HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-8, Page 4THIS SIGNAL: GODRRICH, :ONT., THURSDAY, !EBRUARY 8, 1894. arR VI ITTMUMMINIS EVERY THURSDAY 1[ORN1140 re.waa+ouMT. Me eteto4--e and Io.. Pierth-ennot. Ontario. Teems or wwbarrtµtsa a w0 stento. to Mssace 0 II it a helm mouths. • • IS Viz . . ............ 1 Oise year, 11 eeedtt is mated, the telae per rear l will be. .... 50 Leek as Tear Labe. Your tabs.; is • standing moats of the date Vitale') sou are paid up. Hee that 11 la net wed to tall tato arrear. hes a ctutare of address le desired, both elkip_eMawl the new addrer aboeld boleros. Ali e•mmualat:eae must be addressed to II. Y04111LL/CV1)DT, 7 a Sa•x*L, ]WeMaeCall IA eoderich. oat. THAT LABEL AGAIN Sec that your label is luti.l rep. THE Sit:NAL is ALTA-) a year, •hut it paid in ad- vance, ouly $1. Send Alun„ your snlaecriptian at once. !Wre +, D. Mt'QILLICUDI)Y, THE SI( :NA I., (ioderich. YODKRICH. THURSDAY. Pea. e, lel. the mid WILLIAM Rclam MeaanlTts ieel ancrod he will mot endorse. seep er toier• Me. Any mformaten that will lead to the reeoveryet the said WallAu Rite"' Meas- nITH will be gladly revelled by the mere - ben of the search party. From the easy Utanuer its w Bich murderers claim that beano o their portwa •a soup u they are swan off, ooe would a! most Dome to the belie that there must be • sort of " Murderer's Row" iu the laud of the blest. We must say, helves se, that 11 is mighty hard to believe dust • cowardly murderer, who u gives six or eight mesas to make reedy for his departure from this maudlin* sphere, should spend st.ernity in the realms of Was, winks his victim who w -u stricken down unaware. is talegmted to the doom of the damned Its a hard doc- trine to believe. At the Conservative concentiSu for West Simcoa, beld at (bllingwood on Fri- day fair Jour Thome-so, was "dated,.. and canee within two votes of being turned down altogether. The signs of the times portend evil for the leadership of the balky knight, and the chilhoese of the atmosphere is lower &gluiest lin by many degrees Chet it was when be drove the political sce cart through Ontario last Fall. His other Dame le Deis. are handicapped whoa is.-ampipseitim with thew fellows acme" the 11111.,...d that the laws that restrict them ohms Ike Ameriwam, have ou nolrbtione an wrwi. whether they striaie from the Federal or 1'r.% to cial antbertt'ss Daring the year 18u3 the Americas catch ou the Great Was was 117,OII6,5b8 pounds, which, at tie veletteess phased by the Card tan (F cher & , Iieptartasent upon the various kiada of tisb au.ISt was *6,74.3,- 369.19. The value of the l'ardiao catch, aucordiag to the &.port of the Fisheries 1)0 partniwit, was $1,963,122.80, or • logs to lhtatto by the present absurd restrictive system of 61,780,936 39. This, to our mind, u a strong argument u favor of greater latitude t0 (Marais* lithermen. NOP SNOTS. The foto (,,Oto. t Fuaria has pre- pared • Federal Iueolveecy Law to keep step with the failures under the N.1'. The Iwsson why Mayor Iii -moo its agxlow to co0ti0De to preside at police court cams is became h• has been MVO of all his other chaitr.&Bsbhps. HARD TIMES IN CANADA. N1►Ttt'ITIISi- AN I)1 \(; TILE fact that halt -a -dozen l:abieet Ministers have been galavanting over the Domenico during the past few months, at the public expense, telling audiemee. at various pointe that Canada wan never more prosperous than it is to day, there are many in this oo0atiy who think quite the reverse. It is all very well for gentlemen Itke the Hun. J. l'. 1'arrrtcso' - whose caning eapl- city was Dever of a high pecuniary grade, hot wbo now swaggers over the oountry with '7,000 a year. a aaaloual allowance, and palace can at the taxpayers espouse to tea American newspapers that t'anada is going torwar.l by leaps and bounds under the fostering care of the N.I'. Mut the people know diflereetly. Th. Non. (; E. Fie. -res, and the Hon. T. M. D XII, and other heavy tax •.Ler$ are doing better titan they ever did. as moat - tions now are. but when it .!.ontea to getting expert tstimouy we prefer to hear the opinion of the people who pay- the taxes rather than they who tontine In (at obese with big selartip and little labor attacked. If the whole sbioet coniblnatioo were turned out of office tomorrow we doL-t know • editary member who could earn one quarter of the salary he now receives, el. cept it might be Sir Aeon sur (`.tito>,whose exportation as • eomtract broker might do him • good tura. Yet these are the fellows who prate of .food tinea in Canada at pres- ent As well might the vampire boast of the good time is victim was betieg mit sapped &way the vitality, as for Lb.e. '.rioter palmetts to tare that because they are be- img pampered and paned, the country winch they and the polie.