which should et. on the land the thiel year. If wheat is not to be growl, en the farm .imply- drop it .ant of the list owl let the remainder of-- the rotation stand In the first rare meta a.':1e,l with•.ut n.ott•• the ,.at e..i•,u will 1y as tnikow. (pied 1 year wheat. 1 year til.e%.•r or /nixed gra*oe.. ! or . year+ corn years. thna making a five or -ix year r otal ion. In the 'eeond raserwher.• r...t tr.Ksaare gTovetn- 1rat a, follow. (hits. 1 year. roots. •1 • err wheat. 1 year clover or mixed grate -eft. I or 2 years corn. •: tears. making a. -ix or seven year ro'tati'on Where this above or some similar plan. mist:to l to existing conditions with proper caro and application of manure male on the land. aro. n!nrrveil the !attor fertility of the poll will practically remain ;lin ditptiniehext. The writer .knows of a number of farms managed after this plan which, at. far as can be e'etermin- e•l. are. after qo years of enttit•ation al meet as rich as wh.•n first tilled and this too without appliestiou of commercial Jert laver .As stated--. before. _faTu*-*e. - most apt to deteriorate when rented. but many a laud owner himself might to look more earefnlly to a pr..ps r rot:. tion. Draw a map of your farm as it now is and of adually arrange twitters et that all the land caii he regularly (-bengal. potting into small grain . and el. 1.r those Held. which have leen rr..p1a.l with corn the longs.( - 1orange Judd Farmer THE FARM KETTLE. '1ow1. tt-ordt of Adilee-4enearnioa /...- ea. lea mut •Crelertlnn. t hie of the tieenrwltieo upon a farm is J a cat kettle for boiling food for hoz.. hens and other ajoe k It is often int ',moth's :o locate this within one of the Linn buildingsand so the neeewsity ethics of building a brick fotmdatien no %L. k 110•. •\n -tiro rot, A FAUX k1 hill tion is suppressed that might prove of in for the kettle out of doors Snell a n*Iculahle benefit to thousands. The praise kettle sltonld hs protected from the of lie. Williams' fink Pille should be sung weather, for. if it Is not. the kettle is throughout the land, they should be fam smolt rusted, and the briske become iliar in every hon*ehold, and newspapers loieened by the entrance of water front should unite in making them so. the top A goprotection is shown in An aualysu shows that Ire. %yilhm a.' the ilgooduatrrtion. The corner uprights Pink Pills oo taiu in a condensed form all aresteotirtvl to the brickwork by iron the elements neosmary to give new life and straps, one side anti the front of the richness to the blood, and rectors shattered wu..len structure being hinged at the nerves. They are an unfailing peeing for top.. aluwinu Ivo-•' ••• each diseases as Icoomore- access ss./ ot . deft.*. r.eeu Sul This nsedurcostrivance willbe re paralyW. mi v.:. us.' dance, sciatica, nnenral- gis, rheuniatieln, osteons headache, the af- ter effects of I* grippe. palpitatios of the hart, nervous proetr•trou, all diseases I. Deeding os vitiated humors in the blood, each so scrofula, shrank' ery.ipelas, etre. They aro *leo • specihc for troubles peculiar t• female*, melt as suppressions, irregular. Rye is not ermailered of any great vat tees, sad all forms of werkneea Ther beild ne ea greet' manure for plowing end. r. ap the blo,d, and restore the glow n1 health 1t is worth but little more than ,straw ss pale and sallow cheeks. In men they .f wonkl be. but it is better than nothing feet • radical tons in all ease* arming from eometitnea The pra.