HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-8, Page 5TSB SIGNAL : OODRRICH, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1884.
W. H.
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Feb. 6.
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Path tdm
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Mee was
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grown -up
who save
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What we have fur you this week in
the line of
we-. odor you iMe beet value you worn
Y. S -
Our C. Hors Cosh.
Our lea Rasa Comb.
Our So. !Hack Dressing Comb.
Our 10c. Mack
Also our i0c. Tooth Bete..
Our Combs arson as cbeap as oar etlsals.
Watch our
N o
Sights from
t`ei di..
itfitrs a g
i Bough.
Gives instant relief
'1* e' Roast mor.
Try a bottle and
satisfy yourself that
this so.
Prepared only by
iy one
J. E. DAVIS, Phln. B,
lldis•l 11alL
• 'l+e�dera W ted
eosin tenders wail =received uo to the lith
eb, lest. for escretary a W. Hees Choses
.'n. Alss foe sate of whey. Lowed or sal
'seder not asoiMr7 aeoepud-
:tie P.O. SAW -
le. It
i crop
it two
i *no. also laeaaraaee.
eeneaoe odes. emesitediarties hotel
tiaA le:.r° :It. Ma'°m 1,steouelt. d.+
IT▪ &tooPearls
C11b.sa.F i sea �e.s
• stiogoat tseurasoe theist • at lowed
rein . Northern. sod Saws, God -
$600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
rick. lyN
smenated PtitvaM F••d. SIr lrenawl
esGAMOg mem
P�ROIUDFOO?Msstgylg- At/tb
jw eampesies
wmaaseass. Beal %end Meme
deer'frer1$ ee rhe w'e r i
he op -
Le and
, Low
firs, at
--- - -- - ------ - -
Ipeetal Neliese.
�Jounit♦Witiaorr will M by Ila Ws is the
haaad.�Prfesp titttli� sere ��p�mlt�ssp.w,
E 11. �«i PIrA .'O.
oedm wogn•d rot
�ee[1ege 11.
+eemah . If wsllsWt►Gtjelet•gr+vodMn e
with yen.
`10 off
Nes. fir
Was t
so saga
. rice,
b 7. S. RUN(1MA1.
04,, t�Qe, EIDD,
7 MssaslroL
1.. 55 . d i ygg��s.ww �.Rimed
ale ,..t ealIera . Wader
1t*l Ib, best. Wet std
r/5shei bier tabes *.
Idle t � vein te
HARK. for erdpp. rid.
1'1 LMO3(ARY COUGH SYRUP. for C b0
ere.. las - -
4 Ih� 1 CA ARKS Cu RS, for ale In
wrU0311110ATM*RTiC PILI.s fa ea.
�.wrLeodfM 111011 l•ni,g, ten do "'glue.
W iLSON% Powitiorwas Dees sm...
:z : ._ est +atS_s.rdt.,.
our Chas Cash Prices
No Uoods marled
up, i!1
ii done in other
to give
unt off, as
Inspection and com-
parison of prices in-
Jordan's Neon. Oodertcb.
Jan 1:, 1.424.
LMS or Fawad-
AO weak ago,s rubber -rod lap reg, The
Omer will be saftably rewarded by learlat It
at It. W. literimaab 5r'ee.r7dase. 1t
or Wellington streets.be� wee• the Poet
Ores .ad the reeidesoe of D. C Strachan. the
soon of twenty Ove doll.,.. rolled in lead tis -
eel and etiolated i• . prempaphers envelops.
The Slider wall he "snake rewarded Zino,
tag 1I a Tits 4. *'. Watts.at.
n*. -w Ow rice or IMP hent.
Lot 9 la the first oeneemtoa. Ooderlcb teen -
Mop. county of Harm. t mite teem Ooderlch,
eoaa4mtog of 14 acres more or lie. Harr 40z
ea. nearly new. good orchard of choke fruit.
wOl watered with apnea creak. an exceteat
phasing farm. can be bought es wy terms.
Apply to JOHN KNOx. Amassed.
Lot I is the brakes front west ot the late
road is the Western diyblesi.7owssh.p of Col
teras. counts of Huron. 3 files from t,oderioh
Wttm114 awes. levee bask Darn. icobd
It story high. nearly new .•d
of choice fruit, teas be bought, ea
re. Apply to JOHN KNOX. Amebas
A and B. lake nage tamale
is Use ta1p
borne. coasisting of Ms acres mere is
are o. t be premises a (ream
frame tarn and da *beet
Tem[e yoaagirchard of dobe fruit. *hes[
seems of bees. ibis farm is oenstdes.d a
class maxim: farm. The tares ... be
Myeloid to suit pnrcLau rs sad bouukt•oe essay
terms. Apply to JOHN KNOX.
Hew and lot ta the town of Oltaise,-Lot
el. Nary -et.. opposite the old weeks mat esm-
wrleieg trema Muse 14 dory high. 0 e•eess,
imus fseadntiee with good cellars all to decd
emss r repair. Apply to JOHN KNOX.
