The Signal, 1894-1-18, Page 3TUE SIGNAL: GOI)ERWUH. osT, TIMRSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1894.
meal tee
@uneaten Vaalor. liedsfer�tiag,saa handnai
ars. • as deals1• woad. Sal Node.
sod by AU 44........d erygt•s .
. w. tU anus! nerery hoe oa'es
The lash Sender lad s Sas Relief Is
Maw e•sksa
incidents arising uut of Charles Stewart
Parnell'. belief iu lucky nal ealucky a um-
bers are endless, writes Tim Healy. Wbia
the 1\IlmainbaDn treaty was In preparation,
and the late W. E. Foster's throne in Dub-
lin (aatle was being sapped by his pr:.oser
frum the fail hard by, Mr. i'arnell skilfully
hit on the des of availing of the introduc
Lion oras •mending WO bill 1,4 which the
Irish party had wort • Workaday for a
wooed readier debate as the public bane of
his arreageseent with Mr. 4 iladatooe The
bill was afterward moved by Jobs, Bedewed
in April. 1832,ead one gt the clauses Mame
the t:ovrnu.ent Arrears Alt of. that year.
To frame such a measui• in prises, level
help, of oeurse, was nccr.ary, and Mr. Per
Parnell asked llsame Healy to visit the
proem and discuss the matter, which he did
for several days.
Ewe at so early • date after the mirage
of the Land Act of lAHI that enactor -mot hal
been riddled by a be Judges is provisions v rte l
to tensa' interests Then woe. therefore, a
great outcry tor atrlendmenta an.l various
prowled" were discussed an turu in proem.
Oa suggestion, however, w) Ich my brother
ioa& s,r. Parnell
141611,414.14 IN: .tat, r1.
He me premed again and agwiu as to Its
necessity, bet into the hall he would not
allow it to go. The enemies od the sll.sed
aviaries jacqutr.e m Ireland little supposed
that at its head was a moderate and almost
eeo'err&tive leader, •verse, except when
driven t0 it by the "stoker*--ref--tbe move-
ment, to lend ha approval to extreme de -
made. luded, later eon, ea hie power ia-
cres..d, he grew still mitts moderate, so
that Mr. Biggar once said of him, musingly:
'•1 wonder what is Mr. Parnell's real
polities'" At all events at Easter 1t3f2,
Mr. Parnell. having obtained a fortnight's
release on parole, hal effected an tinder
standing with Nr l'hamberlain, who nags
acting fur the anti -Foster sectio( in the
Cabinet, and he *as extremely anxious for
some compronai.e. He was therefore mo-
wilbag that the proposed land bill should
be weighted with
es t.'' I.rr tent-■ 1'at.t Lerner,
the measure tock shape witlicut the
which thio young a.ltser recom-
mended. After some days • Jrwtt was tot
seedy to la mot across to Westminster.
where it wu urgently re'Imre1, as the bill
load to brpanted and distributed for the
followinv Wednesday. When &l was ::om-
pletatl a lair copy was taken up to the
!ouches should
Anson lett any tical revising uo.h
be regnired before bring posted. Clause by
clause the great prisoner went doer lits bill
until at last the fine' page was reached.
Then he tursad over his leaves again and
counted the clauses. Suddenly, having
.ompieted his reckoning. he threw Hsi-
11.'manuscript no the table as if he had tees
dung. "Why," rad be, "flits will sever
do "
'•1Vbat u the matter'" said the s.ohcitor
to alarm.
"T11&fta tkL THIgtkLV it Aa'rh.,'
stud Mr. Parnell : "we can't have that -tees
chow.•' "fiat s then ,nythmg out of
order is that •" asked the other. wondering
whether some point 01 parliamentary prac.
tice could 1w involved. '•N0." said Nr.
Parnell sternly, "but what hall with thirteen
clauses could have any chance' It. would
he horribly unlucky." This wanartaggerer
for the draughtsman' Not ever an the
treaty with Mr. 4hamherlain and the pro
mise of favorable cesideration of the bill by
the cahnet could auditor the wary pr'
to risk • defiance of his boy boo..'a.te•ehiegs
Hie &Muted advisor then asked what was to
be done could any clause be omitted • It
was late in the afternoon, poet hour ap.
