The Signal, 1894-1-18, Page 4► N ,TVta..amgno EVERY THURSDAY `MIORNINU ■T r, faeetuWfrtllri. One of Publlatiou * and te. 4orthier.er. li u.1rverb_Oatono. • Teras. e1 Ark., rlp4Ie■ y 1Aatit►, is adraulI .. }bre mortis. Owe year, t If oilmen 1. sated. the 114114.111 pee leerbs e Leek at Ilene Label. Year 1a41 is • rtau.ilrrt Nowise of the cheer 10 welch you are piid up. See that 41 1e net aliowld 10 fail 0.oi , or. When a cbsr.re of adoeeee is en.ireo. both the old aa.d 1h• yew a i.lre... ebm4d b mom. A11 cotnm.ie..eatlo0y must be address.4 to "1e. McO11.1.1CI. Diu\ . 1'ng resat. relepmoo.e('aIl re. t1ederfek. O.r, THAT LABEL F AGAIN• • Sett that yrntr label is Mill tip. THE S•tt:alMi..•-in---114,•'.1D a Tearer, 1411 if }will it1 a11 - Vance only *1. SennI.i(iong your rnbicription at Once. Ai Wiese f.lal'� Y. JAN. t., Mt.U. M�'OL 01)117, • oder*k ti "1�gRR'H. THURSDAY. s"'Farrw ell, a love, fttrew'el) .to_ all lay gr atoees,' sante our lweal W ot.+aa. " And when he fells. Le fall* like Lrr'ut'k, Bever to hope agate," .lye THE What is the franchise for telephone pitting North -H. and butchering the tine trees on that avenue worth.' it i. nun 411 °tiler to apply for a police magistrate for Goderich, so th*t time effort will he made to tighten the loose stnngs that, have ousted for years plot. _ Thr Iln::_:ltoa Spet*Muv-ie last is favor of buyiar liquor by the elm. 1t eantsdhe minimum talent bs three pints. t our contemporary eviitatly wean a mighty big night.ap. . Mayor ruttier is n1.1 quite -urn that his victory this jti!ar is not really . defeat. The wins have got crossed, so to speak, and don't work in the good old way. Truly it was • ('4dxteao etc -tory. The London Timer .ay'.; that 17,9:1 was the most peaceful and prosperous year that Ireland has had in a century. Which is a mighty( tine tribute to the ill/Weinman policy of roverviog Inland, and from the bitterest oppo..acd that policy, too. --Fora politician in the grittM stage t;.. fei.ttiv.i jttsasnc, 11. D., 11,n table a goo•! Seal upon himself. %that's Alp matter with 11' 11.1 1 t irft*t tan berretta fhitli •11.11 upset the lsoctor's iokbottle Sad take a head is -shaping 1110 Oppoalti• o Piney hiro.elI The London Free Pre..., .iv o•'at ung ' iempprence, is abaft as consistent as 1 ocle Ih''t Torus.%, %EPP , was when he wan voting for the '.latter 1ii11. atter objecting to the erection of the Parliament Buildinge ii the t;ueen'$ Park, Toronto, bemire the Chamber world he too far from • hotel. The Sohn', of England, e.t Toronto, are doing aimed work is relieving the dis- tress of that city, and in the ►Meese. oo Prot. Gotnw r'i Sierra it'll a eYtidactina tb know that the eht..khookz int .1. ('A E�+er►it w.tiffeepte, so far ucarrying 0911 a'1 the cbaritabig_acheraee of the moiety is Colrerued.' Thiliwill be a goo! year for .1 tell:. 1_lsT►r„ lambton's btq M V , to bring Heise ' ten times week scandals " .gaunt members of the I:orernment and their sup- porters in the House The present I:over ear -General will not go atishrog when ras- colities are being exposed o. t1,e floor ot Parliament. .1011* Ilt'TLga i, mayor thio teal without any frills in the way of ekairt ao ships and " mch." The ancient' Egyptians had a saying which covered his ase, • free translation of which is. " IN what earthly en is it to have been elected high cooks - bran whew your name is Demob so far r Indere* is roomed ! " The Hon. Jolliet CAESAR PATT1111.0*, War Minister for Canada, was the guest o1 the Dufferin Rifles at the a00cs1 banquet in Haiittord last week. That's about the ••hermit he has Dome to West Huron .tore - Wet Ssmener, when he was frorea out in in • vain effort se raise sethu.taam uadvan* agent of the Taollno* lee -wagon. The Toronto World * little ghost story about the Mowat l:oveam.ot deter minis( upon dissolution within the next thirty days has been met by the procl*na time online the legislature together for the transaction of banner on Feb 14 The hindsight of The World any be all right, but i le foresight is jest • intim off rmetre- This town conned is one after our ewe hot, Sad even the raver Ion got dews to roekbottn. n if the t -.w, cor*table is ielm'sotd by the arra to abet •p Bur tea' s0Ms.a*d'am..s des es Kingston es., the itditreet ratepayer, we feel as. tamr,.k