Slot. Audiometer.
1: swiss in Wawasask. legatees. This
Ise Ai t -hies• lane. Also town lot ori, Gra
tisk. Ante to PHILIP HOLT. SAL
1 old bningind of the late Jamas Osseo
d•7 sf the tpwnhip io� lam Ws weeosh, be-
!tam leN etads Dens G.dsrich to eseeessies 1. ea the
It Is situated abet Mt reds from Aubb
. tkrIvisg with bar churches sed
tui us4.iei near at * owpr.Ytref7 •erns
awakener frame roost maleness. . swith seven tead MOWS
book sad t
Meat 1011
pbearing [nut trees are ea
e�getlp is of the Me. About
orma trot,
MRA CASSADAY. Auburn P.O. 11-10
.1 sememedens Aes Elag+i�tbdssBeprno
ask at Wm. . Sislem wk. Teems or.Bideto. *Opt! two
F. 8.5001T. isese P.O.
Improved and u.lm proved term
leads u distances Toryism trim 1 to 1: miles
trim Qa'Appele Sutton. N, W. T.. for sale
vary cheap. No tetter lad' for mime twin -
tag aro to be Loud la Cods.
]tor full particulars away to
The PrtepWls tDIMS>•a.-
s.na. KM. Cheap. 01.55 rad ola•e cheers.
a Ne. 1. MAI Clean out.
hsae7 Math
FiA)OP.IIO axo SIDTNO.114.00 per M.
DOOR,. SASH am BIAXIAL ofa.117 lew.
DRY RXMLOCK.for building. LATH PICK -
ETA u ATEB, rte.. eta
pt 17 ,RSM KIDD.
Ags*te Waaad.
W'to Tsell our ehelgehad hardy s
stook ahoy es salary or ;1‘111J -
seem en mos the
t,a of sears our
end Asko mam
the a+moo e whkL will reed~
Ms se sew is the time to sell
ben mg plant lag.
N. MA1 COMPANY. Nursery
M�/ Ellagere•-•Y.of Choice Seed Pet.
To tan charge et (weal
W A N T E D 1I°�1
Beed seseleg Ow rtebt rash on Gaesr7 er eves
Widowesly Wnhet 9.44. rt Iaau•t'eemere the
stook. Nsesseies u R�. Oct :ins ro
N. Y. Vinare wile ms at aeends
Fs etteewud.► Be mkt sad writ. for
hNeesitip�e.gp1ot,O eN'e went me know.
WO 1. rrlellbM IasexCs.... PPuldt OW
Muss ANNA L saaweThasicy-H�s,�t�e_
1I11G -ldl�d knows as Mg Meadow,
Mt te Nwemdyf (ot- ter
II. YOUNG. weed
itt rOar
leet week Mite Nellie
mid 1k
fleeter, were
i. thands of
Seeds ell Aka.WeIdaa
tie ewes •
keg ed WI ' wield Ida
Tee Illsmias la Sas•MmaIrMr Velks oder.
Brings motif .rt and improvement :t,3
tents lo woe mall eujuytucut whin
tightly nail. Th. Many, who live bet-
ter thee "t hen and an joy life more. with
Ica! •xpou0iture, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
Iaxetive principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its ezeelleuto is duo to Its presenting
in the forts men accepted a and pima-
ent to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect 1•=-
etive ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling hinds, headaches and carers
and permanently curing (xoudipattuu.
It has giten satisfaction to n.illt.00s and
met •ctb the appr\n-al pf is medical
pr•feosh.n, because it acts on the Rid-
ne)s, Liver and Buwr!switl t weak-
eniug them and it is perfectly free from
every objection.► Substance.
Syrup of Vigo is or sale by all dreg-
«gtmssts in 75c. bottles, but it is :manu-
factured bythe California Fig Syrup
Co. oily, w aw name is printed em every
package, ado the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will nue
•. ejt any substitute if adored.
subscribe tor Tile 1P.%l1-
Tux St..s ti. is only 51 • year in advance.
New Brunswick cedar shingles at Kidd's,
*1.80 s►.
Wood is cheap now, owing to the large
quantities coming into town
The work on the new piers and the tug
down at the dock is going on very rapidly.
A large number of boys and young ease
were down at the harbor Mating on Seim:
This EL. of C.E. of Wth-st. church held
their election of office ,Br* Friday evening
Rev. IL Irvine commenced special eervtoes
le Victoria st, Meth church last Moodily
From the Reporter's Notebook.
•' N Tesoro • rete in a' ter t moo 1 rete
be sent U t a 111e1'e Ae..a le
Takla' lfeeea, an' meth Sell
trent Is." sera..
TM. weatbot would almost lead a puma to
believe that Spr'taf was at hand. and light
overcome and $priug 'unites are Just the
thlag. Call .t 7. J. lineham's clotting cm•
Don't be alarmed ; you'll burs quite • nem
her of smiths of coat before l he winter is over.
flet whether It Is warm or cold you on al
Itaysgohe Oasts In the photographic art at
lt. Hallow. studio.
