HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-1, Page 3THE SIGNAL: OOUERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 113514. 3
Des tee tor Mwehig • Cemelortable Roast -
ton Place to utak Weather.
it gems without aaytug that poultry
will y iel.l small pruht du wait. r 11 mi4
kept thoroughly warm. F..w1v wilt,
nowerer, endrin• sotAewhst cold quar-
ters during the day thus• if kept briskly
at work ecrstching fur their living, but
Crxnnw.o Aloin, Ammonia. Lone,
Peimppwes, or aro In,•a: dorsi
L W. otu.BTs. Toronto. Ons.
- whin for Salrales a' are Wee.
Ifbere s pleasure in the palace, therc•s glad -
sem in the ha'.
rat the lues•ltc6t o' the cottage is dearer
than them ;
TM' the idler ia but 'abut, an' pian the fare
stay be,
'Tim the happmt spot on tart h Obeli the
ha;raies a' are wee.
What thongh we aye rnsuu 'oil, fru i •we
d' Kl:remio trey.
There's pleasure still to honest stark, what-
eter mos nay say :
11'c torsos though rte re lowly, me lane es
we ere free
Toeajol the .wests o' hams wt:cu the baba -
jot a ate wee,
Nue idle, leIy, pampered loon that in hie
emote- riles,
He m.'er ean tind the .sere. stere truest
joy abides.
Though hp weetth sad leseis he t.uundkes,
they neer oxo pleasure if le
L.ke titit eappiuc.to that reigns when the
barna. a are wee.
•• The humin are like sunbeams that keep the
house aye tri.'ht,
:\n oh. 'tie sweet to hear them ,in thew
wee bit .sags at nicht
so- tnnocrnt Au' cheery, dull can awe;
mien flee,
1 .r tee Mart is aye kept l,cht whet' the
Minute : are wee.
till, dull and cheerless le the hoo.r where
Monies neer are men,
Where nae we .otos wingk in the Monde
creek et e'en :
-Tu oke the wtthcrad trunk o' a Larc m
foodless tree
see`dames% i.. tote Name whoa the home
a' are wee.
ohm the Cairns are sleeps wood. m
• the hon.. is still,
lYe ewer up • litartlett prayer --lie (cod' it
Is Thy will,
Watch ..w.r them when they sail acmes
life's dark w1 troubled .re,
As' keep tie n aye u happy as when they
sera bursae' woe.
—AaCtHBAi'. 1T i
smut tisane.
email ehawe ia isdispen*ible in goiter
al out • city. To have poly • t:. a dollar
bill Is one purse when riding in an .mei•
Iris Of .a, it •Imwt a• bad u to have 0
money. One requires small change, and the
thoughtful husband supplies his sof* woe
irtdst top -(cent poems *.*4 sbtuiag quarter•
oat as regularly as with fresh sreeabacks
.\ wont. peelers new and fresh money 1.
that which is greasy and soiled, if she cat.
have her choice, sad • certain good man,
known and loved in • large circle ales•).
makes • point of brinri•g home to 61. famit,
the wherewithal for domestic expenses to
• terr dainty shape. He i. deservedly •
Small elang• ie ea valuable in the core
merge of life u other departments as to
that of the exebaquer. There are people
who can talk extremely well en learn..
and serious' subjects, hot they have n.
email change. The qui.:k jest and es•)
repartee of t6ot drawinroom are not 6.c
them. Helplessly and hopelessly, wick
gloom settling over their laces, and de•pai.
..n their •Dula, they sit by while lees rifts.+
People ehat and laugh and have good times
The trouble ia they ars destitute of .malt
This pat• them at a diad.satare t•.
society slier* there is not time for homilies.
and treatises, bot where everything is !roil'
and fosse. The airy butterfly flight 0:
their aeigbboee, osehiess and distort.
them. Thur forces nowt, .o 10 speak. le
dawn up is order, and prepared to charm.
en the •semy, horse, loot, and drsgoom.
All this takes time *rid tbengbt, sad tle
enemy is np and sway, skirmishing tri
umphs.tty deewh•re, before the .alsek.
e tmensst by arranged his lie. 1•t. battle.
Hy all grouts bot teem vibe would •woes.*
10 society carry *Met tb• small Mane o'
witty oeaver.atlos.
