HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-1-18, Page 1"THE SIGNAL"
FOR 01.00
11 Ain •stlft.
VOL. XLVi. 2448
Live item• ham Everywhere.
1 be Latest Wre.rd .rine •clap etlbe Week
arerntly Presented Wrier Wen -
ilea of Waal Warier. .f
t:eeat /Mpeelasee.
Tits Imp.rta.I Rimer. lea Few Word.
ter Ka.) header,.
A Igen of hockey players from \l noun
peg basks will visit t ►ntario.
The 1h. ton Parlieuuent has been pro
roved pre, forma until February tet
Mr Samuel Hughte, 11.1'., was fined $15
et Lindsay Yt day for assaulting Reeve
Sit perste* were drowned M B•llintore,
M•(. Fn.lay, by the upeettiue..j:l • small
ferry bort.
Ilan. John flearn, of Quebec, M ill. and
his monition is caulking hts physician
roach alarm.
The Peteriurial l,egist tan ut tkitat/io
will meet 'or the despatch of busier/le on
February 14.
1, 4'h•llewel-lrour has been neel.ated
President of the French Senate by a Tole
or la' to :W -
d V•ailditigton. formerly- nearb Ats•
baesaloi to E1w'.and, diel in Paris on Sat-
nnlav nicht
l decree has been petrel in all the
towns of S,••ily ',inhibiting the imports
tionof firearm•.
'two *er:.tti iceboat a eidente .eccred
iia nI .n
Bay. ane ion Saturday and the
ether oar Sunday.
itre,letreet'. reports 47 1ailerea in Cap-
ita use past week, against :16 the preceding
week and 37 a year a;;.
Waillant. the cou.leiuned French An•
arcbi+t, has appeal: d t•, the Supreme
('Hort t, grant a new trial.
The United State, tiovernment ie
nig to arrange for the sale of 1.50,01.10,
w . •nth of binds W ' 4 English n err.
t'hw. Manson. brother of the billarl ex
peel. wa pr.nounaed insane at New W
Fr .iay, and sent to an asylum. •
A mane meeting of the t )ttawa ftietds of
home rule will be held ..n Jannerj( 25 .r
24. Hoo. Edwarl•lilake will speak. .
• It is reported that the steamer Allenby
ham fonn.lerel in the Bay of Bis -ay and
that twelve persons went, (fr nt:eal
Edward Ryan, of Newtoo. Mi... who is
sa0d to have been burn in Ireland is 171M3.
died Saturday. He cane to Newton iu 1827.
Ros,o Parker. col.rel. awe Irneheel Fri-
dley at West t ,ilou. Ohio. fur the runnier
of an aged coapts mimed Hines a month
The Russian naval eatimates,for 1404 are
4a,3l0,000 -mewling. exceeding -46e treat
Inn of 1M2 awl P.M; 4 by uwre than et,-
Lewis K .liken, one .1 the oldest
to the Wenders States, M diad at
He was a native of Windsor,
4f; O.
A harp . ere mnuwatorm raged in Mao
tuba fee Mrveral hours un Wednesday
night Two men were irozen to death near
\( ironing
Near Drumlin Thnrelar a (trend Trunk
eligiurer uanrrd West, living in Stratford,
was hall j• injnr.*l by the breaking of a
dicing shaft
Samuel Weleore, who murdered ('kmen
tine Manning. an abandoned woman. on
\ugnat 4. Mal, was hanged et M. Louisa
M • . Fredaty.
At Niekle et i)yment's camp, ten miles
from Knosbridge. Samuel Thempe.n was
etrnrk by a falling log Friday and in
steely killed.
The (lotari. (Yeea'•ries Association
•onclndrd its *.n0al cosveutieo at Belle-
ville Friday. Next yesr's greeting will be
. held in G iesley.
Louis Redwine. a.1 the *late ('its Na•
tional Rank, of Atlanta. ila , stole $1111,000
of the iunds, ao,l has been sentenced to
six swan in penitentiary.
The Horncastle division of Line..l.shire
has elected Toni Willoughby. *''.neerva
tireto soereel the late Hon. Edward
test the riding In thein .ntrre„te at tile asst
prose chies 1'ruemeial elect ion •
Mre Auguetu. Lambert. who died at
14hril, einebee. a few days ago. aged 8?,
leaves 11 children, 55 grandchildren, ah
greet grandchildren and 4 great great
7,r.ndchildren-in all 147 descendants.
H..n John Dryden delivered •u addre'e
at Ruol.eett.r, N.V., Friday, before the
New Turk Mate !lbropehtre Breeden' Am-
euclation. Mr. Dryden is President of the
.tmerlean Shr.pah re Aesae•ialno,,
At New York on Enda, Wt. J Hol
land. 24 years Mit. was sentenced to one
rear and eleven months u. the State l'rieop
.y R.M.crdrr Smyth irhrelevespwingameufer.
Holland shot 1 ' eel( in the head because
bis wife refined 1,, live with hen..
The fur store of 1. 7' stanmun*, Kerrie,
was .Mere d by burglars Thursday night.
About 61110 worth of hos were stolen. In
the stable where the thieve. hail atvp.t was
foetid a letter written fr.•in Braulf..rd end
wldreenel to W. It Clark. tenor. street,
Toronto. -
.\ coroner it inlueet was held un Friday
1uto the death of Met Ford the "aged we
eau wn.o wee buried to death in w fares
i.otre near Milton a few days ago. The
evidence sh•.we 1 the death 1, bare been
sec:dental, :aid a methyl. was brought in
retire') rwaern t.g her reIalives h'.m
soy n+no•i..11 i it. threw.
