HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-1-25, Page 6R►EN
one rhea r., sieving N..., Fashi n 1 p
earl heap ma .taloa,
Every practical l.tte•r sassing u1T11140.-
inent is welt -sone tithe o rerwt,rkr.t'tan.t
-r. Hence the following device. .ng -
p tted by a wtiter iu Tilt)range Judd
g eTiro!� :EST,
t 111TH t'•tl"STy I'ItiNEF:It's EX-
, Ph:4t1FXCE. •
s to rljtactt ..•l. 'it I %I%t.v Y" c• rc.tt:s
Mil !ler fa'Nf-A MONTII % •.eke.
SEAL.. -- 111. CL' '.I' 1,1: t1.i11 .t•
ell:L;•• :r l'-- 1.'- s►.n 11r. son. U:•''t ray
gt WUtk a tai.... a C ITE.
Fen nine ts. tact Claimer.
- _. Tcowloi.dg•• is • pretty little • ill- agit
the county ni Perth. It is fico nit:es t.nat •
t.ilcay. Pn' gates is rilral quiete s a ooat-
oe..ation-for_tSe Ion a.f-the beetle of
towns. line of the Inst known rcaidiwts of
_____ebt_Lollkige ie Mr. 1it•ac !►ole eye who but
tiratt there fcr upwards of forty years, is
Met ever since the "blared" roast through
the soak 'ail to the air of what- was tl:se
laid out is etc district ts/etroplh.. As hr
bads air 1..e arc::en's memory roes. Mr.
- lkttyea bat lata sick coati al: tI.r titre.
an 1 omelet to work, acid whoa it was report:
ail last spring that k+wtie oared d olaitwed
•., tae cured by lir. Williams' Pink t•rlhi, the
Bteixr kept au eye ou the. cue, Ioniag it
run ort ratd a faw_days ago to sec whether
the :turret a' ^old las:. and then set oat
to tavestiE.'e for,oa:selvts. We toned Mr.
,T)tteyct 'reeking both well and woke to say
the Lisa•. I riTrepty to our entliiries as to
his 1:4-alth hcretfal..he telt young again. And
felt flirt Le was fully slued, mid wan :tet
willing to tell lel, story as he teal n -gone
to cotibt the fir••ury of the remedo in hie
eta;. I have teen sick,' said be, ,. for
twenty tears, ant I have not done a
mnneh's work in ten years. 1 became all
bloated cut au 1 my legs swollen very
meth ' Ftrn this trct.Lle ! could set
f#tmite:. The made ince 1 gee froni,the
Jnctesnalped me cwt did su: v toe me. No-
thicgWould-tartrthe swellis; nay mutt d
was tragisitko, teltollihat.my condition nag
desperate. I could hardly be about and
email do no work, not even of :he ti -1 t est
desctiption. A'year age, 1 real id she woo
lets performed by 11/4. h Illitona. fink fills
and Irv -light's co:'pie of bo.ei. The first bas
ard a half g+vc a.:. the sensation of haina
my : oh prodded all over with pin., but 1
beg as to feel better and determ:ued to keep
on takiu; the pi:lw 1 have taken tweut)'-
:tight boxes iu all, and. alti,nuph it stems'&
targe sulnbcr. 1 wea'.d willingly take twice
that •trent:ty rather than be Twiny old cos-
di,iou of &Irac.it helplessness and suffering
• All the swelling hes entirely disappeared
and i feel • well 'man again, and bettor
than 1 have been for a great many years."
1a reply to a question, ! r. Iteleyca said he
was sixty -ifs years of age sal had Leen 01
for felt) throaty years, and he added earn-
estly "nothing cite in the world but
Pills cored no-, and I believe they will curt
aavotre who gives them a fair chance Ask
ally of my old neighbors how Sick I was,and
how I have been curet!. Why. 1 n. t oulsl
feel like • new man bat look like one.
cos do all my work that 1 formerly ha.l t.
hate hired done. and 1 do cot feel the least
fatigue. With me it is no glom work. but
• case of demonstration. and evetybady,
who knows one. knows that i -have beencur
el and by' the use of t►-. 11 Jhsms' 1 Sok
P 1's. ard L cannot speak too highly of
sheen.- s.,
Dr. % iliums' Pink Pills costain in a
cendeneed tam ail the e.ements
■ toesaary to gine sew lite aad ri.:b
▪ vs to 11 e Wood. end restore 'bartered
ueteeu. They are an unfailing spectnc for
each diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial
paralysis. St. . It us dance, sciatica. neural
giw thee:mat:am, nervous headache, the af•
tar effects of la grippe, palpitation of the
heart, Dery Ens prostration, all diseases de-
pending apps sitiated humors in the bloat.
such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc.