•tice of green man want worry. •riework, or excesses of *ay urine iw not so weU adapted for parer seises. ands as foe there in letter t•nnditimi. as Dr. WJYsm.' Pink fills are moanfsetsr the effort un the land le in proportion i bq the 1M.Witliunw MabtngDirtiedciueCear, to the valise of the . top Dirtied it Dal- a*d Si eretady, N. m., Thea, it to. letter Awe the preservation sod lam NU is boxes teever is loose fermi* of fertility than for restoring it when tial aeaorhsodrediat,Ocostsaboxoda OreLen.l has 1s•et1 t•xhan*tr'1 1t gives lneselr$2.50.aod m oy he had of all des u. se desert by mail Iran' ipr. %\piesis' leirli. IMO y hem either address. Thr 1prM •k whieD these pale are rtl't makes asp. wt treatment e•.npel*tively ialtrm. dist M .sated with Muer rerwrldhN 1.w Of tri. w x l• 1.. t '• t n t l r the *sit msijN•p tame =Nit. d e dor. no 1 1 c Is - w*tbe of w base upon ►..r berm to awry 11 up }b eel a ep toe mammas for title purport .1n to 1 lr..f »genies o gam wised leareee. new h ot, %. but rntlr*rur to Nage ti.r.n vain -Tearoom«• .01. water In•'t *hi.- torr tneeneelvea *two. •l o .Io v e eat Ihs Wit" a't*MtTeer tris, Improve... a ..f n. .saes p,0 he + SW -Itlr lAbns lily st -Y. Ir^ 1.K most lend lbw 1'ewt atoms .l work . , wo ods . M tt� to r*llset tbser than til• land uu.t IM stock **lel Ivo noi.eN�o lei- ie bars outr� each els• ntif**g to mat. 4. ,11%•••1y1ufut N 1.b /` / ball the other ••I••• eels ler m convenient if the top of the •trnctnre in which the kettie leapt be of one complete slab of done. slate o r soapstone. but this is not at all necessary -American Agri cnitorist _ -_ Are so Genoa id THS $IGY A la : (JODRR iCH. ONT., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1894. NOW ROOTS WORK. Me Iatere.M. Y.N. Ab.at Ire Nose. Isl*ae et emote. The root hat two offices that W fix the silent to the soil anti, erti.adly. t.. absorb nourishment To this might bit added the% rogue plants also wee the mate fur store houses of ft eel on which they draw in later stager orf their growth. as. for example. beet.. uta+tg.1s carrots. and. Molted, meat tllaotr which lite bat two yeere. During the find tear they ascii elate nourishment in the rout. mote of which Ls expended in the pneeln.'11on of serol in the 1144:01.1.1 year but this feature i. not of general application. That the netts **cure the &dant iu the *oil le a .elf evident truth which duce not ne1.1 demonstration. Nur is it ncoessary to prove that the root. the the medium through which the plant. are nourished The point is to know just how tlnc toed is aLaorhed M- the resets whether. the entire root sass le euga(;er1 in this .roti•** or it is confined tip sten, spec portions tot the root raid in voila% condition the pbtut foe•sl mt%t be, iu order to be notifi- able for a*.tplilation by the route It it comparatively easy to prove that plaits lire by drinking. rather than by eating, or. iu other words tied they are fed by ab.oilring water wbieu t•t.ntainr thenec•- essary elements of nutrition iu st.lutien. In early (julep. before the science of bot soy was understood. theorists be lit•ved that planta feel on small particles of soil. and that file was the rearou for tilt• good r.'euite calumet by the h cnitnre. eine* frequent .tirriltngg of the soil divided it into small partielee which were thus Motto rsilil • *wallowed and digre*ted by the plant readily conk%. of cot:me. root stand the 11'ght of iuvesti gatiutl. sincee the root.' had no wnntheor openings anywhere thro:tech which even the •• sulalletst particles could pato. It was. on the other