• The Naps.S
.. erapes. Silvan a iitatemamt
ed NN ievemenM.
N'ira' sa, Jan. la -The solicitors of
Barney King. charged !sere with the mur-
ut.tier of Angus Mcleod on September 14
Ito. hare given mut a statement wale by
Kasai .• to Isis movemente at the tune of
the nlnnier.
Ili his alatem.nt King says he is of
Freaciu dement. He 1, a journeyman
tailor, and in .\ngu•t worked -in Prescott
He deft that pier. nn S.pteniber 6 and beat
hie 'way Kipgetor,. where hr' l'".1tE4
wurk. Notlikiug the work he left there
the Hest day 1.,r Napmee, and catching •
Might train went to Belleville the same
evening I:etting no wink there he went
pert morning to Port }hype, and failing to
get wurk went• es to Toronto He..j'a he
alept that night in • fork street kelgog
h ...e. He saw an •deert,ermeat next
'bursting. the 1101, of • situation art a vtl.
lege near Toronto, the nate of which le
did 11,4 remeulber slid pervaded there.
.'.t this piece be fell in oith another
tdlor and together the two net out on Mon-
day. the Nth, to walk til London. arriving
there on the I2th Next morning they
*rout to Wrening. then to Petrol's, book
again to \\ yoning end from there by foot
et, Port H..cou leaving th5 eity Um!
er eeerd.d to Detroit. going through the St.
I lair tunnel. lin the morning of Septette -
ler 14, the dat en which the :punier was
committed, they woke np in the freight
jar.' ret Dry-d.•tati.on, ail spent the day
iu theyel% looking fur work
Of 1110,15th King says he went to Pont
nae . Mich,, where be secured work with
.Iwai'ea 1deJteand. • • - -
k.irrg clams that a Wye nudibrr of peo-
ple its Pohti•e will corroborate hie stats
merit ae t.. being( there. and expresses him-
self pe featly rerisiteof proving his entire
int tee ice .�f the centree with which be u
charge!. �
\ IMpse tt•s Front the .(...o -*at ion
N mita I p.. the TariI (esitMlatae.
-or -
Tsui mIC-
THE TALK OF THE TOWN. 1 AS7.1 Al. Mrrri,,. of Mourn OLTI I:t1.IO%'El THE �I l
Sue tan. The animal uieet.ug of l:oder,ch t
From the Reporter's Notebook.
"If fen's. ■ Mole to a' ler (.•*a. 1 roes
We teal 11i a Intel's Annum 1.
Tails' risme. metals.,
treat 1t.' - Nras.
Ierr twa Jan 12.--ihe commEtele asp-
iwuied by the M,e,leu MutataeMeerw'
Association waited .n the tariff committee
yesterday and presented a masa of figures
and slattern! .hawing the growth of the
bn.inees in Canada mil how it is erected
by the preee•nt tariff. The tnannfactarem
committee• after they left the Minietsra,
said that they hal not the slightest Him
what the Guvernmet.t intended doing in
regard to their particular industry. Mr.
H. W. Heneker, president of the Paton
Woolen Mills Co. of Sherbrooke, and son
i.•law of the late Sir John Abbott. wbo is
• member of the committee before referred
to. was asked if the wooden manufacturers
could get along w nth leestariff pm,tection
than they now enjoyed. , He said . " No,
the outlook for the woolen trade of ('an
ala it veru gloomy as it is. Our company
has not pall a dividend for three years,
thongh we have massaged to keep the mills
going. and have not reduced the wages of
ottr employes. (lnr market is limited to
('and*. and as word is free now the (icv-
Htenhope. Conservative liniment cesium help us by abolishing the
A Palle neweisper states that M. mem duties on raw material& In view of the
Inn of the Chamlwr of Deputies have reductions in the net 04 English and
*igtned the appeal for the commutation of (Jarman woolen elothes. we meld not
Wailihnt'* •.nteaee stand • reduction of the tariff, and the
The tem nee workers of le.ndan and chasing of our milk would be a sad thing
vicinity have merged three .f their Aron for Sherbrooke and the ...lets town
*tions into one, ..lied the "London and ship."
Western t)ntario Prohibitory Union " A TRUE BILi..
A portable sawmill explodeal near St 4/crawl by the Os.se orsiarP M the An -
Friday morning The draws, AtiwM.a
sho,-k was telt in all parts of the city, and
was at fleet aft -riled to at earthquake Tomo rro, Jaa. lids -Tie car* against
Sherman \W 70'r of Msrlia
leo., who drove his toffs from boa Count Ransom* T. Andrews ("Doe "I. Alia An-
on drew• and Caere Andrew., ohs/god with
Tneadat and alterwanla killed her, was the mnrtb•T of Lucy Denning, cams op i■
ea )lured b eilz.ns Friday and I nehed. toe d trt ryesterday, The
{ y y *:rend Jury returned." --a ern' bill.
