HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-1-11, Page 8RIAD SO WS RIM. WBILL BOCOMIT. OPONON. . ATOM, Kit Rime 8PONVILd4 prices SPONGES SPONGES SP t 'NOES jossi -.sporuira4 value SPONGES in all Veda* SPOONMIS Fenn I email each PP. _Special tame at *I ia eta. each. Al FEAR S. We wiU have something in this spas sleet -week that will intervet you. Dos't Fail to watt It for it. felrepeetal care taken so dispensing Ply eria^4 Preecriplioas. (14o. A. FEAR, 111RUGOIST lootquutid. 411RIsTMAs COOS MAIN! ILI- week ere ;all special atten- ;*in -a Lin OF PERFU NIES 144 SACHET 00WDER8. All the Poplar Odors in Bottles of the neweat designs. Newspaper space ie. too valu- able to think of enumeration or description. We, cordially /invite the• public tl cotile and see for themselves, and get I rice - , J. E DAVIS, Plin. B. Medical gin. LAstriNG ,pLEASURE a girt -Le. only by the reed scri of presents. 1-oe don't want to give an artiee that give' hut nien.entary enjoyment. Gi‘e something that wul last for yeses and give comfort all the tone. eamething I:ke one of our beantifte parlor suites. we hare them front erre se: an elegant esay char. an oak or reed rocker, a Ase arm chair, aa oak side board. • much. • dm table. set of din tag chairs. en old easel or amen, • music cabioet. &c.. etc. The _priorp ars right to wave your mosey as well. In out adjoining *tore ars elegant China Tea Bade Plumb and Leather Deals. Album, Beebe. 'Wee. sad an immense Um of Ems Benda mil our prices are the berme. SMITH'S FURNITURZ Crabb'. Sterth.. Tao Poopla'$ Caluson. IDDII PLANING MILL - -Lh.0A1511 ANP DOOR FACTORY. - EAR O. T. RT. STATION. - NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Retro. $2.14, Cheats. tad elms nears. ine. Zeus No. I. LI0 Clean cut heavy shingle. MAJORING AN o 51D00. $141.0. m. DOOR?. SASH eon BLINDF. equally low. MAPLE AND BEECH noon' xo. kn. drati. nat HEMLOCK. for beildiess. LATH PICK - WS. 0 AT1P. sic.. etc. OWN TILL rum BRICK. ems JUIIIIPIR KIDD. Agents Wanted. WANTED. saw,. iillr chaise sod hardr nursery as seell ~gees the Fir of gen trer an salary er iTiselea. We 1/1- imme egg dykes, vitrWies 1.4 Nigro lSaiclat once. wlitch wkl VELP1irtmLre new iv the thme to sell 171(1101PtiVIIIPAX IL Nursery less. ma tsptone of railielerepoChoice Ilesili it.e.. _I' _ _ __-0- W•NTS D L.ed ea WmUi. c . or •e . a bar awe A=Ita , so ost.: io Illenade end write for easw , iu, Paitailtal 1 AN Te -LITOS ANSA L. SHAW. TEACHER andeniglegetio=ierlime"1.. POOPIMPtif Sir SOSO RIP allan. V A LU A FILig APPLE ORCHARD V FOR ISALI BY TIIXDSR. - --- I have been labrucled Is sew fog sale by med., • Faisal/le Appiertrehard constaing of tea acres a bee Imes which an growl -se OM Fruit Bearing Tient The property hes in lb. Township ef Ceiba/eqwidths two utile. Of the Teem of Dederick. Trawlers will be received up to and inotteMve of Jaawary Ulk. ISM at 12 Gwent., ems& The Mehra trader set ismer sadly amemed. Vet further partioular. sail terms of sake addreee. LOrTed K. DANCKY, Barrister. to. Dated December eltk. IllS. Ooderieb. Cut R HALL -K. LOT 31,11ND OON• Wawanoth. lue awes. This a hastalese Sena. Also town be VA Goer Itch. SPINY 140 PHILIP HOLT. aloe -- L-IOR SALE 011 RENT. -A TWO story blacksmith shop. two *tory dwell lag and one half acre of mad. The *bop is eery suitable for a smite sad wood worker. The shop is Miami new only used about one year. The house is well finished with mom and slater limed ceUar. A frame gable, driv- ing shed and other outbuilding*. A good gar- den eith fruit trees rust begusaieg to bear. fhe reason for (Irina up ballineee IA poor health Apply on the premises to on nor. 11...1. HORTON. leuelop P.O. tic sera store Hama team.. Debark:eh FOR 8A11ORT'0 =NT. The promo it the lets David /lobar. being Parte ot Wel pad I. Cols. 2. ceistainteg 150 acres. Abse mann half of lot 7. ma. 1. Vs. D. Colborne, containing u acres. The.. lots w ill be sold either separately ores Noe. Per paticulars•pply to the executor*. J. H. MIL- LIAN.J. 'ii 11171 Otto MARY K. PIS HEIL executrix. as to H. C. BAY*. Uoderkb P.O. NS/ 1(4) AtfitS FARM FOR HALE -THE 1 old komeemed of the tate JameaCams- day. of the towliell111 Of Neel We ‘Ithe•a. be- ing last half of let H. camession I. on tee cravel road that leads from Goderich to Wags ham. It is situated atom 00 rods front Aub urn. a thriving village a tth four churches and • school near at hand. A comparatitely ..ew frame home with "even large rooms and cellar with other conveniences, and good bank tete and team 551 large hantag fruit treo: on the premiss, About Mame. are cleared. The moll I. of the best. Farther latermatien from MRS. CARBADAY. Ambers P.O. t14111 • SALE AT A BA RGAIN.