HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-8, Page 2L THE SiGNAL: f:()DFRTCH. ONT.. THITl2CDA1'. FF,I;ItITAI;Y A, 1.94. ?!stlelllns Quad*. twins SHUSH RAILWAY. illatissehn ass amino Detlealeh as f01- . .Salva ......-..tMpns. and Hamm .. .. ......... . .. .... t al pas. wad Q Noun ...•.... f.Nam and Semen LS/ m, Dsst1 T. M. IEICHOLSON, LD.S.--DENTAL roams upon '. Past Ores. Mostar. oedartoa. AU Misdeed a.4 appeared local saasehatfea sa band toe Imola. tem*. Safely RS: S. RICHARDSON, L D. B,. E/ aurttese demist. Gee and vitalised Mr aarer d for psititees etetreeds. of teak. .newtonto the pnaerv.tIoe the natural thane—L'p male. e)pera Homo entrance as West - at . 0oderiek. stet -I► __ 1Dadlcal, DR HCIITKR, PHYSICIAN, Sill ,see•.. etc. inane -McLain', Mock, Mont ma -et. Stahl valet frau British 'Exchange Hetet. 13 ly DRS.o►4ANNON s 811Ahi1OIE,- Physictaa.. .%Ivsaae.tc. U. C. an.xwon.—lteeid..... apiar.t ease, anal. J. H `iirs arore.—ReridNord est, Norat, ehp- Model .t•h.wL MPION A JOHNSTON, BARRIS- tar� /allouon, K D dm- t}}ewiwieh. -Oren Je.rdau • Dr 1L CAJr- Itm.. , Q. CHSIN ., it. u. JON a le ER TOIrTI S E DANCEY, BARR AA Solicitor. Conve)sneer. tc.. etc. ts mem ■t 4..we.' rates. Ilorton's Bock. Pent. ('ulb,rue Doled (3odrrieb. One. D II. 4. 11 r, BARRISTER, PR(TC- . terter is Maritime Courts of Oataro OtRs► th Colborne t-oi0t. U13 O. HAYS, (SOLICITOR, Le. R. °Mee. weer of aware .M Wed dews Uodrei. ever aolgwl/h on aePri- vot0 stores, d►to lead .t lowest tales of inter est. 11!eir GARROW & PROUDPOOT, BAR- rtnen, Attorneys, Solicitors. am, God. Wk. J. T. llwow.lye.. W. Peoudtoot. CAMER)N, HOLT IHOLMES, Deriders. Solicitors la Chancery, tc, 0oderizh. M. C. (Lateen. Q.C. ; P. 0a1 ; Dadloy Holire. O. WARD, CONVEYANCER, J• ate... and commissioner for Wtt1nng and re - c lvfa. recars..ao.a of tall. .tlld.vlts o aekreatto.e, depositions or so lama dealers - Mae I. tie o.sn.r.ilaoog Sty .diets. sett or pro- m 112 High Court Judice. the f>Mmtof Appeal for Ontario, or m any ()meaty es vMos Coats, AU trea..otl.aa err. wat+ew...oatIt.da..o.aer �*. . Masihaataar 11f1sa$u$S. GODER�QH mummer INSTI• TUTS 13ARY AND RIADINU- I1110014, our. of Salt street and Spats (up Open from 1 toe h a.. sad from r lee le r.a. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. L.adiny Nally, Weekly and llla.trakd Papers, Mayuzwiea, eta, oft Ale. ILE RLRt1HIP TICKET. ONLY •r. graatlag fres ..e of brary and legal Apptl.attow for seemh.rakip received W Librarian. la room. tl.aMITH. GEO. STiVIN, President. Y..rotary. Sed.rleb March Nib Ile. Knitting PM0611117. NEW KNiTTiNO FACFORY.-T o adersi,lnod bets to women to the Pub- lic that he l... Stied op premises with the trotand m et Improved knitting machinery wbioh will he run by a thoroughly exper.enoed operator. and le prepared to do the heat yuai ity of knitting at very reasonable prices themes awl others bringing in their own pars to be kali into stock ilige. socks. etc.. will be liberally and promptly dealt with. Orders left at int store. air. Victoria earl Bruealta.. will receive prompt attention. D. K. !WRAC!! AS. AINSIMINANWINg. TH•llEAB t3h71rDRT, AUCTIONEER arid insurance Aeeat. Ooderleb, Out laps. London aad Lancashire Firs Ina Co and (dose District Hanel Ins. CO. Sales st- Melded to In any part of the comity. fitly Tt.0011 KNOX, GENERAL AUO- Veneer •ad Land Valuator. Oodetieb. Having had eossidersbie (xperlsm* la .eotioaerri trade. he V in a poMtls. to aroe with thorough eatiaaadUoa W moo letteatru,led to bins. Order*l0at s Hotel. or ,sot by mall to his P.O-. earefally .trended M. JO Oeeaty Am:densar. NMI lloelssiiN. 4 CANADIAN ORDER Or HOME v Ch0Ma-Aedriek Cinis, No 1K meets Hamby of seek timed' (a die Mil over iI0lr0L adieu apical bidettu last. la gad .lee beaeau[ D. CALBICK. • k. J. ACHI9O7t. Treasureer; E. ARMOR 8.erstmrv. 1111.Irr Dental Announaslar sst TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN ve Tge cat ter AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S DReTaa sautes. spERi ROWSE Mists' WEST -STREET CI E, ONT. It iamb 0, unlimited eatiefaetle.