HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-1, Page 66 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1811. cALETrs PURE MOOED PUSUT, STIONC[ST. UST. ter«. arty costar. rid One senna sa ns water. leoutet. as, and a boWre• one et.' lull.... sou Quaid +V Iw aaOs W.: nano. at.Y as Ail braver. arta Dr.gai.e., i w. OZZ..ZeleT'i'. Twoaot•. flTR1)ER 011 SiJIt1Da Tice tltwlh of Au U iiknuee a MIS t'tuud Near (Menlo.'h A GASH IN HIS -SOREHEAD. teas tdlggl.s nos the (ppearaacw of nosy 1. OMB Wider Se... al tta, • A Mier M. 1 ale date Mao saki to (orreepoad lis Ins IN- A I'E:TEI►1101141 1II1►al'I.E. lif:'4 early KAl'in FROM 'fill roll..: l'F Ti[i: (:RAVE.. At • ••ll.L• , •tAEarl1 toe teams;1 ei hL% moll logit. WTReor A..6 - tai a I *& .Tt•,.11' se!TUIIN I. *lig witrt. t.1. 3ONTM.—.t,N A rievear Or Ht tr.l5— 1 # >\Aatett.•t'• • ate. ' I -+-1n rt'a laterOare Examine*. To be dragon' to the edge of the crave is the" ham• isp to dread dura.. is as expense,. that torics owe tuad. tut to cc.atea.p!ete ...sterns the &r.s a and }tin lin: with its Just, to trate, even in 1 e pe. bidden g.odibve to 1.(e sad an its sweetness, and than to be e amehed from the Lr.uL of the craze and to be rtatoted to Lealth..treogth and -hippie seers, is an experience tLst few etioy. We bet: and read of sucb.cases so well attested, that doubt etude *null space fur ib escrow, but Letttotore no sane ham, until now, 'come i suer oar notice in Peterboroyb with each iiire.tDen as 10 "make anurance doublw sure Sash • tax: however exist.*. Malt persona have t'.esrtl•of Ile Moue of Mon .Liebe !:anggel. who Lyes rink her pa.-vnts at 1- Paracll street. She was bec..tht noire to lie very gates d breath and tie/ re,totel to p-rft.t health iiac all hon en aid seemed tu be unavailing. Nee sniracalous cure toenail so much comment t hat • represents. ive of the Examiner was .let.uled to °Lta.a the particulars. and the insult of the investtgat10D is to verify the et crus *hat hate teen current. Om.cahliog at `!r. Integer's Louse the reporter was met at tic deer by • brigla-e}ea, healthy look- im� o ming sir!, who readily contented to Anew Li- c the particulate of net and care. • - l., remarked t''at her mother was absent to Montreal on a visit. and .d4ed with ao lit& pride that she was keeping the ht:nse Aad doing all the work, a thing that would have been apxsinle • year or w ago, as •he was }lien eo idl that instead cf taking cat of in - Leone die needed constant at- teat.on Ltrsc.`. " 1 hate boea sickly from the time 1 was four n,•tnths old," she said, "and as 1 grew up t: c w.aknest and dl-healthboc.nte more proaocrccil. Jct blocd was said to have turner water}'. I was weak. pale and dull• and c .nd dal Bottom , but suffer. nothing *Le •lomors aid for nae vi as of any use, and I grow wage and worn lather spent a tart.: on me. but ►l was of no avail, wed father awl mother gave me up and felt that I was going to die. I expected to die my- ' ys It 1 had no blood, 1 was as pale a s _ irpse end so weak I could bardiT walk. Sly heart also gore me very ranch trouble, and if 1 lifted my hands. my heart would •au.p until I thought 1 would die. Attain two years a1., we heard of Dr. W1'illiam. fink fills and got a box, but as they did not tenni to donee touch good I didn't take any more at tee tins •, but as I got worse awl the do: tor could do nothing tor n e, 1 neterntised to try the Pink Pills occe more, this time I made up my mind that 1 would give th.m a fen trial I get eight boxes. and before the third bet was done 1 telt baht and my appetite was better. i kept on *Wag the pills until i had taken the eight laxer, and all the time kept growing strouker ami stronger. My color re: urn ed. my heart trouble lett me and my appetite was bane! thus it had ever been before. Nee.e I can Ito any work clout the house, and fed strong and well all the tin. Itis a great chant: • iteX last .tuly %ben 1 mould scarcely walk 'across the floor without fall- ing. I believe Dr. tVilliamu' fink Piles saved me trop, going to the grate, and I am very thankful i I took them." There was no '.lnubtieg the h•ropt'a t her conviction that Pink Pills saved Ger life. A younger sister corroborated what was said, remarking, " when Amelia was so bad last sprier sI.e was so pale she was al asoitgreen and mother did not think -,he' would lire a month." lo evidence of the dangerously i11 condo tem of Miss I:anger, a couple u( neighbors wet" seen. Nn. Tremblay seed the girl was very ill, and het friends did not expect Ler to recover, and she had been cured by the use of Pink Pills. Another lady present also bore testimony to the hopelessly ill condition of !ties Itanger, a few months ago. The ren.arkahle and gratifying result. fol• lowing the uw. of In. Williams' Pink Pills, in the .see of Mw Ranger, show that they are use. u•led as • blood builder and topic. In the case of young girls who are • er sallow, hatless, troubled with • thawing or palpitation of the heart, weak and easily tired, no time should he Int in taking a eburs.e of ihr. %Valiams' Pink Pills, which will speedily enrich the blood, ae.I i.ring • rosy glow of health to the cheeks '('hese pills are • positit•ecnre for all troubles oriels* from a vitiated condition d the Mud or a shittere'i nervnns system., such as lose. tootor atasia, partial paralyslr: St. Vitae' dance, sciatica. neuralgia, rhemnutism, nervous beaaache, the after effects of la grippe, that tired feeling resulting (rnt ser. taus prostration, all diseases depeadieg epee humors is the blood, sucb as moralists .hrenic erysipelas. etc. They (bre ale • apeoific fooe troubles pecnlw to females. each as snppreeetoas, irregularities .ad all forms of weaknew. In the case of men they effect • radical oar• ta all oases arising from mental worry, overwork. or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Winumi fink Pills are tnaatifaMur- edl by the In.Withatta' Mediciae('omp•ay. lirock%ille, Iles, mei Schenectady, N. 1'., wad eremite! in belts i carer is lase form by the .cl1e�an er L nndred , at 5J meats a box or at e ltentelb 't^ 'dosed may he had of all dogret s or owed 1., mail from ile. Williams' Meat eine ( sir,{any, from spar untrue. pts. at which thee* pin aro meld akes The w .lone of treatment eamentatively inevpea .ire as nonpareil wtth OW remedies or Reed ettl !MP rocet. • tars Alone Toe .xm. Jan. L':.—The good people wh:. reside .n the neighborh.rn' of the mouth of the Humber river. a mile or two west of the city limits. are tenth et.r. isrd as to hum a young n.an. whose leoly was washed *olives in that vicinity rodeo hy, mane to hie death. Two boys on their way home from o -in day school were &trolliut along the erudt beach south a High l.arl'. when ty Anne they witted • atratti:e ..bjes t divtiut; in won* a ,few fe. t fr. '. ikota 1111 elswon* obeer. -atwr. the lad. found the dark bunk) to be • dorpse. I'ri,thtetted at ti e ghatly spectacle (Lee ran ae fast al their ler could carry thew to Satre's hotel. a few hundred yarn die tacit and informed the :emotes of their and. 'i h.' whole neighb..rho.d had been arse ed and the landinget the corpse was . j;tu •sac,i 1 r a concourse of /aerie nu wsuellylar`e fee the quiet uouk iu wbieh NUM* hotel is ....feet A few *dilutes later In Cotton drove np to the hotel, aoeoml aniei by Mr. Norse. A careful examination of the corp.e and of "tn., entree* elicitrd no information what- ever of hie identity and vers little as to La :rummer in which death overtook him. The coroner -foetid the corpse to Ds that of a man 30 to 35 years of age. xbm dead mean stood 3 feet 8 inches in Lie stocking feet was of good pl>Ssigae. had a well d.velopec ,chest and A1'tendid arm and leg tummies, an4 we. 