hand, evident that Omits fed by route proemial ut al*0trpti..u, aince a withered plant might Ile revived by merely putting its roots into r•lear water. this ie further proved by im- Iner,ing the yunu* active ' nets of a plant in water in which some eolorinif tusteri:d has teen di* solved The roots allaorb the t•oltx. schielt shows itself thr•ughonit the tissue Now. dots this abeorpttuu taktrpdace through the end. of the note or through the whole length of the reset' Investrigation hos moored that it doe, neither t it -.one or the other The 111 tilos of the roots. as has already been .tete.%. eonsi-t of a row{wet lues', of small• hanlexnd cella. which are de- 'r-igned to pierce thee mil when the rout is elongate.% he gr ewth. These ;radia are not ,ittiniest nor ata+tteption. Nordoe0,.. the older portions .1 the root, on whieb the enter eovrriug has become thick - mien 1011 leathers. take a prominent pari to feedbag the plait. This is I.neved by thot * Plaut having the older portions of the met-. innner•.td in water, while the panne growth ie kept ill the air. will wither ■Im.*tt as fat at if the tdant. wad whuoly esistsed to the air Thr ah,t•rl�ti..n of Plant fast noise therefore take place whelty. ur at least chiefly. threnglr the young and teuder p•ertions of the root. A dose• examination further reveals the fart that the young gruwth of the root* 4* more or less covered with very fine Rbrocto aptientlages which have leen e•*lard sere -hair.. Tinos hair. are *leen der tutees with very- than ,wall.. and they-co.u,titutd• the: reel absorbing sur- face of the resets. Many of these rote - lumina am su small that they cannot be -ewer Without the aid of a microscope. They are simile' projections ..t the outer tells of • the nu,t jest as the tingeri project fmui a glove -that is. they dr. n•.1 have' a partitinn at the base•, but open directly int., the cillo: As the too: grog, older, thio unt•'r layer of ',elle becomes thiekoutrd and the root lair, disappear awl the t*•11. lore ab surlgl:q power in proportion. This oeplain'. why the ol.ler portion*. of the moot., sneered with a thickened e'ptdermie or sort of lark. have but Alight aIs,rlting sowers. At the close of the ses,ttn a,( gntwth, when plant heel i. nu longer iu demand for the de vclepment of new tisane above ground.' ah.orptit.n resole: and the root hairs die. Even the newer portions of the root 1). teem:• t tver.••1 with epidermis and the plant be•cotr•'• dormant until warm weather the following spring renews it. vitality. That the rtx,t• feed en the soil, as the eoutmen eeprwwien goes, ie really not er.rrert. They feed) on water contained in the ..t:il which holds certain sub marinas in solution The rta�t growth depends largely upon the fertility ref the snit. it has been ohet•rved tnat when roots reach a fertile spent 1hei devel.•p an enormous auionnt of feeders, that is, small tender rootlets, which ran ahwrb this nourishment. It has even been noted that when there are anceessive lavers of fertility in the Boll. the roots will develop in these layers In the manner stated. ('all it instinct, or what we may. they seen. to have the power to search for food. and when fonnd they make the most of it by pro ducting in abuntbrwce of absorbing sur face. --Prof. ir, C'. (ereflg Bun, in Kenzie. Farmer • A ltalw.eed Nkerlk..rrw s. The wheelbarrow playa no almall part the making anti the after care of the ordinary gantetl. but it has its litnita tions and 1t* dittedvantages, one of the litter bring the severe strain upon the Tw-.