- arae . p4.IHeefwl end eadanimase ��e��teuts��e m that 1 hawve the tSsaa�limage y .ad mem := r '"IsZreete during W .etraat .. Mote et MEV MAW u► mrd lads d, peer hi hi Iteho� ens didesese Silgan _TI-2Q>a1RYM 7POID1'r� 10= M tllflre ate n psAlle,ttb peret/sss On was Msec. Win 111{1 >a IWOKU o■elf. SOS A Racking Cough Carrel hy Ayer's 011 Pectoral. Aire If. i). l l.t 1.1 . X11 0 c .wee Tiaetptrt, X. Y.. say*: '-over thirty 'o'ari► riga, I memh:•r beating my radars deseribr, the v. •.a.l•r- fnl en -ware efi.•. is of Ayer's \�'h."•rr,; P•eL,ral. Dllritiea T'r'eat sitne•Iga.t Is Greope, whle'h r•,.anned the forte\.nf a eatarrh.eu ere•• of the lungs. a. Coal - by as a,arracating Bough. I us. .1 v artoom reatesins and preseriptiotts. \C Tib :etas of th:'?e medl. itisd partially► fillet ttt..1 the con, :,lug attiring the da) none oft Leet affuret.d me any relief from that speernes ie- sited of the longs whish wowld set lige the r.trwieat I attempted to lie dolt uatnight. After team etrive an..b ni; has I was Nearly in Despair, an.l 7..-.1 uboulacci lel to sit up a:1 night in uty easy elcdr, and pr.. urs• w hat sleep I cent(' in that war. It then a.•_ Mitred 4, me that I lull a lmdtle of A)ers Cherry Po.•toral. 1 toek a spoonful of this l'rep:trutk,n In a little ttat,•r, 01:d w av :IMO to I,.• .1"eau s ithonj roughing. In ft w nano. I fell .L •p, and aw..k.• in the morning greatly refreshed and f.v Eng much better. I took a re asprxanhi: of ah. 1'. e- t.•ral every night for a Creek, then gr.'.I- n.liy dere'., d the dose, and in two tea cls n.v eouerh was cured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prep -reel by Dr..t. C. Ar.r a t•o., 1 owe:1, Y.•r. Prompt to act, sure to cure CRISP AND CASUAL It is eetamated that Hutt., Montana, will produce 130,000,000 p•unda of copper this year. The distance from the farthest point .• puler discovery to the pole uses is 460 tadsa. Small ).r('sated rde^k do not .ripe or sicken. 7ltee'i t ua1 A heliotrope hedge, 200 teeloon, is to Ventura,C he seen op the premises of a Cal , florist. Sweat (moonlit; of nearly 99 per cent. of water and • little over 1 per coot- of saline matter. Tom --How old :s your sister Mabel ' Ned —Her count, do you mean, or family Moble record ' Ih. I.,w', Sulphur Sosp is • dcliehtful shampoo. It cleanses the scalp and darkens qt.y heir. 4 11,uossot* gets • revenue of !x1,500,000 a year from the groes sarotors of the railroads In that State The ,entity of oranges and lemons raised in Southern Italy lest year is pieced at 57,000 toes. 1t is estimated that then are 3.000 mere paupers in L•,ndon than these were this time • year ago. Among all nations the weight of the male brain is generally 10 per cent. htavier than that of the female. It is reported that the eagles •long the 00sa0 coot of the State of I%aenIogton ate Lenge ex formulated. Pal., weak women need • taste, strength living. dash Molding medicine like Milburn', Beef, Iron and Wine. 4 The Phillipi.e Islands export more than 100,000 agars annually, almost 3,000 toss of coaee and 220,000 tone of sugar. Worms cause ser ions giddies. Dr. Low's Worn Syrup destroys an,t expels all kinds of worms eutckly and lardy. 4 Queen Victories crown u worth 11,200,- 000 I c torts in interest 136.000 • year for the headpiece which she never wears. in Magid, l.dia, there are tbreeban'ests reaped every year : pew and oil seeds in April, the early rice crop in September., and the great rice crop in December. Daring the cholera plague of 1965 the greatest mortality at Rome and Madrid mu es Sundays ; at London and Berlin on Wednesdays ; at Paris on Saturdays. The white folks spend • great deal of time and messy trying to curl their hal., and the colored people p•Irouini every ped dler who sells • decoction warranted to take the curl out. N.Itkwhoff, of Geneve, says there are 311.000 blind persons lm Europe, mostly from fever, and that 75 per cent. would have kept their sight had they been pro- perly treated. l'aptain Sweeney, t . S. A. San Diego, ('al , says : ' Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the tint raw, cine i have ever toed that would .in r.. any good •' Priori 50 conte ',.1d by all :vrgida • w le by lee made wee Siad. When the stove pipe season has psaaed, and the bruises sad abrasions of footle!: are forgotten, when the mother in la+ joke jets well wore that its hotter use has been Wooed, then don mankind tura to the dsk for amnement : for the dude is • large lamgibility, and he has hie sea Amadei the gamin is nee. Good Vie.