71145 TAILORING. ra11 and Wieser
elptbo la grantvar4ety sett to Vowler's boot
and shag acerae 5o. lbs tgeare You or have
a Wr their sad talc on good style and St at
very siodrtrale orkse. 1. 0seCoreac. IUtr.
" OUR Sl ST5M "-Of Moan spectacles is
sot seen. but it will sppmr w to most rook.
trout the fact that a osis of Test Leases such
as we ire. U rarely twit wets ou aide ot city
e oelathss. ha the ssly stan4ard and pro per
way of testing eyesight. Call in and have
jyear eye* tamed. W. T. Welsh, noel/in sad
w e noel/in err.
Ken Vvda E.E o% t.u. i).rt.-(:ren-
rille 1'. Kleiner, the humorous and dramatic
reader, will be is the Grand Opera itouse
on } ridgy, lett 23, under the auspices of
the 1'oII gate Institute. Don't tail to hear
his rendering of "The than Who Had His
Leg 'hut IM."
(',its,.. OF- -The well-known
herd ware business of It. P. Wilkiosoo .t t'o. ,
has clien`ed hands and will beecetorth be
known as Desire t 1'0. Mr. Devisor has
bees Mr. Wilkinson's right•naud tan for
some years and is throughly uu in knotiiege
of the business and the re.'uirentents of the
Beata%tur..r. -On Friday, .!an. 26, R.
W. Logit received • telegram requesting
his immediate attendance in Montreal to see
hie ealy child who was seriously ill. \the
Saturday iutslligence was received of dig
death os the previous evening. Mr. and
Mrs. lagan have the sympathy of their
largo circle of friends in this town in their
ON Tat ROAD To Re. ill tat. - The many
friends of Surrogate Clerk )IcIMudd will be
pleued to learn that he is once more able to
do ottice work, although not as lively of
limb as of yore. Atter about a math of
tennis e he is nem and i57tt e5wad with
ibe -hearses of • pair of sticks, het .wa.
thio limited l000alotim must be a vast im-
provement upon the meolsoion•.dissctivtty
of confinement to nes Nei.
R.•... D'Eat.a.- Mol . D'Rna•, the cele-
heated magician..seiMd by Prof. ..
Quarterly meeting services were held in
North-st and Victoria -et. Methodist church-
es last Sunday.
A social was held at Mr. Ko 1'e house,
Britannia Road, in the interest of Victoria-
st. church last Thursday evening.
The Sunday school teachers and officers of
North-st. Sunday school beta their annual
election of officer" on Monday evening.
Rev. G. R. Turk, of %Vinniper, has asked
the Department .f the interior, for • bonus
towards bringing 100 Moravian' to Mani-
The Mlianon Rand of North at. Methodist
church will give an entertainment next
Tuesday evening, o•mmeseing at half past
seven. Admission lOcts.
The coder:de Orpn has been chosen in
preference to all ether competitors in the
contest at "('owe" church, Ashfield, (..o.
Thomson is the local agent.
Listowel pays its clerk 8125: treasurer,
180: m".eSSOC. 175 ; chief of police, •o is
also janitor, lamplighter, street waterer and
sanitary inspector, *350.
Itch on human and horses and all animals
eared Us 30 minutes by Woolfotd', Sanitary
Leticia. This never tails. Sold by Jas.
Wilson and all druggists. 30-1y
R. Thompson has purchased the promises
known as the Intertsatioaid Hotta, and in-
tends using it as o.rri.ge and implement
wareroom. %Ir. Thompeow is one ot our
thoroughly enterprising business mum.
1►r. Wilson Herald, of Vaao.aver, for-
merly of Port Arthur, was married to Miss
Heins Ralph, daughter of John Ralph, of
Goderich. recently. The groan enjoy'
one of the largest practices in British
An important aniendmeot to the Muni-
cipal Act is a section antheririeg the muss
cipd eouncis to decide by by-law that taxes
shall be paid to the treasurer at he office,
.ad oolleotor to set as bailie', in .roving
motion, aid making collections from delin-
English Spark Liniment removes all hard
G ott or calloused Lump' sod bkmihee here
horses, bird spvis, curbs, splints, ring
bees, 5wewy, 5tis., sprains, sore and
.scones threat, osugbg, etc. Sere 160 by
use ei ams bottle. Warranted the meet
weededul demi= erre Ker keen'. Sold
N Jas. Wiens .ad all druggists. 30-ly
1Jioeees 01111111111141.04111fa have been appoint-
ed Fp the Ontario Covernmest in Berea
te..ty as fellows :-Fust Riding, Themes
t liken, George Ftrteas.ad George Martie.
West BMWs', S. Mesa. J. Stevens sad Hugh
M.Q•arrts. South Ridley, R. Spimr, P.
Douglas and J. Weir.
Rheumatism t urn is • D.y. -- outh
American Rheostatic (titre, for Rheumatism
sad Neuralgia, radically cured is 1 to 3 day..
