The Signal, 1894-2-1, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODWRIUH, ONT.,, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1. 1884. 1I SHE IT 18 1 JIIIT WHAT WK 'ROMBISU YOU. -omstlting well worth year treaties to loe,00t. A Lull Liao of TOILET SO•F8, .:; fresh �. `. t !Wawa( Mbar sate en will & aATVKDAY MORNINO. Grimm Old Broom Window. Im par cake . ordinary pr(ee. 5 eta► l.by's Owe. 11c. per wake : mean lar gine mi Your in Hand. • eapdar tato p*dtesYes u y the ensue uo.t,ata. So.; regatta prom lie. Oatmeal Skin atseet ria; ke Glycerthe Sep. Ie.; '• Ie A spatial least Steric.; ` •• sack. Maw ant eye rr lei er sell et •y tial Gam 'Ae Yeas, We; teethe erit•. no. WhU• la elle SOW lea ler rake. 3 Ise 310. „ by the bar. Mottled - Watch for oar WINDOW DISPLAY. lake adilialase et tttls Special Otter at 119E 1 HARMAOY, 0E0. A FRAIL, No more sleepless nights from that dis- tressing cough. (11EttRY PU1.Mf►N I(' (a1W.,Y in..stant relief in the worst clses- ,..-.,..-.ems• dry a bottle and satisfy yourself that this, is so. Prepared only by J. E. DAVIS, Phan. S, Helical Hall. 1laNM tBf11 MINNOMMIMIlle t MEAGER. CONVEYANCING AND Ae.trr�t■ ees. eppedt4rtkb M..lbtel ONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE 1 1 •l s) mer Want. Notes diecw.t•d, "EAAogE, Wgase wpMN Manias 1101.1. nr `MONEY TO LOAN. - $26,000.00 . 1 Pei Fend' N Med at ii per Best ea- FJ. T. NAF'rzL, TIRE, LDS AND • asieroartmearesee asset ,t'�•t lowest wW . NaHt.Wt. and a*tt ire,aRed- trite. ed- ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO r1ehCLMERON HO1a t HOLM . 0.4.- (44. 'WRIT TO LEND. -A L A R O 11 S • lowest mass eae a t reae Issas h ase einew£j�` ss OARROw it PROUD D RADOLIP!E, QlMIRAL gaol, I>Ra le•sa hawing rani MLend e. aweigh i% $tsett irWses a' GREAT FIRI. : Ionian t W i oast will fire he line kik es tbs old Pipe, II q ttpwwlta and will Ove train him by ApiR Mod. Press IHAB. ! L O. 11T'EWART, OF • Lock ne mar• arming a W goats' r•+nie►I.p Msec fa es' er tM new for swag teals Tho harm a fine sel.cii d *stab ad (7anaJMa tweed and also a gee hoe. of tme.Mlys trout wkld nna.ly eseet ase w ort a One mita for .prt.g. I.ssm lime Mr tb neer Mar., 17.31 N CROPPING MILL. Mees1therrest neles. leas 1es Olean tat ydw i hasas InMMMtM tSat • , 40.N• esallogbellein l with r•.. 1il, 11pMMalais. � IODERIOH FOUNDRY AND T MACHINE WORES. Ta the Pe ... Renermas Nos. II sod Mad renes and v.M eaMpsa. Mes 7 sad 4 news. w'st dgtse�tte thee. htlsf, aAI- M ober WOarkislar reaasae1 le}iy J. B. RU11O.AN. CONDMON POWDER*• Th..a Poefe,seare mines tram as eM Raf- 1yh modes sal weigh the WRNS au` Ie. Rtt01111rel 4ALSAM. W1t.D CfURRT HARK. ter Yelpe4 WILa01fS UMW AHD CATRARTPC PILLS. lee, .sirs` 11. W i ss i Pstaworisso- ams Soso 1111111000 alb .24► PER CENT. SWF .aur Clone Cash Pricer -ON ALL WINTER 000DS- No Goods marled up in price to give this discount off, as is done in other %tore. Inspection and com- parison of pricey in- t Ite.l. JAMES A- REID. Jerdsa'. Beak. Oels1M. Jae B. iar4. POMO Reties& ANN' AL MEETING. The annual inueral meeting of the Mars bothers of the Huroe and !tri,ay. Loos and let voN•naot Company will b• held at the Corn p•amess em on Tuesday. •:th of Yebrusry. at ,•. v. when a full st•teeeest of the stn• del aid sent ether genera1ny l l beelines takes up al be s nail :'e aeentear1. IIORACE HORTON. • 1, td Manager. PrOpert3f ter Acle or for Refit. VALUABLE FARMS AND TOWN PwOPSItTi rot( BALI OR RKMT,- Lot a is the .ret eotcessioa. Oodericb awn. ship. comity el Humes. 2 masa Iron, Geier/ch. mast U.g of It acro more or leen. Hera est .N, newly new. good orchard Of choke fruit well watered with tiering creek. u excellent • harm, can be botigkt es eaW1 terms, 1 to JOHN KNOX. Auctl•.ear. Let 1 ix tee broken front. west athe Lek" read lathe W enters divides. T el �1 bora*, comity of Huron. 3 miles Iminonneprisiag Q•d.reh hams house te acme. orchard oo 1(tj` Mary high. •ssrly nens bath w send be laugh' us nip teems. Amity JOHN K OX Anodes- ear. lip of Od41ns, ee sr ! sees me*a the s er Ism There are oa tis • trams heath hese bars and stabling. About 7 sims'ounge/Mhord 'keine fruit. About imam of bunk. This harm is ooaeldered a Mtans_ Mto suit sad boon easy tones. APPLY is JOHN KNOX. a.Mo .sd lot Is Ow town .1 Chnial .-hat it hasty tl ..'she btu skiwoolenmUl amen'� ern Ids" laawsatakt ghuf Iu esn. gate e Otessir. Aptly to JOHN RN S VOR SALL-N. LOT 31,!Zip 00N - lx eseies. iest Wawa.ask. i4.* .as. This is a lkntise ham. Akio turn et 171, t risb. Aped to PHILIP HOLT. ILef. -WOE. SALM OR Jjl RENT. TWO Mart ew•. 