HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-1-11, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARYY'. 1ML CANADIAN BARN K OF COMMERCE. TIE NA?NEF MIIRDJL aeuesessi HEAD OFiItCE. TORONTO. swim VMS UPI OM WILLEM DOtLLARti - O W • 81160.11410116 5 E. WALKER, GENERAL MANApr_tt. OODERICH BRANCH. A Cil si*A& BANKING Buowtass TRANSACTED. FARMEIq' NOTES DIsf)OUNTED, DRAFTS WUEO PAYASLS AT AL. POINTS IN CANADA, ANO THE PRINCIPAL CITIES IN TUE UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERMUDA, as SAVN9p GAN[ IMPARTMENT. cogeci T• OP 53.00 ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED, ANO CURRENT RTES OF INTEREST ALLOWED. isrenaSSiT AOOIO TO TNS PRIMOIPAL AT THE IND OF MAV ANO M' IOM IN MOM VICAR. Special AtNRtleet sieves to tto tholion Ion of and FiseR ai Sales Notes. taI-n.•.:.-... a R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. tJnst added to Stock a Large Assortment -";,d uF Tho X81831 No!llas in Clthstiiias Eloods. --- Ladies using Knitting Silk will save money by buying our 25c. spools of Brainerd & Armstrong Crotchet and Knitting Silk. -p_ In MILLINERY and FANCY GOODE oar $ThCK is ( M PI.EPE, ✓ MRSA 3 S. SMITS, G1 ow House. A'TER THE BATTLE. The Empire ••l'rohib. ion having car reed throughout the p.rorlsos, it as now in order for the t intario Gever:mesa to throw ..to the Dominion t :ovlrsme st the osis of !legislation sad onforaedais1." Monetary 'Flutes .enstor Scutt suggests that tbn tMtsrso Le*isleture aboald-gua law prohibiting the retell levier trade. Thin ,•oulii probably be done, in far as certtitu- rttenel authority goes : but prohibitluwwitb importation and the wh..lenale trade is 'Itquor io lull blast, would teur.ely &!ewer • the purpose. The I;lobs • " Al the returns of the rot - ;Ting its prohibition come in, there peas away he last faint traces of the mottos that the ,!ebiectae was a device iateoded to shelve he question and delay the reform which emperpaar mon bare et heart The Era j.:t s for prohibitioe are very large. and will obsbly sot fall short of 100,600 ti the ggresete. The whole Province, with the i eptien of • veru few distrusts, arenas to be t tee mind epos the subject. Whenever he qua:tioso( public seottnoent is discussed, he preoihitlnalste caa lay their henda span Lutheattc and conviociog piece of teau- toay. It: ea way could their cause hare q far advanced to a sheet tame as by his deemed:mice of the .trasgth of Eche seatisest for the ab,lulos of the honor teethe." The M Il : '•A f, U rote on pr,ththiti. n was tot pofied ; but ss far ae the plebiscite went it was * lI CISntroo to favor of the destruction of the itosinieg system and the disc ootiuu,nee of the me�ntuufscture, im portatioo and elle of ii.tuot's. When the rote was decided op= it was pointed out ' in those columns that although oonceded to the prohebiti.wiste as an answer te their ap- peals for legialetion, it wu practically.") challenge to them to prove that they had • raison d'etre in this Proven... Had the de- cision sion bees a•Iveree, it would have been a serious blow to the principle io that it would I have given the keisktols a new srgum.ot against it. The verdict sates the friends of prohihttion dud held* their policy is the • arena t111drra make, The pleasant flavor, gentle action and aoothine effects of Syrup "I Figs, when in need of a lerstive and tithe tatberor mother be costive or bttious the most gratifying results follow its tee, SO that it is the beet family remedy blown add every faintly should Lace a bottle. T,,s •'IcsA1. i. SNy ass dollar a year 1 Rave R sent to yaw Entitle AMES ROBINSON, One Py ice Cash Store. Aa we do not wish to carry over any Fall Goods we tend to clear the following lines at a reduction. Come ✓ bargains. argains in Mantle Clothes. argains in Dress Goode. argains in boys' Shirts 'an Drawers. .__. argains in nyen's Shirts and Drawers. argains in Tweeds. argains in Flannels. argains in Gray Blankets. ains in White Blankets. See our Table Linen and Table apkins. JAMES ROBINSON, Ow Price Cs h Stas One or Chi Su.pt'rtrll Nos 1149 Bet a I►lerharged. THE EVIDENCE AGAINST KING. NMriae or a t•wa.t- .-tise fhereeter Bea WACHES0N & SON". let (lees Prodaeed Ili• lemeer I. In lliebigan l...a ht. W. ,. BARGAIN WEER BANK OF MONTREAL. $12,000,000. 