HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-1-11, Page 6THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1894. 7741111- - THE IM PARING BAKING. POWDER QST, STRONGEST, BEST. Contains no Alum, Ammon.a, Lime. Pnoepnataa, or any laaria� L W. CM t ETT. Toronto. a)ns. HE OFTEN GETS LEFT. The N•..ter Peel Make. 4.ule..w of a Trembtseorre wea►ses.. ,lames Whitcomb Iafev, the poet, J. seethes bmiself as • train mistier. A friend thus relates hew the poet ocal..ss his weakness - 1 found hum occupying an easy .hair in a parlor car that wits attached to • train le.v- to3 l'hicage at 10 30 A w. for 1ndlas•polila After the greetusi,s, in that quaintly humor- ous stra.n that has made the man and his writing so popular, he deocnhed the trial he meets with as • tr. elet : "I have been in the depot Goo hour, waiting for this train to start for ladiaa •polis. •Wh) did you cone here three hours be- fore oaintime 10.30 is is,a leaving time.' •• Well, you know 1 am a train miaow. 1 can't make a train. It doesn't make any diaeresee what pre.autauus I take, I alias it or take the w-rooui Ir•tn. I got my ticket yesterday - bought it over the " Mono= route- because 1 kuew it went right through wtthout change. 1f 1 ever have to change can, 1 to lost 1 am sure to min the coo- nectioo or take the wrong trap. 1 had At messenger boy go with me to the ticket of tine. Never could have found it myself. When l got to the hotel after the entertain - men: last night, I asked the clerk what time the "Monon' train left for indien• ap?hs. Jl000u \lonon,' said he: 'hasn't that road got another none •' .• • h prohebly h... It would be just like these railroads to change the name Mi. nesdtatedy after 1 boasht my uuket.' Then he looked at one of those brain splitting time nerds and said ' s ' yes ' Motion route -that's the 1.., N. A. and A. t'. railway, and it leaves at 1' a.' •' 1 left a call for 6130, so 1 could -have my breakfast and be at the depot at 7.30. a el - ways go to the depot 30 minutes before the train leaves, anti then I miss It oftener Used 1 catch it. Wbeo 1 pre.ent d my.ticket to the gatekeeper,' he said : ''-our train leaves at 10:30. That was so, and here I hate been since 7.30. dial Sleety' that when my head was built they run out' of gray matter were they Dame to till my bump of location, ar.3 they tilled It with mayonosise dressing, and that's • pretty hard thing for • mac to think with." Detroit Free i'ress. .refits Loiirelt tared. 111 to So.. I have suffered very mach Dorn acro'ula and bad blood for seven years past. Sty months ago 1 oommenced usiag Y. It. B internally anal externally and can now ray that I am entirely cured, and have been so for some time. To all sufferers I re- • tomcod 1: KIS. as an excellent remedy for scrofula • 1L.- ,t. R. T Picton, Mew IS happened, " 1 was surprised when 1 heard that l:rabrox had jnined t:turch.' 1"4sranc't. I happened to he present when be -apd he business partner shook dice to see which member of the firm should jofa> ' Marling Conn canna- • (.1 ' T1.novs, -My little boy had a severe ha:keng cough, and could not sleep at night. i tried Haryard's Pectoral Balsam for hi= aud he was cured at ono.. alio J. War kr.TT, 2w Linwood, tone Ant Ail m'. Fee. Mr. Newricb-h�ard sakes, Mandy, what you got so traay'kbivs an' forks at each plitte for Mrs. Newrisb--1'm sure I don't know, but that's the way that new man fixed em. 1 a pare likely it's jug to show we've got 'em /sew Vork Weekly. Eaeele All Saber, l)tA l: Sine, --Your Burdock Blood Bitters excel all other medicines that 1 ever used. 1 took it for billowiest,' and it has cored me altogether. Ww. WRo.iir, 2w Wallaoeberg, Ont. Neon Mere. •' How was the prestidigitator last sight, Henley •- •' Wonderful ' Why. actually, Taxan, Vast fellow took • dollar nut of old Skin flint'. ear Hump' It would have been more woad rful c1he bad esooeeded in getting it out of $kiultat's pooket."