S Sandford A Solei carpet milia at .1m- ! te' R Meredith. V 1' appear.d In sap
.twrdam. N V., .1ll re+nm. work nn tall port of the application to have the ass re
tin's 00 M.nd*y. *fter beh.g (1.11«1 ane. mantled until thext aesiaew, on the grmud•
Jnly Nearly 3,(100 hands ars emplaced. that the evidence of Nellie lat.otaine,
The ('om.erv.tirea of Parry S.anad and Mary Janet 1't ,.uuwll anti Mary Defining
Maekoka met at Pork's Falb no Thnraday was Dot allowed to be furnished to the dw-
and nominated Mr. W H. Realty of Itnrk • fence until Tuesday. giving their lawyer
Filth as their candidate for the Isglsla little time to pr.p.r. The judge, bow.
time ever. would not grant the demand, bat is
The Dalton gang plundered the po tof order to give the defeme some time to pre
flew at then fawn of (leftism', seat '.1 *hes re• he allowed the ease t.. go over until
ries, t) T , Thnrwd,q morning, taking all Onlay
the stamps 504 money and • waggon load T.m,t1'.. Jan 12 The lirand Jury
of provisions. found! a tole bill "ramal Dell Andrews
Th. txsentive Committee lye dm' Rwpnb. rw•t.rday a taece•enry atter t1. fart nn the
Hem Committee at Weahlagton have �ameaJs than D'll Andrew+ti knowing that
reenlntinna favoring •dmM.ion in r` Andrews. Alice Andrew• and Cassie
had perf'nnlaw(nl
to the Union .f Utah, Ar,rona, New Mel Andrews .e
r0 And Oklahoma Denning.
operation on limy (yenning, bad nnlaw
fully harbored the °visitable and ambited
Retort Spine's was in the AMia• (Duets tuft to •sillp .
Tornio. Thereat'''. •ehteneed In tan years' The Ceodrnes not ready to go on with
binmint for hous.brwall.g RM the two ase it was derided to Pave ft over
wife, who was imrttiat«1 a* • ree.Iv.i. until the March mission His hall wee re•
e5' sent to gad for • month. Nwed. _. _
A asnreg,mcnt• are Odes made by the
problllllieabb.4 Wed Munroe for . ion- 'Thee Britons," a Perth Mtaeaie ledge
ee14b. b Illedeete a omedid.e t' errs iasIN.ed le 141 Wad's all) TIpu=.
F. J. Yndt.am. basted voluntarily mitred
from the towu euuachl, la now prepared to
stir Itis fun uw and at twat ion to the w twat•
at hie ..stoners who (attar him with their
patreSaae. hall and gees .need.
Tb7lild Country weather 1* not the beet for
this country. but not withstanding all teat K
K `;allow is prepared to give a beet pas-
sible ea.eranl,o• is hi. nue. Phe 1 v.ee and
test to piotturspbr caa b,: found at his o.11
PINK TAILORING. Yell and Wieder
elnhs to great variety melt w Yowlers bunt
sad shoe store, on the Mauer Yo'. oar have
• big chit.» and rely oa good style end 11t at
very w,der'sts °ter. B. Ma Cu . sc..144r.
'UUI1 dl dTfiM "-Of fitting epecta-les le
sot tow, tout it will appear s, to must weak.
from tie fact that a ease of Test Lenore such
as we nee. leilireLF /bet with outside of cit
spec:alsts. l's ilk why «ands:d and prop*
way of testiest e)esiuut, Vali In and have
your eyes tested. W. 1. N elrh, optic... n ■ rid
ST.IIITCn. --The work on the new piers tar
t:otlench harbor, has been started. A large
'inmate), of timber bas been drawn to the
dam k. About fifty feet of the bottom of the
crib -work have beeu laid, inside the harbor,
close to the check -water. Mr. Kirkhrhde
Its., we understand, the contract for the
lruesw•.rk. The stone is to be brought ire
sear Port Albert.
Sr0 I u. Svit% I. L• Rev. J. 11. Howell
u conducting revival services is N°that.
Methodist church. These meetings are
h eld le the lecture room of the ctufch iron,
7 30 to 9 c u. The choir gives • greeter ..f
an hour a tog earYlus at the bespeaking. (l*
Wins -Jai rs eu ii mice cbsrcl a al:oot pliityer-
steetteg es hell. All are cordially invited
to attend these meetings.
P.:.., et nu. 1'i.savo • ITs .\••tA'IA TOON
hiaxrt.... An executive call fur a meeting
W lite otticers.1 the West Huron Prohibit -
too Plebiscite Association has been made.
The mceteuv will be held at Auburn, on
Monday, .lan 22, at 10 o'clock .t. o. Of
there of subordinate associations are invited,
the object bong to submit work and to non -
e ider the aIYisskltity of fermium • pern'aa-
ent prdhibitio. organization.
A 1,..,t 1'it.21orto,, - .1. H. S,inerville,
sun of ,lar. Sousr%ille, e: -SI 1'., of Luck
now, has been promoted to the-respossible
position et superintendent of the Daily
Telegram, of Superior tity,Wiacvran. The
Telegram Is one of the beet louroe s pub-
lisher' in the West, and we extend our con
gratutations to our old apprentice in his
promotion to such en honored petition in
the journalistic world. I.ucknow Sentinel.
' ('i,..n,. 11 Toe l'1.r.ea.. Its \W .IIA. -A
lululee meeting ot the „focal branch of the
Hume West Hun Plehisci Prohibition Asscs
nun will be, held int temperance hall on
Tuesday evening nes to coone.:tine with the
successful closing of the plebiscite campaign.
1\e understand that arranvemeo's .have
been :rade tora program of brief addressee
soil appropriate mu.url selections.
:\monger the speakers who have horn tovht
of to address the meeting are : Reeve Kerr
of Brussels. Reere look, of Hnwrck, and
Reeve Grey and 1►eputy-Reeve Newlin of
Seaforth. To commence at 8 r t., sharp.
Silver collection at the door.
WL.T Hl too. F%Unt e,' Beirut& -The
West Huron Farmers' Institute will hold its
annual meeting at Kintal, on January 19
and 20, when the following gentlemen will
*Abbess the meetings : Monday, 1 o'clock.