'preached. and another dsq s delay might
prevent the draft teaching the Queen's
printer in i,eviden t• notorious sloths is
tilts for distribution to members before the
sealed reading. The humor of obs situation
did sot at all strike the Iegnl mind at this
crinis !
'-' . A i. hlcat•Tenv
11 aOawaseweMd ma irism wile• issued
Ones Reedy .1 Leiter.
A New England farmer, who is lute-
r-eeled in the subject and has inspected tel a
large uuwber of barn, in averts' states,
oftjS1)N was made, but only to disclose
that M'wild not well be 'horn of a clause
Whitioillield be bit upon' There in b.
sad anxiety stood Mamma
in herMajesty's prime of
Kilo s+ eying loch other is despair In
the . . oell as the mina's. to peat -
hour •wa. At last a gleam embed
Trow Parnell s eyes, half uwnical, half
tridtatilkmtl. "1 have it, said he. "Add
t Ilse .lasses of yours ai"d' fiat 'thiol get ns
out of the difficulty 1" It wean inspiration
and an it wa. dose. It may be added that
the classes, though not them adopted by the
Ministry, have Moe ben embodied in the
Tory load Act .1 1857.
Luka a vein is rearble, a mystic stream
seemed to tasted its way through Mr Par -
dies mind. In photographic phrase the
"exporter's" sere short, yet obey yielded to
the metal Mita a clear and permanent im-
pression, matresting sharply with the gran
ite beckg rued et will which gave the domi
pant toss to his ebsraeter.
DIAa,HA11 (1p M4SQ3 B.ttoo
gives the benefit of his observations and
experience to others through the col-
nwns of The Fano Journal. He says:
In most instantws I have been pkasrd
to note a growing detucpal fur conven-
iences and .pace that will home* larger
proportion of "tuck or crop totheh.puure
vard of rout surfers, than has been done
by the shelters raised by our forefathers.
The determination is also nuinftt ret to
protect the manure heaps as well as
Hueck and implements. After giving
much thought to the subject 1 have
drawn a plan of home features which the
modern model should contain, with
greater or le ssi modifications. It dues
not embrace everything, and yet for
dairying aul stock feeding its train
features are invaluable. as it env re time
and labor wttb,nt toeing more expensive
than it It were built after the old time
Nothing is raid iu relation as to how
the Mottle* efts to be divided. Thi* is a
subject which each man mast decile for
hi,neelf, according to the .tock, (3ope
and local conditions,. It will be found
mortally most satisfactory to keep the
nurses and cow or sheep stalls iu long
rows on the first flax. and clear the sta-
bles after the stock utas been turned out
by opening traplu ors into the pit below.
A very snecesitul tanner whom 1 visited
in Dutcheee county, N. Y., has the ma -
pure hauled out and spread every day in
the year, el(•'ptillq when overdriven
during harvest. During this time the
Manure is left in the pit and gut out fur
top, stretuting mowiuos directly after the
rn+h. Where the splendid economy of
daily drawing is practicable it is possi-
ble to eettstrntt ct.utes or troughs joie
beneath the tr•pd".•ni which will hold
from one tfi ten loads, accosting to the
auiolll,t of stuck kept, and which can be
mate to discharge their contents into a
wagon atter it hail lacked under them.
A successf,tl way of making such a
tr.ngh is to n -r two inch plank to cover
a frame made V shape out of t wo by fnnr
inch scantling, one hide of the V to he
hinged at the top and choely held against
its mate at the bAttomm by a heavy holt
at either end which may be withdrawn
st the same instant by the use of a lever.
Thteeo troughs should extend to within a
few inches of the top of the wagon box,
so that their eonteuts will not need to
plunge too heavily into the tarts or
lfy model may be termed a gravity
barn. !.`came the natural law is taken
advantage of in handling all fodder, in-
cluding ensilage and other heavy sub-
stances. no lifting our high pitching be-
ing required. It is erected in a sidehill,
from the bighted point of which wagons
loaded are driven into the peak at the
gable trod. Where a plank incline t. re -
Mew t. Make 11 sad Mew to Cease.* tilt,
A Y.tate Model.
