HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-8, Page 1VOL. XLV I. 2451 THE laELAMINTOr W8PAI ER OP HURON OOt TY_ THE PITH OF THE NEWS. Live Items fPom Ev.Pywhere. the West Ree., offlee Ml.Sa 0f rte tree& 1'tretdle re•ea/ed- Refer Mese ilea of Mel 'heater. of &reel Isuporlosee. . 01 J. IL Buell. County Att•.rrey for treads aid Grenville, is dead. Serious confines between Christians and Moslems are repotted in Creta Numen.no WLMee poutrages are report- ed to St Francis ('aunty. Ark. Two thousand coal miners lathe vkfoity .t l:ellaire, Ohio. are on strike. The Bank of England hao minced its rat.. of dl.e,unt (non S to 2i per o.it. 'extensive discoveries of gold haw been mete about torr mike from Maeiton, Col. The death is annonoeel in Engle:el of Mr Peter ReJpath. foia.rly •4 Montreal. R O. Dun & Cu. meet •u': (minima lit Canada the past Mei* against 40 last ear li:tsg R• hands of IMhomry Lai stir• r•.a.lered to the French and will be stet to Senegal A inevement Is now ort font in HalaNMs to reduce the number of shop if: enii tveus 34 to _:,. The N..r sweeter, Winnipeg s new after- • noon peal et, appeared for the first time Saturley. raw &eaten aged 103, dint .t the resiJeues of his cora, near N..rwo,A, oc .deday. Rev. T. Dewitt Talrsage will ge on a t..tir cif the astir during the ooming spring and enuttner. Au nnene earful attempt war male 'sot stele to blow up the City Hail at % trait :e•. Franc-. Then is now • daily thong' teas ewe . i.•e between Vancouver, L' C.. and 3sattle, W9skingtuo. ('id. 1 D. Beall, master in atonality -at Brockville. died .addeoly on Thursday eight, aged 07. It is smarted by the adi. ads of Sylvia teat king Alexander R r will abdicate iu favor of ex King Miles. Sevtu thousand spectators were At the taumli.a cbampwus!•ip skating ivies to alectreal ow Saturday. A Children's Aid Soti.ty was nrt;anizel fu rt Thomas by Snerrieeendet.t Kele amt Wedueedsy even:IN. The *mph .yes of McPli*Teou A t'.•.. lleueltnn, lave accepted s re.luctoon of 1V lir *'cut. in their ware. ,.sit U.•ntre*1 Judge Tait decided that the Ttoriuclal commercial tax ..:a trader" i• ..m.titutiusal and legal. Last V.'eduewlay the State entry .4 the h u►• of Sege -Coburg eud t • otba to Co Litrg, the =piled, took p!ai•e. Merlin°. the most notoriena of Italian tome -hie., we. rn..t. d in N,l,lek past t\ rdw.day, ,liniment as a privet Ald. Villeneui. 11.t'tel rotes. Mr )le Juatie 11.72e, was Um reknit of Thum4Iy's ,mayoralty couteit in Montreal A leak in the levee near !;acrameuto. I'al . has insndate.l and completely ruined SOO acres of valuable bop lents. East Hastings Patrons Lave nominated ,lames Balcaupnel for the tNimmons and 1% Idltam McLaren for the ie-gi►latnre. At St Hilaire, Ilene., , a fuurteetu year oLl son of I. A. Cbappelie accklaotal!y shot and killed a nine year old brother. An old man named Thnmns Gray. be- longing to Hamilton, died et the polite station at SL Catharines en Thursday., Sir Henry Pausnnhy, the t,tieen s private secretary, is .eriooc!y ill and iter Majesty to deeply °°waive: over kVA cocdltioa. Commencing Monday the fan on the Winnipeg street railway is 3 cents. Twelve tickets are sold for 23 rents and 50 for $1. The United States Senate Committee on Territories have now meter consideration tbbill mitaitting Arisenaas a State of the i'n'ns Mrs. Bendkt, a WORM r ' bans township, was gest! by Forbes at (latbant Saturday fur p neeti.Ltg medicine unlawfully. A despatch from St Paul states that Archbishop Ireland says there ie no foun- dation whatever for the rumor that be is to b. Mgr. Satolli's seeceeenr. Patrick J. Duffy, • mail clerk on the Northern Raawa , living is Toronto, was arrested laid W.deesday .barged with stealing $320 trots • registered Teter. Detroit Sunday papers, will so mora be allowed to be eo1•l or delivered In that lam Chief of folies Young has formally entified the newsdealer. to this effect. The Calnmet Coal R Cask Company of t.ettyabut'g, Pa, started rep their works Iaat week, after an idiotism of several months, giving employment to 800 men. Admiral da (lama fired on • German launch in Rio harbor, and the captain of a German rsan•of•war has threatened to .ink the rebel fleet if each a thing occurs again. Hon. Edward Blake addres.ed 3,000 wept* at Boston last Wednesday night, his subj.rt being home rale. His appeal for funds resulted in the raising of over 000. Mr. Joseph Thomann of Hamilton. moo f Robert Thomson, lumber mrrehant, ba. ''ought the old faint) tower and estate •if Ami.afisld, near Dnmtrisa, Scotland, for A rare with rails from New York to 1.0ndnn last week in which the steamers Mai/elle and New York partleipated re entre.' in a victory for the former of sev- eral hnnra A ynsng roan named Patriek of BIMi- fent town -hip. stn in law of Richard 'tick)e, Woodstock, was wombed to death while hauling logs to Mombassa asssa mill, t feast, run Wdeasley. ;emirs Hawkins, of lesegl.