Its =tile ea the system is remarkable sad
mysterious. It removes •s ems the mere
.ad the direr immediately disappears
The first dose .reatly bated= 75 eats
Sold by J. Wilma ad all almarbas. 30-ly
Parties who moaned nude si ilda are.
felly emendse the ting end see that they are
n ot corroded. J. 8. Ckirerly o/ Alper,
had • daagsroas .xpse{e.w with • can of
e ardisee the other day win& bo will sin
soon ferret. An exaih.ties of the tis
showed that that it bad hese se chemically
meted apes as to ohmage It to • deli coir
like ked. As . o.agqussoe the oentente
were peiessous.
Relief is Sls Home.--Deteeiiag kid-
n ey .d Madder diseases relieved in is
bean by the "• New Gilmer Room Aitzmu•
eta Kitten ("rata" This New remedy e•
peat surprise sad delight le pdyiae.s ea
e aten= et its erceedieg wr-w,tine� h n•
Ned= pais in the bladder, Misys, bash
'se .eery part of the ureaey pGessuse le
fads et female. it ..Neves rekindle of
memo sod psis in reeks itelmwt Weft&
aldp. if yen we= pia relief and IOWA
Ir110 year 1•mdv. Said by Jus Wilma
ram aim SrrY.
Wel : "Sow le yen IM Ohs new way
1 i 7 tq heir. Freed 9"
Fred (meeting es Gy icor-Mkv porde
sloth dee): r1" yes leek least
thilttp ye yew.'
Wisgb.m. also ably took part. The heed-
ing okaeacter was played by (carry Hart,
who L tis writhe of the play. Too mads
sine= owned be given Mr. Hart an hia sic -
modal emea1omemeet of the play. The
caste of chubbier. was eery strong and all
performed their parts with the ease of pro
fessionals. Atthourh there Imo •preored
some very flee looal plays. this one, we
tbt.k, diaconate any el therm. The Opera
House Orchestra saliveaed the pr.9sedings
with some tine selections. A handsome 1
sum was reah..ed tor the cot 01110.
tV►. 11 .r lett Sour u► 1':11.4 Sum:
people are vely autumn sad very email
minded They think they can "get even"
with • newspaper by minium, to take it
winch means a ditlbrenoo of e1 per year u
the finances of the publisher F:very com
tnuuits liar a few of thew "stop m5 paper
gentry. They are too email to be pund•
keepers in • swamp township. In this con-
nection a good story is related of Horace
Greeley, the great .tmericau phi lanthroppitst
and editor. Sores of his subscriber. did.'*
like the things he had been saying ig the
columns of the New York Tribune, anti ons
day this item appeared' "We have re-
ceived the following letter from as trate
subscriber: 'Step mi paper. l:y g J, 1
wunt lave it in mi house.' This gentle-
man's paper has been stopped. .treumeut
would be useless with a man who spells
:tad' with • little •g' and hi.uself with Nig!
'I' F:•.
(••.nt,tl. 11 t.. t)rr len \. Winnipeg
fnbune, Jan. 3Jth, ONO tete challenge
thrown out by four curlers from 1.oderich
last week was taken up by au aggregation
from 0lttawa, and the match played yerter
day afternoon in the Thistle rink proved
one of the best and most interesting mao:hoe
of the season. Both rinks were nude up of
strong curlers, the I ltt.aw& men being skit" -
ed by E. ('hes, while Iiappy Harry ginith
directed the men (rem t.odericlt. The game
was watched by • large number of curlers,
sad was sit evenly contested that at Inc c.rn-
clusioo of the loth end the s t,r• stool a tie
and neoeesit.cted the playing of an extra end
which, resulted in s victory for .uderich by
one shot.
The players were t
- ovore.1, 11. •.Trete t.
F. J. Dorsey, .I. P. It,bertsoo.
C. M. Gordon, Itr.-1amison.
W. it. Miller, W. II. It Darks.
H. H. Smith, "kip 14 F:. I asp, skip.... 13
The l:oderich salts are open to play s
rink from any other town in Canada, and
relying on the training received from that
veteran skip and prince of good fellows,
Matthew Hutchison, of the circul.r town,
hope to vaaluish all opponents.
A I'a..rrto.t - Cut to u. The annual
meeting of the congregation of Knox church
was held on the evening ot the 31st of
January. The members and adhereuta
were present in large numbers. V try inter
eating reports were presented by the differ -
eat ertlasizatieas of the church. The
llivers on:mH,t„ae ew tWeirsdaisdt♦tratyaiammingt , .ahnte '.se
commvoxdll dtoht. inadg dtihtine opasof t 12ycatro, thetb.
