HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-1, Page 7THE SIGN .L : GODSIRIOH, ONT., TB URSDAY, J N VARY SA, les$4. 7 important_Announcement: On awl atter t'slay our place of boxings will be known s, " THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE," a td the busine: s will Iv %fidacted on - - THE STRICTLY CASH BASIS - After consulting with a number of our credit cu.toeferr, we find that a unanimous feeling iii favor of tt, hu.ino+s on the Cash System ; that the most of our Customers are running account, more front the force of .habit than from the force of c`ecumsttnce,, and trill welcome the change provided we shoe; a sul,•,tantial reduction in the price of our goods. Jt is a well-known fact that every er slit business )eiis it, losses, extra expense in b)ok-keeping, Io„ of inter .4t on !ong.stantling account,, —and this extra expense and loss must come out of the profits. BUYING FOR CASH SELLING FOR CAS • i can gla-will sell at lower prices thin Wee before, mil lower than any credit house dare sell at. \V.e, belie ve that this Am. will be mutually beneficial. Every 'OMNI i. lo)kigg 1., the cheapest market to buy in. Thousands of are wilt out d our town for Dry (loots to larger centres where they do business for CASH ONLY. We claim to b. &ole to place goods before the people of this town and country less than city store, where expenses are w great. We are going to give it a fair trial We ask your patronage. Our store was closed on January 31st, and every piece of goods was !narked in plain figures to a Cash level. We will continue taking Butter and Eg; , and pay the highest inirkc i value in $:change for gaols. We thank you fur the liberal patronage you have bestowed on us in the past, and trust by your good will and the special inducements we will offer, keeping good reliable good and selling them at Close Cut Prices, to merit and obtain a continuance of your valued patronage. Yours very truly. JOHN T. ACHESON, THE PEOPLE'S CASH STO RE THE PERILS OF FOOTBALL. an tomes Ibe Iletagre weibewe apMttag she gams. trim the Leaden Lomat. Tb. football ossa el 1893.1841 is just at :te height ladled when we r.00tleet the ate perioi of..gg i.to which the winter p•atime u now it is doubtful it the • base of the leather b•e yet reached its rstth—Mt •heady we have had to chswsiele tire deaths whisk have seesrrai immediately upon Injuries received dense the gest, sad nutseroue serious accidents, any properties • 1 which may sisos have remelted is permu- -at toss of Mahb, crippling or die6gwn- mat. Farther, it moat be remembered that we maim eo special effort to obtain • -empt to troll of them casualties, but that w e amply roomed them as we abeam te comm a -rose them in the volumes el our oestsr• porarleu, No that u we have pisrieuely pointed eat ob. a dali.g with this bebiect ee do not pretend that r lir.otee from wet '0 week rspresiat eves • small fraction of n i,e mischief There can be so demyiag that • punto which hs accounted io four ':'lathe, eves by oar eoahmedly imperfect records, for five s.ddss deaths, two mono SIMS of the mpM. iia we et which it was stated that "three ribs were tern from the spool mlmma"i, ems eisewis of the brain one treaters of the thigh. sinless fractures of the leg Irene of these were rasps and some rompowed, mese et each sad snow of both bases), .i.e heat..es of the 'levier. and'twe of "the atm" a • daagerose emu Set is saybig this we do see o.ndomn oat of hand • fi', e.d manly sport or shut our eyes to the soy fasten wbkh ooembw to make the dm.gar malty mouth mesfar than t be greweese details Move wield lead to .how. The velem et • Isom el exercise