7 glul Iia acre of •iwvary smith sad IAv Avow d esaTMwell withte and water Need Mem drly- ing shed and ether out Aged liar` des with fruit Wawa jaet twanwi. se lo beer% i'b. ruses ,j ma the U sere enie poor health. A the MsmMn te owner, R. .1 Dusk" HORTON. P.O. Gametal mere Hunt. teem. Oel*rtsk. 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALL-THE 1. old leremetead of the late Jams Oesps- day, of this township 3of Dass Weweeeeh. be- rzel rlestoad aU d tthaatt Mlot ade fresh Lt ~Wthe t • 1� f abut M sad" trout Anis- yolk ad ylk village with Nur eksrehm cad • Wrist alar at band. A owneantU sly new tram Mesh with saves large reams w cellar with eibre asvafesosd, •ad Med bask hats and *hes VA hogs barns teat tees ors es s are eleseeiL The aft.is 1 the hoaFartht le �1w Rout ft. CA*LDIY. Anises P.O. tf# R BALE AT A DAEOAIN.-THAT gra lWI ia esmatediess its out. gti! i o.saki aam 1We F. S, SCOTT, &. .I. P.O. NORTH-WEST LANDS FOR SALE. 5000 ACRES OF VALUABLE ABLE [unproved and aslmpr'oved ham heed. it dimness varying hem 1 to l3 mils hone Q.'AppsUs Stades, N. W. T.. for sue very *bap, No tatter ands for mixed tann- ins are to be hood he Canada tar fen p .riches awls te A. D. DICKSON, Banister. *H-ef fillrAm5M1e. MILL.- *PUB O. T. R Y. STATION.- (D DOOR CTORT•- NW CTi DAR SHfliOLRA. E xtra_ ( 141 teal de theirs. cut. heavy ehtngir. rwoutsa AND ODiNO, $1604 per M. DOORR SASH ani BLONDS. mealy low. MAPLE axe 1111tH FLOORING. kiln dried. DRYHETlLOC etc. HaS. l, LATH PICK - CTS. sta. • TILL, 4101 BRICK. Pal Jt1APH KIDD. ASIMIR wlIM111111. W AANTIED. - eta = esti earsalaelee �s�sY say sumer sewn* ear soca tn. pii,i. o et end air .ova and Meats vertetee er sod pmataee. Sseero ill, Wises at eon,wklch will h nd- .pseir you as sow . the time a sell mask �la.tlag- A l4. Y11 COMPANY Nmaty K=Mar d Choice ffs"d PMa- RssheMR K T. _ A N W A N T E D M To take charge et Lasa WANTED G ed te right mu an valeta n aim wfe �1•tv pssee *4.s sleek_ selytheN rrseries Mte et * O.t � and k M4ster. N. Y. Visite, at gr•mds =ague sec�e,innR,ed.h vas y�sm saddswrit* lar ff..YYlire R0S UN.. To »tiu. o11T. tp„ How Y ■ rs11aW. Ina Cs.. hfiµ sal 40. 1Kfoto lf/B ANN.A L. RHAW, TEAOHIKR et Mew aed sttt.el.. tone dedr.M 01 ( i .q i ziNO--TO 1 T FOS ORAR- KNOWLEDGE Bring" oanft rt and improvement _ad betide b personal et'joytnt•nt what tightly need- The many, who live bet- ter than others and e11 joy lits snore, With lees expun,Itture, by more promptly ideptiug the world's %telt products W the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure 111411.11 laxative principles embreo.d in the nna•dy, Rcnip uf Figs. Its excellence is due in its presenting in the f. rim ni•.at acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of s perfect lax- aute ; effectually cleansing the system, .!1aprlliug colds, beedaeiias arid ft% eta and leximinently curing conatipati..11. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the 'approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liter and Boer!' without weak- ela11g theta and it is perfectly free from every object'. nable substance. Syrup of Figs is for gale by all drat - I irs in 7.ic. bottles. bat it is maasu- fa.•turtd bythe California Fig Syrn Co. only, wose mune is printed on et wry pnikAge, Woo the name, Syrup of Figs, and being welt informed, you will net accept any wbstituts if offered. Mows to Orsditceo• ADV IERTISEMENT FOR CREDIT- ORS, Re Joke ('.f1;.' Ewer,. Ptrraa•nt too,' tit the High ,'ourt d Jetties. Ch•nndrf Dlraiw, made in the metier of the Ornate dJNa C.1l., lama the town of Goiania is the County of H gentleman. and in the cease of Collie re. Cu11L, and ter suet to the direction of the Local hamar at Leaden bearing data the fah day 01 Jsamer. 1w1, the coeditor* of Jok. Cents. late of the town d Gederfch is the Const et Huron. m geetiean, who died oa sr about the 1 nth day se Fentony. A. D. MK are on or %don the 3rd day of lrehtyrryy. A. D. 4114l. to orad by post toMasao Meredith. Omens. Judd t ODee s.eat the cit?) of Leedom. the oelieltere K Osef.e grass Cullia their Mrs Oen sad sernass. addressee awl descriptio.& the fat particulars of their claims. the state- meat atsmast of their aeccunta and the name of the securities. If any. hold by them : er, la default thereof. they w411 be peremptorlly exuded frees the mama d the mid judgment. Every creditor hollI.e any sorority to produce the sante beles�a�n_t my sham bars in the (busy as the iciest inn the day toresoon. f Faresoo be - egg teatime apsinted for Ni.derstiw of the claiDiced this Jl1k dal of lunar,. 