Rural New Yorker streams Wapteated
description of a potato sorter s0 Simple
that may tete who can use a hammer and
saw u ght to Ln able to make our. The
frame is tit 2 by 4 stuff bdlt.d together.
The sorter itself is made slightly ronnd-
iug, with narrow boards at the sides W
prevent tie pmatueer roiling off. The
foundation u of narrow wooden stripe
fa teuat with the .elgeet upward. perhaps
a temple of inches( apart. The row of the
potato»et wlie•h it is desired to remove
timet determine this dietautw, se well se
that of the transverse strips.
The w' fuoudation stripe mast Iaesmooth
and straight. Across' thew at regular
'lot:trees rare f.t.•t'ned narrow at rip.e of
leather nailed at eat•h intereectien. One
of the difficulties to be overcome to this,
connection was to cover np these nail
head..w htch, uncovered. would bruise the
potatoes. This Wail accomplished by fas-
tening narrow stritw of canvas on top of
the wooden strips after the leathers were
nailed in plater. The converging boards
are f..r the purpose of reducing the stream
isitatises to the axe of a Ia:.ket plated
beneath to receive them. Ora bug may
be 1 g here, awl thee. the potatoes be
sacked att ewe operation.
The patatees are poured in at the up -
p r end and roll down over the sorter.
The wore nearly round the meanies, the
he -to r is the work done. The sorter it
w rrraugel that the degree of slant may
be iva•n-a.-nal or decreased. The greater
the shut, the more rapidly will the vo-
latiles roll down, and the smaller the
star of those which will fall throngh.
The slant will also nerd to be greater foe
Ret ma over est A s, Mears.
llrideernnm i*1 the sad of the welding)
Well, 1 am glad it is all over.
Marked Friend Ali over • erred Scott,
m• a, yaw have only just og'sss■eed.
MglrsKs et reoret aalrm.
H s P.etaral Relearn aures mugl,e.
colds, besnsweso, brooch itu„mist hew, whoop
Mg 'meth, and all bronchial and lung
trewble . Pries 25e. per battle, nr five
for 111.00. 2w
• Q■eestssl,
Timmy - iso yeti ever ride ss, the horse
car whitest saying '-
Kr. Ile. Why •
'Well, 1 heard mamma say sbe wished
yen had emote (•••eh to gin hoete.
Swell be • cow.
A deo eels beletlgteg to Pilar li.e1■ay, el
Khan, Oita., wee badly hooked by • o.w.
Toe basis el Ragtard'e Yellow (111 geared
b•..1T j1 wt tikeste, webs. 4teM+ bank
all pr e■d ashes In mea er bosh flu
aHe•Wl l(1 MITA, FLOORS, IIIA*, ■T('.
gnire'i. an extra heavy thither frame
should first be erected and thee well
pleated- TRU -Pardee al the edifice
should be mane as short ss possible by
filling in the approach. An extreme rasa
le shown in the .ocon.1 tent, fnelnding
the heavy frame required for snrh a
length of incline and pdatfortat.
Dim tly beneath the drive Sow the
thrashing floor ie located, and Etta may
be filled fall to the drive Boor if dadrtd
throngh trap dons°, removable.eetu,m
in the drive Buhr. No ~silage carriers,
bay forks nor machinery nor time for
driving them will ever be required ilk,
Froth a learn. The stock enters the first
(Imo from a level, and the manure is
drawn ont through a large door on the
lower hillside. On this side also mowers
and other machinery and farm rolling
stock are run in out of the weather. The
pests of this barn ere 18 by 20. and the
roof is it gnerter pitch.
In the first cut is represented at A,
platform and door: U. thrashing door:
O. dung pit; I), cowmen. rhea -p; k wagons
and machines; F, underground Crenda-
ttn; H, silos. In the exceed cut is shown
at A, platform and floor; B. thrashing
Snot: R, nndergrobad fonadatko a; H,
deer. 1, drive; L. supporta.
ReeIpe For Raw.age Meat.
For !t) meat - One polled salt,
• quarter pound pepper, a quarter posted
eaventle, 1 onaose each of ten and
thyme. Pack the west is es-
hlosched waRalts bags, hesia is a cold
place. wad it will kelp OS warm weatb ere
the rssp..enl M tirresee liteeotmt Mitt.
