The Signal, 1894-1-18, Page 6e THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1894. -- THE IM ERIAL BAKIN POWDER PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Coata.n.:+.. A. um, .\:nm..n.a. Lana, Pho.y:a.i;:s, or as) laiurimak 6. W. CiL'-ETT. Toronto. Ont. AN 011 ENSOI•NI►1(MR4CLE Tiff. *) IlUR[VLE EXPERIENCE OF MR. WILLIAM BELRO$E. ATA.. fiat) t:t NaLtaIAL Myr", YOLL,o% D to l• tCT1A1 r.%VALlSI* —rUvatc1AS+-510 THEY • OSLO Do SPTU1%4 rot IIIY—THE gusere iM ('rat ti..•010asa• TUrla'l.11 aat014t A ilea►-erkelia. Ppm the Owen Sound Times. Tote Tunes has published very frequently the particulars of remarkable cures attribut- ed to the use of Dr. Nllliauu• fink t i is for Pale People. 'These various articles are credited to newspapers ti good standing, aid there was no lesson to doubt their eu truthfulness, but as we had not come across • striking' case ourselves we had given the artie:es nut Itttleihought, and perhaps this may also be the vise with some of our readers. A few days aro the opportunity was green us to inrestwate • case. however, whisk --.&biked us, and will satiety those who read this, that there is • marvellous efficacy in this now celebrated medicine. It wee told us by one of our leoliog drug- gists that a wen -known resident had 41:1 experience which fully e.lualIed the wonder ful cures of which w notch has been pub limbed. The calico referred was \Ir. 1`'m. Melrose, ship carpenter, who has been • resident of this town s:cce . 1866. The Times uuoirrtoc•k to get the teem from 11r. Melrose m order to satisfy 'ursclvea. He was working in the shipyard and when found was wielding tM heaviest axe on the gro: rids. shaping the ribs of • big vessel on the stocks. None of the 300 men employee,' weto working harder, nor appeared to be enjoying more vigorous health. in re- ply to • gentles N1r. flelrose said : "Yeah -nieoLsould not be song this big serif 1 had opt taken pink Pols.' The story as briutly told as possible a this : l0 1890, atter returning frier, the Pacific (resat, Si, Pelmet went' to Chicago when he secured employment in the eftctton of one of the 1•h.i Atn:our grain elevator.. After btine lu fiat c:'y for a .short time he was taken Owe 11 a u:al•ria: fever. After a week of s tleriog the people with whom he was N 'ieg spire of taking tum 1e the hospital, keit ` r. Eelrose objected A consultation was .1 and it was decided that iustead of t)i hospital - a place he dreaded it Telt the first train home. ilt. ticket v:. l...twbt and be was placed on the train.a as leo sick that the only ire'.I ,deu,teohe • o d remember in the whole U0) (riles' trip was il:e cheer:., i of can •t e• I, . cacti_ a. He reached_l.etne nu Aug- ust itkf,ana1 at once .t w.N-knows phyma ria:: wan'*.aiteo ' neer-oho,- wzs.!•,w and it wee rot t:ctil Noren.Ler that Lew as able to (tet out .4, --the benne. ,Than as hu weak- eR'et coad.ttyt he to, a'rel*pse. Winter • wr . e n ; t l.e tot et phi siaisna were tole 1 it' et eels no avail. ?bet• was oo Inv per o cm.nt. Tire complications baffled all trtstcwnt. From the hips down • sort of paralysis sei.el flu sufferer, and it was im- ppoossible to kat p the lower extremities warm. The died eters were increased. but pro. ed of eo cost. ue.ce 10 far as the warmth of pi tent was concerned. An a Last resort • parr of heavy German felt socks were pro. cured and pulled ;car the cold feet. but the artificial warmth filed to do what na- ture could not for wine reason accomplish. At last the doctors aeceided that nothing more could be done, and soothing draughts were administered to ease the pain. Friends brought the electric battery and this treat- ment, though relieving, *erred only tomake the paw n;.re intese when discontinue!. it happenad that during this tre•ttnen,how• ever. that one of visitors brought ia wrap- ped around a parcel, • paper giving an ae count of • cure effected by the use of i)1 Williams' Pink ('ilia. After reading the ar ttc,le the sick