which appeai as by the ..derailon of its demo•sde on their time sad pars as the whole al • psaple mimpl aa.e.a be ever e- • ideated from • heatb-giwM poise of view, whisthe relief dien tmriesamaseesp.eetive- v msig.Uiesat s the seeder of players be - '"me [seer. Tame thh�m.noh.iess.bot nfortas.5.ly the tin3t1 be- 3t1=6 „mains in the ., • oda d many that the.Ism..t el diaper i. :ootball is unnecessarily weal Isit' The and • mooed question - if as, ass practical scope be t•ks to lemma the dm.Mer without amine o ' rot .tit le he •tswomed without insight, sr en the emir of the ' nomeit. 'They have to be fairly oosid.red iron easy pellets of view, mad we propos i n return to the a.► est -- The Aoreis friar. rim ase of efpsestes m ass manly the met 1 tobseco, it i. • vise by nixed!. is reform• maritime when the ere .1 she epi•m. 4104 hot, end efg.retee habit is a Mmi.em, cigar- ette patters ,. tine releli.ted hest smolt ing ogees er piwhish are s a.sm• partitively Mrml..t Tbs works• special d al evil iia ewe tobacco is other M. dem net anent This evil re mit may he ds p er te the "aim wrappete. se te the fMet dies the imook. eg stars,= i. almost sways frk.Md We the leap, while Apr seethe M eat. As to tam, let thenport. deride; absent the hot ni the diet there M', deb„. a.d',dearth of syid•mw Ne osis fleas et rheas, sate .ate the will s elga,ettts M. 711e &dolt mem ear any of • good deal of e+i.en .1 see bird se mother without dimmer, end his Astra berg geed and W will f....d, he le mashy ads wthe his mom visgi eahnor la seNo Pe s •ihs/M i stlirr‘ e mar• ea iee Is team sad Mosso salla w in telbp.e we who allow themselves all the cost re indulgescs that they dare, that these etperieooed pasting are constantly swearing off” cigarettes for longer or starter periods, and satoak ing cigars mood. The cigarette fetter hegira to gall, and they ling it off. But young boys do not do that.. They have not dtecnties enough, for ore i��g and, for another, cigars cwt tem much for them, and cannot be smoked uarropti. trendy in a spate msuest. It is the lair n al chapters of the oigsretta and its adapt- ability for oomee.t that tempt, the .mondealsboy' a callow intdiigsaoe. a IMO harm lesser. The appetite enjoyed by • dog owned by dohs Knox, a well-known faster of West Marnyusk, is. matter o1 pride to the waives of that .nbarb. It is • Newtooadleed dog of conte than average intelligence and ran digestive powers Yesterday he started his lunch s • bot of alk grease. TMs he en- tered the blas tem th ,bop of Samuel Storrie and site with evmdeot relish two pounds o1 putty. A visit to Wetheeill'e groemy atone yielded bin three pounds of tallow candles, which he devoured with great gusto. Need. tag .isrcise after this. he ran over to Ryan's quarry, where bis attention was attracted to a stick of dymmite that was being thaw- ed out scar the stove. The eepisive seem• ed to mit his tote, and he promptly bezen to crunch it. A stampede of the men fol- lowed. They were afraid to kick the dog away from hie meat fur fear of an erplsis, es he leisurely costumed the stick aad then poised the frigbrssed workmen, wbo for the rest of the day treated him with marked coadder•tson. - -Philadelphia Record. Deese Lode. A lady named Mrs T. C. M. Humphries, lost ils Keene, Oat., who and osly two bstt{ee of llembray's Kidney and Liver Care, has teewaeded • statement to the dict that it completely cured her of in- flammatory rhenmatiam, kidney .cul liver trsshim Seek a coesptioatios o1 diseases yielding Ito qutekly to this remedy should sso.regs sane sufferers to give it as honest trial A FEW OF HISTORY'S F1BS. There was probably no such • man re Remotes. Welliagtos se Waterloo did not may " Up guard' and at 'eta :" There never wee each • person as Pope Joss, the ,o -caned Irma Pontiff. 