HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-2-1, Page 1VOL. XLVIL 245o
1,33AI)INC 2411WBPJ`Pai711 O? 31C It(D OOUNT'Y_
Wve items from Everywhere.
The Wisest tsa.ed errs SsI.na acme weak
essofully rresemd--later lea.
Me. .1 Mawr lands**. of
Nelms bgne/s.re,
Iver 1,700 pauper Jews started front
. vires f..r England during the putt week.
hulrra is spreading rapidly in the Prue
,San frontier distriut of Russe Po-
Suer a1 the New Vork betake have re•
,laced twtere.t itss deposits of 1 i per
Detroit labor maths@ tors movies to keep
ludesi 'west** hum laboring{ iu 1)e
ted. t
A further lose of 1100.000 In gold was
roomed to the United States Treasury on
Hamilton followers of Mr O'Alton Me
l'srthy organised an association Weise
day ntgbt.
Sent' Huron Patrons nn Thursday n
fated S. M. :enders cf rit.pheu ter the
Saturday was tamperer William, a thirty
f f h binbday, and was -celebrated in regal
at 'Orlin.
• .A large number of buildings in the biter
nee. re•rton tit Roth, Ile., were de-4toy* t
6y fire on Monday.
T!., torn were killed and me badly In
jure.! to a -T ntwrry wreck et Henderson,
C en Fttday
'naliw.x has broken not in the Neer
Yoak 1'
ity Asylum saris. *hero ., 1,1Ju
lenat.ca are c..ntitted.
ohs ai•paai 1•t August.+ 1 •,illant, the
booth thrower. bee been rrjet-d, and he
will w gniliootnn•d.
N stet has be. u admitted to aloe wheel
put of the Niers.' Falls Power ,'ompany
sago Aser►can side.
Then fops delivered in St. Peter'. urs
1/o relay art address suggested by the ro-
om distarba w in Sicily.
.1 K•:se *able says the •. oris* Joan oil
tt..- *ml Rita has pr'or-
An worthy 1 yeaeralion.
• ,•re -Tanner. the. actress. .on Saturday
at 1 .r,fo. , It , sectors! a drtorc,• from
her t.naband, Col. Bill Sinn.
1 urin•it defeated Mitchell in nine
mn:aes in the arena of the Duval club at
JackeonvEle un Thwranay
The street earn of Bridlfep^rt. !'ono..
face tied up again. Tbe company refuges
b, recv,ghi.0 the *rap'oyes anion.
Rev W. J Stewart. tate of St •John. N.
1t, was installed s pastor of the 'tramp
(..0 Itapi.t Church Fn.luy night
1 he wif.. of Judge Norman Kit rLie of
t6..nprente Court ,d N.... Scotts diad
terrj imiddestly K ed.erkluy night.
The Khedive ham weeded to the .1.•matuls
mai- upon him by fiord '('vomer, Br:u.1
P:p:otustic Agent al fairy.'
i hr etuploye.•s of the Carla lien Hui"
\.ol Pump auv, Montreal. are out on strike
sonnet • reduction in wars -
The town of Keeton. Penes, has been
npletely deetroyrd by nit .srth'{hake
I w.nty thousand persons were killed.
Fannie Iay.nport the strew. is ill in
et Joseph, Mo , the remit of an injury
omelet by falling down a flight of stain.
The French Government has tool over
.0.0(410 francs iadeenoity for the nu•wacr.
t Italian workmen at Aiguew Mortis dart
Mr A.dr.w rattails wa. on Welnee.lay
te.1 Presideut of the 11 ...stern Ontario
1o:omen's Association. it. se•esion at In
1 lionr. in W bitebird (inlcb. Idaho...r
‘.i•:.w1 by • fsmay of seven. was wr•••kel
1 .• IIS avalanche on Thursday Four girls
•ore killer).
..en storm bas withdrawn from the Sen-
st•,r,sl ..moot in Misisappi. Ilia with-
.I'awe' means the election .4 a strong free
mage mai.
..r.:enrral Herbert Portal, British Poli
oral Ag.'nt and consul Ostend et Zan
?dor. died from typhal (ever in I,.ndnn
..n Thursday.
It is .ala the Unionist Peers of Britain
tare agreed to pees the employer' liability
I.0.1 and the pariah councils hills, withal's,*
.lames Payne, whn worked for .fames
It..t.1, farmer, near i, u.en, was thrown
1n.m a brad of wood on Thursday and
wee Inetantty killed.
Representative Lnnkwrvxl, of New Vork
.•rave, h*s wnereeded in ing an anien•I-
mint to the WOrion 111 which makes
1 ,•,.n Ash free of duty.
1 heavy lades electric ear or.rtnrrv.l at
it a corner of Cherry and Tbtrtieth stye-ta,
tea.. Franciaco,'istnrelay night, injuring 21
cut of 901 pe.•ple aboard.
A Vt.nn. de..psteh mars the 'appointment
.•1 Consent Ilerbert Ki.mark sin german Am
ha.wl.,r to the Astrian court is regarded
a. a • eery possibe event
iii. New York !tenet* haa peened the
A.eemhly'a resolution verging New 'York's
representatives In Congress to oppose the
Iviouti a of the Warm bill
\ Mwnhin Cabinet, with M. Simltch e xed. ('nnningham wpm arrest
Pretain, los been formed. Tb. gem. were rrolgl
•• •palling au King Milan and ex-llwsio Ns ed indite Destroyers' Government oflerds
tithe have lean eancellai male their de0gx..ttione on 4atnnlay The
(' .1. (•.•Iemen. aged eighteen. a brother prienfwe: who Said be hod been drinking.