►►41I;LkU IiA1i1)R\ neeti .w', nineties whweu wheeling a fill load. *nee the is•r.on between the hewn,. must lift frenum a qu*rtrr to a third of the who%.- load in *a.litit'n to propelling the whet. A h*rrow h*vin.; tau wheels is shown in the illustration. engrave•tl after a •kr:en cis Webb Don sell. on which the 1 ..d may be almost Meetly balanic 1. le ovine the one toeing nothing to the sail but what is takes 'f little alare to d.. n to move it for • ward It h .. re • .I.l.• end Llan!. at Intim it, except telt 11.•ver may 1* taken either end *nd ran ha .nm 1 from the lio,tw the ateueapilere. le' rrrr The .Inst as.". here Ilgnrrd near lir by le le Meet. .D1• need. of mo,n11 w h..•l% with the POI. Live stock ie. the lest thing yon can "1'Is " MINRS'DIRFOATIONS 1 iklntl of strikers .Attel.pt to ('log* Mines by Entree. Ftl'iT ANp ciENEPAL OISOF+OER Are like Tarte.* of lb. L*wkee liana or Realer, l stis.r. .1.10. 11.11.0. Theta and I'rI Them to flight ei•to•. Are f•rrtl.re.l. Pis e:twee. 1's . Jan. 29. -.4 riot et banking limner* to.tk place en Saturday at the Federal and Wuuilvillu coal mines. en the lliteleirg, ('tattier *ud 1 ougneny raid Hea. A untidier of shuts were efehawgetl Ix'fweeu the strikers add depatE eh.•rlg. tl'hw me•b t., the number of 100. left for Bridgeville with the avowed lnteutiur' e( el.e.hig the mines there. - A telephone menage from Illidgerills stated that the riutiu` miners divided into oriels of fn.tu 130 to 200 men each, and marched from miler to mine, intimtdetiog the miners, destroying property and engaging in other arts of lawlrrner. Iint ls.es u.t.t:, 1'.1., .tan ':V The riots Ilwig..rians, Maes, Pol..t awl other fo signer.. who -thronged this %own ttwhlnla atweadiug ruin and destruction in the Path. have all disappeared; but there is u trhi,ia when they will retnru The cit zens ars-still in a state ..1 t. rror of armed Meal at 101401 guar 1 .lin the• street corn* and challenging all coru.-re. The ruins of the Schulte cosil tipple. which was tired, are still mokin and • tooted of indignant mp stators stand aruuu•1 alienating what is toleed • lh.•r poise.i through the main street toward* the A. J Schulte coral mine*. A they peewit t'. 1'. Mayor's general No they trade au onslaught um his place. smashing the front windows. The oc (-splints all fled (nen the house in terror. thinking the purposive( the mob was to burn them op. Hut all they wanted was several ciao of axe handler flat iteata within. A lwietertuw .lamor attnonned the *ateifµdion•..i th.• rioter+ as they dis- tributetktbe spoils They went straight to ube huite llpple worke;whteh *llrttJed from too hilleidr out ..ver the Panhandle auiroad track.. There were several tipple men arrant at the time, bat they all Sol except Rick Layton, the weigh master. Ile male a brake stand as the horde of foreigners approached. Au attempt to al dries them...tly. ailed f•.rt h territle threat. Pick handler were wilily brandished Bet revers! wrnp..ta were !eat:lea' at Iwtcm. Aeshs demotietratiun lir toes fled np the Lal 'chile til. rioter+ acrsmbled to the tipple. A dome matches were applied t. t1.r tirneture told it woe soon a mess of llamas. lis a moment the entire coat ruuuity wee abroad at the scene t•f the tiro. The rioters fled over the hills. Effort. were maple t,. ,are the works. het te,.thin� could be Urine. The tipple. vented :at i370!MN►, was.hwme,l Ae.it1 this roust exciting scene then ..