HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-1-18, Page 7TILE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ()NT., THURSDAY. JANUARY 18. 1891. hite Blankets, _. Grey Blankets, Horse Blankets. ,i r a SPECIAL VALUE SHAPED HORSE BLANKETS 1 Unlined Blanket, 65c., worth 85c. Lined Blankets, $1.25, 11 $1.50 JOHN T. ACHESON. AT THE DRAPERY AND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Oar 50c. Corse Cannot be Beaten. Ladies' and Children's Underwear, extra value. Navy and Black Storm Series. tie best in Ton for the money. INSPECTION KIiiDLY SOLICITED. b PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ivrTTNIZO, Iind Draper and Haberdasher. ONE OF THE OLD SCHOOL. 1 A DEADLY CRAWLER. to sands, Nip Its Parsee t:..drrleN'• Tre•sh- rhe was from the country, but she didn't I tetrad to 'eke backwater on anything on hat •const if she could help it Piety was ::.e subject of dfacussicm, and sinter .sane, who lived io • towo that male some pre- ,entoos to beings o.ws.dered a cry, had bets \ anto tag on the immaculate nghtsuusne.s .t {arson Jenkins. sister Melinda bided her time until her :mimeo came roudd end then took the doer. 1 dont mind albwin'," she said, "that r.ra al Jenkins is • powerful religious man, but wheat it comes to downright wrestlin' with Seton, an' orients' his wil.faletetnpt- ..ttons, why, 1 stands right up an meenn' an' says that our Parson (ioodfriemd can't he beat by no man. He don't run a soup kitchen 'err we don't have no use for ai:h •liar down our way, an' he don't go slum min sue we ain't got .e alums, Out he's always ready for • tomb with the aaversary no matter bow many snares an' pitfalls he tete fur his feet. "You know, he keeps a maple grove onto els little plane •o' h. site • powerful store I y 'em.Weil, it hadn't beena good aujlario' weather at the time I'm spmkin' of. It had been frizzier' considerable night totes but it hadn't thawed out soy daytimes. en' the sap hadn't had • good chance to run. Itut Parson (:oodfriwe/ alters • great hand for Whin' time by the forelock, so he got hie boles bored an his spouts dray in an' his bucks set so as to have everything ready to take advantage of the right sort of weather whet' it came •long. "Well, he dose tbat on • Wednesday, se' 'hem trees of hie sever dripped • drop no Thursday, nor no Friday, or os Saturday: but os Smad.y the sun shows out powerful warm en everything was a tbawin'. An' whew be west to look at his tree. oe Men ,lay mornin• 'ens, of course, he wouldn't let himself thick of them eves on • Seaday he found that his sap troughs an' buckets sur jest brimfuL Then what do you think he does!'" "Why, 1 enpposs he did wbat may ether lou weeld bare doe.," replied Sister Jane. "He took the tap away to make maple ...gar oat ef "Pas, that's what Parses Joshing would • does, so doubt," said Sinter 1leliada. triumphantly, "ss' it proves what I'm tenial thee* feats for --there w't • hors pions man lives' than our Parses Goodfn.nd. \o, he didn't shoat for joy am' take that eap away, bat he just dropped down on his knees right than ami' there es' he says it was my owe cousin what heard him • Get times bebi.d caw, Setas ; yes .sa't tempt mme with ally Lord's hay cep,A. thew rb up u' be emptied every lest drop of the staff unto the armed,' an' sett Sunday ha pr.meb.d Use mosi eosrisoi. serums i ever heard on the with of the evil one." She gassed se Lias%. gems„ Pitch. "I)i.i you get those theatre tickets, ('her ley asked Yrs. Heidi. ef her obedient he. haul en his titers h.w.01 frees bo.isees "Ise, dear," he saswered. "I1id you get therm for Thursday sight 'Amid did yea Bad nut whether yea ass Outage them if 1 dweide to go to 11 ..i.'. 1 hiss after all •" lies. 1 sae stela** them ler her mit "And did yew get aisle meats •" l•«" "Pretty well book, ss we ens get el be Ir "Third row fries He emir." '.That'. mise ! Asa, eh, Amity r n- ibs Brie* with & Nelle tied. el xMq be her raise. "AIM yes rewesbsr 10 the tees la the has ells whether Ms w.a really wan r Iowa Leaded with Potwa, Set /t Wm-111.