n ames of 32 were removed from the roll,
leasing now 502, being a net increase of )1
on that of last year. Towards the close of
this report the following sentence occurred
which sets forth the lugn esteem in which
the late pastor, Rev. D.•_ 1're is titch held by
the session and people. '•Tbesespion would
render devout gratitude to t:od, for being
pleased in the exercise of Hui mercy to still
spare to us, as a people, tae presence of Hu
taithful servant, the Ker. Dr. Fre, whom
we are pleased to see go ort and in among
us. speaking • w..rd in ..secs to lion that
is weary, and comforting many a sorrowing
heart." The Sabbath school reported 297
scholars oa the roll and 36 teachers and
officers. The sum of 5361 43 was collected
and disbursed le."cng • small helium on
hand. 1 he Pastor's Bible I 'Ills, which
meets every Sabbath afternoon in the arra
of the church, reported 137 on the roll with
an average attendance of 33. The collec-
tions of the class automated to 176.74 which
was given to three mission schemes of the
church. The Y. 1'. S. C. }:. reported 105
members on the ro!I : 48 active and 57 as-
sociate. The contributions during the year
amounted to 4131.14. The Ladies Aid
Society received sad expended the sum of
1143. 60, the Dorcas Society, $47.50. The
report of the Board of Managers was par-
ticularly interesting. The total receipts
amonatd to *3,739.05. l)1 this &moyat
11,018.21 were allotted to missioa•ry and
benevolent objects, which includes *307.50
raised by the W. F. M. S., the l'. W. M.
R. and the Mol:. M. R. At the clow of the
Treasurer's statement the following resole
tics was carried unanimously by • standing
vote : "That this cosgregation in grateful
recognition of the prosperity that. has at-
tended them as a church during the put
year, as shown by the Increase .like in the
ordinary revenues and in the contributions
for the schemes of the church, and by the
fact that for the first time in many years
they have, after paying .11 cartent expenses.
• considerable balance on hand ; and as a
mark also of their appreciation of the ter -
vices of their esteemed pastor the Rev. J.
A. Anderson, to whose faithful sad un
wearied labors they fed that this prosperity
e in • large measure due, hereby ask him to
accept as a freewill offering • check for an
additional 1100 for the past year." Mr.
Admsoe, who was much affected by this
...A , .s act of the congregation, and by
the tlti..11 spirit which prompted it, re-
plied is hSYsg term•.
Aleck S•uaden visited Galt last week.
F. Ansley sradyd at home ear Wiag-
Mies Aggie Nairn left es Seturday for her
home is Detroi1.
Mr. and Mrs. Marquis left Fast Thursday
on a visit to Gall,
Mr. W. R Elliott, of Guelph, is visiting
his permits, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott,
W.Uisgton street
Fred Downing, an old I:oderich hey, now
of Brussels, was in town on Friday of last
week "Bob" looks well.
lir. and Mrs. P. De..., a..cnmpanied by
their eon Charles, sad Miss Mary Wilson.
of Wingham, were visiting at the residence
of Jew. W. Vae•tter daring the weak.
Mra 4V Tinema, of Inuisville. Ky., who
has boon vuitinf friends in I:odericA and
Bayfield, left W sdaesday moraine for her
home. Her sister, Mrs. E. Shanties, and
daughter, Carrie, seonmpaaied Mer on her
Morn as fares l.o01nn.
Norma Rowbier, formerly thepoty pest
.intoe of 6e'brieb, has sacxwded in peas
keg the eiamsinatioe fee loathe surgery in
the Usivereity of Maryland, Balteswe,
uklsrg hie phos at the head of the let. His
molly friends in this "action o.sl.ratsete
Mr en his .=Noes est.
31.4 Sime. D'Erina proved herself to be
an expert at the piano and delighted the
audience in het rendition of several humor,
ous recitations. Prof. Vu.toen'a 'elections
were ala much appreciated, and he showed
himself to be • first -clasp humorist.
Ru u. gats... We are pleased to learn
that S. MeV. Lloyd, for so many years
teller is the local branch of the Bask of
Montreal. is recovering from his recent
serious illness. We understand, that entire
creation frau business for some moths
will be secs..ary to bring his ryStem up to
its wonted pitch. ler. Lloyd has the ooa-
fidence and esteem of all who have dose
business with the Bank of Montreal for the
last dozen years in the town, and in iris ill
sees be has the sympathy of • wide circle
of ac.loaintanoes.
it Tle.se5'a I.r,nae.-- There was a
large attendance at Ike auditorium of the
Collegiate Institute Thursday evening last
to hear Dr. Barnard Rigsby lecture on
•' Rugby and Dr. Arnold." The lecturer
gyve one of the bei de.criptive addresses
that was ever delivered in (:oderich, Lod if
it were not for his u•fortun•te " break " in
reference to the death of Chinese 1 OB.DnN,
would have given unqualified estietactien.
A vote of th.ak., moved by Rev. 11. Tors -
ball, se..00dd by Public School trustee
Ball,aodsupported by Rev. J. E. Howell, was
unanimooaly tendered to the lecturer at the
0errttsur.-On Tuesday of last week
William Morgan peened away at his resi-
dence ea Widder-tit, aged 61 years sed 4
menthe. Decesesd was a native of Aber-
de.oshire, neer Balmoral, .ad came to thi.
oouatry with his parents some 47 years ago,
first settling for a few mould sear ('hat -
ham, and afterwards looatfng in 6oderioh
towa.blp, where he resided till about five
years ago, when owing to the effects of an
accident which he =stained two years pre•
viewly, he was compelled to retire from
tarns' sal take to town life. He widow
..d w children -four Sons and six dangh-
ters--servtre to bourn he los
VI( -row l -ST. M=mover (lir to n Nora'.