'to til appearances well fed. Tbe face, as tar p could be seen is it, Unitised cutiditiuu, was that of au Fang ::.hruan. The clothing was carefully examined with the bops of finding some name or marc that might serve as a clue to the roan's olentity. bat without grail. only lettering er mark of any kiad,what• weever to be found was tL. word "Lorna," printed on the hanging strap of the over- coat. The body hail evidently been in the water several davi.. fur the ri_or mortis stage. which comes on about ''1 hours after death' and generally lasts from 24 to nil bonze. had come and gone, as was in- dicated by the purple appaersstmet of teas atxlomeo Of the cctps. An ugly indentation un the dead ,uau's fd'rehe.d, and the fact that there appeared no froth at the month or nose. and that the body, though evidently so long in the whet, was not"let all bloated. led Coroner Cotten to flank 1t advisable to hold legal ergairy. as to the cause of death. 'After dee coneultativa with County Crown At to.T.ey Dewart by telephone. he Mined a warrant for at inquest to Le held this afternoon. Fred Bacon, an inxbrklge yzuusj loan, Ott there on IIeceiLer to work for Fanner Ott.on. near, Agineoort. an.i has Lot rice, leen heard of. It is e&ni that the description ,.of the Ludy found torr. *ponds to the Appear nce of the miming "Ne'a ..ery •eed u .a.ly kerning wee it le tees, awl he is very petite, but he beats low wife ' act that the • re appear K 1 plit elms every eight to - Lela. `et_ QUEEN UL'S CANAOIA*'S. The Govermentt- Seiking Iwgrirle. Into uta. a.p:t front Victoria. D.C. 1 MI.•.t..o. Jah. 12.—A special to the Herald from Victoria. F l'., says the Militia Department at Ottawa having Beard tloottgh the press of the proposed espedi- tion to lloodialu, organized uuder royalist amet'ic.'e and directed on this side from Winn:tog and Vancouver. Major General Herbert he/ ceased inquiries to be made by ('clone! Peters, deputy adjutant general fur this district. It is doubtful. however, whether the C'auadian (iovefnment can In• terfere in any way. as the men who have it ineontem.latiou l0 serve M the (jlleen'• own guard Into not intend to go armed or by any overt acts putting themselves iu cuutlict with the neutrality lawn, and they claim the right to go to the Hawaiiat. islands or Auywtiar) else where employ went of any kind may offer. it is ezppeeeeted that the fear of dit]scultiea with the Dominion authorities has tamed • few to say that they dein to have no More to do with the project, but the great majority have fenny made up their mind. to embark, if p.will., in the adventure. and they, pre all impatieutly awaitiaq, an answer tu the recent message to Theo philns fairies • Iii is expected that march ltig'.rders wilt items by return mail, and the party will probably secure one of the many swift seining Tenets available en this coast and make via United States evil for an unfrequented part of the coma of the Inland Oreha, within easy distance of Honolulu. (nes landed on this island any determined body of men could advance without difficulty to the city. Ihnngh the organization of this ecpali nun was kept • profound seeret for many weeks, now that it has come out the lead ors have no heaitation in disowning the part they intend to take. They do not tats at all kindly to the term of ' the fili busters." which has been applie•1 to them. claiming that they bare no intention ur thought of pinad.ring lawl«ly In any form. _ _ _ OROMIfT1lNG_ ACCIDENT. Tt.i.e Towns La►dia h. Throsgh • Bon Ina the Ice este Is Itrawaed Urwnea (int . Jan tet. •-.A moat dietrees ing anointing aceident oersrred nn the canal here 4atnrday through whieh one vming lady lout her life and two others had a •r*y clone call. The recent reins had lin•e'I.d over the ice end covered all the rough spots, making it like • sheet of glass, and erowds were enjoying • skate No heel spot. in the ice were notional ex rent one nest the fecund inlet when a hole our plainly visible, and all avoided it by ke.l•ing to the opposite side of the renal except three young ladies, Mies Clarke, Mhos MeKsy and mise kor., who while going down the renal, did not notice the hole and skated Into. it A y. 'ing man maned Wyatt raw the a.• .idose ann. securing • plank. hnrrie.l to the spot and aneeeleded In reeetsinu Mie. McKay and Ivies t lark. Mir fore wits keeping herself op by having her hand. en Mies (lrrk'e shoulders, bet t.. slow Mtn l leek t•' get oat * itt the aid of the plank she removal her hands and miisd o.teh tug the erlge of the ice and west seder it Her body wee recovered wheedle hoer .n,1 a half afterward. tunneled anti her dater lived .