1 1 ilty top the num eharipe of pilfer
s.s'Thawiay. mod wits drowned. to three yeses - I --
Th. Fit hbparh, Masao wontetl mills T s
.lost down .n Saturday indefinitely rift.. ac
.anal 4 thebei Bessie*. condition. The
ten., Itil11Y overlay abort Min MEd&
unseen• 1100 (*xwp.S. 15. pontos for taany
'Ilse ()orernment took statement issued
at IMtaw• for 1lecemt.•r wbuws that MO
average bank cir;ulat4.n for l'atads in
180E wars the greatest to the history of
A bill has attain been introduced in the
New York State Assembly to exact from
all foreign corporation in that state a fee
of toe eighth of one per tent. on the capi•
dal of the company.
H. Ingram. formerly Romeo( the Town.
ship of Enniskillen, was on Friday ap-
pointed 'rrerurer of the Collaty of lamb
ton, whirl) tion was vacated. rice
Ettore: A. 1l. *1, resigned on aerosol of
ill health
A liraud I..+lge of the .1 41. 1' W. for
cumber and the Maritime I'rvrineew was
metltuted at Montreal Wednesday. It
starts with usrly '&(1011 members. F. 1..
Ion.), Moutreel, war elected grand lister
1V ark mau.
Laura ' Schirmer Maplr•nn. the prima
dame, who recently (played the leading
role in "The F -"saint; Merrier' to Tunmt.
and alter tautens rota. diet) of linen
moots in New Vork on W.,lnee.lay. She
was the wife of Cud. Heury Idaul.wro.
TBIB W111]tC]C.
TRACT. ("lit le trilld.fl ..latrm a'd THE COUNTY `'OUN'CII..I ; ,.' e .1r" `0: RI.I, C. PAITERSO'.1'S BREAK.
d Beassele for
a week.
OVER THE HURON mend* a sod moos
The Grist tram the Local
Uefalraliem Aggr.gatlwg Navy Tba.ead
Dollars l aver 11 is Omar Is.p.rtwre.
BR,•,.►t.is. Sint . Jan -2f -the rumor to
naw eerrent lhat J. F Moore. treasurer of
the township of Whitby. absconded to the
United States on Thursday night last
Reeve 4 ander and Manager Thornton that
.lay tlt.euv.trd Moore's defaleatiot.a iu the
I0, nwi .n Bank at \1 Litby Falsaf ed by -
taws acid notes with Calder's nam forged
to them enihled Moore to get in the batik
for between eight -•sent nine thouN'.l dol•
i or. Th. township council at • sle•etrl
meeting on Sitnrrlay repudiated all re-
a1..n,ibiluy for liability to the bank ou
sears.: .t the forged tots. More got
money from hie neighbors ae well. He was
an active member of the Methodist Church.
H. was gnnd Trunk atatieu agent here
slid he:.1 a number of other uMers s well.
Livithg beyond his means ie given a. under
hu disbomesty 1!a was a Ward,
Whiskered big nut. weighing more than
A lnllfui I..lis.. t.irl got . lists I$uu.l-
age bt • I'roearewa.
Mr. Mo(:rse, who has had • ver) suocensfsl
business career since going to the Quee:.
Mill. ('it took a whirl at the ald.rtnaatc wheal
ID Ward No.6 Ms. election and,altbougb riot
elected, bad ties setlafacuua of polling 5T
votes, and this without. any particular work
oa kr part Hill get there next year.
A weekly hits.. M tasty Sews nerved
ap to liege Everybody - ruin sad
Weiss elappsd sad te.dessed
Fres Every seel*e..
Seaforth : By a letter sent it is learned
with :his subscription Ito The Expositor,
that I)aacen Mcplsath, an old resident of
Seafortb, now of Vicioria,ltritisb Columbia.
that the Arm t. which he belongs has recur•
Morris : Jahn Smith and family have ed the 000treet for the low Legislative
moved to the Jgkiealen firm lately vacated ' building for that Province, amounting to a
sum to the oeigbbo:bood of ti350.000. W.
are glad to hear that our old townsman a
prospering in the far West, but iia the old
Huron blood that tells.
l.00desboro Last week the eldest roe
of 1\'m. Moos, in trying to reach Some
grain in a brined. over -balanced and could
not get back off tee edge of the barrel. He
waa ins that position for some time, until
Ms father fount him and lilted hpn down.
He complained of being hurt, and soon in-
Aammatioa set in and he died on Friday
right He sera bright, clever boy,and hu
parents have the sympathy of the people
around here. 11e was buried in the L.00de.-
bore cemetery on Monday. There was a
very large funeral.
Wingbam l:u}•s will be boys, and boys
will bang on wagons if there are no 'detghs
around. Ion Monday evesing a son of Frank
Hogg. aged about ten years, attempted to
climb onto a waggon, near the market,
which was in .Hotton. His toot 1,,1 between
the spokes of a hied wheel, he fell, and •
badly sprained ankle was the result. The
driver's first knowledge of the boy's attempt
to take • ride was when he beard his cry of
pain. U. Sutherland was waging by
and immediately picked the lad up and car-
ried him to • doctor.
Clinton (ID Wednesday mounce about
5 o'clock, • serious tire broke out to Clinton
in Twitchell'a barns* shop. The shop was
badly gutted. and the stock almost entirely
destroyed. Mleasrr. •lackson Bros.. clothiers
also had their stock badly damaged, largely
by smoke and water. It is not known how
the fire originated. The buddiogs. we be-
lieve, are well insured. but both Mr. Twit
*Yell and Jackson biros. will lire Mavily os
their stocks. •This u the second time with-
in tee past tew years that the Messrs Jssk•
s m have suffered in this way, once in w
firth and voce in Clinton.