man determined to give them • trail. before • box was gone the ,00d ef- fect were noticed, the second brought still farther improvement. A third, fourth,fihh and sixth were taken, the end of each only peeving • milestone ea the *ore road to oomplete recovery. Twenty boxes was taken ia .11, but the end fully Justified the expenditure, for, as lir. I:elro.s put it, "1 feel better than 1 have telt for Tema I sat heartily, 1 sleep wand and 1 can do • day'. week alongside of anybody. Dr 1S Miami Ptak 1•.11 under Providence dud it all. Pint Pius should be kept in every hones. Siam. they citral me 1 have recommended them to my friends everywhere, and 1 shall matinee to recommend them. ' An •aalysli show* that 1►r. Williams' Punk Pill. contain u a condeueed torm all the elements n.o.as•ry to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered serves- They are an unfailtng specinc for .scb diseases as teeomotr•r atalu, pani•1 p.enirdio, St. Vitus daises, sciatica, neural- gia, rheumatism. nervous headache. the .1. ter effects of la grippe, p•Ipitatioo of the heart, nereos prostration, all diseases dee p.uding epee vitiated humor* in the blond, cash as aurofula, chrnoi•• erysi,.elaa, rte They are also • specific for trnul4ea peculiar to females. each se nuppressiene, itre.golsn tie., aad all forma of weakness. They build up the blood, and rester* the Slow of health to ,isle and sallow cheeks In mea they elect a rwtlio•I cure in all cases smog teem mental merry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams Ptak Pills are manufaetnr ed by the IM Williams' %Iedtc.ne t'ompsiy, 1t.'..kvllle, /let„ asd Seh.seetcdy. N. 1' , and are Bald in hetes (Myer in loose form k th. Mori sr b..Ared, asd the public are seethed .gatab sarmereue imitations mold is $ltM skspei at 60 mete • be. or as Mies for jafro, sad may b• had cif all dr*I�.emtt•a u dies( by /sail from hr. Williams Medi- as.Osea s•y, teem either adatr•es Illeambre tbAaaesesaIs She NSW lreeerse. MULCHING TREES AND PLANTS, COMB HONEY PROOUCTION. IIS.l.,ae.t• lls.l. as She North Aaseriesa lare•eep.r'a Coor.ntiaw, In a paper having f..r its subject the Mrtaiw•ti-ei of comb honey. R. F. Holter - 111111M tail before the convention of N..rth A*M4icau lleekoep.ers at Chicago many things of general iutrrest. He minded as regards locality a piece where the holey flow is beery rather than pro- kntgol. In the face of great diversity of opinion, he hazarded the belief that any material vurtstiou from the depth of the l.atgstr oth is a u.istake. A super with station !whirrs. cwa,•ietiug of two sides adit SW, 0W,0oxi, Groh it waslt.l ra.•Ing and a bottom bar with eepctheturs, a fol- at thin rate of p.210,000,000 a veer. Sections should be 4j inch lower and a wadies, was bis incite* agavef squarr.'e This would give us uuw au aggregate I wealth of about $15.000,000,000 in The thiOuras is a disputed queetoou. ,,vend unutheu. In Commie neatly all the barkeepers Acconliug to aha name atanelatd aa• n« wchoua l i iu: hes thick. In the heart i , the people of the United Staten l'taita.l Statesa the thicker ata•ti"ns are expo ud every you tot the tont of living used—seven yh the taw(—tor 1 tah. ut$10.000,i•00.01H)tt^,030,000,00U). He believed the tepolency was toward ; thumer PCctivas. Th'garaling bees. there Tbe• earning cupacity of the euUntry for comb building ehararterietic•sanud honey • year amounts therefore to $10,000,- gatheriugqualitia.r niust be looked after, °"'°ii° which is expelultd, pins instead of their iadividnal beauty. He ' about $1.500.000,004) which is added to took issue with the statement that colo- the acCOUlnlatad wealth. which makes the sum of j12.SO0,000,000. airs could betoo strong early in the tte'a- son. It .a colony became crowded too Counting oat Sundays and holidays, early to put on sections. he wonll put the people of this country work 800 on au extracting super until the time ar- days to psliduee $12,590,000,000 of rived fur potting on set•tion& The sec- wealth, bout. eh.