They are also • specific for troubles peculiar
to females, such as suppressions, t:regnlari
ties. and els forms of weakness. They
build up theblood, and restore the glow of
health to pale and sallow cheeks In the
Dene of mea thsy effeA • radical cure in all
es e• i i og t e a mental worry, overwork,
or excesses of w:•'ever nature.
lir. 11'dleltri 1 ink 4•tlts ars armaufactut
ed by the lir. Wel a -ns' Medici. 'Company.
Brockville at.? sal 5thesett • Iy. \. 1-..
sad are sold in loxes iserer in loos. foto
by the dorm or hundre1. and the pnblic arc
•matimed again( wienermu imitatinna sold
id this shape at 50 rents • lox ors v boxes
f,r $2.50. and may be had of all druggists
or direct by mail from lir. Williams Medi
*iris Company. from rill er addreta. The
price at which these pills are 101.1 makes a
worse of treatment con r. rat iv.ly &n..pen
sire se Compared wits o•Rtr remedies or
to -dical tresit n int.
,.a. whet Rea ea.
/r:• the Indiana finis Joarnat.
8.1 leave swlkd, bid the ampteoua eau..
be Sod oat west reason y r m inn site 1, r
,,, p elesNag the sew year as a au .e mesh
"That M dente.' responded the art editor.
e' Mimosa, the Year d ars not get eta close till
she alas of
• iltiSise aMhtf ..1t•Ee.
Farmer. will hardly fait to 011.1 ;..y
It will be fouuat of special a rvi.• • iu
barn!.. (*Hare. storeroom.. etc.. where
-!este articles have to be moved npa r
d(twu stairs. -
ThiA i1u eni.ans labor satiate device is
til ,•illlplir lel its construction as ti, admit
cif its adoption wherever reunited. ft-
ttt*hd,'te nurrt•i'y of a`tlot.t t:oorot String.
hard W.a,tl, s t attach. -,1 to t1tt t..rll that
it' will fit down snugly ever the steps
when wanted for use:
11 u.•t needed, 11 can to. easily and
quickly tttns.,1 nit against the cellar
wall ali.1 11e1}t iu 1d ire by ahcara Cf a
This handy connivance renders the
lowering' of leirrels int., cellar' or the
elevatit:t; of the Ilam•: into ttiti.: rstorh:a a
all.wek« eRlnwsiosalt
flg*rI.xstett. About twit••esoatbr ago 1
vim nearly sr1Y iiia h.adashes i started
ee{tihs R. B. R, task two betties end my
11.0aMM hate naw altng.tM•r disappeared
1 INA IS is aittsta asedbtae.
Fta Fusr,
]brie y Simian, use
wile% Not' IN t V:
etenfo tatiTely 'isy neuter. Bags of
grain. pu.tat„e:. firru nlachin.•ry. ets.,
can ilioHa be nattily taken into a hay
stove or ett'ou.l stilly- ref it granny.
.t Poultry trr.hteta.