• th their nnele, Mr. Joseph Sweet, road- low on the H sad D. railway, thole parents Ming deal ne.pped ssM. sesua, Oat . Jan. t1-11lehael Bread. a am estimable slums and read embed" iaalimuiLlii a torn voile& Ovemag A Wash Day ANO No Steam IN THE A0U the wa.k so tut down that • )dant g:rl or d. •,rata women eau do • faintly wash tug without being tiro l sat Nun lout TO LIFT House You Say: J HOW BY USING SOAP 40 0rdice to Easy Directipns rut aside %our own 11 tree next wash -day matey the nay. clean, "SUNLI'ONT •• way. soli Let at.•.t::ee wet¢t•day p0 by unmet I1 L Inman. TI$L Humes* DROWNING, - Tfs tardy ronmt IdeiwUaedi That .f Tang lore.. Tosr.ato, .1.u, • "t' —The body found Sua-iay ete•—thelieneiser Boy- tray been Wantified as thou ofrel [lacon, tbeyo(tug l£ugliannuaa, who, as has been stated. has been mie.'ng from Agincourt since [secant - bet 2:. The body of the drowned man •hewers the description iu every point. in height. in form. in contour of face. and Coe setting of hi. teeth. The clothing is the tannin* ne that last seen on Bacon. The key funny in his Purse will tit the trunk be left at hie master's house. Detective lludgine. who identified the body. explained that he bad been commie sdeurl by the Comity Crown Attorney to look into the mystery of Bacon's diwp- p('STattce on the strength of information 'applied by Mrs. John )Ianiuire, of Ux bndc'e, an aunt "f t11i• decease -I. who felt score bet nephew• band been Has victim of f.nl play [[s brut spent, seeeral dap, in and around the clung. of Agincourt. and ha.! finally traced Bayou to )1Hllikrn's Cor- ners, where he had jumped on board the n.uthhonnd train without purehaaing a ticket. Mrilo.lq;'ns retnrned on Saturday nigl.t to to. city. and considered that the fact 01 [lac .n'+ departure for the city dr .troy.' the Weis of his relAtire s aospicioh of Bacon's death at the hands of enomte.. It is generally belies ed that I.a.•un rom witted suicide. His relatiree. mfrs Mac Guile, of l'xbridgy, and two brotheni who reside in Uxbridge and Claremont were sent for and wero present at the inquest. tae •' three Tomas t reachenea „ MM•,'inxat. J(n. 1l1.—Toting Mercier, Pelmet su.l Ise Marti. ny. who tried to blow up the Nelson uuaunweut. were eatd j2.. and cotes each yesterday. Partner of Ydward stokes Dyne. ('RIt'so., Jan. Wit. -.Jenkins hudiong, aged 75, is dvicg at St. Likes hospital. He was a partner of ibiward Stokes when the latter shot James Fiske. They had a bnsineav worth line.10,000. Sioee then Rndl•:ng'e life has been a failure. lie has sold ....nob luedieiue on the street. A week ago he was thrown cut of an eating hewn, and will die d his injuries A Ste. b_MsetN.. There is no other remedy nr combination of medicines that meets .n n•any ralntre menu, es doe* Burdock il'ood Bitters in in wide range of power over such chronic dis- eases iveases as dyspepsia, liver and kidney com- pla'mt, icrotala, and •II humors of U'ei A Uile.rastrs1 Mystery. What is a "oongenisl atmosphere "' Wei read of it every once in • while in girl's At - ter and love stones, bat sever yet sew • physicial geography that defines it. Mb I/e wer sf $sI... For entry ill aware has a cure. In the healing virtues of Norway rile lies the can for coughs, colds. croup, asthma, bronchitis. ►oase.es, etc. i►r. Wood's Norwey Pitt Syrup represents the virtues of Norway Prue and other pectoral veno vies. Pries 25 oenta. all I p wish ans. " Wou had a high old tine is Kurepe'" " 1 en° replied the returned t aria. "1 had. 1 was none up in Monte Carlo, held up in the Appeeioer, tied laid up in !tome.' fal.alee.e fawned by ley.peMta ilizzins. is a symptom of 1►yspepeil'. "1 have used Bardock Blood Bitters for dirti- ness which came over ase in spelt., •n that 1 had to glut week fare while. The K B B. entirely cared ams." JAur, Wittier, Chesterfield, Ont. • amt. the Weems Seale. Owlag t. the mambos use .roach,s d the chatted thermo.teter, mast pans.. •e. swan that the mama temperature of the ►name body is about gab Fa►na►rt It