Golden aware.-
Prose the slaws IJat*r Tribute.
"i made $600 .mos," maid the man is the
maciateab. "by empty keeping my mouth
shot "
"Was it st an a*etioa e asked *1*. w
in the domes tut.
"High priced deetnr asked Tea b *sow
him your tongse and yon didn't do it!" von
gigthe man who had his test es the
"No. It was--"
"Foetid it out the street and didn't my a
word about it to anybody •sggeated the
man behind oke gree. woggle
"ito it on a bat ! inquired the roan 1n the
sharer sheer.
' Barr • asked you where veer mosey
was hid and yes were streak supechlies sad
endetn't tell ►:m Y" hazarded the seas with
he lie spot et grey in his moostsebs.
"Yoe think 'me're pretty sleet," said
the .tae is the maet.isa6, .peaking to the
.crowd ',amorally. "Ilett yon 1s nett. Nue 0i
Yoe would OW' enema h. i ,rade that $600
is the seap'eM way 1. lip world. -A PEA
old ands who woe TNllis rte tdi a Mag
story WA board haw we • �/1 Mt«
butene. 1 wee Na. 4' este o rely
Mai *dish Twadd it, . he
+rwtr ism
se hie wilt.
Ws Md.
': 1 thbk. tr tow a*gld loss sear base
I M fkpsiit/d w. old Lisa.. "1 kink
ever 'mei every dry, sad the mere 1 bosh Lis
madder l pial*
rARmi. roti (K YW)%T er porsel.
..lel 'sight* must be spr•ialh- gnardel
trainee l oantry l;eatletuau futtnshtes
1 .levier: for recnring a warn* rot/Nene:
:lace that will doubtless commend Heel(
to many poultry breeders.
Aimee the p4ttforru aro pieced tin
roe es. mud in front of these is a tii;i,t
buts! pcirtition• *omit"; down to within
i•i er 1$ incites df 1Le platform. The
veiling, aides and hack of the epuce thus
iac)r..eti being tight. The authority
rioted men a peel temprsture will be
uaiuteinc.l by the'beat from the bodies
4 the fowls theu,selves, for *hie heat
rises and ranrx,t escape. while torr im-
pure p;to.». bring heavier, dose -ted te the
•,,t. below.
I[ .liMculty ie had is getting f,nr_le to
* o to roost in .w•h an imlust'4 and par-
tially darkened place. this added parti-
tion in front can be hinged at the top
and reload .Luring the clay, bring Let
down after the fou Is have gone to r met.
IV; larrel tutors 11:e platform is in a
cense 'tient pMesiti.'n tae retrive cors day
the ar•nmulati..0 of eropppinem upon tore
platform,. If the hallway 6. at one stile
or iu the. rear of this rotating place. the
!assts tan very eeenvenie•ntiy be placed
beneath the platform and made acces-
sible from the hallway.
Ctippk.g tb. Ostrow* W teras •
Opinion% are rliv-ideti op the 'abject of
wing clipping. The American Hese Jour-
nal MAY
Itpa queen's winge are chppd. it dots
riot in the bea=t pre'vept *tie lamina; of a
',warm. The clipped queen gees out.
too., site may go tuck into the live om
the return of the rwann, or she tsa:ey
wander off to ttoroe distance and he (rand
with a small rlueterof tare. *iotrietinue
she will enter a neighiioriitg hive and le.
killed, if the beret mane! close together.
The 'warm which Mute ntay return to
1hr hive after sailing around in the air a
short time. or it may not return to the
hive *nee after it has eInetenel and hung
a half hoourorlongerr. BiiT'1Tl trael of re-
turning to its own Live the *warn 0,:.
en!er another hive where a swarm has
ret ernes/ prey ionsly on the saute day. be-
ing attracted by the excitement still
t h. -rt'.
These disadvantages. to the minds of
Nome. are so great that they prefer to
watch for swarms with unclipped
gnce'us. (fthere argue that it i. still
worse to have swarms go off to the
wools with a flying gnet•u, and clipping
the queen effectually bars anything of
the. kiud. Even some who watch for
'wanes are strongly in favor of clipping
querns' wings as • safegnani. Some
flaunt that a gneeu with clipped wings
is more likely to be snp•roeafod. Those
who clip (any *hid, saying that with
clipped queens the snp•rseding is
promptly noticed, whereas, with whole
wing* a queen may be •nper..ded with-
out the knowledge of the owner.