•. Vol* "'tali, N. 11 whn has lately died, woo inks married, woe the father of 24 child "U. 18 of whom aro living, and woven an "(111110 grasdsblMivew. lint mar tRtlr HwdriAa who was at LOOK AT THE DATI -or - YOUR LABEL THIS WIC]H]C- SEE THAT YOUR NAME: Ls MANKKU UP IN ADVANCE GODERICH, ONTARIO. CANADA. THURSDAY, FEB. 8, 1894. ✓ eeled in Drayton tut UN'uug a bora and rig front Newmarket 'deeded guilty before Judge Chadwick at (inelob, and watt ant meed to three years in penitentiary. Ata meeting of the Western Itairymeu'e Aewcfatiun directors in louden last Fri day a resolution was adopted urging that the Creameries Ansoeiatiuu, the F.astern Dairymen and the Wester"' Ilsirymen should aualgaaate. Corbett and Mitchell will give • repro meitation ret their Jacksun.Ule fight in New York ou the lith. the process's to kct far chanty -Honest Joi.u" Kelly, the • ane seconds. hottle holders, timekeepers and all hare promised to be uu hand. A fad of New York girl% thio winter is the wearing of little greets lizards. tethered with a gilt chain P. • ettrk pain. The Society for I'reventi.n, of ('ratty tis. Ani mals bas takeu the matter in h.uid and the pr:etice has been ordered stopped. During the great Allegorical drive on Thursday its 44uehe• a lit!le French -Cana dian child was its danger of being crusherl l.etwwn the vk.reuel .'sigh aril soothe. when I.ady Ab►ni.e,i reached farwar.l. ;.keel up the frighttiel little one. ar..l ... t it uuttl the pruceslien h..1 pawed FOSTER'S INSOLVENCY ACT. Draft .f the Measure Prepo.ed br tar MiwiMer of Flamer.. Orr.w.t, Feb. 5. -The ltotnini. a ti,.y- renmeut has prepare) ai in..dv/me; bill which will be submitted tt Parliament .ext session. ft his been pr.-p.re•I by :he Miuieter of Finance. At prevent there ., nu in.arlvency act in the Iitminiou. The matter of baakruptev is dealt with by the different provinces and ea a e.mrer.gnen.-r a -Xreateli a1 of-eunAie4 se to jnrieiiction is tee Iseult. If the tuaolvent for :uatence, is in the Province of Quebec and the et -edi- tor' in tlatari°. it is almost as well to wipe ret -the indebteduese w difficult ail ex- pensive will it be to recover scything. The caw Dominion bill is a document et 12,4 c1ADses. Power is given t.i op point .official receivers who. however. must h01.1 no political liosition in the country, and wife tenet i.r,vid. beside for not let. than $'. (ay' eud not mon tb.,u $':O,OW. Tia court to which the case has .been referred, ant which will lure jure' diefinn over such matters, will appoint a liquidator and the receiver shall hand over all the hooka, aceuuuts, etc . to the former. If this &Att..r fail to make • clear a,,I epecif.c amount of bin iudebta.lnr.m, be may be imprisoned for 541 m .nthc. if it be abowu that the debtor is about to abscond he rut be arrested. All his let tin, tote , can atm be steppe.* at the po.o• "Mee by the liquidators fur three month., and cp+rted iu his presence. If the debtor 11 t.,uud to be ',,tatty of any fraud his die eharge le held back for fire yearn, If he is Vont, gnilte of preeenting a. falaa frit._ ascii sheet $ penalty of two years nu ptieuntnsnt is provided. and if he fail- to ire ail !de property under hie control then he u liable to tine years imprison- iurnt. 1l;lt..41e the tariff hill this a said to be the moat Imnportant , government measnre which will be laid betters Parhis- tuent next .e.s1.•n Burglar. tort Wet. ST. Jowls. !C B.. Fel.. 3 -,lame. Flynn, with two or three ali-vr•,, end Joseph level are in the geurral I.nblic hospital, the former with threie r• elver bnllete in bin right leg and the latter with one. T'!t e is the result of their attempt to hnrglarize the acne. of t;eorg. Irvine yesterday morn ing. Mr. Irvine tires over the shop. He beard the noise and estate down with lea revolver with the result as stated. After the roto were •mired they were removed to the hospital and a watch put on them. Flynn has been with the Pawnee Bill show, while Dixon belongs t.. the rite. A Mow-Nslt...g Aeewru.. lennnv, tint., Feb. 1. -Whit 'nay prove A fatal accident happened to a young ion of Peter Robbins, of Ikor.heeter, on Thur, - day. At mon time the children in the seb.e,lyaral wen Indulging in the neuel ;entitle rel .now -balling, when unfert.a rarely young Robbins, aged 7 years, and who was not engaged in the sport, was struck on the side by a inowball thrown by • lad named Andrews, causing • rup tate is the side. A doctor was called eud e doubifnl of the litth, fellow's recovery. Railway Aeeldeat le Qeeb.e. Mount al., Feb. 5. -information wee received in the city on Saturday of a rail way accident which occurred on the Grand Trunk near Warwick, Qua, early in the morning. 