Ili. however, subject, to tmpteiast daily duotaa- tiase, which kers to he ooesidered 1a estl- mstiag nay decided attereatiess It is sod - (iciest hen to swum Hsu the human tem- perature Mlle to Os lowest about 1 or 2 o'clock A. u., while i he maximum daily jinn• Rtun 00011111s. ouosome time to the aftertreovarietulaa ere iallwrred by food, but as they occur is }seting persona, they are not altogether depeadeot upon the .apply of aourielrmeet. Exercise has a de tided e6ect is raising the temperature, • fact o1 which every ooe u 000eaaaa. The application til cold, a. by • cold bath, lowers the tempera- ture of the skin, but raises temporarily that of the ironed orgasr, u It canes as I craved volume of blood to he forced tato them. i. hot countries the bodily teutpera- taw is raised, at .11 .rents is newcomers Perhaps the most wonderful phenomenon ..elected with the bodily temperature is the preservation of its general level ureterl all external circumtatanccs of heat and cold. This power seems to exist 10 alas in a high er amount than in most other animals, since hs can nut only support but enjoy life under extreme* which Iseult' be fatal to many. The accounts of degrees of cold frequently auateioed by arctw vyyagere are almost in eatildn. 1'e read of temperatures 8(i , 90 , and even 102 below the freeziug point. (in he other hard to the tropics the tempera urs otters rises through • large portion of he year to 110 , or men higher, and tie know- that workmen eau remain in furnaces at a temperature of 300 or mon without in. convenience. In •11 these els.s the sir must be dry and still : rim:lar extremes of heat or of cold, scuompanie l by moisture. would prove iutoletaWe. -The Fortnightly Re- view. The inset leirerl/.ws. Old meld le lie hurt much, elector • lyoctor Not moth, hat pretty well shaken ▪ Old meet ikaeerly l The, he's i e ady to be taken, ain't he, (lector' M Ib. ri.er.,a. rustic .pa•k.es and singers are often tr,wl.led *oh sore throat and hoersencse, o no tire liable to severe hrotichial attacks which m.iht i e. presented mei ,'.reel by the u.e of H.gyard's I'rctoral lkhaas, the hest throat and long ninety in ore. seeMa't Imam sum. " Editor's got 11. grip " The dichem he has Tat it's jute what I told the hays when they reined to let him ye` the trwlge 1 knew Ind catch ea 50� IS ww:L eo... Antietam a. Inane sod laherfnr mien are ..al.1e to saddsa acceded* end injerao. as well ea panful entre, a.t jnIn$• tad nen. tow Te all thee tre,ubled wr seen, re- committed Hagyard's 1'.tlnw (hl, the heady • d rabble pis. ewe. lar outward esil .. A Illeateese Masi • sealtk. There are some business men we know who would be the better of reading and act- tnv upon the advice on matters of health which is printed below. Probably thele are many whose first acquaintance with the tact that their leans or bodies are not made for perpetual and unchanging action, to untie by amens of • serious illness. Our readers will do well to ponder the following, which originated, we be:icre, in the Chicago Medical limes. tilts good scrap to cut MIL and pante wheel it can be seem every de)': The tVilit secret of health and leeg life Lice in ern simple things: Don't worry. Don't hurry. " Teo swift as tardy as too dew. - Don't overeat. Don't starve fi tlt year moderation be known to all }sea" "Simplify ' Simplify t Simplify ' Court the fresh air day and night. "Oo, if we lieu what was in the air " Sleep and rest abundantly. Sleep is natures bencdictioo. Spend less nervous energy each day than you mange. Ile cheerful. " :1 litil,t Lout lives long." " Work like • man : but dont be worked to death." Avoid passion and excitement. A moment's. anger may Le fatal. Anacleto with healthy people. Iieal' u as contagious as well as demises 1►c.s't carry the whole world on your shonldere, far leas the uureene. Trust the eternal. Never despair. " i.ost hope is • fatal disease - Weakling 5 Ittark.I. The tramp was looking fairly respectable and as he moved along the street • brilliant i tee on:erred to him how to work a racket for a breakfast, and he went into the tint