TM Graduated Wap ltretowt.
A good plan to contract with then is on
the graduated wage .ratent..a)-. The
Fern Journal, which explaius this eye -
tem as follows:
The agreement is 5400 and board. Be-
gin at 315 for October and November;
in December r'dncr' to 313; January.
Febrnery sal March, $10 each mouth:
April. ole: May, Soo: Jnty, goo: July
and August, Pei each month. and elope
the year in September with $80. This
gives the man most wag.. in long days,
when others are awning day wages. and
least in cold weather. making him satis-
fied the year round. Of comas the
monthly rites named here will need to
be secret' to suit altered circumstances
in different localities and under different
methods of farming.
A. Eaeeil nt aarrs1 C.rt.
Scene time ago a correspondent of the
Rural New Yorker told attest his barrel
nn wheels, which be used for carrying
swill sod dope from the kitchen doer.
As a barrel cart affords a universally
Caen tR1a 0AMRJ U swig Atte 11 11111.1..
heeded •emrlah'slse. tMe jnttynd than-
'toue.i gave an Il{n.trnte"l description of
an arrangement rustle in tin t
An will 1t.* mom tie hordes sau he
placed am say fruit A11 ah. •poster
how M do i• to hulk tip W wheels ani
'•catch no." h is a tusk roevasisam
le hookas keen Ttattoki.
?Se tmposeames of C.esa•.lka and K.erw
Wee *seek tromties-
Pr,fasor E. H. Voorhees of the New
Jersey agricultural experiment sfatio,s,
iu a bulletin us cornstalks and straw as
bay substitutes, furniabee south valuable
information to farmers and answers the ,I
ever recumng query .a to the proper
n ue of cornstalks and 'Anew for stock
feeeling. As Ptr,(u•sor 1-.orht-es explains,
Otte neuron why corn [ethic, and straw
have a Ion feeding valve is that they lire
tearer fools. They mart be made finer
before they are fed. To obtain the beat
runup, they rhonld be fined by bring
ruu through a cutter and softened either
by tuning with routs and grain or steam-
ed or dampened with hot water. It way
safely be said that mless these things
are dame it will toe impuasible t', obtain
the fall feeding value .d noese roars.
feeds. The saving sit three tons of hay
in a semen will pay all the coat of cut-
ting and softening stalks and straw.
Attentiuu w called in *his bulletin to
stutewents made by the French ruiuu.-
ter of agriculture: "It is au error toanpr
lease that nue:tuls on the farm an con-
demned toiufft•r or perish: i1 the lay crop
fail', for there are eountnes when. horses
seal cattle never receive any tray, and
there countries are renowned err theft
.rattle," He giver the following nutri-
tive..pnivalents for cattle: One hundred
poends of good :tveruge hay eau be re-
placed by 170 pounds of oat straw, ;`•l:
'mottoes u[ wheat strew, lee pounds of
cat chaff, 103 pewee, sit wheat chaff rind
lie minutia .,1 potatoes." It west be re.
menthe rod that while these products in
the quantities given may furni.b the
reetivulent tet nutriseen, it dots not fo1•
low that they world serve equally -wt-1I
is mttietainiuglife if fed alone. A good
fetal is out equally good for all l:urpusee,
awl even auimals of the sauce kind differ
in their capacity for toeing feeds. L,
Ereeaud great progress baa beeu made
iu feeling methods'. The cut Lay. straw
and vx her coarew prulucts are nrixe.l with
sliced reser., the feuds a.6I.d, the whole
team thoroughly mixed and allowed to
remain son,. time bef+,re feede.e. This
art tleel &subtlest adds to both the pedal*
bility and digestibility of the betide.