Mullett The sad new. wee received
tut week of the death of \Irv. .)as. Wen -
ham, late of lfernefiehl. Man., she was the
second daughter of Mr. and Mt.. John
Garrett, of Haien. She was born in Eng-
land, Jan, 2rth, 1444, wad emigrated to
Canada with her parents over forty swirl
ago : they lived in the city of l:uelph for
tour or five years aril from there moved to
Hulett to the old homestead, where her
father still resider, her mother having pias -
tel away i5 May last. She sae married in
the year 1866 to .las. 1Venham, and lived
for severs! years in I.omde.boro, and from
there moved to Manitoba. where she lived
until the time of ber death, which occurred
.Ian. 11th, IR 4.
uy Jno. Prbtlnr --
Stephen Mr. flaeeden, of Stephen, has
been seleetod as a Patton candidate for the
Local, for .ouch Huron.
Chaim : The wile and family of Jar.
Kelly, Sabo lett for Manitoba a few days
ago) followed him last week.
Seaforth - ( fur town doctors have been
having • very busy time of it lately, being
able to get sleep only in snatches.
Grey Mrs. Yash, lot 13, coo. 13. hos
teased her farm for a term of years to F4•
wand Marshall, from near Belgrave.
11'iogham : 11rs. ltichar Goo, wilt of
('apt Richardson, of the Salvation Army,
arrived in town on Wednesday from 1 Tillie.
Brussels !truest, salt block hes shut
date for a tisne,owing to the dullness of the
market at present and hamar a quantity of
salt eo hand.
Seatoxth Itr. H. It el, of 4'al,tary.
formerly of Seeforth, h s gone on a visit to
the Europeen hospitals, accompanied by
Mre. MacK■d
Climes Mrs. Cooper, who lives across
the river. was hunting for eggs in the hay
left on Monday, when she fell to the door,
breaking her arm.
scoot tin : His Lordship, the Bishop of
Huron confirmed twenty six candidates in
St. P.ul's church, \1 sugham. on Wednes-
day evening of last week.
(.ie James Mitchell has leased his
farm to Thos. 1)arideoa for a term of five
years. air Mitchell retains the house and
orchard and will continue to reside there.
Grey : Grey council refected a tioa1 set-
tlement with .lames Lindsay, at last conned
m..:tia.7„ for dates to hors by talhiug
the. ugh Crabbnrok 6tuige last Summer, and
paii him
I oeiench TI'• Mondey'Ian. 22. \Ira
Ileyoou and children. W. Railhead*, and
H. W 1ebbutt, of (:mierich township'eft
bete fe r trots rio, ('al., 1411141 OMIT prop...e
nodding in full re. - ----_
Grey Thal:reyk Marrieebeeshctory,
which 11.s leen run tor the pout ten years as
a ♦Oint stock company, has Leen earl to W.
1V. Harris, of l:othaay, and Neil S. Ma
I.auchlin, of Brassie.
1 .v v. .1 v aa. 14 1' plan. 29. -Whites are
purrhaetnt Indio, w•auen by v1'01..0012-
hirl s*I1}
from the :mesh iu Northern British Co.l -
uumbia Mary .yeti have been epokeu uf,
Lrt .ane 1.+•utihr sip Hent has come proltt-
Ivutir before the public.
l.n- y Harry. an Indian girl, tanu.u•
tbrotltihout the (Sibs Cost for ber rare
beauty. has linen sold iuki+ biieida,it by an
Indian stemma. nomad Homestead An
elle. The price pail was $1.50 spot esti.
The fatter of I,ncy Harry, was a blonde
Saxon. and bought her mo:Ler. • full•
btnodr,i 9wasi l.n.'y hart ata olive can
pdralon. the carriage of a Cleopatra, add
for form of re'Venue, while her fan of rare
beatnik framed by a wealth .1 mart'
hair Thr *ntMxite. toy th.y will nut
allow this shivery to be 'carried on in the
proovite-e. This case in particular will len
A rrapseed Isd.strtsl Teruo-
.r ,
An interesting scheme was broached at
the rlos.irrl arsoion of the l :ielet.ai County
Council Saturday A rsolttion wee
brought furwarl'imprinting s ensmittee
4• report upon the advisability of *.tab•
liahin t an indnttrlal Imre for the pror a04
jnvcnil. 4A.ndera of the county, kt so•
quire into a suitable site for the same and
the coapt. with notruet:onS to report there•
n at the .111110 pes..ion of the 1'ono -il. The
ewtabli.hm,•nt of such an in.titn•wn is •
privilege which IM Ontario l..gislatnre
grants to all counties in the province, and
*bra: many have already taken advantage
of. The ob;ect u to make the institution
a place for reclaiming young criminals in
steal of Laying them sent to the...minty
jail. where they would be eurronndeothy
unmoral influences. 11 will ala. lte 5 plias
of refuge for the p..x .1 the e, nnty. All
the inmates will be given work to perform
and the criminate at least would ice under
arvere restraint .luring the time they re
waned there. The scheme will be rnp-
p..rted by government sad eonnty grants.
Yarn* Dwelling Marwai.
I'ovuaa. 1 hit., Jan. 27. -- Th. farm
dwelling of Mr. Adam Fenner, just outside
the western limit of the village, took Are
yeeteniay murnina and was completely de
'greyed. The omemher..f the family were
all up at the time. The Are started in lie
scoot' Worry and was of noticed
the games had got grog ).
Are, however. when Ant observed, was in
the region of the chimney, which was de-
fective. Mr Fenner the burned
ont destroyed
four year ago.
yesterday was erected on the same sits at
• ,.oat of $700. The hon,mhotl.l offsets
down stain were all saved. The lose is
inay rov.td by insures*
remedies tssetei tee sieve re.