•y they espouse have Wed &Imxet white, u DOW in a more prosperous cocdit.ioc than ever befogs. 4 fur friends; the •' wets. ha%e at Lust undertaken 1.0 campaign spinet the prohi- bition movement, which .ppe&rs to Wave mode active studs in Ontario within the past few years, end with that end in view have established an orc, Tim Advoeae by name, to champion their interests. L+t I+ P. Kites, resunUy et The li mpin, who sham a emetic quill, will M the .41101,004,, Br'er theme a cad others of the " dry " fra- ternity teem Is mat far al.etiis. ANDRew' PATTVLLO has been elected prenident of the Western Ontario Dairy- m.a'& Asseiatihd It looks through our spectacles as if our old friend Adieux was rr•dually fitting himself for the position of F&reser /;.neer of this big, broad and bls- seating Dominion, after the nett general .1• action, when Lit Rita will be veunet• sod Oxford will send three members to Parlia- ment- With hie rosdm.king and ebeese- mgkiag, tui other little agricultural lean Inege, be is quite a farmin' men, is AN [Man A Wingham newspaper, in discus sing the probable location of • comity bass of refuge says that (;oderich isn't in the cal- culation, as it is out of the way. Well, it is sot out of the way when vegans are mut to mil from ray part of the comity. It's lust easter out of the soy from (;odwich to W(.gham as it to from Wingbam to (1 - rich, sed not a step farther. See ' All the same, Godericb is not worrying &bout the location of the house of Mallet/T. All that (;oderich wants is to have the much •squired institution erected in the ..maty at as early a day as possible. NOTES FROM THE CAMTAL. The h ertk..et wrb.rl .,neem.► -*4 ,.re.e.eat or eisebee renegers. t hTe w v, Feb. t -!t is expected that the t ivverntu.ut's *.tion to regent to the Northwest school ordinance will be made known to der. 11 le u.4 thought that the law as passed by the Assembly will be lu•, tattered with. For tb• better advancement of the eon• diem of the farmers the Catholic au- thorities' of the diocese of Ottawa, in 0011. junction with the arehbisbups old prelates of the allot -awe of Montreal end Quebec. WY. bowed • p.etorsi upon the wort of agricultural mi..iouariee, which was reed in all the churches o0 Sunday. The de- fective system of agriculture iu maul parte of the ...memo is deplored, suit • strung plea u healer io. the farmers to study setentiltc agriculture. B.Ueviug that agri- culture is the most prolific rouem ut rev enter tbo people are etjoinett to develop it and take advantage of the many blessings God has P• kindly bestowed upon them. The wholesale migration of farmers eons ler the rails" is deeply deplore& The toad desire to attain stealth and affluence in the great majority oe %wee involves ruin. it is described as striking a serious blow at the u.tioual prosperity, and in its moral aspect is • disaster. In order to spread a tine, theoretical scintilla a*a practical knowledge of farming a number of the clergy. experts at farming. will be set apart ore agricultural miesion•rfes, to visit each p.•rish, if pow+ible, twits • year. 'they will moist the priests to find the pupil who will represent the parol at the school of agriculture, sail who will return to give an example to other*. The mu• o1ouartes will establish f•rwters' clubs and keep themselves &bread with new die coverts and the results obtained by dis- coveries elsewhere. The report in circulation to the effect t1at Lieut. -Col. Houghton, D A.(1.. has been suspended is druid at the Depart- ment of Militia Lieut. ,Col. Houghton's supposed offence was the publishing of • reply W (general Sir Frederick Middleton's statement with regard to the Northwest rebellion, in which the (lettere], to re- ferring -to the charge at letocbe, denied the story that he ordered a retreat. Houghton told his et.le of the dory in a manner not very creditable to General Middlatoe. Tbe ruts 'r referred tostated t•d that Major-General Herbert bad ordered the stapetelm of List 'iml Ilkraiblon as ANOTHER HARD-EARNED HONOR. IT IS HUMORED THAT AN - The Leasing ..f the \V.1,oi 1ti11 in the America Houma Reprarmta4YM has o0oe mon caused the Canadian Goeerement to "look to Weskingdm" for • policy. NILE S. S. CONVENTION. A Mekjalfeont DomonatroUon. If thj.. Ilan