••Air. the liras OA set. _ nem the New York Bun. •' Put your eye on me, young feller, and don't monkey with fate sail • big man with • face full of black rtbieker" end his trousers io his boots, as he came into the Beat/host 1:ulch cafe, where the dapper little bartender happeoed to be alone. "I'm a death -deeding ...reeler, 1 am ' I'm • crawhn' Crust my from t he ryeery foot -hills, w ' that's hair on my clews a foot long • Pre got two rows of fangs nineteen fangs to • row, an' etery fang loaded with a plot u' puma, lust awaitin' to be socked into the first fellerbein', human or Isjun, that I shove 'em up ag'inst ' I'm • cptwkr from the foot hills, w' I'm • crawlin' right far you, an' there ain't amine' that can atop tete but rum ' Set it out, quicker o • jack rabbit kin go two foot, young feller, or 111 spill enough place in you to lay out a whole•• tribe o' Digger Injuos, from the bead buck down to the suckle' papoose . I'ut your eye on me cad don't mookey with fate, for I'm • death dealing crawler, 1 am, an' 1'n crawlin' right tor you, an' *bar ain't nothin' kin stop me but rust, ' 1 oar bear me •'• Bet your Isle 1 hear you said the h•r- te.der, coming from behind the bar. "Von are a bloom' in disguise, you aro. I've been pious' away for went o t'rastuly juice, no' 111 just try • pint or two o' yours for lack ' You're • death detain' crawler, aro you ` Well, now, crawl right no and shoot your plates ., on bet I'm • death -dealing crawler'" maid the long-haired tarantula from the foot- hills', backing towards the door. " But i ain't no hog' I'm • crawiio' crawfish as • maybe' t'r..tuly, an' 1 reckon I've got time to give the crawfish set • chase* And the veermoes tenet started nut of the door so quick that the bung starter missed him by a foot. gut in Children Who are thin, hollow -chest- ed, or growing too fast, are made Strong, Robust and Healthy by Emulsion the Cre m of Cod-liver OIL !t contains material for mak- ing healthy Flesh and Bones. Cures Coughs, Colds and Weak Lungs. Physician's, the world over, endorse it. IM't be decoked p tsMNMMtI Scott a Busse, busted.. A'i Dnrggn,t.. w a84 STORY OF A DREAM. Thr 141.1) PN Mot Sevres* a Friend. 1.ler- rrvlateaa el Si. Frau, the •'Loveland Plaledsa!n. A well known. You.; 07h:I e d woman, living in the Ea t End, h id • peculiar dream the other evening. She dreamed that she wa•down town on Euclid avenue with her baby mod was prefarieg to board a car to go home. The step of the mow Euclid avenue motor was rather titch and sho re- quested • gentleman to hold her baby while she boarded the car. He couseuted, but be- fore he could return the infant to the arms of eta mother, the ear started and lett with- out the child. The grief of the young woman was mtcuse and so troub:ei was her mind that she awoke. Her relief at hntlipg it •11 • dream was so great that she decided to buy • crook on dreams and learn what it all sign tied. 1 esterday she called i o a down town book store and related her dream to the clerk who chanced to he an acquaintance. She purchased the book and trirued to the index, where she found that such • dream as she experienced foretold that the dreamer wnull receive twice as much as. she had lest. "What would I • rel," she said to the clerk, innocently, "that would be tw ce as much tomeasmybaby '" "Twins," said the clerk Iaenunally, and she has not spoken to kis mince. what women are Osteo. Frown the Pbiladelpbr Pres Wetness tend elevators in Roston. Tls.re are female tramps in ('aliform. De. Egotist/ deal ask you to take pili. A third of England's telegraph operators ere women 4 sew derovery of'great value - i?mljay s Liver Lozenges. Nearly 2,500 wanes practice 'medicine is this ooustry. If yoe are sick take Eeslj•y's Liver Lome - ted amid est well. Sit weenie in F..glaod are engineers of tows draieage. Keep the system reveler with Eeeljay's Use" Inesagea. 