The Signal, 1894-1-25, Page 2THE SIGNAL: GODERIVH, (1\ T., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23. 1894.
Trarrallaug OWN. I
- ---
... •
?maim arrive and imam (Werke ail Iai-
Mena :
MIMI . ..... . 111.11111 am.
Wail tatmitia Ida
mad . p.m.
kilzad _, - 7.10 p.m.
Mall Ispease......... 11.20
wad ....... .... p.m.
Mall and gr prom ..... ..... T.01..
Mail and Vaprese . ......
. ......... .. • • .. • • • 313 Pow. i ...... . ........ . ..... -.410 lam.
.31ei. rams tpdatitte Poet Olga West -ea.
Ooderileh. •11 standard an i epees\ ed Meal 1
•111114114111104,04 OS !Ulna far 11111nalesl *Minn • 1
. of teett. Mull 1
---- -- - - -
fjR. E. Illt'llARDSON, I.. D. El„ I
surgeon ,!,•, Owo aud \ *Ilt1 *a I
ad's:Mater.: for pane.s extract:nig of teeth
Tutill iitteuttion ego en to IL. ,r '.i ,....ili .
0 1 t'.e ha:ersi us th. OIL. Up wain,
(tread t 'Pent honey Moro. entrance on \ thwi
Da. thuleriel . rtably
_ .
o. 11-1CIAN. SUR
J., \VOL li.e. tillike-Mt i, hilt.. 's, Mani
r''*(. Ni.d.1 galas feast I. se i. Et thong.
Hotel. et ey
. o.
physical... Dantean". Arrow:bora. IIM.
.... C. Die asst..- Itaiebteme. limner -at Mei..
,eette. J. lit ell 421%111%.-Itss11ltse e Nona -.16.
one Meert St hatiL -
•OAMPIONA .Iii:1 \STUN, liAltills
UI:.%stistrei-i*". nii4g:taisa'rtr.. te,er.11;
Aim, il...... m. u. A.„IN:to,.. oft., to
loan. .... tlia.
• . •
14 Maireiter. Cesessaawar, Li.. Alit., _ 4,,,,,.)
le loss at awls( rates. llorton'a Ina
irmite Cuthorto. It vet. tioderielt. Ont. 2 else
-- - --
fioe_k_l. LEVI. VARIIISTNR, P&)O.
vit. In Marian* Cosies et Ostiltle
Collars* tot*.
.1). - • C. HATS. SOLICITOR, &e. 1
.s.k. Oftice. ...miler of tiquare and %Vett
attest. Oelcrich. 0.-er telegraph. other. Pe -
rate Turd, to lend at .......-.: ryes. oi inter-
ne. PP-,
N..X 'Seen...Attorney% eo!teltoni. kn.. Qat.
rich. J. T. Marrow. Q.C.. W. Preadfuot.
°AMER 3!2. HOLT 1101,MES,-
s....., tier-leterv. Solicitors la Chancery. gr.
Doilnrit•h. id. C, u•ameres. Q.0.; P. �o1;
Dailey Mottoes. ••=•
T 0. WARD, 1:31/NVEY,.A.NL'IR.
el . se.."Mitennnimiesioner for taking, and re•
oeiveuer rettownizsuces of bail. effidaVit• 44
adirisationo. depoteirar. or solemn declara-
tions in qr concerning any aches. eat or vro-
weeding in t te 11101 Court at Jamlen. Thai
Court of.Appeal for Ontarioor la any Carroty
or li.vanou Court. All traticartiona carefully
and promptly elect:tad. Itaadeatme and P.O.
addrow-Linnirannori Ont. IMP-tf
. -
M °chartistsIttatltUte. -
ROOM, ea. of East street and Straire (up
Upon from Ito Gr.'s.. and from 710 10 I.
Leading Daily, Weekly and latitstretteel
Papers Maiaes, ete., on F.J.
MDItlikeaatthilltt TICKILT. ONLY IAS.
wanting fres use of Library- sal Readied-
ApplicatIons for menoborship received by
Librarian. in room. -
ivrairient. neereuuT.
Goolorirh March Itch IMS. ,
Knitting Factory.