Rennie. O.A.(', "('lover Growing;.
Andrew Elliott, Galt, "(creases and Crams
Management :" R. ('. MN ?rowan, Blyth,
•• t'aderdraiasg," Election of officers.
Evening Meet ill., 7.30 o'clock W. Rendes,
•• Iaetifyieg tie Fat m:" A. Elliott,
" Home Eduattoo." A practical address
o70 "Cheese Idakiag" will be gives by a mai
from the O. AA". A suitable program is be
mne prepared for the evening meeting. Tues•
day. 10 o'clock : -W. Rennie, Rotation of
Crops :" A. Elliott, " Turnip And Barley
Ilrowtsg Address bythe Cheese Maker,
"The i/airy Cow.'" uesday, 1 o'cinck
W. Rennie," I'leering the lead ;'• A Elliott,
"Silo and &silage Address' by Cheese
Maker, " gutter sod Cheese Making Com-
bined." Alen local rifest'will help in dis-
cussing the subjects ss the @tion.
SUN. or F,N.1.4w0.-Wed. ' y evening
of but week the -"=s of Liverpool
Lodge, 8.0.E., and a number of friends sat
dews to a very tine spread at the British
Forebear. hotel. The chair was takes by
president It Warrington. aoai installing
nllio.wn D. U , [boo Jackson, and P.P., N.
Rubsoo, of 4'liotoa, eeoupeed places a hewer
ns his right and left respectively. The
sprawl was • good oma, features of the nc-
o*aioe being the "reset beef of of Old Fang•
land" avid the preverbal " plum duff." A
numher of loyal and patriotic taste were
presented and responded to, and several
typfal English tongs were soap by W. J.
D•.wding, A. Dymock mod others, tits key
note of the whole evening's proceedings
being • desire for the mat thoreogi gond
fellowship The society is benevolent in
ite daslga and H doing geed work all over
Canada. is Huroe the work has bees
specially pushed forward by the unwearied
efforts of TMs Jackets. d Chilton, the
,popslar District Ilepety, whose name
!anengsf the real 8 0.E., is nae to conjure
'with. A handsome neat el arms was pre -
mentor" to the local aerobatics by R. S
Williams, who, although not • ,member of
the society. as a "Liverpool lad" *red m
thorough paced Fegfisiw from head to
heel. Following are the cies of
I.iverpsel Ldp for the °arrest year :
• t, 11. Warrington : psi }red-
dest, W. S. Ketrhu : vice- , W.
Remo ; •ewet•ry, W. J. 1►.,w , tees
•m, W. Andrews : clap , (nee. Evans :
Ca.tmittw, J Jewell, Ties. Hereby, J. K.
Preston•, R H.gg*rth, A. Dymenb : NNeide
(,earn, W. 1. Mitchell: (maid. (:acrd,
C. Walters : delegate te (lraed Lodge, W.
J. Dowdier.
RON TRACT imPtu(.we Mutual ter 6b0(1. Th.
iMck 5 41,500. The building s • total
Horticultural Society was held on January law It esu meso«1 by l o. '1 unly0 0l
11, President Dickson i. in the chair. The
auditors, report was zea 1 *ad adopted.' Th. Clrlet from the LOO/A1 MIL 1 Hay These diad at the residence of her A Soekdolloger for Butler.
lien, I:ur Ilegma., in May township, on the
10th Inst , one of the veneers of that seu•
tlstt is the not �In. 11'. 11', Iii ao,
and the following offerer* vers elected for
1894 Presidrut, W. Warnock : vine pre
silent, Jas. Stewart ; directors )tern.
K,ogbam. Wateoo, Tom, Ful,
Hawke, MN:dliouddy, 1:. 1 Nairn and
John Stewart. Secy. areas., 1\'. Lase.
Auditoea l:. H. Nairn and S 1'. Halls.
Hop. director - J 1'. Dickson and J. H.
Fat 1 r,. HI, DCATii t'olm Hinkley, ogre
of the hoem.0 outplayed by the 1te11 '1'eb-
phooe Co , ,o stringing the wares 0o the new
poles, met with as acedent about 11 30 1.111,1
on 'Tuesday which Ms •inor proved fatal
He had reached the top of one of for point
on Nerth"t., near St. d'eter's church, tithes
one of his "'pure," used in chwb,ag, broke
and the uufurt.unste young man was hurled
to the grouod, a distance of 40 feat 11.s
neck gas broken by the (a1, bot although
hie body and limbs were paralyzed, he
lingered until 3 o'clock Wednesday nee ning
when death put an end to his eufferinvs.
Hinkley war ooly 21 yew of we, but was a
sturdy, broad shouldered young fellow et •
particularly manly type. The ho,ty eras
taken to bre hone nn Dundee on Wednesday
morning by the early train.
Tu a 1'tta.n, T$K* ur Ht a,. - This court
of the Presbyterian church had its regular
meeting at Clinton on Tuesday, bth cost.
Rev..). A. Hamilton was elected moderator
for the next amu months. l'ongregattom
paid to the treasurer of the Presbytery their
000tributious to the pwb)tety fuud for
presbytery expenses, aodtea venter expen.cs
of Wmmtuiwe to the Geueral Auaembty.