• says th.t he teas walking} alarm the .treats and met • little boy who asked hi.n the time. ' Ten minutes to sum," alar the dude. Wetl," says the hay, "at mine o'clock get your hair eat.- and he took to his heel• and nn, the dada alter him. when, turning • owner, the dude came in oeett ct with • policeman, n early ksleeking him (Iowa. \V hat's ap•" sai4 the pniteemisa. The dada, tory much oat of hreatk, said '•'. we lee time young . rehis running along there' He asked see the time. I told him tom mimutes to mise, and he said, 'At aiw o'clock get year Mir • " "Wall,'• say the polioeml•., 'what are you rimming ser T %N'veeight mistress mare yet.' He tuned, wean privatise Mae, To the o.lmpany that woad have owned Rat sow oke MS goat erea't seely, Reoaasa Feeljse's 1 toispee eared him - Isaaranee leans. A map& heavy atlirt Maa!ese ..t ..gar e,t.g4 NE WAS A TEETOTALER. Now a Moor Irt.h Car prise, Otauesiee4 a 11,.etor .f Itlletrlty. 77ir fcdlow'►tt;. narration is made in -' The Life of Dr Thomas 1 int brie, by his Nn, of the coovrniun to total eb stile -nee of the great divine and writer o' tine Sc• etisb church I►nriug the ea - reminder e.( his Tong life Dr (Ireton/ was an indefatigable pr. *cher against inter lordlier awl was the originator of rag grad N'buole. which beme'le a uati.,nal femme He was ever a pfuuiwr in re- form morerueute. an.l not onlc tiaeat Britain but the world owe* much to his :salty to adcaoce the tl ght and the clear vieinu with whie•h he worked for Lk. ftit are. 1 waw first led," he told a te'btperance me•''ing in (Belfast in Pet-: • to form a hitch opinion of the cause of temp ranee by the bearing of an Iriahmau. It is now feint, V. ,years ago. 1 hal left Omagh un A butter, biting, blasting .Lay. with a !w..hing ruin and hail to travel a'rtaa a cold country to l'e..kstou. Well. by the time we get over half the sort we readied a small ion, into which we went as r.ilort to sore'a of weather run into the f•rst haven By this time we Wer' ssakiug with water ontai•le, and as thetics were the days not of tea and bind. tint of toddy drinking. we Ilion ;lit the best way was to soak our ,selves with whiskey inside "Accordingly we rushed info the iuu. lerel warm water Soul got our tutu b of toddy l Int of kindness to the ear river we cnik'd him in Hr was not ver well clothed --indeed he rather be to ' in that respect to the order of my mote, ,,School in Edinbnrgh. Ile wast "tusking wet. and we offered him a good rummer of toddy- We thought that what warreanc'e for the goose was ranee for the gander. but the ear driver war not such ader a= we. like gee.. took him for H*wonll not taste it 'A hr. we asked t objection have yon7" Said he, 1' . your riv'rence. I'm a teetotaler, and •wuti t taste a drop of it.' "Well. that stunk in buy throat. and it went tom heart. i in another sense than drink though. It went to my head. Here was au humble uncultivated. un- e.lncated Homan (catholic carman, and 1 and, 'If that man min deny himself this indulgence. why should not 1. a Christian minister" t remembered that. and 1 have ever remetulrh tl it to -the honor of Ireland 1 have often told the stony and thought of the emineple set by that poor Irishman for our people to fol- low. I carried home the rtatltfpbraace of it with mo to Edinburgh That cir- cumstance. along with the seems in which I wag called to labor daily for year, male rue a teetotaler *tend . Child Shall Lead Thr.,." Little Edith was It bright little tem penance girl of r, year., but her heart Iv y the sad scenes, he vt hoors,thongh her home waa lovely enough to in e any