1t tome that a freight train became disconnected. with the result that w esa,ntl train following behind rushed into the ataliottary potion of the gist train. The om*ah np was • very bed one. and nafortunately wee attended with fatal results, Conductor Sheeran having been killed on the spot The fireman was severely injnred. Footpads to Mo.tveat MnNTM&At, Feb. 5. -Mr. 0 (layette. Mayor of St. (`omdant and •x M. P. P. for i aprairic. was hell op by fo nr f.olpsds at the rornee of tit lambert Hill and Forti Bratton Ione on Friday night His gold watch cad rhdn were stolen, and as he sheared fight hs was beaten almost to Owen shills v. H. managed to reach the Rien demi Hotel. where be was staying. and Inn doctors were outmanned to this meat serious of which w d to his ininny*.as a dislocated ,ttonld.n THE POOR OF NEW YOR6.I Thelt'Condition Truly Pitiable Sense of she Mares r.s forward for tenet .kiwrieg is Um could, held one usalebaa, and cry out as yes par, " Peony a box ' ' t h every coiner is a soda water stane, when begs glasses of cream soda can be bought for two and three coots • drink. We .gam emerge into the Bowery, a hick, thong it Is looked upon by people farther up town"' • dreadful plaoe, seems quite clan and rem- - A tea Tbrootb earnest tow ter* pectable alter leas nus urn into Doter street, and immediately a alder - thwpestd wary iatt.Oalls LI.. eat mons is presented. Nen-W•ers•adfesttm.. tor. Aka Is a 111NAron - where some 10,000 ('elsaial. live. These Spe.:laloorrespoodenle toTrg8t.exat- C'tluamew newertarok eodirty and poor as lieu; Si,. • Al.: Perhaps it would interest the lows ; in fact, they are all very Guy the readers of Tot. Sn.* u. to know low the men. D•.yer stmt a very shut and very People of lieu city live, prtteularly at this crooked. "s both oars ate gfhled signs time of bustoem deprewos and wideepre..f with queer characters painted es them. The poverty. 1 had read from tune to tune of ('bin•.e theatre on this Street i. quite a the wrettltetness existing in the Ent -Jude 010.1 form of amusement to New Yorkers. of New 1 of k and of the . ilors of the duly Ibe noulti 1 heard soun.le of an orchestra i. - sews n and charityor anvations to suing from this place that much rwembloJ Pep. k • chorus of felines. Bytme•w•y, I .m told help the pout and uoe:nploye.l to tide over that • t'h.nese play ito.' fire or civ ntghte, their preset troubles ; but 1 determined to Jewtowm. 11'o t Fera .1.11. r..f.wstee. HALIFAX., N.S., Feb. 2 - In the House of Armbly ye+brday Provincial Seerotary Fielding lin-eight down the estimates for PIN. the probable reran* is $1821.064 and the expenditure the same. Chief mann of revenue ere: Mina, royalty. $91(0.00(1. and i)ominitrt snhu$dy. $190,000. The principal items 0( espenditnn an: For.durdtan, iS.000. po lir rh.Attes, $113.000; foods and bridge", $117,114s; and debentaw interest. $194.044. CI.rFyswen Arreet.d. gireges, N.R., Feb. l - Quite a testa dem rites t armed here yesterday by the MIMI et Rev Ur ':rant, a Bq•tiet min later, at the I,, tense ..f Inane* R•.lwrt $ofetinn. alio rhergra Grant with drfurn Mg bar ch•reeter by writing and hawing camed t.. t.. pnhituhw4 Walloon sed. Wools Ne wee placed Is noted,J for the sight, bot was abmitted b hail AN wom- b* sed one ha to •11 ay. ry eveam,t until mid eu end see for myself If the audition of night lot that number of nights to eso the .bow \Y hen au mems through with his these ueople was as Ira u it w" depicted. part he retires to • seat in full mew of the So, on a recent SDod.y motoring, i0 com- pany with another(;odench boy, 1 took a walk through the s!un1.. We met ou the Bowery. the great artery of the East Siete. and the tounwary, 1 might .sy between the more proal erne' Rest Side t with its gad Matins human and hotels and the cro..1.1 Jun a .. eels_ awey leucite tit dist' lea We termed eastward tenets .n'o Rational setae, and ramoat the final nut Low r.,.'f .7..t+Y P% IT.tWAXa •t$ DC, tight that met our eyes ..0 a mond of mor, -se u1 aumvs and shildreo, hnrrytug with hungry Th PoroPte are Lase is'tst etereu w lame towards a shop which ttv.lound to_ all the foreiguen here, Tlfs woven see Li- tho heedyaarten of "The 1Verld" Fres ways drere•1 i0 bright colored vermenis Bread Fund. This store rues. through the and have a manner of dreamt their Lair block to lint Street, ani as we panted and peereddi0e.rnt from other people. me mem peered into the place we o,uld see the lute of applicants reaching Lack into the net ane handsome fellowr, many of them, with Street. This end 1, appetite.' was the exit sheeny eget and soft 1,44!k nouaiect,ca and set urued into First Street to take a They have here wine shops, and butcher - took at the crowd of shops, and markets sue. as in Italy. Its redia: Y. :111M, it retie i.,tt . t4.v. one block ou th.eetreet Ma TOW of h,ice. Ou:a Je the dome stood bur Woe collet' called " Murderers' itow,' tied here lir e!1 villainous characters or the Maris .tamp, poitcemau, keeping the people in bee. Tle many of them kis ion by the police to have men an.: Lays stretched far down the block been brigands and desperadoes in their owe m 000 diroctier, and women and children in rummy home by the blue Medians -leen another. They wore nut disonlerly, al- 'Another block away i. Baxter street, 6m though many to doubt felt the pangs of nus kr its clothing houses A rouh-louk- ine man Maude its from, of each stoic and bumper, but kept their places wen, and drags in customers. It i. almost as much moral slowly into the 'tote, where the at- as a man's life is worth to t'o along this tandems were kept busy taking leaves from street, I. I c is wore to be roughly haudle.l. a chute and dropp n; them into the baskets \Ye leave Biter street, and .con III, at the which "'any of them a•reird. Most of the ('ity Hill and Ikn+dway. After