Seesu,o records from a sandier of et/screga
nuns were presented and tested according
ly. The committee en " The State of Re-
' reportetl.Fipd the presbytery agreed
to the holding of as hour's.onference on the
state of religion at the meeting in March,
and that Rev• S. Achewn, the convener ot
the committee, open the conference with a
fifteen minutes' aldrem. 'rhe report ul
the Sahbath school committee on returns Grey Thos., son of .lames Ferguson, a
from Sabbath schools wee postpones' till well known rem -lest of (:rev township, is
Weekly Miscast et Openly %ewe aervatd' pe� iii fialgiirlpprJ et 141. than dna■.bJrs ilea
rep to Nit i.ryb.sy - rasa ambit of t'aoaviUe, at 111' *re of 82 Taira' I)e- Mase I. rake •Ii rreper resume
vested Md Oren is splendid health up to a
at ('Ilpped and (Ns b
' en .eondays ago, when she contracted a 'cold, •0 11 ♦.w tley.r •.r aay.r
Ravery realism.so
rtism. whteh developing Into influenza, on result oat) xat.eser•t ear.
Anita li
.d in her death, her adv.eted site being un
equal to the severity of til. epidermic
1Waltoe Mr. Hackwell bat rented the k:teter A very successful operation was The inaugural meeting et the council a.f
farm of .auhes Campbell fir a term. pettormed ..0 Wedeeeds)y• by I*re.,Widl.rt, , 1894 was attended by every member ul the
Ethel The flood on Ma/inlay carried of London, "'l H, K.,-Hyadu.•ti;p 1 fear' iMwly erected testy. 'rhe last member to
away Maesn'e and te . l'ouse's bridges. ter, in the amputating of the !ower limb d I prisaettt au.ppearauae was Mayor Iiaitler, wbo
hMary "P
ruseels . Alfred Town, formerly of if ion app, daughter of 11'n•. Tap�
lirassela, ands Winnipeg lady pastel heads of Fater. alas T°pp, it •is well k wu gangrene,
th. og the few nuuutes pr.eelnmiaa 17 to
Mid besets Wt weak. su1Tered considerably ot late iron. gangrene, tie °pinnate of the meeting, seemed to be dl
.red hating lost all power and life of the left let .see uta .trues)«I • feeling of unrest
Clinton Henry Hardt and family left log, the operation was imperative in order which tie tried hard to conceal.
fur Chatham, on Tuesday, teenere he pear- g., eaIeou tyke,, for amours °petted with reading the
POs'* residing in Voter. near thseese thihfgh., and the bush was minutes of the proceedings teuitng up to
t.rr•% Teesdale Whitfield was eleeted Mortis: After an Mores of • fuss days OW recent municipal mud school trustee
trustee da S. S. No. 8 as successor to .lamb Wm. Spear, third ton of the late t.all.ert deaugs.
Cut h111, whoa tarok had . spiral. S ear, diel at the residence of his brother 1'res•ut rhe mayor, reeve I'rondtoa,
1lrussel.; A. 1. Mel•olI and wife left for
T .r oto on Monday whine Mr. Mc('oll goes
to complete his cou..0 in pherniacy.
Brussels - M. Seeley, the new pboto-
g;sphcr, decided not to remain in Russets
sed has removed his misfit to Mitchell
t I.ot..a . Mies Hattie Dodd, daughter of
1...., (held, entered oa her duties as tracber
Ii, " No 4, Tuclersmtth, last week.
)I..irno .`.Its. Mart•, secen4 deugtiter of
Ade.. ilalli.ley, hits .e•ured a eat. ••1 on the
12t1. cue vsuon of East WYawau...'1 fur
lire% N11141 1:.1'.. Ml.•1*..11=alI. N'0 :AS
syp.-.t aro+ peat three y..ra At IY%II. i, \Im
Henry Co., North Dakota, is here on a
slaty. -
t:rey - Jibe Moyle, father of Mrs. Rob-
ert Roberton, 16th con.. I:rey, died in To-
ronto hospital. on Itec. 31, aged 77 yew. 7
months and 25 days.
111ngham Another change has. taken
place In the 11'iagham livery ('has. Ward
ha• returned to Hern.too,'Mesera. Lott &
Sturdy succeeding him.
neat mating. The Christian Endeavor
committee through its convener, 1►r. Mc
lbnald,presented its report when the follow
tog motion waeaereed to by the 1'resbytery:
"The presbytery expresses its thankfulness
fur tete number of encouraging facts brought
out in the reports from the d;tlerent suet
etia, indicating substantial t.rueress made
during the year, and that so many of our
young people are coming forward openly to
confer ('hetet and work for Iiim ; and ex
presses the hope that they will not rely in
crease te numbers, but is spiritual power
and ,best m the same line in which they
have been working, navel,, for Christ and
Hie church ; and the presbytery would as
sure the young peopie of its hearty syn.
pathy and earnest prayers, and that • copy
of this be root to each society." The re-
mits rent down by the General Assembly
oar " Relations of ('alleges t) the Church
and on " Recommendations of Hymnal
Committee were considered and resolutions
passed on each. The Heron Presbyterial
4-...eiety of %Vomer'* Foreign M,sa es, in
semio0 at the same time as the presbytery,
reported to the presbytery their work f ,r
1893. They raised in moony 61,393 00,which
it about 6200 more than the previous year,
and sent clothing to the Northwest to the
rain. of $600. The presbytery palmed •
motion of appreciation A motion of sym
pathy for Rev. N. Shaw, who is dangerously
ill was owed by the presbytery ; shoo •
minute was recorded touching the decease
of Rev Wm. Graham, late of Egmondville
A committee was appointed to further deal
with the refusal of the Hone Munn* Com-
mittee to grant supplements to Leeburn and
Onion, and hayfield and Bethany. The
Presbytery will hold it• next meeting o0
March 13th, at Ssaforth
Tilt M.rab r,.tno,m CI•RRI•'1'1.7. w The
high school masters and pupils throughout
the province will be glad to learn that the
curriculum for the university ,n*triculetion
aad junior leaving examination 11 approach
m • solution, and the following scheme
will be presented to the [Mate for adoption
The compulsory subjects will be Latin.