'000 111111110001011 is 4111l.r Nash..
Loam,•*. Tamr '-1heottie• @■.stir aV. tT
berate. of 411* 1'imee advising toe has ref
Eitgtaul to increase Itr di.,s,ni:t binaarree
w hirl' it srrtlre•fy contracted Suring the
pr asst The usual meeting of. W}
1i.e.uut houses and balite will itr.
w1 Thursday west, at which will Tw 4la-
chewed th'„ ., arse of action to be taken (■
the recut u: the I:ank of l:ugland adapt-
• oil( tho force navies*. it is oel.rstwd
increase that the of the ,it.t-ottut Manama
is eared np.ou by pJ'■ .i reel .re of the
Rank of I.oglsud: 1bIs other banks will
witL.lnw their rapport wl..a the hank of
I:.,gland's rimers% will be d.i,leted by l;old
ells/rat It ie wet expected there will
he any alteration be, Ater it •4,4411.1 .enlist
with the preseete aRPe .'met.ta will o1ber
f hank*. 1 h• tatnkil"4u hot (astir t 14801of E.grsmnl Saloon played ou tits ss, e ata-
tn. with themselves. se 1t ,s regarded that
their prestige would. tre 1.-we1wL_,,y yiee'
, -
✓ eivel at els .task ric..atitfu et, to the
SiT j tbat the .tn,:,geet aa. listignit red-
rew{ pouts ar.aos;in; in tee l" teed States
was completed 1111. motile.; The con -
roe sus of opinion at the at•.•k eielisnge is
that the dinettes of tat .1t.'i.1.on, Topeke
• and `lint* Fe ltalwsy a tea ,ane dace not
settled.ntx44n a wheel,- 1• r . ,e reor,anlxa
of that home tut-, and that they are wait
l iu,( to feel the result of the •barebulders'
p T,'TT,w)RTI A!(DsH„Yet.noff RAeoteto.
p.otitt'»•a of irregular chane. The short
Mike shown suspended at the std.' is fire
or six feet long. hong by the middle lc
one side of the frame by a rope.
If the sorter clogs. a few sharp rape
given to the underside by pressing down
opou the_ osier end of this stick will
clear • it quickly and cattily. Potatoes
are pretty effectually cleaned of sober
$ugenrth by is•ing rolled down this in-
cline. ♦ pir.•eptacle rutty be pieced un-
derneath to Batch the mall obeli. or they
may be allowed to drop on the -ground
a. desired:
The shovel shown -is a most excellent
tool for handling potatoes. The edger
and corners are, two coawtrnc•trl as to pro. West Indians under comutand of Col.
rent cutting, if properly handled, and Ellie, against the sofas, in Ibe (iiatriet
around %tnrina. h0.-' the fight between
the British and breach `forces took place.
The writer
(f tht article e
raid M
is tuystiti.d ea to the object of the
present British expedition- against the
Sofas. We have published already the
rum''r that the- Sofas six mouths age'
begged that 1 safe trade mute to Freetown
be granted theta 'l'berenprin it is said
they *Tete urder.d peremptorily to cross
the Niger into the .French 'sphere of iu
Mimeo. In caws they did _.rut "ley -Obey
were M. be driven cut by ttlflitary
\ elder*. its, tttrrfat(.t. A..igitted.
ltat-awal., Jan. .9. -Toe teal of .lean
Vedder', the leader lit the S..cialut }'arty,
ou the charge of - venting a article
that was publish`l in the People on 1)e
cemler 17, took plats here yesterday end
resulted in his ecquittt Al. The article in
question was on the attempt of Shiflett( to
blow up the French (heather of lapatiew
and declared that anarchy arises trola the
condition ,.f exi9ting society. The toot+l.•,
it said. ought to use any mesh* Whatsoever
to eompase the end of the nein-ions r.•gitne
of the bourgeoise capitalist.. When the
@nolo tmeht. were read Voider" repudiated
the w••erti,n that he held 'Anarchist
up.iuiun•, but sa.d that he was a partisan
engaged in • lawful propaganda
The igtcrprelatton cif_4h IIIRler,*t.S to
the 11.,.,a sae,eram1t.