Professor Voorhees gives a number of
rations for dairy cows, horses r-ud fat -
letting steer., but threw are not intended
as meatier rules. Animal, must be fed
as inlivklttal., with peculiarities of ap-
petite. digestion and aseimilatiun, not as
diel lulu-binea. The remark ie made
that where stuck is kept clever lay
oho ul.l not be euld from the farm. This
nupertatice of retaiuing the crops. en the
fano ..r exchanging their valor. for come
mer.•ial fertilizer. should ix well under-
stood. Beth cacti.• and borate will gaiu
►u weigie "u liberal .,tions of cheer hay.
1••.e yuut:g and gruw..:g stock, as calves
reel volt', linseed mewl, bran and re el-
dliuset are tlse beet additions to the r..ngl,
fodder., .talks suit straw. in the way of
feeds. x: they are fish in the muscle and
brae forming constituents. The aruounts
r.quir.d should ie. adjusted by the feed-
er accenting to the age of the animate.
A Rork Ear Tool..,
The Faroe 11mA:envi t News has eltt.-
trated w.v-eral dt•s-igne for racks suitable
for holding variuur kiu.ls of tools in t- -
A RA('a 1\0 EVERYDAY Cee..
eryaay use. Theon here presented will
be f.'nnd convenient. The draping is
earn as to moire no explanation.
Quality of Grow ,P.dd4r.
There art. many canoes for variation
in the fodder made by growing corn,
some of them pertaining to the way it is
grown, and others to the skill, or want
of skill, shown in curing it. Corn that
is grown so thickly that its stalks am
thin and white in as nearly worthies* as
such feed can be grown. 1t has little
pwec•tnees and not enough nutrition to
keep anything in good condition. For
folder alone corn must be grown so
thinly that nearly every stalk will have
• nnbirin on it.
The stalks from field cont that has
borne a crop of ears have more nutrition
than the average of corn thickly mown
grown for fattier alone. Sweet corn
stalks are better than those of the ordi-
n ary flew variety. This tatty in part be
owing to the fact that roasting ears are
piek.d early, and as the leaves continue
to gather more sweetness it goes into the
.talk alter the green ears have been re-
m.rvel. Plucking green ears from ordi-
nary field corn makes the stalky richer.
and such .talks sue always preferred by
cow* when fed with others where the Mrs
had leen remove) after being fully rip
sued.—Anieiicsn Cultivator.
codes. vee I teem
tC t. R.M... 1a Atoenerue kleet eine.
la the sewer foreground I .•e • peeetaoal
method by tae prodwolioe of eleotric,ty
dined) root the burning out. This
achieved there sees eerily lullowy the ant
versa adoption of the electric motor •e a
prune mover ; the niegatiw of the steam
engine to tae unit heap, sad the almost
tma»drt• reeds sacs of the sir shop ea a
mesas of transporestwo.
Amnesia" the cause of chemical .tasity
to 1*e in the ,.alike electric charge* of the
oombiuityp arum., I am the practical reals
aeon of electric synthesis. whereby whole-
soms food products visit he directly formes'
under the pott.cy of *Metric *Mumma 1 see
too, • marked *Ammo. to electro-tbera
pout* a, a Iirtoby hernial IUc a ill 6. prolong
of *ad its sufieriags *llet mod. Vaguest.
and prognosis,' Moil 1he prut.,uudly aided t,
exact electrical ircesurt metas of the varluw
ermine of the hunau body se regards their
electro-n•uuee fora: and tae.,trrrca•. Th.
elect rod 1er*put ut 4Le future .111 employ
electric charges and cure t• for retortse
the uurmal chergta sail cit tents of the hod)
e• well u fur the sttmulatt.0 ut nervous us
uoo.cular teams.
flack of them achi.oemeo*. 1 doceru
practical •pp..revue fes seeing through •
ware ; t. e., a derlw fair ).*,km inn • ry
caber •t one end et s u,, ..11ic wire and see
itrg thritiu a faithful reproduction of abet
ever opti.ml Images are tupraased ea • trims.
matter at the otter end, e.cu though thou
►ands of maks in:err,•I,c. I sec the tu..iI' e
use of the stoop doe u tral.efo'n er for oho
preparation of • roadbed or ro*4 surface to
the vitrification, an s,' u, of /lay or oilier
suitable soil, by the intense heating power
of e*OfMOMM cur rests sit ulm.*rietty,
Wb/ weer ■n, 1Na•.