Peter (•sillier• dives -tor. of tLr XrW
1-.141 t.xp.'nnent ett.'st,•a.'r••p+.rted 1•1 a
tanlletin i,snel result.':Nainid in c-tel,,1r-
erA lo.acttle• the ytle.trn w•hetiMr
will lay a.- v 11 When kept away" Ir.,m
mole.-. He reports :t geed of eight pnplrt�
kt•1.f withi•nt it mob• produced 1.A. at
al,unt IU titer met less c.att thou 'au ex-
a.•tty similar pen with which a cockerel
into kept. Another pan witiront &-mak
:aye daring the tirelthree mot..he about
tt a Mine pre artionattecsceea of pta(olyt: t
of.r all esactly-siuular pen with v. Melt
a (nicker -el woe kept. Then the f.viher
eating h.'t,Lit"deviloi..il. and tits egg
pr•-lnct dimiui..iwd. lett during et.1it
*mottles the t. t.Il egg yt.•id+ t' .r each pail
seas very nearly alike, In each of the
tit 1a'ttre: itleo t snub.• birds prune 1a11-
letti had la•.nn to lay frons nue :to two
tn•.nth. earlier Iban any in the c r.iti�
spot:dinit pans when. nl,'alr birds were
kept. --
The feather eating ,pssttally appears
after feettiug Her any length of time au
.nt.v cried ration deficient in some cetn-
atitaentA. more eepn•ikllt•-iiitn•ltetu.ns
hatter. taut the hub it has developed from
idleness among fowls haying a ration
which _wive s,•ittefartory results with
other 'similar peen., of fowls feel at the
saute time. The alio. nhnnl.l be-:'rmtsd
alit by the removal et the gra . ?fender.
'I'p)t• 1.unta•w-hat 1!,,M i'tit fitement ti`.•eY-
•.nty in ant trial when• a careful account
of the f. •sl i• kept will always make the
rundithnliAmure or lea. nnAtYvable 1..
the lure•-'-egip la;.ulnotion.
lit these cxpeliwenta no attempt was
made to force the laying. and tbebroorly
fowls wrre Allowed to sit at will. tlwre
using mons fleet !Mases in each pen.
About the 110111' windier became broody
in pens haying male binds as in those
without. The trials show that where
the eggs are nut t;sed for hatching it is
nettle r necestwry nor economical t.. keep
a male hint with laying Mems fur egg
It haler (ierdewlmg la the North.
From the Ohio station come,. amnia in-
teresting items als,nt winter gar.beuing
in the cold states by having illiam roofed
h•'ntw.. veru far oniy the analler tegr-
tal.le. are grown ender thew, g1a1. r.. •feel
garden.. such us radishes. lettnt: toma-
toes crud cflcntnber=. But esna'tally
peas. beans. eggplants, canlidowers mid
utlre', vegetables, as well as frnit,. will
be features of these gardens of the to-
tnm. The initial cost of incl.a.ing the
gardens with glows mud the emit of heat -
"hg are lotth being leaner -41 ercry year as
itnprnrmenen4 are made. When heat•
in;; ie reduced .me -half std the cost of
covering an acre of land with glens does)
nut amo;rot to 'winch more than to fee.
tilire the fir1.1s of today, gardou segr-
ta..,leo will be presented frrah t-. nv at
l'hnstuls time as well as in the (-Italy
spring .late.
Fancy vegetables and frnite are more
prefireltie natter glas. than canntuou
. a'.
hien.. for the ,a.uthern state- anal
the tanned goat. "apply lite market
d•ith the latter. The northern winter
farmer wrist prvinrn extra fancy to --is
\t•r been.• at all. In cinder to .k. this. the
I•nllett•i says that eery Ane. well rt•ta-
p...te.l naannn• and soil wb.ml.l 1w• nee.d•
end watering and heating ahrnl.1 1*
studied ao a veno. e. With the beset .'f
rerttditiota the plants will ten sloe* excel-
lent r.enlia.
THE SIGNAL : ` GODIER1OA, Orr,, TA t J RSDAY, JANUARY 25, 411114. - - •
Thsdepart meat of agrirnitnre ham mod-
Ilg 1.10) different eeriest.* of f
Msbear•iopt bntuitedll ( Willietallft`
ar:el.ul I.0 re►Iw 11,e e•.ertieas sad 1N-
WI.t.Iree Itaac.I.r 1 -..rape.
The a.•tn.rl eibet of alcohol upon the
annum arsirttt is it ambo, t which 11a.
excited evtnaidetable Wiens*, of l.eta'
rein agao. g 1,h11tt Sans an.l has attract-
ed soma attendee, (tom mankind at
I.trgo. The average Mau f* probably
aware, or has brim utvarc at Wattle peri.ah
• •1 hie lift•, of certain ". its et." of pleat.
ant fortes of alcohol np"•u lits evat un
and may colored tvitlt hiutwlf that .1-
evoh..l in n..derat.• quantities ie std only
grrul 101 itis h1 alth, but necessary for it.