•ald be filled with full sheets ut Thu drink bill of the nation is over light foundation. $1.000,000,000, all of which has to come Mr. j • terman said flint no ono who out of the prtdnetive earnings of the wishi 4 to raise comb honey to petit...than per'ple: The costa to take care of the will ever rare to prevent swarming en- , pntnps•trs iwbet•iles, *tisane and critni- tirriv. Swarms sltunlel be hived uu the nal'• the lura of work and the accidents old ata•ls npoe very narrowatriptl , caused NU0•000,1N10 tuoat Add these ostart•r.t of fonndati •:i or elite upon full sheets of foundation.. Which shah I toge4ber, and we get $1.300.000.(HM) as be used depends 1p oat the hx•ality...If it i the yearly drain which the liquor traffic is whr.•e there i. dot:ser of pollee being imposes on the C onutry, or more than carried into the r:: i ions. then fall sheets i one -ninth the entire productive capacity of fonoolatiun should be used. When ' of the nation. starters are used. our day should be al- ( In other woods, the people of the lowed to elapee before the sections ars , United Staters work one day oat of ev- pnt in place. When swarms are hived ! ery pine to keep the gin mills running! in starteres, they are likely- to build some ' No pian sheets . the burden because drone comb. especially if the queen is ho keeps out of the saloons. No woman alt\ • View t. Retarding the statarligad Ira lt•--Cewela.l.w Drawn. It Is the general opinion that a mulch or henry cuter placed upon the soil about plants warn ti ie tetrad will retard/low- ering and too maturltlo of fruit; yet the practice appears to be often unsatisfac- tory, and there are rrasoua for simpering That the philosophy of the subject is not cowmohly understood. With a view to settling the question, apple and utlter fruit trees. also small fruits,were mulch- ed last winter at the Cornell university elution at Ithaca. Professor Bailey, after due investigation of results, arrived at these cunclueious: First—The eariy `Uloom of fruit plants depends very largely npuu the appropria- tion of food stored in the twigs, and it is more or less tudependcnt of root a_•tiun. This is proved both by direct experiment and by study of the physiology of planta Set -mid -oh most follow, thin, that the temperetiws of the twig or branch mnat he reduced if itsvegotaticn is to be much retardt.l; or, in other words; the top of the plant, us well as the soil, mnet be mulched. and in practice this is possible only with strawberries and other very low plants or these which are laid down during winter. Third—There is danger of Injuring plants by heavy n.nlch which is allowed to remain hoe hi spring. If it is desired to retard flowers or fruit by mulching, the practice should not be violent, and the plants should be carefully watched. Fourth -3t any strawberry- growers are able to delay the ripening of fruit from two dory, to two weeks bvmurching, but a week'(, delay is usually about the limit of profitable results. A Japanese Peen,. Peonies are aurang the Manliest. most showy and esteemed of garden plants, and the fatly double scarlet is an ong the eldest. We have two set4 ul 1eunies JAPANESE sew n-i11Tt: reuxy. • —namely. '•tri." or..hrnbby outs and herbatcons ones, but these sets incindea gocel many sp-cies. The tore ter Montan peonies are indigeuoas to China and Ja- pan and are among the ch••icest of the race, hardy and free bla6uniug:'atatt though moxa of them hare fli:e double flee -ere. their d.•nblrut•ss is not as stiff as that %town- in mat* ua oaf htehac pet Mies. Until vee ntly. however, says Gael m- ini:, the ui •r • double the flowers of the Montan p.eines Wer.• the moire they were app,rect atetd, Within the last few year', however, we have been getting from Japan a race of single and semi - double Olouteti peonies that for real beauty lmrpas:s any of the doubles we used t•, get from China. They have Urge. flowing, plain or crimped satiny prtal•o, and in color vary from pus.