--lumen J.11 a - lis reply to a quietus
*eked in the House of Conn::nuns yesterday
by Mr. lienrr Lwlwucheree. ole Sydney
Ruxteiti, Parliamentary :secretary of the
Colonial Oahe, mot that b& hal road the
speech of Mr.' Peril Rhodes. Prime Rainer
of tape Colony,.*t a banquet at l'apetown,
and took it to mean that .lr. Rhodes would
restat unre*e,wlnble comfit lope in regard to
the Matsbele-. He atdorl that he did not
know If the report of the speech was ac•
carate. The charges for the cunqueet of
Matabeleland. Mr. ljuxt'n further Mkt'
could be discussed w hen the esttb1atee
came up.
M1 Lebow -here ask r l V r. Buxton
whether he howl fleets the-teteNawat to Mr.
•Rbodes speech to the eff.-'.t titat he did not
wish the British tetp..).r. to pay any tart
of the 'espeneea .4 the chw:up:st,;n, and
'whether the (iorernur lit would fulfil Yr.
Rhine* wish. This question pruvokkd the
House to 1sitght_er.
Mr. Buxton replied -flat be Eli- em -
knowledge et this particular statement at-
4tribnt:'d to Mr. Rhodes. _
Replying to a (neation for Information
regarlin,t the \Varna affair, wgk.1 for by
Mr. Beach, Mr. Buxton said that the
l'ulohind t Mice had hu iuformstion beyond
the conteinol 1u the pub:n.i,.-d telegram
of the Irmo -naw of -`sierra !.cone He lw- everywhere.
iafurmatioti. ,, ,
li*Trd that tt'altnea tris 1u 1" English Womeu are the active partners of home
sober', but the Government was awaiting •ad the .dent partuea■ of the other.
Every married stun, sad every brother of
The British sad the Sofas. • nurried sister, and every fellow -wit gas.
Lustros. Jan. 9 -Copies of the Weekly with some other fellow's sister, ought to
News, putJtsbe•o1 iu Fre•` risers. capital od kpOe that woman has an 'unwires over else
Sierra Leone, have been retrivad.10 the man ahich ho has never nwawded !e -
last mood trout too Wcat j. can comet aux he bas never been permitted to meas.
The edithuu of December if contains • long rare it.
article eonernuna toe expwlitiou of --the 11.1°,1".", .he plays the hill., the woman
site os the throttle valve of the lame sod
business engine ; she trju les It:e steam at
the house anal at the other. Tits man may
1'..cy11T•i, of Towanda, Pa.,
whose constitution wart completely
broken down, ie cur d by Aye:'s
c traaporilkt. He smites:
!rot rheht "s'tol'e 1•w•t+, an..<t or :1.e
t ..-, • ;;r, at :.aft. neer :rum cowstlpe-
tiaeo kldory trouble, a;,1 ltollgen.
i:o:y an 111.-1. 1::y • •nstituth,s Merin- .1
I , he r.Nnnletel; broke -ti dot n. I woe
i •'.need to try Ayer's ltarwaparilla, alio_
1 -. n••srly u'v.••t t.:rttle.4 oath su.-h
excellent .re lilts t'at my stomach,
1.,;,,.:t, and kidneys opo in too -yore eon.
el r•or, awl, In s,:1 111...r fnuctions, as
resptar as clock -work. At the time
I berme t1kin't .1yer'a Kor*eetarills, my
Wei:flit was rr.ty rr"rn•wa.lsr 1 now run
I.Mg of.1a0 !monde, rad w:•'4 fiever in eo
road heolth. ?: you tuui,4, . bro.1're neat offer reins•, rot A,i ant
nen Inc a travidisg Moate
1 l,.,lievr Mile pr-petntitM am -J4*
1'. h the host in t1.e riarkalt lr
Ayer's Sarsa
PI-. , r i by Dr. J. C. Ayer t t)9'' Lowell, Mass
Cures othors,willGum 1*1
Ladies' FurCoats
tr.:1.'oo for $ Olt s;
29.00' " 2.1.00
Astrachan Clnrls
$500 for $4.00
4.50 " 3-7,0
11.2. " 2.50
2.50 " I '1O
Cloth lilantlea
$10.00.. for $ 7.15
1.50 '• 6.35
7.50 5 62
660 " - 495
6.00. ` :1 60
" as:.