Whet h. r tl1t. 1 u .trnor net. he taay
leant 1 y- n'r.dirt;t the opinion of scientists
apt>,nitie.1 lt•.r pith.
Ate„r,•1 ..s a 1.tt•.11eiue is' ntillatt.Ts-
thwetie. It e,t.,t•l.t tet!) be teal for ante
*ici n.•s,. heti m ra r tar t«hruuie tr.ul:les,
for the . au,•• re:► n that nit•rl,Intie mud
chloral'. y'.lrstc•aktrali1 not be cmployerl.
Matey .lrink levet:.e of the go: it tante
of Ifrinor unit not ('..r its etheete. Hut
tn-t • is made• pert -era, in this way-, the
elle titre 1'taliult *Weed wholly towatel
nt.'at. 31ag.ir, ripe fonts alw1 sweet
Gs sl in k,•t•urral are distasteful to the
,trio: • r. Physiology has eetabll•!wd
that sugar is the wan* 01 utnua•ulat
f. Tee. Witco th. swe.-t is no moo. agrees,
stk. t.' ns 0 eiin,lfies an al•uonnal condi-
lion. .\ drutker find. himself iu this
condition. awl he is a drinker who does..
not f .•1 Mims. It at eat.' unites he take's
beer. wine or alcohol in cry form.
Ala•uhul iu j,. ..iter into the digetive
Rola. I'rl.dttres a warts pricking reit-':t-
tfost. w•l:it It prop...et.•s itst.lf fn,ru t:u•
month to the pduu•yltz and -blouses-k.
Como tarots 1 tr large gnalttitit*of al-
cohol act as nn irritant iu the st(auacb.
This actikia is unit h Inure atdacg• tic if
flit. at..amlacll is e,nptr. ht this (sae dt-
Int.a alevhul f, injnrirns l ecan'e it acts
directleon ilia mtieons T•'•.i•ele. excitirb
a vices, when stininliation has no use.,
but if •tb••rai is f,,...tl isy the biwuaclt a mod -
orate di,.• i.. Stilt more diluted and
:nitwits with the iegtata and 'accretions.
Hort it ie meet au ieritatt. lett a *tiuln-
dart of the sty, stir1.•' fntictiota . It i.'
abeerI. a1 e: p* dolly in the stomach. iu
Me da.:tetlnw noel iu the ir•ginnii: ..t
ilial iiit.*tasse-at'-teles rtatrntity-t-iaket is
large enongli. It penetrates the thecal
etie'r--aliet•.vie--r.r indirectly 1.r $Is
11 you find it dark everywhere else, look
ettarlit up.
t ulture w•not destroy sin. All at can do
u to 1.14. It
\u matter how turd warns the sumer, He
always dote ,t ,u lova
t•ual ower anile as)thing that will last
lunger than a hely Isle
V hen a t briatian w Alk. to the ligb'. of
(•0d he totes• au shadow.
tin the back seat in prayer meeting is •
poor place to glow in grace.
There are people .4 h. du the devil food
by mating • noise on the lords aide.
There u uott.:ig In the Bible which irises
• & firiation the right to be a fault tinder
'ome wen have nicest liberty at the prayer
n:retln_ when their w..'ea are not present.
The roan who has a ceutempt fur little
Bina nidi soon have a big one for his Muter.
If the devil is agasat t:.d, Alist kind of
a roan are you if you art not un the Lord's
The .lovit is never entirely sure of a man
as long as there u somebody 1tv tog wbo
loves him.
There ere men in the pulpit who would
not be there tf they had out misunderstood
the Lore'.
•' The secret of the Lord is with theta
that fear him, and lie will show these hu
eetenant... ...
The ntaa who ionic* about things r.c
amid bdi•,'1&xi'eg the devil a good deal of
hard sort.
swine people who chitin to love the
have to ask the devil how' they shall spend
their money
About the bar.teet thing anybody ever
tried to do was to live a Christian lib with-
out religion.
No matter whether he has one talent or
ten. the devil hates the nun slot calls him
by hu right a ma
Who knows but that •net la are kept bue).
retaking opporturutite fur people who are
willing to do good.