: ...--_- _ __._ • ,...,...-_-..:-_-
undersigned beds to anemic, *0Me pub
he that he- to. Cited tep* premises with tlyo
Islas and tient innworesi knelling ra*Let4
watch will be run hi a thorougarcatt 11. •
operator. sad la prepare., to do (he best wee-
ity or kr.i.trn4 at %cry 1,.utoosh!e prtovm
Varniera and othera bringing in 141.1f own
yarn to be kin* into stookiagaereke. t.c.. will
be liberally and nrommiy dean with Order.
ieft at my store, cur. t*i.:toria and Drugs -eta.
will _receive prompt attainaa. D. 1.
_ 4.......,
A uotIonearlitic.
----- -- -- . _
_IL aad Insurance Agent, Oeterich. Ont.
Wilt London and lancashirs Vire Id% C.,..
.ad Dore Dietrict Mutual Ins. (7.a. Bales at
sanded to en any part of the county. P.-ly
•P tioweer sad Lead Valuator. Oedertell.
Out. HavIstutad ontrelderaMe ear...raises to
aboanotionserlogleste. he le in • towition to
attinharge with tlwrough eatiefactiou all coin
_ .. .. . . .
"Whal) I was a Boy"
r.! • l'• !. 4. 21'000+40N.
1-,14 .1 11' !I, 14. 1 lidd Woo.
third trouble ..1 jiereist. 1.1
eita stitlaier, !
thiefor. 111,31451111. I It 1i.. 11(:.It1tt ta
Ordinary ile '11. I...., :tilt! 41,) i. 4
sue to tr Ayr's eerry realist:die
1 did me and AWE istli le ture4 nee
ror the ha ',am 1 hate
th'ie prepateitieit with geed
theet e bete er I Like •
- A Bad Cokl,
I tier* of Pmel•ere f p -
Ii. lo •p it• in the honey all the
4 etteideringit cafe to 1. vi
oat it.
"1 Isere bees usinee-Ayeses Cherie-
P...-teral lis tor fatally for ;.0 year*, Wit 24
tl.e ineet•eatiefactory reaulta, and teas
ahem -fully ie. -mewled 1: -01,4 1%.:1113:,
flinty adaleml -,Ilislinonary coin-
phints. 1 haveelouninue i•ias„ mato
petitionary :4 tel other 'mete ;111.4a special
• at tidy, and I have• ,t» t he conclusion
Nen Ayers Cheery Pectoral oecupice a
positien preee1l1een1*441'PT other meth -
anis of the ida-o."-Cleas. Davenpurt,
Dever, N. J.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer& Ca, Lowell. DAN.
Prompt to act,sureto cure
Darer pats and tonne tio *up apar(*
Paw the tau,.1.1 la.aranni Mart.
The lan 01 koittla 1`1434'.
Witt t• ti,•••• near Ila .0unit as sins
nor a. itto.or teJoileretaml mut
rorlfti -that Setter part.'
A bd. 11bu-the-14:r. 1 loci IAA r.r.o.
And oti ult. merest Iola
1 .or asd mind
),t 1.50 enact,. 1.1,17 depart
t/o difh-rent tatko. erl b) olao ‘bonl
temet lier mar. arr.. the eosin.
1.. • int. .ar yet. laud we these in1114
*21.441t•Itawr title) I hit) •1111,b.
Var pall* and menet
--C. 11. I•altto in num.. Irailants,
-lea Mag."
• "That yeu. Dtek?"
"Aye, it s me. Moggie-h000re ye'
'' 1 'us brawl said Mag. a little ass-
eily. e • -
It's a fine eteht."
'Aye. tiWrWS seething wrung wr
the meld."
." Fine snail for it •wialk, fitenzie."
thet 1. rim. huo deo e no gee an
-tale ier wane:" pouting.
Dick Mobil eauliotimly iuto Mag's
Style 3111 et!"1.1...-t11 I heard ye
wet* welkin we Dub Spaldin," lie said
"laid ve. Buil"
"An that yen an hitn were taii mak'
'a niuteh
•• Ind ye,' tho'?
"Isa no true, Maggie?"