mathematics, English history and ecu
graphy, chemistry sad chemical physics,
and ooe modern language. The option will
bei allowed between 1:reek and the other
modern languages. There is also an alter
native scheme. le this, chemistry and
chemical physics will be left off the ones•
pulsory Int, and the option will be between
(:reek 10 the one hand, and the other
modern language', together with the chem
emery, etc , on the other. It is proposed to
drop arithmetic altogether, as well as
English grammar and rhetoric. These sub.
jeers are required, however, to the primary
examination, whisk .r*mination rrery can
debits win be required topers
Ile SIOAN . ('AaL The following, from
the Tomato New., of 'I'uerlay, will be read
with much interest by the deems'• many
friends in this vicinity . " Dr. Sloan, of 191
Ila.. Avenue. Parkdak, formerly of KIyth,
woo an important case in the Court of Ap
this afternoon. The attempt to hold
im as • contributory to the extent of 67,-
000 in ooueectioo with the failure of the
Hem Company,of Toronto ./asatios, three
years age. failed. it Ince.. about 59,000 in
cash to 1)r. Sloan. esu had to pay tie
money into exert Wage he eo.M appeal.
Three judges Medsarn, Oder amt 'Burton,
gave stream tleei•iess is hie favor. The
elector hied m ao.•h-lees-- nee of the Hees
Rrother•, is the old Ono- and the w.tangl•-
me.t was bresile abort through help he
rendered the firm. The creditors have been
pushing the ease.
In elffs•1`ee.
People neerloobed tie impwteses of par-
etasently beneficial Ahem and were satisfied
with trasre.t wire ; het sow time It is
generally kaolin that Syrup of Figa will
pe nienestly care .bltuena.tipaties,well
i.(Mresed people will not bay other l•vatives,
whi.1, ae1 fee • time, but Anally noire the
now residing In Wyoming Territory, where
he is engaged in raoch,ng.
'trusses : John Shaw has been appoint-
ed Inspector of the North Amer twin losur•
once l'ompany. He will have charge of
Huron and Bruce 1 aunties.
Grey : l.aat week Wru. 'Turnbull, Ibth
con., left for Seaforth Collegiate Institute,
where he is studying for • 1st :lass ..heti
cede. lie took a2od last Summer.
Brussels : Several persoua were tined
last week for driving over the bridge at
Brussels faster than a walk. as the notice
on either end of the bridge sets forth
itayfiel.l The residence of our esteemed
citizen, Arch. Sterling, was the scene M •
pleasant event when his daughter, Mary,
walk married to gob*. lienar, of aheSadis
Slchdlup - A son of S. 'townie, .f No-
Killop, was ordained to the RasasCritholic
priesthwel the other day. A large number
of friends 'where.' to see the terenwmy per
Clinton • Rey. .4. W. Holmes, • ho has
been confined to the house -for about three
weeks, by an attack of .111105), le gaining
strength, but is not able to undertake any
work yet.
Allan, 4th line, on Firers, rs, ,tan. 'rah. Hs
was a hearty young mai, b feet in height,
180 gouads in weight, and .it; years of age.
1). Wedneed. , 3rd, while working for
Wm Little, of the same hoe, he complained
of pains in hu limbs, lar to an attack of
sctat,or, and went to his '•rother't, .\
pbysiciao was called but, although tempos
•ryes relief was afforded the patient, he short •
ly atter became delimits and died as 1811,7c
Stilled without regaininrt coneciousneas.
The deceased was born on the male farm on
which he died and was one of the heartiest
of the family.
Trade u very good at Wiatupeg- ! -
('.al 011 in t trifler 12et gallon, .: • ; - -
lee on Sherbet Lake is a foot stat +t• half
thick. •
Railway travel, since IIof utter iaTP►y
Mootr.al blas 964 plaid - Iii.' t .111
61 11101%
A man in Huntsville ins jta mawied his
fifth wife.
At the end of this year itr.ea..gssty will
have no debt.
The C. I'. B. land sales TsIR pear amount-
ed to 6353,000.
The lumber season on the ('leper (titan•
is • promising one.
,4 Kerlin nsn has • cane which entree. tett
Clinton : miring the- past season W.
1 Ldn,ore luta handiest no les. than 2276
toms of hay, which has filled =cars. Near-
arly the whole of this has been exported to the
old oouotry
Cromarty • (lo Friday afternoon of last
week about eeventy•6 .. invited gentlemen
assembled in the bush belonging to Alex
ander McKeller's tarm, where they quickly
cut up a year's wood.
Kippss Mrs„ Ann Itayman died at the
residence of her sn0 *n•law, E. Butt. Mn.
"layman has been failing for a number of
years. She ha* seen twenty-five year* over
the three score and ten.
1'ranhro..k l hrstmas day was a gala
one at the home of Mrs. Jame* Kann, 1t he
ing the wedding day of her daup•hter, Mise
Sarah, to Robert S. ('ameroo, of Ke,nbe:k,
Iowa, formerly of this place.
W Ingham • Rev. Jackson S. Wilson,
wile and family, are visiting friends to town.
Str. Vem'son attend/ the Evanston f'niversity
and preaches in Chicago. He states tilt
the former 1Wiagbamit1• then are all well
and prospering.