win ever pray that the sbodews of tier lawahldlr n embwe will sever grow It is ganer.11y understood that if the Pennine el Watery sssisas • earn deo. et etdern. Sae already is tae Mid, the m °mew ref lira body ie the emsIKsmaey will Med by h he a mem. hind runt idea led • Terry !1. PP. m I'11reh. Meed Mao. ems to jet. the Paean Ammer a edl- THE SIGNAL : GODEEIQB, OI T.,ilEttlitIMILIre JANUARY i!r ISN. Itiale ler the prier Ine der selected, ..d ler Mace uou isn't sun that then !won't been • misdeal. He Amon t know whether he ebould euppom the Certs ue d,Jater e tUt fru the items g inetetutim mrd lees the satire 111Msm vote. "THE bllmEuNO SOLOIZRY." $iWCE Til k: IluN, J. L'. 1'.\TTER so-. bate oaken to wearier stripes dews his pruuoonsami • helmet on bis kierel:headas chief •1 the military bureau et Hees* and War Lord Extramiosa • for Capula; be las developed the se•:g•er. if uotibe tern style of expression, of rbc swashbucklers of the mn.y of 1'kndeis, of whams we read. Hu gay tWJ festive beeriug up ut tie boys ea their way home from I.on.lmt-vamp List ...limner is fteeh to the minds pt the ,..young fellows who took their lint alcoholic stimulant became: it was prori.le.l fon them by the Minister of Militia --who was- a real 'nice gentleman, yon know and the aged and Winn chestnuts slat he perpetrated *bee inspecting • the "troupe- says the mut +ono that thew would 6. uo !fie• oa their axuutreme(its,ars.1.n rentembere.l. S,oce that time he lits tool •1doe •erre•, paten of military diaaipation, and Irss bees lunkctted hither and thither over the It•lc.i',ion. His latest .:ergs was at Kraat- fo. 1 last week. w acre he w'as entertained bt' the e0vers of the Du lcrin Riles an] when he rood for hfe heard with a ladle full of tiff) spread over t.,e C.u.didu fes ! r teed s•Idiery in general and tine i)uda/ins to pat - ticalar. We Are told the War Lord waxed s ILueat seeklil!etlfgerent{ot the -rearm (ran 1 1knell''' ro tfijth 'wit! ,i f el n, of their position is the military- arena that their necks swelled until it ahnoet iooked u if the tension ou the collars of their tuella v , curl cause st raneulat ion. • • 1 "7'he volunteers of Cana la are superior. Teo h tic sage l'anadirn 1Var LorJ, "to the hireling soldiery of the Old Lind,- and the al .entity was ,wallo e 1 as>•4'uitut by 1111 When tlir#ro: o-oe-o--P-errrtve, talked that way at the Brantford-wilitary bengaat WIMP/ell Sot from his't.oart but through hji bat. of he is • *rodent of his - The plumy that i.ed to cast its maitre British arms --ilius cs1L sane killi.g a tb:ng of glory-ihnintbs s doe to' the fighting qualities of TotlwT`'Aeesss ntaa a shillio_ a dac, and net t.tlattber•bedvelum tears. tillenheim, llalplaywt, 1'laeey, the Capture of n!uehec, ('orunna, Waterloo, Sth&atopal, lokerman, .lIma, Balaclava, Tel el heli, everywhere where bloody work was required, the "hireling soldiery- were oldiery'wen the men who .. rrienl (1141 t:mioo .lack on to victory. Out upon the slurs of the (,aiad1. _War Lord on the •'hireling soldiery of the old Land.- The drum that ia heat:4 around the world that tells of British military greatness belongs- to the "hireling soldiery"; the bloodevls,:ta British history that speak of conquest and increase of territory have been caused by the •'hireling soldiery of the I old Lend." and yearsafter the .ameof Hoo..1. 1 I 'Arre:l so\ and the annals of the 1 ►ufferio Rifles will have been lost is the dim and misty pest, the deeds of. the "hireling soldiery" of Britain wirC sung ny late- Kirt i*.:. and embalmed in history. Illy the NIA, . r 1.+error fetus gesea400a. MAYOR BUTLER "TURNED `C T4E ;KAl. Pn);11`(TED irimed itte after the municipal elections. Mayor B; TI tit has been "turned down," al that his baleful i.,tluence upon the town will not be ecperieoced in 1894 as It was in At the inaugural monists Monday last the municipal laekdate was .nipped of his borrowed plumage, and this ith the ap- proval of eleven out of the teen mem- hen of the council. Not only was this done, t • strong con denotation of hie usurpatioa of powers that did not belong to him was passed unanim- ously by the couocil,m time resolution which instructed the public works committee to take immediate steps to sue for damages the vandals who had slushed the branches oil the trees o0 our thoroughfares,u well u to bring suit arra the individual whe had empowered tae IS -ifs es wtth the work. Had the mayor known whet was In store few Min in 18114, we question very moot if he would have placed his name io oomio alon for the othoe, for a nut so ma- ntises as he is calmed to be by his friends, must surely feel that his prssest humiliation �4.