• sorrel at incident that et -hived even the disaster. A man'* voice rang out throngh th,t anent air. nu • freight car a few paces from the !miming tipple stood 1' 1'. \layer, uttr of the leading citirenm au.l bushes. anon -of Rridgevill. It was his stere which haul been invaded by thea natters. 1u words trembling with fervor *tri cloyaenew,th feeling. h. pleaded with top+ fellow citizens to areege the woos just committed in their midst. " Let uN emeriti, a band and pursue each scoandrei amtil brought to justice. Patriotism de mantis it." The sentiment was greeted with ellen., inanities the voices of the **oaten and children. "Well do it, well do it." exelain.ed voices. and within ten mi;ntes a band of twenty arced men had gath...•l alt•nt )laver anti were clamoring fur seti.ui. With looks of dateruhivatiu, wt each face, the band eiK out in pursuit of the tiering horde, which was on its way toward.. the Painters' Run district. Thea rioter* fiat like wild animals, with th • citizens flow after them. For about fuer milee the tight waw kept nit, the honle Lealiud t:.re's'trel.lelburg, where newt •f them -.144 .„4,0et sae they entered the own they were overt.tcen and ateen of theta captured. The re.t reolyd. The triutuers were taken to Mansfield. where Ley were placed in the !oriole. n r - c it u rallrel, aelef.red. 1 She I oh, Jack : Lin so dist urbed. 1 bare joat dreamed that burglars broke into n *the hours and shot 30n. Ile \ ou are not .uperttitioos about it, 1.b! She \"ea My 01.1 nurse always said the dreams we have Ly day cone true. He What stuff ' N'hy, yesterday after- s seen I dreamed the botcher presented kis e lsi•1 and I paid him. re - - - Appealing to the most critical tastes - MASTIFF PLUG CUT has become the standard smoking tobacco. even in competition with long establish.'d brands of recog- nized merit. .1, B. PA('Z Tobacco ('o.. Rkbttwd. V*., and Montereal, tear. THE MYSTERIOUS P.P.A. t/tarere eaeeee,t for Ike Current Tear - Their 1•elleleal I'latfnrm. 1(aw11.v..s, Jan. U. -The P.P.A con veutiuu continued it. liroceedinim in secret aes.iou all slay yesterday. The dsetie.0 of officer, re.nitwel ea already preiicred. The fallowing aro onsets for the ensuing year (mud }'reaide*t . Spy. J. l'. Madill 8.loned . tlrend Vire President, Joseph hirrerwlet, Toronto . (irand secret+ry, .1a kr.n lAttte, Toronto. (ir,al l'reaeurer, K. J. Robert*. Lowden; (Inuit, Chaplain. Rev F. IT Ebert. Walkerville. %:rand Secretary of State. James F. Harper, Ilion Mall: ()rand tlri.r•ia, 11. \nx.em, Btarwion. %tau.. J (:rahatn, tleveloek, and 44 "utuL. Itarrie. 7'h. priuc.pal portion n of yesterdaya see shot was taken np by fila report .t the 7.•gi4•tm* committee. They reported on the pletfunu to he rio test by the menet- Main in the forthcoming Provincial and Itumini'•n elec%ons The committee is them report were in (avoir of the adoption of a pl*tfens similar to that of the Pat tons of Indn+ury. They also reported in favor of making a strong fight against separate shook, against the giving of government grants' to private hospitals and in favor of government inspectors of *11 private shoots and seminaries. The c^nimittee s rs. rt was adopted with miner amentlmenta iTAwrtTns. Jan. 27. -Tho P P A eon Yenti•'11 did not sdjoorn until 1 :Ilf toter day morning and the F•z.ruti we 1'om mitt.. was iu imes,m for two hoer* after that tlnl. ;It beeame manifest that if the work of the e.tnvetdleu out to be got thntegl. at n11 nwtin. work wren.' have to be rel.