1t t- . JAM= MANLY. Master. J. Kaoll'o Ao.tios Males ACTiON SALE OF HOU8EHOL.D tFL RNiTURK. -Joins Kase I ss revived iemrocttoa@ CO sell. et D. harden`e ell eftaed, Weetat. b public •sasses en SATtRDAY. THE :tab DAY OF PEBRIi ART, UK ore _sodas at the boor of r 30 Woking r. rt. 1 bedroom est. 3 plea's sew ; 1 estendon lake; 1 lounge ;I sldehasrd ; 1 rooting chslr : 1 bed spring: stamens; 4dtninelt'ceut chairs: 1 tub and eende4: 1 aortae mattress : I wool te0 ss•tlief , 3 nova . 7 bedaaude and other candles see numerous to mutative Terms JOHN KNOX. 4W. Auctioneer. Awtlon Sales. AUCTION SALE uF VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY IN OODSRICH. 1 am isser.ated to oder ter sale by peldie aunties. at the Albion Hetet ie 0der(cb. ea SATURDAY THE Std. DAY OF Fifa- RI:AR Y. test, at r mt pwmot te the 1.rIsk Meek .1 bsines Mbtoes ooss kt..4on Street berebNre knewses the ••1n- ter•.tle.al Hou" with twosiornsataebed. es let moans number ILS, oodetiok. The pro aloes are centrally limited sad ootid ba otil lied for • taetary. mate rwasee. 4.011 K oaten. and with Ir.pr'oreshMtAMd M nide ..un able ,settees p r(ut thou et Property. r. Parcel lvely Dew femme with .1us (debt reuse � Wltnbes attested f at the a 0t`iH. a sad H.,..rued, ety by** Ysts T4em.. Whitely. There are tiros arta IMet stove houuonoddm re- pair. ion p•Ir. Th. skill/ elt pet a.l{UaI ys s. An r. TM ,aspeatles of the premises larked by fate.dinr ' "Twr Sato O.e half of the rarebits* mewl, to be p.td In mai awl the balsam may retrain oa firm mortgage on the ..Is ter a term of yearn at particulars r st. star further � sed as ias0lea of rt the properties. spay to LOFT a IL DA74C1Y, t• mimes esllslgr. January IJ.d. IO1. est* Odselek. GOSSIP FROM OTTAWA. 'THE COUNTY COUNCIL t.sgtssel 4.. last 1. 1 Gs.. Barry, $10.66 ; Jas. (ls.lee. ; Telephone Ca. $10 ; P. McCarthy, 54 25 ; Wm. Les, 5223.96 ; C. Pays•, $2 : Lad K. Cameras, 566: David Reid, $1 : Miguel of- fice,'103.27 ; deka Puller. 5213,15 ; Mies .41/co Spam. 536 ; Express ('•.. d 31 ; 1'. :tipple, $10 ; 0. A. Ikewtee, 1121.86 ; M. Wiser, 210; ttfpal ethos, 52.50 : W. Pais- ley, 110; W. floCreatb, 41 50; township of Morris, 515. On reference to nation of Mchw.o and Stamp, as to county wards, recommend iso action. We recommend that the following persona be placed on the list of county wart. and the sum set opposite each name be paid to the respective muoicip.litis, ai per rule of the couacil, to he computed Prem Jan. l.t, 1494. Frannie McGinty 84 years old, Ash- field, $90; James Ihrlfaj, 28, ]Ickillop, !'60 : Mary White, 49, t'!tntou. 1572 ; John Bark, 40, McKillop. 850 ; Aon Brown, 70, %Winoggham, $90 ; Desalt! Ifallaetyae, f)2, Hayfield, 572: Mary Ann Oxford, 84, Morris, ,r12; Samuel Fisher, 76, Morris, 4100: Marie Oxford, 74, Morrie, Janet, Zimmer, 22. Ha , "72 ; Nethan Car- rick. 75. Hay, $72 - Marian Kutherby, 50, Hay, $72 ; Catherine Zimmer, 29, Hay, '72 : Maggie Nichol, 33, (trey, 572; Johs• .ton graham, 90, I;oderich towsxi*tpp. $72; John Davis, 73, Colborae, r2 : Asci' ('rose 49, Colborne, 572 ; Mary McDonald, 95, Gederich, $72- The 72The following statement from the clerk shows what the offices of the various odic: ale have cost the county D. McDonald, $78 • 35 : S. Maloolmson, 516.68 ; .fudge Toms, +4.47 ; (toasty tr-aeurer, 48 4 : County clerk, mu?: 1. Lewis, .14.70: Judge Doyle, $19.47. In reference to W. Dunlop, for damage to steam thresher, for the sum of "102.45, we would rsoommeod that no action be taken. The annual financial statement of the county treasurer we Lind fully, carefully and particularly preparedand we renowned that the same be printed in the minutes of the conned. The report of the (;Manch Horticultural Society has been referred toyourcommittee end we are pleased to see the ambition and tool judgment displayed by the society in advertieiee the various fruit• of the county, and your committee feel satisfied that the diephay shown at ('hicago will have -valuable results for the ratepayers of the county. We desire to thank the society for their great paths and interest displayed in this matter. HI.•Rt E,i.arn, ('hairman. Moved by Ferguson and Turnbull, that cruse 67 ot the finance committee's report be amended, and that municipalities bovine county wards maintained by this county be paid 50 per cent. of the present schedule rate. Carr ed oa • divisioo. The vote stood aa follows For the amendment - Besneweie, look. Cruiok• shank, Dames, Erase, F.ilber, F.rrstt, F'er- Fuson, (;sham, (;ibson, Geiger, Halls. Kay, Milne, McDoerld, McElwee, Motives.. klcl'hereso, McKay, Oliver, Rats, tihiel, Sheppard, Stuart, Scott, Sherritt, Tun- bw/1 27. For the report- Bowdon, Bis- set, ('ox, Chambers, Gtryin, grey, Holt, Holmes, Kerr, Kennedy, Kirkby, !