*inlet 41., Jan. ^9 ---J. ('nnningham,an
employe of the Poatomc., was arrested on
Friday by the Sorrel Service Age"ey For
right yarn Cunningham has hal the hand
ling of newspapers and pareela The de
te-tives found that he wu selling cutlery
and other artiels to seennd hand dealers
at Ter • low .ries. Same of the articles
Egmoodville • Ted Peters fell through
the ice at Ftmondville dans the other day,
and was mined under, but by his own and
his conpsnioos strenuous effort• he was
r..cre4 from his perilous position.
51, tris Mrs Emanuel Oliver wishes to
return thanks to the olhcers sod members of
Court Douglas, No. 27, C. t,. F., l;luevak,
for the promptness with 'which they paid
the insurance on the 14. of her late lius-
Blake The many friends of H. 1:. Det
welter. formerly of Blake, will be pleased to
learn that he hu now got comfortably set
tied in his new home in Virginia. havio1 pur-
chesed a farm near Midland, Fau.luier
ruasels Mrs. lire. Snell had the mis-
fortune to fall aD the doorstep of her home,
Queen -et , Friday evening;. plan. 17, and
broke one of the boon in her right arm near
the wrist This u the mei ood fall she has
had in two weeks.
Clinton . Will Falconer. who has for some
time been confined to the house with typhoid
firer and bronchial trouble. has so far re-
t .vere.l u to be able to be around again,and
is mending a few days at the residence of
B. W. 1 eo, of town.
Llelgrave The Presbyterians of I;elgrav e
are ,00viderrieg the advisability of snitog
with Calvin orngregation in I:sat Wawan
ooh. The idea u a good one mid should
meet with the ►ppronal of all who have the
welfare of the chnrch at heart.
Varna : (t Mondey crewing (leo.
Beatty, one of the oldest *sttkre of Stanley
died here, st the age of 76 years. Ile was
trulya wooer. having comp from Ireland,
the al d of bis birth over 55 years ago, and
taking up land on the Goshen line.
The Wor
t eattse el M
totes Mad
_x For the report Itesneweis, ('ox,
Cook. llamas, Filber, karate, I'orgu5,n,
k Before the CoonetL f;e•b•m, 1.etger. Hale. Kay, Kirkby.htllse.
McEwan. MclIvas, Olhver,Rilz,Sturt ober
--- rite. Sturdy, TursbsU--2I.
*Maes t eausuatrat*aa. re 1t►,V5T or .sen:, r.a, • .•Mv1ITri
Areseata Tate t'samell Ya-
lMav et tefage-Tbe 4 as
I/Peeress Tallies 1 p.
\ our committee beg Ieaye to recommend
as follows
1. That no action be taken, iso the mo:uoo
of Shied and Turnbull. to amend lute 19 tit
the standing rules mud regulations of tins
W,nxi,olt, 10 v. L. n 'that apetition beseat to the (Mlarn
The council resumed at 10 o'clock. The
following communications were disposed u1:
The Canadian Institute asked aid in the
cojlsctios of bratortcal matter.
The County Council of Hastings ..ked co-
operation is • 'neuronal to the Legislature
to raise the fees .4 othciels appointed by
them the mimed of Carlton, to obtaining
certain amendmeuts to the asessment act :
the council of Front* ec, in obtaiusng for
the county counctb the power to apporut all
officials whose salmis are paid by the
council . and the comped of Stormont, Dun
das and Glengsrey•in reducing the Dumber
of county councillor*. All these were re-
ferred to special committee.
A letter respecting huller insurance, and
tender* for punting, coal, Mc., were referr-
ed to county property tommritte.
The following matters were referred to
the executive committee A request for
the usual grant to the Prisoner' Aid As-
sociation. A letter from trustees ceatorth
1'ullegiate Istituto re cuuuty griunt ; an ap-
plication from .1. Iluchanan, Hrawll, tor the
■ppeintineut as Na. Sent ret 1 gnc altural ('d-
1.•t:e : applwsttnns for the usual grant of N25
Iron, the 11 t.: ami East Huron Teachers'
aso••uuon., -s
A arra number tit aocousta were referred
to &Dance oomatatee, and the regular re
ports of the county othculs were referral to Moe.d by memambis Sed Miles. that
the respective committees. Bylaw No. 9, 1874,aseuming certain bridge.
Mr. Sherri". proposed 50 ameodrnent te and culvert., be rel.ealed,and that this coon
the rules by which an auditor ot awounts h ,do not Legume or maiotkin any bridge.
and two insolent of the board of I:rimtmed except otanley. iteferred to royal aril
audit would be appointed by ballot at the Iwddge ermmittee,
same tome .sobs stroking committee. ite- Moved by McFwan and Sheritt that the
leered to special committee.
A motion to grant 410 tor dower around
the court house, and another by reeves
1'roudfnot and Giba..n expreeiifg the opinion
t hat a hoose of refuge .Meld be erected.
were referred to the executive committee.
:\ motion to secure necessary repairs to
the bridge on Howick and Mow boundary
was referred to committee, and the follow-
ing appointments were made Rani, of
Steeley, and Clarkson, of Sealtxth, on the
ed R.e k Coleman. Ioeate•'I near Perth, plops e. Ifs
rough ow, bee as, Kingston harbor hog PoM^moo par•.'le He um sentenced
Minks th m the peudtrnharr
It,tdritreeth reported 411 besiess fail
titre. M ____ lent woe&. The as.bsr
'ass ♦f,i.t, gavels the week Wore. sod also•
the r..rraaprydMsg week of last year
N ingham ()n Friday Ia.t Inspector
Paisley laid information against the proprie-
tor of the Railway Home, Mr. Ibnsley, os
• charge of selling liquor without a license
tie case was tried before Messrs !troches
shire and McKenzie, J. 1'.'s, who imposed •
fine of $50 and costs.