���t� moat practical vote of want of confident', is hon that could poo slhly be made. Or it may be that. like the man who was hahe.ded by Kt -ammo the expert headsman of whom ( hit tet Wieree.a. Nor ma- tells us in his "Actoorat of the Breakfast Table," the work h00 base so deftly dose that he will tot be awe that his nmci.l head Is off notal the float time he atternpt. to sneeze in public. The members of the tensed hays done well up to date Let them pursue the gond work further by haying • polies magistrate appointed. so that the planes of ill-ia.m. which have of late years, bees allowed to hnosynomb the town owing to laxity on the part el the pewee that be ak.i1 be Inc.. wet. A. excellent "ppertnnotySe elves .p the /.wt lies right 111 this dir.etie., ay altogether ertad& et the jttrlaiktlea of the iletrd .f Health. The 1 ►(taw u . orreapoadeln 0f The Tomato News states drat Hem. N. Guru N'.LLA t hu been abuslue the freaking reviler to the :.al (smut id his satin Orange oorrospondeuce. \lr. 1V a1 I.A. • is one of the doorstep Cabinet representatives, and if he hae bete using his franking pewit e ge is the manner above stated, the gentle =mealy Sir Anoi.rua alioultl we tbat Her Majesty'swalla &repot agarntakeuadraatage of in • hke meaner `bleb a pru.tlraitiea .f the franking privilege has not leen known autos, many years ago. `Teske, Cum ••I franked • par of No. 12 brogans from l It tawa 1p hes shoemaker in Northumberl•ud to be kelt-solar, heeled Sad welted. A number of whiter .‘frican. under • l'ap•ate W ii ter, recently wont eat Mai - nog a number of black Africans mode a dark complexioned gentler,:as known as' king 1. oaev,.1 t... -liter a while terser:.. , v ant Ins dn.ky followers changes', 4te order of things by, turpip Inn ad'aW( hunt tug W'tL••..1tnTii'u oil Wpm. The result r • batab y on both sides until war e, 1 the white., who were the weaker in numbers. were all slain. It's an awful pity the 1,i xt• pox. ani l He • vee- aa..l o:her post-prandial warrior ale not in %eriea It ha, leakos1 out diet the l'on..•rv- ative .1.1miaistratian had tally intended to go to the country hot Fall, but Sir dotes torr proved to be such • tiocle m lack of attendance and want of en thusi•am that it was avoided to wait for IN mire propitious seaee,n. lu the meantime, the rluuda are lifting acne 1 h • line, and as things arum* a hnght.r look in the outlets the pruspevta of the suecess of the party that follows Timers. to the_poiis become darker. As a leader S.r lions is not • sec " r ��• Tfr ac or her ilyst iiiu.'overld that the coal purchased by him last year for the waterworks and electric light system anent ouch inferior ,quality, for the price; that it gave very poor service. He is terribly in. dignant at 16. company that furnished the inferior article, and we woa1J not be sur prised if he appl es] for and received a it • bate for the town en the amount pard. 14v all means let the towu have the rebate,even at the thirteenth hour Better late thes laarer, oil Si.', i:JVt•. it is now stated that Sir .Inure. Timm -reds would have been at rho Board of Trade dinner_ at Torouto, but for Out reason teat he had at the previous &near diener promised tariff revision to the extent of " loppin,' oil the i. eulderiag bronchia" and had in the Moen ening twelve mootl e failed to do any lopping One of these day s the people will undertake to lop off the mouldenng branches of the I►ttawa t,ovcrn mint and then where will Sir Jot. be': "..I.. WHIT*, :11.PP, oT Eiix. is again in the field u • candidate for Legis lative h000n. At the last election he was nominated by Hon. .1. C. Pio-rens..., and Heir. SI•..At will bet dollars to doughnuts that the Minister of War will support him age. The hall Tor' the Dominion Parlia- ment to meet for the tr.nsac.ion of bgti- oess has been set for )larch 8. In the meantime the 1 lttawa t • overnruent has its eagle eye fixed upon tVubiugtoo, and, like Mir %.