-TH AT 1 commodious building on Kingeit.. Bros - sae. at present occupied as a paistehop by Wm. Battu%hue we. Tema easy. lig to 1. 9. dCOTT. lltresnele P.O. ORTII• WEST LANDS FOR SALE. 5006 ACRE6 OF VALl".iliLE Improved aid unimproved term teals at distattees vary mg from 1 to I2 miles trona „Qu'Appelle Stabs. N. W. T.. for sale reey cheat. No better Lands for uhred Um - Mg are to be fount', in Canada. For fedi partieetasessetly to A. D. DICKSON, Barrister, Qu' AU1•1116 Lassie mos Ansuranoe. fl SEAGER. CONVEVANCLNG AND lesbrance case seneldte!Merth's flotei Ooderieb. f tN EY TO LEND ON MoRTu 11.1. at Se per cam. Notes dtecounted. C. 8SAGKR. eilWe oemisits Martin's Hotel. Dear rick. Iti °NEI' TO LOAN. - 1125,000.00 131. Private hods to lead at 34 per twat. an- IAWTCS K. DA NCRT. Mertes • Meek. opposite Colborne Hotel. Galleried 1074f Et J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND a: . seadent insurance amok; at lowest rates. Ofilco-Cor. Norehat.aad Square, hod - each. 71- , $6°,000 TO LOANJ APPLY TO C°.AMILRON HOLT t 114eL2.Ilee, Dude - Hee. tem MONEY TO LEND. -A LA It G amounted PSI -ate -Panda tor investmeet itlowest rates on ^Tit -class Mortgagee. Apply GARROW & PROCDFOOT RADOLIFFE, GENERAL IN. 1.11/. sureness. Real Negate and Motley Loaning Agent. Only fist -class companies represented. Money to Lend on Eraigh loans, at the lowest rete of Interest going, In sny way to suit tM oorrower. foo- ted dam from Square. West Street. Gods. lob Illen-tf Ilimmila.1 GREAT FIRE -- JOSItrii W. 1.00N will fire his lime kilean the old Piper Mall property, and will bare fresh Ogee by April let. Budding stone aline" on Neel. Prices right. Send along, your Orders. JOSKeH WILSON. Ooderich P.O. & L G. STEWART, OF k- Luck coware manias& tailoring and rants' turn teeing "tore to one of the new blocks. for Spring trade. They have • One selection of Scotch and (heathen tweeds and also • floe line of furslekhees Orem which any perms cam select a One omit fee swag. Look out for the nes mere. i7 it N OW CHOPPING MILL I am prepared to dean Mello of [rain chase =oe sheeting mode,. 111111. meaning at au asehinery for d mid einektecy. Priem reamealds. Nod meiting year chop home I goo. gibelit age hem Improved ate yen. MA= ally IV el_ODERICH FOUNDRY AND VA MACH1:111 WORKS. To tbe public: Buy Runciman Nea ft and I gibes. Rubel man land rollers and root cutters, Watford Nos. 7 and I plows. American inuddboards. Watford twist SIM. It the best. Watford eculffere the Madera. Watford hay rakes. AI SO other linplements. Pie* pasta reduced in price. Haire meet kinds Cealnes made to order. Cease for old metal. ably .1.3. HUNCINAN. Slortgass Oslo. Q ALS OF li W ELLIN(' HOUSE Ali..1 1,..7 BLACKSMITH SHOP. t - nitre sad by rinse she Power ell Sale eau 'anted Is I arida mertgeme beeriest date the eke day a hoecieber. MI end male to the Vendor, there will be sold by Public Auction at Maltose/h. Meta. In the Village ef Demise non, in the County of Huron. at 11 o'clock. Viros eiNILSDAV, the 17te DAV et JANUARY . Illol. by Joseph meneeett. Ancelemeer. the fol lowing valuable property, that le to soy. All sad singular that certain Jeareel or tract of wed arid prelates*. senate. was and bang In she Township Of West b awiseash In the Csty of Huron and Previstee of Otrarie. brag romposed of • part of Parse Lot Ni mere Tweet, One In the Fourth Oilibeeliellati of the Township of OV•wanosh. whish Mealy illtreetelb • 1 in said mei tgagr en/ i,said to comae owe sere mid thirty live moan reds of lame. he Ole same Were IS MN*. The ahoy, Reopen) is situ- ated above Poor lodes him the Tillage of Due mosses sod there le epee the lase a gond eee mid tires Iltajf steryfresse hews, Deti mid Mob. Mt Ili & Thin le ekes le oessect ion .0th t ye Omer Illeekomith !bee Me* Tab Is • good 11 ty •ari • geed abed for • ItlackenvIth 51.,; -..Teo per cent. of the Purchase meow down at time a sale sod l balsas, a I bin one nessob doseeshaesirmeet letesest. to I home Anaemia,. or Mit. iirawth- PI= =stone Trimble eerh. _ . i AMU II A 1.601C011. C N1110LT A netlemer. bit fliellelsere. ' this had Me of ais216). MN. I Eq. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH, MIT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1894. SPECIAL SALE. IRRESISTIBLE BARGAINS - -A Chittet Opportunity to se- eure First -Class Goods (luring the month of December at Less than Wholesale Prices. All lines of Fall and Win- ter tioods will be slaughtered. NO such value ever offered the public before. Inspection and comparison of prices solicited. A pleasure to show Goods, whether you purchase or not. JAMES A. REID. Jordaele Meek. Otedertek. Nov. 111. IIIIE BltuntlOME Vacant. r - %%TA STED AT ONCE. -11 GOOD, T pleb coeb. No weeldna Apply to MRS. t AMIINONJ_ is-tr. Hortlinalturst rrtie Asst AL MIETIN oF THE Godericit Horticultural Posay Will be ' Ilea is the Mend Jury Room n the Court Douse. Gedorkh. oe Thunder. 11.11 Inst. at • o clock, r.st WM. LANK. J. 'f. DICKSON. President. Listed Joey, had. Pintas Notts*. AN-XUAL WESTING. .rins annual resent Ines -tire of the Stan- t:oilers of the Hum sad Bre e Loan and in- vestment Company will tit Med at the Com- mie, 'a room on Tneeday, ,:th of February. at .• when • ton mareieliot oe the financial position of the Company will be submitted. and such totter general business taken up at -1 MUCH ENPOSURE BROUGHT ON SEVERE ATTACK OF RUE I may be necessary. HORAC'It i'ORTON. Ced Manager. MATI1.4.M. • . OMEO EATjCnrili Both the method sad leoulta when Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the eye - tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fermi and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, reparod only from the most healthy and agrees hie subitances, its manyexcellentqualitiescom mend it to all and have made it the most povular remedy Ii tiawn. !syrup of i;igs is fur sale in 75o bottloa by ail katiirlif Any reliab..ldrugcbt who may .tiot have it. on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes i0 -try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA HO SYRUP CO., SA1, VAANCISCO, CAL. tallfiRVILL=. X'ORIL N. AN AUCTIONEER'S STORY. 'rhe Council of that Corpora ion of tbe County of Huron will meet in Me Court House In the Teen of temeterice. on Tuesday. the t3e.I day of January. at :Itiolock. r nr. LANK. Ileted January SUN MN. 47 -Id Clerk. ANNUAL MEETING. The anntakesseetlelet if the west Wsi_weareb Mutual letreineuranos Company will be beld at the Court Room. Dmereasion. Wednesday. the 11th day of January next. at the ho-ir of one &cloak, v.v.. for the purpose of receiving the director.tunnel report. and also the audit- ors' revert of the receipts and expenditure. of the Company during the part year ending Dec. Kee l. and any other bushiest of which meth es base been received. c • - M. R011iitTs, Dilleglesielna. J. allt. 17 -It Secretary-. WVin HURON AGRICULTI. RAL Illeciety..-The assuai Society will he held at Ike Town Hail (ted.' rich, on Wednesday. January 17. 14141. corn - none at one o'clock.v for receiving the annual report, electing ancers and connect. ing any general became Members will not berersonally needed this year J mer• ut Eta. theretari. °dutch. Jan 3, Len. 66-21 vonor.-THE ANNUAL MEET hero( the West Huron Butter and Chem° Manufeeturlog Co. 'Ltd.. sill be held at the Townehip Hall. Carlow. on Wednesday. Jan. 1 -ti. Deal. comniencing at 1 o'clock sharp. All Interested in cheese making are Invited to at- tend. JOHN TIFFIN. WI!. JONES. Pres. they. Carlow. Dec. V. lie3. 16-21 O STOCK OF PERIUMEs AND V Caney Goods is now complete. MANICURES. SHAVING SETS, Deoeleg Caste. &c, in plush. oak and cellu- loid. - BULK PURFUMES, SACHS'S AND arm hind inktable for Christmas time. - - PRICES MODERATE. S PECIA I prices to Sebes' Children buying presents for Teachers. 1. W Lee 11 Paiscatenox Dace aroma Telephone No, IL LOCAL BREVITIES. New Brunswieit eed-s7r 'shingles at Kidd's, $1.80 so. Itch on human and hones and all animal. cured in 30 minetee by Woolfortre Sanitary Labe. Thu never fails. Sold by .1. V. Davis and all druggists. 30 ly Manager William. of the Bank of Commerce wee present last week at the Board of Trade banquet in Toronto, officially, as President of the Ooderich branch. The Goderich Organ has been chosen in prefereoce to all other competitors in the contest at "I ',ewe" :church, A th8eld, Geo. Thomson is the local agent. The Spring Amen Court will open in I .oderioh on March 1.39.h. Chief Justice Armour presiding, and the chancery court on the 8th of May, Mr. Justice street occupy- ing the beach. Rev. Dr. Moffatt, of Tomato, secretary oi the Upper Csaada Religions Tract and Rook Society, will address the congregatious of North at Methodist church, and Koos church sext Lord's lay the former at the morning, and the latter at the evening tier. rine. English Reaves Liniment removes all hard soft or callesuied Lumps sad blemishes from horses, blood Navin, curbs, splints, nag base, eweeney, Itifien, sprains, sore and aeons* throat, coughs, etc. Sari, $50 by nee of wee bottle. Warranted the inciet wooderful blemish cure ever known. Sold bv .1. E Davis and ell druggists 30.1y Rheumatism ured us • Day -South American Rheumatic Core, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cored in 1 to 3 days. Its anise on the eystem is remarkable sad mysterious. It remorse at owe the caner sod the demos immediately disappears The first dess Oreatly benefit. 