The Signal, 1894-1-25, Page 7THRi SIGNAL: CODERiCA. ONT., THURSDAY. •1.1NVARY .2L IOU. White Blankets Grey Blankets Mothers HOW TO AVOID COLDS. IAnd 11 tea Tale este S. se s etre Is at Ower, crone the F.:titbarg lnspseshe • • , Theis lis I(404 fur colds. 1 -et ua hri.Hy omes.der & few wave of catcbiag Bold Ily tak a y t io much este, for iwsaaos. Toe. Is lathy ate id uot stay into. r. bemuse it is, :wad, het, or 1••gcy : on the c•atrsry, they should brace up the system by gutia.g on: 1 f doors in all woittser* ruu, fruit; t'; or amlainr: 1 t :hr far larger number of- cases, cold* 'arise fr "'t allow -tee the ►'Qtly 10 geol dtrwa too quit:.I, after eit•eitr, ' Ti .. .uld. u! „•+ !oldie • shaft u p1+ sir pie lu0gee sleep whenue tI* *r. :l. heed tb.oan die %teeter. lu sleep the teemed prude: 11110 yf heel, is limited, seri t-:er• peetLarty liable to •tirruund..e. draughts, cif this form of cold is the one most I•kcty to mid is bronchitis. poeum•.nia ter rhtauatiam. Thew there is the favorable method of get- tieR cold by passing when medicates' morn the tltatre or b•litoom without uuf;:ieot vette clothing, the waiting fee %tab or car- riage. and talking all the Diee. The, 'wigs r.oataia 601,000.000 of mit' cells, and repre- sent eprosent • breatMsg etiolate of six e•i•nre feet, and in lualth ate tilled %tth air at ten- nt•rature of 96 degree. Ity bre&thiag• with th , mouth clewed, ser pre' eat t hese air ,.11f beinri..cooled down lou e-••te kly, as rite - air pissing throng's the node to wanted it reaches the lungs ' Nlten the first s.mptoma arc frit use -a hot ,mustard bath and tale some hot fluid cod e', milk or gruel rod, (lien retare-,tq. ►ted, laud 'kept between the blankets. It the • old he of a wrote type lit l pother, c nigh, 1 aio .net d :premien on loreoden•: - an adult $flay tato tea grains tef Dave:. p 'seder in a little ktutllum rf•frriN . It is sari a glass of hot es leek/ end water is very ooe,fortiog If taken at the early stage of a • eI I : but we cannot twilit oottlsh !t The mut gives, ter name. because, after a11, a • '.141 te a 4111141 attack •ol Dove you epakcn with Ltr'' fever, icrorp.4nttd l.y mote or lees Metal As a tale the metier is in the negetivt, nwtiou of the membrane butte the air pate Ora (Urn missionary alta the ream, age: hence, rn)thiug of a at mutating It catiS', ' comes the reply. "it,is nature, like whisky, must increase t:.e ic• W A I( L. 11 Q J 5 _T 11e mimissionary then •..1l, the young bronchitis. 't. ilk• 1 on-mustt speak with her. 1lrntmawry action, and ►ctrl to tis: tr in I w•on ian to item awl es ? -s - •• I think it is time that you marry.' ietdeelasa en the iliraealeat.. + + + _+r -. # .4 _ + Horse Blankets. SPECIAL VALUE IN SHAPED HORSE BLANKETS! Unlined Blankets, 65c :worth 85c. Lined Blankets, $1.25, " $1.50 JOHN T. ACHES.ON. AT TIN: DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY hit (tering with Weakness and en)aclation, who give little nourishment to bables,should take Scott's L3rnuLsion the Cream of Cod-liver Dil and hypophosphlies. it will - give them strength and make their babies fat. Pllysitunit, - the t'.'' rld over, endorse It. Dal be deceived by Sebstltetee l to 1'.•a.. Wlk..l16. A. Lr.;r..• +-• Sat. L7'J� IN GREENLAND. New Sarrlige and t.art.blp are Nawttnby Skeet 1n the %area. 