• white, through pink, rode, purple tont scarlet, to glistruitig crimson. and we have Wel them as much as 11 inches across. A pure White seuiidouble Japa- nese Mout an or tree peony measures eight 1nCiet s acro. In filling our gardeh with hardy flow- ers we should strlye`To; have a selection of the choicest (objects, thrifty and gen- erous in their nature, like these peonies, and Japan anemones, larkspur. phloxes, Ktrmpfer's ir►eee, day !thee, Spec•iusuin lilies and the like. and to cos'er the sea- son from the time of crocuses in March and April till Maximilian's sanftower in October. TO SUPPORT THE RUMSHOP. On. -sad\ .t taiCesfatg•s ler.la.Msa •peat lee Alookoltst AI --Breaks. "What deviltry sower kings may No. •' say c'ulylr,' the Greek must pay the piper." Which, bring interpreted. means that whatever extravagance or waste there may be of wealth. the peo- ple. the Wiles*, those who produce the wraith, hot. to pay for it all. Leet us do • little tiguriug to see how mauy days we have to work to keep the gin twills running. The wealth of the United' States, ac- cording to Mulhall, war in 18$8 about old. . _ )tr. ,Ui.Iterman diol not conniver it practicable Wrote:eel the ctolonic%bhefore tt.e_swarming teasea. He would allow tha heels to Luild ant1. combs as they might, taking ghat care to near all escapade it lecauw alto dowel tipple. It bears un us all. The asluone produce no th. They are enstained out of the wen th created by other industries• ''The Si r strtkui one blowout -of every- __pTae, thefirmerploowe one farrow out r assns frau the bast at• k, and then in � every nine, the blacksutith jammers the fall put the lues up o'n gain combs. One blow out ofetvey nine. this weaver if they kind failtd to bnildguod ones, and tnrtts out one yard out of every nine.the feed them s;(gar Yoe winter strewn The railroad runs one car out of every Mut., combs rrmorrd can be sorted oTer and the carpenters, moons, plaster -re and tho•.e having drone cam'. patched- up I' painters build ono bones out of every with pieces of worker comb, or else they i nine, as a free loft to keep Ip the stand - may Le melte(: into was. He gate no ' tag army td 240,900 saloon kcgkers and npwprd Tenttlattt/it. He advised shade Iheir ipers, and to pay fur the three upon the top and cram the aid/Cof the D -•a death, disease anti deviltry—they hives. The use of the dire Wipes was 1 .ytead abroad. All tbit aro d;tctive tic- aivi-ed. Alr. Hoherman worked for nvitit•e of this greet nation of 70.000. - comb honey until the season was n 000 settle v" ah•totrtd one day in peer)' its end, thea ; nrnol his attention td the l one b. t aunt brutal and production of extracted Loney. deadly babe ass t •.* r int-mt.-4k There's no mistake about the fly mots T The co nbined productive cepa.•ity of An iinprnesl tree mud pant label, dm the nation 14 $12,5011.IRMOMIO, and the vixen by it v•••eran nnrorym:an and de- costs of the driuk trots.- rs no to $1. - pitted by The Karat New Yorker. sag- 41H►,I4HS.0014. It tont 1 tit•• drunken sot sleeping off his .r:•baueh in the gutter that creates the wealth that sustains that traffic. tut every man (engaged in prdnhtiveiytdnstrvihas er contribute to feed this eliaty dragon of the -nineteenth etestury.-1 oice. How to Make the Calla Bloom. The mistake more often made than any other in the management of the calla or Richardis is that of giving that plant too much root space. When a plant is given a larger pot than is n.cestearY for its roots, there is great danger that the soil will become sour, in which event neither calla nor any other plant will thrire. Even if uta has the requisite skill to do the watering eneeeeefully, and the plant thrives on its "home 'erre." Its nnarreeted vigor will be against its doing inneh in the way of blooming. Keep the rallas so•tn.what cramped at the root when they are grown fur winter flew.