% r•tc,is "wutiog for something to tura ver," The 111';t decorous meeting of the town council held in l:odench 10 a term of years was held on Monday last. Even the mayor was decorous, and that is saying • big thlag for the present mayor of 1 •ode rich. tree hut.°hets should have l.'.11 e•1 whtn carrying on thew slaughter aqui. hratl les and Griming of limbs on Barth st. last week. The thin ic- i, niateri'tllx' the undertaking industry at various points of 1 Ontario. 1Viedom, as • rule, does not travel on skater. POLITICAL POINTERS. 1,1 Waddington, formerly French Ambas- sador to England, died in Parr os Saturday night. .I Martin wilt short It deliver a pokn- ial address at Regina...when he will get after Mr. Davin. A maim meeting of the Ottawa friends of home rule will he held on January 25 or 26. Hon. Vdward Blake will speak. The R,forme,e ot North Oxford will meet next Saturday to ebonies candidate for the Local Legialature and DMmi.ion Parliament A decree his been pasted in all the towns of Sicily lrohibiti the impors:tioo of fire- arms, and the • are also forbidden to have firearms ,n their po.eemion. Emperor William, in thankteg Chs mum- cipal authorities for their New fear's nes. gratulation*, said that he will strive to maintain peace at home sad abroad. A Liberal omveetioa will be held at Burk ■ Falls, on the 8th of February to nomi.ate a candidate for the electoral dis- trict of Parry Sound for the Legislature. Dr. John McKay, M. Pi'. , was unanimous ly nominated by the Reform coevestion held at Lindsay as Saturday, ea their an did•te for West Victoria at the next mural elections. At • masa meeting of Liberals at New- market en Saturday, F: .1. Davis. M. i'P., was unanimously cheer ae the i.tberal •t, adard bearer is North York in the ap proschine Provineia! •lection•. The 1'.aatroller, at Ottawa, together with the 4olioitor l:es.rsl, or now h, deeneat.d " Hes." Hitherto they have not been en- titled to that detractive : het the (colonial Mlles has ruled that they shall be h000rahlo is future. Sir Joh. Sprtgg a (Oblast I1lirlttg is Cape ('olnay, said in & sp••ok is la.6a Friday overtime that the Government 411 (Sp. 1 ob.y o.`ht to he nerd la the hands of the psspl., to whom the Minsters should be r•.pos.ibl•. Papers os the H.waiina qlueens were laid el. Congress ea SaturedaL in ithiih appears the reply et President i)ele of the 14'nvlrbs.l Gev.rnsa.t to Minister %Villi in whisk he abeekhdp release to ...i.t to the reenestlsa a w depeesd teem. Preee ewers, r , aspadvised Mies Rix, ef srs, a orgera, who was pre - Iwad with 1112 01, to pat the ase sense wt at ewp.sd aster..(. F.VI',.1J t' aT Is RorDE F.ht1 it Persons hilted and Many hurt• 11 int tided. PAS�ENGER TRAINS COLLIDE. The • time Car of the Krpre.. Crier 1.lasid r..ri, I'roplr. None we tg illasia 1-..•ap..1 %%lthuui *e - ler, .* Url.. l eE Ifir . arae. Nrw Vose. Jap. 10.-1)pe of the meet di..tttruue ra:lruad occident* that was ever ea:eerie•n.e.l In the neighborhood of this city oecurrr.1 int the 1•.deware, 1.arkawan na R Western Allow! yesterday morning during a thick tug on Ito Slw.lows just east of Hackensack, ti J. The S..uth thongs, a.cummt.latiou ran in Wtir Dover etP r ,,. toter.w P1n g Sad a •hierg to *Winters the two rear can et spa the latter train, In.t.atly killing eleven persona and inle:tint about Ofti 'others. 'rhe following is the otliciat list of the kilIe l William lr!'(ditese, Summit, N.J.: Jeht Fieh, civil a ritdirt t+ emit. WHIMWHIMFr-gttropi, Suint 'tis vaplrye of the .in.tttor r milia. Western 1 •niou Telegraph t'ompany, 'Neer a ark: Edward Kimsey Senards. 411. Edward Morrell, Summit, John 1'tirriugtun, Seen Hill.. John H. H. Shooter. Summit. cashier tor S_ N. Boo - ....s k. broker, 90 limed 'tweet, New Turk Patrick Ryan, Milbury. 1l, J. Turner, ti.diiti • : Ilk. i►uty,.drntiglet. hark Mg Ridge: D. Cameron,' Summit - - The (haver exrrr.., which briuge to the city men emplvy«i here in busiresss and who lite at Scot:oit. Millburn. Short Hills and Newark. made its last "top at Newark stud them rn.hed un- through rue thick fog towards the,Flty. .tet 1t 1110 verb west .