It you are on the -hip of /ion. what arc
yea doing toward paying flu running e.
piroes • -Raw a Ilona.
('epteiu Sweeney, 1'. S. A.. 'tan is.ego.
feel . says I `• Sbil..h'a Catarrh Remedy is
the tirst medicine 1 have, ever hand test
wwnld do me any spatial " Price 50 teats.
.loll& by al! drucgists. e w
*r(srs, ..stash's
Rimy mcn who arc puoctilivua in 1tm•
foraitat to hotness usages of:eu. In writing
letters to which they espe.t answers, tail
to sachem stamps to pre pay pcstyee on the
reply : says au eyca's igr. It would be
better still to enclose stamped eavelope
with a wrhtcs addr rt.
An ic.iuiry will revel.* sarlaer attention
and perhaps mere clreful atteution if it W-
ools -us but little trouble and no etpe•se to
tl:e person addressed than if the latter is
expected to do cn siderable work Bad foot
rbc bill Leander. This may seem • small
matte: uuly 3 cents lovely's! but the
Principle of the transaction is apt to govern
the rersnn wl o is expected to reply. Ile is
%ery apt to say to htrse:f, „'dell, if this
man exposit, an etasrr l:e *hoal.l at leant
have each sed • stamp.' There is very
little dao, er of sty one taking °Crete t t
sash an eucIoeure. The enquirer who hate
tates to enclose a staenp toren/cern tran...ct
ing a million dullare' worth of business a
ycat because it is such • trifle, mey tied
upon ,et'etion that the existence of tl.e
house depends apes an aggregation of two
penny profits.
1 here aie salesmen lido at then tin^ of
the year are •odea.nit nig to *cause position)
with otter homey, and yet omni the eaclos
yrs of return postage 011 the reply which
they unhrsitstingly look for to their letter
of application. It they receive an•s.rs to
such nnbnslneishke hums, they areio luck.
and they may be sure that acretl.iug else
has rvcomrneaded them than their correeet
ot.ervauce of busincrs cis •;itiss. The
amount involved u of DOconee.,ueecc. I'veo
if tette, postage shot,.' be reduced to •
penny, • stamp should be enclosed to insure,
✓ ply. ----
Tears leer *.l. t. Aa►:n
Much prosy advice Is bestowed on hose
and young men that never cet beyond tI e
alums s of their ears 1 toe of the moat useful
ideas y. u ;in int r educe in a y: ung hen i
that Its owner can and is bound to make
his walk in the world. it he chooses to try.
Teach pini that it depends solely upon him-
self whether ho soars shore deed level of
me(' crity or our, whether he crawl. or pies
r ft. e h,a.. se far as possible. confide nen in
his own inherent ospshil.tiea. Argue that
he has the fame faculties by which others
have risen to distinction, sod that he has
, illy to cultivate them Ard apply in their
exercise that mighty propulsive agent, a
detern,iacd will, in order to tar. 0.4 him
shoot his PITON), not at the bonron, bot the
remitli. A hey who set* out in life with the
Presidency In Ina rye, although he may fall
sheet of the mark. wail l e pretty sore .t0
reach a higher position ion than if his ambition
had been limited to the Office of tows coo
or...s tidewater's berth in the custom
This is not • land where poverty is •
serious impediment to advancement. Very
few of our millionaires were horn with
g old spoons in their mouths. and meets! of
the most distinguished statesmen earned
their bread in early life by the sweat of
their brows. Fortune's gifts ars wrung
frnm her in this country by heeds and heart•
that know no arch word as fail. and fame
has no .special favors for the alk stocki.l
ekes. Action says Aristotle, is the essence
of oratory, beat at u more true that energetic
will is the surd of success. The best tem
poral advice a father can gime • sen is "u
ltov, let the eagle's flight ever be thin*,
()sward and i.pwad sad tree to the line
rein% . r 1•y' th„ Cattifenrtr+ roods.