Soaferth • Those interested in the Pree-
bytetien church, in this town, will be glad
to learn that \Ir. Guthrie has accepted the
inyitstios t.edered him to be •usstant to
Rev. Dr. klclksrld for the seisms six
mortise. Mr. (:nthtie a now attpndi*
t,ulsla:. M v, ,/lSi. for I ebroary opals
with one of the richest articles it has ever
printed -a charming study of the work of
Edward Ruroe-Jones, by )Ir. Canto Monk,
house, the distinguished English critic.
Twenty of Mt. IturDe•.lones'e most striking
designs and. picture. are reproduced by his
permission and that of the.r owners. A
number of sketches are here reproduced for
the tint time, and the whole aeries, with
the accompanying text, gives an interprets
ton of the exquisite .duality of this Minion
ative artist such as has never been pnhl'.h•
ad in • popnlar article. to this number is
begun a romantic restive, entitled "I Sa
Piratical Sess," a part of the unpublished
swoireof Peter Adolph (:rotein, who de-
scribes with remarkable vividness and liter-
ary skill hu voyages to the West Indies in
1806. There u a charm about this narrative
which is seldom found outside of fiction of
the beat kink. The picture chosen by
Philip Gilbert Hammertoe for a frontispiece
and described lis him is Jean (:eofIroy's
"Prayer of the Ramble.' The 6etsoo in
eludes a second instalment o1 George W.
table's strong novel of the new South.
••,)oho March, Southerner" : and abort
agnea by Mary Tappan Wr•g'st, Robert
Howard Russe:1 and Oriente L Putnam
)anther of "In Blue Uniform' i. There are
poan a by Mrs. Fields, Arthur Sherburne
Hardy, 1f. L. van Vont, and • abort easy
by Ferri' Lockwood.
I.egslatare, ngosd by the warden and
clerk. requesting it to amend "The l'os-
sohdated A....s. ret Act of 1442 " as fol
lows .1, By extewtung to township recit-
als the powers 000ferred upon the counci:s
al cities. tows and incorporated villages by
sectio. 5'1 of the said act. .2. By granting
to township councils the power to have the
sneeement of the townships made ironuully
instead of annually by the township awes
*ors, the court of revision lav mg power to
make annually such alterations in the ai
sessmemt roll as cin:ulnetancsa may require.
,3. I;y granting to township couucds the
power to unite the othews of treasurer and
collector of the township.
3. That no action be taken on applscattw
of Canadian Institute.
4. That this county tnemoria l,e t'.e lis
Ono I.egrslaturs to reduce the fees of all
county odic► s under their control.
S. Tike Do action be takes to reduoe the
Dumber of county councillors, as requested
by con■nsunlo toufrom county clerk of Stor-
mont. 1)1.ds sad t:lemgary.
6. That mo action be taken on commune
citron from county clerk of Frontena.i. iu
retereone to county commits appointing all
officials paid by the county.
55 ti foot rooter.
The Minister Strunk a Snag
Tke Speaker a. art all Tier retic/rasa la
wt.dwr Lae.sts railer... 1.
Teraina. wlsktr abatis Cane
Is tea r. r. A. Mensbe r
amount paid to the county wands he reduc-
ed to one halt of what they now receive,aed
that all new ward. Ire dealt with w the
same proportion. Referred to &mince com-
Moved by Stewart and Turnbull, that a
smell uniform grant be made to each
mechanic's institute in th. county. Refer-
red to executive committee.
Moved by ('Lok and Katz, but the clerk
Fres the W ,*dant. Reeved.
The Hon .1 C 1'►tters o a speech at the
Caugrain banquet has set the politicians
"• Well, that was • queer break 1'siten,m
made al the banquet," said one prominent
citvel to another the day atter the bsequet
given to the iiou. Mr. feigning.
•' He said the French Canadians were re
swimmable for the anti (atbolic cry nosed in
Ontario, and that Protstanta would be
cravens if they dud not resent n."
Then it sounds funny when one remen.-
beee what he said about the 1' 1'. .1 's at
the banquet given to himself lis the through
American over a year ago. (In I hat ooca-
eioe he fatly mopp•.t the door with that
organization. He said it should be crushed
like • viper.'.
•• What dorm all this mean
'• 4114 man,' said the other, "you are a
tyro to politics. Patterson n a p•d,ticia•.
The Minister of Militia s on the war path.
He is not nail after • (oreirn enemy. His
sword u unsheathed in defeuce of his party
and his position. lis short he is after the
scalp of Sir Oliver Mowat. He tees that
his party is losing ground doe* by the sea,
said if Ontario is not captured the Citadel
of )Ottawa is gime."
The Hoo. J. 1'. l'atterson's •• break " at
the lament, r N a called. has disturbed
the mines ort M is tlslltioaas ever since t hey
were uttered. Wherever they do congre-
gate the question" What did Iia mean
the absorbing reblrct
For a day or two • great many intcrpre•
tabor were pat upon his words.
Soave said they hal nu partIalar eigntfi
canoe but there were other. " spsltt a ret,'
as the saying is.
Taking tit " with the surroundiig'
circumstances." tlyey seems ngtniin.sni.
Mr. Fatertrn -A careful to announce
that he`"si'ii there at prorate trusinees Rut
this didn't pi event hint from doing a lot of
political wire pulling.