••secer nue coseetions. Dick, an 111
tee I y 1130 lova
e•tr.dest his t.hin again. looked
ell and down the rtied end changed the
leg on which lie . I been reatitY:.
" II it •a no trle, 1214Igg1e," Ito amid,
'I'll atop tho atertee that are gain the
"1 to much •obbseged tan ye, Dick
Lutig." said Mug. wring tar haul a
. _
A *titling tires 3.12.? abuts a minute.
.11 naletrieleat • ...manes met ie700,e00.
lasetrieity prumils an Eraglish pesetee.
Tire Stems pea outpot to 3),VD,000 bush
The past year has been hard on the Knit
gal son.
'Lie pump man 14 one who seldom wearies
in well dome.
--Trews are used to Jen= as pack eternal' :
naves as nalk givere
Rerdock lens cure hick headache by reju-
the stonywh, laver and bowels. lto
It eta singeler fact that the "blunt- num
14 apt to ittaiievitse• moot eatting remarks- .
- An eti.tor teinks that pcop!t of the -tight
stamp aro Ilene who inelose return postage.
The dentist who devotes himself to pullieg
telling nylons ta necesierily a painataking
When • lin veiling theatre conipasy is
stranded it shoo; that it has reached the
end 0( 210 rope.
Thege 2. DO better re:nody fee worms of
an,' kind for children or adults than Or
1.... Worn* Syrup. lin
'flee I1141.0111 to deep ecarietherm es on the
emit of leibearlos, which wsseent out from
et. Jolla% N. 1".. lissaccompliseed excellent
*ars ice duds( I lie past summer. The sh:p
that tral...16d.carrie,1 three mission doctor&
(*nese treated 2 Zs) petientsand ere led two
hospital', which hire bee. eery serviomble.
Ayer. Mar Vigor is certainly a remark-
able prep &ration and nothing like it has
ever lee i produced. S.tmit!ir how wiry
and unmanageable the hair _may lae. nailer
the inluence of thee incomparable dibastrai
it become.' seft. silky, eml.-Pliebie iff
con.b aant brush.
!nesse.. Mooly an.1 writ- -cent -
melee their Brit melon o campaign by a
seri. ot pervie*1$ at lhoyideuce, 11. I. Th,
repoit that they are going to t. 'rope is un-
onthor.oed and in:orrect. The) received ea
urgeet 'Levitation fr•on A Large number ti
Ln41,sh in mister", bet deeided not t accept
i• fer the eremite
Ilead Avers Almanac, which ',our drug.
gad, will cladly 11811.1 you, sad note the
ro en note to tin. uoter. e ,
Martetes Howl. Or aent by mail to h. address., a:colitis. dyspeps.a. ecreme, debility,
("d"nah P0.. 014743117 litt"gik'd 14). haniors and sores, by the use of .lyeee see
KNOX Connie •uctIoneer. Matt
only slumps' ilia admitted St
the Worhia Lair.
Titer° is church seating eapactiy in Oils
Memory f.,r 42 000,Oir0 people. *there are
111.036 ministers. (thi• wont.' glee to each
miaister • congregation ef 387. E.4-ery betty
a this country cool,' IZ•11.0 church morn:Rig
r eyruine, a3241 ono third 01 the popuktion
• •L'ireles. - Waif Circle. No 114 meets
third Mmulay of each month in the hall ore!
Twit hiumiti. oar. Tipmdal leducernorita 191
luanraoe• and mirk benefits. le cALIttele.
Leader; It. J. AeitkioN. Treasurer : L rout.' go both timer, without a tingle person
RICHARIMOS Premiere. OSl,r 14.104 forced to stand.