A , uduohcan-es an ac•cehnti•at rf t'.
heart bifida. fullon•:d by a c(•rraspc.ti.l-
The sifuptt• physiological infinencs • •f
ole c birth. nes^m• leer that of the iudy t • •
of _ago. Thea functions at diet welt.,
ar surto-bled by au 1E* it.d.1e r' *vtia •1*.
et.a..•nlar for:ts aretidminirbwl, uric.
nr.,I carL-anic-acid-ars. se rettd-in less'
quantity, and the temperature of the
!slyly is lowered. ♦in,bc,l does not re-
main long in t'tc eroasa4'. n. The kidse ye
avail r„nstauj sante* 111 elimiaati.n ul
telcob••1. Tho fir:antity eliminated from
Pings i4 very little. The skin is an
ilnp•ortsurt source of elimination, pro-
dncingia dilutiou of the peritiherical v.•, -
s• l., ser chest a large r quantity of l.l...i
is earth tilt. tic• surface and the inr.•u-
siK!o trucsl.ir.itrt.n is increamad. From
.11ys: 1 •sia 11 dose to the latlh.lua-
i:.11 is caly a .-hep. ate' spx•ial circrnu-
shincas can nattier the former danger -
one. Teyrtpecnuce ilia lure. Total ale
,titch iA ua cc._ney-. Theo are (N.H.
eleshits to w•I,1e1t we are 311 11001 tt.ulpt-
ul to tome.- Washington Star.
feet% d.. Leek le 1 -.sr Flecks: -•
Thrr.s Ls ret of .noble hearted. sell
sacrificing .cit and' wonitn who are
tainting wit. a desire to uplift iiumimity
and sive Ie.,• :• at leant fr ljel►unot:d
11T.lV,a. Will Thou. themsely.-s ince
the• gap and en.'rt even (incl given pow-
er to restrain thy? drink denten and atol
hint fu hie murderous rarer. The tint
to a titer the lists are these to whom (:al
has given the cars off sena, wbo are
taken from home anti family that they
ntny Ino letter tit Vote thetuselves tutb(
saving of the weaker brethren. Blessed
is the tuiuistry of the many good
aheph.,r.ls who have tot been content ti
sit illy within tho wine_•tnaty rail, but
who, by pruc•ticu and precept, have.
preached flint the hnleetopal uytd hays
1114w ono after the fallen drunkard,wbc
have bohlly attacked the ravening
wolves who have wade desolate the
hoot. P of tate choe.-n people. It itottld
le, stlatiit•' in tl.o face of the tretnrnd.na
prop t•rti, ns the .brink evil has &anim.•.1,
nnml-t ring its victims by 75,000 yv'nt-
Iy-, that any pastor of e.,nls could go to
hie r••ar.trd with a recon of never hay•
ing spoken one stn••:g word against in-
trmpa•ranc•n or never having autegu-
niZ..l the traffic, whence Imminent la. to fe,'al
and, in satisfying, 1 . lucre:vie th., (-ray-
Imre for alc'e••Ia 1, t'uih,l with those
whom) lives irad(•vot.•,l 1., the untying if
waits oro the noble hearted ut.•n who
have enliet..l under the white banner of
total al1.tipent•t: who. whether in so.
defies or out of societies, by personal
example. ref tieing the proffered glom, of
by public wont, with avowed prrfeesetti
of the bl"msitlga of temperate lives, have
done their Pharr in tho limited circles
in which their lines hove been cast to
lessen etil. Possibly, too, the time may
come,ar.l in tnany places it has already
crone. when. as a last resort, those to
whom the duh- hes been corfklell fail-
ing to tertian" it, • rnon will becol,ligel
to r: lac, their voices against this vice
and to staled at the d. or of their homes
and save hnwlatud awl brother andb,n
from the blighting inftnenco uf lntoii-
rating drink. There is net one of w
hitt caald have done marts did the Inag-
n:ta0bs of the evil cense th,rntigllly
how c to lion.- R0T.A. P. 1)oyle. C. S. 1'.
Genet Tesajl.ra IS Crest ttrltat..
The t 1,.1.•r of t.wal T.'ntp.lers in Eng-
land rely looted its tw. my -fifth *nub
vereary Iota m.mth in the rib• of Hir-
s.ifsaglteni. Th• or.ifr nntit lere 1.41111
,n/s,ntinate I.vlgrs arnl 7041 jnv.'nile
temple. with n' aweatlrersliip in doth of
1' e, r,'•u.
tweesp.'rwwre and raiang *1. Together.