•f the drawbridge ower the Hackensack tl,- train was stopped by torpedoes The fiaKman of the train• it is claimed, ran back immediately to flag any train that might be *pr:oaehind from the west. He 1414 kale but a few yards, he void, when .uddruiy to hie horror he sae rushing upon him through the fog the South orange m o• ouusoailatiun. • rtiiTi•iiu was shedule.l-tu leave So.tb 1►range at 7.35. bot was about three min- ute* behind time. Aboard we remilenta of the Oranges and of Newark, who ars in in -user >•.wk. The trear'-ws running about,thirt)* wt e. age hoar. Be- fore Logurror Vivid Huffier could dim cern.th4 terms' train tbroogh the fog ur before he had received the warning from the tlai ni*n who had .beeu =rut bark, it was too late to clop his train. ile turned oa the air brake, and lumping from tbw eeab rolled over and over down a steep em k loom He was taken up afterwards_ pu conscious. and badly bruised and ent about the heart and body, Fireman Mets beck.srrer the tender, and was found after'lie tvliihion hitt slightly in jural. The engine etrui-k the exprees train with terri5c feree 1t ploughed Its way into the raw car, a comberatioit begoeoe and smoking car, and canavd ft to telescope then_ {,arranger car teat us front. Every seat in the Smoking compartment was occupied. The tranr0en said that ...Wee about 4') passengers in the ear, Not one of them . etaped ' injury. They were all men in the smoker. which neonate. ton 'donbt for the fart that nu women were re ported to be among the seriously injured. The fours of the collision completely wrecked the cuisine of the South Orange train, None of the passengers, however. on this tr&iu were injured, but all suffered from the effects of the terrific shuck. 1 I the lover .sprees the last two rads were twisted and turned into a mere of Lwken iron, woad mud glass, over which rolled the clouds .d sine and steam from the engine. From this mass came the serum and cries of the injured. As soon as the parsengen who were in - ;tined recorrrtd (ram the &hock they piled out of the rare and ruched to the asmist once of the injured. The wleo•Iwerk war lying in all directions and literally strewn along Lha track *ere the bailee of the d••,d hod N. -tying. The bodies of many pe•r..,os hal been thrown =promptly out of the car by the colliaiou. one suis of the car being completely knocked off. 'rhe running of regular train, from the dept ir. HoMM,k. n was immediately stop- ped and All the ps.seuger trains in the depot were hurried to the scene of the an•kient. Wiliam Ferguson, who war one of those in ti... *looker, died mom after reaching the hospital A.mIMs.wwv Wreck. SAN Rarast, C Jan 16 -News has just reached here tet a frightful railroad accident at Austin Creek bridge, .in the line of the North Perak- Coast railroad, between the stations of Uuncsn's IJilis and ('aaad.ro. As an engine of the North Pacific (bast railroad was crossing Austin Creek last evening the bridge gave way and the engine rolled into the stream be low, a distance 4•1 forty feet, drowning seven men. The r.glllsur Teat caws. JAt•tta on u-ut, Fla.. Jan. 16 -Harris and Watkins, the sorer pugilists. met at the open hems- last might under articles of agreement identical with those signed by Corbett end Mitchell and were n.4 in• t.rfer.d with The trsetin,; wan wider the snlrrvisioa o0 theehief of p..lies% aced the referee was Tooled with power to stop the mill whenever it reached a point in- dicating danger t., lite and lint. The club people were. disappointed that the Stab authorities took no action to atop the dt Gold Ho.a.... 1i111r111nrysrwx 1 .1 .tan. 16 -tine of the most remarkable strike of rich ore .ver .1ra. "voxel in ('leer ('reek comity was male laid week t0 the Indep.ndeet mine, it. Fiat Argentine distriet. A six inch vein of sylvanite was found at • depth of over one hundred feet, and an aaray chows it to contain 7,.1811 oaneee of gold and 2,4911 ountw of silver to the ton. A qualitative teat proved the remaining substance to be tellurium. The Nleata .. Casal, New Vote, Jan. 16.-A spent from San Francisco stye: The fate of the Nira ragman eanal Sews to be trembling Ih the Irlance and the Pantile roast shareholder. have been appealed to for ssabtane. So gnat hu been the interest aroused that • enuonit*tion of resident shareholders has elrwa.ly been had and • partial under standing has been reached n•supr. la Chleage, Chose+.... Jan 141 -Nine ewes of small pox were taken to the i.wr4tl.a hospital !t.ad.y, and yesterday two more rime wt.f THE PARISH COUNCILS SILL reams la Mira Kssdlse t. tbo Ibredelt (..os.... {eu Aya.ramost. IA ON DI rig, Jan 13.