's:uv the Ilaniah m:uiorlaril-s Inter gained the cuoti,leoce et the motives• of t.rerulaud, marriages lm the fu ris`nrth are celeheatel be tee tepreeeatarrres of the church. les a mese: fusee ••f one of the it►oish papeta • tutasfonaty 4.vr• the following or•rwnt of the way t*W'tsktp end usrr:alto are brought *host The man calls ou the missionary and sale I w••II to take unto u.y'e'.1 a h:f..' •• VV. ho a asks the remit'n•ry. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FALL1NL WINTER GOOD - iN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Or 5k Corse Cannot he Beaten. Ladies' and Children's Underwear, mites vale. Navy and Black Storm Stiles. ihi hest IJ ' ' , hat, ' the replies, •• 1 do not wish to From the Hawses Cdy Timer. 0114.84* •• Talkiie of hairbreadth escapes,"id a het tea pila ty, ' *die the mil veer). lural sportsman y• s t r.ry, •. reminds me of iWho debe ' asks II"' mato. on experience 1 t.ad lest *010100, whirl) it The missionary Reit is not worth •nethiay I will „y friends daa't bele,* it, and frier. •-tike tot hatelhiee. - ----- to be thought a liar. Howavwr,' `nlgc•iw tic m: *los* � he fast eepteniber 1 went down to Henry is a goo{ fellow, attend.* well to his Bowe, county on a hunting expe.httnm. The f►11 and he lures you." shooing ha41 ,i sly- begguun ant I was hayimp The ';reemised beauty listens attentively, splrudid luck -t;ut tii*t it no part of file _rut again deelares Chit she win t:c.t •crept uta)-. ^as I }laic a hush -mJ fur you. a mimes the caudiJate for most boriers'on t'.e miteruleth. I little h' r bsq �• Daly eel,' 4t to • few, because I hive teemed • tine man as her husband. ' '• t try well," g•.o • ou the missionary. '• 1 '14not wialt to Lampe' yon. 1 shall easily 0 11e4 •: other wife fee so good a fellow." The Mini.'w•ry then rrmaici silent as 1 though he -looked epos the incident as clos- ed. Iii: in • few minutia she shisptre •• flat 11 you %n411 it .. . "No, *sewers theer, "only tf you w-iah its -1 ilo out web to ocer•per.wde Another stjA folk/ere. end the pester et Town for the money, L'f8Ti PL302T SZSDL1 EOLIC:TED. S PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. 144 lair and Haberdasher. 1 prams• the regret that she mount accept the ROBBEFill OF THE BA' LAu03. I tumble fight orcr th...n. file ...o:tirade. a revile reisearste ed k• ilea Whw [wase 1.4f4drover mum.' 1:'11.• was dragged from his Algae Aeri.r the to. to Ike 'aa.. saeldh: end honed. I$ tree, l' sea• LM•o frim thn Vg 1a*1s Globe -i, *ken ad rude against a tree, while one of y„1 the head rude round and, rooted Inn), wind• The keg seam'inr diserreemeo1 between frog et lariat aroubJ Nit lt-creek and num uo st'ka4a sea settlers ne the Kuwait plaints til be bad male at impossible for th- owner tad ieTadiau Telrttory has fte••uently led of the herd to fnove hand ..r t rot. In the •.. r.aeltcts, in which there were'sanituieary animate Especially has this leen true of the lu.ban lands, le here the csttlemen came 'rcaieide.r themselves masters and to die- .