good-looking residence he came to and rap- ped at the front door. The lady of the hose came out. '!o you want to know bow to rrevent moths in carpetsn' "Nat.. "Went to know how to prevent mold in first -floor closets "No." "% ant to know how to clean windows with water i "No • "Would you like the secret of preserving relish on furniture'" 'No. "May 1 show you bow to treat silks so they will not spot ,'No. "Do you wish to snnw how :•' ret • hoe polish on the common linen without starch No. " He hesitated a mentor. "F.xcuse me," he said insinuatingly, "can ljget something to eat here '" "Of coarse you can," she replied prompt - 1y. "Why di 'n -t you nay so at first ^ Go around to the kitchen door." And u he tohlowed her advice he kicked himself four time. for tsar letting shrillest t thought occur to him how to work • rac- ket. Mee rasprey re e(rasesy. ✓ am the Ialia•apolis Journal. The yoaeg husband was somewhat sur inured when hu wife Dame into the odic.. nhe opened the conversation at coos "I want to get enough mosey to reined of town for • few days,.she said, " and you will have to get yo.r meas down tows for • few days." " Why, what doe* the mesa7 ' " it means jest this. 1 got • messenger boy to cone to the home for Mary Ane to tell her that she wa. wasted at her cent's, and as sons se she got around the oo1SAT I shot op the house and locked tt and ran away. When she conte hack she wean find any one there. 'V. don't owe her any- thing so it's all right, and 1 wanted to dim e rg.ba her, but you know i sever weal' dare to tell her to go. and i knew you wouldn't dare, and don't you think your little wife knows weedy well how to man age' tray yes, now, or 1'11 break down sed cry right here in the efM" (,'URE Tris THAI It$T COUGH WITH S H 1 LO H'S CURE nest awes t ' d ► • psY.a. 1 *Here all etchers at _ . 'Threat, Hearseiesn, _ Asthma. Fne Corainaptles hes eared theeest Viand was .1011. VW/ Wen in t1 -in, �p111 Sites. Per it HILOM I MB .LA NMA or PI.Ail�aa LOWS CATARRH R YEDD The reputation of the maker ought to go far to recommend a trial of a new article. Our thirty years of public record a3 maker.) of leadlnq brands 01 tobacc 1.5, u otf ercd as a ren}on for your testing MA5TIFP PLUG CUT • J, 1u. PACE T.d.cce Co, planned. tea., and Moatnwl, Cam Type..Wafer ro►aasa. Item the tic. (male Olobe-Uemers'. "A witness admitted to me under cress - calumniation • week or two ate," said Ed- ward C. Coen. • Boston attorney, "that he was en expert at alteriag typswnttaa hetes It did not occur to him that he was getting hie living by aiding and •betting (rand, sod 1 am free to admit that the of- fence, which is common in New England cities, don not come under thecrimiml cede except under the general term of fraud, for although it is practical (orrery. it does not include the signing of another man'. name. To be an expert it is aecewry to have not only every known make of type writer o0 hand, but also every known kind of type and color or nbboo used. Thea a letter or urder wn be .o tittered by erasure and writ- ing over that only another expert can detect the charge, and a man steeds committed to sometbing he never es rote or dictated. 10 the use i was connected witb, my client produced his letter book and thus expend the fraud but, in many .area kilter* are not poen oopied, and in many others people would not take the trouble to tight a email claim, men if they had the evidence at land. A rrotr..baa1 leptons. Ivey. F. Gusset, M.D., of Listowel, mos regarwliar B K. B : " I have used your excellent Burdock Compound to practice and in my family nese 16114, and held it No. 1 on my list of ALnativ. remedies. Your three Lary bees Deter sting, weaken Or worry Unr.oces AU. Tac catenate •bermes or T..c BOWELS, KIDNEYS ane LIVER. COIN vIN] Orr6.auuauY, w,T50YTw IOC Tut .pita Alt iiiso•irsta aa. foul .1150511. AT Tut Sart Tint CORRECT. Ins ACIDITY or Tec STOMACH, Cua:na a1LIOU$NLSC, DYSP. PSIA, MEAD - ACHES. Di(ZIRC$S. HCARTSU RN. CONSTIPATION, RHEUMATISM, OROPSY, s1 115 DISE113Ea, JAUNDICE. SALT RHEUM. ERVSI PC LAS, SCRO- FULA, ,IUTTERINO Of THE N ncRVOU3NCs$, AND GENERAL DEBILITY. T,ter aloe alt su,ua CoWrlaISTS 001CaiV •,110 To Teat Cue*. Tura t5 Ce Or MURDOCK BLOOD s,TTcm. REMEMBER tekesnattriumph laphonon teethe *tithe symptom.ladles attD litaaUemplai est :Las"! tie witb Ivewea, 5IanInese, I.ur NaeaseB MEMBRAYS Ihnehneldell, tem t7see regi rho.hagDMa•frloeaP,amHelaaeholi reel• n tMart tMnef sad L • A'sa KIDNEY AND mere tmmao.lt.tarslisfawlZmmaoratare old at all Drug torr: a Meelttrsy Mectltel.e foeapa y of rttrrb.re.gb, (wRedI, PETERBOROUGH, . . ONT. LIVER CURE /or male by 0 A./,.'