•V*tetl te epeeist elms tient, and obi* wa* den. Relegates wrtcurtl with Rivet a igilanew all prsvedieg. of the eon rem imo and no re.rrtntiou roul.1 lt0 tarried is ten La.l f.or it+ ehje.•t the erdurMt.en c.. tl,••,. •. n bol, Yi in n w t wNt nf 1114 A re wit h•.ni'•wo j1i Preeniniel t;ovennn nt. ylnch 1.1,1- was Fou1 taken np in argument 111.,1 1114 Lq•luw.+ of t:le t.tut.•ntnm earft Imp , r,t,nlnt. Mow. pr. A wawa+' R .pert a. ANrl.-wllwre. The areonat repeat of the Minister of Agnenttnre w•s IOWA a1NAtttiar Item Nr .1 [lief. Ili f t+ hums:ur•h•ry remark. says ties nnthwually 1... pries which put thief., have e,.mmanand during 11•• •.a.t two year. leo. Vol a drprrsiug i•,lln-urs n aerseultnr. ge ..r.11y. This deo,• .+M.' beam felt to a .•..n+idetalde extent in stows p.'1ra '•f the I1•mniho., am* snore rtienlarly do llendel..and this !to•rthwest Howie*, ooh -re grain gredang fe the tot b.dsetry. in three dillSdese whim 11111 tonne( serried els. MOu /s hast ...eni....tt * N Ilk 6101•0 fie ZIallRRr. I Dr. -Fowler's I'ztr.tt•t of Wit., tari,cl..•rrc ia areliabk• re,n_dy'that 0111 always le tlepentied On to cure cholera, cholera inf.ntum, colic, eraloppsse,. Jilienrlar.., dy.eutrry. aud all lsuae•4as of they bowel.. It is a lure i xtrct etentaieine all the. tit-trios of Wikl Straw- berry. one .4 the "(..t .Bed surest cured for ell tntmmer complaints, combined w 1th other lurnileia. tet prompt curaSse agents, well known t.1 1111:11101111114:1‘111:e. Tilt k.o , of Wild Strawlarry were Littera b) the Iielt..na to be an excellent remedy f or diarrhoea. elyestutery and kr.ecut', of the Dowel. . bit medical wietn • Lae plead bee oho pnblic iu Lr. Foe-lkr',. =t. d Wild Strawberry a r•on11e aura cff.-t to .1 rum for all thoa distreseing and eft.*t dg.t,eto.r complaints so lvomin,ou iu thew L'111,1.• able t Innate. 1 t hat stool the test for. 40 years, lute9 hundreds of lives hate bean saved by Mt metope ue.e. NO ether seined, always Cures summer complain/. ao promptly. quiets the pain wo egectnali soot*Haig hrrda- Sou em, sdlceas..full) lie this unrivalled pre*criptiou of fpr. Fowler. 1f you ere going; to travel this Summer be erre *ad take a Tonle with. yogi. It overomes safely awl tl uia:kly the dii. treeeing anmmer complaint so oft. ti mama by change of'air and water, and Is edge a specific eg.tiu*t se*-sioknts,, and all bowel Complaints. Price &ie. liewarc of initiations and anbatitukbei, sold 1.y un.cnipmkdeniers for the a.ako of p ra stet 1'• efita.tus REMEMBER t a•. aken%triumph IA pbarm•.;11 fortSeeurs t.. t ah to• a motorail ludle•ting E IDpIT AND at1.1111003liI. nt. :r...a ars treehteiwl l'eadveaea0, S/safetes, seer Ms1111wak EMBRAY'S 1lteadaeLe, In INeMfea, Porn Aseer•era r /Nr-uheshirr I.Ukr*asit • • 1,P ),irhta. Mwlanettoly '«hire, • It Ace*. ►tray Medaty epi 1' re 0* whnmedtat.r,INte.sError? aCore et all DengE.or a termbray Medicine 1-.mpaay .f Peterborough, itlmitedi. PETERBOROUGH, . . ONT. Fsr sect byRoderick, Ont fltugtif.t, Patron ise 1 rue Competition. Twa Caa.nc.w Poorer RAaw*r (7qj Teimosiirw h.. Ir.a eusaMlskee to give 1b pnhlke • flret m. 0Y werrleo ale4 fate ma ger m.•..wl t.wop.sitkta 11 Is weat.arwl ora ►setter twn.eletles 504 Is lite 1w•rr.T 01 he patrons It A•we•rves the er .veer rasa we. t1.Ne'ess se meme.oIt .tact sM C•mipatire Weft. .wwwglwa o0N* all Now •.d mosso le raked rNe., ra.ada .M f u 1114111.1 tlw..•yh wire. s• all Moneme.Rtt1.* ()utsstel.a to tier* e11er-'e4.40s er.•e sv.