- In the Homan of (New i .., . 'ir F:IIu Aahmr.d Bartlett asked the lo'.eminent if Hurls had entered thereon Hru tion of three uew battle oldie', their building w begiu this year, thus bringing the number of Buesia's battle ships. built (Sad buildinngg. up to seventeen. Ilite U..� Kaye 4buttlewurth, I'arhameu- sirrwtary ..t the Admiralty. replied that it win, nut Jr-.irable that any ofltulal state neem he made until the British estimates fur th.q�t are ug year aeomplet, 1. t+lr l!i ljrlt,.htuead•ltattlrtt lieu •eked if it was a fact that is 0. e•ouge of 1891 Fron.e and Russia would buildsitctern new battle •bore, while England would build wily the three that l.ad ju..t been emu - termed The Secretary rrplt.d that he must an the Il..k to await the announce meet of the .admiralty's programme. Replying to Mn. Thomas Seaton, the N,i;ht Hou John Morley, 11040 Secretary Mr Imbued, •aid that he could n.4 state in r xw•1 tern.. the .cope of the .-u.Iuiry of the .. . next see, r iu,u.i appointed at the fur F.. he i P 1" stun to inquire into the working of the Irish l�rnd I'ur'has..1, t To •peak gene- rally. enerally. the committee %%..u1.1 impair* into toe .1..•ration of the 'air rent clauses of the .t.•t and auto tlo purr have .1 land os *4'&tires dude by the sneak treasury. lJ r 1 .:=,61.0! utored t hat the How ad jnnlrn to FS•l•ritery 19. The report stage .1 the Parish t'omma.. bill was 6,i.6ol at midnight, and Henry Fow, ier, president of the I....I Iiorero 1r.-ut, wh.• he,e had the bill in charge. moved at meet the third rradil:g. Sir 4 i.1.a'hs11, Chaucel!or of thew En chequer in the last Salisbury 4'mbi(heli easel tot the l'niont.te that only the jailed state f the Horse caused the I,pp0•111011 to re from froiu 4.6.1 *,, the. radius Hr pre dieted that :lee Lords w.enld .erntrove the bell closely 4.rf.•r a lowing it to bet,.ine a law. The bill was passed uui l load lateral .h..re and the Ilou.e Adjourned until February 1':. VERDICT OF GUILTY. The ltr.wlt or els C.ewn►r'a Lyaost .a. the William. Tragedy. l'...sttlrtir.►, .lain. II. - The chinas of the inquest in the tt infants runnier ease wait reached yesterday The ..r - dict of the corner s jnn' in the William.. murder cans was am follows "That James and Elira Villiams were foully murdered. and that William Ifsctl'herrell and John Walker are guilty of the murder and 1 le.erte 6utcleer i, &century after the fact" Cory was honorably discharged. The proceedings began *harp on ttmr The .u. til roam wa• filled to hemming capeelty, giving eviden,•e' that the villagers have gut tired of evolving tueorlea, and now are confining themselves , entirely to facts. The coroner to ad.lre icing the jury went over the evident, given at previous sitting', and took Swire to severely critictxe the press for their reproof of his dilatoriness at the lest Minter. Frederlaki3In its • farmer who lives on the bake Shore -rood. two miles from the Williams' house, identified Walker as • man Who had worke.l for him for two week• two years ago last fall. The wit twee -aid that Walker ransacked his house and stole • double barrelled gun and ...me money.. The Crown regarded this evi donee &a important. as it went to show that Walker had probably known the mar demi cusOs, and it was he, lechaw, in stead of John' torr who gars the mur- derer the information &bunt 014 man Williams and hie wife. Benjamin Field te.tifo1 that Walker had worked on his farm near Mtoiicu for a week two years ago where he tett s pair of noir boots dieappw•areol Butalseooutdo aat*tament.wit limit being sworn. He told praru.ally the aatue story he told the Toronto detectives The prisoners were ,I before the magus tate Thursday in Brampton and were re mended for a week. THE VOTE ON THE TARIFF BILL The tote Oa the /114 out He Take. e. 46. ink Islss.nt. Wa.ul.oT•tt .lana 13 -The tariff bill was debated it. the House yesterday. • number of speaker* taking either aide of the question Discussing the Wilson bill. ltepr•ienta five Herman 1 Hep 1 said -" The farmer is especially antagonized by this bill. 1'he Wilson bill is