• with ewe. any attempt to infringe op- ' it rights. lout the cattlemen of today .0 ftesdoin and Foxury compue41' Wlth :newel of the early days of cattle deal. .pun the prairies of the Ahwierippi • eb• v. In the bas, before the 'toil Tees. ai'I karma cath trails were I1Sagurated, the Meier'• eaistew•e etas • pentons etre. 1' ',d become evident kt the ekot of the war meharttme one the robbers had ridden at full epee' int., the head vimv{ngared elaokct and felling tike a t ,iuiaa•:he !whale The th-.u•aud •teen ready f.'r market were Naturally ternfint and tan *t the top of their spied, following the sutural iawlers .4 the herd. Two of the cowboys a cbaree Heel with them, and apparently stere as mach frighteael •. the cattle thetes1I%ea When. however, they had got beilmd some Meekly ►'rows tree., tbey stopped the herd and J1ove them wet nett' nightfall. Ibuithetty was derieg: It i• comrade had escaped while the stampede was ib pro- gress. Int the laiat held him safe to- th tree. The robbers then took long birch d h " her o 1 q whips - that there nits'' be come neer nutlet ter the ahtpfr*pd zL0'• raltanalr ret cattle breeding region of Team Three with which they tht.ahed the boued cattle- •:a.no oriole were feeding oe the autxulent man until hu lack bore welts thet lasted ,seems of the Lona Star Sleete's eipertme ,mod t4ir ugh life. lii.ey satiated their .entt'e- 'te !,:k • f f&. -times by water and the tt &rt,•e 141,1 left him to perieh or cseape as• he •r...- hra' nit Trip 'cress the iced Hivof- Might. He managed by hard work to r d tic- sl: r•'1.1'I.i. up through tbe southern 1 n the knots. tied. hall dead dr»gcd %tie., ma le t ha c route imps ac' icab'e. Dui hl in the 4,p).ua. to direst ton. .''. ape other run.ineY• • nor'heast .er»• the hoar- came back to recoil uoitre ..w1 touted 14101 Tho two soon came &er.es tate citta► trail ani noted with ny that the stampede was over. Tiny followed the course of the cattle until the cemptileof the two -faithful cowboys was f..und. Dor toe the night there was another stampede and many of the cools were lost. Three weeks later I Much"• y reached l'ut : with *boat 400 out of tlileloterd. 1: It Hunter was 'mother drover who met 'over, handling on a jnmlry through the 'M'1 lauds" of the Swthwest. Ile had so chine a hent of 2.000 caftde, which he the hoped to retaeh Sedalia with in time to ,take • second trip before fall. It was mid- .1sly when he started up through the Terri- tory. .1 single horseman met him near the Arkansas line and demanded of liim & tribute amounting toou..foutth the .elite of the herd in order to insnr'• pr•i&ge safely themilh the •-obherinfe*t'' 1 country Ren- ter lttmter had se money, nor would lie listen to al4 would ao mon be gash. tell. The 1 any proposition. He onlcr.d hu men to droters anon learned to pay the trebate, last eseemihe tel-asenser and hold him, hat the that even .lid not secure immunity irom the 'teenier wheeled and ewvpcl. Notlrtog lett that hnvere.i wound like guerrillas more was hear.) of 1.1m or his hand tar th ree np,.n the Aauks of an army. I'erhapa ilia moat noteworthy example of •I.e It.rodish cruelty practtcat by the robber itaeiis was the ease of James Dougherty. man Ile was • haed•ns young Tex, who had goshhis pile and was no hie way to market with the propertyhs had •enumnlate.f, re• Peewit teel Iryr 1,0head of floe oat the. 11e had worked hand, and wasdet."r*.ine.l,afr. r •••ihng hoscattle in et Loan, to 0 owe Fait rod marry a hhght New 1 -ark girl, whomtalk I:e hail s in love with at .lttatin. He 'rouse the Red River near Blue Rlaifs, aed, thouvh net .imam 21 years of are, matured Terry detail of the drive. lie went over en '1 1rk•.4.., near Fort 9twith. in order to •vend