1.mr'a Sulphur Soap is • delirbtld . kwpoo. It odour the scalp and darkens fret' lair 4 The etiateroe e1 the ('sloes. e1 Rhodes in considered by same historians extremely dwWel Palo. weak wseas need a task, crania glum flesh Mlkli.gmedicissliko Milburn'. Henle ln. sad Wise. t Than is se bbsafial authority for the seMelert that little George Weediness est dews the cherry tree t'rosewell end Raspdes did set attempt to milt Amorist ism before the eetbrs.k of the Hsgiii revelusies. Semen wee set a ►•If CMimtiia. pbiisea- pher, het a rnosey-lender end m sea, who died= over 0,000.000. Comer did met err : - " Int t., Rr@Sa " Bye wham es the estrs•entim seseead SH• died lgbabag. he� bt dfe.( • eed in. was eel a besehhsek Iter a selesr d flee tam, mos prossoakm• be good 'cob and great purso.al etrasgt► and courage. Alfred the Great did sot visit the Danish tamp disguised se a minstrel. Philip iII of Spats was not roasted to t death by • roaring fire because court eta - patio forbade an oto core to has a.. uatance. Be died • natural death. I'oo•hootss did not save the life of .dohs Smith. 1t baa bees •eoertaiaed then this worthy man ors the most able-bodied pre- varicator of his ossuary. t;emend Cambro.w did not say :--" The ruard dies, but dos not surrender." The words were the inventios of • Paris jour- nalist and attributed to him." Few remedies for bilk emcee ere •t all •gneablc. A *seam and perfectly harm - les medicine for all liver and lung troubles is K,•eljey s I,'ver leossntea They effect- ually regulate the dlipgtive organ. and purify the bleed 25 ends d all druggists. CRISP AND CASUAL The ring of 1'olycrates, which be threw into the sea, was set with • large emerald. At the beginning of the Christian era the . relative values of gold and silver were es 1 to 9. Small Sugar Coated Rardook Pills do sot gripe or sicken. They are mild sad offer. teal. 4 The diamond, if held in the sun and than carried into • dark room, stows deetiact San kl•tiego County, (61., has 100,000in habitants, without then being ape single female crletis•l. Worm cease serious ranee. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup destroys and expels all kinds el serene emaciate and Barely. 4 It le said that the largert peen of mice r the world hes recently beau taken oat d North Cmrelie quarry. It essaaree 9}n16 iaabet. " Apple Mary," a familiar character is New .1 ork City, has purchased two Ass tenements from her savisp in peddling `0I)oove to the Norman eeequret the Britons had " diva.` mosey " and " dead mosey," the former being slaves and nettle, the latter metal. Thee is a litter of evs pigs on the farm of Therm He absek. sear St Croix. Ind., fess d whrob have air hep each. sidle roe hes fest like • dog. The Slaagh'er tastily, of Texas, are mid to be the east att$asive land owaws in America. their combined baldrics amenit- ies to 500,000 awes. The total ameant .1 mosey Toed by the Co.trasa•i ('staaesue and the Wates to e•rry ea W war et the revaietiss wee mot siert of $500,000,000. Herd I. feeds the cir•esati•n of fw- eig..seary is Bogard and eseahtahad as ertshselge end Dever, when trswelwn might dispose of er psrebsss messy. Captola Senegal, U. R. A., Sea iriga, e.1. gigs : '• ghlisden Union* Amiedy is the int medieise i Imwe seer bond that would ds site any good." Prise 50 soda Reid by all draglula e w A sew �.ekt iw the +psi ties tot of the R..r.. spstt W fistay h.. been md.t.d ti .10 I :ovmtlrls.tr duos► m rs• pais Hs eon= - saps, else it will n, say valid ad