6,oco,000. has been (*lied in con - 1\ Useful Presents I P Y.',Weer* Ie MI. llabalf, N 1. Jan. 9. -The Investigation bitten Police Maitland* Italy yesterday in the McLeo.t lintrder ea.u, r,ulted in a rather talus Iuinner thre of the psia,uers, Thomas 'Whelan. was discharged without any evidence being. pat in against him, after Iwti•4 e.,neoed in jell fnr attn. days. ,Tl number of witseusew were examined azeiust Marney Kass, but so tar the epi dereee is eery light and h_ae every appear - mime of Mriug wurdhlors. The Crows Al tormy, Mr. A. L. Norden, asked to have the eceneed remanded again for eight days and the magistrate consented to this being tektite. The evidence against tavern will be called to day. As yet iso evident•. for King in rebuttal has been given by hi. counsel Jelin Warren. a Nap•an*e iewyer, le in Mi• higen looking up evidence in his behalf. Mr. K'arree nays that King was at the time of the I:tinder in Pontiac, and on tie next day set -need work in the shop et James M.K.ntr. I'nturtnnately for King. Mr Mch.na& doe. not keep a very ac. urate art of b•.ob., so that the only entry to show that King was really employed there was me eat/Jot $16 paid iieptetuber A anther's- Brutality. Towne' t, Jan, 9 -William Brookmeyer. a 1101 carrier. was tip in the Police Court yesterday up a charge of asestating his wife. kin. Brookmeyer wee tine -mar tied and the relations of the, •couple have been anything but these of serene domes tic felicity, es quarrels bare been fret tient fain Teenier - the w.assn eotesadthe house and foand her iu..15Md with the Irby m his left arm. beating her sew. She attempted to' inttWir., whieh en enraged the brute that he turned tgoo her. In assaulting his _wife i. let the baby fall, either intentionally 6r otherwise s51.1 the latter dropI*•d on the stove, up -eating a faucet u of boiling wester. 'Ile kind pwwr.0 over tie baby scaldintt it terribly flue a}n was burned out and the right ear and arm terribly disfignre.l. The child is now at the hospital, and the .i'trtors say that it eamot lire. . erre Ile *ae11 tete. Marie. Rat -Lr Sm. MAIttk, ')ret., .)an. 9 --A se risen ire occurred here Sunday night, completely) destroyfug Ineeson'. tne•ot.ied by A. MoQoarrie .t Co.. gr.w•rry and provtaiotis, k: Stark. shoemaker, N D. Thomas, book and stationery, and t: Brandon, residence. The losses an as follows t tin buildings (et,:*N), ineorance 91,500. Nctruarrie .t Co., *LOW. ensue ane. 82,5101): .N D. Thomas. 0,000 inenr• 11ese�ete��31. 1$)' ti. Hematite $;1510. ifsuran-•e t11M9: Stark 5900, no iasutsncs. Cans. of IM,,nnknowws. Ire. hoagies Daageressly 111. 11.txraeat.. Jan 9. -Rev. Dr. Douglas, -lite honorable priecipel .,f the Wesleyan '1'heeJttptieal i'ollegein chi. city, Sed one of the meet emtn•.ut Methodist divines in the t)ayfdion. is dangerow..y ill at his resi- denc•e in Montrealfeintthe- .frets el -the grippe. Little hope is entertained of hit mower y. -.----- - 5aedU e.•s awMutarw .an. H.Ul1t.Tnt, .lan. V. -It hal been decided by the remake, Committee of tbs. t'ity '0004.11 to accept the Bank of Hamilton'. !ruder of $1,2: 4,0(10 fur the new issue of as2.3.yt,(gl(1 of debentntes. The price is equal to a little over 964. M.stresl 1ti11 Tamed. ttq fare Jan. 9. -The Montreal Bill was pawed in the t'0uucil 3eeterday, the t'oun- eil having withdrawn its amendment. The Mayor will now be elected by the people in the walls. Both the Busers bays pru- rogntoti. .r--'. r - - . • *M Lei. UF.ken, U. steer Jan. 9. -Mr M. C'reignieyer, • teamster f..r David Kennedy .t Son, had both bee lege broken yesterday by a load of w,,.l which hl was drawing upsetting in a ditch oft account of abs icy goads. Tar.. ,Teats tar Mnrsaer. Ritseerosa, (ant., Jan. ti -At the Pollee Court yestctday favid Caldwell was chergr.1 with bnrglsry. He pleaded guilty and eras sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. SCENE IN A CHURCH. Drunken Dawdle. Eater and a Lively Time is the R.atult. Lent:, u., Jan 9 -There was an awful aeons in the Methodist Spier. pal church at Marysville, southeast of here, Sunday night. The services were held by 11. R. Cham bens, and he was nearing the .lop of the exercise 'ben Jim Chavetts and Alex Rogers er'Ue in both