Fran the hour be Sintered the city till the
last minute, when he nearly miser 1 hie dais,
be authorized to procure rip of the lea
boardofcounty exannnersot school teachers; Mario •tatuts of this year for each levee
,John Acheson. 1 •oderich, .lames Scott, and deputy reeve. to be the property of the
Clinton and George 1,0001, Seaforth, as true fespective n.unicipalrties. Iteterred to ex
tree 00 their respective t'ollegiate Institute ecutve committee.
boards. Moved by McDonald and I:tbrn, that
....opt:- room' the usual grant of $2)0 he made to erect I
Herewith 1 submit for your consideration lockup in the village at Manchester. I:.
my report of title state of your county WI, ferred to executive committee. -...-
together with a statement of prisoners at Moved by McEwan and .hien that the
present in custody : council do now adjourn tiff .3 o'iloiKI,O,, 1' ,:
At far se I know there are no repairs re- Tu. 01,not. 3 P.D.
'Wired exospt the "11311•1•4 of a few slates (,rumen resumed, the warden in the cleear-
aed sow of the galvauire.l sheeting on the Mr. (:arrow's letter re footbridge bated
ridge boards that have been blown down. was read
At present there are V prisoners in cos- Minutes of warden's committee were read
and filed
Mr. I:arrow addressee) the ,oun 11 in re
ferenoe to bond re footbridge on ate ot the
odd I:reb•m Mudge, and upon the arbitration
Tel Mtrnmpitr 111 ,Aft+[ FORFrw*r %RT.
1894,- Se article which will attract special
enmities in this number is that os The
('itireaship of Women." a clear Rid cogent
argument awl appeal for the equal suffrage
of the sexes by the veteran champion of the
rights of women, the Rev. 1)t.. ThomasWeb-
st.r Mrs. tteleo Campbells pathetic se.
coast of child rescue, with pictures of the
little victims of gametal cttalty, will tenoh
every heart. 1T. Galbraith contributes •
Montreal 1'rsbyteriaa 1'rllage practical and tiwiely paper on "Hared Timed,
Their Cause and Cure. Mn. 11. 1'. Hopper
Helgrays : (1e the 171h len., Maggie. reoodets the thrill) g story sad tragic fate
daughter of Mn. 1.1 Brewton, was married of the Rev. John Williams, the martyr mn•
101). McKay, 01 Hatit.ta, Manitoba : ilride's glossy of Polyeesie. The editor prints a
brother woe grnomasr. sed Mia Mcilvaib, headsewoely illustrated paper oo Ilethlehem
was perf^rmed by iter. ,1. N. byte : tM Greek onevest, 1,200 years old, in the Id
cn je (save for Hamieta, is • few dors Palley of Fire near the head `tea. The
Seeforth A very pleasant event nccurr article on "%.rich and ha Memories." by
e4 in Susie on the @resign♦ o1 Wedeeeday Waldemar Rutin, has &number of beautiful
of last week, at which A. 1. Dolomee, of engravings. "Signalling to the Planet*," is
Hartinrd ('itv, Isd.aua, brotLee of 11"1- 3. the title of • papular awience article, by Sir
L Smith, and formerly •v1 Sefnrth, was Dor Robert S hall, LI. I)., F. R S , Aetrosomer
of Oro principals. The bride was Miss Mica Royal of Ireland, " The Pusey of Strang
Mitchell, only daughter of A Mitchell, of (mink" is a.n.thinga.d stagnant treatment
Sarnia. d the liquor traffic by Archdeacon Farrar,
Morris ton Monday hot John A. McEwen- prsaee to the Temperas* Compass in
Ewen, n1 the Ist Inc. 0.5.54 away, after (;hieage. A strong temperance story', "TM
an Moss of allot tan days, ie his 01tth year.f i)rogoa and the Tea kettle"a tale o1 °mash
About two weeks prior to his death, the de. Methodism, aged a pathetic looted story, ley
the author d "T The Stiekit Miaistar, eller
very al ter•iwa median.
toty, aa follow. • 2 females and 20 males.
The fctnales are vagrants and under sen
tens Mary Watson, of I:o4erich, 04 years
of age, committee -I by Mayor limier, and
Mary . • Donaldson, o McKillop, y
Windham. w . kriia sW. ears."." and Mai Saba, the latter ing the faigos
he sour in cies colontuutcei ion with
party wirepuller. -
0. E FI.• g ass not .•4 thr_ILLL Seri elk-._
tend -the ban. tact till the nee none of tie
banquet whim • pro.nuu•ut I.uverumest of-
,ot bad it plao•.•d there.
The I:nverun.ent hove aatrtngonStephen
Reeves • ti., net string.
Stephen *aid l.vwyer FLmiog are promi
cent members of the P. I'..1 It 41 .4 theist
hid a long coot. retire with Mr Pro tcrsen
the day t.4loittng the banquet, so lone that)
he nearly lost his train.
.til White ie to be the anti Slows► OYtli
date at the local eleceiou.
The P.t'.A 's are being wetted auto Mow -
%'sere Meters. Reeves amt FI . g errsag•
ing to tarn them over to Sod %%Meta'
It tbgy did agree to do so a •uhf they de -
I 1 Id of Fi 1 W Barr herr the go,x).
1^D between Mvxrie and Huron. Wap it n,xes..sry for Mr Pat trr. on lose
of age, committed by .. 1•ldwell, .1 1., The fdMwiog marten were referred to the laagnag.' he did again 1'atholi.s of
and :\.T.McIbo•ld,•l.l'. (If the rnale.2 arc 6nancr committee. Burial tit a pauper {.y I,,.eweto medily the 1' 1'•. A.
insane, neither of them violent : one has Morro towmshtp . and applications for mal. .1 he. li•a,plast was, gr,ifa•u ata by 5..1 1\bite.
been reported and a n;w awutng removal ing the following wards o1 the county ' t1'ea it gotten n to give Mr. Patteraoa a
to the aeylnm ; and the other is under iD• I:raham, Golerich ; John Ibyro up d Emma rt.ao it to say what he dol'
vsIigauoo. The remaining (Bare vagrant' .I. Ciro, e"1{ornr M. \lrpapmld, 1:,..tri 11'onldn't Is he funny to are th.' 1'. 1'. A.
all under eentencc ranging ftom one to sit rich • .Johnston I:raham, 1:odcrich town a cul to Sol R hu. ■ pplitrrl kac
slap. .1rythtog to heat Mows',
Tlietrsne some ot the thought that are
pesiug through the minds of a some people
p,bo Mie.dud the hsnynet
Tbes are spine of the qusuuns that are
disturbing the minds of the local 1w,htrcal
olltidouncs '
bicep your political ear to the grouted.