•rs. The calla is not particnlar as to poll, provided it is rich. The moot satisfac- tory is composed of good loam, four parts; rotted cow manure, free from saw- dust or litter. three parts; sharp sand, one pert. As fur pods, a six or seven inch oue will accommodate a pretty large toot stalk. Under this trsatmrnt the plants in a temperature of 00 degrees at night begin blot ming in Noveml.er, and continue until the hot weather of the fullownng aeal.• •0. Heath" nre.sh..e.e, The experiments performed at Cornell experiment station this ,.aann, and for- merly nn:ler the t•harge of Assistant Pro- (rotor rofeasor Carl, have proved that there is no ,liference in quantity of coal c.'nsnmsd in employing steam or hot water foe heating; that steals more readily over. comes mutat-44011e eoaditlons; that crooks and angles ere more unfavorable in the circulation of bot water than stens without pressure; that starting a new Ike M more difficult cc longer Um* 1s ti► grrwA with hot wafter than with St. So teach a full point. and that a satiable - tory tall toward the bottler is of groats: lemoetattee with r4M1se.t LJ•rl. t'• 'R tt rrt:ttY AND *ARDEN. gesta-a-ooncetiiance for farmers who are desirous of keeping irath-h over the cou- teuli of thsir urehard,s and gardens. The wire is about the size of a com- mon knitting needle and way 1'e of any desired heist lo Tbc lapel is of common sheet tine and may be made larger or mailer according (./them/want of writ- ing. The one ilinstrat• d gives the name of the variety, date of planting and name ; of the nurseryman from whom it was purchased. The latter is many tunes of i considerable importance. The writing is done with a common pen and ink. This label is fair sg;.erior to the common en kii.sl.'as it t+ practically indestructi- ble and may be r.pplied to any kind ne stake. line or tree. It is nut pateutet. Dr.nes Toothed by Mathis. Jennie Atchley of Texan has this to say in The American Bee Journal on a subject of lute -tot to queen breeders: Being a gnr.•n breeder and interested in asnre ant/ safe means to mate my gneens, I have this year been experi- menting as to what I could do to deter- mine whether or not the drone* were touched by the mating as weU aa the workers, etc. I bar- some fine Italian queens mated with black drones. I mean queens that were yellow all over. Then 1 bail a sister to such queen mated with a drone yellow all over. I alio clipped the wing of a third virgin sister and nt:oted :► th„ruugh black queen with an Italian drone. Now for results: The yellow all over queen mated to a black drone shows a part of her drones !,lack or nearly no, some one and some two banded and some yellow all over. The black queen mated to an Italian drone shows nearly all black drones(, tint occasionally sine with a slight yellow hand. The drones from the clipped vir- gin are all solid yellow; also those from the yellow queen mated to the yeilew drone {ro.ln:•e all yellow drones. Now 1 am feat rooming to a cunslulsi..n that drones also aro toucher by the mating. AgrMultaral ta.•wl.os. Sort, eyes, and ewellwt hea.la in ponitry often eons from draft. especially over- head drafts. when .,n the i.tnhes. Look eine' Prey. -moan is honor than core. The practice of breeding from pre - axioms and tismatnee birds is wisely condemned by Th. Poultry Keeper. Lime wash helps to lighten as well aa purify poultry gnarteree, amok light tenons to.' plentiful in winter these. It M very easy Us spoil a Dolt it he is kept tied op it. a stall without r.gnlar exercise. Don't do it. The committee on vegetables reported W the Naasss hnwtte Horticultural soci- ety that the lea•ling varieties" of peas neve been American Weirder, Advaaasr, eihmmpe,n of England, I�ratasem, Tele. obese mad IIereiNha . f, O.Iy a Ole Is the Moraing.