11 we could weep Intemperance int
of tit: land. tlw•tewonlil 1* hardly pa,y-
erty *notch 1.1t to give healthy exer-
cise to cbaritablt► impulses. -Phillips
Abet Steepled.
4uolight is good for everything but
The hest number of p,rsea• W sate bol
i. one
Away with hairy hancings, either ahoy.
nr below the bed.
Beware of • dusty meaty carpet : better
sweet nee" and • bare tioor.
IM not fail to provide some mean of ren
filet inn during who night.
Keep the head fool while sleeping. 13.1
not by • draught of rola air falling upon t1.
it a folding heel moat be need rnntria
some way to keep it sired and whetstone.
Let the pillnw be high enough to torts
the head in • natural positron no me re ROT
Thoroughly air the sleeping room every
elan : rot the bed and bedding u often as
A dark, net of the eat, nnwhol.awene
corner is no mere titled fn. • aleepeonta than
ler a parlor.
A'tether led which has dews service fee
• gettleratrea nr two le hardly • desirsbte
these apoo which to sloop.
it 16 1111' I n. rti-rt Sun of tile well
nl:ttarell II :In Itru Stich• ettri ti 1
expert rfr..N'ers. • \lilt)
is it tired, bri_Ilt :11111 Of 111141l•Il.
Iea:l4I11:11ity; \Institil'lll.. Cut
please* the 11110t ;is4lsliutls;,
J, A. PJ.Cs Tehaeco lea. Rkhaseed.
and Ilea. era l, ('an.
ti litre respeaslbllltl ■es(rd.
Frau runlets. • -
A ratb.rc pleiw lady asks the .pinus of
her miaiat.r : " le Neem to het a friar
of vanity whets 1 stn called hasdrvine 1. a
' Not a Ws for you. my chill : but a ter
ribh_reapoasibiltty bangs upon the gentle
scan. '
Dr. - Fowler's
Ettract of %Pili Cdrawberr% is a reliaLla
rea:a.iy that eau elwat a le &tarried Ott
to cats cholera, cholera infapten. rule..,
cramps., diirrhu•a. dvstutery. and ail
kosse.iees of the bur.•a•ls. 1t is a pare
en:Asia:ng all the airmen of Wild Straw-
lerry, ot:e,.•f 110i• y,rfe.t .oat surest curet
for ell eununer .'mplmutte. nwnl.iued
with other harmless yet prompt curative
tiglate. well ke.ncu to medical seieure.
The lanes
of Wild
Strawberry were known L•v the Italians
to he WI eac�lknt : rowdy 1.r vbsee .pa.
ds.eutery and keen -et -eft of the towels: -
hot rete.li ai scalae has pliseerl bekibt_
the public in U: Fowler's !•:xtb at fC I{il
w c•..it •te as, 1 . ffertu.•.1 care tot •Il
tholeiatrc..ing tool oitetl ilettgcrons
.vuaplainti w c41111w,u in thi._thate„*•
nt•le chelate•.
11 Iia *toutl tine test for 40 years. ant
l.uudreals of liras base beers eased by its
prompt use, No other remedy always
summer coin tet. leo t,rrne of:y, quiets
the pain 4) effectually .:,el allays iteita-
ti.,, rsi .uuaYwfuil_v P. tial. nnri,alled
1tte+crilttwri of I)r. Fowler. 1f you aro
going to travel this
be ante awl tike n 1-ottle with yore I:
overcomer. eafely'.-awl quickly the el,-
ln•,a on,: soother rtwnplafut aa, (Attu
caasa.l by change of air and water. antl
is wino • epee-ific agatust eta-,►icknote.
an,l all bowel
Price ..So. 11. -ware of imitatinii. an•1
n ,knfas
1..:.1 l.v tov-rupulwl. dealers
Wil tltr ark. of greater profits.
Special drive in School Books
and School Supplies. Best value
ever shown in Exercise and Scrib-
bling Books. Remember we keep
in stock a full supply of all Books
authorized and recommended for
Collegiate Institutes, High Schools,
Model Schools, Public and Separ-
ate Schools.