hatter nice thrust the Craves under their cc& s, for .sited. one tv,tald attmost lmagrine Wan...., they f eel their positiou keenly, and aro as Jerusalem., Pekin ..4 Naples. Let mo tell seirstutr as their well -to du fellow cree- the readers of THE s .:Y.u. of the immense terry. Many of these people were actually amount of .tarring and would tear off chunks et dry torte, THAT s• Dalin saes 'bread and swallow theta eagerly. It was • 84.1A to touch a heart of stone. i tritest by charity 'venmt:atiens andcitizens to two .t,• ping, le nest -looking fellows 'non. alleviate the stilt -rings of the poor people of iug al, ng the street to get into the line tee these districts we have just pared through. fon the hour for cioetug came, wbo burg their 'rade from the gess of the passers-ey. Ont little fellow in the surging line w tie a pinched Lu' totelligent face, was vainly try-- ing to be cheerful, and wee wbisthog some Bowery theatre retrain : and youm7 wonon jest ae mode, and more so than many better dreamed. graped eagerly the food mid with blushing fans hurried through the crowd to relieve perhaps mothers more n seed than themselets. Presently the door was closed with a bang. as the hour kr las- ing had come It seemed a pity, for a e crowd was st:11 left oataide. 1 should like tie have rote into the homes of some of these wrctt:Lod people, but they do not cos to expose their poverty. They du nut li.e like the poor of a small town, in • neat ht'le frame house, with always • small garden and a dower ortire lint in•stuffy tenement, house .ix or eaten stories high, and an.Leuce, ant he e. not .tied by .c.'uery and calcium light like hos brother Thalami up -town 3l ,tt street, the m\iu thorough fare of Chinatoeu, le quite r pretentious street. I)ue malls every now end- then of an opium den hes,"' reeiad soman here ou this street, but we .alt ural ase tee exterior. D. McGILLICUDDY, PRorn MERRY DAIS IN DEC.! A Blizzard at the Carnival. B irk Asaerfras. Asst Ibe Norm In run sed Risukrs retie -Mame sheer. run Akerdees. 11.11y Tbreualt Ibe Mrerb In 0 with From the New York Sun. ,.ax. , Jan. 30. The midwinter oar - mad ha been eallvemed by a furious Lit,- easd that hot lasted twisty -four bourn 1he anew wtuch warn ttuog at the city is now falling straight down to the otd fashion e d way. Strangers are wtllwg to but that it will curer the 'keens out of nght before moaning. but the inhabitants assert that it will pack down oo the top of the other mow which already avers the Ibmiaiou The blizzard has proved as lively as any authorn,c.l feature of the carnival. The meta ' Americans who are here have bon_:ht furs and blanket ants, and have been out ttghtu.g the storm and geeing fun out of :t, tieimgh it has berm ea -severe •i to •k''p most tit the inhabitants indoors. Even the public slti¢' drivers have been driven utf the atie.,ts. and Lely Aberdeen Anel their titled eh.I lien tame in the ems: of the storm cad were pwllmi (.muga :in: str.et3 i•' n sleigh by 111 a rn•,weh• e.. Th; crowd 0!..t l.rk• eJ o t were disease its .L' toe e',lor.r of the ,w. butt the %bole multitude turned wh.:u Iefore the strange procetoiou was housed in the Chateau Fr-ontoiuse. Sk•:ing went on as usual in the covered rink and there war plenty of tontno, but the great show et the day wast the fancy deo carnival on skates. Hundreds of ('*aadia.a girls were out its character ca- ntina, and stouts of eleathlued& of pretty orncu from New 1 ork, Boston and l'hlla- iietphia looked on or took part, in Pieter. es.lce blanket bait. !teenier quadrilles awl round dances were managed un skates far more prettily than any dancisg that was ever dote in dippers The rens m that all Canada is working with one will to make the n'uebec carnival • sueerea is very peculiar. Montreal has been called the eat -nivel City because ito many mid -winter sprees bail been held there, tut Moot real has ref,rure- Her teatime men have declared that carnivals do not jibe with $ dignified r. putation for commercial prosperity. Indeed, they go further and say that it is not a good thio for • city to advertise winter frolic. that depend on snow and ice. 'They my that such a comae brings • few pleasure seekers in winter and keeps awry thousan•a of persona who might tittle in this city. The Montreal folks have turned tight about on .their old methods, and instead of letting the snow •ccumnlate in the streets then uuw shovel it away •a fast se it falls, and actually run elects is cars when they used to boast that visitor. could stood on the snow and look In mood story windows. The quaiut old city of Quebec has locked and listened while this has gone on 1n Montreal and has decided to profit by Montreal'a mistake. The merchants got tit• i tether list fall and sai.1 to each other : °Yell, it four or live arrivals can make a city so prosperous that she can afford to throw away a million dollars in the n.iddle t of Winter, we will cu into the caret vel Mei- new." So they dr•eidtd to begin where Montreal left off, tied male up • purse and planned • carnival ten times as fioc as 3lon- treal ever tow We think that our Western folks who gine away land for