entitled '.4 bill to reduce taxation. to provide revlftrasr.l for other purpose.' it should be entitled ' A bill to reduce the revenue and to destroy American Industry Ser. Brookshire asked of Sir Herman tr,nn what eonntriea the importation of farm products were likely to come. " From Scotland, Denmark and Sweden. but especially trptn Canada, • replied Mr Human. . Sir Brookshire said the atatistiea of the Agrirnitnnl Department showed that is 10191 the American farmers odd to Can adieus more farm produce than the Caa adian farmers sold to America, Dr Herman mud he had later statistics than those tooted by Mr. Brookshire which showed that the reverse was now true, and he stated *het lame year over 100,- (K) tons .1 hay were imported into this country, even though it had to pay a tariff tax of $4 • ton Mr Reed .Rep., Main.1 will close the tariff debate for the Republicans on the afteenoon of Saturday, Jan "7 win, Wilson (Item.. W. Pe.) the •'bMrmai of Om Way. end Means Committee, will per- form a similar a.rv1M (oar the 1Mmxratle majority. The vote on the bill will be taaet on Monday, the '29th instant. A RAILWAY CASUALTY. Mew Menet arv4 kw.l.. (1.0,.,. Bridge KIIII.K 11awlneer ..d Ilr.rnaa- 11ALITAx, N 4. .tan. 15 1 sad arra dent occurred on the t%'indrer.t Annapolis railway yesterday. While a sones plmgb with engine attached eras out clearing the roads, it f,ft the mils *bout five hundred feet west of Gibbons' bridge, between Middleton and Wilmot It ran on the sleepers until it got neatly arrwa lb• bridge, when it wont off the bridge, taking the engine and bridge with H E.agfn•er (1 Putney and Fireman Frank Smith were both killed The onions Beset the bottom with the lender standing nn end nearly nn top of the engine The engineer and lire man are j&mmed between then The bed ie. cannot be got ont .stil the tender is tales off. This Is the onset aiwid.nt ever known ow this roue. The Lgaeh4g V..etrse4 dela. VI recessing. 0., Jan 15 --1 remark able Quickie wsm.l.swwittesl mar here tie jay Jame ('recall, • well to do bachelor farmer. blew hie hod of with • shot inn after writing • Neer whieh =ski that re mom fir having helped M lynch young Parker, n owe boy thieved with moiler, t+bo�ight before, had dplvtn him to de the OFF I WE WANT ROOM. Our store space being too limited to carry over any Winter Ooodw, we've .1e041e41 to take 20 cents off every dollar's worth of 'Booth, Shoes, Rubbets and Overshoes ; otf 1411 (Ivertwats, ('lstg rs and I3ort' Sults ; i,N• every Mantle, !'cur (',at, Fur Cale'. 11'llr Set, Fur Cap and Cfoth l'np off all ('anadtan and imported Tweeds; off aia (trey and White BUIL. eta. On other special linen we will make still greater reductions. Our }rices harked on the Close Sailing (ash S }'ste, sock h discounts mean an a• tual hes tit uw, but even tliotigh we were not com- pelled to clear these Ijnes we would prefer doing so to allowing there to grow old on our hands. MONEY TALKS -Talks ctnt.4, too. Wo know of no such plead- er as a low price, anti we've tried to make its voice distinctly heasnl in every department of our store. Everyone nt•.'.1s something, their wants burin; IL i. Sale. Boots and Shoes. Remember e, wry .,ear of Book, otiose, �Gppaen, Lubbers sat lit etsh.a'a is inclu I ed m this tale. It is the greatest oppportnu Ity ever oPered at t:udrrt,h. A1.1. NEW t:1H)D'-, and 'tensible' people will atitieipwte I'.14ar rales. Roy's long Bouts . 9 1 50 61en'. " . 1 75 ' Felt itoou, Fount 2 00 " Buckle Rubber Boots 1 25 (.est quality. .. 1 50 !len s heavy spits l.,•a (loots . *l.n's heavy Kip Lao. Viola " Fine Shoes, Lep .M 4 iaiter 1 Mesa Fieei:ordova. sheen. I:.Tei.l gaiter ... . 3 Mess WiTerpreel * eeniens 1 " Snow Kadudsr Over - Mmes. beet .Inalit , 1 Mon'. Alaska Os enboes .. 1 Slackiww :Pea for Rubber hosts .. FA 34 Meo'. Ms.. k. paw Sex, Eke. • Lined Women's Split Lace Boole " I.love Grain Looe It t. Womru s :UMW trate Batt Sal 6O O 1 20 1 52 86 I'32 1Oft 0!, 1 75 1 19 1 50 100 25 2 12 50 1O7' 75 120 00 60 %% OA, u'. India Kul butt hoot■ 'Women's Fine Dongols flat Roots . . Women.' ft to Fine Doegela Butt Hoot. Women's Felt Bowe Ther shoes.. Women's Beet Vitality 1 Wee - shoes, Buttes or Lsoe Women's tins Oxford Ties, Hand Turn. 75 1 00 1 25 1 30 1 '5 2 26 3 1 2 2 50 25 00 26 62 68 98 92 148 239 60 Men's, Youths' and Boys' Overcoats. &c..