tittle boy or girl happy The beau tifnl river Hudson flowed calmly by and above the tall trees that nodded their drows heads over the river rose the lofty leaks of the Catskill monntaius. Her home was a neat. white. cheerful cuttagr that stood not far from the woods. Her parents were what the people now mall good, honest people, but her father hal been not tette than three roars ago a pour drunken marl who had hero mooned hy the beautiful words of (Pod. and he sown developed iutn a splendid miller Edith was in the habit of taking her father's dtuner daily to the mill, but on the occasion of my story she started ear lier than usual When .he had gotten about half wsy. she saw a poor than ly Ing at the foot of a tree appnr.ntly drunk She hurried on to toll her father what she hal .iron. the etory of which brought tears to the gond man's eyes to think he had once been in that condi- tion, but had h.en saved She bad heard of drunken men being saved by the singing of a hymn. an she - resolved to do this and try to rescue the man. It did not take very king for her to reach the ,.pot where he lay She stepped quite ont of sight and began pinging the hymn. •'( Mt of Darkness 10 to Light.- it was evident that the man paid no attention to her singing until she came to the' part. -All thy talents we have wasted. all thy lawadio,beyed. " After the little girl had finished her singing the Ivor pian arose and went to his miserable hnt. where he sat down to think what thew words meant. Ile thought of ever so many meanings, int none united hint until he found .out the tree n.eaning, and he derided not to drink any more. but to obey tied. Than this poor roan was brought to walk in the "path of light. "—Exchange. Nerrdtiary Aleehe 4... ,-ar.fnl stony of many cases by earl on. observers shows that heredity is the most prominent earlse and is preaent in over an per cent of all inebriates. An- other active factor, mon' apparent and controllable in the problem of inebriety. is that of marriage. At present the in dee(riminate marriages are largely in- flnential in intensifying and continuing the alcoholic stream. Criminals, pan pers. inebriates and others notoriously tar down nn the mal to diasolatiioa are permitted to marry and raise C'6ildren freighted with • truly frightful legacy of degeneration. it is this defective heredity tion' n.d and intensified by marriages with ,,Ruble bad stock that is the great fountain spring from which inebriety comes Alcohol, oC all other dtuga. arena to intensify and provoke mita,.., awl the most favorable coodl- tions for the destruction of cell Aoki nerve force—Dr. P. D. Crotbers. Twwp•aMM Thirty rine minion OW hundred and seventy live thousand 'hnndnwl and nineteen barrels of domestic hoer were ronanmsd in the I'nfted Mates last year. or over half a barrel for every man. woman and child. (1.rl ie hard to Sol for the men who seeks him with a brittle In his remittal) pocket. in 1102 John P fit John was indicted ;Ind trial in Illinois for the crime of f.. line • fti.Ritive .I*v*. Erni the jnry fir quitted him. Train op ynnr child in the way be should go. but be carwfnl to lead the way y..ortestf (hit of 1e business failures in (aliforr nim luring a recent week, a were saloons ,and I a wholesale liquor dealer. no commas tlsfi.dr. Crow w laitd.: n. Net of t►N hI Hn no 'Me Of wwM los gleaned eh ofireIlled let him acre►," 1 tea tee. M rowans shoe.. that sc•.tt,ee testd a C few (Iara seal u 77ss esM ng **a MIbruws et lite-(bpywastir 1 illeYa Jecac' ksadc an rev+Nns FREE GUARDS. A 1NsWvraeen la Orrb.rds wtl e Aboard. It is a.tuuiahiag how lunch two or three rabbits can du M orchard in a single night o f had an orchard of se �sSS test, ..n open around, aIy use aid that of a neighbor. The ereb.rd was well cultivated, and the ground kept entirely avisar of all weeds and trash, and as my neighbor kept two !bunting dogs. which made it their l,uaiiw s to kill every rabbit that vett turned into that locality. 