--Harper's 8a - Far. Ilrrepead Wish a Roses Sins' ram 6R - i had such a woven tough tin t�Yy throat telt as if scraped with s ra woos Dr. Wood's Norway11a. Syrup 1 me tothe first dose gars reief, and the sac- rad bottle completely cared me. Mt.. A A Urrweet. 2w Mimetic, Otos,. Be gm to In The beck. • it arse lord Norhury who made one 'ef the best witticism ever evade from the bean at the sepesas of the prisoner. It was at the time when robbery wan padishd b, basglnl He was .entencimii to death a thief who had .tole. way. but Yon Ie.& • neap at time. my you elneslsd eternity." ♦ Shintio Te.et.avubl. GmerLan01.-Tow Tsars ago my Minn aalke+d Node ar,MsIndigestion, but was wo betties of Barna* and n isa te* wasonead it to ala .- era Mem Ibis Abeam lbs. Jams Mtn' n. tae ' 1 lli aMsat.. Teento. sa l is ��minn w/eaaey is selkinans lelr ani +k ` l�Sap -- Yea, It's int no tl te Waal OD tiara 1 Mat my iwrtia3 W the pas _PRUNING OF TREES. Tae Different tltesslts Gaited Fr.r SWIM goer Pr.iti. and whiter rrsates. Amateur gardeners know very htth of pruntug, and tn3tntt'tioas iu this hole are desirable. Thomas Meehan, in bis Monthly, very truly says: The unfortu- nate part of all attempts at thew prac- tical lesions is that in priming one must have some object before he starts, and Hutt this object will vary continually - not only on Various trees, but with a tree itself -and it is impossible, there- fore. to give practical lessons in detail without kuowittg what particular ob- ject one may have in view. One may have fruit trees growing in a comparatively small space, and which he. therefore, desires W keep dwarf. With this object iu view, a rery epeeist' system of pruning would be 'memory, and the object would be to get growing branches, nearer to the ground and not up in the air a long distance. where the trees would make large spreading heads. In order to accomplish this one has to prnne out during the smuttier most All the stroug and vigorous growths at the apex of the plant, eta as to throw the coarse of the cep into the branches near the ground, for in a state of nature the tendency of the tree is to go up, and to Ito up as rapidly as it c*n, and the up- per branches are therefore the etrougest. and the lower branches are the weakest. To cut the strong ones out, therefore, strengthens the lower ones. It is on the same principle that we prune hedges. These we wish to keep low, and for t.iis reason the plants are pruned in the summer time, the strong. vigorous branches -the top ot thelrwl;i.s -boltig the ones cut out, and this throws the .ap into the branches near the ground, thereby streugtheuiug theist and making them of equal growth with those At the apes, and this work has to be done daring the growing season. If the same kind of pruning were done in the winter tune instead of the bum- mer, the result would be that the net spring innumerable strong shoats wouiil push out where the upper Ones are .ant off, end growu'g so strong they would abeolnte:y draw- tits nourishment from Mrig 1u -er branches. The pruning had to beEkone in this case while the sap i= in vigorous circulation. so that the chauuel may at once be turned into these lower braneber. One might take up any num- ber of question.