pewit* • tax to the ('heross ke, sad • •• • metered the dark valleys and threaten tag Moate of the Omagh region. Ile wise .luor.e•.1 to an early lege Hisses with the rl pe,tple who nefest•it Th -y come upon hurl yelling like a bead of garages. They were m clothier of hew.agos aed dins and line' mei Omit seders with tie point of • r•t waver. ' Not • step (nether caw thews steers go," wets the leader's woods list 1 will My yen year rex or whale' M at oda its,. saki Dougherty [hey held & etowaeii of tette ted dotage M •' upon whet they should do with hitt. 11+ea, se hie youth seemed is isspraw them trotthey resenaed 'hid he ►d •. little es- torines is rhos world, the I.sinse C ' • 4 - At • atrial the Iasi w owlhis wwsdr, sae' ids • res# •wl- tstritoty and P. e.terh Ark&tsas to the rail send stations in M,ttsoun and in idem' the iseieratiebe were made for a start to the sew markets. Ilwtdreds el detested, of cattle were ••000 .l to northerner° Texas preparatory le 'Me Brite. 1t was an unknown country, and toot eve m the csettleOen•l1 anticipatleus r.ahred the actual Jaeger: that infested it t iawlese element that hold the rough por 'tons of the a.xuntry prepared to meat the eau :one& immune up from tLe South and by foul er ter Oceanm Oceans seenre possession .ef t he. ['Ivry aein r.,pliebed their worko&ly ton well. tlaay a pour fellow with all hie possessions wrapped in a few hundred cattle was aeons- • 1 ate he guarded his herd in the hilla of irk/togas by w whoop sod • yell from • dor , ea ..r more masker' raiders. Their alvett would stampede the stock beyond all hops -Tof .•apture for many day., end unless • ihrtal triton,' wall paid to the band the ant Jaya. Then a severe storm came up. an the herders were"'nrrtpelled to ride arouse' the cattle ell night loog t•' keep them (nodi drifting hef..re the wind. eu:tdeuly half a ilewen meakeel men rode up furiously howling and yCIIise. The eattle stampeded, and it was sot matt! three Jaye later that Minter ani hte men fooled whet was left of them about half.- Test same night the raiders repeated their visit and Heater gitint up to drspan. reformat in hos hn•... Irate► AeaihI" . • 1 ire aftertoee white eerie ern with ties sport 1 wa.'caujht by a taming, shower. 1t came with a eine. and took nee quite use aware. i.eiwg a tkieliet a &tort dtatanec hum we 1 made my way to it to reek pro- tection from the twurinv rain. The ground was hard and dusty, and 11's ram had ren Jere.' in in places very slippery. I:schiog the thicket, 1 rested my e+tu upas the• round, awl, bracing my back *_ain`t a large walnut tree, gave.myself up tr. ineli lions on the rufOed sport srhtle waiting fur the shower to pass. •• eternity,: thus 1 felt a ►'matte sped Pus „Tutor, she then breaks our, •• I feat over inc a feeling tech at 1 h&R-niter lie :. not worthy.- known before, nod which 1 cutout dtscrttre. I;ut del he uot kill two whiles last mum 1 felt as though some dreadful thing was mer while the others killed node' 1\ dl about to happen 1 know ant what. ., Involuotanly raisimg my gee,. my'eyea bccanje mites! upon a monster rattksoake. Ile was 11.e largest 'make 1 had ever *evil 'ionwhosr my hat came off, and I , didn't setae of a 14 eod Felber. take it off either. 