-Quarterly meethg services were held in
Vieteria-at. Methodist church ea Sunday,
wild stood osegteptsoes all day At
the Beard member ea Monday evening, the
dune"o were found to be in an enoonrsgi.g
eesditloe. . Revival meetings opened in
Vietorf.-et. Methodist church on Memday
eyenieg last The eeethgs are held is the
body of the ckwroh, begin:Mg at 7.30p m.,
.ad the ooap
dretions have been enrpr4mg-
lyltterge so ti, almeb ocompletely filling the
5rek. rept. and Mrs. Stubbs .d meet
of the member. of S. A., took pert is the
Tuesday eyeni.g meeting, .ad will be prs-
e= spin on Friday etrmiag.
Tog En, -FnxTAxe COtlrA.Y. - This
oo.ort canp.y is billed to appear at the
Grastd ()pen Hetes the iThursday) even-
ieg, 8th inst., and .11 who wonld like to
spend • most enjoyable evsuing .ad at the
sem time show some saoo.r.geste•t to the
town band should ge. Gds. Kelly,vocalfet,
gmiteriat, etc., h we
an hold time (.enn
=me. he
head hie me is
but to be .eestiosed.
Pot. Foetus is a weederfd mem erdd .ad
Wed reader, emoting earpri...t►d pleamere
everywhere. Grace RM is one of the wen•
den el the day, if set the gloated. NO
man tor =ea two er throe together hen
ever hers able to lift has, .nd is nay ether
woomilerfal sets she sees= to sturdy defy
pdytiest Mover. Takeo .Iteg.ther, a more
•tYuenye hempeny never viibd lsedereh
sod they shoed have • hamper hen...
Kant.'. Posers[. -- The armdy ease pre-
anted at the Grated Opera Hesse se Friday
wokg dem under the anepiess el Mtatlad
edge, Ne. 31, A. F. ed A. M. The lel
kowiog gesekneee emekeed in the eerier -
erase, C. Sheen, lies. Pester, W. W. Ma
View,0. Hss
do.•. and O gbamea
mei . *meek teens, Mien Ml.pie Cald-
well. Ambealihweg, and Mime i5 Maw,
The carnival Saar) Drive in tlld
French yeebee.
uIi.w1 Is • liet5rew ere se 1 .11.
C havact eriesle Represe.t.s lees de&
timed mets t►. Realise of
Aatlyw14) Felty 40.550
Teeple t law It.
Q. xar.. Feb. 1. -- Quebec is again in
tiptop order alter the last storm tete
flag., uu the i.'. fort and redoubts heve
Seen replaced sud A general toilet has
been given to the different exhibitions
about town. The city streets have Lees
cleared of now banks and of a!1 signs of
the last terrific storm. Tile street. are
astir with thong.ude of stranger* waiting
the illuminated monument, of ice, the
Esquimau: huts, the sugary and more -
seutatwne of establish.sute of gore by
Yesterday the member* ,•f the Press
committee assembled at the tiartieon
club, where they had invited the member.
of the press from America and ('.nada to
• lunch Two ladies honored the hospit-
able ,..erasion by their oedema.. Try
were !tire t:arrisun, of the t'hieago Tri -
hone, and Faith Fenton, of the 1'urotto
At night the ItiLene' !.all was inaugur
ated. This beii, whi h .s sae of the moot
Important features of the ,earuival, is given
in tumor of their E:.•ellenciee laird sal
Lady Aberdeen. Their Excellencies on
arrival were received by the strains of the
pibroch. After which the band played
the National Anthem.
Quango. Feb. '2. -The .arrival fancy
Brite, which is one of the most important
features of the carnival, took place yester-
day afternoon. The weather was clear
and cool, a better day .•ottld not be wished
for .pch a parade. The Motets were clear
from the great amount of .now that fell
during Tuesday's 'form. A tremendously
large wooden rooster headed theprucw-
siun Teas came tr-lire brigade. leaded
by the thief driving four in•hand; follow-
ing cave an ice (sIi..e with an American
gentleman passepger with a plug hat and a
French ••onntry teen bent with a boy.
7'he Ore brigade in two detachments fol-
k,wed. The first detachment repainted
the brigad. before a fin. the mu and ap-
paratus being in a first rats condition.
The 'second detachment represented the
brigade after a fire, the firemen belug
ovored with let end dirt. as were also the
hose and ladders.- wad every appliance told
of hard work.
The (luebets Snowshoe C.dab fullowe•l
with an allegorical car representing a
tenor •-,verde with OM im►nense snow of
red and white. On the car* were limited
members with bagpipes and drums, the
members of the club 1. 1k,wingg
in +neighs
as used b the denude Mle G. draw
Tt-rnov. Fah. 6.