We sometimes Houk that it ia only the
homeless who can uocl.Rtand in its lull
meaning the word " Homme !" Think what
.1 muse mean to those whore desolate heart.
no •mile cheer': w1 o deity pass thousands
..f their fellow cr•atnres, intent on their
own err*uda of bosomy sir pleasure, t.•
whom their lifeor death is a natter of no
mon.ent : who look Into the pleasant sic
dow•e w they pass, and ase .r..upe of bappt
frees ',and the well -lilted table, elide
hunger and (hist, but often inure eai;oo ty
for companionship uu.l sympathy than tor
tome 1leek v.ee i' meet mean wh..
sickness and death come, and life ebbs'
slowly away, aupt the ear aches. listeni. g
vainly (et. * trend!). fontfalj1 ami the sou•
taints with Tonging for the pressure of a
kindly hand, as the "dark valley- appear.
in sight.
Ah ! wen for such • hen this poor life is
(over, and the btig6tnere lewns upon the
Abe 10..14.', Nary a footsore.
From the Philadelphia Pei ea.
NIT. 1i. -*troy, Jam.' 1A.—The engagement
. aa renounced si* r • • kr ago . f 11. free t:
French sad tides Mary )'., o di. The wea-
ther was te have been •u:ctueiued haat even-
ing ei the residence cf the Powell,. Alt
went well until a .hurt tope before the date
of the wedding, when Min Powell told 41e
French rhe w,,.hsd to know *brut his fam-
ily relations. }rcuch admitted to his fir
lanced that he was a widower aid the (al tier
ei fowl chtldnn, ail of whom were Living in
New lurk.1*).
The cards M.1 been issued ao0onncior
he woldsog for ler! even's' and the gu.• is
.a.embled at the Powell residcrce, bringing
many toki.e u1 remen.brasce. Nothui;:
was known of any dtai,rc.ment until •
member of the Powell family announced
that the wedding hail been po.tponed on fir
count of Meese of the bride. When Freed.
made ors confession to Miss Powell she be
come very angry, it terms, tefused to oak.-
akeenv et*tetmeat to her permits or hiroale,ard
dial not make her appeersatw to have the
mamag. crt•-mouy perforated.
steeples Alter arab.
A foreign meilteal corespondent of the
New York Herald points out that it ee not
• good thi.g to leap after a meal, as by so
doing there is a risk of congestion of th.
bead and espectaly of attracting toward the
brain the circulation necessary for the pr..
tees of digestion. But it must not there,
tore be assumed that active exercise i. de
Arable after a meal. A short rest followed
by very goodie exercise is preferable. ae
thus the gastric juices mit more tboronghly
with the tool, end the secretions iudispen
sable to digretiou aro not impeded es Ile,
are by active exercise.
Anemic per.ons who ere in no danger of
oor.gestion may sleep after mels with in•
penny. lint old people subject to mageo-
.i..n• rheumatism or rtvh of blood to the
bead should he careful cot to retire soon
after • nice). --
As f ammo raises
rum the Neer York tribune.
The moiety people of Knox vitledecided t•
help the poor. sed incidentally to have •
tine, by giving a . berity bell. nut
Boal Methodists miuwter began to denoane-
the scheme in oemesaured teras on the
ground that dancing um inherently wicked
To silence him the managers of the props
ed hal pwbl,•hed a card owe morning spree
log to rail off the affair, provided the mina
ter would deposit 11,400 in a beak for char
ity before 11 o'clock that day, in whiches,.
they would c-ntribute the mine .resent
The offer was simply a blog, but to the sur
pries of the managers and the disgust of the
society Me minister complied with the roe
ditioa. do Knoxville will net have • ball,
but the poor people will have 12.000.
Natealttow 6.196 1s Die Proof Lbw.
Character reader. Fa . discovers l that
.oft, silky hair indicates nee kind of • t.m-
Mwot.st, anti rough, coarse hair *moths.
at we wound like to know ia, wha
bigot of • disposition dues a lack of hair in
41.61. !
Thiess Tate by Otkere.
The Farm Journal says: Bring the
horse el) to the hitching post with hie
bead form the wind. He will not get ce
cold as if his head is toward the wind.
end he will .rand better. Timbers('r 'n
stand more quietly while you are Weis*
in;; hit. if 6ts hese is from the wind.