1e all there are shoat 700 women doet rs in Rmmia, and many of thee. occupy im portant positions Milburn's Reef, Iron and Wise is peeper .d from fresh beef, soluble iron, amid pare sherry wise, combined with chice aro • mmaxim l m A women well knows in Eaglieb oneiety few her lowly mock and arms penalise %bees, se it is shad, for half ea hoer ea.h night with shamble Mather. Cartel. Sinewy. U. S. A.. 9•s Noss. cd,., awe : " Rh Mrh1 Catarrh Reused, is the a nit 1 have aver fined that .Ud. in. say good." Pries AO meta. y all druggists. •w A widow is Vienst,hsying&sked whether eh* weeM be allowed M p. .. the what el her bushasd is u era la her ywtsest, Me ben tad by the tie ..wall that Ale welt set be pereshMt. The MI.i r rat- yowlils aye the wawa, If It beans ose- laJ te oneate seer &ris y est A QUEER FREAK Of LOVERS. S.wever, Th•y Used IMOg117 Myer an.l- wariL From the et. Loa*. choke-tteatteerat. The Iirsorest test of will power •ad es - durance ever rnale, 'Said E. 1). (ionsstuls oft I lie ,ty of Mexico, " was is Mexico, the characters liartctpating leag • Meaica• girl awl as American man. They were lovers, and fhu uirl's le.seut■ relesed tMir cone 1t to any 00100, inviting that she •le al l marry a wealthy Nev.-ea suitor. .. tt +uggeotitis of the girl they agreed to die toether, and to test the streu,tth and endurance of each other's lot a they chose • means of suicide unlike any ever dreamed of before. Food and fruit were placed un the t table in the sautes el a room oc.opted by broth. the girl haviu;t escaped from her home, but Ling uuwil►mg to elope with her lover. it was &green that 'bey shuuhl starve to death with plenty before thecal, and should either succ'vnh to nit tire and partake of the food tiles both wale rtlnased frog tM• lend of dcathl w cad there ould u be an(cetl...K e.i,urati n. or nights days they eodnnd the paa�t of Lapp:* without a rnt:ru.iir or a thought of w•veria,l hem their purpose to die torlcther. The twelfth Jay hie tether of the girl disoovereJ their wbereabeute, coal, I,ree. ing the door, they were carred not, tar•, tarot to -stand alone. It toi.k thus several aura to re rover their strength, and when tit. y did they were married. This is a true statement, and the .►meriean id living with hie Mexican wife to -day." "WANTED A DUDE 01.1 tdtertierusessiefit seders teager... ilea. From the Wasliingtos News. '•Wautcd A dude with contnu,n sense to act as clerk for • prominent member of Ciro- grw in Washington '• good pay fur • dressy mss who is not • fool. A•ldress, - - No. -- at., Washington."). t. . The above advertisement was ..lied to my atteation to day. it had been clipped from • A%'estemn paper and bad been inserted by a rattler ft -centric old gentlemen. His bobby is dress, and yet hie moue of the most exacting of men in his r(.tuirements of nom• mon sense from .l1 with whom h.- is as- sociated. sociated. "People are often fooled when they speak in derision about ," Laid a prominent ng to the advertise. envy men who go • 14t'tion of clerks fur the oticial to dap m. cat. •Ti g reat way tnj plass a I' r$.ry, for instance, to gt t a t ho is dressy. Some of the most su txssful Young risen i know in this line of business are those who euttivate dress and an almost excessive polite :Wanner. They are what are called "dudes," ant have to take their share of derision trom those who dont appreciate the advantage they gain from these things. You must remenber there are dudes and dudes. A man may be- come one class of dude by careful attention to dress and yet not spend all the money he makes on his clothes.' Mora i'1Ne w M else► • (nrritrted Plebiscite aeturae. " r. Alii, M. `1.-1'omplete .orreeted return. of the plebiscite in nine counties - of the provin-e ars as follows ; For. Agaln•t. Mai. Brant iucld'g Brant- ford Dundas ..... Durham - ronteaa•- ,including Kingston: Haldiman4 1.fneofn itnebo•ling St. ('athermeel eintarin Prince Edward .. tipster;oo -27 1.::P2 2,283 1121 :1,35! 