(alloy, Mooney, SlcMurcbie, Nettie, Proudfoot., Sperling, Sanders, Sturdy, Woods, A. Young, N. H. Young 23. On motion council adjourned to meet at 3 o'clock. 3 o'clock r. u. Jett. Rase M'rrws)y 111 A Ma•tea4ee N.saher in the city. (►rv.wa, .tan e0. --Hie Honor .cadge Ross a lying .ariot•ly i11 at his home in H1nt.ohargh. It is reported that the IU noes le developing all the .ympf.mns of typhoid fever. He was taken ill while going home on Saturday and feinted see eras times while esronta to Hintonbnrg. Mr. hardest*, M P for Provetrher,31•s Rota, retnrtt,d to tb• city yesterday from Yoatrsa. Ifs states that the Federal mieletewa bare cot consulted him In regard r . the Northwest Sol onl• difficulty, and be has not offered deem any advice in the natter, desiring to hold himself free to digress whatever action may be taken re - gaveling It. 1-nrd and 1.•dy Aberdeen Id! for Qaeb.e earniva yesterday. A. their Loselknolos w111 be at Quebec on Saturday. Feb.:t, the usual skating and tobogganing party at the (loreniesen4 Roue will not be kohl on that day Sir Thomas Mollwrli d% gays a luncheon piety at the ita.esll yesterday. Those present were Sir John Thompson, Kir Adolphe Caron, lion. Mackenzie Bewail. toed Ara and Sandford Fleming, f M t; Mr. A. A. Stewart, ex Reeve of Kenyon township, Glengarry, while d' (rig for gravel in tie hes liana.. a • *reek containing $3.870 1. gold. Ha forefathers warm bolters to possess gold. roommate.. th..bod. Ksaw,csv, Oat Jan. 110. -Tb. post - oars bete wee robbed between 8esarday •vggbg had Woody .steles roar re gatgtai M6sn. shoat 515 Is emelt sod sas seta takes. Tihee le es twee M tba wbbese. Council resumed. TM report of the executive committee was read. leletteu el Masa Predfeet, Either and McKee., so report at the Jess seethes of the owwil. (zvMd Meted by ('e.k .ed Baa.eweis, that the aoMiroest to eines 3 of the executive esmsittse's report be struck out, soil the clause as first referred to the committee o1 the wit_ 111 le reiastaled. toot on • •livl si0a. The vote stoat . For the .notion Ben.e- wets, took, Cos, haat., Ethos, Esther, Errant, Fsrgeiso., Graham. Geirer, Halls, Kay, Kirkby, Mils., McEwan, Mc Ih-eeo, Oliver, Rat,, Shied, Sheppard, Stuart, Sherntt, Sturdy and Turnbull 24. For the report - Bowden, Husott, 4'ruwk•haak, Chambers, Gibson, t.irno, Griffis, Grey, Hula, Holmes, Kerr, Kennedy. Malloy, Mooney, McDonald, Mollurchie, McPhee - ma, McKay, Seelig, I'roudfoot, Sono, snarling, handers, Woods, young Ely th•, Young 11'nlbornel, Ti►e report as amended wan thee adopted. 0. motion the council adjourned until 3 o'clock .. o. 13 o'clock a m. 1111 Nal -1)1:T • •• • 1.1 ' t no, ' nm •11 17/.: exonerated School la.pector Tom from all blame to the charges preferred against him by the trustees of'4 S. Xo. 11, Hay. they asio recommended that, the petition from the Iatep•yers of East and West Wawaoo•h, rogueing that a urinal school be formed,bc granted, and that Wei Clegg, of 1Winehsm, Thos. Gledhill, of Ifenmtller, and Thos. F. Hays, of McKillop, be apeointed arbitrator* by this council in the matter. That the charges against Inspector Toot, rade by '. S. No. 5, Goderich 'Township, are not oorrect, and that the statement coutained in said petition. attributed to Inspector Robb• in entree, *leo that the inspector o•Teyuested tb carry out the school 1.w and regulation' idi the matter of providing an assonant teacher for said "mama. That the school inspectors' reporta he printed an the minutes and that 500 copies be distributed by the inspectors, •ad that this caused re.juest the Education Department of Ontario to furnish four copies of the School Act and Reyulst toss for the use of each school vection in the county woe copy to be kept in the school- house and one for each ot the echoel trieteee. Morel by I'roudlost and Slane, that clause 3 ie the edustioa report be struck ort, and that the .,uestion therein rcierred to be left over until the June seniors, and that the clerk notify the parties interested twat the natter will then be dealt with. Loot on a di.iutoo. Me, -ed by }tats and Milne, that Wtat por- tion of clause 4 ot education report relating to the printing and circulating of inspire. tors' reports be struck -out. 1-om. The report was then adopted. nota .tvu uR/l..i. ' Vmt1 ITTC('» 1t1l'Uftr, lour committee beg hate to report : 2. Regarding the motioo of look and Graham, re bridge on boundary of Ifowick- •nd Minto, recommend that our commis- sioner be instructed to •tt ed to the natter aa soon as possible. 