} of trees in detail -a mato, ehenies, plums, grapes or whatever it may be -and the lesson is just the satne for all of them. If you want to keep trees dwarf, with abundance of gond growing branches near the ground, cut out all the strong shouts at the ape: aur- - ing the growing season. A Nord For Ike Privets. The ('alifornia privet is Ymploye.l to fine advantage in Central park, New York. It will grow anywhere -under the drip of trees; in the shade, clear to buildings, in clear or smoky at in moist or dry soil. It retain.: its/ - from Elec ember to early February-, as the fr.•bt_s may -be more or less severe. Its heat 1..Lks are shown as a small ahnib. never as a small tree. The spring growth is so rapid that it soon makes up for the injury which winter inflicts. It will stand any amount of cutting back. The roots are rarely killed by cold, even thonglt tlli temperature fall to24degrees below zero:- The ero'TI:e privets are thea chained by Rural Nev.- Yorker: The so called California privet (Ligastrum ovalifolium) is prob- ably the bast. all thlings considered. Then there is it variegate) variety with yellow leaf margins which is quite as hardy as the other species. The cowl), u privet 1 L vnlgarei has entailer leaves,. Variety bnx- ifolinnm has ahial er leaves still. Besides these there are ani =way as 21) different species. which. however, would be of itttli, valve except to make up a collec- tion. The pendulous privet (L. vullgare pendulums is interest ing. and when graft- ed on a stem four feet high makes,• bsau- tifnl little weeper. Diefereat ap•Aes e! Oaks. The oaks areal' admired for the beauty of their foliage and for their varied hab- its of growth. In modern gardening the demand for the different species has of late years been very large, In Meehan's Monthly attention is ve.y properly called tothe beauty of the fruit, which is seldom wholly overlooked by lovers of the oak tribe. The English oak, especially quer- cus robnr, or the royal oak, is never more beautiful than when covered with its TVRLUT oat - writers crania lonely acorns in the fa1,1 of the year, and architecture and arulidure have iteen considerably indebted for models which thews acorns have furnished. Another European oak. which has beautiful fruit, is not so well known in Merica se it ought to be --namely, the Turkey oak, Weems oerris. The cup M completely covered with that appear- ance of moss. and the prnpn,1ii* gores cup and -acorn is considered y beaatifnl from an artistic potent We have mossy cup ono d " thio which ere also beautiful In tber Own particular stele. but the diarticular char- atbtlaties of beauty is tba Tittrisy oat Dai a.lqua IIITIR1f1TIORLL DISPOT13. Correspondence Relating to Their Settlement. GRESHAM'S LETTER TO PAUNCEFOTE The 1' 1e Mea.ure• Adopted by threat Brttala .Md u.e totted slate• with Renard to Ib. •ettles.eat .t In - 11.1•411i1411•41 Ui IN,rores i,y Arbitration 1. ■a Etatpl.lr to the World. 'i% *iu /s,.rt,.. Jai% 2. -_t eablearam from Loudon s$%s further .•.dTe.pond. t , relat- ing to the Colied States' 1.rot ,/al fur the settleyr, ns, of international disl.utes was laid before the House of t ommons, in - eluding a letter from Secretary t.eee►a*.. The fo.!..w.ui is the teat us, the letter re- ferred to 1\ a.hiiugtuu Dec :11. 1!l9J Hie Ez-eeil. hey Sir Julian Pauncefute . With texlyd to your Dote of August 11. 1'38-':. of which the acknowledgement haw been hitherto tnavohlably deferred. 