t;1.At.erost (boon t either the or resin shortly some of the cable liars will have • difficulty in making their direful predict,usrp•n out satiafiador- ily. The delegate of the Go•lerich breach of the P. P. 4. who attended the Hamittm oo ventioo didn't register, If we sire to believe what the Hamilton newspap- ers say. • 1•roni the wanner in which the ca- ms together of p.rtiameut u held off. it wmeii,inr► appear that t:ovetianal not anxjotm to meet the faithful Oat.meee at an early date. The death of G. W. CHILD.', the philanthropist -publisher of I'bil•delphia, re- moves another of the truly good and greet members of the newspaper fraternity. There are comparatively few of as 1011. - Meyor Rt'TLEk .. bttliard plant on Ki.g•tott-st., is now in a state of " timoro- us* diwostudie," nista to tate eigr1 of the prepri.ter, but beyoed all quesekie In the interest of the young n.oir and boys of the tow 0. The Brock t i lle Recorder Iia. the supreme audacity to alludo.fg.our only own Hon. .1. t i.ARb'AT1ti-.• u"the Mounter of Musketa." The Recorder evidently denen't know it's leaded or It wouldn't talk that way. other knight is to los added to the list of Canadian tinpot oelebritiea This time it is Non. IMA• ar4-/tx ROM Eli. who u spoken or, and in all probability it is what horse- men would all "a re." What on earth Oki.. Litt. is getting kaigbted for 1r • conun- drum that the politicians cannot explain. True, he went oo a junketting trip to Aus- tralia, but like the gentleman, of whom we read, who was seat to the Antipodes on • previous occasion for hie coustry's good, he could safely sing, when he started thither. ( ►h, I'm win' away Thin werry blessed day. But it'. sot at me owa expaaae, oh, no. The fact is Brother Bewsta.'s msetu10s1, it he ever bad any, has petered out.. Sir Jan N THOM MO. aid the ex -(.rand Severing, dont w through the same glares, and some time ego the latter was invited to re- tire to that infirmary for aged and decayed politicians- the Canadian Senate. The Past grand Sovereign didn't like the writ of ejectment that was thus levied upon him sad kicked like a two-year-old ; and kicked so 'tamely •sit so well that the trip to Australia was gives him as • panacea for his lacerated Mellen Now he has returned and has to go to the politie•t infirmary, cad another sop has to be thrown to biro, to enable him to take his medicine without undue grimacing. Hemoe the oatmeal height/toad, the tinkling cymbal and the sonadl.g krem. That dolly .joker, the fat knight from the land of the Klne.osn, has not been making any of hie patent rioeehst shote of let.-tbo kind, we mean, that ship through the mud and hit the bull's eye, M is his famous slla.ion to the 'heck TA*Ttt," and the "yellow 11srts." it IS really too bed that the elephant/se wit of the fat mar from the Bay of Fundy has oat again been brought unto play, for mp to date Dr. Rt aa- wiv, with his dirty little reference to the "bare legged Highland ancestors" of J. A. Macdonnell is .bead of our Comedian Mulled Prophet of Cosservtisn in tint light arid airy badinage, which has for years been the Mock in trade of the leaders of the great Conservative party in Cased.. Our esteemed conteutpor&ry, The ,year, was ou a mow tack Wt week is the matter 1 the polio' magistrate petition. how, it objects to the appoibtaoeot on the pias that it will nee a great erne to the bows. We beg to inform our phtbuicky ema1swp0r•ry that then is no necessity leer ire wetse waste of lean 011 the phase et tis geostioe, as it is quite possible to have a polio. magistrate appointee without ..fill cry, who will not require • devk, and wko will deal out • system of lrutice and equity the. hes not been known in this go as -Tom please town ler the peat live years. Pli beteg the mei, we would advise oar timid o'.temtporary to .ease is woeful waitiate and taro off the ooadutt from iia lachrymal gleada. In other wards, "thy op' They ey are or8aaigitt6 a nes r; h party M o.dm.er to dLeowee the whereabouts of w., WII.LIAN Rer.rn M*anter., at one time Meader el Her Majesty') 'oval Oppose Mem is the Ontario Legislators. It hes last w be sett andeaveriag to reocooile this p. T. A. stemea•el ai 71St. Regrow, ht. P1' , with a pollti•.l dein meat get eat eader the gall W mum Sew* M outioTw's memen- tos h $I U. and berme to isms se " note the w - ..suns" Wes melneged ale owe Men Ms femme patted timate has OMtiler MmbeltilM 1410, ..0 they are as do muse trete..e at lb demob l• that owed, aeheiMa. of the law. dopy and ._seen dt/ Medi "OaTaales" A. 1►. Carr- ells. irales. mail Miter fitmthww'IgN' Y Obit, zeigglkomat is tr IMS do pity le a d tiltrll,rfl tint tress tele yetis roe Aa IsairwrIIaa aw4 games. Aheesr1 MOM Wee.. Oleo lige •.bjerta the tart p ,ar mkes.0Ma were Treaded the fer 4laa w reser ego seer. maiden .emir, bat ales be b.a.Mbl M thesalmi � J. U.elmei eesa t.uodaad the .11041 •' Why are we laterite ed i• 8. 