factory aites and who promise that new settlera shall not pay any taxes for a number of years are very smart. We all then* hustlers. But a person look ing over the whole continent, like a bird o0 the wing, can bee that two cities in America have combined the art of making money with the science of baring fun. These two cafes are New Ortean. and Quebec, the winter capitals of the continent. I' is worth while to tell of some of the queer things that Quebec has done this year. She has ab.olotely peppered her surface with artistic devices in ice and snow. The Laughing carters, who carry people around nosier loathe of luxuriou• fan in the public sleighs, canoot (hive five blocks without coming npon some fort, or arch, or statue, or pyramid, or palace built of ice, snow or evergreens. These intimacies Frenchmen have • wry of cutting blocks of snow Aad then playing water up..n them in freezing weather, so that each block becomes cilver- plated with ice. Then they build the most beautiful thins out of these blocks. They do the rune thing with iee. The great SL Lswrenoe, as mighty as Long relent' Sound in appearance, is a river of crystal "rotor, and when they cut the is upon its surface each blocs glitters with • greenish hue like an emerald. They tied it easy enough to sprinkle palaces and forts arouwl the cit but that is too toy. They have* Wee ted nun named .lobts, and he ham soldered the bl,oks of ice together with freezing water and carved this material into the most beatify' statue-. Three of them stand in boat of 111e Basilica, tie golden cathedral of the French Canadians in got bee. One statue is a lifelike presentation of treas. the fist Mtsaios•ry Kubop of the eitj. Number 2 is a frigid narresetloo el Champlain, the founder of Qn.bee. Nneober 3 is Missionary De Brebosef, • sobolarly priest, who fell into the bands of the Iroquois and was treated moat sees rilegieeny. They said to him. "Yoe tesoh baptism, •h • W alo baptise," and they polaroid scatting water under his skirt. "Yeo like circumcision, eh "- sad they cut out his entrails. "Yew like burst offeriats, .h ?" and they lighted tea cert. of weed mein his fort. Jebis Inas screed these pimple to the life, and In the middle el tie Jacques Cartier weird of the elty be Fria put • solid emeeld statute of Jaegaes Cartier on top el • .true tar* of evergreen, which looks like the base of the E.R.I Tower. Bat the reader must anis to Qaebec be- nne he an begin to appreciate what the eity hes done. Kenn leading storekeeper has tome mender show babied his plate. glass windows Private (-Wrens have Meek roses of ever -gropes into the .sow is bust of thele hoosm keen whoa yew go to the Kiane Maros, that sew sauna dabs is tied** se best the stein Mw, sad bemuse • club HUDDLEDTOaLTaklt tiff 1 61% la a rumen mil of this section 300,000 people live ' The children of there people hare Dot the pleasures that couatq boys have ; their playground is the hard, cobble. pared road. There is not • bit of glees grass or a breathing -spot closer than Tomp- kio's Slam, nearly a mile away. If one ever envies the ricer people who live is ems farther op tore, let him look at this emotes of darkest New York, and he will be convinced that he has a lot to be thank- ful for. W• left the same and turned tote itivisgtoa street, and then to Ridge street, when the Polish Jews lira These are the poo -rat and filthiest people on the cootioest. They bad • sidewalk market when wa vas - sod through, and the vent:on had their arts drawn up in rows, and displayed heaps of bread and Galt, and other eatables pled up like so much wood. They picked up with their dirty bands halt decayed fruit and cegatabls, and offered them for 'ste- rile l- rtle looking food that the poorest Italaa would not eat. A short distance from this font -smelling tut picturesque market we saw a funeral abont to start from a big tene- meet swarming with theca creator"'. Near the hearse was • ger np of mentions wadies is some strange tougu.. and above, os either side, the windows and fireirece were filled with strange looking proi4s with hawk eyes and hooked Issas, watching ter the ooAlo to appear. We beard net • word of Eeglish spoken in this oniony. Ons 'Amine ibis, we obaarved was that many of the more enure II to an vvtu rattan• •od wore wigs, in eoufornity, i believe, The Hardt et art d a Free (,nothing Fund with $1,003, and generous people have to! - lowed the goo -1 etample, and within the past few weeks 7,500 people have Gee clnthe.l and 0,000 paid ir. wags to idle talon and meet- workmen fur meowing dooattd clothing and retttu.g them to atilt the applicants. Another greet newsraper, The World, started • Frse Bread Fund with 10,00) loaves, and the .uhacrilers have helped •long this praiseworthy work, until over half a million loaves have been given to poor people. In nu city in the world is the all for help more quickly responded to than in New York, and I am sons it as • credit to the town, and • rebuke to those people who .re continually ranting •font the grdkssoe.a of American cities. C H. Brooklyn, N. Y., January 28. WEDDING BELLS. RortRTS-%iwrtswits. • A very pretty