Bore a email hole in the pomp below
the Asn or bind it around with straw to
keep it from freeing.
it is fn oliehne'as to give the caw bs
,obi water, unarm. warm rate tilted of
ker. and expect her in keep warm.
To trap mn.krata lois the commas
steel rattrap 'et at the hose of the rat es
in ion troll along • stream- !late it with
Soh or carrot.
Wiles the ie -phones 1. filled, do net
we. any aawdast tot ►..p of the lee nptil
von have thrown the bona. open some
.tinging mid evening and pourer) water
,ver the ire until the ere'ilcma ere ailed.
loan t e Use Inane epee thew or Poor very
slat MOW sad tit foe will throw tale
ilea isl*A own and Imo bolter.
Is averted, or If too late to
evert It it M eft*, eared and
&wire relieved by
tie Cream of Cod-liver Oil.
Cares Coughs, Colds and
Weak Lungs. Physicians, the
world over, endorse IL
het M Rubel by MoilibMN
eeettl balsa asswgt..AllDlletsrsro ire a*.
"Only the Scan
• Remain,"
Says Rrvar Ift-naox, of Me ill01es
1411.111 It Woolen
]I[arbinery Co„
Pa., who eerie-
f:Is folluwe:
" Among Ilse
many testimoni-
al. whte1 1 see
in regard to tet.
t a i° sae-titd*..
e.l roof, rte*neiug
i1.., Wood, etc.,
11.'1..• uupr.•at trio
thou say
own ease.
Ttc.my years
ago, at the age
0(14 years, 1 had
awvIlingo rotuu
on soy legs,
which Wok, and
became• run.
plug sores.
I coir fatuity play-
siaan 0,4114 do
rue nu good, and it was (.oared that th.i
boom would bo art. rto:4l. At Wt. my
C(NNi 1,1.1
Mother Urged Me
to try Ayer's Aarsapnrilla. I took three.
bottles, the sorra he,.Ied, rind 1 hate riot
been troubled sin, .•. Only oke scars
remain, and the memory of the
past, to remind me of the good
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has done tote.
I now weigh two hundred and twenty
pounds, and mu in the beet of health.
I have been on the road for the past
twelve years, have noticed Ayer's Sur.
imperills advertised in all intro of t6.
United States, and always take pleas.
are In telling what ,nd it did for me: •
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., Low.n.ltsm.
Cures others, wI$ICUr Oy
111fa-r etIke •I.1a.
In so aritio . u t.. a' :-11 of hearty.
a phy.Ician write• . •The: i est methods • 1
keeping the •hu, fu s health, .ria .sear .on-
diuon is frryuC',t b•otting its • old wrtcr a. I
avoidance of the est 4 er,mtpktion powder
contairnnt *r►rn . er bead. ;Wiper diet. cor
net halms, ph o• c • t 'deep and op •o *i.
exorcise : ami it we rnigks add area fir boats ob
meAlcL,e a. Ire,._ soon:•lly •.Io+ole for this
purpose it w..:.;.! be li•e)ay's 1 ver Lenen•
We Weil It
Strewber--tea yen feel -be
depre'sion! limeet It el/
m.o,for a period of a m. loth 1 it
borrow a dollar
W hy,old
'1 Maki to
v W7LD
• C
Hotter battaatWeos tkiii.leta bruise
es • Mold's face If the skis IN.'S broken.
H.arorrb..tes of the luass fir eesesich an
promptly checked by small doom of salt.
A salve made by noshing beeswax Ia
sweet oil u good for sore lip.. Apply it
11 the foot u bruise& take oto the .hos
end stocking sad immerse It ,a hot water
nom W to 30 minutes, *ddowd hot waver
man may be removed or matte lar con
•picuou. I.y a ilea* applicatrots °f hot °lite
oil, rubluog the oil )qt., the skou with the
urn of the fingers.
ehibh'. Curs is sold on a gua.intac. It
-arm insipient ctweomtt:ou. 1t js the best
aough.life. Only one c-nt • doge : LS.t. ,
SO via, and >t1.00 per Litile. Sold by all
drurgseta. e w
11. 1h. )o° b.:,.,, w lute at first eight':
She Thi. ie .o sodden.