Gallia awe propsisluey stdiai',u, the beanipwer d lar. J. C. Ayoseh Snnpsdrs sed eas are abrade,' plty,idi. whe applies for them M� the .pedal favor accorded these wilt w standard remedies by the 1Vorld u . enraioasra CURIOUS CONDENSATION&. Palm leaves on the Amazon grow 30 feet IenCucumbers were originally tropical vege- Whim Ther. are 180,000 suicides yearly and in- creasing. la 1502 velvet was commonly rel _alt book -binding. Women are said to be leas pain than ams. Fright cubic feet of mow prodjes cubic foot of water. In 1494 .tlds lianutiva started • print. ing offioe in Venice. The .tole works harder for • living than• any other creasers. In 1500 there were more than 200 print- ing offices in Europa. First -claw fare for 25 miles on the new Kongo railroad costa 110. ('hildree, pleats and animals grow more rapidly during the night. Paper can be made from the attading tees in • arms of 24 hours. A Frenebman has produced a teat! er which looks and feel. like velvet. A " Heiner " was printed at Florence is ;risk kitten by Demetrius, in 1488. The Tartan take a ares by the the to in- vite bum to sat or drink with them. __ Inlaid. with 70,000 imhabitanto, kis as many papers as the empire of Ckiaa Mark Terra is food of cats, tied has one seined "Satan," another called "Sin.•. Shig•ks (Mika claims to have a dwarf 3b years old who is sly 17 inches high. " I sops Fables," by ('•ttoo, 1484, woe the first book with its pigs Numbered. Mrs. Radcliffe ate raw pork before going to work on • particularly thrilling chapter. In • memo tam ta . memos, the petitioner aid respondent were each 80 years of era ()klnbom• at the world's fair ttok the first prise for Amer made from h ,megmws what. Ayer's Cherry P.etetmh it knows by its works. The especial** of half a century prove that as @Sher tion of the kind steps t sad ry s of the throat hpfe.kW and effect pally as this. • • - The Value eV TM.is. While the treartsl msase r stake ales .roue, r the rag sea, the real than builds top • enceerfal bunions is a small weigh. MUM/oh • fpafaee. Mrs, T. S. Hawiis, C att•aooga, Teen , says : ShiMb's Vitalizer saved my life. I smolder it the best remedy for • debilitated system i ever rod.' For dropeper liver sr kidney tremble it steels. Pie. 75 osnts. Raid by dl dr s lsSs • w We was pwtsnate. " Pellet te certainly booty at h** set a yoen( ) who salt" " Who, Nim Frock'- •' Pea, yea knew she leeks very winch like toss pepper mod **K eetnms Pullet oxen" - amt. He Iran his A peed hsvr satin oat seder shingle se esp,•ass mo eaves Rena. Keseatly titers harp hese shown in Toronto drawings of *machine that will make the farmers .tare with wide open eye wh., they aro it toted M it will be before long. 1t is a machine that will d, }lowin.gg reaping, sowing. threshing and all other rot work. The motive power Is electricity. which wilt become available tin many farms ae noon aa the trolley bore are extended out into the country. The feature about the tuachuwe u the oniony manner .1 conveying the current to the wag is uiot.w. The tr.'1 ley ides u cost settle for it more effective sod simpler device. It is expected one of these machines will enable a tanner to work *1H0 acres as easily as he uow aroyl., RIO. It ie proposed tv give the machine a trial earl • ie: the opiate It ;.r-Ic! to be invelnalde for Manitoba and the Northwest. •.iavtallp where the forme art large and tit,. corking ce'asun short. Whys Intoner. should N..t Ms. Vie IOW our nether r.