00 " 2.90
Cloth 1/bindings
$2.25 for $1.75
1.75 " 1.25
1.50 " 1.10. ,
25 "
• -
Note these Sweep-
ing Reductions.
Our whole Stock
of these Goods must
go, regardless of
The Greatest Bar-
gains ever offered
B 01. HTh:R
i, lipat„rrc ,n►ran. f`a't anis See us,_- libel' girti(ioda
.w1.Oltis*Ie prices,
A -big stock of New l'urpe'ts, til Cloths, Linoleutns,
Tee anti t''ht•nillt C'llrtain+, Rugs and Mato. _ -
Highest market prier paid for Butter mu'. Eggs.
- 5'; discount Lir Oiah on close. cot regular prem'*.
«'A tirst class /tress* anal \tenth. lalnker up -',loin.
She mead. EveryillMaa. ae.erlr Adveeere
tag tom=es'
A woman who does not reed al•erti•e•
menta would not be • woman, coarct
.11 women read advertisements.
Women are the buyers of every'thi4g
the open bottom allows dirt to fall
throngh. 1t is capacious, but light and
easily handled. '
.tieseraseat emir Report.
The statistical returns of the (liquid
ment 01 aoricglture for the month ul
Uecenito••r arc principally devoted to the
indient lens of the average of the pricer
of the products of the farms at the paintt
of production sok In the seared local
As thus indicated the vrime M corn la 1: cent,
leer bushel, •:. tiled is'!.t rent" lower than tow
torte.pnn•tln.^ prier er tat year, whisk tea,
814, oat- per Inagbel. s figure which (-arrogant&
warty with thesis erarre farm pater of corn for
the det-ade Ira. to I'W. inclusive, winch was as.:
erns and 1. al cent. lower than the avrreg.
for the three loans 14111 to 115:1
Wheal Tl,e acerae, price of wheat
cent.. per bis -tel. The neat lowest once in, the
ea years from IKu In feet int [wove. was 44o1
cents in 11e4. The average f..r the Il' ,.an Ile
to 1154 was Pa; cents, while for the throe year.
1161 to 161 It was 74.1. The decline 1nom the
average of the last three preceding years, in
two ta( which, licit and 1)41:. occurred the larg-
est yleld• la the history of the country, is
cents. or r per cent.
Rye The returns make the general prime
per bu.Lel of rye '4.14 tents, which is3ceuu
lower than that of last year and .'1.2 cent* low-
er than the ....rage during the last decade.
Oats The &s erase farm pike of nate, ai. re-
turned for ltrember, IoM, b 943 rent. pct
besbel, w Ith-h i. 2.8 ecus* lower than last Teat
sod 1.4 rents less than the average price during'
the past decade.
Harley The average farm price of barley, as
returned, is toe lowest en record. The price it
reported at Mta cents, as against 4:.2 tient• •
year ago. 14 rents in feel, 114.1 cent* lis lab and
41: rants In lee.
Buckwheat -Unlike the ether cereals, the
farm pri'-e of buckwheat per bushel M 112
highest since Ic'e the average prate of hark.
wheat per bushel 4. the highest More 1114. The
average price is le erne* per buebei, an Maine.
111 ant* lest year. ILO cents In 1681. 3:.1 matt•
in 1150 and 51.e rents In 1s,9.
Hay The t)seember return* show that the
average price of hay (e 66.18 per ten. which h
the highest during the lad decade. sweep b
PM, *hen It rise to Mew. Tit* average mime
In PM wa. glt.e.