Hullett : Mir. McCallum, who formerly
taught in S.8, No. 2, his recently been
teaching in the Northwest, bat it not agree-
ing with her, she darted for home, reaching
Toronto, where she was taken violently i11,
mad at present remraias.
'leaforth • 1'. Leanea, son of ,lar. lien•
non, of Vie Hero. Road, left for Stratford
on Monday, ,tan. 8. is arena the business
college in that city. Pat is an exemplary
young trap and will emoted in whatever
vocation of life be may see fit to pursue.
Kra,..).: ,lames Wilkinson, formerly of
!tru,asb, is lying very ill at his home at
Feesa*ha, Mich., of p.wumottia fallowing
.n attack of typhoid fever He was mar-
ried a' out three months age. Mr. Wilkin-
son is • son of ,games W ilkinsoo, 4th bee,
Stanley It is reported that John Dun-
kin bas sold his farm ea tee corner of the
hayfield road aid first oesosasioe, re .lames
McQueen, of rockeremith. The. price is
said to be 46,100. it r a splendid farm and
Mr. Mcqueen will have is it a comfortable
and pleasant hems.
Chalon Gen. Admen and D. R. Mew
awe, a4toderich, gave ben Irving to form
teem a branch .1 the lloalisins Reildt.g ud
'armament Society. Although the serer.
(id • number rel eherebnldcr, we understand
they have ant yrs succeeded In fermag a
koal board of directors, aa they desired
Twrnberry : As eves* which bas been
Liked forward to kr some time by those 1.•
ta,eeted, leek date on Wsdatasd.y, •1a.. 10.
when James Maxwell, sea of Keit.. Has-
well, of the Bhrevet* road, Turah•ny, was
united in aas.rrt.ge to Nim Agsm Rom, eas-
ter of A. Rs, of Wiere in, sod Hugh
Ross ref Rlwyah►.
deputy reeve Holt, and cuuoedlon Sara,
jlurury, Strachan, Thompson, `.af*el,
Stunders, Smith, S.Iluwg, bates, %Viking.
Reid and Dunlop.
'In. clerk tufwmed the council that all
the members had signed their declarations
of office and yu•litication•
Moved by Wates, seconded by urethan,
that the follow.og he a .oaunitlee to strike
the atanihug committees !or the yew. 1I1`rt
Reeve 1'roudloot•-deputy twee 11011, and
councillors Smith, Mousey and Dunlop.
1 at reed.
.uw1TT.l- t.'K 1894
striking committee reported thst 11.e
fallowing committees were appointed
Cemetery Thompsou, "tracltan, 4'. ilsro,
Fallow* and Smith.
Fnu*Ot'e Holt, Nairn. i:e:d, Thomp«ou
and Prolulh,ot.
Court of I:evisioS Dunlop, Natal; Wil-
lem, Heid and 1'readfoot.
Fin 11'ib es. Yates, Smith. Murue) sod
Striation. - -
Harber--ifigatiy, 101mIspt \ ate", Reed
and at ' .' Iia1I.1 1eid
ket - > alarea,• St i•aYslea ,
and Yates.
I t elle( -Yates, Mallows, Salted.' e, Tho.np-
son and Nalro. -•
1'ubuo Works 'math, \lurney, 1 at es,
Neftel and 1eu.l0p.
Water awn Light - I'roudI,ut, Mutnry,
Saunders, 11 .111(11.1 Thompson
drinks of whiskey.
Special Naitel, held, stern, •I•hump-con,
l' Holt, 1)unh,p, S•Ilowe, 11 ,loon and
t.olttngw...rl fi,hermen ow•u kskins and Saunders.
1,600 mules of nets. i The first named t:, be chairman of each
A woman was clinked to death at Hammy!
by a piece of cheese It was • st.u.I% 10 eve mayor ltutler's face
All the public xel.sol children of I •urlph • ween the report of the striking committee
have been eliminated. was read by chats -man Holt The usual
Many farmers is Ignite ennnty are (end rulncund hue AMMO.4 a blush tint, and ,t
Ing wheat to their .tock. easily could be seen that there ars n strong
The cost of Manitoba's exhibit at the tension on his physical .tate
a.l posits.
World's. Fair was 450,04)0. ment at the close of the report :n rItect that
Last Sunda the •Metho.h t church of the maynr was et officio a member of all
,•e70,n, litters brought out the snail Irene his
Mont Forest raised 21;000 warship, " \ ..p couldn't deprave my of that
Alto:wen few citiznas wbo-pxy"dor-tai privilege. 11 • by statute.'
hit'. their name* published. Moved by 11011, &reunited by l'roudfoot,
The Summer hotel at I'enetan¢wsl,ene is that the rel.o:tof the .lrkitrgc,unmitteebe
t., be sold at puble• au. ,o. adopted.
Team are commute on the nee between Moved in amendment by Reid, seconded
Manttoolin and *h. mainland. by Naft.l, that the mayor be chairman of
('Anna's foreign trade last year eve tis
the water and light committee. hat -Daly
A mayoralty candidate is nee of the Il* Winehaan: (or.yn Rrvr.'furniture titer*
Mein town, referring to his uppeseut, mid was fle'etroytd Ay fire en Mondaystght,.lan.
" 1 de not tench a Sealey school one dal R The ,••pie a tie la unknown. Tine
.ad tie .ext play p*dre in • hole in 1IN .tank was gamete fee .700 i. tie Perth
wall f° drinks. and Waterloo Composite,
,grit tie bSII4U.g
greatest of any year in its history.
Pn,hibiti or tical option exretie Ili of
the 808 municipalities of Ontario. '
Two valuable horse. at ('hingnaco.sy
killed themselves 1.y eating wheat.