•r and hnv'.ur low .blau, ..ingletreeo. axe handles. tor handles and leaping. We throw nivey "err mho* and buy reap end axle krona•. We giNe tinny "lir beef Masa and bay haute ,mug•. and ,hoe strings. We let our manner go to waste and buy guano. We buy harden word in the rprinl; sod cabbage in the winter, W. let our lands go up in weeds and bny bro. one %V. 1.4 the was tint of our pine and gam trees go to waste and luny chewing gum for .•nr •hil iron. W.• build e.11ool Monet au•l hire teacher, and send our children ..R tube educated. We land a 6v, .rot fish with s N fishing res) We .tm i a fifteen .Crit boy tint with a j•!tn gun and a $4 dog to kill lbirrte. We raise dogs an.1 boy wool. And *tarot the only 1<Iraag in this ronntry that there ie au over -production of u politics and dogtics — tierata»tuwu Telegraph. liras. %ur Wet 4.r.nu4. Reil top grass in the beet kind for damp, sandy land; ate it will not be Burt by flooding for +some time Timothy will do well on damp ground it it is fertile: it does not matter how trough it is. (st the red top. '24 pounds per acre 1. eommonlv',own. of timothy 10 pounds. As soon is the ground is cleared .,f the wood it tray be well torn up by • sharp toothed learner. gone over two or three mes. and then the seed may be eo Atter this $ light harrow, or a harrow nosy be tired to corer the WIMP. No other seed seed be sown- The Met time will be in the spriug tor th. .M- int, but foe clearing may 1'. done now. A lady who gets very ill, Aad who .ever o•n swallow a pill, :lays the* rather than try She surely would die - She'll try Eseljy's seethed, t h + will. E eijay'. Liter Lozenges are ptomaine, ramie= and effective. 25 cents. THEY ARE PLEASANT TO TAKE Y E T POWERFUL TO CURE WILIATS Uell 1.AONICit, IS WITS A sex They do not ns..ate or rack a -. weaken the system opals sad odors purra,..e., is they two up for tiro and stonae'., a:.d e : sem sufficient sot. uttit t.. es die wk naturally and rat. Ther cure C.. , &drown, Ilywei.ia, l-4iev,,i,v., He. da• e, hili arcs, Ptlepls, h•llorne.* and all dhea.es a'i-u *Om ampere blood, or duggi4 Geer. Ash Tsar NaRtee tae isms. DUNN'S BAK!NC POWDER THFCOOKCS BEST FRIEND LA*GCDT SALS IN CANADA. --C3IT�-- GOAL ANDW000 Y6279 Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grads of HARD, SOFT & QIACNS$ITH COAL. Cm! weighed on elldila patiht or my Ocelot. Get my Prices beton .ems elsewhere. _ Tesla CAUL Telegamse irean.Mtes. - JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop. till# WHY Doan G EO. BARRY, the iioderioh furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the beat stook of furniture and undertaker's supplies! And bow is 11 that he can sell so cheap i BECAUSE He Bods that it pays in the long run. His motto is " Small Pr Eta and Quick Re turns." He also makes • specialty of picture framning. Give him a call before porches ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hated. 2357-y PLANING SILL ftTAllISI1e 1516 Buchanan & Son, mmeellnaorvstms SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers le all khaki .1 LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES Asa bas4.'ill eneterl&l et every deeerptis Nut lhrtiture i % O. STACK TAKING SALE. In order to get Our Stock Reduced we will Offer SPECIAL BARGAINS In all Lines re. THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. Lamps and Lamp Goods, Cutlery and Silverware, Granite and Puritan ware, Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Wringers, Japanned, Tin, and Copperware. We have a Fine Assortment of Stoves and Ranges and if you are thinking of buying anything in this line we - think we can suit you as to quality and price. HEATING ADD SAUITARY PLUMBING A SPECIALTY, SAUNDERS & CO., WEST STRE}.T. S_ A_WALKER, Ce. xiage Manufacturer, Raving purchased the busiaem of 1MiOORZ ' U a WALKER I hat's) now