Potatoes - l'otatnm• ea the farm on Der. 1
were riling at an evrsee ;Woe of M. rent* pet
bushel.: •-.le aid • Practical les* than at the
ram* time lad year. The lower prone ts pS-
Melly warranted by the difference In yield
between the two years_
WIr.trr Wheat- The needltInn of whom
wheat on the 144 day et IMeeember •verseed
WC against "7.4 haat year. la the middle sed
.outkern stamen range. fmm 75 to M. 1n ahs
principal winter wheat *nitre the ron,tltle• k
as r.dlnww: Michigan. MF, Ohio, Id; Imitates, le
Illinni*, eek Mioeoart, fe: Kansas, rte, California
Winter Rye- TUN mndition of winter rya.,
\exported. r MA .Railed N.s lad yew.
Agrlealtsrwt News said Nate.
ft is said that the soil and climate of
Colorado are so well welted to the onion
that teore money can be made from s
crop of maims. than from any other veg-
etable crap.
The retnrne of the farm omens Mow
that three-fourths of all the (amus in the
butted States are free from all hemm-
A 111•.tewary mad Ni. Wife Dead.
LONDON. Jan. 9.-A telegram (rent V
gos capital of the colony of that *tune in
Kest Africa received at the Church Mis
Conary Hnnee in this city announces the
death of the %et Rev. Joseph eidney Hill,
bishop of the Nigor region, and hit grit..
The despatch gives no detail. ab •dt the
Another of Thar.' Marriages.
Lennox, Jan 9 --The Times announces
that a manage has been arranged be-
tween Mies Virginia Bonyng'e. daughter of
Owe. W Itouynge, .1 California and Lon
Oen and VI*rint 1►errhurst, son of ,ho
ar1 of Coventry The viscount is :b
years old.
not know that she dor., but she ,lues. The
woman buys, or she directs the bnyieg of,
everything Iran shoes to sbieglea.
The better the wits. the u:ored'roetty she
is interested on her hnsbead's shins, babese
and other things It • new collar, or a new
c to
*Vont, or
new necktie becomes the st
ten to one the won,an wltl know it al...ut a
week 1 efore the mail has brad anything 91
it. 1f a woman dnesu't like t neaang
ivality of • nun's gntlet-aear, *he w liable
ro hunt up • biter pace where better un Protect ye -ret fr•-.t :it:.l :Ut uh!
derwcar can be bought. chninq Four t' oat, '•;ir (nal,
The woman clothe■ the children, and 1a •
consequently thrown into 'elision, aith
every store where things for u.en and buys
ate sold.
The average wo,nan can buy abetter
tkliegs, from rime stnag. to ulster oveianate,
for less money tl•an the avenge man biey
ft r more money.
The woman koows whether trouser
will weer letter than the mar inside of it.
Si.e knows whether, the suit fir that husband
of hen, and whether that hat hooks well on
his heal. .he is mote aetioyod by the
squeak of hs boot then he is himself.
If the advertiser's ana.nntement meat
cater wholly to one sex at the •merabor of
the other, tt better cater to a. men tette:
reach beth mess and women.
Talk about woman • rights - it soma be
len years before there will be need of a
em,c'ety for the prevent -toe of crueltytomen.
Women are ahead nowadays. They don't
know it ; at Mast put of thein dost, sod
the men dost kuow it either.
Wonao is the power behind the man,
greater than the nae himself, and its s
mighty lucky thong for progressive cavil,,-•
tion that the band treat rocks the cradle has
got • head in about every kine' of rocking.
Man is • busy being ; he thinks he a,
whether he is or not. He is nervous and
hasn't time for this and that ; doesn't know
Or111.k Rork tat.
inguen. Jan. 9 --The British beta
Canteen. a( (llaegtw, wheat laden. was
wreckted during a gale yesterday on the
troche/ tear Rallyeotm. The crew. ,neta&
Ing 11.e eattain, went drowned. (Oast
wimps mind four by rocket line.
Illarillairad sad w.sme4 n. * Teale.
Pratte, Jan. 9 A man whose name Tao
not been ascertained was robbed and mor
dead on a railway train between Relcigny
aid lit. t lotharrt on Sunday. The body
was thrown (nom the train sod the unr
donee roeaped.
Th. ?rod& Illotilleev.
Paan, Jan 9 --The moderate mews
papers agree that the result of Monday's
Senatorial Ominous is a freeh .necsee tor
the Republicans and a admit to the 1'..
servatives and S.,eIaIIda
Great Carpet D 'lir bol eek
of the County., mom ,0400
t. De5naee of the screws.