- Every c. - Every 1..rineat of thio year's make.. Men's Tweed t w.reesta,��t�. ,,, V.-Ivet Collar. " S 3 19 Men s Black Worsted 'Ih"er- coaq, Velvet Collar 5 00 6 20 Mee's Heavy Tweed I.:eters, Storni i'ullar 9 90 98 Men's Dark Iron n Wide Wale itrerrnat, Vale* I'oiler, Fane I'rin.minp Mao's Fine Bale thtn•'h,lda, very best Trimming. Me.'. Imported Frtrze 1 !stare, hest make. Men's Pilot ('loth I'ea.)akers 1 oaths' •• 33, 34 and 35 cheat measure Youths' Tweed overcoats, Velvet Cellar, 33, 34, and 35 chest measure 4 75 3 00 Youths' .411 Wool Tweed Overcoats, 33, 34, and 35 chest moisture 600 3 !;a Boys" pilot Cloth lik Jackets, 4 to 10 years.. 300 1 75 Boys' t ape Overcoats' . .. 3 25 2 24 Blue Serge Suits, 4 to 12 years .. . .... 250 179 Boys' Teeed Suits all sues.. 3 00 2 16 375 268 12 00 792 • 16 00 940 16.110" 1111 6 00 3'fiiS 5 00 3 19 Ladies' Furs and Mantles. A11 the Season's (:ods. Ladies' Black Astrachan Fur Coate . 235 00 1122 •SO Ladies' Black French Hare Cape 24 inches long 900 6 52 India' Black French Hare Storms Collar and Sluff.. 4 75 Lydia Natural opponent storm Collar and Muff . 900 ladies' I:reenland Seal Sturm Collar and Met. 9 50 Child's 35 inch White '.Pont Roam 36 19 Child's 48 Toch White Wool ploy rA 29 Ladies' Tailor made Mantles Ripple Collar . 6 00 3 40 Ladies' Brow& Fancy Boucle ( lot 1, Moltke, hearer Fur 1'oiler 12 00 Dress Goias and Mantle Ressler Sale value. price. All lVon,i !i16 F;in.sh Freerh lit nitwits, li yds. wide $ 50 + %. Frncv 'tweed Dress (:nods, 1; yds. wide . . ... 45 d. All Wool Rlack Hopsack Drees Goals_ 75 is All Wool Navy hopsack Drees (:oo.1. .. • 90 e,2 Newt' double width Brier Mantle ('loth . 1 45 t•, Heavy double width %%i .1e ‘'.ale Srrgr 1 45 ri Ladies' and Children's Un- derwear. 20 different lines to choose from. Heavy Ribbed Vat. a 50 $ 39 Fine Moron ,• 50 -3* fare Australian West gib. bed 1 este, Silk Transmit 3 oO 37 F:atta Heavy Scotch Nstmrd IVool Ribbed Veath..,, ' 1116 56 Feta Long Nat used Weed; Fine vitality 1 25 73 Heavy Ribber! Drawersarra 80 341 Fine Scotch Wool Drawers.. 1 (A ti(► Flannelette Drawers Trio= mal with Kdttiog ... 65 47 ('lan.e.ette Dormer. Trim- med with Embroidery 75 49 llannelttte Night Itresees 90 69 Tnu:naed with Fni,bre,n.l ery 150 IB t'hildrro's' Cure AustralianWool \'aU 25 1,6 Heavy all Wool Rik, Stuck ings, Ladies' sizes . 25 14 Extra Heavy Ribbed Stock- ing, pure Scotch Wool. 50 3.5 -l%ildren's acres i0 this lee, similar re- dictloe. Men's Fur and Cloth Caps. F.t,erytbits( Boa. Slc.'s ' Australian hearer Bend Fur talc, Seal Top 9 700 Mena Mack Persian Iamb (app 7q Men's Black Passim Lys! 4 cap. -' 6 • Nee aNutria Navitg Cawa4to' o Hwvy Heaver Caps, with haat . . 79 Mew'. Mack Astrachan 4'ape 45 $ .4 50 4 50 3 50 2 50 29 Men's and Boys' Underwear. 25 different liners to select from. hens H.ltly Ribbed Shirts and Drawer ..9 35 Men's lure Wool shista Sad rawer arra 75 Men's Fine Scotch Natural Wee1 libirts Sad Draw - .Kt Men's Etta Fine Anievalia Wool Striped Shirts and Drawers Boys' Heavy Ribbed Shirts. Natural Wool Ribbed Shirts.. . Men'. Heavy Top Shirts ... . 1 00 126 23 30 50 1 00 Men's Gloves and Mitts. 19 42 62 75 15 19 39 76 Every liar lees than wholesale prion. Men's Lined Kid (;lore, 3 75 $ 49 100 69 1 26 75 a'' Doeskin (:loves 2 A0 (Storey's Make i 1 50 98 *re's Lured Germ Reck 5 75 akin (Storey'. Makes 2 75 1 75 Met's Homemade 11001 S 7.5 Mitt.. 30 19 Men's ell Wool Sox ... , 17 10 7 16 Cloths. All it'inter weights must go regardlsa ef cost. %eels width Slelton Drees floods.. . ...4 Double veldt Serge 1►r... Goods. arra 12; $ 7} 26 17 Tweeds, (lac. Maw this list along and ere 0 we doe t do u we advertise. Heavy Union Tweed. $ All Wool Halifax Tweed . Heavy .11 Wool Canadian Tweed. . Extra Heavy all WoolCasa- diaa Tweed.. . Unite grey Flawel, 1'laia or Twill All Wool Grey Flannel, Plain or Twill ... . AB Wool Factory Flare! Blankets d 1:nu Rap (spans 1 gross F4aad)•• 35 23i iso 2�i 50 32 f .5 40 20 124 30 2 75 2 75 15 19 200 198 We've been able to quote. only a few lines from each department, het if the prier. interest you t'rnne and see the goods. and .Ion't buy unless they .nit you Everything is in plain 'iglu., ICASV 4m,Vvitt. Gas� wluare, nn.I alar.': c board