_ 1
nsooths. Of the male vagrants 8 may 'b•
said to he totally unable to earn a living,
their star ranging from 62 to 90 year ; one
is blind, and one• psralytic, one bent almost
double, the others are feeble and may lee
said to be tottering on the edge of the grave.
3 of these seed ones are in tor short te.rma,
vv. - 1 for two months and 2 for thirty
d.iys. What tie they to do then ` 4.0 out
on the public etreet sod wait there till some
Gond Seearitan comes and takes them
' ono' No ; the season of the year will not
permit of their being turned out, and 1 will
lay the matter before the Sheriff and to
guided by him. of the female, Mary
Walton is feeble, the other u strong for liar
A ant25- l ee1ed c,t,tnet*d o cold, whi.•h developed
T.. been Jan 25 --For mane time pat tst0 doihle pnen.rmta. Grid he esoe.mbed
It h5. been known that there hos bees • as.latad. notwitMuselinl th.b hat medical
Sheds* Ata. cit s n 1. Snell, formerly of
i.MM'tMi a lige. giving his tsar*. r A' WisgMm A
11. MMseg. elai.iwg to MOW front Keeep.t Winghun, and roam. 01 .lacktiss Rem,
Obs Qat., ens taken 15.0 'iiM.dv here, Climes) bet who has horn oneneete Cleith
land, Ohio. erred w 11 leaf 1. IM (1.veisad Dry (ienle(aspsy, fee tM
land. Ohio. as Myer a5d resi.g.r
past sons year. sad • hall, hos r esigwed sad
.e0sari a imilsr polities with the dry
gm g
hems of A. i). Muyyr t co.. of the
woe Sty.
M...J- : Jaw F. Meths" rel estate
utepo fa girls between i 1 otnnto sad t . attention so! mot moist nursing.
i got tmmoril perpoms
U/DD hs•dred and two.sty yersn ns* the et. 11 •••-_.
of Vrs. John Restlowok, who 41.4 at es
liapoa.t diaenveriea The antbox
n near H11.11111o.n N'einrs- have been on the loot/mai oofor moms
She ens A native of Hungary (doe, sad will mak* *very effort to stop
t 1 has appointed -- - - -
MAL mails vesl.a Ivy tie d
Pie dtahnlleed lredlo
wshi.wt ('.,s.hly t' .5 • " Two !Dos .• •••o .1011.4 • l.r
Or J,'hn palsied to the position ofCyour Meads
death o1 H. tt . Have
k asst to "
From this report, gentlemen. you will
learn that, at present, your coonty jail is
doing triple work as an sylant • home of
refuge and an hospital awl in working
your 'ail s such the eapooses for the year
will be largely increased, s per inspector's
report Of Joss 23, 1843.
1 have bees under the necessity of n.ak
tog reduisit on to your clerk - - as per rules
and regulations for the government of emu•
mon jails - for the following goods b ateerla,
12 pair blankets. 2 dor coverlet., under
shirts for Wm. Shaw, pants and cap for Moved byGHltin aid Gomm that the Wm. Kelly. the bill for which will Ire laid
before you duly certified to. amounts paid to county wands of this eouuty
Ww In, s•o., Jailer. be pail to the municipal treasurers "mooed
1 corned then arlourmed until 10 on T'hure. of paying the .mount to the reeve. ('serried.
I Moved by Holt and McPbereen. the'
Mew eOMt "and ease "rMare.
Reed 25 " psolight " Kap writers '
bearing the waiRrWhy Dnee • Woman
Leek Wil Romer • Manto Inver
Rrw., Ltd., 43 Seolt-st Toronto. and yea
will remise by past a pretty perifuse*, irs
f advertising sad well septii framing.
Itrc,•t.1 oI vex %Nt of to i n i
1Vc recommend that the following sc•
counts be pail : Wilma: Smith. ort.*: IL
P. 1Vilkinson, $43.29; (' ('rshb eat...338 ;
Jameson Reid, $6 75 : Caswell A Co.. d'l :
F. 4:. Nrelta, Al : J. Itrophey A Son, 115 20 :
J. Brophey & Son, $15 : h:. Sharman. >Ri ;
Advocate odic', Exeter. til ; •lobo %Volker.
81.60'; John Walker, 92 25: (listen News
Record, SI ; G. N. Mavis, $1 : A. B. ('or
oat, $15 : 11. Itobb, trz 50; Alex. Wallace,
*1,26: 4: A. Fear, 93 ; A. B Cornell,
95.40; TYM. Soeyd, $2 56; Exeter Times,
fid ; J. E. Tom, P) 80 : township of Turn
berry. $30; village of I;ayfieht, 11 S ; (' A.
Noire, 822 14 ; F. Jordan, 93 93 : (:o,t.ricb
Star. $1 : Saunders k Co.. *17 30 : John
Ainley. tat 34 ; James Davie, $10 ; .1. But
lard, $10; John (:011, $10 : John lerguson,
210 ; A. Niohokene, 1110 ; F. S. Scott, 1110 :
.1. Krethanr, $10. J. Buchanan, 118.97: A.