1 have now the pleasure to tutor= pan that the I'reai,leut will feel gnat eatu1actiou in bringing to the knowledge of t'ougress ip liar furth.,wuitig aLunsi meas ge the resolution of the Howe of Commune of the %lith id .lffiy {set. whereby that high i •' j" Dred its cordial .y'-paty with the a sou lakes by the Senate and Hulme of Representatives, in the concurrent team lotion. of February 14. April 3, 1890. re w gati ej the President 'to unite, from time to lint., ae fit occasion' may arise, tugntietiwus with any Government with which the United Slates has or may have .lipiutnati. relMiuw, to the end that an! ttit1ettelwee air amputee ari.:hg between the two tiuyertimente which cannot be adjust ed br-dipiotwtic agency may he referred to arbitration. and be peaceably adjusted by such memo.- lu manifesting the hone that Her Ma- jesty'. tiurerataeat will lied their cordial c.• -operation to the Government of the United States upon the bests of this con current resolution of Congress, the House of Commons has ado -ilea a most gratifying Proof of the sentiment of the nations in favor of the eattleuteut of international di.egreernenr, "t which the United Mals aua t treat 1:ntalo have by militia' •ecoid tic -•:i to tt•,v a •r:d cotY u* the tlitmrcra_ tion- shot reveled re: et t 1 Litre the honor t.. le, Mr. Ambassador, silt!, :tic highest �oupideration. your obsdi- rut servant. N. fj.•Ultit.natt SENATOR MORGRWS OPINION. The Might. of this Letts. .ease. 1. tux. R.arIag Sea Arbtarawhsmi, WAa4fls..Tt c; Jan. 'I -The opinion' of Senator Morgan upon the questions -arising in the Sebring Sea arbitration. which were died with the secretary us, the tribunal at Paris on Saturday last were not .o vole tuitions as those of his associate arbttrntor, Mr. Justice Ilarian, although there were more of then!_ ' I11At_.1u.$ a Harlan,' senator Mown delivered • long aignment cr opinion upon the claim of tan United States to property in tla seal. Brit unlike his so refit' he based hill argument that the prescriptive rights of the Uuited States and previously those u( Rotolo. in respect of the fur seals that habitually resort to Behring Sea, are to be safely based upon the continued and angrteaslioued u.uags of both countries, as.trell ae Nein the peen- _ lli,r cheracteri.Mcs ' 'of mese ancptai. L :pon this h. said: The Romani(`sis4 uver tient .a.re* *d the right to own end con- trol of seats that resorted to !Sebring Sea and made temporary- grant. to it. stibjectn of the right to take tnein.in thure waters." •• The long aa•guieeerttce of Great Bri- tain in this claim of ownership itt seals by Russia war not only without ohjevtion, protest or diplomatic suggestion to the .•ontrary, but that Government has en- courage(' her own.pseple to base an mites rive and valuable industry np.n the ma teri•l provided by Russo* and regularly snppiied to them from ber for seal hus- bandry.'" The u'nator grouped the assertions by the United Stater of the their right .1 property in the fur seal einstion while they are alive and wrtbled the incident of acted eaptnre, as follow. - - Fint-As a right by proscription de- rived from Russia and a tiimeced in by tired Britain and their neefnlnes to the t iorernment and the people. " Second -As a right established by Lw within its domain that it' not Unpaired by the necessary and temporary sbuence of the, seal( in ranch of food either while they are inhabiting the seal islands or when they retreat from them on their winter excnr.ion■ into the Pacific Ocean. Third -As a right of property that is the net -emery result of the habits .d the animals and their natural and compulsory relation to the d'ribyloff Iolanda " Fourth -As a right of property grow ing out of the inscee.ity of governmental control of the fur seals to prevent /heir destruction, teed the alleged fact that such control can be efficiently exercised only by the government woos territory is reco- pied by them at their birth, and .while they are their property ration. im!.oteetia •' Fifth --As a right of property based on the fret that with the .cgnir4ueenoe of all nations, estabiahed by the fact that no ubjedion or protest was made or adverse action was taken by any nation fur a period of ninety years. an industry was established depen ling for tis support upon the preservation of the stook of far seals which will be destroyed if indiscriminate pelagic hunting is further permitted." A Natlesol Caosewey 611L V4.