)(o es L1551.11. ('nt'it 8rrt'aa -- A supper
.i11 be held here en Friday, F.►. 1o. a 7 r.
r., neer the =spleen=spleenM l the er=
Y Llbspai Qs►Omen.J. T. Gen. M. PP.
moll premien* Iamb roll be prat
firewood to town. An old sleigh 12i year*
containing a habitant ccuple in all the
glory of their antigne costume. followed.
Then came the Levis Snowshoe flub with
an allegorical car representing an immense
i..comotiee. Th1s luromutive was certainly
the beat representation given, as • tour*
uatarao one could hardly be imagined.
Tr Ifueeo'e Owu ('anadian Hnspars
were there too. Their car, who h was
driven by eight horses each mounted by
• driver, wasornamented with cavalry
a ru;ttremente.
The medical students Lal a car of their
own. It was an immense mortar, with ail
the arueesories of the medical profession.
The - Grande Vermins," a fee aimili.
of the ship in whi.•b Jacques Cartier de
w,vered Canada, was tr next ear to tors.
The car bore the inscription "A. D. 1735."
The most interesting of all was the Huron
!wdian tribe with their car, old thief
l:astlen and his old squaw, with he suns
sod daughters and grandchildren, were
seated in •li the glory of feathers• smoking
the pipe of peace and "bilging tribal !amen
Cations. The Emerald Snowshoe Club fol
lowed with an ice sailboat.
A number of other snowshoe clubs fol-
lowed. each with individual c:aims to the
attention of the onlookers.
A caleche dating from 1 734 411 tied up
with pops and leather, was' the next fea
tare of the fancy drive. The Old habitant
who drove it was • singular type of the
French -Cant -din of a bygone g.peraIion.
The 9th Battalion car was rertainly the
most interesting of the whole some. It
represented • Northwest campaign scene
in the center of the car • crowd of Black
feet Indians were singing and dancing
amend • log fin. A rrhbter's tent was
erected in the rear of the car, at the
entrance of which • sentry with tiled
swopd mounted guard. Around the In
diens were rods with •11 sorts of gam
banging around; then were prairie dogs
ready to be cooked for a ravenous repast
of the warlike Blackfoot Indians.
A car representing an immense teapot
was vie of the sights This car bore the
repp entation of "Le cafe du carnival"
The procession was the most com-
plete and the moist perfect of its
kind ever seen In America, at least
so said people from all parts of the
I'nited States and Canada. It would be
almost impoesibl to describe .11 the sights
tern in the proereion. suffice it to say
that the clowns wen of the ('.nadian Moyle,
all being Old timed habitent musicians and
donkey riders. Ad,11ere and cock fighter*
well trained in the art of hnmoriftir
Qs gas.•. Feb. 3. -Last night was the
'rowning point of the teeniest features.
Eighty thousand people were aanembed
within the radius of a mile. The search
lights placed in the tower* of the redoubts
were thrown &brood..e.rebing for the apP
pros•hing enemy. Twelve snowsho. els
were lined on either hide of the Parliament
Hones. Every anowehner was prepared
for the fray with Roman, candles, wickets,
and torero. Meanwhile the ire fort had
been wit aglow. The Interior was ablaze
with Bengal Sr,., which reflected through
the transparent walla of the fort and whose
,be right wing was beteg illuminated with
powerful green Ars the Taft wing was
blazing with red. The mask tower was
meanwhile gMrionely sbisintl with the
arum of the rover Al A 4.S p m. the
enemy was 415overed'nuking Armand the
Parliament buildings The No. 1 redoubt
gave the slam and artillery woe massed
on the left bead forti*dation wens and a
lively fire was kept pouring towards the
"Now thos.aa.le ..1 shell. were shat to
the .blea. %rre after eseett14.n they eel
Sorbed with uterine report shedding down
words all the beautiful humin of the main
bow la abend•sta. The ssowdoeve sow
teak peskiest .t the foot of the las tort
gv.ty thea WAR( meed with the seaeesmty
gtttrgnill.ss, dirsoul hie weaprg tewera
tali Sink
IT"•5 A 4.!'f 'RE7'
-- that insane woen owe' -tbtir
itealtty to lir. Pierce** 1:atoritet
lire* ri1,t' . The reason- beauty
of fonn hetet far•.•, as we!1 as grace,
radiate from the common •-cuter- -
health. The beet 14. tidy condition
results from good food, fresh air,
and ekrrcire', coapk•.I with the ju-
dicious use of the " l'reer rapt ion."
In maidenhood, n •.manMxul, and
motherhood, We a bupp.rting fenit•
that's peculiarly adapted to her
I:tads, itgulatitlg, etrruKthe:::pg, octet---
curing, the d'rangrna its of the eel./
It there I.e headache. pain In the
hart:, IN :ring - dos n aenwtions, 01'
general debility, or if there lir nerv-
ous prostration, an.l •let lex't•re,
the •' 1'ri ripti..n " reaches the
origin of the trouble
ru•l corrects it.
it dispels aches and pains, eon -meta
displacements and cures catarrhal in-
flammation of the lining membrane*
It's',outautted to ln•uctit or rune, ..r
the Money paid lex it is refunded.
eiaderteb reseed.