and quiet warding took place recently .t the Zimmerman house when Minnie. daughter of the proprrietor, was married to Frank Roberts, of Naphsee. Only the im- mediate relatives of the contracting pert WS ROTA present numbering about sixty. The bride looked charming in a handsome brown suede travelling dress with let and eo.t to match. file was supported by her sister Mir Slotted* Zimmermann and Mir Tillie Hohmeier and by Mu. Klossom itoberte ,of Ooderich, sister of rho groom. It. E. Major. of this town perforated the duties of groomsman. After the knot had bees securely tied by the Ker. R. Christiansen all adjourned to the spacious dining room when the smote partook of an elegant wed• ding breakfast. The prseents received by the bride were numerous and costly sad show the high esteem in which .he is held by her friends in town. The happy couple left os the evening train for Toronto and other points East to spend their honeymoon followed by the well wishes of hosts of frieada for their future happiness .od pros- perity. On their return they will pek. up their residents at Nap•aee, Oat Watm- loo ('brssiale' with Seale Marie rota The natural ia• erase in pnpntation is greeter bore than in any other part of the town, and one is struck by the groat somber o1 toddling, Dirty -Meed rimesters remain •boot, who look as if they never 'tai an honest wash or • wholesome dieser. They wryly up bees, sed !sow lees about New York than people living a thes..ad miles away. When they en MOM they work in sesta .lys.ti.R•shnp in the seightorhoal, mating cheep elstbse, ler wages that on Animism maid ant 1f,e o.. Ire visited another Jewish quarter ea Heater stress, • tritis batter than the last sewed. Sunday is market .day with the ifester strest people ales, and tiem roadway for Mees is almost eh.bad with parroarta di.pla,yyiee articles of every description. On the sidewalks ars rows of f thMs. with straps. ✓ uspeaAwr. cad sherlaees basing sheet their .ores. if sea looks la their tttrsaties they amiably thrust set saws of their Asap rearm earl ask yes le buy. Little garb, t.ember by °earring a cocktail mid signing I THE FISHING INTERESTS. your name. you have (.0 pass hencet� an arch of translucent toe of vernal green and I et patriotic red displayed its bunting in order to get into the gin mill The reel clubs presided over by I)r. Stewart melt o1. Monti,.ssnbert, are t41.'nwat modest place's to Quebec They look modest from the out side, but each one of them is 1.: a lever of discussion as to now to entertain Lard and lady Aterdrse and the party which Mn John Jacob Astor is chepeioning. The New York(rs who are raw here have to go through an initiation. .1 hey reach here in Pullman cars as hot se Atria. They land mode the historic walls and find the streets full of gaudy artilbvylnen, end women who ate equally rosy, but in their cheeks instead of in their costumes. The thing that puntss all tho straug.-n is that they .ie fr.e.mq into poeuuu,nia, while the soldiers and women seem perfectly at ease, They boil out the secret after A while. Mt secret 13 to pat oe all the Anthea they own, and then go sod buy a fur tap to cover thew ears, and arctita for their other ends. The vita in •!uebec wear so many clothes that they actually stand knee deep ha the wow in the crisp but fearfully cold air, and are a• wanas if they were by their own firesides. Fur caps are easy to get, but the average New 1 orker has feet so much larger than a Viet,. h Caoa.lian's that every one of them has to go 'hopping for hie arcti.'s. when hr gets a pair to tit him the store- keeper aye "Shell I rivet ou sense erepere • They coat you two shillings It is impossible to walk .roan' thtcbec without creepers. These creepers look like the hinge of • door, with one end turned,up„ tato lean)• points. One is riveted un.!,r the hot:ow ot?rarh tout. They are so generally worn -that -the wooden Amalie. waw all chewed up by the iron tenth that every man or woman terries un Itr his or her Leet. An rnrrereM.L1 aebevesrut. Minors. R. Hen t Co., the great priotiDg press builders are rery proud of the magni• fieeat pram which they bare built tor the "Witness,,' whose capacities are, putting all thing. together, the greatest that have ewer been oomlined in one machine. We have unexpectedly received from them the following mote of triumph, which, es coseiJ- oratiee, we ihuk our ration ,Meld be al- lowed toms. Nau \n.. .Ian. 13. 1894. Cgvrt iotas We received the other day, through one el our !trireme, a (-copy of the 32 pap paper twisted on ynar prime,' sad rertaiuly congratulate you open this achievement something that Ito sever be- fore boss done on a regular daises on any of oar pram, we believe, ha the .annoy. and of unarm" es we other machine ever male. We have align seen ronr Manor Ilswnber 28 cad mote the Iliad worsts spoken of ear machinery. 1a fact, we keep posted on year poor se it appears from time to time, and eortmisly think veer achievements is sterestypi'a�gg pahlishiag cute, and in every wa mess stlnileg to he mead of. With boat monk, ., ere talsmia. Years vary trwly, R. Hoa lk Co. Mems Jobe Diwpll & Ream, the " Wit- ness." Illea rent. Qua. WAR ON THE TARIFF. Hamilton Times : 't he Sawings flank de- posits show the presume of the bard tunes very strongly. last month the dep.ssit■ irere $I0.',237. and the w:thdrtawels $433. 