* dolma, i).C., Jus. ".-chairman Springer, of the thoun l'ommitt.s oa Banking and rommrres, has prepared a national currency bill which provide. for the creation of • nati.•nttl currency coo- miesion, to be reimposed of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Treasurer of the United States amid the Camiplrollerof the Currency. which shall be charged with the execution of the provisions of the act This commission anal ranee to he prteted stational cnrrewce Melee in wfbcient qn•n titles to meet the regmremenis of the est, which note@ shall be • legal tender in the pay -Meet of all debts. pub11.• and privM . ..rept when otherwise espol•ted, and .ball be received for automat. tares and all nimble.. dotes They shall air, he re de.sm■ble on demand an coin at the Tres .ury of the I nit.d State. or any sub treasury, sod when so redeemed shin be re trued. 1.1.*d Toroth.r and Mrd T.e.tber. ')era. r, Jan 2 - 1 wo wet.* ego Mn. it.., of this city was rake* ill with grippe. i Fires day. *seer het hoeb*ted enutroitaid the sass dues. They died witbin toe Mem .*f earn ,akar us lsaterfay night Thy won i.*swees 70 and 75 mare of age gad had AM tehmeas.d the fittest& srnl- eiti cry • . it w.dei•.g 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Tobacco is one of t ew articles of manufact- ure whose real met can s. only be f oun , ou by actual use For thirty years we have been ma- himQ- the best grades of to- 4accos. and we recommend MASTIFF -PLUG -CUT as a reliable and superior article J. P. I'ACE Tobacco to.. Richmond, \-a.. and Montreal, ('au. %arrow'*1.Ae11 Teeple. Narow monied people are obstructive* to their mind all good is centred in them- selves or others, in what they are or what they believe. 'four politics can only be right : their methods the only safe one* their religion the only true one. Save us always front narrow -mulled people, who make their own armchair the °entre of the world : who persistently refuse to look throuvh any other spectacles than their own : who pooh -path all that other people think or say. -(ood News ttldM'. 1Mal/er. Mrs. T. '. Hawkins, Chattanooga, T'enn.. says : "Shiloh's \ 'tallier 'rived my life.' 1 consider it the bus remedy for • debilitated system 1 .ter used.' Fur dyspepsia. liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 cents. Sold by all druggists. e w WILSON'S MASSACRE VERIFIED. l i %Neale Mar ..f the Itritl.k !'ore* .:.rape.) Wltb Hi. Life. Loxtrw., I)ec. 30.-.1 despatch ftum Capetown state) that native runners have arrived at Fort Salisbury bringing eon Arm 'on of the reptorts o1 the annihilation by the ley of Capt. K ilsoa and the fore ru t inandpd by hon. The runtime state that Capt. tt *leen was surrounded by the Maribelei oto De- cember 8th and that hot :. tingle man of the British force escaped with his life. ('aerruws. Dec. 30.-.t despatch at Bu luway on Dec. 21/ says. -•• Natives report that King L.obengula 1' near the junction of the Shangan mid launlesi Titer with • few monists -II follow.