1 thought it en tinily unnecessary W pnwide any pit teeti.,rt for the trims. Late in the win ter. there came alight tall of snow ac ►le.. — Wu% 1-N TNE-r. 0 -AND. cotnlanied by severe cold weather. 1 looked over the on•bard the following morning, ane not a track of any kind was to le neon, but the second niurnittg 1 noticed a few rabbit tracks, and. to my great surprise. 1 [t,aud that fnlly one thiel of the tote's had been gnawed, four of them being completely girdled. The track,: showed 1daiul that the mischief bad been done .v ral.bite. My neighbor brought his dogs and wes hooted the entire locality over. but we could only find two rah bits, in the stomach of which we found tree barb. We followed their back tracks and found that they hal conte from a swampy tract. six miles distant. 1 immediately bound np the wounds on the treee with.strila of cloth. and. fir 50011 as the ground thawed a little. 1 took four inch drain tiles. broke them open lengthwtoe andt removing the cloth, enclosed each of the trees with one ..1 them, binding them together with small wire These tikes were then filled with fine soil, and kept full until tine first of t tetober, when they were opened and the trees examined, In ever Instance the wounds were entirely iti. lit fir .-« ' -r- Irlt• )-1n. 2. — IME. el' ev TED TREE healed. the bark having grown over them and the tress were in a healthy, thrifty condition. In a few cant.s root, had started ont from the edges of the Dealing wounds, but the autumn druoth had stopped their growth. During the last three veer., I have tiled quite a large number ..f injured trees for neigh - bora and friends. and in every instance they have healed completely. It is advisable. however, soya a writer in American Agrcultnrist, to adopt efectivetneaenrea for preventing injury to trees by rabbits and mice, and thin save much labor and anxiety. It can ire done easily and cheaply, .ss follows Take common plastering laths sail rut them in halves. then, with fine wire. weave five to eight of the pieces togeth er. at the top and bottom, am shown in Fig. 1. the mune as wire and lath fence is woven, and set them around the trees, as seen in Fig. 2. giving the ends of the wires a twist about each other, to hold them firmly in position. This makes a very effective and cheap guard, eighteen inches high. and one that will last fonr or fire years. 1f the laths are dipped in credo petr►1enni, they wittiest ten years. and prevent pigs and sheep, as well as rah4.ite and mice, from injuring the treat _ w".terl,g Name dant., Planta may be injured by too fre fluently watering the surface of the toil To water thoronghly, when the plants require it. is essential, sod this 1. the Tmethod. Many plants, when a ball of roots is formed, do not get enough when it is applied in the way. as it rant r. the surface or' Tory through the pots. next the out- side, without wetting the roots at all. it is a good plan. and a saving of time, Doer a week, to plana the poet in s deep vessel, so that the water will come over the tops of the pot, and leave them for an hoar or two. or until the air babbles masse Syringing over and under the surface of the leaves will not only keep them clean and free from insects, but will afoul mach of the moisten re quired. It is better not to water an.. plants until they htdicate the need by the drooping Lave., then writer thor onghly '1 Ornament the R.orl.ld.. The general appesranee of the mad side ran he mncb improved by clearing np the brash and loise fencing mated sl. and by not nsing the roadside as a damping ground for rubbish. Plant a few shade trete npon one aide only, es pw'ially if the road runs north and south. as large tress ow both sides shade the mad so densely that it dries mit very sl..wly after each rain. A few apple, or other standard fruit trees, with proper care, can he made to floarlM and to es vainable along the rose ie M in the orchard. ' lt` Awn Peels. There are two iinsdred and seventy six different hitt& of plants which are eaten and relt.hed by vows (bets est four hundred and ferty nine difereet plants or voaetahlsv Sheep eat three hundred and eighty maven variative, while the horse will taste of only two bemired and sixty two. and the hog rejects all but seventy two different kinds of ford. Amo of dstieb Oaks. The lits of fres is deninsinsd very largely by climate- Actual .xp.il t has shown that the English omk far is Maack oaater ee sad eoa»geesl dies, sower ha (Used. than t.The lNles�otf seetimestress the water e..