8. Week." There Dae be .. samem ►a say work miens we ate Ayteroopt I6 it. A premises is pat ape. 1Yi" yoalts b.s.ase they are to he tem•s and woren of the fitter.. are gnat possibilities Wen them who are nese u the present times Theteddtaa et today are to be the preachers. teacher., doctors, governess. ea., el the hear. The (Mum of Nye 0awary dspwd• ea the plinth e1 the had. that et the c►arch depends o. the Sabbath •c►wl, We are i&terssled i& 8. S. week hemase through the °MMYren we may be Mile to reach their patents aid meads aid do them pod, beams through the •o►ool we may aid the sni.liea cause, sad bsoause we are desirous of wilDemaag the ocovonia..ad .slvµioa of all the mem- bers of the school. A period of twenty minutes was then de- voted to pactioal •urgstaoos from S ;t• workers. This tinm was well occupied by venom speakers, atter wbicb the clutches were addressed by Miss Whyrd who spoke from the '• Lire of Joseph." Jacob loved Joseph more than his other 1004 because Joseph loved him meet. and as • token et his love gave Joseph a oat of many colors. Christ. as a token of his love for his child- ren, gave these • robe o1 righteousness,. , Ilia Wh •rd is a very interesting owner compared the life and trysts of Joseph with thaw of Jesus, t eenies►mg the truths that, „ A11 things work together for good to those that love trod sad that whatever good spiritual gifts we want we must oat for. For losspb'a mitering and patience during the former part ot bit life M was amply re- warded afterwards by beieg raised to ON of the most exaltsd positions u the land o1 Egoi pt. Solon teethe. in .ddree4la[ the death**, on " Th. Life of David." is it very interest- ing m elicited from tiles the .tory of the conduit between David and Golub, and taught that God ofice.usos Nie email things of this world to do hs work, sed does not deupin offerings became they are small, as they will std in preenot►eg His ams. We may overcome the giants of ser by treating in tbe power of ('brill Maybe was ma& letting in S.S. work is &ot .hmiaisbi.g This wee prone by the Urge 'mesdames* at the Nile church oe ly, edaesd•y, Jam 31.t, IRS, e. the oao.aioa of the fifteenth mutual os.vestibs of the Nile and 1►ung•anoa 8. lotoreating addresses and animated du- cuesioas os the venous subjects allowed that the S.S. workers in the oeigkborhood are in earlist ie their work. There were present ropresestativee trots many other S.bb&th schools besides those directly later - •,ted io the eoavention. As on former oo r..:ous, there were three sessions. The morning .sru00 won presided over by W. Bulli, superintendent of the Nile b.bbath ..:head ; ttev. D. Rogers was chairman ie the elteellem, wed Rey. W. 11 To hear the able editor of our es- teemed contemporary, The Star, talk about his betters, fs enough to make a person re- tort, in the lower.(. of Miter Rtt.*I. . of New fork, " You're a nice sort ow • Sue- de, stool hero ; Te ere." i1on. CI181sTOPHCg FIN LAY Plunge, Uommi..io.er of Public Works for 1 eiterio is to be opposed by • candidate seamed Jmli-v, in Brockville. At this distance tt looks as if the t'omimtrianer it ill have a soft thing " at the next election THE FISHERIES QUESTION. The 1Mpartmes of Justis hes received & petition press*" for the release of Jacob Pearlateiu, who woe sentenced to the pool t.ntiary fur five years some three years ago at the Manes here. The offence was wholsale .realise by an organised gang. Fearlatein paldling tee stolen guests. Magee v. the queen is a snit in the Fax chequer court against the Prowo for land gt.en by the Sparks estate fur c$0&1 pur- poses in tonne.