1.315 1,235 2,157 3,601 1,248 :1,088 1.700 1,020 2.362 1,1:412 3.:17 3,668 2.895 1,33; 2,0;3 fi;8 1,353 1,::68 2,131 1,210 `1x1 SOME SERIOUS JESTS. barb May he ilius■ mete• Sailer Laugh. From the New York Tribune. Mr. Seintsl.ury says; %hitt few utaerven would be disposed to dispute, that emoug writers of secood or lower classes there are few who hold their pla,ea in 'arch a pre carious' fashion as the humorists .t .creas their beethreu of the first clans o. stupe per haps the surest position of all. t 10 humus iet of the second class, Mr. .1. K. Jerome, complains piteously That the "superior crista wuu't give him credit for seriousness. The serious public don't seem to thu.k a thing is serious unless it is put in • serious manner. The modern serious public would n ever take Voltaire as serious, nit account of his style. But he is every bit a serious as t'arlyle. 11 I want to say anything serious, it is easier for me to saoy it in the lora of a fgscial tale than to putet forward id an essay with big•saundiog words. It .. to ditlicult to Re' the public to ree • eerie:is thing under a lirbt stay of putting, it. 11 .1:,op cane and wrote tc-day, only the editors of child:eu's magazines would notice his fables. Some of Josh Billings' sayings are as serious as Thomas Hardy a, but yet every one looks on Josh killings as an Ame rime tlrolc. ilumor is often very deep seriousness tam to bitternen. :1 man often attempts to laugh and joke over a thing he feels is too deep and painful to discuss in any other way. 'there are thoughts, you know, that Ile ton deep for tears ; but can you not express them with • laugh, however paradoxical it may sound" Humor is not so much • peculiar way of looking at life as expressing what nae sees and knows of life. Humorists see as clearly as any one, end perhaps more clearly'tban inept, the serious side of human lite. . Totals 29,584 16.919' 12,fi)'. The returns from the remaining counties are still incomplete, cued. Mesdy and MIN, LONDON, Jan. Y. -The Financial Times says editorially that it is satisfactory to hear that the Nova Scotian Government ran announee • surplus. The Dominion also rejoices in • substantial surplus re nom Canada seems to be the only part of the world which is not keenly suffering' from the widespread depression of 1891. The Pall Sall gazette expresses • hope that the Imperial Parliament will sea ire way clear to give support to the ('.n•da- Anatralia cable project. The nndertaking will be a most deserving one In the mean - tune it is to be regretted that Hun. Mae ketizte Ilnwell's aMi;ieclean mission rine the risk of being partially abortive by the doubt that appears to surround the .Ears ton of the project of the Australian 'nlon lee holding • &outereae, with Canada. High Court Divisions C.se.lidsted. Tnatrvto, Jan. 8 -According to the rule, of the Supreme ('aunt of Ja le.tnre fur t Intario, the three divisions of the Iligh Court here been enn.olid•ted. HOrrxfter tbe ten judges will work upon one listand all of them will be unsigned to try both jury and non jars earsinstead of her ing an .5.1*. and • chane -Ty sittings at each county town. there will bra sittings and $ n u jury entities at each. t'cept that in the cow ••1 a few tnwnlweh as \spans.• 1'ayuga. Harlin, .te . where foreserly 50 chancery airtime were held, • combined jury end son pay sittings wit' b. held. Need steepen er'ie.Ms awe. tits .1,11411 MO, TOL, Jas, 6 -Dr. Ms toss ('avesldish, the noted Foglia traveller asd scientist, died hem Saturday ohne • brief Mew& at tbe age of 63 years eIMMMees M Wsuv en lase It far all purpose" Laundry and Household and find It a great comfort and saver of Labor alight OAP Has no equal' for purity, nor for cleaning and sweetening, nor preserving the clothes and hands from in- jury, nor for ail -round general use. REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS There M a 111tte1eaLe, •• l'as, is there any differ,nee7hetwecn • cola and • us6aihry, )' "If the doctor .ills it • 0old, the bill te about $1. 