. . mi... Oederiela Out. Patronise True Competition. Two Casanta. Pant*} ReteneTp1 T NRh • S ew wh► It� slr *On One t gunmen Ys. =m..01. seaaseea. besie.e arterioles sod le sit. Worse et Me ,•teem. ►�N aasr.es the sspawt M *vary thee. wtte ►aY.Vaaq.lleik a. detesecei w MY gyas�tr. /yP eessssthg with all w rtle11 shfs :M . 'wet t1• 11.711 M�1l/2... bran•... SCHOOL BOOKS. Special drive in School Books and School Supplies. Best value ever shown in Exercise and Scrib- bling Books. Remember we keep in stock a full supply of all Books authorized and recommended for Collegiate Institutes, High Schools, Model Schools, Public and Separ- ate Schools. MISER 8; PORTER Booksellers and Stationers. Lora Maa•arr• Dell fele phone t.. Protect Your Chest it means health. strength And long Iltr to du .xt. You , avoid l'ouLl., au•i Cold- by wearing One of Oui- CHAMOIS CHEST PROTECTORS ZXTBA Q Z ALITT, MODEIRATS PRICE. Beetle's Meeh Mew, Coosa fare- Noe* boles tarMs. . hw ('hrrwb'. Rowe, Iseult fee.—Fur tend'•. Geer. etc.. In l'bidren, Mae was... wars Navel £,qs Yui .5' (baps sea Irritation.. I',..• l lir TOOTii - ACP' C31:L2 C. a00DE. our High (lri.i.• BAKING POWDER It tt.r. 1.•' —411191111111111.11111r-**- 114NXI S.. iwIvwrehaNr A Aaautiful WINDOW SHADE. 1e the most attractive =date—atom tea' Oro in the house. Its about the tire thing you Dolma. Then its uI portal to Irate good owe, and best styles. Na' ewes u the cities can you bad • greater range of designs or • ivality than at `ltnith'a We make up on the premia•. all 1,.e latest styles in fringe, lace and enbroid ery, in1Rrtiuna, etc., to tit my nee uir dow, and have now en route • direct importation of English and Swiss shad. ttlmmimgs and upholsters, brass goody, for our eying trade, .ter shown in *h. county. lour large stock •od breath.m for cutting, inking and trimming, it: tibias ua to sell at wboiesale prices N, bare fringe shades with epriog roller id, tom te from �;x. up, and in decorated► , an imnmener lose Of beautiful designs. When you want the best quality, t1 hent designs, the greatest aaeertment. and lowest prices on window shade., go to SMITH'S FUIIIIITUIIE STORE. CHRISTMAS FRUITS Our Ltock is now complete, and we are ready for your orders Our CURRANTS and 1;AISINS are exceptionally tine this year. Besides, we clean every pound we sell Inspect our CHINA and LAMP 000DS Depart ment if you are looking for anything in that line we can suit you. Q. 8. N6IRN. It is not Sawdust We use in making JNDURATED FIBRE WARE. Some people think it is, but they are mistaken. We use nothing but the longest and strongest Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without sham Or joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pro- cess which renders it impervious to heat, cold and liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WARE imparts no taste oe smell to its contents, and is the lightest, tightest, sweetest and most durable ware ever made Ask for EDDY'S. UNDERTAKERS, J_ B .Op2-33E]wir Qz BON Have addend to their prawn! business' one of R. J. Fseh's Latest 8tylo of pity Hearses, also 'be *nest line of renewal fhudlii*p ill the newst1. and are now prepared to conduct funerals at prices ressoeable This dsparttwrnt will be strictly attended to by his gun William, wile, brisk in the employ of the late D. (Jordan far the peat tr year's, bee B tboroeIt knowleelte of the bwdaear, and ly prompt stilettos hopes to star pert et the p.hhe puttestege.` lore the place --Went lL. r year stay to the yea (Asa. OIVID tail J. BROPH.EY & 80N.