half drunk. Ritgen began making responses to Chambers Sad saving "Amen," when it did not fit in. Chambers stoke kindly to him and r.. monstrated against such conduct. but with s.. .fleet. Robert ('dungy went to Rogers and tried to get hint t.4 leave end then the meeting broke np in a row. the women and ehnAdam srytsg and p.andemoointn pre vatting. Regent broke tkrotigh the crowd to get at Chambers, who went on the other adde of the hones to 'veld him, but stopped at the .tore and pirke.l cep the jots Wh.n lb.g.rs refined to let him aMoe be street him and floored him and pn.mtdsd him r. bed that he cannot lira Then Chambers took hi. .la*ghter amt went out the door and started home, when Charon. and s crowd of bey. pulsed Dim and (acme,' hist home and doling the 'debt mobbed the honed., but he drone them away with a gen He ha. sine« 1e011 arrested A Yletlm M 11e Fowl IN..Ner. W*.I II%4JTto*, Jan A (t.org. Bollinger. • vletlm of the Feed's theater disaster, died Mn He was not teriasaly injured in the collapse bait hie lungs b.e.sae filled with tl� 1� sad Mr twenty-two • IE11led war M.. _'r. Leve.. R*e l lUtlet lea►, J•*. 9 -R.Irdlsn Shot - bob intnedsd leaving for the sand rwitb Obs ilaW TAeatMa1 Oimigsay. lgp slither sated the girl's 1.bar sod M'.ns Stag O. Poole, b wdTh1411111111 1Y Kr . 1. .a. �MMet tibei Yes Arta Rai Our Rud Pricey For flii'is1iii 9 • Men's Fine Wool Lined Gloves, 2 Dome Fasteners. SOL, reduced from $125, Ladies' Kid Lined Mits, 75c., were, $1.00. Handkerchiefs, an Immense and Beautiful Choice. Silk Embroidered, commencing at 10c. each. Men's Large Hemstitch Silk Initials at 50c. each. Every Initial. Linen Department Complete. 1V het an Lr w..re accepssirle than a like piece of rUuol Linen. We hat New Drawn and Rinbroillnreal Dinner Rod Tea Cloth., Tray amt Caning Linens, Table Itunnervy llenlatitcheil • Yal.kin•, Doylies, etc., A Ii•autiful-tu.•k. INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACHESON & BON. (;LOSE 'DIMES EASY pRICES. CAPITAL, LREST, .4 Saving Departiiiens tvecliou with this branch. interest allowed at c: rent rales, 11. L OCKWOOD, .Yana, 'er Goaferith,'Braum& CHRISTMAS IS COMING and, in ;view of the feaetisig And rejoicing ..f tUe' Iwli.itly ee .all '>16t.•ntion to our FLAVQRMIG EXTRACTS oer own roue warranted pure an l rota stroog, therefore cheaper than 'lie •.:.Liaryr beiyynA .ee.a The r 'I. wing emene s in l'.•. I•ottl••s in unlitgialli ■11 COLL&. ,g55uIsef 11911, ttlason.l. t'E.1LY` al Turin.. PCPre•s1r1tT. . I n t l Wall, N la..UAU.I \, Nwile Olt 1%16E. _ - t \ I49h. ether. to he .+.14.4. �. bechoose your Xmae Goode before you see our Stock. T ? NI BAKING POWDER A FIRST -CUSS ARTICLE. FREE SAMPLE. W. C. GOODE. Now that there is a lull in business, it is the time to have your Watch, Clock, Jewellery, Silver- ware or Optical Goods Repaired ALL WORK_ CUAFt, A1\Trr M J. \\'I: I'.titl;\' A 11•1.I.TLT%E F tand 1S TN OI -lt TRADE. __ C. A. NUMBER & SON. JWWLLLIa1" I:Mr'ssis s. TN,: dell ARE. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. Tei.C.t. cults \le:sirs .101..1 tit Eur. - DUNLOP• Mondaj \Jan.:3. e'I- Mase 1'. t'laflt:o, of Detroit, is the guest of kir. and afro.... t . \lacdonald. alias .Sarah t'otbett visited friends in 4 ioderich township this week. The wood best and dancing party at Mr Eliott's near here on Wedoend•y of Iaat week sftw a good time, several of our Young folks taking • part at .t. It would be difficult to tini amongst th monthly periodicals a maas7ioe at an rival ling is interest to Canadians that euacesafu not lanai rerie?, "The n snadi.o Memeine. h le, while broadly cosmopolitan in subject (natter, thoroughly national in aim and i n attention f • reit.' tart of the Itontinion Tee provincialism .hat naturally troch t become aneo'isted with a maganne publish ed in any particular province, front the At !antic to the Pacific, is represented among* tate contributions, and throughout a lug litersry merit marks the articles, many of which are highly entertaining and all toter estior The January num' or ,{a, like it predecessors, full of variety. "Howe out is Times,- by Attorney -0 .eneral Longley gives many amusing incidents about Nova $cote s public men ut a generation ago chancellor Rand, of MI :Mester I'oivereity bliahes for the first time one of the mos extraordinary psychological experiences on room d. allose Jean Nisbet ham acharming flus rated article on "Longfellow's R'sy ide Inn," full of reminiscences of former l&ndl,rds, guests and *eremite. E. Isews eya "Plea for Ireland" charmingly de scar hes Irish scenery and people, and riven utiful illustrations of some of the Irish valleys. F:. It Rigger's "Two Lost King rens," illustrated, tells of 4'etywayo and kit ['ricer Imperial. .