Me.smAN.a M *Arts.
Never write silly letters to saes.
Aa.wr letters the day air they are re-
I:et • separation from your powder -hex.
Pay those Lembo' hod ole .ads that yott
we.Remeaber to wind up your watch every
Ha more philosophical and ler riven over
Take off that new ring when you wash
your ban.la.
Stop wtwrtag high -heeled shoes end spot •
ted . eds. •
Keep the buttons on your shoes Ind hooks
0s tour (ruck*
1'*1 a ,.•ruin amount of merit.) in the
took cyst) week.
Refrain from feelag in jure oftener than
once OA two smooths.
sub..•rile for Tug S*..v ti. for 1091.
AT Till;
+ t ♦ 1 t 4
Our 50c use Cannot be Beaten.
Lathes' and Children's Underwear, extra value.
Navy and Black Etorm ,'cries. th° best in
Town for the mine).
3 Plot OMIT
. anew
Draper and How rdn»herr.
Vre are sok agents in llislerich for the (doted Pleasant Dream
and World's Fair Coal and, Wood Cooking emit e* aril t ww,,;., Milli
I entine liuplex-Grates anis nil modern ittiproyetocnts. Every- Sto*e
warranted. The finest Store in the market.
Have you seen our new Stanchv Steel Ware in Tea anis Coffee
Poli, Kettles and Pudding Dishes. One piece of this Ware *ill outlast
three pieces of Agate or Nranite Wart'.
We are offering New (ioo.ts as cheap as any in the trade. All Or-
•leretl %'ork attended to a4 punctually as possible. hits as *'Cali.
, Protect your feet auto avoid la grippe. You can .1.' (1, - lye I llr-
dimming your F uotA*c fr ono
Gum Shoes,
Mackinaw Sox, &c.
wilt 0 . . s.• nwouthls
os ether .g• .. • t t u mem rt (h.
Icer *n4 eh s, . .. .nlnr..*d nam
Ikea ;ot beeMreN t • ' w. -
.'....r w.. w �. w- •• •.. the Januarl
pont rt. • r m. • , ' d Jobs erre,
Lieut haver"'
Two ether Into t.•• 'freta have leen en
taw d I r U*.v . welt.*n stn (.1000.
nth. Mho-*. or, w, . -vs a now .oven.
16.04.. .ter* et •1 five .•• story. eased'
•.rer1eh, Inv *16* novelist. Ana
in evvperar.nw s morel entitled ' The
,Ilial... »art eiree
Mee tsteatite w I, to shg.4awt.
w It " .w. 1.8.•I, 8)-. Ru.I.err. W. H
H..tw.,•. Leuente /Lal Ree I'*1•1. Hot•mairt
Jost: co ammo* to •••. le 5511 whom new
we re w/1h e1M 1 riae
all fins M A •alit AS Ura will he an Ins
HepporIsom, f 'are ".In.•Io•' fee vowel Iter
rber 1a sex ate.. sad the Web.
Thy I,le.tswt*e.• will be uses more no
a.rmu. n 1 M►nihtwl than ever. A aprl.w
of from e..es h ere to PHILIP •utnwa/
ltwtwm* w 11 be este •Iallp rstsN..
('ores art fleawort -me esti, on Hoot Iter.
Sri6M>Mata.Ot►Luer far a ea4 a a tt. 6
The seam, with 8 elk ssboundaem. bound le
Charles Scribner's Sons,
14S 805..&*, Sew Sash.
Warranted FIRSTS. No SECON 1)S, or old Bankrupt, Moth-eaten
looels but the best quality at price* charged eisewLete for an inferior
article. / ,
About twenty ditdevenk lines to choose from. :Beautiful good,.
Very cheap.
PNEUMATIC TIRES, from $60.00 up
. " 20.00 "
uu'R (1)3IP TiTORA ARE SIMPLY NOT IN IT 10R QI. ALI re cit Pities.
GOSHEN CARPET SWEEPERS, t6..est 1:.. ilrtirnifti blah?.
Tht. yeery pattern .s perfection.
GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSE. Osr line Is eomrle'r,
The Fnest Quality of Christmas
Fruits, Nuts and Confectionery.