Leve Ma.aarrs tell Telepbsae a..
Booksellers and Stationers.
rotect Your Chest
it means health, atrctig Ii anal long Ilfe to .lo
nsoi.l ('ougl,, in,' !'olds 1,s w.•:u•ie4 ono. of One
Gsedie. stark (berrs (swab Lure -None boder nc'e.
Nr 4kere►'. Woe. (..ah taw For l'oozhc croup. ete.. in C'hi:leen.
Uel ya.w • 111h h Intel (re... - Fur al! • •taps a:ad Irrrtat one.
1 :e 1 Sur
T Tu_"laps
slMlatasttriumpfi la pharmac) fort:mtvre
Ot atlas* Ofmploaaa.adlcalingllrnwr.T A -
I.tTeN(lom:.brnt. beau are hos rod w
neem*a, plat►.•ss, fear adremselk
11110Isnl•AN la&vrA•imr•Mile lteellest, Pools M
vlghq, llelaoebnly Pare1ll, ri t Ai
esbear . 111141sry NM 1. ' et.
N an Dna stow ewe snaoroCure
c▪ sa ay fiNlelae Compass
or hsevNiw.gb, ifUsailledl,
Ter We W 0 A.AR . Drwagtet•
;�eNt ss . abren t'Sd is tr Oa's
heli teesi established to give dip
+,I*.s woks wit\ Mr sad per
es•ipet it bo.
it b unsnarl on hennas prim*$ sad Is
tM I.'sriM of Ina est noes.
it Oweens• the weepers of overt s*raem wbo
believes In sea petIel a.
r.► quirt deape(r* lass •bN faeces■r) .
Il.e.. m.mnwning with n11 Ilan. sad amble.
Ie Walled Metes. (.nwtta and Reirow
DIMES OM whew to sit paste Is
Nv1bores. ik CNssaMa sad handle ream
!swab Me Weatot.
R. RAsottIF►R,
Mrlf Lasa) Isaias.*. CwimrNb
(Mar Mel, 1:r s.1••
w 11 1 1 1 1%•11a.1
A Desutifal
la the most attractive and striking tats`
ure,athe house. Its about the Hr•
th:ng vcu notice. Then its lulpostar
to have goad neer, and last styles. X..'
ev ea in the cities .in you find • ;melt
range of OA -lege. or quality than a'
mith s.
We make up nn the pronate .11 the
latest styles rn fringe. lace met embrold
try, lnaert,ocs, etc., to tit any alae win
-low, and laveriae en -route • direr
importation of hriglish and Swiss shad -
trimmings and upholsters. brans goods.
for our spring trade, ever shown in the
county. 1 Oar large stork and faculties
forcutting. making and trimming, et.
.bin aetu sell at lbhole.ale prices. lye
have fringe shares with erring roll leltlf
corn lets from ".Oce np, noel ,u decorated
shades, an tnuncu.. lane Of bewuttftil-
When you want the lett .tnality, 0Le•
finest des'gne, the greatest eaenrWrnt
and lowest prices PG window shade
go to
Our Stock is now complete, and we are ready for
your orders.
Our CURRANTS and RAISINS are exceptionally
fine this year. Beside?, we clean every pound we
Inspect our CHINA and LAMP GOODS Depart-
ment if you are looking for anything in that line
we can suit you.
C. .A.. NAIRN. -
It is not Sawdust
We use in making INDURATED FIBRE WARE.
Some people think it is, but they are mistaken.
We use nothing but the longest and strongest
Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without sham or
joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pro-
cess which renders it impervious to heat, cold and
liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WARE imparts no
taste or smell to its contents, and is the lightest,
tightest, sweetest and most durable ware ever
Ask for EDDY'S.
novo arkloti to tlo'ir print laminate one of R. J. Plash's Latest Style
of Oity Heab'see, also the lineal line of funeral furnishings in the county,
and are new prepared to conduct funerals at prices reasonable
This department *ill ha strictly attended to by his arm William, who, being
in the employ of the late D. Gordon for the past ten years, has a thorough
knowledge of tho i usiness% and by prompt attention ho'pe's to share part of the
public pntronagr•. Itcmember the place--Wetatst, on year way to the 1"osi
nitica. Give us a call