Sproule, $10 ; \Y H. Clegg, $10 ; William
Martin, 81 50 : Signal office, 1116 10 ; 11'. A.
Stuart, 113.
Moved by 1'roedlost and %torten, that
the petition of S.S No. 5, (:oderich town
ship be withdrawn, the question to dispute
having been satidactorlly wetted. I arrred
d. y.
Tit, ,c•.nvt, plan. 25th.
The minutes of yesterday were reed earl
A number of commemeatiose and ac
counts were promoted and referred to coat
mit tee.
use roar "r SAID TO, •ten a 1 TTRR.
Recommended, that the rsial grant of
1110 be made to the Prisoners' Ard Ansonia
title, and that no sctica be taken in refer
mice to bottom of circular. Tart no actio.
Mthemotion of Proudest and
clause Hof the report of the road and bridge
committee at page 52, of the minutes of
June last, be amended by defining the par
ties interested as those owning lands adjoin
ing the Turuberry end of the said bridges.
and tnat such partes be the following, vise
Thomas Nether6etl, John (:teen, Idles
Johastos, Wm. .1. Johnston, Sam 1. 1t
Wellwoo,l, Nath. Wellwood, Adam Reid,
and that the bond or agreement nee.) not Ire
registered unless the solicitor deems it nee
cewry ; and that the money Ire paid to touch
persona int the completion of the proposed
tonna on
I Private f.rodwidev Carried -
Thatfor erection of m home of in, pee. prMove d h Meelwan and Sherritt,that the
That of esprit of John Tet Wren, press etcetera of • hoose of refuge he eft off till
dent West Huron ito Traahe!n' eatAssri.to.. the debenture debts pail ID IR9ro Hofer
for (nit op l25, he relosaL That reyosat reel to executive committee
of TTN Msnicipal wood, to hat F to The wards* wnniaated Robt. A ('arrack
rMt psWieatiom, Ise roused. Th.t o grant coonty anditer.
oil 10 he made to be 'speeded in planGeg Waled 'iv/W wnndrr' and Kay flat tM
Rewire seeded the test Meese under the
directing' of the Gert. (t o. M. Ewre. central do adiourn tdl't o', lock a u. tomer•
(',shins.. row ( Stied
k'1tu•ov, .tan 2t,
Moved by 1'roudfoot and Gibson, that (orinchl r.'asvted atloerdi•g in .dgnun
clause 2, of the report of the *see etive Goa int, the w inn in the char
mitts* be amended en m to read : Tlat
in the opi•ion of this caused a house of 1t. mt-rrl.►.utsTrai PI, I r• I • ..11/ IT I et -
dsery should be erected in this musty 1OKI.
(*moot ons • division.
This i an easy way to decorate your lana- The vote stud • For the ame.dme.t
The snap re the heat in the market sad it Bowden, Bissett, Cruickshank, Chandlers,
will oily "oft le. onstage to seed is the Gibers. Mini., Griffin. (:ray, 11n$t,Helms,
wrapper., if ass kava this ends spas. Ken. Kt.e.dy. Milley,Mroway, McDonald.
Write year ars carefully. ly M.M.reh1, Merhereoe, McKey. Nestle.
aessevwl Itsawlg I Win Nat aegis /M '
as.sl.eiaa h Ysylt st Uwe.
Knew...*, Jamaica. Jan.-4.1enerai
Francois Manisa. wilts has tied plotting
t•• start a revolution In Hayti, eras errestad
yodel lay as lie was lusiTlne Ktugsttts to
board a vessel which bad brought arms
and aur.ui, tson for bits from au Ameri
caro port. Manitiat and hie men planate!
to go on thin veitssI to H'ayti and begin
bomtilities at o1N6
New Vona. Jae. 80 -The llaytieu Min
;later Iver* .aid ye.der-dry that 1.•• had re•
ceiyeil to, news from hi. Government
concerning the letter acid 1,1 bare been
written to President IGppolyte by the
Unite) States Mini.ter Smythe The Min
later mei that if the story wap true he is
gore that he won)d have receival full in
formation. As it is, he did not believe
there was a ward of truth In the story.
his. alvlcs regarding the political situ
ration wen to the effect that ihtng
was gels amI there, nets no feign of an
other revolution
,struck by . Trans-
( v 'MAN.
rsla.('nl'MAN. IOW . Jai. :t0 - .A E Pr.t
colt was dnvingit with a young Lady. Mir
Leitch, frons Blenheimo to 11.1. city last
rrent■g They hal reached the point on
the . on,•mash*s line this set.. of Bloom
a tall. and a elusrter from that town,
where the • Erie and floral railway
eros'!* the highway. when the regular
train north came along I'n•.tr'tt da
ride.) to ri.k erasing the Dark in front
of the aniromching train. but the lady. to
1Mviag it wool.' be treronneafi. e1 deavor
ed M restrain him and at lost used fon'*
too held the horse bark It was tit. nee.
The man unreel the minuet on, and jest
as Ib* wagon reseh.d th., rails the ea
gine *track it The vehicle was .h.her
*aril, the horse maimed .. that it bad to
be .killed. Mid both occupants .•f the rig
thrown font Mies I.erteh us hurled
-eters' role away into a plonghel field,
.*caping with tont low lnjnriee 1'r.ao-ott.
however. fared worse. He sustained in
intim which will prose fatal Hi. *toll
was fractured and Inc leo and side fright
fully lacerated. TM train briroght the
injured man to the city. and he was at
one* taken to the 1 ieneral Hospital. after
a brief e-.arninalion by Dee Hall sail L
T. Br.v.
W. And the Initn.rag orders has. ben
peal by the tweeter by order .i Lk. was.
AMR G. T. R.. 74e. ; Sig..) AIWA 1112-
r __dies._ w Mtge K