1f he ca!1s It Influeozi, it's about ill. The dilference n 69, my sen.' , AN OLD SEA DOC A M•■ she called Is Mlle titpniw 111tr• pees:... t ,�,,,tYm�,,r. From the New Yo: k AaveitlMr. ' • 1 discovered an old sea dog the other et en log at an election of officers of the Americo Association of Masters ad I'ilota of Steam Voiotia of Harbor \o. 1, of which there are several in this port. This ancient mariner is t'aptain t'. H. 1rrickerhoff, owner of the tugboat of that name employed in towing about the harbor. ('apt_ Brickerhoff was a boy in the clipper ships in 1853, when he was barely large ennngh to handle • broom, "pass the ball" to the music of the "serving mallet" and carry the grub from the galley to the forecastle. In 18:6 he was third mate of the clipper ship (:olden (:ate. the first clipper to absodos q(rying studding- sails. Capt. Rr(ttterhpff *ea two years in the famous Collins Line steamer. Pacific as a petty officer nnder ('apt. Erre !C ye, leaving tjte trip before she was lost with all on board in command of .Asa Eldredre. This typical old sea dog has held every office in the American :Association of Masters and i5bts, from captain down the list to chap- lain. As purser for several years he kept at careful watch over the funds of the harbor as Congressman Holman over the funds of the nation, onel fur this faithful service ob- tained the Name sobrd1neot, "the watch dog of the treasure.'' The telly el preisNu is 1 egpsoaly chowe who praise be War kw 7. ley es sdeeni st warily. The aliens who hew se web seth.s. hke .sm.. ler be sod spew�uWMl•Mnw. ed. Sr ftwsh Its pens limb w•l.st Cave's Merry Cbrl.raa• From the Greensboro Dail) Record. A gentleman who yesterday returned from Walnut ('ove says ('hristna• was celebrated throughout that section is treat shape. There were tete and fights. In one scrap no less thea ten men were engaged. They believe is the old fashioned way up in `t:okes - fist and skull. Sometimes amen gets an ear nibbled nR, en:eye gouged out, or a fin- ger bitten, but all such casualties are small matters. ,lust so • man doesn't cry"e000gh ' he is all right, and everybody pats him on the hack. .he's a Gismo el tie &Pet Mar. From the Atlantic Conatltatles. HrauI\.:ae to, Ala., .Lan S. Gurley, in the Point Rock Palley, North Al.bama, has a prodigy in the shape of a 9 -year old white child. Her name is 1.irzie Peale, and her parents are &mesa the best people In Jack son Cooney. She weighs 1912 poe..ls arta is possessed of enormous st rengtb. !Boma with the greatest ease, lift cad carry off an any 11 weighing 225 pounds, and earry off a hie man who could scarcely lift her from the armed. Her hair is very long, and she has regular, hoautif,rl features. n'W R f is 5TR> !iBEF gl CURE 5 'I\ COLIC CHOLERA CHOLERA- MORS'. s DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY DYSE OOYLL INTS SUMM�"AC►j.jLTS CHILDRENy Price 5c : BEWARE of it1;TATIOR5 JTOCK TAKING SALI In order to get Our Stock Reduced we will Offer SPECIAL BARGAINS In all Lines FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. I Lamps and Lamp Goods, Cutlery and Silverware, Granite and Puritan ware, Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Wringers, Japanned, Tin; and Copperware: DUNN'S BAKING POWDER tXiC00(5BF5iiRIFIW COAL AND WOOD YLa12D. Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters fur all grades of HARD, SOFT i BUCNSMITH COAL. Coal weighed on either marlet or my Scales. Get my Prices before going elsewhere. TERMS CA.M. Telephone Caw sect t.a. JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. WHY tint-ly. We have a Fine Assortment of Stoves and Ranges and if you are thinking of buying anything in this line we think we can suit you as to quality and price. Does GEO. BARRY, the Ooderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies 1 And how is it that he can sell so cheap I BECAUSE He finds that It pays in the long run. His motto is : " Small Profits and Quick Re turns." He also makes • specialty apicture framing (live him • call before pardon ing elsewhere Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357-y PLANING MILL LITIN.ISIRO 1854. Buchanan & Son, SASH, DOOR and BLIND Ihslera la all Sleds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES HEATING AND SANITARY PLUMBING A SPECIALTY, SAUNDERS & CO•, t1'ENT NTIt I:1.r. J'_ AD: R, Carriage Marsufacturer, liavisg -purelmerl the business of McCREATII et WALKER 1 have now arranged, nut only to contiout the t .eels;;. Trade, hut rave decided to do all classes of work in HORSE -SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHING 1 NONE RUT THE DEBT OF WORKMEN EMI'LOV El) 1N EV ERN' DEPARTMENT. Aad linliderVI motorist et every deseri$Mss label furniture a Specialty. 