& bat «a a t►a a years, mil kitol000 EX -MEMBER PARLIAMENT REUBEN E.TRUAX A SHORTENING. Down the street through the busy way A lady passel on marketing day. Who, patinae at a grocery store, Stepped quickly in at the open door. With bated breath and anxious mien She queried : "have you COTTOLENEi"" The grocer, leaving off his Work, Interrogated every clerk ; But none up to that time had seen An article called " COTTOLEKE." "What is 41?" said he to the dams. "That answers to this curious tame. What is it made oil What's Its use? My ignorance you'll please excuse." "You're not the nerchant for my dimes. 1 see you're quite behind the tinier. For C.OTTOLENE, I'd have you know, Is now the thing that's all the go, An article of high regard ; A healthful substitute 1ur lard, Its composition pure and cleat ; For cooking give me COTTOLENL." As from his store the lady fled, The grocer gently scratched his bead -- On his next order, first was Well, "(Aur dozen :rut COTTOLAXB." Axle four (:rover for iL Made only by 1N. K.- FAIRBANK & CO., Wallington and Ann Stroatt. MONTREAL. CHUNKS OF WISDOW. - Hon. Reuben E. Truax, op st Canada's ablest thinkers and Nate` men, a man so highly esteemed by the people of his district that be was honored with a seat in Parliament, kindly furnishes us for publication the following statement, which will bp most welcome to the public, inasmuch as it is one in which oU will place implicit confidence. Yr. Truax says • " I have been for about ten years very much troubled with Iniiigestiios and Dyspepsia, have tried a great many different kinds of patent medicines. and have been treated by a number of physicians and found no benefit from them. 1 was recom- mended to try the Great South American Nemne Tonic. I obtained a bottle. -and -1, must way I found very great relief, and have since taken two mon bottles, and now feel that I am entirely free from Indigestion, and would strongly recommeud all my fellow -sufferers from the direase M give South American Nervine an immediate trial. It will cure you. -REUBEN E. TRUAX, " Walkerton, Ont," It has lately been diseavered that certain Nerve Centres, located near the base of the brain, control and supply the stomach with the alert - nary nerve force to properly digest Hope is the chief blessing of man. 'The law is the measure of civil right. No baan can be happy in total 101•0e.s. It is better to. suffer a roae thee to do II. The first step tc peones. is to be hoe e t, Noman hats. worm as he hat., . vl- He that is never violent will cot often he , iolrnt. Very azar to admiration is the with to admire. The excessive of hope must be expiated by paw. Nothing so evidently pr iest'Mom a. imitation. Fancy u always to act in subordination to retaa00. A man should keep hie friendship in coo- s tan t repair. -.. she brightest i"asiiae of suceess u not without • cloud. 1 i there were no wwerdice there would be little insolence. )Ve must watch the present moment, •ad employ 11 well. Every hand adds to the happinem or mis- ery of mankind. Nothing which Ms Ids for its basis can boast much stability. Lite hes so pleasure higher or nobler than that of friendahtr. While pills and other purgatives only re Mee biliousness and react, leaving their victim. more Frooe to slugeiabtree of the liver, Iieljay • Liver Lozenges care po•itiv• sly and per.uaeestly. Weed.' of Aaek.. Ex prerdewt Harrison, in recent ad - drew hetore the stodeits of • business co! - lege is the States, said "Aod mow, young gentlemen, a few words baying a more specific application to yon sod to this later - tieing event in year lives. You are to re irate busiaeaa That is a very broad word is the dietiosary, but we Mr. narrowed it in