1 reialettd the deafer 1, you not take hen mew l • • Vet. ye* awl • • I..rh Mese you With answers the pas- tor, a#t•1 iota* the two in marriage. STACK TAKING SALE. Tu c rder to get -Our Stork Reduced we will Offer SY SPITIAl RC7Al A?P,y11' btr's124 SPECIAL BARGAINS • itere's N ! rt h i n S; In all Lines Like ��� ` FOR THS NEXT THIRTY r.t1Ys. OaSOAP IT DOE3 *WAY WITN 301LIPt&C HARD R•UBBIFIC BACKACHES SORE PANDS Don't LEr 4:40TN(It w*Srl- oar GO 6T v..TnOt:T T R v '440 Sunlight4 REFUSE CI -:EAP IMITATIONS Ih- trateK']e"u. 1iO'N . of teA". - Little {.'hb: .' h'r arit'enetic 'nation!.Whit's a ••ytlo'icnt' Little density 14'1 :.!;tt y0.; set by diyiduir one number by e,nother, --' (►h ' it's the answer, fs It. ,. Yes, " Then why don t they call it th1 aa - ewer ' was in. bat t,y-11 1 would 1 'crit'$ ,sat_ Whom theRev.'lark t;uy Penne was change tity ciie. 1 tried to rare my ,;tea, about tourteyn years old he went to London but toul't not. . Tiled 1 tried to move my 'Laying been u a school a oat -many. Ile hand, a:yv :not, but each refused- the.-er•ia. stave: to London long enough to Praia all command. 1 was powerless to meet, and hfs mosey, excel/dug enough to pay his tate con.pletely 'charme41'.by the shake. •' 'Chea slowly it cane toward me wu'!. its in denten,eyesstill tall open Inc. t1 benoppe with powDE in about four feet from n e it stopped and "'('lute that word i to easy ill remelt - bet. Toren& Te•yMNesa. I).y('5lass, Teeo4.ssweeo 11sad • bad a'ts';k of bition.cees had tnuk of , l.ottle of- lInrJock Moo,' lettere,- and car Duly se- c rrnn 0041 1t to any full -trine from this cone parrot. Mi,•. (:n ta'.t- x - Termite. to kis hone in 4erne&ll. Ile went by train to Bristol, end there took pa.&age on a cease'. Ilc thought that the pass.,ge mosey toe:uded his board, and therefore ordered hiameala that day. .tl.theend of the journey a da t little steward presented • bill for meals to the lad 1 have do massy," said the eurpristd boy. "Then," replied -the steward, "you shodd year amide at the table. tint have talon y E9ftlM : Lint t6ZLNC1S. ,1. •.. - . alio 25 CENTS A BtlX. Ask Lear llsup/.t tier TLtr1.- DL1NN'S Lamps and Lamp Goods, Cutlery and Silverware, Granite and Puritan ware, Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Wringers, Japanned, Tin, and Copperware. We have a Fine As.iortment of Stoves and Ranges and if you are thinking of buying anything ill this lire we think we can suit you as to quality and price. a -HEATINJ AND SANITARY PLUMBING k FFC`ALTYI SAUNDER-S & CO., J. A_WALK E R Ca,rriaga M .uf�act ..�cz:, 'laving-p,:uaasee the 1 •a ..•t McCREATH it WALKER 1 bare now atrsaged,!st oslyf 1•o continua the 1 *Triage Trade, but do all classes of work in .l . HORSE-SHOETNII U$U&LL BLACKS TITHING NONE BET THE BET OF WORKMEN ka1PJ4 zi) IN EVKltl- DEI' -ii: illi•:NT. ' 3OG-1).. JNO. A. WALKER WHO IS YOUR TAILOR sreal,a a1DJCHoiler -1T'�,'ks. This is a %sJtlm•nt •l millets.tn•1 c•ne to which you. .houl.i htµ• •EsiTAIILLQll1:n'Itee.) ' !:night. A.__ 5. CiHRY STS` BAK1NC:DOES H� SUITe,, r.. y O'er rawer° t'hr;r.ef tel e` Mee I t not, you ram racily get ;at { R Isbecteoo by ceiling at .. .............`", THF EH�Ograceful#>roiled, ted, earring upwiitstui, �1elfortherivalspun:.-stn1triedTHCOOKSBEsrFRIEND LAai45reTatE l4l01 ,� }I cuuld not. with i.s forked Mope cxteq,i ed. itrearetl to strike, when it ',lipped and fell and broke ita,oe.k. The damp ground had sated me ,Khat is youensilee !'