^Olen with the 1bid.ad canal. The °overn:mat has been u.iug the land foe building purpooaes as weU, although the tille dose not warrant it. A judgoseet was delivered yesterday by Mr. Justin Burindge in this much discussed matter. ou the hoer* raised by the suppliant re- spectingt[M oodtt)uts attached to the e rown Nyle to the lauds in question. the judge has declared that the soppliant has succeeded. The lan•!s in question are held object to the condition that tb. Crown .hall use them only for the p of the canal, but that the 'eidetics srowa that this condition hes nut been observed. The judge intimate that as soon se the (town is made aware of this condition that it will be duly observed. The court refines the inquiry asked fur by the peti- tioner to the portions of the lands pot null for canal purposes solely, beeanse, although the (;town may he main[ portions of the lands improperly, the court has no jurisdiction to Issue a mandamm against the Crown. J. R. Hooper writes a long letter to the Journal denying ths1 be wore regalia of any order in the court during his late trial. At a meeting of the United Temperaaee Society here re.olmtioas were that It would not be deairab a to have a temperance party in Canada. and that if not otherwise introduced at the convention in Toronto to -day that their delegate should introduce a resolution strongly protesting against the proposal to reduce the dotted on wine. wbicb is is volved in the Fnouch treaty to be submit tad to Parliament at the coming eento0, Bion, se that being a national treaty it would override any probibitioa we might enact here. Moss lilted the chek in the 'vel iag. leach seams was opened by devotional *emcees and closed wtth the benedtct:ua. Suitable biome ware sung at intervals during each .e.sioo. lit. following report welt give an idea of th• work of the day. l:ocouragia[ reports of the Crewe, Duo- gaaaon ;and Nile 8. Schools were given, showing a large number of names on the troll and a good atteo tame of teachers, .th- ein cad scholars. After the reports the subject, "The hest Kind of Literature for the Sabbath School,' was taken up. A paper was reed by A. P. Shopper1 dealtnit with the ponds that literature should pos- sess to be suitable for the ".1410th school. It should be instructive t0 an 10elleettul, a moral &ad • spirituel seem. A lively discussion followed, oomdsetning some works rebirth are strongly recommend e d by some authorities for use in Sabbath schools. It was mestwned that books pub- lished by the Religious Tract society were generally to he depended on. Several an- swers were given to the question, „ le it n ecessary mbar" a library in the 8 8. • It is not absolutely meosesme, but would be • groat help. If the paean supplied suit• able literature for the child at home and the Sabbath school supplied suitable= at the school a library would not be oe.ded. suitable books is • Sabbath school library would be an advantage to many-, particular- ly those who are unable to procure each works for themselves. " The Tree i'urpose of Sabbath school Work ' was the subject introduced by 1'. (.irvin. Oat purpose is to teach the value of the child to the child, to the teacher cad to the pest Maury people est too low aa estimate cm the work of the child. It u worth moot to the child to know its valor as taught in the Scriptures : &Bother &im i• to keep the children continually ►a touch with Christ ; cad • third. to educate the children and have them brought to such • knowledge d religion that they will become the servans of God. A discussion followed in which it was oo.tended that the true purpose of S. 8. work is to study the Bible well at home tend be able to sow the good seed it the ali.ia of the children at wheel The tram Mem et 8.8. work is to arm the attendee sed af- fections of the children from thi.eo tempor- al to things spieled The Brandon Mail. the personal or.1 gen of Hoa T. M. DAL.Y, strips the hide off poor old Hoa. Jots C,s 1i. .N, and alludes to the illustrious patriot for revenue only as • men with e none too mach ability for • couectUor in • country towasbip." ie it true that our local Thesp- We hope Y edit- tans are contemplating the '•The Ticket. of Leave Man the piece will not be p might harrow the 1eeliogs d the; or of our esteemed Incl WE PUBLISH ON t)1'it FiRST purge • commenioetiow from H. W Btu, takity exception to the articles in Tee se. - SAL. b..rieg ost the lake sad bay fisheries of Canada, which ban roeeaUy appeared. Immediately pr.osding Mr. 1t*1.t.'v letter will be foetid an article from The Windier Record, which, we Witty*, is • pretty fair meow to the areaoe.s of our oornatea- deet. it is a well known fact that a delegatiea went to Ottawa trona (:oderich, Owes Sowed, ('oUugwood mad other points last year, and the raises they «eat was that the reatrietioes that had been placed upon the Mherwea «ere &nerd to be extremely eh - maims The result was that ahliseg$ the restrictive Luse wen ISM ropisled an arresgement was mum to by wbicb tap ed sail beats were allowed to use • larger qem- tity 1 net thea the Mbery law allowed. 