The recent disco\ ery of 11r. Esality is
Dental Annotutoessent.. the hest retnotly for adman.," sal all
z_•• - et °mach and lever trouble.. 2V hike regulat-
ing tla digestive systeni Eiclityo 1.1ver
TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN Liaroges net aa a tone: and do not weaken
hke pi:lo. Taty are the beet family emit.
eine .m the :mute. 23 emits at all drag-
.te, year•old man of Itangar. Mo . kisra•\
e I for the trot 11113'. a kw days 'ago, 'Ilia
be has a twin nom, ale,. and well, in Pre-
yieeeee, r. 1., where IOW 1.1 mat ried ailil has
• family. Their inoth•, died wheu the
teens were hve mouths , I , Iwo Bsnger
families adopted them, at (I the on teams
the girl Slov-ti oat ot the state 'tautly Meet.
after. The b .y*a lather and live brother'
an 1 Asters kept track al the bey. lust newer
told him of his twin sister. and it sea oely
by solidest be learned of her et lame,
Whittakees"Pmtestast Epiaopal I 'hunch
Almanac- for lffee ',kWh has :ost *premed
contains a number ot new features that
make it more than ever • neeemarv hand-
book for eptseopolian• During the last
year 327 Mtn were ordained to the ministry
• gain of 36 over ihe previous year The
number of commune -ante is given aa 5t4.
It ~In nas mallosIted sarielnetion. •fier • 312, an inerease of I ;.*17. Thersind total
tee=asendia7 ILJMU ;arm.; gam of . inns was 013,13P.i,7.27 50. tsein0
7 4-2* este the only ,i*g an increase ed eili.,711 Pi. .2 decreese
poarona to
'Reboil,* 'UM to two la Ooderich. the Immo reported of 2,731 baptising,. 1,1(16 °maim
estentalle dimly's!). which lharraai.4 nt'at attons, merrier's, 1.2he burials, Li
• 41.4saa the tapeo Plain daaWrititheit 4.118.1ay achtiol whom' re and 29 missies pew.
imiry dem arrory. little pais Is the most
A kerne Ladly•
ad teeth se
esteems eases.
AL Zig Tx -x.7 NJ 'WPM PO /DM A. A lady nsonea lira I C M. Humphries
Ea else& -,.-ala:,Mt serer savet" :he long in Menne, Ont , only tw,
wigs' Is tas homilmeee: 1,7„:47; bettLe ef Menthes, 4. kidney •ttel Liver
god transablistmenahtuniumis 6"""',,e 1." -miss-4 Care, has ter wardiet • statement to the
tho •, effect that it completely cured her a 10
GOMM 100 It 111
letwereraer Wisemeasse ea Ns allIPPla. Oleasonatory rheumatism, kaiser awl Meer
' unable.; seeh a remplieetion donolose
radials on quickly *01114s remedy simililid
\=eragto aster sufferers la give it SD
/41 TI1P 1-.1C 01,
DettITAL 11111.11111111.
•• It'll I* nae bather nt a'. re ken
1110 1-ettu1 1114111 that. !.taggie.
'•Dite I t ho' Aml what aboot yer-
*et, wile kens mare about me than ken
I myeelf -
'An ye spy it's no trne--noo lJbnna
threw me, .Maggie. lea joist up al out
wi' the untie In I- I ''-
--Meg wareptaring-nt him;-atiel Di
teminie clung to the.reof of his puma
• Dote e Mary It-Dtiugail?" she usk
••11 buena seen her in sax menthe t
speak tee -Mary Mt•Lieugal-tuictity.
*•Intl ye cast oet
"There wee nee exiting oot ebeet it,
71agsgre. Ttwro wai taro onythiug
*twee* no. I've kent the Opteie a' my
&yam* geed wi nt an aeterin tittle
pita tor frientlehr..* tuke. Oh, no,
Maggie, yer elean elf flit•re."
"So ye say. but maybe I've Leen
heai•iii stories a.btot yea."
Whir -whit 411.1 yo beast"
never mind."
Weel, there a' &on richt lees, erery
aste o' them."
"Say US sure'e death, an 111 Lelieve
To. "
"As mire's death."
To ken wheit yer a sayiu. _Dick ?"
"I due. if I altunbt dee this usinite"
e*Wha put on pi- tie for ye. Dick-
nrielay. IEs inlet like a harran thee
Butner; motel yer ntek. Cos*I"ere, an
I'll tent it for ye."
back 'smiled affectionately.' took a
step toward :gag, placed his urine
al:itnho nod le:141 up 111A head.
"'There, now," actiol Mag. after hnv-
tig tukt•it off his tie and readjuettel it
a la mode.