arranged, not only to emanon. the Carnegie Trade, but hate dec)ded do .11 claaaes of work iu u 1101181 -SHOEING 11D GEBEBAL BLAGHSIIITHIII. NONE BUT THE BEST OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Oa W& II 2396-17. NOM Trot. EO I3 YOUR TAILOR ? GODERJOH This is • pertinent .mention and I Steam Boiler Works. om to which you should give IEfitTABUSH ILD ePAW) thought. a e i11 t e1�I AT o • DOES HE SUIT YOU ? If sot, you r•n easily get eat idactisr by calling at DUNLOP'S IMPOIUUM, WEST BTPEET. A largo quantity of READY MADE; CLOTHING on hand will be daaposed o1 at whatever they will bring. t�al early and got Bargains. H. DUNLOP. GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST -SUPPER. "By a thorough knowledge of the WOWS! laws whim► Swore the opsntiooe of digestion aad nutritMs gad by a careful application of the aha of weltenl.cted Cocoa. Mr. gees We 1`r our breakfast and sup per a gins yawed bevers,e which may etre en many aesvy doctors' bif te. it is by the Isdieleaa us d peek article. of diet that a con- stitutive m.7 be paeuaisy built up until strong to resist every tendeecy to dismiss. if of .sbte maladies are flatter around d rosily Mattock wherever then If a weak point. de may ewmpe many a fatal shah by keeping oursslvee well fortified with an blood and a properly aourtshed trams.' - Ord herder Gaunt. Made sleiply setsm¢p trilling water or milk. Bold gado le e.ckN.Iby Ureters, labelled tate: JA110 w 4 silo 11118111111118 Amens Mani PATENTS !w!y,r banpssatrtreryb.eloeaw M airbus o•ase�3s tee. of Ai jfctcutific American t elrtinaIIoa .f .Myatt papw 1a t*e y Stows/torte Chryr.'ol!llleekJ Mlauufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright d Tubular 3S3011.1 -MISS, Salt Pans, Smoke Stncl t, Sheet 1Ivo Works, etc., et.. Also dealers in relight and Horizontal elle. Vases Vaginae. Automats.- rut (1R Knelt es a i, A11 glean it pi a and pipe allow �on load. astittate• furnished on NU Rep ring 37, (Dederick rich Oat. P. O. Gott �7, liotlerich. Ont. Works-Osmoalte G. T. R. 8tetlos. Ooderka. SYSTE.1 R@ONVATOR aaDotH[R Tont n Rideau Oa Specific and Antidote for Impure, weak and Impt(rrriehiwl blood, dys- pepatasleeplessness, p•lpiteties of the heart, liver complaint, censalgi•, los of memory, brone4itie, canaumptioo, gall stones, jaundice. kidney and prtnary dilemmas, St. Vitus' dance, female irreg- ularities and renertil debilitl•. LIBORATOR!. `ODERIi9, O1(TIRIO J. M. Mcf,EOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer, McLeon'a SYSTEM RavovATOR cau t'e dah from all drnp[Wa in town, .e well as from etl the d e between Owen Pound and amort►. Ihussele. Durham end Toronto. 1317 v. YOU PATENT CARATI. HMI IIIAMI Ne Cantered. ase •11 bedess 1a the Urs S Om all to aur is impatelMODBR/ 115 tai the U. Poe, we we eletairoPeteeteft ie I thee ba. theme -gamete trees WA:WINO Deed M�OeDte1L OK OR.e WING. to .d. we svisoome RAfAMI tree K nand likes of if'ni,' 01 - ?AIN Pi coder pis.. mei so 6. esmapW• rotor. Wm. tie tho Omer& waeroaem se anted Mesa to rem sw. &then er (lama.ty 5p015. M Oppeette w: O Wmb/gest. D. 0 Mt eetaefteeh• wane the kid- neys are in hod/e. Dodd'. iildwey Piliins ppwept relief." o . 7% par cwt. le Jo carotid by disordered hid- sir id- M right as moll try to hats . healthy oily with,et a.rs cr- . .4 mbar tk• AhIda•ys ar• ohm* they aro the scabengers of the system. "Delay /s damperewe. airy - looted kidney frou.I•• result In had flood, Dyspepsia.Liter Coax le, and tk• moot dan- yy.r•ns el alt. fright, Mow. Disietes and Orem." Tk• above dioeass. direst .riot whir* D•dd's Kidney Pile w assA I g by illi dimlm. sew* by gangalam we ski kpc n Ma sand Whey ellh.