1f ewe eanogeadaat will Lok .p the articleMem orbs& he datum t....ote he will m• Moat T.s Sm$AL eves the Agorae these he says ere soma let ler tag sett& Pmt fiat le sgMb.r boo ser What TIM ihastet. kit asseenAed ems - wee Y doS the Yams.a of emery take and item the tem pladw ; it. liptit. emsM1 tesepereau• IIar1m cad more The elm krisi leeward se army •t tempt..ay tym, imams whit will aid is ke11tgiag h a honer day when the fiery breath ei the wbiaky devil wilt oro mere assail and Meat the hies cad happiasas of ear people. ▪ How the Home nae Aid the S. ti. " was the subject unrealised by Rev. W. It Masa 1t 1e hie opiates that is the nett order of things the wont should .et he .s st.ti.g the 1.ao►.1 ue • Ls week. but rather that the ts.obt should lot twang the pr- ints ta the religiose araiaug of the child - rsm. f aresu have a great dial to de with the aauomo or failure of the 8.:t. They meg aid the 8. 8. by bang faithful in the profanities of the child with its le....., cad bang faithful to the home nl*tiou. triton ; by sadism their children to the \abhati aa14001 at tits proper times awl in theprepsr way ; by lskieg part with the chit is the spumoni° study of the les sea ; by tnquscUy .needing Nes 1ebbath school ..d taking Cort in the exentees ; by oslUv&i1og in the benne of the children a loving regard and sNesm fur the teacher and • Moreno* for ►11 things mend ; by hber*Uy aiding the Sabtotb .hoof base Melly ; but above all parer.ta can aid the 14mbb•th school by beteg good enemies for the oblldres to follow. • Kov. E. A !oar. .el Holmsvil e, gave ae addrees on " How can we lead the school children into active membership in the church'" Tbis may be does to a certain ettent by the munisler having enmethiag specially Interned for the young in .very sermon ; by forming • pastor's class in cow metes with t1s 1*El nth .clod w er. Semis i.atrwothm and advice are givesL y meeting with the close aloes In a clan praysr•meeting, either in the church or to . Dine privets hoose, whoa ureae of the cuss who are 1'hrutiaos will assist is leading that oommps0Ians to ('hest. (*hadrea must breath* for them.elree the pare err of re- ligious truth. They meet teed upon the pure breed sad water of life. They must exercise themselves to strengthen their re- bigious ammeters. This w&. the lest subject co the program. and after • few votes of thanks the targe The Ottawa Free Pre.ta, owner by C. W. MIT. ort1, the brainy brother of the bowling deryi.h who three the crank os oar local ooatempor$ry, is playt*g .wilt music for Hoa. JAY Sea PA'rroa•.o', the groat Canadian War Lord, to demos to .ew- &days' Hon. Elsie %HD ili.ti*'s address to t►. Bestoaleas, ea Howe Rale for Irwla.d. (iesetly, met with • hearty ropes Leese Wm pocketbooks of his auditees. The re- sult w thew over 1t5,000 was /aimed. tkleke'.speech may bays been silver batthe siimt action d the andteeo0 wee midi of tis greeny !'ride, etilfislmagne, .teger. gathering was dismissed and departed foe/ Tetptatio., awd last though tele least, the I Mg that they had spent a profitable day to Sleet '4atan, "the regwterly at*tads Sebbea having met together in this t1eillleeetb ae- acbool earl church to secure hes prisese and ou {mud oveejion. M tem as totorked at • d thorn down to eternal , We stay I p.wvioas rna.tiag "Thu shiner See .mets to rag overcome thole Meta by and using the itelmme ant iter Mrs. Dia tbskwite Wilma from the I:vee elINFONIM AIOA--(mag them age suet jealevey, -, mwtaor w 1.10114.04 ts.ebiag them tie Seeutity of • sacrifice for ser, end ampetHri_i ea them the neoes•ity of wort in preemies their R S. lemma. to order to know them so wail that Obey wet natio", and be ebb to correct any made by the teacher or other b " .i the .dose. M God .lay:" we may tenet another ..gristles will los held about tbm first of peramsy. 1896, in the village of lesatem.on.---- AIT01ZN00N emaalON. The subject, " The 1Ll•tioa that Should Exist Between the Teacher and His (las," was introduced by W. Bailie. it Auld be a relation of mutual love, eo that teachers and echelon would remain each ether. To a0000pli•h this the teach Mould know the surrowadiara of the pupil both at bone and abroad, that he may more f011y .ympa thine with, sod love them, Tiosim must study the cheeseter of each child. They should romper their scholar" whenever sed wherever they see them. They should he the webers from Monday mors►ng till ileaday might. Litton el kerbstone might be written to the sthole by those teachers wbo have rot the opportcsiy of visiting them. The teacher should invite his class to visit him .t his Boma. i)tscuasioe brought out that the teacher should be • kind of Bible dictionary to his clam. The word " natation " Implies that than i. • eoam.ctio• between the teacher sad his clam as of brother and Meter, parents mad children, &c. Fnoont%gamsus and Research of S. Workers,' was John McLean's subject. He reterred to the disoonraromeets and m- oouregsmms of the prophet Elijah, tom- wffa them with these of the S.S. workers. Faithful..