•re. lie is under the surveillance of the roapakv'a Men THE BANNEN PROVINCE. Th. Ckleag.. tatsaoitk.a Upas. the Nye. Of Capitalists to Our l.rratrrs.. Ha.tl.T.. . i1ee. :IU. -Hulley J. Itono bus. representing the Met'a:irtm •.eel Wagon ('o. of Chimp.. is lo the city .n connection with the e.tablishuleot of • branch of his firm here. amt in an inter view said that the Ontario exhibit at the Chicago fsl...inon i.a1 "pelted the ayes a ming experts suet • eapitalieta, especially those of the United State+, and he expect- ed Mery room to see -:a bjt•at amount of capital 6.•win this dir'E.'tiun, the mineral riche's of tine province bavfnj< been eon, imitatively unknown to the world previ- ously. To N -open M.Ilreill. Mlwee, I tarty NT, J)_,., at).- .1 syndicate. of De- troit capitalists is',about completing ar tangemsute to re -open the mines in the extensive sulphide ore fields near Belle- ville. out. • The proposed move defends largely upon the 'success mf' a Imo )mouess of separating the gold and arsenic from the ore which has been stemmed by Dr, Eimer, of this city, although it Is probable that owl( will be started in any event. Over the at. Lt.reme on lee. Musra&AI., Dec.20.-The first crossiug over the river St Lawreuee opposite the city, with loaded sleighs, has Leen made, and yesterday there was a couttnuone hue of sleighs Laming to and fro ou the Pm (MMus St. Lambert to Montreal. Patronise True Competition Twit CANADIAN PACIFIC RatLwa? Cal TausaArw teas trees erablisa.d to glee the public. Ihriadlaell sorvlee with bale and fir einnent esmp.tR 1t le memlwd es bootees principles on is the lateen of as purees. It dsaanes the support at every parish nit believes fit eomp.tdtlns. r.. muse dsapstrb woe taw a msas.d s. os.ctisg with MI Hoes . sable. le r.lsN Medea. Couside and airs.. Innen threw% wires te all 5peerl.te In Nm.hwsat,Reltbsb Calemsblesad 1'asi• Cease 04e. -Seat Sin Woes*. n. nctsmt r �l Local Maaeopor. Oodertee A GREAT OFFER ! GREAT PAPERS - ago - .:. GREAT PRIM!, 'MS We are t. ■ pis hA to ear Dtbe awed Doi the r• me* N.Atd toed weedy stir. of Woolen•' 4.....e rear for gin This ewer sa- nt a 1M wbertbr to s elSoteeof tw• sorest hew» piers y the pebliebese of the Peer- NoesM. Threw pre sleas an the •' Mar - A for int a superb look of ire pages w t .A erect • •up of taw lireat remits sauvesiv Tarnish whIeb retails at tweet) A..asA T4s premium. Als orae sed Hiss ere- will la reedy stool the toed of her •mow S.. Itl_ w111 be rwasfa order d•d the lit.Mat one presort= w r.eafvsd. Sub. t. the Tager ash pare at ears her a ster tar .sand •.&.lea ofpprosni ume ttri. •mora, b .nese gmltlwer b. -' REMEMBER a.w Astls� tl e MEMBRAY'S KIDNEY AND: - r immadistet/sllef aid Erracra Care at all Drug grecs Mrus5ay Medlr/.r t'.sapaay •f Palerb.ewsaa insetted/. PETERBOROUGH, . . ONT. LiVER CURE For rale by 0 A. YKAR, 17ntsi.t, Underfelt. Ont. 1.891. Harper's Magazine. IGLU .EL /CID. H 'et Mang' -.t for ria* wi0 the character that bas made M the lu•Ir•ted periodical ter the reeults of enterprises 'wham there will appear •ups Illustrated wpwsa la1d. Vass. o* J��waaK Illiar.ai le Tran. ay teat r.imaw1'vewo.., w porttwe7 Du:Lour. on Hare by Rn emu. liast°01110 list mewl w Mexico by Frapaalt it►n*e• TON. Ames( the other notable features of the year will be novelsby ltaulwta in Nauman and (lima" to Neuer W an.tut. the personal remisirvnces of R'. U. Moon .Le. and eight short *tines of Wester, frontier lite by Owr. Winter. Short stories will •I.o be contributed by ir•soirn Manna*. R. NANO Harelsu DA%is Mimi l+. W)LItme. Rt n1 MtIt.rica VIVANT, Miss LAt-axltes ALt,. r•ua)i•. Oaoutaa A. HIIIn•rtp. 1)t'Ia.aa% tot Htal-Ira rAnrK. Taoism Samos PAna, and ai►vs Articles on toptes of cutre•t telereet will be contributed try dutnnitoisbed specialists. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. !I -t R1'I::KS JfAG4ZINK ...Pen Year K OP HA RP it:WS HARPPKV RA .. tar 11 A ItPl R'S 1 Ot rM) ? FOPLle.. s e•, Postage free to W. s..aserihri is 1Ar VU11ut1 tmatea, Caaadn had Medics, , The Volume* of the Magazimia *Oh the Numbers for June and Dereallitifferf rash Year. When non=e lenient io•ed,wW snpI will begin with the Number currant at tit time of receipt •,f order. Bound Volumese! Harper'. Magazine for three years tack. in neat cloth binding. will be met b} mail post paid. en receipt of SIP/ per volume. Cloth Casco. for binding. SO cents each by mall. blot paid. HemIlten.x• should t.• made by Portcoffee Money Order or (tract. to avoid chalice of bas. Newspapers are sot to ropy 15.1 adrrr•Iiat . tear .Nhoul the express order of Harper St Bra ban. Address: HAltl'isR 1 BROTHf:RR. -- New 1'rk. I$94. Harper's Weekly ILLUIi3TRSTEI7_ H•Siene's Walker% Is beyond all g.neetion the leading tournal in Atornca. an its splendid illstrations. In i•s corps of distioguisbed c n erihntore. and in its vast army of reader.. In .peria line., It draws oq the highest order of talent, the men best Stied try position and Training to tree. the leal.ng topics of the day. la action. the most popular dory -writers coo tribute to its rs intone superb drawings by the foremost artists illustrate its special Artie irr, its stories, and every notable neat .of pub lie intere.t , it metaine portraits of the des tingulehed men ar.d women who are inskiag the history of the time. while spe.iai anemias is *Liven 10 Inc Arm) and Navy, Ammer sport. and )lteic and the Drama. by dr ttrine &shed esprit. 1a a word, HARMER* Wttal.T combines the sews features of the daily paper mid the artistic sod toenail quali- ties of Dee tnogatine with the solid critical character of oke review. HARPER'S PERIODICALS ✓ er tear r HARPRKS KKK LI r: ria HARPERS MAO AI.IA'P-4 co . HAMf'hRS BAZAR.. .. .r. IARPRRB I'OG'.Su I'FuPLIC. t w. Poster fres teal? sebarribrrs is tie Casted Slates, Canada awl Merier. The Volumes of tar %Venetic bruin with the first Number for January of escb year. When no time Is mentioned. sulecrlptiooe will begin with the Number current at Die list. K re- xite of order. Hound Volumes of HARrgR's W for three years heck. in neat cloth hintingw111 be sent M aaii. postage paid. or by engross free of exper.oe'provided the freight dens sot exceed one do:lar per volume', for 07.00 per volume. Cloth lases Por each volume, suitable tee binding. will be sent by mall, postpaid. cm re- oeippl of (WOO each. ltemitianeea should he made M Poet olio, Money Order or Draft. In avoid .basoe of bi. Ne.'spayrr s are not 10 copy li4 .d.rrNes• *phi without the tapir., order of Haters t Baorww. Address: HARPER t BROTHERS. New York. 1891. Harper's Bazar. ILLVBTR &TED. H•RPtlt'a Ragas 1. a Morsel fof It. home. It gives oho 4.1lest and latest internalise Sheet pamhisa. sad its ss=eroseIlluatrwtlon. Paris drains. sad pattre-lseet eepptareat. Sri indlogassablo One to the fume dreads maker asid the professional mdlsa.. No .x etred us make 'NMhehIts height stories. ammdag eemodtsa, and tb,SgkaM inane sat- iety all tants. Sod Ito haat pans ls Minn as • badger of sett awl humor. to Ira warty homes everytal s indaded whir& hoof Minot to w a. Tics Nerisb r s,!•1 will be wrote �57a cuss* RL.e't h.d WALytra Beaalvv. �wrt Wane* oat N erHotem b► Mani E, Wn,. nen• Maoist noun Pont. Rctn McMinn Swage. It mon Iff •ai,aND, •d etbers. Out - deer Sports sed leder Hamra. nets) taser- ralsuen1, Fm&,oldery Sod other enoreet ag torn ert11 reclusive enemas a.t•.Ilw. A aew earn Is penemed es "sibs and Na/SrWs.