2. Keprding letter iaoin Canadian Insti- tute, salting convention of parties interest- e d is read reform and Impr•ei..meets, would recommend that no action be taken. • 3. That county commissioner's report be printed to the minutes. 4. That an iron or steel bridge, le, feet in width, aid sidewalk 5 feet in width, be built at Wroxeter. 5. That the Gully bridge be rebuilt of cedar, aid be 16 Mt in width. 6. That Ryan's bridge be rebuilt of cedar and be to feet wide. 7. That D ualop's bridge Ile rebuilt of ced aro nod be 16 feet wide. a That the c,unty commissioner be in structrd to stir up the contractori of the Grand fiend bridge to complete their crow tract; and that the county co/native/suer get into hie po.seeeian the iron that has dime - peered from the ( rid Grand bridge, and dis- pose irpose of same for the beoefit of the county, in conjunction with the county of Lamb - too. 9. Regarding application of council of Turoberry re closing up part of Duncan -.t, advise that the matter be lett over till June u nion 10. Regarding application of council of Stephen, re closing original road allowance situated between lot 1, lake load and S•uble communion, would recommend that the law having been complied with in every particular the application be granted. 11. Regarding motto. of Mi1.. and .1.1c. Murchie, re repealing itylaw No. 9, of 1874, would advise that the matter he aid over to the June session ; and that the county commissioner report at June session the octet ot all bridges now maintainsd by county under Bylaw N. 9, of 1874. 12. Regarding plan ot bodge to be Luilt in Morris Township, the committee beg leave to take no action and to lesve it in the hands of the comma 13. Rifigardisg Orellaitfa for damages by Mrs. J. G. lents Rev. Mr. t'arrierand H. Smith.Mterseiof the floods'ngrr aay ot thrfdlge t ••. (:rand Read, we eoa� Moors. Sherritt and Turn ball ass the empty commissioner he a corn • .414.., B�ldgs the warden of I.•mbten, to Nettle tib SMest claims which these parties may ask. The report was adopted. Moved by l'roudtoot and Either, that • petition he presented to the Dominion Gov- ernment, rcgnestiag them to paps • las re- moving restrictions, so that Canadian fish - ernes be free to fish with the kind and dem oript4oe of nate that theused prior to the atone recent chin the law, and also to free the fishermen from the payment of anything but • nominal Bosse. fee. ('armed. The following by-laws were parsed : No. 1, •ppotatiar county auditors. and1\a,t. 2, appointing a board of criminal Na 3, to oesfirm h] law No. 6, 1893. of the towaahip of Stephen. \loved by Mooney and Milne, that the council do sow adjourn to meet again the first Toads! is Jai. seat. .3x ... r.i. Ovum Suras, - The annual oyster supper of the A. 0. I'. W., No. 27 Wks held in the Temperance hal o. Friday evening last. There was • good attendance of the members and their fatmlise. After • sumptuous repast the tables were cleared and the program, eoaaieting of speeches, read'ie4p and m;aic. was proceeded with. Harry Morris. of ('elberse, ably filled the Blair sad gale a few opening remarks relative to the standing of the order. i(ev. blows. M. Turnbull acid .1. 1 Ander- son also gave imitable addressee. Owing to the .benne, through Means, of the Mas- ter Workman, Jaa. Rocli•.aa. „es. Kheppsrd lave • dew appropriate remarks - Two e>re.11est sales were rendered by the Mimes. Wilkinson, and • good •coardsoe solo was gives by E. It, Walesa The &fair wee a eospW. woos •.d oysrynee natured home agarestly well pleased with the wooing's preeeedtea .- The Meese. es.aUd. 51,•ARr Pr t'E.Trlt r •.+,IUITT, t, Your committee beg to make the following reco.uuesdatices 1. That no action be take's on the com- muni-*tion of Andrew Scott, se to grant to Fist Huron Teachers institute for 1893,the sante haring been already paid. 2. That the clerk ask for tenders for sup- plying bank books. stationery, revistry office books, &c., for the present year. 3 That the erection of a house of refuge be delayed anti 1896. 4. That the salary of the county clerk be raised to the sum of 4700, to take effect from the Int inst. 5. That the clerk procure copies of the Statot. of Ontario for the present year for each reeve and deputy -reeve, said ...cuter tots the property of the respective muaid- 4. That no *anon be taken on motion of McDonald and Gibson for grant of $300 towards building a lock-up at Manchester. 