= to duty Mims moose. and ea oouragemm•t. Sabbath school workers are eseculuged by the attendance of the parents sod friends ot tite pupils, as well as by the regular attsda.oe, prompt meatiest and orderly ..redact ot the pupils. They are also oftm encouraged by kindly acts and words of o.mmleadation and by the study of the Rible. Teachers faithful in their work will rmesivs their reward. The trine of that reward will be acoording to the work done. Teachers will be rewarded by seeing their pupils .everted. Teachers will he greatly rewarded at the end of ht. U they oda lock back over their lives and 1m that they have been lives of usefulness. Rat the greatest reward will be received when they pt to ).area and hear the Well Dose" from the Master. All work does for the Master will receive We reward. In discussing Neu subject it was remarked that the err' attandeaae at this oo.vention is as encoaragentemt *ad reward to the S. S. workers. "The Te•thiag of an Intenmedi•teClam.," was the mit is the program. This was dose by Mrs. ('. (;Irvin an mob a• interest beg manner se to hold the .tteetic l of tlem class. TM pr&ouaal and .piritwaltesehings of the kenos were acted mud dwelt upon. 1. the di.ruaice that followed it was re marked that the epplieotine of practical &ad spiritual truths should net be tett till the dem of the Ieasnn, bat should be made ase of at suitable eppertsnities during the temr►iag of the Lessem. TM subject " Hew Can the Sabbath school Aid the Missies Geese' " was lets.• domed by lira 8. Poetised. of 1)0 The We el Christ was dovetail to Ohm mi.• ienery saris He said " As the Father hath met re, eon se mud i yes." The sep�irriitt 1 tbiskl1e�jg for sad `{ivieg to ethers ebewY be m.afe•ted is i1@ Weis el the ebild/w. Tomb them that they bays • part to de ie Mahn the minden a mese. That the Sabbath wheel may aid the esit lea MOOD '.1sa1.17 .Bsrkep 'toad be edleta sl fres the..Been. After the Seam& smiler p .s ham boom reed by tib shed- der 111.4 demes cad red them he the lane• eleausise, Woks hash is do bidede MIMI wed �.1 .N eetles w ARRESTED IN WINNIPEG. A rattier mesa Sea Mowed Wilt► Meat - tae hearty ael1.e010 Wen* et Mee, tilmceirori, lulu., Feb. fl. -A sensational arrest was mads bore yesterday. H. A. Hacked and his won have been hero for some weeks without any. •ppereat name and yesterday they were arrested.. They are waned at Farmington. Maass on . ebat,o of stealing between 1110,OOb and *AO worth of booth. They had 010 and were of attempting W in Nash posstn at one negotiate et ons of the .;Ity bsik.. An officer is now on the way from Maine to institute extradition proceedings The Empire its finding great fault with A. 11. Kato. cork 1 the Tomato asenty evert, bemuse lama year he _Besseded in gettieg 06,500 out of it, as emboli IMAM dwrf.g kis Bret Tear of .Aida. it The 8m• pica maid ...ee.d in improving its bunnies' is the same proportion it wool/ mot les so great • harden epos its shareholders. The New York gun say% that Ail - miral Be.eAV'e wander te the rebel Br•ri11an Admiral pm 11 AM s, " It o.eoamry, will leak yse," was set a phrase that eel live is history. Whet Admiral BrYuir .heuld 1010 .ignelled to Putt our esd;bett. New York ...temporary, s, "t'home it, may, er 111 1•m1haste yet wid torpedo. beim, de water 1in." Thr U.ders /..ofM. Inas tastes .tsiieirlly, in keeper with eeiar lands% A remedy must he pow. ..tirh teemMmw , purity ethee M truly be.dsid !la West and ..�/�l� tae from every ebee.M.&►Ie goal- ie*. fl really Ill he eemselt. • pbysei•.: if o.rtiyabd be sees the reads family laxa- tive, Myra, el Figs Loris P. Kele, tee+try of Th. I.:repine is cwt with the ,..