• yer war% a' done, Maggie?"
"teny ityo-bing. Mite. ''
**Let's tak' a walk."
' Slag tan into thu -te.",410.
beirseir np a bit. and I)iet walked bp
and down in front. htin .... Mg. "We're
a Jolla Tunimin's Bairns." When Mag
emerged, it tartan shawl was throwu
over hue shoulders. anal a tonedl bonnet
selortteir ber hem!: Iler eheeks were
rudely tbe tree, mid her hazel eyes
si.aehltil with the he epitome ehe
"Whanr'll we gee. Dick 7'• she asked.
looking Min in th0 rum.
• Whiter dne ye think asked Dick,
nem taing the look with tatueountl in-
"oily whaur ye like, Dick."
"1 think well gne dooti tv the tern
an alaug by tbe trees, whaur we used
too gee. Maggie. s•e ken."
It was it delightful evening in ilie fall
of tee year, and Dick Lang wee 'ewer
happier in hie Iffr. with blander Woth.
erepeon, t he prettir et girl in the village',
hy his side. But Mag was it mney girt
at times. for she knew her cliarbis, as
every prettyerirl does. and when the
was in the 11100d alto loved to tease thee*
whose atIntirnt ion or affectimis .hu had
won. Nearly every young man in the
vtflage.hail nuide advances lo her. and
with 03111 exception slit" hiaiiinietl thtsn
all ague net Iter on account id her saucv.
eminettish ways. which the young men
•fnikel to underetind. aud invarieblf
matt t twin off in A huff. The one erieep-
Ilene was Dick 11410g. W1101411 10%.• for
Meg its a paseienfie bad begun by
eying l2tr at a distance and gratinsdly
gelling narer. At tint idle treated hiin
with 'rub and in his preeenee
hod olways peetnce4 tO think, more of
some one else thou 'Of kiln- BOteltmld-
ing was a strapping .young fellow rind
to ell uppearatieee imuli the meat pro1.
rem in his ailvanees. (town/ailing
!tad as much as dented that Metre Wtle
iani-thing between her NMI Bete Nit *he
was so full of fen at titters that in order
to believe implue:e, Blii Aie SAW it was
nectemary to hav•• it in ',leek fuel white.
The fear that !lob would celery eff kin
merle lock all Die more anzume to win
her 2ef44re it Wail tuo late. And the op-
portunity he WWS now given wee all
that he nestreL It was a common siev-
ing sheet the village thet Dick wee
rather Meg heeded and know n reel
• thing when he SAW R. ile knew a lit-
tle of human maitre., and below all
Mag's tiosteenne he timid discern a true
mid warm heart. At nli event% Dii.k
was deforms...41 to have bet if lie could.
They Mel it -alkyd neatly a mile with -
at sayi•ig intuh. leo•onal tatting about
tbe weather. for Dick was making un
reemervories ef She amend teziailx=
elatilleMiale=remeslise Ira% Vise.
11111 woad wbat to say aud trying to gee
.eurage at the S11113) Mums to say it.
%Vhen teey reached a clump of trete
mit few front the Lurie Mae suggeeted
lhat they 1111 4.141WU. 11.1111111A1114; that *11.v
Fed bed a big washing at *helm/time
and elle fell es- little iitsoL
"1-inieli4 a thoeht o' that afore. Mag-
gio. if DA' tedY telt Ute," aai41 Inek
repentantly, •• but let's sit•doom noo.'i,,
It .`4 .6 In& MAINS Ilse 'Rieke boleti,.
Diek71.' sa1iTt1 Mag.. looking up into
"Mita did yolay.--itricgi,..?''
-I asked ye if it was tau be atop'
nwou--nian, altar's yer legs?"