75 mate Mold be JR. Davis sad all drninfiste. 30 ly Rebel is Silt Ileum Dietroming kid- ney mid bladder diseases relieved is six More by the " Nye I teltAT SorT11 Await - IA'S Kiwis, Cr " This New remedy is • great serpress and delight to physicians ate aellestat et it. exceeding promptness in no tieviae pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages is male or female. It relieves enemies el wan, and pais is passim it ahem* inismeli- steely. If nu meet meek relief sad erre thie I. your remedy. field by J. R. Davie A ItEl.-YAST Etat Ks, tT 11-4114ei. - Hte Tette nee auoitevsymi ley AZL- tirt, oF "tt.T-E5EE5-As,11541ti4aStt orDr • - Tgarr.T TO 0131/Litr. • From toe Stay net Sun. .1. There are few people. ie Sunnis County who do not know Mr. Thos, Furlong. For twenty-eight yeas \1r. Futiong has been a resident of the county, end for tit eaty-two yams has been • tratelliug *gent and an auctioneer, and it is safe to say that he is as popular as he is *ell -known. In a busi- ness of his kind Mr. Furlong is oaturally exposed to all kied. of weather, and the re• atilt has been that for some years past he has bun ladle crippled with theematism and has suffered Crest inconvenience. Happily, however, Mr. Furlong has found • release from this "uttering, and his recovery has excited so much interest in and about Stsyner that "The sun determined to secure the particular" of his cure and give them for the benefit of others. When seen with regard to the matter, Mr. Furlong es pressed the greatest willingness to make public the particulars of his cure in the be. lief that it might be of benefit to tome other sufferer. "You are of course aware,- said Mr. Fur long, "that my calling subject. me to more or less inclement weather, and this wee the main cause of my ',genet. some nine year. ago I tirst felt the symptoms of thou matism. I did not pay much attention to it at first, but gradually it became so severe that at was with diiiiimIty that I could hobble around, and my business really be- came a burden to me. I cossetted several physicians who did ail they could for me, but without giving Me any relief. During* part of the year I was heti fast for weeks at • time and es the remedies I tried did me no good I began to belie. c that there was no cure for me, and you will readily ender stand how despootleur I was. To add to my dtstrese I became &Meted with 'ale rheum of the hands, and had to keep my hands covered with cloths from one year's end to the other. I had read of some re• markable cures of rheumatism by the tire of Dr. 1Villiasn's Pink rills for Pale People, and at last I made up my mind to try them, tb-tugh I must admit that it was with • doubting heart, for I had spent • great deal of money for other media., without ob- taining any benefit. However, they say that • drowning man will clutch at • straw, and at waa with touch of this feeling that I purchased the first be. of Dr !Vintages' Pink Pills. lettere that box was all gone I experienced some reliof which warranted me in contieuing the treatment, and from that out I steadtly progressed toward consplete reenhraory. I .e used in all eight boxes with the re- sult that I am to day free from pats sad ache, soil not only did Punk Pills relieve me of the rhelonatisen, hut they also drove out the salt•rbenm, and as you see to -day the hands which had been covered with man* fissures and scabs are now completely well. This splendid result is due entirely to the ose of Dr Williams' Pink sed you may be sure that it gives me the greaten pleasure to warmly recommend them to others. isv%%. Pink Pills are a perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locornotor ataxia, St. Vitm &nee, nervosas headache, nervous pros- tration and she tire I heeling therefrom, the after elects of Is grippe, dimasse depending on humors in the blood, sues as soirofula chronic erysipelas, etc. Piak Pills give a healthy /low to pale sad tallow complexions and are a specific for the %ambles peculiar to the female reetem, and is lbs one. of men they effect • radical curs is all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or exoduses of any nature. These !ills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams Medicine Oa, preekeilla Oat anal Mehenectady, N.Y an are sold in boxes bovine the firm's trade mark and wrapper. at 50 mots • box or 6 holes for $2.50. Ash your dealer for Dr. Williams' ,Pesik Ville for Pale People, and refuge all imitations and substitute*. Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills may he had of all &urged. or direct by mail from 1». Wil ham& Medicim Co from either address. The price at whit& then pille are sold makes a on.,,, of tnelliseet onseparatively low penetve as empred with other remedies or isedisal trealtleigh te fur Rmau. . rbanky where he geRemo* I tic:61%nm lefl Enrols es shirt ime at.. Ire eggies pwrobseed by UM Wieners inehreptills. NEIGHBORHOOD NOM. From our ownOorroopowlonta. There is lalternamme Mem ThaICalftemel be Illemaid Anywhere gam /tows slab, reeves ligeremis Illespersed tee ?be ellexeal. BELFAST. Too Lem ter Last Week, Tr 6.+OA Ian. 9. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Boyd are speeding Use holidays at I:blow-al anal vienalty. W. A. Hackett, of Toronto Medical tel- lss, is speeding hie holidays here. Mas 11. Crosby l.a. been on the sack list lately. We hope acon to hear of her recovery. Jaa. Mullis has purehased the old school braes and has converted part of it into a stable, and the rest into • woodshed A very eucomeful e..amusstaus was held in our public school on Thursday, Dec. 21 A great many visitors and teachers were pre- sent sad everything pamed elf nicely. Mr. Boyd deserves great credit for the wit &note anent the school Itaa made during the past year. The &usual tmuneetang of the flackett's church Sabbeth school was held on Chriet- nuts night and was well attended. The speakers ot the evening were Item Loewe, of Duagainaces, Rutile, of Ripley, Kenner, of Lucknow, mid Br Agriew,of Paramouot. Recitations were given by the scholers, suited by Mies Crozier, of Crewe. who is fast coining to the frost as an elecutioniet. The Lucknow Methodist char rendered • n umber ot beautiful nimicel selections. LEESOFIN. Mo.:, iv. Jan. 8. George ermmonda, Satilord, gave our rising burg • visit on New I. ear s tittity. Mies 1.mily Thurlow was the guest of Miss Eva Horton, of Goderich, last week. Brothers J. I i 'baton and Hillary Hon too, Ill GT. No. 213are the delegates ap pointed to attend the ...omits. district meet- ing at Auburn of the I O. G. T. No. 24,which will be hied there cu the 2..nd day of this Ire ith. it This week ch. mooed marregational meeting will be held on Wed - °today. During the past year the coupe- gation haa made good progress besides- pay • tog its pastor dashers of the salary pro m lent with the l"azon ioderich toweabip. nedtier some improvements in the church, which havecbeen paid for. LWely • Chris ban Eade•cor eoceity has leen formed which meat -weekly on Sanday evening, The suoday school has a good attendanee, and has air tmchere on its staff. The of - deers of the school are : If. A. Hertel!. librarian : S. It. 1Villterna. secretary A. C. Macdonald, superintendent. Since Rev. 11 Mackay aseuined :huge of the emigre gat ions, pastor there has Late oeshicieral and an ordtnat inn of three new elders --John Horton, I* N. Shew anti D. Lawson -ap pointed t.ir these tiuties by vote of the con gregat len. DUNGANNON. Tt a-4okt, Jan. 9. lirsisv.ss. --Now that municipal electiom etc.. a • Jo. er btisines., mercantile and in general, has resumed its normal statue. ArrRECI %TEO. Ti. .1s1.SAI., with It/ at- tractive and interesting local and general Sows, is beisg more appromMod than ever. Success to it. Noent Sm.tet - Our popular grocer, whom n eat store will vie with other storm in more prominent places in point of neatness and arrangement, is doing, as we understand a rushing business. More success to hint. CurS4 II. MIMIC,- In con.pliance with the municipal statutes the council of the municipality of W. Wawanoeh will Mid it. first session of 94 to the town hal on Mon- day 1 hth inst.' All concerned will govern themselves accordingly. NEW Stu Mu I Messrs. A. Stewart and Joe. etothers are busily engaged in pre paring timber for.. rese.11111 which as to he constructed on lot 13, 7th concession, %V Waranoale near the gravel road leading to Lucknow. Success to them rein. Ot r I it id Nevins, who hart for some vein been carrying on bosoms in shoemaking in this village, has *old out his s 0.k in trade mid interest to