\ Youth, is the forming time. of bgbitlk and thee, . u1/less carefully watebe.l, will grow until they; biud like ropes and bandenfs. There are few yonng men who are awakened to the toils of a bad habit in time to conquer se-- dill a cer- tain young man who had tbonghtleealy formed the habit of taking a glass of liquor every morning before breakfast. An older friend advistll him to quit before the habit should grow too strong. • "Olt, there's no danger. Rh a mere notion. 1 can quit any time," replied the drinker. 'Suppose you try it tomtltrow morn- ing." suggested the tried. Very well. To please I'll do so, lint I assure you there's cause for alarm." A week later the young span met his friend again. Yon are not looking well," oh- servetll the latter. " Have you been ill?" "Hardly," replied the otber one. "But 1 am trying to eaeape a dreadfnl danger, and I fear that it will be long before I bare conquered. My eyes were opened to an imminent peril when 1 gave you that promise a week ago. I thank you for your timely suggestion." "How did it aflact you:" inquired the friend. "The first trial utterly deprived me of appetite for food. I could eat no breakfast and was nervous and trem- bling all day. 1 was alarmed when 1 realised bow insidiously the habit had fastened on me and resolved to tuni square about and never touch another drop.. The squaring off has pulled me down aet•erely, but 1 am gaining, and 1 mean to keep the anpper hand after this. Strong drink will never catch me in its net again. "—(selected. catch. ..sse. esetims. Pinre intemperance first dug a grave how many victims has the earth swal- lowed front its ravening arms? And. as If the• earth had opened and spoken through it, .epnlehers, the appalling *umber, to film 17,000, 000,000. This was w estiunate of that eminent Cbriatlilli philosopher, Thome. Dick. over half a century ago. and yet the voice has not ended, the tale is not told. The record of that half century const be added to this awfnl egg—remake. Ye., more than 400 nations like oars, more than 17 worlds like tots of human beings, hare been atrnek from .tiat.tnce by the arm of intemperance. --Gideon S. Stewart. T\. 11«x) Plain. in India metal t.gimenta with 5.510 mem were plated under observation. They were divide4 into free drinkers. mrnlerate drinkers and alatainers. It was found that the deaths of the former were 41 per 1,000, of the moderato drinkers fit par 1,000 sad of the abstains. en only 11 per 1,000. SCHDOL BOOKS, There is always it lies"l; even allti►11:: ;t Silt O of g.Rhl things, and every i,ipe smoker mai has tried the Alristiff brand acknowledges it to be the sweetest, toolie,it taunkitt* to• baeto ulatle. - It does not bite the tongue, and is positively tree from env tnreiLrn immixture. 4. IL loci ori MT.3loentea Ca. al•sd, V... - rral, kb ate Rad on l:rete Sw•Iaeaa The talk hail dritted to mental pliens nt ena, when suddenly the m oden shyly asked: ' Aro you a into.] realer, Horace ` ''1 ata, Sime," he said -so am 1" ' And she held oat her finger for the ring. she bad Nem its bulging ouriter, to leu •wt poeiet. ^A Areae Indy. A tidy named Sirs '1' ('. M. Humphries, ini*g is home, t int . w1," uee.l only two bottles of Metnbray s Kidney sad Liver Cure, bas forwarded a statement to the effect that it completely • ured tear of in- 0aranistory rheumatism, kndosy and liver troubles. rysch s compl:ewtioo of disesass Yielding so yuckly to this remedy should ea.oursge sister sufferers to give tt an honest trial. Regulate!. toe Stomach. Liver and Bowels. unlocks the Be:rations,Purifieathe Blood and remove,: all Im- purities from e Pimpte to the worst Scrofulous Sore. BLOOD CURES •= Il D'eSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS ONSTIPATiON. HEADACHE. SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA I HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH, !DIZZINESS. DROPSY RHE UPtATIS^1 SKIN DISEASES BITTERS REMEMBER istt hatout triumph Id peannasy tot Mecum f all the symptoms indicating hammy .xD lcLIT= cotoeta,nl If %011 are troal.ledwith .sttveneas. Naisres, sour tllenlaelk 1 MEMBRAYS Nendaekewaa• Pees Ser..5.