• HARPER'S PERIODICALS Pus Tome HA RPRRS BAZAR K .f NARPRRS MaoAsrNL. a he HARPBR8 WgjKLY . 1 a HARI'*RS rocNu PAif)PLR f oe � is.6 odte oArn in the Vd sdr ba, end 1ks4e. Tor Volumed et the RAaaw rein with the are Number Ilan *Ow, eesiob year. Wb.s so tin! Mnionned. sialetriplion .111 beets nth the Namber earreat ss, Use tlmeof rrslp ef order. Mead vet.mits of Haa►t*'a RADAR for three years bitch. 1a seal nob Wading. will be emit by silt=peesepaid et y ...yam.:wnes set mo isti per v*Ieioel.r 107.10 pr volume. (1.tlt (lame ter each velem& capable for eyeat tg, will be test M wWi. p.6-p.M, ea receipt of $1 4 em. h. Remnt.ame wised b► mad* by PestaMme Mesar (kir r Urek, lo even shine ef le... Anere/i/r foce 4 .e le r.mt�p tl nadtart)ime• ttss��AMaaalt amprer mrir► r .apN � Rsor�aaa Addnm: RAMMER t ROOTR RterYn SCHOOL BOOKS. Special drive in School Books and School Supplies. Best value ever shown in Exercise and Scrib- bling Books. Remember we keep in stock a full supply of all Books authorized and recommended for Collegiate Institutes, High Schools, Model Schools, Public and Separ- ate Schools. FRASER & PORTER, ieM/b•rr 4 r. Booksellers and :stationers. 7TOJgt THR Mer; -31, Merry Chr_ istmasfide ! Thi. week we win hare • ear full supply of t'aaiairaa &eons. lenges were never so •vhke so numerous or value better than this. Non can fled something rtutab r any tlkmd is our .uppity. 11EAl7TI7VL CUT-GLAba PER24)[E3: Taylors. lt.rkteeker* and ate:.. it. lovely caeca. as unique celluloid and etcher bombe to, etc . *n hood•palo.td bisque. snit other styles. • TEE MIST ACCLPiAKE Of All GIFTS Pekoe frees V.c. to N oe. NATITRAL CORAL Very beautiful and rare foe the what -sit, etc. Celluloid Cane.. Nle tarp., Tln.b t a•e., atomiser a arra. Crllla/•/d MaataesH tar saaner.ar 1. serntMs. 1 ou mu@• see then.. t\'s'th our .)tow windows had drop is and see. we wW b• pkord to .bow thou. l hoose early. for there Is sure to be a rush for such nor achte goods IP'. C. GOODE, - Chemist. CHRISTMAS FRUITS,,_,; Our Stock is now complete, and we are ready for your orders Our CURRANTS and RAISINS are exceptionally tine this year. Besides, we clean every pound wit sell. Inspect our CHINA and LAMP GOODS Depart ment if you are looking for anything in that line we can suit you. C. s,8. NAIRN. y People in this 19th century are bound to have the best that can be had for the money. That is why EVERYBODY WEARS GRANBY RUBBERS. They give perfect satidattion in tit, :t*'le and finish, and it be- comes a by -word that "GRAN11Y RUSH}Rs wear like Iron.' It is not Sawdust We use in making INDURATED FIBRE WARE. Some people think it is, but they are mistaken. We use nothing but the longest and strongest Wood Fibre, pressed into shape without seam or joint of any kind, and Indurate it by a patent pro- cess which renders it impervious to heat, cold and liquids. INDURATED FIBRE WARS imparts no taste or smell to its contents, and is the lightest, tightest, sweetest and most durable ware ever made. Ask fo,r EDDY'S. NPERTAF8.. J_ .OP F '7' at SON Have added to their present business one of R. J. Naeles Latdlst Btyle of sty Hearses, also *he 6nan lino' of funeral furnishings in the musty, and are now pthpared to cotadect funerals at prices reasonable This department will he strictly attended to by his son wllliann, wltq tyt in the employ of the late D. Gordon ter the past tea years, has a t✓ke oo`h ksowiedge of the banner, and by prompt attention hopes to than part d W tpublic amatron ele. s a *inns bur the place--Weet-.t., os year way t• tau poet CT•J. BROPHEY & BON.