Within three mouths .n Aylmer man has
trent three carloads of egg, t. England.
An Alliston citven wants a curfew rung
there te get rnen hone to their famines.
The village of Elmira has no liebilites
and • tax of only ten mils on the dollar.
Mrs. Stirton, ot 1,.70,10., found four pearls
in one oyster, one nearly as large as a pea.
A young ma of St. Thomas revived a
human ear by petrel post from Philadelphia,
An old lady, 82 years of age, walked 11
miler, to Pembroke, to get • letter from her
A pig was killed last week at Mary
borough 18 months old and weighing 4,19
pounds. ''
There were more than 400 applications for
a teacher's position at Miae.ing. Simeoe
Io Owen Sound at the last elect too a
mother was solicitor, to vote against her
own "On.
A bouquet of daisies was plucked in •
Shelhourne garden reetttly. shoo • handful
of pansies
A pedlar ••keg for sugar at a 1 oblwat,r
h ouse, and was given Epsom salt. ile rye. rr
came back.
lieetoo vinare couldn't find 'sough cats
dictates for he council And ■ new election
must be held.
The i:nom church Sunday school of Milton
recently held • "grand polycoostikupatioun'
in the tows hall.
At Peterhof -0' a farmer is charred with
forging • market clerk's figures •Mout the
weight of three hnga.
Le the sheep exhibit at the World's Fair
Canada took 13i pares, while the United
States captured only 92.
There has not hems • death in 4', years in
the family of police triaged rate I:eorrw
Spence, of ()wen Sound. postal 00 the merita of professional 'Asters
,lames Ikinkham, of Prince Albert• cut of *he past 25 yrer.. Meagher belusys to •
• hole i. the Ice of the Svkatchewan riser famous family el stutter' Fires cane the
and jumped to his death. Meagher Bras in the ,.dynes., why per.
A St. Thomas !edge reduced the Gas
formed wandere Then followed sloe
Meagher, another brattier who •egeired
fame. Still another brother, Charles. at
one time • clerk with Mensa .'r R Co., Tor-
n•te, send to he the " greaten ..f thorn all,"
appeared ie the arena in the r. -entice but
died in 1377. The latter was the greatest
u•ernt of Mr IhiF'reene in the latter's
A:17days. Georg, Meagher is nee of the
youngest !with.re of thte notable* family
Ilse (wetly for a long time l'vM on Barrack
street, its the large stoat hones at present
neoupidby Samuel Anglia--Kissetas Free
AI.s•adsr Mehos.M, 11i Olden, who diel
laid , livid does d• a N.M* e' His
cattle were so will, hada, serer sewn say
ether homes being*. that tam Ind to bs
shot atter hi. death
I'honpam, Reid and Nett.' voting Inc It.
\toted m amendment by ttt'td, seconded
by Neftel, that the mayor be a member of
the court of revision instead of Reid, and
that he be chairman of the special committee
menial of Ndtel. I,at-- Muroey, Thump
son, Reid iced Naitel voting mu favor of the
The motion was tt en poi *od carried.
%loved by Holt, seconded l.y I'roedfoot,
that H.11'. Hall be one ot the town auditors
fur 1894. l'arried.
The mayor appointed *oro. ".bei,henl as
the other auditor:
lies Taylor was appointed • trustee of the
Collegiate Institute.
A bylaw appointing members of the local
board of health was real a first, second and
third time and passel.
A mot wa..lac passed bung the hold-
ing of regular meetlwvs of the council on
the hest and third Friday of each month.
Moved by reeve P. 11'..., seconded by
councillor Nairn, ilia' t c o,1.!i. w.•rks
committee .t ono* telt.- ••.-pe to c pelt the
1fe11 Telephone Co. to r.mave tie p .'. s 11
legally erected by I 'mon on the t imams
street* of the town, t. t.ay denags for the
trees cut by them. eel generally to make
the said comploy .,.reply with the Stat
Said commie, ••, it so advised, to commence
an action A_.lo.t said company and all per•
sons w'....:..v. been ereg.ged ,u said illegal
acre 4 •,srr,ml.
'Ilse eo.uutl then adj.wnel
'Fitt l',h tucla.Saarum 171.1 timers will
ren,en,l.er the Meagher tiros , sons of
.Inhn Meagher, formerly of this city, and
nephew of Thomas Slesgher, former') of the
I'uaterrs lispartneot. I:verge, the young.
est .t the faintly, was visiting Toronto last
week. and here is what • orison of that
place has to say of ht.n • "Mr. Gorge
Meagher, the chamosoe skater of the world,
is In town, the guest of 1' 11 DuFreene.
Meagher is only 23 years old. He is with
out doubt the finest figure *hater in the
world," said Slr Ihit•rwn., who was ham
*elf champion of the world in 1967 11, anal is
('empaay s assessment on the ground that
pipe' and pow are sot realty.
A Ki.ptee hotel keeper es willing to
wager that Rim year" after this the liquor
trade will be ve .dive as tl is now
Ore le iambi a "_mittrut..
Send 115 " sunlieht - Soap wrapper"
thasri.g the wards Why Ikea a Womenhub Rd Reeser Than • Man ' . to Levet
Rees . 1.1d. , 43 Sante -et Tahoat o, and you
will rwreive by peat • pretty picture, free
from advertie's, .ad will worth framing
Tim was easy way to decorate year biome.
The soap Y tie beat 1a to narks% and H
will only nod, lc. pony. to .end in tie
wrapper', if ye. IMM the suds tepee.
Writ* year same eardully. ly