447. Teen are many who are tnitne over there hard titan of silent factories., ..r short tine and cut pay, by dt.wing on their tittle hoards, the wrings of many years of seven frugality t> Ottawa rise ee I'o as Not only are the farmers of Canada fleeced by the Marey• Harris agricultural itnpknient combine, but they .re tared to pay the freight charges upon implements shipped by the mune cum• bine to .lustrali* tor it must he borne in mind flat the (:uvernment's excuse for sub sirloin% the Australian rt.•amrn is that they may be .'plc to carry intoning macihnns t.. the Antipodes at low rates 1f the \beset• Elsewhere People are Moving Tie tmien *'00.111 of tem • iia• vee Mimed ratlines's. re laterite talsl/0t ne.- Irirites. The t'Iahlaa of the Iwo * ..etre. ('ant rivaled. FYotn the Wartime Record. For several years The Its -cord has been endeavonse to stir up an interest it the fishieg industry of this province and coaaty and directing attention to the unjust and isjat•iuus tfshcry regutat.eua of the Denim - :on fishery department. W. arc pleerad to see tb.4 the musty council of F:wx, which met in S.edwich last week, ha scut is petition to the Covens meat at Ottawa, protestingyp•rnat the regu- lations of the fishery department. We hope that our rrlueacutetivea in Par- liament 'arlament will be aroused to • weer . f tee great wtury Jove to this ecuutry and toour tulles 'lieu along our m:crnatonal waters by the regulations reterrrd to. The injury dote yearly to the fishermen .lug; the .nares et this county s very great and the country at lents s toning a large spas. On the American side is the States of Ohio and Sllcbienu, Aaitermen have M license fuss to pay suit tit close ansae . -- Tbey ysaAlau fish with an uolimit d raw nb.r of wets. tier the ('mala•° fide only a 1.'w tonere- -meet Ietorites are permitted to tisk. and the nnniber cl, stela allow..1 is very limited. 1'tfey-ttave a license fee tit troy and a-orlow reams to matfett. They are prohibited from tistusg at any serif° of the year along the Detroit river and (rake St. ('lair. fader such circumstances, the result is lust what might be expected. 'faking for eomp•nsou the waters oppos,tu our owe county mad the.Auteri.an ante npp.eite, in Ohio and lltchig..n, sae tial 'hat no the l .median sad. is 1&1J there were 2ta mea empluyedis &Mag and they taught 4,56o,- 480 lar , valued by the fishery department at t ,032.E W the A,nericauode therm were 1,415 mpg tlwbTad and they caught 38,109,563 lbs.. wh .:h, at the prices eak-u- l.ted 1.y ii.e I .r,.daau fishery depirtnteta, were worth !I,4417,J',0.63. Here is •l,Pereseso ,uf i14,3l013 29 in one year's Botlin;. Sorge Uma ago Thr I 000rd setIt A latter to the derartment, protesting agrtnst the too - duct. of the departinait towards our fisher- men. In his reply, the )*muter ashamed that the fishnet un our aide of Lake Eileen.' the Detroit river was better than AU M. Herta rnmbitesten eau undersell Itrituh-lntetican. 11 the+ is eo, "'ha"- a las oar tie and American competitors on even terms in Australia surely they can told tutor gronn.i in Canada without tete advantage of this ty five per cent. duties, which enable them to roh the farmers. M.ntrea1 Witness "The woolen an 1 cotton eon:binntexa are at..t)ttawa, hue) guiding the hand of the Finance 1lttieter, which hers the duty on goads whit they manufacture. That is very Dice, certainly, for the woolen and cotton sten, but what shout the interests of the farmers and w.•rk- i.gneu, and other eon.umers': 'They are not represented .t t)tiawa ; they tie nit called into the council by Mr. Foster ; they du not guide the hand of the Fivan.e Minster. 'rhe trade schednln an now, we suppose, being worked upon by the (;ov- ernmeit, end the .pincers and weavers .re given notice, and asked to meet the (;overu- ment. The iron and hardware schedule will he 000aidered, and then the iron an•I steel m.enfacturers will flock t•. (luxes. The rice miller', tee paper maker., the oe men, and the rest will all have their turn. Aod the farmer and workiug,nao, the mer- chant and professional nein, the ship owner and transporttr will not be celled in ; they will merely he called upou by the custom house tax collectors to foot the hill,. Congressman Ikyant Protection viol- ates international law, humus anti divine, by prubtbiting trade among the families of peen, thus denying the fatherhood of (;oil and the brotherhood of man. it IRM driven industry to want, beggary and starvation; It has forced virtue, dressed in rags, to insan- ity ; it has driers mothers, with, their infants at their breasts, from the cottage berth, *arena, into the winter's blast, and denimd to the habsnd and father work n.