7. That no action be taken on motion of Stuart and Turnbull for grant to mechanic," institute. R. That the tender of ,john White k Soo, to do the county printing. be accepted, a proper bond for the fulfilment of Leader be obiaised, .ed that the minutes be in (be hands of the clerk withia thirty days after oopy is supplied to the said firm. 9 That 'so settee be taken on the appli- cation of Keaforth and Clinton osllegtate isatitu,sa for payment of alleged arrears due them. 10. 1w referesee to applications from I;oderioh, Clinton and `(eeforth collegiate institute boards, for a proportios•te cost of Ike malaterance of cow.ty pupils attending the raspsctiye collegiate institutes, Vic. 54, asp 57,..c. 31, mid sub. MOO. , year com- mittee, alter a cerefal e.loalatiioa, have agreed es lbs amounts that the ato be paid, vitt. 0odn•ich, 12,373,'2ro : ('433(411, 12,317.96 ; Seaton*, r2,710 39 .ler the fees received by them from euaety pupils) pro- vided the county auditoria find that the nepeotive ttaloseate pat in by the said is - stations are cornet : this settlement to hold good for three years ; and that the mid in satats be requested to agree 16 this, other - Ines that the natter be esasi.lend at the ,lune eeesios Geo. )iaEl A c. (Saimaa. The council went into committee el the whole, Mr McDonald in the their. Moved by Malloy and (.ibm s, that carts 3 a the report be .track out, and the fel • awtwg submit need net a oommittee ma - easing of Mews. MoMsuehw, F:ilber,Mila., Prowl/mit nod l4wdee, b< appnintetd to ob Isis • het of sites *imitable for the onetime e/ • hose of iedtutry, the cost of the same, nod te prooan plan. sad .pedfioati•ss of the eon of a bendiest fit to aceenamodate seventy•fi.e instable, and report folly at the lune ss.tieg : said easwuittee aim to try aed ebteia treat the Omath* lagialatnn a greed le aid is e.oh esterprbs net .4 the estate d the late Jamas ltavely. Carried. Mewed by Of ,lbs ..d Veries, (O,ihses.), t•Mt the smash► el M000 maw to- wards the being of a lull" nt ManMes- ter. IoM. Meted by SIaart and Terab.U, that inane 7 of the executive report b emesd-d by .slot* • great e/ 516 te web steehanb' Osshtut. Is eke o.esty. (irried. Moved by Masses end Rat& that the e�srte/theenwsireeewnaitee.beamed H.. tastes .i.diisilly, in teepee, will .ihy osrlkUg est eases* 7 of .41 ,uperl. h.r lotteries. A remb .dy meet pass. Ilost.I antly is "w'' 4 w botasems Moved b SoltSoltsod lileedtt, that shoes 9 in map..1 hes., testy DhleW is seen and .t the ere.nMee mugs% be Omsk oat and m fres hes *very ebjeesiesihis goal' Ile f.11•tsing rbJllislsd : W that the Ity. iI really ill he enmaM • .1 Aim el w esih lglsbe MlMres e/ the ..nstipead hew the mote haft boa - mealy be wiped M a w►eafllloe ma- tic*. 4ywp e/ P. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter'* Note00o/8 • lit hen's• a fele bei Tee Loma. 1 reit Se feat N t • added'. Amami se Takla' %mei. a.' Mira Nell twat U." - est... P No" iv the rano to beak around and see If you requ•tc asy-thies of artistic anent, It. R. Sal- Iow'e studio will toenail you with many a aew wrinkle in this hoe. Don't fail to call •set.ada~' bluw- TLe besot luI snow of the paw Werk and the heaping atntaepbere gives iodic-at:on that t''Itmer ,• not over, 17ohaven't a good Winter ovrresa! up to du gw ate, es sure and can upon P. J. Prahaut- OENTI.K34KN,- Armes r sells 51 ee,,rch aaturl wool wader wear fort !,1.30 genuine doeskin whore" enure, make, for ft,�, e3 RMuiae Co1oru oboes .lace or gaiter. for Other amps es page 1. PINK TAILOitINO, - Pall and Winter cloths in great variety seat to Yowlers boot a,..l oboe wore. on the square You can Nice a big choice and rely me good style sod 0, at very moderato prices. 11. Mact'orwac, 31.r. "OL'ft $STEM"-Ot titling spectacles to trot new. but it will appear eo to ,Moet people. fro'a the fact that • sone of Test Leeaao each as we Mee, is rarely tot with outoide of .-sty specialists. it's the only standard and proper way of testing e)sa(pbt. fall in and have your eye' tested, W. 