This. Little ot the Sepoy town. Mr. Little, we underetan.I timelines business to day 'Tuesday'. I .0% We are pleased to learn that Iles. Hugh I hilf, stho has been very for some times is gradually getting better ; also, Rev. R. Fairbairn and Mrs. F., who have been somewhat ill from the eflects of having caught cell, are improving. Fine The barn and contents of Mr Moran, of Ashfield. were totally destroyed by tire during last week, which was ceased by the lantern being accidentally upset. Wt. Moran has sustained a heavy loss. We learn he was lightly insured in the !sodas Mutual. S liteti. It here, i I; Our school, in own - phew:* with the Poblic School Act, no opened on Wednesday the 3rd, the staff of teachers being the bane as in '93, YU: Prin- cipal, A. McKay assistant. Mrs If. Wil- son. We wish them and their pupils • sue- cesstul year. Qrire. A CHANGE IS THE WrATIIRR. January thaw which prevailed for sems time daring last week, has base superseded by • cold wave of frost sad meow, sad in consequence sleigh and cutter bells are jag lint coos more, sea at the time of writing wheolieg is incellent. V introits As. AY. Jobe Girlie, of Winni• peg, who has bees visiting his mother and relatives and • large circle of finitude and monaintaeoes in this village and vicinity, left here or Friday via Goderich„ Tomato mei Chicago for home. May he arrive hsr.'c safely. . P. Handal and family, who have been spending New Yews with rela- tires hare, left for home at Ripley Ism west Macias srri Y. Itehgrning came, 'Jaimgh in former years generally consider- ed a creel act, is now all the raga. Jas. A. Halloo/0i, of West Wawanneh, tem of our practical young yeomen, has &me terieuri• inentirm the innovation on • potties o his cattle with much beneficial remelts that as is - Ueda to dehorn some more, if not all of him cattle. He is loud in his praises of the re- sults. ‚it-ri ii Owing to the illness of Its., it Fairborn, union services of the Methodist and Primly/terns oeettreteatawea were held no last Sabbath le the Presby- terian church There was • very large •t- tendanoe. Rev. D. Rodgers contacted the service sad preached as e smiles* sermon from Um words as contained in the 4th cosy. verge 1901 Paul's epistle to the Minipills,. ANOTHER Piosis. -STI1.1. TOWN' Again we are called on to chronicle On de- parture of soother of the pioneer. of Mib• hoW towaship. This Trelesven, who hew hem her seem time JR departed fresn ebb sublunary seem en Tuesday lest. His maim were interred is Dengaienne menellinr Os Thursday last, bong eenvoyed thither* -C Oal=sand acipmetneess. a. e 002110141111, ef Monello. one eed TT yearn sod 3 months. Ker. D. neelgieni oss=ted the obeequies TM *datives and of the demesed ham Um sympathy of the conisemity in their hereavement. The deceased was • ma much estoewied by all who knew hut, he Wag of a gnat naoldrinive disposition. • reed aftel kind neighbor. Ax'. ii, Yarns., -The animal smatiag of Duaganom Agriselteral and D. P. as- e netaine WOA held on Mayday aftermen in the lifilintnie hall. A Isene member of the stook holders was preemet.„ 1. IlIrvis, ox - warden of Hume, in the Moir. Minutes el previous meeting were read sad approved, Secretary shad teenserer 0 rspert. were read mid adopted. The --ih. is in • pro- sperous ceaditioe, and well deserves to be fur tie Minim* energy as shows by the treasurer's report The company is &Ma Chilly le el.-onest steading, the whole Inabilities for iniprovesseste darner tbe lest two years have berm Iiiisidated, leaving in the fuads $0.63. The full amount of 'iambus" ageism the oenspasy for land be- ing reduced to $1100.00 there beta" /meet. of stuck which if called for would more thee most the Itobiliti.. The directors med elleiale were unanimously re elected for 1894. ANN. Al !S se. S. Hot.. 1.:Nri.liTalsULsT The alaual Sabbath school reterbeinmeet in - cry" sets I the origin* into heahl Nos with the Methodist chtireh heel action--empecially the liver, for that 4 which was hold in the church on the ermine the point of entrance for thi of Monday. Jan. 1st , was in point of inter- gt•ttliN, then if the 140041 ii. put est, good order. finance and attesitiaoce, • they'll he thrown off. Thert.'s I rarest "memo. Rev, Is. olo. he Rods provided over the entertain:seat itehisPlatuitu"sa risk. If it fails to benefit or cure ift att-ease"11 impure blosul or iimeti.,.