• ceeaary to support his family ; it has made an thonsd. ofmillimetresand millions of tramps both a curse to society ; it beatified prisons with crimin.'s std .he chnrches with hypocrites ; it has driven millirem of honest laborer* to the soup houses, to be fel in the name of .3arity with the products of their own labor, out of which they were robbed : it makes merohaodise of men, slaves of women, beggars of children and outoo.ts of all, and then retains power by bribery and fraud ; tt is the author of all lb. sweating systems is the world, where women and children sweat blood, to tie cased into mosey to satisfy the greed of whitefish and trout from 1st to 30th Nov , m*mtuon, and it forges the promise of God thus pm will see that of there were no fish inb a be, and we do see the seed of the pries Department ■t Ottawa the (Mario righteous " begging 'red," the divine Fish War'does would ase that the present premise to the contrary netwithaWding. laws were duln observed. aelnvn There are men whowIll not pay the hoses fee„ $5, and others wase will fish in toe close season but the.. acts being Nosiest the law are punished not because the Covers - sant wants to. persecute Lut to enforce the law, pn•teet honest law ahf.liog fishermen from etnfsir •,.mpetutinu and preserre a trend supply that alley.! fishirg destroys. If M you seem to ulv.teatc, sur Fishing Isles should he the sane as our oeighls'r., why not those of gen.. and liquor Our neighl.nrs au shoot weld animals end hula when our peens are Ulent. they out each trout, pickerel and b.m.'whea aur lines are relief away and ohtaM drinks at times,' hes oar harm are stored. Yours truly. H. W R.t I. (;.derioh, aid rob. 1�4. annually sus:meoog by the hindrances placed in the way . f ..ur tithe -mien. Hers are waters comtnon to the fishermen of both countries. %Ye arc apes line thourands of dollars yearly its our ell ate t u p. opigalc fish for these enters .ad then we outpour fisher- men from fishing and let Lieu .tu,.:ncau tish- erineu take the tisk last fall the Amen. an ti.e:ug tug Ogges was seized while fishing sit Canadian waters. These boas have leen tishieg un l median waters for years, while our own fishermen ha., been em.upelicd to stand idle and see .American li,le-riww 00111c over iota out waters sod take fish. Mr ('nut.', reeve of Malden, raid in the comnty c.unctl the otter day that the fiah- ermeu of Mal.fea wane not now permitted to fish at any cram° of the year, while he could stand in his doer soil we the Amer, can fishermen coa•c over into ('ata.ltan watere and tisk at all seasons of the per. Mr. l'wte sail he was a strong supporter of the present I;u.ernmen!. tett he cold not defend such action co the part of the de• lit !meat. Surely ouch a condition of affairs will sot he allowed to continue much longer. Tbr ri,.brrles oller.toa. To the editor of Tui Smm Al- SIR.- Toe t_Sir,-Toe editorial in your True of the 25th alt., headed "Injustice to tier nabs. - men," being astray in many of its so called facts, and otberwue ntiaie.rtine. I requ.et the pri.dere of s few 'tris to sewer thereto. You stated t4aa'0 the mesh of gill nets was S sachet, that of pound n.t■ et, and that tags were limttea to 10,030 yads of net. whereas the mesh of gill nets wsa, •W still may be, 41, orches, that of pound nets 2;, and the limitation for tugs 24,000 yards, fact• which any intelligent tuhcim.n in ehio town could have given you. Recording the deetrucuu, of nets Ater timed by you, 1 know not the facts, but if it was as you dated it was is conformity with the law. On this point your remarks tattiest., that you are in tarot' of the aboli- tion of licenses and a close season, bat the treed of public opinion was is f.wor of their continuance. Here 1 would direct your at- tention to the Ontario game and fish act Therein you will find a close swaaon for AN AGE- CILADY. Nes. Zee lr.t,.sis Mferlu0t. emu" Yfdmry elvers (...d by e*dd'oo kMaey rim- e tledletar oboe ►►.,Lien Geed Rewire ler eMh sed and towns. 13T. ('moment, Feb. S. Mr. F. E. Beel..teee, aged 69, • well known resident of this city, has for some tame been afflicted with kidney •'icer, the .ymptnme of whteh were seven pains 1n the small of her lack. Rhe ie now per'e.Uy cued This happy re- mit is dum to the nne of IMdd'a Kidney Pills, the famous anal tnfallibh remedy for all kidney disorders. Mrs. Rcrkehme says the pale hate never returned since her re ornery, ...d her happinem over her restoration to ..,rend health io iu,oteS rentable. Ties pills are sahufa tur«1 by Dr. 1. A Smith A Co., Toronto, seri are meld by .11 d..hts, or will be mailed no re ceipt of pries : fifty .tents par bor. or see hoses foe$2 50. The Post I )tiles Department has advised postmasters ase to hems aseeey order* to any parson in hirer et the ('rescsut (`ray.'. Co. .f (`Ilieat,..1 1). Tithed of the mum sit', .r to W•ware Plana Co , New Y. rk. The puede .Meld make • aster o1 this. New M est •-sointesht" ruttier. Send 2S " !i,tnlirht ' Soap wrappers bearing the words `` Why Dines a WOMAN /rook Old Sower 1Tw • Man "1 to Lever BMA.. Lt i., 4.t !4•ott-►t Toronto, ad yam will ►Slave by pit • prat t y p»et nee, free from advertising, sad well we..h framiag. This is an easy way to a.enrse year Items The ear is the best is the market and it will only swat 1a vastsgs to mud in the wrapper", it yea tears the sods opts. Wino rho( name carefully. ly