= vaso ram_�'�'� _u� Panes, Mee �Igbts, w.amiy A 1 Aiwa, e ibres1s Kidney .ad 1 re le ;KIDNEY. AND. wUIg.v. imtne.liate relief and ErrwuT4Cere gat all Drug fit. r - a !Metiray i:dtetar Company .f Pcterler.na\, iLitnl.ed), PETERBOROUGH, . . ONT. LIVER CURE Foe sate by 0 A, IR � UraRit• THEY ^ t'E PLEASANT TO TAKE YET POWERFUL TO CURE EBEIJArs Unit L,IES41 L ill COTS A SS They do ant n,uwtt a rack a,••', we.kss rte erne.. Klee pint aryl other pnrg...i.rt to they tone up th. Seer And et ,..each, sr,4 ,ht.. m,Sxiset stre,.lj% 1,, do thrix w rk nal.,raf and well They cum C'ne nipe.aw.. I) . • Indi.ee.,n, Headache. Chen.. .'e.., l•in.,.lsI. • .nines and an diteaew .rine boa% iwpars bloat, or lag;.ah Lew. Lek fear Drugjlst /.r Them. Special drive in School Books and School Supplies. Best value ever shown in Exercise and Scrib- bling Books. Remember we keep in stock a full supply of all Books authorized and recommended for Collegiate Institutes, High Schools, Model Schools, Public and Separ- ate Schools. Seed isase-- -r , - PRASER ft PORTER, i.Mpk.nr r., Booksellers and Stationers. 1 FOR Tis]■ 'J!erry, Merry Christmastide ! r . This week we w is ha% e a war bill ••eerie of f'SSt*T1s as liaS S. - hesitrne were never to S1adolaaammmeroua or value better (Lau Mee Yon tan nod some: tuna su'tab r aq Media our euppty• SZAIITI 'VL CIIT-31 4 W PZST1M M : - Ta! for .. iLrk.ecket`•a and a! hem ,n to, ety mw. is unique cell and *taker baskets, roc., :n bar.' pa.o•ad buqur, and a' her s'," THE MOST ACCEPTABLE OF All LIFTS Priers from :.c. to Si NATURAL 0011012 •: , Very- Eeaat:ful and ran for the what not. tic. lellaleil tsars.. Oak 4..e., roma tares. iIsiolwara i.,.., Celasl.M Newmont• tee anwrraa, t.. eatM.. 1 on new see them. %%'•tt h oar .hew windows. and drop is aad ate. N e .':: be pseased to show them. ('hoose early. for therm to Lure to be a roan for *verb aura/ lite gtoc.s. IIS V. C. GOODE, - Chemist. 1 -a CHRISTMAS FRUITS Our Stock is now complete, and we are ready for your orders Our CURRANTS and RAISINS are exceptionally line this year. Besides, we clean every pound we sell. Inspect our CHINA and LAMP GOODS Depart ment if you are looking for anything in that line we can suit you. C. 8. NAIRN. 1 People in this 19th century are bound to have th e l beat that can be had for the money. That is why EVERYBODY WEARS RA-N8Y RUBBERS., They give perfect satisfaction in fit, style and finish, and it lae- comes a by -wort that ",OSA IBA BCass*Ls wear t like iron. Patronise True Competition. Ta S Cal ant Mt►P ata ALralliblielaal Mair 08.1 kwa sortier watt fair sad par est ba. stye do Int is harlt a ertadples sad Is 1M tats..l of tae "AMOR IsZros Is It asservas tits astral �pitltlflisertstalawof m�vary 1p+sefmam�s ww�M Mask ewaeelt.g with aft He saidibl.s la 0011.dttl1auh1,.s��.�eMg8�. et♦saan ar� tp Rena weak s ( tlnrWobis s noel Osase (Sea -keit Ice wes.se. FEW Least Last . o.OaNS tis not Sawdust We use in making INDURATED FIBRE WARE Some people thirrlr it is, hitt they are mistaken. We use nothing but the longest and strongest Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without sham or joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pro- cess which renders it impervious to heat, cold and liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WARE imparts no taste or smell to its contents, and is the lightest, tightest, sweetest and most durable ware ever made. Ask for EDDY'S. UNDERTAKERS. J_ BROPHEY Alt SON . Have aided to their present business one of B. J. Naah's Latest Style Of Otty Hearses, also •he finestline of funeral furnishings in the county, and are now prepared to conduct funerals at pekoes reasonable This department will be strictly attended to by his son William, who bei in the employ of the late D. Gordon for the past tan years, has a ilex knowIisd js of the husinar, and by prompt attention hopes to share part t tttt111►ssst public patronage. Renwiraher the place---West-st., on your way to the pee ofdsoe. Give us a call J. BROPHEY & SON.