• happy and efficient member. Too much orsit maw* be given to the ladies, vu, liver, your money is returned. Mrs. S. Pentland and Mimosa R. Peatiaad and A Thompson for the etticiest training of Us. children in inueic, recitatioes, etc. The A 0111AT WAIT CMILDRIS --hare bees oared of wroftla an other skin &arson -as well as thousand's of grown people, by takiug Dr. Pierce's Golden Med- ical Discovery. Every dis order that can be reached through the blood, yields It its purifying qualities. Be. , sides, it builds up seAoicsotes .11mA and strength; not merely fist like (\Kt lives oils. A scrofulous con- dition of the blood in. vit.*. Catarrh, Bronchi• tis and Consumption. ‘Ve're all exposed It) the germs of count:nit- lion, grip, or tnalari3- yet only the weak one, auffrr. When you're weak, tired out, and ,le- bilitated, or wheu hsinil -s and blotchee•sipear--le • .1 the wartaji iii Gine. The " Disc.% . The key to Me eitriati vs quartettes eat deeps were well rendered. -if vott stiffer from The children who mag in their respective tarrh. yHeim-de. Nmat ou'll in IN. classes did well, and contribute I a very at Rage's 'o uective feature to the entertainment. The entertaiameut will be lung refixed...veil to ter how bad your mime may the children iied those who were present as be, the proprietors of the • plemant, testi- uctiv• anti happy New promim. to pay l'eees mening. The Siddelh school is well 8Sioo if they can't run attended. Last Sabbath these were up- wards ot one hundred present, and its pros. you. You're roma, or you're Poist nerdy gives marked credit to the militia( . efforts sad zeal of the superintendent, John THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. McLean, sr., anal his ecithent stall of teach- ers. At the annual sabbath school meetiug eledesesh Padres which was tet entiy held. the teachers and ilessimMe January 10 lac officers were elected for the -year 1894. Spring Wheat. standard 0 S% to I) Pall Wheat ".... 0 Sit to 0 Ott PER3ONAL PARAGRAPHS. Flour. family . 0 00 to U &eerie. • ton 00 Ile tate fei SE Martin, of Risley, speed amide, 111 ct. 00 WHO Scroenings P tow.. ...... . . . . • ' . . . CO fle tote OP town. - IOW tote it fe to 0 !it It to 051 10 to 0 40 to 9 10 60 to 1 fle Mi to 0 et o 30 to 0 12 ire* 11111111010101, 9 lb...-. 0 1- le 0 17 ti 12 to 0 11 pg11;:r;ir".. 3 OD to I 00 eel ' 0 IR as 0 16 M 140 SB 5. to 0 al arm 4 SI te I 0 Miss is.. smraigne as visiting friends in Elora. „two reiwed..11 beat ..... R. .1. kirk, of Ihtegannoa, visited town •tillea this week. rer " bush. l'has Andrews lett on Tuesday last Dec Mastatia. _ . Jae McLeod, of KeirIP14.4, is friends in town. • Win. Haddee, of I:offal/a N. , ma Nellie, in town. Wm. Down has return* I from • ma.O. to Waterloo, Norman McLean, of Marosette, is visit. lag his mother in town. Phil Horton *nursed to London HeOgfigli (allege on Weditesday. Mug Tome has returned to Holundli l,aaIiss t oibsge, Leedom. Miss Hetes A. Polley left on Saturday to visit friends in le lamellae. Miss J. Thomson hes returned from • • isit to etrathroy and Woodstock. Miss f1uth Williams has been engaged to leech • school Dear Toronto during Deal. Miss Anne Finlayson, of Ripley, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. J. Sallow., in town. .1. %V. W. Simi:moo. of Whitechurch, is attending the I :Wench collegiate ineritute. Allan saver left on Tuesday. lest to con- tinue his studies at Trimly College. Toros - to. Miss 'trate Polley leaves this week on a few weeks' visit to frieoda in St. Thomas and Tomato. Harry Para ns, of the Rank of (Ommerer, Stratford, was in town spending holidays last week. Mrs. Ben .\11en and daughter, lb, left on Monday morning for 1.0mfoa, Detroit and other points. Wm. NIsrlton was hod up with a sore throat last week, haying swill/wed • ptece of • peanut obeli Cap:. A Donley bed the misfortune to tall ant "sun his &Ole whir working at the Leer lur last week. Min Shannon left kr Toronto en Monday to complete her stnillea at the school nf Pedagogy. Chart J. .Minor, of st. The num, spent New y..s week in town, the guest of A. M. polity, North st. J Hi Watson, of Iluffalo, N. Y., has re. turned after speeding the holidays with las parents and other relatives. - H. J. D. Coit, barrister it ifesignr. Mien., was tows during the week. He lett os Monday for Alviestoe. Men florae. Patentee, of Lookaow, is vtaitiag at the madam of Jobs Hain. Mie guest of her ceseis. Miss Bertha Baia, Jae. Hausa, jr., oh Hill's Gress, was ia town Monday lent and Welk • rem through the various departments of THE SIGNAI. of - flea. W. Reid, who has been visiting his par. seta here left on Monday for llama to re muse his position of clerk in • drug store in shot