00 0555011. Febrwary 4, :G1.
Pprtng W heat ..standard 0 SI to 0
1.11 Wheat .... 0 ;i to CW
Flour. family 000 to 0 tin
Shorts. V ton 00 00 tu00 00n, p ton Braton 5f1 00 tOa
Screenings V tom,. OS tee tee. 00
Chopped Feed l•-e.t • tom es e0 to0. 011
Qatr.Crew, p bush ......, ....-t M to 0 44
Para, *bunk. 0 51 to 0 :t
Barley toe rowed. 11.bwb e a to 0 kl
Bateyj rowa ma 0 :t:. to a t0
Hay. Ston 850to:00
Potatoes. 1 bush. 0 40 to 0 Ss
Rutter, 0 _'0 to t rs
Sart•. troth vineatked, i Moo- 0 I. to 0 17
Cheese ...._...-., 0 1: too Ii
Wood 3 00 to 4 tail
,,... . N.
. t eDeveora Iiagls
."g 3se000
Local Photos R. R. ',allows 5
Local- i ailoriug F. J. t'r:dham . . 5
Lost --R. W. Henchmen . .i
To the Farmer --J. !L R uucimas .. 8
Cone and See (:eu A. Fehr
Tendon wanted Nile Cheese Factory
Fi.aocial Statenteat--Colborne Tp....
Too 'lamy Hoye C. ti. Armetronp t . b. 4
('banged routines. --lJaYeon 4 ('o . 1;
Preec riptios 1)r,i tors- J. tl-iesn.
The Peoples ('ash Ston- -T. T. Acheson7
Local - (;roocl Opera House ;.
425 Lost Apply TO N ND. NAI. (Vice S
- - - - DIED.
-- - __
WATSON- At tbo rveidesesof A Sl Y' El \tar,
Wolfe et.. m Merman,ital.
1.. Walesa, relict or the late Jan:es Wei-
twa. aged O yeses sad 1 months.
M..-:r.\t, Fie. �.
Mrs. Cr ie, of I;tsderich, was the guest
of Mrs. A. H. elation last wick.
MIs Bessie denims, of 1161erich, was
Gm gown of legs }:dish Ifertoo last week.
.tirr.ai or Ors) oeS• wv.n.. - Tuesday
morning last week our school hod a acct
from itiepector Tom, when the scholars
were made happy by • half holiday in the
afternoon while the teacher went down to
see the 1►uelop school to under the ante
ordeal The scholia will always prefer
the inspector's visite in the morning.
('ne R•-,. NoTt't.--Tbe third Sunday tit
t.hr month communion service will he MY
hen b Rey. NI. Maokay fir the-ithIlisee
since he has been pastor. The reverend
rentlemen gai. an earnest appeal to the
young people to come to and partake
of the uacramest, sal wished those who
had not yet taken part in the past to pin In
the coming .-elebration.
Moat Lis,. EA.•n. •lohn and )eine
Chisholm have purchased the Oxford farm
from George Haller, of Woodstock, during
last week. The price paid was $5,200. The
former take the north part, which will join
his farm,which will now be a h.sdr.d and
fifty acre. The latter takes the south part
with the buildings, which will be about •
Mk from his farm of 81 sores at the 'Ake.
We wish both of the )ring men wetly emc-
ee= in the purchase.
snoe %. Feb. I..
Ne. C. Stirling. of Detroit, visaed
hsps this week.
Mise Grose Shaw, o1 Ood.rich, was the
guest of Mise E. Allen this week.
hfim B. Donn, of the rirenlar tows, ,pest
Sasd.y hen, the guest of relatives.
Mier Maggie Allen was the gueei of thea
('h.rlotte McAllister cf Holiest. for $i.ral
days this wen.
Wednesday of lest week, flee Reck with
her two children Minute and Lydia wen
peoeet+t at the .cals pitaof es warden Look.
1'h. latter two perforated the duties of
maids of honor ne the oeremewy which
rood the heart and haat of Harmon -war
don to owe 01 l olbovse's popular young
tattles, Mile Vinnie Ker.ighan, daughter
of Jsh. Kereigham. We, with the MGq
friends in Dunlop, wish the newly wdisd
pair a happy soil pleasant voyage ea the
m.trimenial sea of life
NOT \ h..TY 5.4114,,.1 The eeheoel here
had a vent from Impeder 'Ton Ttwwd.
afteree, whish visit the sehelare would
prefer in the mercies as sometime, they
get • half holiday. TrMolars think the
iseMerler.beald hese to Gam first *deed
of (.oslmrn They made .p for thaw die
twteat by as sbrtarnment Friday
altorsew at 3r ei, is whle8 meal, e4 the
.=ek= took peri Remo" Horns was
ohelmeae. We endsorad the =mbar mid
deadens the _Nsr4ismenne WNW* IS
Miro es Friday •ti,rsMtea