"Ott -eh -11u thinkin it is." Them
Dick etroked kis ehiu aud tore up the
nal e ith his hear. "It's a fine thilll.T.
lineene Maggie, iati't al." Dick at it
found wurds to say, hi taller to break
lil.) suouototty and gain one. but -with-
out leang able to explain why he 1a41
said we
"IN* Get a getel thing?" rooked Mag.
lookiug at him with the bah% of bet
"VFeel-a-1-Eve heerd it sald--•
-that the moon. ye kcie was a giule
thing for a-kiruiu milk an preservin
cleetne,", Dick suitl.lookiug very guilty.
not 1.y asiy means setietkel its his own
mind 11011 he badameweted the rinestiep
in the right" way, or had tullreemprie
Melded it„ his thought* at the inttuteut:
bring in nu entirt ly differeut diriiiist
There nem a Merry laugb in Mag'Eareest
hat elle ie. trained its %ural expression.
She tut rely shook f. r n moment with
the efetition 'and Hum tried to appear
"Maggie," said Dick at tenet!, still
digging tip , the lAilill With his beet
' '• yer no eugaged. are ye, tee ybody 7' '
"Wee1-1 WAS pate &pectin, ye
An wbat husk's ye spetr a question
liko that. dick 7"
" Weel -tee . tell ye thri.h.ineet flod's
Battle Maggie. I wait tau to eugaged
tua ye onysele"
"Dick Lung."
'•Aye. 'nes me there epeakin. Mag-
gie,. AA 113e Wiese Mag. lamer. if yeordy
tient hou inncklel lot, ye. 1 barna hail
a niches deep thiuktu about .yu tut the
beet fornieht.'
"Tbat`a no snucklie" -4
"Dia that's_ no a'. 'Maggio. I wag
thinikin aboot WM Spailtlin. It was the
thoebt o' him tnkin ye free me. That
W31 it. laseie-that was it. I've betai
nlioot ye it* yearn."
)11i41 lietked acr..ei the fields at *ha
„red ball ef tire that ternuil a great t aril -
'circle en telt of it purple hill that lesed-
ed !Meter side of the distant glen.
Will ye line cue. Maggie?" asi.nd
Dii.k imploringly.
"No, l•wintia," cape proniptly frOfli
her lina
."Vvi wiptins-0 Meggie. DAME agein,
for a shower like (bit gaes haute like
the' t ili -i,", a kujfe. - It pecteible that
ye d' ken I've never limed utybode
Lut yeritl•? I've hell uas twitting -gin.
tae uni•budy sin' 1 kent ye yeeirlang
lane by. \•, 1•111 Ih) 630 glide luukin as
Bob Spnain, an 1 diania emery tuy bald
ban high. an mayle-thist 'thuds i' euy
wi n..... But. Mieerie. I've a heart here
that's 3,mr6 hl thwigh it had never be-
Laigiel 1110 All Whim any grimly ilie*
Liget et er CO) an a --ter chat- •
tels-tluit at fa -"er will, Maggie. The
heee wail Le oJ min. an proud wad l
beene utak' ye 1t1 flume . Puf attune
a' thet, Maggie. 1 ve sairly, an I'M
never leo neither. Think again afore
yo auswer 1110-Wi I ye hao Int`, 31eg-
Dirk, llesill Mug** hand in hit% and elm
preseeel 1.4, She *aid lit/tiling. but kiln-
Itly 1113iled. Ihr. nilt•a .0 was ;exec-
tynce.-.-Ik.troit It reel 1'
neristaxiar Cashneere.
Rick. ty weeden house". Miley stories
high. /*tined tie lean all ti In
„seamy tenable- 4i:el:lion2 entli unlike
its neighbor in odor nr41 heigh4thoneth
needy irtt- tetth liteica i Evilly esue•dil shut-
ters, hanging in pieturesque -angle*
tem whithove. inof nocent all her
prtitectilfil. 1,1.1104warm annlight, the
btewli mid white tents ripened i to
eieh /Made* of yellina find red, and bete
and there a pale 'Pink house, with cm.
ttahl gr. -4 ti win.l.eit-limines, threw in
a etrong dash of color, and over its
neighl..r's dark carved 'Mutters woldel
lung etrings of red totuatoes drying
in the hot sun.