. -. IFP SIM+ maty i/Inwlr.. ••Dark t:ay Norse.- trent the Albany Joora.l, 1 Thsstewardtk»a u Loo the y The fastest looe•d:atance rum •h •Nifioed ' howl old i h book k h bo toy the mid- "I atd - train on record w'aa made by t e Empire '•: never thought that 1 should live tP rice Fs F: 1„ COAL AND WOOD YARD Qtr. )l ,mother was is great distress `tat..1 .preawyesterday. glister • , y r )1 father heel died rud•lenly those was at the leter and Jones -Stark the r WEST STREET. A larr10''•fusdtfty 'd LI. tilt\ \I,1111: 1 diet al at. t'lail'1i1\ . on bawl will he 1 al o*rl atad they wIII brieg. l whatever a y , get l:srgaiw. H. DUNLOP. -p• tet .'•.i,' •.n -'1 •11 to GRATEFUL COMFORTING so' your • •er The train rolled r o the --t sir* .ii' ie. reat11.35 t. SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. f 1 could d 1 ...utile show yen aio tirenian• was at him post. 1 father w &o • ery k:od to m) ht moth -r and me. 1 pro mised myself then hooted lithe marl kit he lhat u yen . e'er minutes behind selodaie time. At Utica ' like l:lndnss to some Doe your father Ict Headquarters for ..1 grades of by the taking drw•ta�. HARD, SOFT & BLACKSMITH COAL. •syracn•e was reerhed two minutes late, there was a deteetiun of five impute!, tau. 1 eJ. The tr:i:y crateful steward paid the boy'. e.l 16" rim of 149 miles having Wren made in tual weighed esu cacti. rmr.ct or 1111.. Kies. ashore in. boat tined by rite sailors. hill, gave tum five %billingr, and rent himIf irk's tither was waiting to receive his "Father,- ssi.1 the boy, "1t is a gold thirg to have a kind father," Anal then the .tory of the steward's kiesinese was lobi. "My lad," an beg Mr. I'earse, "it eg 1 mooedsince mooedthe kindness 00 to him in do- ing what 1 did. •\ow he hos passed it on to you. As you grow up, nund that you otren pais it on to others.- Yeses afterwards whets the boy had be- come • man, he was going by *hen on a •ho jou•nev, when he saw a boy cryine bitterly 4M asking the rause of his grief, the boy replied that he hal not enough money by four •'e to pay his fare to the town in whit he heed. Mr. Pearse at mace Murlit the boy • ticket,and then related his own experience on Ilse steamer years before.'u "A' now," he concluded, " watt tt yon to Fe sure and pa4. this kiodnee on to others it yon are ever able to do an. ' .t4 the train left the station. the smiling boy waved his heedkerchis/ and said, "1 will paps it nss n, air : 1 will pait ow." l meanie, an etiologist .eresen, aye wry f t' courage poor r•tii4l t1 be In ry aed to laugh aloud. .1 cool, hearts 1.eth *spends his chest ae1 melees h.4 bion{ been # merrilym'n &lose (oene me to . gar.) levet not to • elite eieggseimq laugh, bur to et* that us will armed through the hoe. It will not only do you child root, but will be• benefit Ma fr all who hear sod he ao important Wass rot driving the bines away fm the dwelling. Merriment to vera' catching and ampule in a remarkahk wronger, ger, t4. loins % AiM to resit th 'be nn.tV hearty hest et all htful harmony. lathed it is the m.LM. _ _ Soma its a two. A Awe colt belmeging to Paw I.iedeay, of Niles, tat., was Melly bombed by • osw. Two battles of pNgyard s 1 otiose nil mime ie Tkbiav1sable rwsw.ly .hneM h• is every a. lamIs slam seta, der.:• a. or bar.