'r. Welsh, opticwa and jeweler, • 1Rnr.ltto t Frit% t' E. At a special meet- ing of the Collegiate lastitute Board of Trusteed, it was decided to accept an offer made by .I. H. 1Worsell t ('o., to put in • Howard furnace in the Institute building for the sum of VI A•4 and the old furs ce and brickwork. Bum.1 4, u.bkn. - A little 2 year old daughter of B. leo, of (Tinton, and recent ly of (4derich, had one of her limbs badly scalded one day last week by the accidental upsetting of a kettle of boiling water which was upon the stove. '1'be little sufferer was doing well at last accounts. NI.0 ARRIVAL.. -We understand lila ,lama F:dntosdatoas, el• poet muter of Grant, township of Cambridge, county of Russell, and his family have located in •'oderich township, on the farm recently owned by,aod which he has purchased from. Harry Johnstone. We wish him success in bis new home. ATTE\n Tine I -i• trait - Don't MISS 1)r. Rigsby • lecture on " Rugby and 1k. Ar- nold " this t Thursday i evening in the t twiate Institute assembly hall at 3 o'clock. Those of oar townspeople who heard it in Toronto speak in the strongest terns as both ole jueot and estertainiog, Admission, adults 15c., children 10c. lis' ,srt.T KALE car 1),,,,. l' - On Monday, Flab. ilk Jobs Amer, nos i•eiser, will ear ter Ms alb the .it4rill foss, Col- bornG e, near od.rich, twenty-seven choice head of cows, suit*ble for dairy purpose,. The sale will commence at 1 o'clock Sharp, and should be attended by all parties who wish to procure • good low. .4 Seamier 1'+KTt. - One evening last week a party of young people with baskets well tilled drove over from Goderich to the residence of B. W. Yeo, of Clinton, and spent the evening in singing, reciting and playing various games. Among those pre. sent were Marra Fitzgerald and Adair, of Newfoundland. One and all were well pleased with the evening's enjoyment, Hymn VEUKI.ART Avur trete. -The annual meeting of the Huron Veterinary Medical Association wan held in the town hall, Clinton, on Thursday, .las. 1101,there being a large attendance of members. some lively discussions took place. The treasur- er's report showed the aa.ociataoo to be in good coaditioo 0.aaoially. ( ►Isere elected for 188.1: ih•, ,1, Wil.nu, 1, S.,pree.WWing- . hant : 1)r. sP, F. ('lark, 1. S. , vice pre* e ;oierich ; Dr. .1. 1s. Blackell, V. K ,trees. , Clates 0,. J. J. Walker, 4'. s., secy., 1 •osdeeb;ore. The meeting a..f loured to meet in the town ball, Wingh•n, on March Rth, .t 11 o'clock .t. s. 25111 Wannts.• AsNI%)R,AR,. Oo Tues- day evening • happy company „f relatives sad friends gathered at the home of C. R. Taylor and wife, of this office, in remem- brance of their wedding day on the 23rd of January, I889, 25 years ago. A pleasant tams wan spent in music sad games, &c., the compuy esparating about midnight. Co gntulatery hitters came from Walter M. Dock, Fit., M. 1'P., of the Kincardine Reporter ; 1). McGillicuddy, of the Huron Signa -both old-time employes of thus of- fice, now in sueceauul business sad others. .4 number of kandsome useful silver offer. ingo nese received from Montreal, Toronto, Goderich, Hespeler and friends in the city, Guelph Mercury. 5 17' FASTENS' ITS 110 LD -upon yon before you know it. It is sore to he in the air we breau e, the water we drink. The germ of ('onsluuption i• everywhere pretunt. The germ begins to grow 304 soon as it reaches a oral spot in the hotly. ('atarrh, I:ronebiIIS. awl a .erofnloue .'on.iitiou, furnish these weak spots. The way to tight these germs--Aeyaa ear/y-- render the liver a, Llt ive si. purify the hloo0 with Pr. Pierce's t;olden Metlieal 1)ipt'ntery. 1A•.i.les, it hulk's up health} flesh. It's yaa.t rrr,etd in all bronchial, throat and Tung ' f'. ctions; every furan of scrofula, e% en_ fom.ump(iow- _ in iia earher stager." the •• t5irti eatery " fails to btmedt or cure, you have your roomy back. Fortify yourself against iii..nor• by making the body .I. rtrt prat/; then you will vve ourself from grip, malaria, and many of then p.a=min;; Jiv-aw',,. It ewes Catarr'b in tilt I Iced -- perfectly, and p er- mant;ntly 1 )r. Sage's Ca- tarrh Remedy. 4 -- - TME WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. oderIeb rates,. ' 414:4144141041.414:4144141041. January A. 1ief. Whs.t,4i"111111"41.•• tandard 0 St 14:100,5.000, o 0 0 4.14 W beat . .... .... o ', to 0 u Flour, tasatly . 000 to 0 on shells, 5 boa - 110 U) teaD 00 On tan 00 $cree.iwp • tea u) 0050;11, o td*1 00 Choppai Fold Wheat 7 tea... _ , 00 OJ rues w ()ate, stew, • b0,h 0:10 to 0 3f Peas, a bush. 00 31 to 0 SY Barley. two rowed. 7 buds 5 w to 0 w B.r1ey, eoeseeen ...... 0 :tt toa pt Hay,y.to. 44'to7n Potatoes. * boob-Zwea J 10 to 0 *I kunst. ... 030 to .075 tY Chum a.mietd. iI IC...... 1 I iso 5 14 Weed Mtsasssp ., ...w...•.•..,i..w,....ta• :p M to �' IJre n 130 to (Ireoo,dt f[oge .. 