city. Miss Hutton, who won the geld medal at the Toronto Normal School, received her and lessons in teaching in the Goderich Model &Soot. Kimono Mary Craigie, Allie Johastos, Reek, Flo. E 1141 and E Wiggins' ham re- ceived titter protemiosel certificates as fled clean teachers. We are pleased to state that B Gibbous, who has brin seriously ill for • hag those with iallammatiee of the Wogs, is able to be &rotted again Fred Ansley, who has been spending his holidays at ho. near Winghasn, returned on Monday to resume his studies at the collegiate institute. Mrs. .1 straiten and ems. of Thorodale, hare returned home after ependiag • pleas- ant trial amongst relatives in tows. 14he wee the guest of her pareete, Mr. and Mrs Jae. %Vetoes. Ur mid Mrs. Hord, Mrs. Young and Westey Reid, who have been speeding bob. Icy,with these parents, Mr and Mrs. Jamieson Reid, left tor their home in Ie iron Moseley monist. ti I. Allan, formerly of 1:011erieli, eawof the Rank of Comeeerce. Walhalla», was me of the promises' participinte at the New ear hall given by the haehelere sod base diets of that tows. The sanle woe • great 1111101111111. SOW FIFTY YEARS A00. _ - - Now ADVERTtsEMEN TS JAN. 11 Pas.a. JM Year Label- lista Si.. S AI-. . Leini-ePhotes - R. R. ...... lora-T•uerisig • - F. J. Pridkam . I. for Selo Joseph W dem . ,§ nose Timm, Easy Prices -C. A. Now ber Sos ... Sale oh Vomiters on .bitanisy-T. Gui- dry 6 Annelid Meeting- W. %tamale.' Metall Co.... ....... 8 Price Limo - C I:. Arnisti-ong •-• • 4 Herd to Bay Riot* - G. A. Erie a New Tin Store -.1. II. Woolen & 1'0 9 Meeting of County Couned W Lure 8 Aaneal Meeting Huron & Brum Law asd Iaventinest society . 8 Bonier Locals - it. A. rear Loral Rev. 11. Turole-11 BORN. CLUTTON- At lirisatilew Farm Lechure. on Jas. hd, um vflie or .1. 0. clause of. is.. ELLD6 On Dee, IL MI. at 77 Queen east Hamilisato Br. sad Mr*. Wilbert ,r • disaster. MARRIED. STEW A RT FISHER - t the residence of lb* brides father. Dodo/rich, es Wedre. day. Jan. te. by Rev. J. K. HowelL M. A Ammo Jibs beware, of Snorts. Mae.. 5:-i eon emote! I'. to Mist May rem... Mabee, daughter et R Nei. Mar MURCH --ISUTHKRLAND On Dec Ike. Oraegoville. by 'he ft, boa 410 Dieektiale, B D., Norman Maellarehy, A- Scionoe Mester colUngweed Cellegn'• Ellatitate. sad receetty is11 tioderine to Kate. eldest &tackier ef Alexander /briber. Mad, govern* of the Ibll. DIED. HAMIL N -•t Gederich, on January hh. . beloved W161 or Raga Ham ilesh. 75 Teem IllecCAUGIBAK.-1a Roderick. on Saterdar. Jen. ink. likk Edgar IfseCaughen. aged 6 yens and II ineetles. CAMERON -In West Wawaacieh, Deo Nth. IOW Marsearet Queens. mei 70 yews. I n inth art leder. 00011 le 411611161. Dee. Seth, ISIS Rachel Used, he 0 red geese( Willtant Abe Good axed 45 IMAM wentrra R- Is Aeleilleal Jib 4., Webaser.dmiet Deem W er egged Cy She In trlemp smite. 51 in the meaty of Haren, and I ma give you a short account of that Mow. It wee got op by • few of the drat nattier, is Gelbersr. Goderieh sad Goderiell township, and • Am in other p.n. el the essuity. Yew who at waded lbw skew are alive taday. The was os West street is the sew. . mar Me top of Mar. her Hill, and then wow se exhibit al any- thing bet sheep sad homed cattle, sad very few of the.. The were not sumer gen Loa were of valise. There was se fruit of may hied, me eves apples did set grew is the esnaty. 'nowt tier* no room. abase --me pssaskies or *quashes weighing 300 or 400 posed. --and no beautiful variety In work- There was no speeding in the Hag by ladies sad items!! la bumps., carriages or , as has 0101111 the ems is later years, for beltway amid carriages were at that Sane unknown in the HMCO Trees. But there were jolly old Limes My or sixty years ago. The settlers were tbs. more sociable and agreeable with mob other Hum they are today. When there was to be • hoarse raising or • logiglag nay was sere to be • hag of whisky provided. Whisky was then cheap 25o. per panes - and was not pobeeed with drugs as mete of Ii is mew. Awl if any of the boys or mem get a "wee hit Is- and had • few thumps with each ether duly did not then go te a J. P. The nest hag of pure Stiff that mese along would settle the depate, sad there was no law required _ Please give this a ph. In the old Sem it Ile NMI fill Oro Bette in Seree-The whisk hem glees us the sews for nearly I 1110611.011•1 tees Asa Sliesmi- I hall .,.....s_.,, sod elolies As old beerneer, 21111111111s, About Shy mare age I em' Oantons Oos. J. P, aa WM*, at *a fret Fail ghew am bald Goduldi 'Numb*. Dee. its NM •