► w4 Thu remarkable no was made without raises, berms. ami all psis sad ashes Is mesa e remarkable time 01 4'I minutes. Oct my 1'ri• es !a'tnrc (rmirq; e•'r^where. I JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. :art-ly. 1 the sltghteis: mishap. it speaks well for the t t Etna a 10111. men in chines of the train and the reset. Tet.•ek..ar mare, flan. ���, ��gm�a,llmrallea. reOinif i ie19 rs•r•'r• `"` . . Fangle 1 otung I:atlgyr • 't eted•lIia vo:etior. GG . , o4. 1'araeo-What is his ch•ies' ' Ewer►-- He has decided to become* poet. 4`anise Nonsense' What •4nali4.atioas ham he now • C:E(). i..�RRY, th. He has one very important ;cl1!- Bastion. (loelerich furniture dealer And ('nmso game it. undertaker, keep the host stock n, lundertaker's M$Y • A MARE rsartrs. " l ss, ' aid the Old mac, addressing his young vitiator, '• I'm proud of my virile and should like to see them .11 comfortably married ; and a. I'vemsde a little mosey, t'1 -y won't go to their hush.ad• pranIkss. reeve's111•ry. twenty eve years old, aed a real rend girl. 1 shall give her • themes(' pnon.la want alt. . anm. Then comes ne 11,1. who Won't, e thirty five •gals, awl .hall Alive two themes, : sod the man who Wes Elm, who n forty, will have three thewesnd with hew." lasst The young man r .eted • oest or an, and then nery twinned, ; ' \ n. haeen't owe abet y. have you fit 'tits. Sore Tb0ont ('w.A. Ilan, Stine, 1 heal • very son threat for front ss at over • week an.l froseveral mndwis without relief mud I heard id of r. 'bVnn,l'e Norway Pone syrup, which 1 tried with great wee+. Mask1 think It . 6 . asadkiss foie sore threat, pais is the Mask*schema, Iwo* ehitfs, sad threat a111 long Wesblaa M Alta Wnntsn.'o, 2w Rebsaggaa, Oat. I. settle A Assn i'come of tunuturo and . rerleelly ('cared. 4upplies 1 Aud !tow is It Sin., I have been greatly troubled wall that 11e can sell so cheap' ya• and td blood for ten or tweke BECAUSE )man.ears. 1 starteed to tske I:urld:k 11100.1 Bitters in duly. 18'& aria now January, 11931. 1 an perfectly cured. H • • n 1►r. a n, 2w 1 \nrwnoJ, (•t. long run. His motto • is : 4lat. finds that it pays in the TAKE THE BEST mew sat IPA IlleNtsk One feat edam. Ole (Irina? • w 1 winos al other. Creche, Crawy% 'Mast, Hearess.e., ' hooping Cough Aa4ara. 'for C.es.mptlon it km no iii lea mired tressa*M. and will or ten TOeval tetanus us Ula cold by Drnersta oHoeft or w eaaeleg.sw��P[e- Por 011011111111 A NA PLAITati TARRN REMEDY. iN soasAl_-rprslsa. " Small Profits and Quick Re turns." He also n)Akew a i.pocialty of picture framing. (live him • call before purehaw i:tg elsewhere. Embalming Plaid always on Mand. 23571 PLANIVG MILL ISTAALISNEO RS1. Buchanan & Son, coact'►a(•TI watts BOH, DOOR and BLIND Ik'ekrs he all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Manuf;ti•turers of all kinds -:- Sta•ion- ary **rine, Upright Tuhulur 4rei0 Salt Pans, nu a Stacks, Sheet 1:o1 oaks, rte., etc. Also .1 in Upright and Doriro•ist Alide Volt a (►twee. - A4Qol0etie ('est (Ni )1nttiroe • i anti pwoWty. All sire• e/ N •nod • *ire sat aseilWtly on Wad. lurin.ates turn:*Md am abort notice. lt"peiri promptly attended to nal ly it. O. Hos 3 , (lodrnch. Out. Work* • Omelette G. T: It. station. (toacricr. )2oLBC5D S EPPS'S`0000A SYSTE: R!OMATOR BREAKFAST SUPPER. "sly a thu'ough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operation* cf Aigratles and nutrition. ••.l IV a careful ollefftion the flea bropertie10 of well selected roma. Mr. Kpps hoe provided few elite bteiltdes: aha pup per a .i..1 caul flavoured ►mora* which may sacs us main easy due:ori bills. It is by the ine:cious toreof such ono:Ire of dire 14.44 a con - 1 i+ut•o0 Wray tx y i.'lite p unlit wrong tagb to rested- every teeeten.'3-to-etleasee. 