••••. •.r =' -lfii.er s+w %Mea:... o.rrrk SCHOOL BOOKS. Special drive in School Books and School Supplies Best value ever shown in Exercise and Scrib- bling Books. Remember we keep in stock a full supply of all Books authorized and recommended for Collegiate Institutes, High Sch ools, Model Schools, Public and Separ- ate Schools. FRASER & PORTER, Booksellers and Stationers. Lara 1aaagvr+ nett rrleplte.r 4 e. Protect Your Chest it meats health, atrrugth and long life to .10 .o. \•t,u rho avoid Coughs tints Cold. by wenrlllg one Of Our CHAMOIS CHEST PROTECTORS EXTRA QV.ALITY, MODERATE PRIOE. Goode'. black tben I..ah ('.n- None better made. der Cheroots'. wart Cough ban -For Cough.. Croup, etc.. in Children tlae►aae.. When Waist beast -For al Chaps and Iritatiorw. I. tour Slur IIori. Gristle TOOTH !�- AAC H F W. C. GOODE. BAKING POWDER OV frith •e 11 II A beau, :u1 WINDOW SHADE. is the most attractise andsurklrgtest- ere is the boner. Its about the first thing you rouse. Then Its important to have good ream. aid beat etyka. Not even m the cities can lou find •reater range of deserve er taallty then at Smolt s. \1.e make np on the praises all t1..• latest et y les is triage, her and embroid • ery, nutrition*, etc , to tit any 4.101. win dos, and have now 1.i rout. • due: t importation of English and Swiss shade trim clung. and ut.holrtere, braes goods, for our spring tittle, ever shown in the county-. (hie large stock and taeultie* for cutting, making and trimming, en- ables us to sell at wholesale pacer. N hare fringe shades with snr,ag roller all complete from :0c. ap. aril to detu,ated shades, s, an immense bat of beautiful designs. When you want the Leat quality, the heist design', the greatest assortment. and lowest priests tom window shades, go to SMITH'S FURNITURE STORE. CHRISTMAS FRUITS, Our Stock is now complete, and we are ready for your orders Our CURRANTS and RAISINS are exceptionally fine this year. Besides, we clean every pound we sell. Inspect our CHINA and LAMP GOODS Depart- ment if yo i are looking for anything in that line we can suit you. G. A. NAIRN. It is n Sawdust We use in making INDURATED FIBRE WARE. Some people think it is, but they are mistaken. We use nothing but the longest and strongest Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without stem or joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pro- cess which renders it impervious to heat, cold and liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WARE imparts no taste or smell to its contents. and is the lightest, tightest, sweetest and most durable ware ever made. Ask for EDDY'S. • s UNDERTAKERS. 3_ matopi-imrsr zk. SON Have aedelcrl to their'pewest Raritiess one et -11-7. Naa►'a Latest Style Of pity Hearses, aloe she finest line of fanned k. eleiep in the oowwty, and are now prepared to conduct funerals at prime !immovable This department fill be strictly attwrded to by hie eon William, whop ►,ai.l� in theemplq et the late i). Oordon for the past tee years, has a thoroegh knowleriew_ of tint banister, and by prompt attention hope to share part of the public patronage. Remember the plains -West -et.. on your way to Owl poet Date`. Give no a call J. BROPHEY & BON. w OE tt lit n. 1.1 nu sc, F: Ill lea It 5 >>n The Td to fat T••d TI 1-P' prase are thew •0d l the t So tient «itbw trete and • slept dtstr sof til ditto aids antis we er le .d hi Ire' that hat booth heron akol mon ansa • trat ribs taro hf lit Ps crest Ito%. prem paint ho) e then uIg 4 ✓ hos that i 111.•1 1 ,. a • •art reoet iii. fr Tho ••1711 110.11 niers a sten h.•aatl stem unseat elerwe N., re darnel 00•e t)r. 1 It 1 '•n h 1n in d set from