Melret- ot Ihe honors Peemed full of
people wl:o looked out listlessly froul
behied their ninny colored drsperits SO
we paisteL Other*. more curious,
crowded together on overhanging ver-
andas, whIch had al, rednfely no VIA
bit! means a support," but whese inse-
curity Named in no t•ny to affect the
tntighing, chattering group of people
'Ten theni. Every hero mid there the
Irregular lino of bowies was Weikel' by
a nerrow street, winding away into sl-
eeted black derkleme. ao eharp was the
ountraet het ween it and its sunuy imm
Seri smear ha 4 Mt bridgP4111';4401ing the
Jhelum at varions hitervals, and 1*-
tireen (woof three all netting is prohib-
ited by the funliarnieli who nominally
gospels% the land. the tentsuo given be-
ing that the seed cd a ban maharajah
has pasted into a fish. who meths in
the Start a the riverf-Co*nbill Mag -
0041a... Is Chorea.
gowiebody has dits-overed that (-Mitch
'lenience.' is to be explained on scientifie
principles It isin fret, a couditios
of hypnetisin. and PO far from indi-
cating inatitettion to the Demon shows
rnther comp!. to almerption hy it.
Fixing one's minil tm Ihe voice of the
mini/stir iti the otherwise complete sl.
hence of the anthems) mom prosiness
Plat the eteitlit tone teseemary to domi-
nation by atiother's mind, anti the mit
aing heed and drooping. heavy eyelids
are mnt eloquent of the preacher's dull.
nees, lest tether nun* testimonials a
his powitelY1 in/Menem. Thnie one by
one. are berry tradttione fading sway
before lois searching light a Science. -..
f 11011 for dinner
was thc beat I et er ate.
Thanks to COTTOI.I.M:. Ose
my and atacesetul shortening.
1111:1.1.• 4 1 AT
Wellito,ton and Ann Streets,
.1 Meng In Manisofti cos ered VIIIS Din ser-
From tha St. Louis Republic.
:There ne a horaerthoesthapca mountain up
in Montiot. is Inch Itter.alsy swarms with
sLakes iv; ea esrry year. lu the early fall
thnee slippery cuitte.iners gatl•er herc from
ill directiosa, stly Inc prairie coati
try of the south. In one side of the moan
tam titre is a ennui.. hole &boot hfieen
tees -deep, and as tinooth as if it had beta
fashioned wah a well auger, Where teo
thou/sods of reptilts asther to spend tire
. old winter 171,401/141. 1e75001 who Lave
tried to eclectie this immense snake den
Minnie tlIP 11111111114K %hen t he regular tenants
'Fete absent, say dist .1. aubterran•
Pan 111411144r• lead enribider the mountain in
all directly.' front the inat,tni .4 tee well
Captain tither.. rya' rairnPerf. toinnates
he las 51411 os newly at 21J0,000 snakes
of all M1,11 knot•ed tea:ether aed in
a semi torpid itate in this "Well ot r•er
pent's,- es it es called in the Northwest.
11014 of flo sal Ot. Dressed.
Neer,the- top of tie .areat St. Bernard
mounteiree. 13 One of the tuned: &Nereus
passages of the Alpe, between NwtLeettand
sst :4itoty, rittisied • interest. Tele
monks who liVe there are WWit NOR1311AltiNt,
an.1 always take in travellers who seek a
ohcltrr. tor in high rygi ins a shelter is often
neicled. Even when the day 'looks bright
stet dear, a storm e.intes suddenly on. Die
an) w fall» thick end:filo. suet the traveller
cannot see a loot before hi:n. By sae '5
Ile ret• twitttirhaort with the cold, mei sinks
in the snow, Ile would woo the If no help
rear:led him.
rut the musks of Ilernard go out on
such storn.y days. and 10;81 for any stran
4-41 14410 may he in in ed of help. levities,
they have some noble dors who are trained
to seek for people in the snow. The neonks
'viten • small tlesk of spirits- &roved the
dog', neck. eatakse tilit lost trat eller should
hake energy enough to open it, and escresh
himself : Tee,. Moo fasten a warnrrng over
the dog's back, tbat them aa may wrap hin -
self in it.
The ksea scent of the does soon entbles
them to and aoy loot people perm if they
art buried deep in the mow. They scratch
thertarair with their fore and bark
loudly to Ming the moot.. of the convent to
their egoist aunt.