1 rr:wr. Ihindnvls of entitle orderlies rre nestle, ► •round us ready to attack where+er there b • weak polo'. %i' may 0100Pe man'] a fatal shnttby keeping outsell es well fortleat with rime blend ant & properly rourished ('iref Srrr4•v (Jaeette. Ma.le •imply with hitting water or milk. 401 optypr• aeekrta•by rammer'. labelled thus: J tSTle EPPA A 4'•., ILIA, N&wwwealblt e1•e�Ata, Ludlam. [nalaed. 11 1 L i- sew Scientific Americas Agency for PATE NTS �1t AAvtAT�i�.�.••IktS pagoda PAT`ISTIO topvtnoHTI1o,, •00. P.r ta0••mat4ps ao4 fre. tl■nina wrote 1n qt NSa' t1 wnn4Oar A T. ?Aro A011. Mrs/ Immo, 'for l. -.•senna t.at.•n4. In t • owAro. Rsrr. ole Or tater 'at 1, • 1- ?c'0*)' hof,.. 41. rah:l. by•.dM•.•tree ,f M• 4trhan•e.n the $' inntific , situuicali 1 esprit cin tda4,nn of orf u.nn' 14r pa1'••r to this .04.. odpeIa n IMI♦♦ lltap•n,.'4 (o it t�4t4 sen ,h.nii A wirb".t 4'. reo,A1t, 1e ate �Pent. Ilam .4■ ter,4.ear. AdQ rw. w N\ a e• 1Mia. 3341 14naAMr, 1'w1- $ PATENTS 1 A.1i *wrs'..atsrial of every .1.eertotiee School ?unitary a Specialty. C*V1ITJ. Tswii WARS AMO COPYRILIITS rbt•Ined, end .11 lienee. In the 1'. M. Mira °Mee attended to at MOI►RRA rR PRiL7. Onr nAee is erepo* i'e the 1-. N. Patens (14 - See. mad ser see nbawr, Patents Is ns flaw Ikin .h •erwntn from II'A3NINOheTON. Mend 1101.1R1. OR /)RA WINO. We ad TIM as to e•te.tab*Uty fres of charge sae we mere NO CNARROOft UNI.R.S IC 01- '7%14A PArRNT. As -• meet,_bore. to the Poe master. the nor. ,f None Mawr It4v„ and to .II41110 of ti• lJ. N. Putout floe.. Tor elemetar, advice i 'net's sad reteewoeen to .Meet Aima is yes awe State or (Ninety irritate C A sviwt4 h.. K roremoi elrie dem wnshlaa4D. 0 arn71Hg1 Tia n It1011411&e. t84ecifhi. and Anridole for lnipure, weak and impoverished blood, dys- pepsia • sleeplessness, palpitation of the 1hwart, liver 0xetpptaint, neuralgia, loss of meteor)', b,nncliiti', 0,111.L111 j'tion, gall atonal, -ia.twlioe. hulas .armory diseases, St. Vitus' dance, female :rreg- ularttiea and general debility. LABORATORY. CODERI&N. ONTARIO J. M. 31c I. OD; Proprietor sad Ma•sfact-lrer. 31cl.r.'t a Orr -trig ltaro**xbx can 1•e dab from all Ar u'* In town. as well sorrow 411 the druggists between ('wen frons.: sad Ae•forth. itrnssels, Durham and Tewosto. 1117 441 HAVE YOU BACK-ACH E 00005 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backache the scavenge's means the kid- of the syster•. net's are in "Delay is trouble Dadd's dangerous. Meg - Kidney Pillsive I rc fed kIdne 4 prompt relief."' f roubles result 76 per Cent. i e and 'inert Of di sentte is Dyspepsia, Lit', Fest causal by Complaint. aril disordered kid- f he most do '- nen& veroua of all. Might newel? Arights Dews.'. fry to hat• a Diabetes and healthy city Dropsy' without Mauer- "ane ebe•-'• age, its gond draewa.s Cannot health when the tris► wkera hidn.ys are Dodds Kidner eNy9ed, they era Iowa ere need. RAO M re drat.... r Ares 1'r mellow erce.M (1f prior an rear. Ter h•. or em for 3... . Thr. 1.. 1. %N Ira a t • •• Toe**. Weis, i.. bed umsd Kidney Talk,