•peels. of his am lour - saline i vee/en " i1. Advesea," to be de- voted to the hereof ntne.4 generally tad the .sem 1 s.Ij.peo1Mtien im parMewly. Unwary WA M the dry so ht the Stmt Iona Lt *Ness: 1■ istrdocieg the subject "'rhe beet Method of Promoting Tympanums i. the Sabbath School," Rev. 1) Rodgers spoke in *Sett se follow.: Promotion is better the. cute. If we would save the world from the i&ga0a,4 of loiuee we mast save Nes childr'e. Syme time ego we were trying to keep w from the liquor, Des we aro trying to keep the bgoar from mem. Temperaac* may be bees promoted In Sebbath school as follows: (I By all its teachers precutting abstiassam (2t by imparting good temperance We chilmance ties c ,..3) by 's'sowers/rimito TM Missile $teemeklp Teel. 11oevweat, Feb. II -The dspatehn stating that a steamship pool le being formed h& London for the purpose of ad - Tensing rats addle that the Montreal Hues are in it. A prominent sures.sbtp agent mei that lie bar been waded of the meet• ing 1►y 114. .4emtery of the conference. Th. latter suited that the mooting would take place in London on Febrmary 1 be- tw.en repreeeotetivar of the English and continental flus and that the meeting, promised to teach • harmonious coneln- aiou. 8o far as the l.,cal gentlemen knew' the trouble was In the cutting of rates by the N -stadia line, which tbia season was going to ran a direst lin. of stamen be twee% Gothenburg and Christine and Montreal and tlnebec. This line has been advertiaf g extensively • reduced rate of (area, both cash and prepaid The regular .t.orage rate with the other lines wad PM single fare, but the Stencils people pro posed to rat it down to $15. The mooting in •matron was caped ,for 114. purpose of dealing with the mater Tbe agent had not leant of any eoMempls/d mere• . in the rate, for the eml itg aeosea a Hatless n..klreeper Abw•.r.4. 11AI.VaN. Feb tl - A 21 year 01.1 book k.►pwr in a *Vater alre.t merehant'a nils has left for the States and his Minks show shout $1,100 out of war. 11e was only menet, married here. the money taken coven quite • length of time HL father Se mid to be making •r ewes to meat lee de(lott Theyeesg wife has goes hook to her peseta - wore 1. new Hamb.rg. New H .worn. Oat , rein fit --• teame dwelling was t.Wly destroyed by Sm here lest night. 1t behoved to Hee (Oita. Perom meat Man cad Leer oe,eamy eyed was heated. • BRUCEFIELD. Tla•UAY, Feb. t, David Moore, of T.deemesit►s kora be[on his apprenticeship ee Ute. with S. Penick. d thialliall - O. Sande Ilial I�week tie spirit of Mrs. M.*Qss� ini tie both.•• realms of blies." 1Y odd d Mach was • shock to sneer. tem* they Insole bar days won tillteL. did net think the sed .o rear. TM Moaased was anise for one week and the disease was pleariey. Her 6 preceded her seem years aro. The deosmed leaves • grwwu-.p family who mourn the toot of an esdeari eg mother. The feasts! takes pisco tomorrow to place of interment te liatrd'. cemetery. The .oerow-.tnckeo family .ad relative. have tie.ympathy of the satin neighbor hen and are commended to Him who May. " Though thy father sad mother forsake thee yet the Lord will take thee up." TOO MANY BOYS' Overcoats. No room to carry them over, so we've made prices that'll push them out. Cost doesn't cut any figure. It'lly you to anticipate the Boy's needs and buy one for him to grow into. 50 Boys' Ulsters, for 5.00. .00 ei Pea Jackets, 3.20. :4.00 Overcoats, 2.�5t0. $3 50 " tt 1/ . 0. Equally interesting quotations for Men's Coats. The assortment is broken, of course, but not nearly so much as the price. It isn't time to talk of Spring (foods yet awhile. It may be all right to get in advance copies of the Annual Spring Sonnet and set at rebt the mind of the anxiously expectant editor who may be worrying_ about the crop being short, but there'll probably be a Nor'wester or two before the "Gentle Annie variety arrives. In the mean- time, your stock of Underwear may need replenishing. The most trying season has yet to come. and wise people will be more particular about being warmly clad during this period than any other. There never was a time when good Underwear could be bought as cheaply as now. $1.50 Quality Men's Underwear, 89c. 44 " tt 75c. 1.00 " 62c, .65 " ti di 42c. 1.25 Ladies' Vests, 73c. 1.00 " 57c. .35 " Children's Vests, 16c. Never mind the loss. Most of it's back of us. The op- portunity is yours, and there shouldn't be any t abort it being good policy to buy for next season at these prices. One week more of 20 off on all grades of Boots and Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes. Fine Shoes. Coarse Shoes, High Priced Shoes. Low Priced Shoes, the products of the best manufacturers, at less than manufacturers' prices. Don't miss the chance. Children'WoolHo r, Jackets, Oaps, &c , Half price or Any price