3 4 to o e0 PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Wm. Elliott, Wellington et, is tory i1. W. Jenkins, el Clinton, sendaysd in towts, His (;raharn . elating friends in To - tanto. Mrs. A .1. Moore a ratting friend* in Tampa Kam. Draper *pent Sunday at home near ihang•hso.. Alt. swore. of Kincardae, in visiting to town this creek. Robt. Reid, eon of ,lanneoon Reid, ,e in torm this week. Nis h lea Guest was visiting friends in Auburn Mot week. Martin Conseil, of Saltford, is home from Douglas Station, Mao. Jobe Brown, of the Collegiate Institute, euday.d at hoes i. A.kn. Suis, Tillie O'I.sughlii, e/ Kilned, paid a visit to (ramie in town last week. We are pleased to stats that Hey. Dr. l're has reoetsred tram hie retest ill- MOM Philip Amelia, Who •ttonde the Collegiate Isolate hem, su.daysl at his hems In Kfntal Jas. Ra,ha.a., sr , ie, we are pleased to state, able to he •rate.1 .rain after a severe attack of illness. lir Mackay and J. G. Ward, .1 1'., of Ihinga.nea wee* in town Wednesday and looked chipper and Amery. While nark nag at Kidd's salt block ne Friday lest, Rebs. Ruchanaa, Lighhouee st, had the mhfertese to fall, dianeatiny three et hie rib. Robert Reid, of Westford, who ha. been a seethe ef week* with his p•re.te Mr. Mee. David Reid, F7gi. et • re fawned M that City es 14* eiasd•y. Wo R. Reiert.*., d Havana, 111 , ohs hes bees apsoli.a • maple o/ week. WWI 1dWves him IA for the boas et his par- aeM D4lssiee, Oat., se Meshy. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FEB. 1. I't.:e. Local Photos - R. R. -*Dun . , • .. . o I ocal i ailoring F. .1. Tridha'm . , . .. -• -4 Teterboro NI,rscls Telford 4 Co.... ts Important Announcement .1. T. Aeb- eeoi 7 - To Our Patrons, k.- •'olborn. Woe . ,, a Feat'berbone Corsets Canelo Feather - bees ('o .. . , , , 8 Prepsrties for Sas--J. Kass . b Moths 8a1..-i.14am S , t...al-C. (:, Ards a sg a ('a . ` ..5 ANDER80NC- At tbe manse, o■ toe eternise of Thursday the !.ab Inst., Stn. Auden**. of • daughter. CltADB- Oa Jan. 360t. at West Hay t'ity. Mich.. to Mr. sad Site. chance L. Crebb. • see. DIED. MORO A N La Oeder:.:h, on Tuesday. Jac logy 30th, 1N1. Witham Merges. awed 61 years, les tuaeral will take place from hie late re. shinier, W id.lorst., es Thursday. Feb. le•, at r 30 r. u., to Maitland ceme'ery. Friends sad aolua.ata.oeswill please s-c.•pt of this :ntim- .14. . LOCAL BREVITIES. Subscribe for Tna 5,•.',1. for 189+1. The Sone of Scotland hal • espy*: at their rooms on North -"t last week. The quarterly board of W ,ctoria-at citeult masts in the basement of the church Slooday evesis0. A number of young men front here took in the caeaiv.4 at Cloths ea Tuesday night of last weedy. Nest Woodsy eremite, the teachers of Northern:imolai Smoot wt11 have their an- nual election of officers. The pastor, Rev. H. Irviie opens a series of revival services in hie church on 40onday evening nut at 730. All are welcome to these meetings. This annual congregational Meeting of Knox church was held yesterday evening ia the basement of the church. Ther was a large •ttasda.oe Itch oti human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minuted by Woolford's 1'.1aa'tetry Lotion. This never fails. Sold by .1 F- lava sad all druggieta. 0-17 The special mr.iew held in North -d. Methodist church were cloned last week. Rev. H. Irvine intends canmencing special services in Victoria-st. church shortly. •,loarterly meatiest wrote,. will he held ria 1-ietoria-ot church on Sunday next. .4. 10 e. the l.ovefeset,eal sacrem»st us admis- stered a1. the close of the evening service: Kentish Spavin Liniment removes all hard soft et eallota. d Lump Mel blemishes from honer, bled epa.in, curbs, splints, rue bone, Sweeney, stifles, apnoea, Sore and swollen 'threat, coughs, etc. Sabre *f10 by nae of one bottle. Warranted that nicer wspderfeal blrtnieh core ever know.. ;old by .1. E. Davi. sad .11 druutists. 30.1y !thermostat"' lured to • lay. Smith Ameri'•n Rheumatic lure, for Rheumatism cad Neuralgia, rsdlislly :tired is 1 to 3 dap. its acting se the system ie remarkable id mysterioao, It removes at nese the sem aid the disease i.n.w.ltatefy disappears The first .love greatly benefits 75 vests Sold bT .1 E. Dario sad all driegista. 30-1y Relief in Blit Route. i)rtre 0g W- iwi and bladder diseases relived In al beam by the " Nett Gusty Soren Assad can Ktn<cxhaat" Tide Neer remedy aa greet marries and delight to p►yeioiies en !assent of eta stealing is w Ysdsr pin i. the ►boder, k bask sed seer/ part of tbi .risary psnrees v owls sr female. it ?obsess retortion OF wear and pais is posing it Wears lase& Mee. L yes west TOOL relNf and anti eirO vow reetdt. Bali by J. R Dot 1 , ) ✓ 1