One ot three dogs feuml • child unhurt,
whew. mother had been destroyed try an
seadasee : he. marace.1 to drag tbe boy to
the eoeveat ;lax, a. d there by basking and
wh,ninc brought the monks out. ha cerrieti
the perishing, bny to the tire, and after greet
ezertioa, saved his life.
warrant Itaalknesill.
The late Premier of Canada. kir John A.
:Macdonald, owed oineh of hut emcees ae
entities' leader to •ju.licioati strekes 47*
hismour, which he knew eo well how to ap-
when introducing the several mend). o of
his l'ir-binet in 11,e Mai.tute of 1.11 or, lam
just arrived 0 (einad• to take the posit ).)11
ot ;nitnyinat teneral. he and. "reeking of
Mr. Chit leau, the new secretary ef State,
who w*14* in • magnificent sealskin
ASA!. " Tour Eicolleuey allow in-
troduce yisi to the keeper of the iireat
Meetinc upon nee ocession a learned lan-
arhan it,d,te of a very ruhicond conntenaaue
he anid " I am delighted to *P4' vonmy
dec ply read red .olel leased. Verities !rim.
First -Class
Fit and
Finish, in
Granby Rubbers
and Overshoes.
A Truly Wonderful'
Investigate it, by Writing to the Mayor,
Postmaster, any Minister or Citizen of
Hartford City, Indiana.
• Ibeireo Cny, Bleekierd County, I
- tedisai, Taste ritb, 103.
South itrifli,ine CO.
Germania' : I received a letter
front yeti May 27th. st.ttittg that you
bad heard of my wopierfal teeov
ery loan a speli'df sickness of.. six
years duration. through the nse of
Sot t AVECICAN NIEUVI•0:, aud asking
fir my testimonlal. 1- was near
thirty-tive years old when I took
tfisoniini-yupitbliyenkeira‘notorseaptedrostrmaet,ibount. wtilthar.
out beuetitting me in the least. My
nervous Spatial seemed to be entirely
shattered, add I constantly labl very
severe shekteg e37t114. la itddition
to this I would have vomiting spells.
During the years I lay sick, my folks
1 ati an eminent physician herrn Dditt
tett, OLio. end two from Columbus,
Ohio, to eomo- and exatnine me.
They all said I could pot liytt. I
•gooturd hecomat4tiff foretm
having spe114 lsikespasins,aiud
after each. At last I lost the use of
my bod 7 -could Eot rise from my 104
sit walk a step, and 14 to be lifted
like elidd. P.ut itt the time I
eould read a little, and one day saw
an advertisement of your medicine
and concluded 11 try one,bottle. By
the time I had taken one and onc.
half bottler; I could rise up and take
a step or two I.y being helped, and
after I hail takeu five. bottles in all I
felt realwell. The shaking went
away gred. aud I conk' cat ar.d
sleep gootl, and icy . friends mill)
scarcely believe it was 1 1 am sure
this medicine is the best in the world.
1 belive it saved my life. I give my
name and address, eo that if anyooe
doubts my statetneut they Can srite
me, or onr postmaster or any citizen.
as are acquainted meth my case.
I am now forty•oue years of age.
and expect to hve as long as the
Lord has use for me awl do all the
good I call in helping the suffering.
NVill a remed. Ect'lli4e$14 tili"effe.eLt.
such a marvellous enrs as the above,
:cure vow.'
•airlre•MIr i• W. J0111.1%.
Wholesale and Retail Agent fo
Goderich and vicinity
To Supply Our Castomers with the Newest and Most
Fashionable Footwear.
You can buy no trash
from us,
We don't keep it.
TIOROTTON WORE under the rniaiaa haat Of ths WICIPZIATIC
who Imai bad liewets1 nronitrat Ins tar lib eassen pireetense. amaires anseese le every etweee
Mavis, meat Meru tear. la the Clam Ream mitt 111hre Tears la Ilendseas mad dew
Preens. he Misoid Owe.* how to propare wow pospid. foe budialeri.
11 0071 OS WAS • .cSOSI '10* Me a stending Seeman bernosts toes. tonne. ..40S1 10
Taggise. Jammer T. riatetegee tree. Geed beard, 114111 ger west.
J W. WISTERVILT, Principal.