Jacenoevtu.R FM , Jan. 9. -Tho Duval
Athletic Club yesterday thew down the
gauntlet t. (los. Mlt•bell and the state
it is r•pnrtr.d that In tat alw•ep eshibdl authorities 1t sed. a statement &n
at the Chicago fair Lawson took a 1.451 mama* Ural It prop'f■ed to bring abont
of in prime. .Ramat M her tis trailed . thispOse fight between Corbett and Mit
cYW despite IM opposition of the (iov
pltataStatenyields of enrn 014.1 attyver www obtained la
s K
of tis nae of M'L,rfda The rinh people
only •.nbnary enitivation was say they Mee the law on their sick. and
given than who re the corn woe e1thet sow tion. Mitchell is seting i0 • tyrannical
freq.entty cultivated er where it was and extra jbdetial s■sat
e.r, and that t
seltivafarp el
lbs llsol se 01 'arise aght will take place Reda the eoatraet es
germ by. I signed.
(At the Pennsylvania Kathie larger nom• std obs opfnfnti n( Attorney-(Irr.r,rak
l a *r that tat h ht wneld he a vtolalMo
bow to keep up his wardrobe and hie oilier,
hts office looks like the cluttered cellar in a
repsirwble house. Half the time he doesn't
know that hie of& • carpet i. shabby_ The
oheac s are tint it will take his wife or a
sail to tell him that the bottom of his boots
are through. The fact it that the average
man doesn't know about those thing. which FOR LADIES
la nil i 1 '1 con .1„ tl,i.
• V est w w ■ Is .0 ■ w r/r •
Gunn Shoes,
Mackinaw Sox, &c.
1.1 t•ur.
Warranted FIRSTS. No SECONDS, or okl HelnI, rpt, Moth-eaten
goalla,but the beat quality at price* charge(! P1ivwttcre Tor au inferior
Abort- twenty different lines to choose frorn. I:.:,ntii'ul ga'oda.
Very damp: -
he thi*k• he knows shoat.
Women read the advertises -rents. So,
much do 1 believe that they do,that 1 tamest
believe it would pay to write as dr -eater
meat relnewtins the wamei to suggest the
cigars for her bs bnod -the hothead, of
crone, to pick than ort. The woman
doesn't smoke, het she knows the flavor of
the cigar the fellow aloeptds of her is
smoking, better than he does, because if he
knew it ae well as she, he wouldn't emnks
the cigar he does.
Th. esu s in want of office furniture He
doesn't know whether he wants s Jones
desk or • Brawn dealt Hb wife very likely
h.s onegoaterl to him that 11. ought to have
a new desk. if she is any kited of a woman,
oat is interested .a dash adcertesement..
Ohs reads toe /ash advsrtesemsot*aadseeds
for desk catalogues, or tells b m to, sad is
reality does the .skatiwg for ibe mon, .1 -
though the man teisks he is Iris/ Cls wboM
of it.
Women M the pi rel which turas trade.
Very likely the reader will my that these
.t•tewseb are mitres ; that his wife doesn't
take any interest in his Waimea : that she
doesn't ears whether be iM apse a ousbksn-
.d *hair or a so oh•ir. He simply bs.n't
the kited of wife he oogbl to have started in
with. Yr. Fowler i. ter'. Ink.
nsrmesty C.ewd.
-i‚ I have bees greatly troubled with
headache and b04 blued for len or twelve
users. i stetted to Mk. Iturdnrk Blood
Mitten is July, MK er.I now o.Iannary,
19931, 1 aril perfeetly eared If , N 11101111.
Ew Norwood, tMt.
Blcy-oles -
PNEIIi[ATIO TIRES, ' • ....... from 1150.00 up
OIJR (YIM1' TITOHA A1tK start.1 Not 1N IS VOIR QCAWfY OR P111' F.
ee 20.00
GOSHEN CARPET SWBBrPEu `ka ae't 1i'pit`1l'E.9 ltMORRT.
LAWN MOWERS. This year* paters le perfection.
• per lire :• complete.
The Fnest Quality of Christmas
Fruits, Nuts and Confectionery.