use. la the street it baa to do calyy with team •,tions that east be vxpre.e.d in fignrea Adding., awbtractiou aad division are its ekesrests, and the succ•mfol business man is he who works all of his problems by ad- dition mei leave, subtraction and division to hie competitors- 1 do want to otfcr you nae or two sngeestiooa. Aod the first is that a goad character for integrity, for trrthfulm.ss,for fairness - is the etremgeet lifting force that my yousg man cam carry into and threegb his bomsese life. Let fidelity to year watehwotd : how ever oka its t e t , lot it to don. with imisbil however small the trust, tkww be default. A cheerful taxa and spirit !has "Jorge oommer::al es- timation. The M odds, mumbles protests over his week ostia ant Barytes too first re election d tad tees,. To make one's self the saisa thrill, mon in the shop, or store er ages. la Ilse Met anurance of pr- m...eey mai et edesees• Feelja e 's LivLaaa� Ns est Irlogteg the dead to life or Matlag u.lsard ell nir.ele., hat they are hshlrhmg haahth and eanabine to many • heats previously cloud• e4 with trnubl.e reeeltieg from billowing. s sad torpid liver. 26 eta • hoz at all dreg totes. For First -Class Footwear Faultless Fit and Finest Finish, in Foremost Fashions, at Fairest Figures, Find Granby Rubbers and Overshoes. THEY WEAR LIKE IRON. ALL DIAI4IS old. TRIM. Use ass in as, ly deranged the supply of nerve force is at once diminished, and as a reenit the food taken into the stomach is only partially digested, and Chronic It.di- gestion and Dyspepsia soon make their appearaeoe. South American Norrins- its 411 --- prepared that it acts directly es !!tie ' nerves It will absolutely cure every case of Indigestion and Dyspepsia, and is an absolute specific for all n ervous diseases and ailments. It usually gives relief in one day. Its powers to build rp the whole system are wonderful In the extreme. It cures the old, the young, and the middle-aged. It is a great friend to the aged and infirm. Do not neglect Louse this precious boon ; if yon do, yen may neglect the only remedy which will restore you to health. South American Nervine is perfectly safe, and very pleasant to the taste. Delicate ladiuy do not, fail to use this great curs,, Wow i1 will put the bloom of fntlfisai and beauty upon your lips ami in your cheeks, and quickly drive away your disabilities and weaknesses. Dr. ' W. Wsebburn, of New Richmond, Indiana, writes : "I bare u sed South American Nervine in my family and prescribed it in my practise. It is a most excellent the food. When these Nerve Cen- remedy." tT.gs_ NILS OWN Wholesale and Retail A �i,nt for Ooderich and vi(j Alp Pure QuIlls Make a better filling for Corsets than any other known material. "Featherbone" Corsets are tough- er and more elastic than any other make, as they are entirely filled with quills (Featherbone). To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores. TTEOZ0aa EW� TE03L04t1H q. n a�htti�dAMPORtIrhe FOREST (ITT N. !NESS AND SHORTHAND (OLLE(E, OF LONDON, gybe •es bed ttp�eesel1a.lt ereeeratiee for his cheers prefeede...m.ares sage+.es to every Medeot. Haylee irpiat11Mborn Tsars is Ms Claw Ramat sad rhe lanes le Int dmres sad tee. Profiler he O&M know new to t+epers Foe Fleck, tee basiessi. It 7 Ma ..heel that het • 1111111~ • ate..aorbas.mettst/age Teepees ea Taw�r, JWwi St* Coe (see. Geed beard, a. per week. J. W. WISTSRVHLT. Principal. ANDW000COAL Y11RD. Mpecial attention Iii. en In SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD., BECAIISE Head.inartera for all gnat... M t HWY DoesaRn. BARRY, the Uaietich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the bast stook of furniture .al undertaker's .urpling1 Aril how is Ulicit h1e own sell so cheepf 11110, SOFT 1 BLACKSMITH Coll \ eteal r•elekee en either market w myabaths es. amp Priam Ware aNeg .isowke .. TIMM CSM. ?i'1Nese g'..•elles. JOHJI & PLAIT, Pt iie Mute that it pays in obs keg ran. Hit motto h: "" Salall Prelim sod Qdek Re. tame." He ass makes s p er p ha.tis 1041. blas a eall`e`ah.tw . old a bead. NN'!