2396 l y. MO. A. pltOpRWALKER? itpN. WHO IS YOUR TAILOR ? Thu is • pertinent yuestien asd tine to which you rhouhf give thought. DOES HE SUIT YOU ? 1f not, you canreasily get art sfaction bycalling at, DUNWP'S BMPUIIIGN, WEST BTPEET. A ' large-.gtraittity ,of KFAI» 11.11 rE ('LtITHING on hand will be dialoged of at whaterer'ttily will bring. ('all early &n.l get Bargains. H. DUNLOP GRATEFUL -COMFORTING• EPPS'S COCOA • GODERJOH 1 Steam Boiler Works. 4FMTAll1.18HftI)'IBlQ,) IA. S. C H RY STA L BREAKFAST SUPPER. P7 • *borough kneeled** of the natural laws whkh got ern the operations of digemllo• and nutrition• and by a earefni application of the fee properties of well-rlaeted Cocoa, Mr. Keen has provided for our breakfast and sup per • delieately Aaroated beverages whkh ma7 save us many heavy doctors' bllla. it Is by the judiclops use of ouch articles of diet that •ooe- stitutioi may be gradually built up until otrone eunuch to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle raladleo are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is • weak point. We may escape man • fatal shah by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished hernia -- Cited Service Gazette. Made simply with belling water de milk. Sold only in oscketa,by (lroosss, lahslled thus . Jif ETTA tkmIMa. An, Lid., tewo. e !111:1!. IlMBNeelr Aasrteas Mei tor ATENTS �a spOssAT b e,31CNT5, eco. Ra• Ieforni tlo. and tree fiantM.ot wren, to 4 MI Na ('l i4 AI.W•T. New oars. (tele., berme f,tr serving palien 1. cartes. Nreer west taken nude) w 1:. patio M • seems elves rare et `lhe ,cientific Amnion' 1Pr.2o .S.nWiF,42:wM.t iia�n eoN raw•: uu .lr aeo.r " fl a ns mYaaf, w. l •ra. PATENTS ! CIWATt. Towel NAMU Aub 0,8111111T11 Oht.isle& and ell ba,laem 1. the ti. R. Paten Moe et to at MO1)11/14 TR PRtsd. Der N the U. R. Palest Of lose time hi. ,tis�Me W4uIl 0FOON seed MODR OR DRAWL Vr1. We ad ties es 1 Mut free et c W wemt i1r) OHAMI UNLANS MOD T/,N Asile INT. W. reI01b• �Ptsa dsealw e. Isre.L'oa.. Mime tied velsrmawes te sort .idents in yes fwmi sees or Oeeatt, write M Oslssleareesi &Wsdn.aMe. D. 0 Suereeeorto ('ir:ota1 S' Black,' Manufacturers of all kinds of St.'. ion :try Marine, 1, priglit S TubuL r 3:3022.1ERs, Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet iron Works, et..., etc. Also dealers in Upright and Horizontal glide \'alre Katrina. .Automatic cut 1)f Nadine, • pecialty, All sires of pi e and ripe -nub* momently on band. Felieuatee furnished on snort nor Ice. Repairing promptly attended to 7012-17 1. 0. Sol 37. Ooderirh. t►ot. Warks-OppoMte O. T. R. station. Gogtticb. EOD'�SYSrlitILT REONVATOR EM D RCLEDt61 Specific and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoverishes binn.l, dye. pepsa, sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart., liver conn faint, neuralgia, lois of memory, bronchitis, cosssdm tion, gall stoner, jaudioe, kidney and twittery diereses, St. Vitus' decor, female irreg- ularities and teneral debility. LABORATORY. BODERIBIL ONTARIO J. M. Nci.EOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. McLgou'sttrsrrttuu REeovamR can he dish from an drtt�glsts to town. as well an from all the druipr a between Owen iiou.d cad Mssorth, Brussels, Durham and Termite 017 Iv. "Backack. *.Sara 14. Aid- .sya ars is tremble. Dodd's Kidney Pills/w prompt relief.' 16 per evert. of disease 12 Itrst e.s.•d disordered kid- ser id- bit N Mw a healthy tiffs nf41..t sorer- ors, ore - ag as gas/ keen whew Om Atdaes. ar• awes{ they are Pell by ss iwb.� ser by _ages ssielet Ina oiled Warm Tab. a•eo Mates be. she for %w the seat engem of the system. "Delay Is dangsrarls Neg- lected kidney fropbl•s ream It i n Ind Blend, Dyspepsia, Liter Complaint asd t Af most dan- gerous 0 alt. erigats Maw. Dui fofrtes sad Tile above assess* lues* erlet siker• Dodd's kitties Pelts are asetl