% well writt sad Iluatrated articles .1. .1, Bells '•1s Casa da s National Park. ' %moog t other articles are " \"tnsettes front St I'flgrirea Isle illustrated', by A: H. alorrisoo : "Alcon Poo Park," by Judge Fraleck . "('els alonemests in Troubadour Land," by R. T. aluiin : "Common Telescopes and what hey will show," by I F. Lumsden : "Neg• ected and Friendless Children,'" by .1. .1. Kelso : "William Wilfred 5 smpbell, ' by 'lin A. Scott ; "The story of a !tagger," Reed, I. , e; C., • iadd e' 0 Monn 0 t h `Alcoholhol Sand the Meade, 1]r. 11. W. Richardson says he was once eeabled to preach an eftectnal lecture by means of a scientitie experiment. An *c- qu aintauce was singing the praises of wine. • and declared he could not get through the day without it. •Will you he got.l enough to -feel IIIpulse; as 1 *tam! here - " asked Dr. Richard- son. • The ratan ,ltd see • • Count it carefully. What does it Seventy-four." • The physician then went Sed lay down on a sots, and asked the gentleman to count his pulse again. '• It has gone down to ritty.four,' he said to astoniahmeot. •• What an extra- ordinary thing "' N;hen you lie down at night, -said the • physician, " that is the way nature takes to • give your heart rest. \ ou know nothieg about it, but the organ u resting to thatee- I teat : and it you reckon the rate, it involves • ' a good dell of rest, because in lying dews, ' the heart u dolor ten strokes acus a min ute. " Multiply that by Sixty, and it is ret hundred : multiply it by eight hours and. within a fraction, there is • difereoce out five thousand strokes : 5041 as the heart is throwing Ilis ounces of blood at every stroke, it makes a difference of thirty thousand weow of /de daring the Dight. When 1 lie d.,wn at Dight without any alcohol, that is the rpt my been gets. But when i take wine or grog. I do not allow that rest, for the intlueace of alcohol is to increase the number of strokes. Insteadse of getting repo, the moo who uses alcohol Erput* on something like fifteen thousand et- a strokes, and he rises. lune unfit for the next day's work until he taken a little more of that 'ruddy bumper,' which he calla 'the soul of man below. - The heists Of • Ra. ' Phrases and slang'Uj"a a frequently pisoee torn of interesting edes, as witoa the following : Peter the I:reat, while off drive n tog t0 the eighborhood o1 aloecow en ode ocwatoe. was sei,ed with the pangs of hanger. '• What have we in the hamper • he pie.! of his aide. "'here is but one wndle left, your Majelty," replied the ride : " but I think I con enchante it for a fowl at the nett farmhouse, if von wish." " 1►o so, replied the ('par : " for I am fam Whorl, sad do not are for • light Iaocbeno. " The aide laughed, mod as he had iurinisetI. managed the exchange : but the bird wen found to be unu.n&Ily tomes. " I do sot think, Vesky," said the Emperor, later " I do not think the Na anwee worth the media! ' Int tie• d t �e C • s • t b c by I 11 t lwtrstoedl, C.. y,Mdoo Roger, excellent 'hrutntaa story, two other short and a umber of poems, several of them above the terse., are also given. "fhe Cenadt•n Mees ine,' which should be in every cub ured home in the Dominion, is published y the Ontario Publishing Co.. Ltd., t;2 60 par WORM Tae Creeer f old.'* wee t*. Jet►e. M'Kinoon was talking in ht. shop to two or three customers, when • blind meander- ed ansuter- ed mid solicited alms. The grocer, who was disposed to show his superior knowledge of human nature, re- marked "D'ye no ken, my freesia, hoo 'ere deli- cate is the touch e a Min' man. i aye thick Providence has msk'it up the loss o' ane sense by makes' ane o' the inhere o' n151r cute. No*, pet see hoo this puir man an tell • thing by the touch," and, putting some hoe sugar in a scoop, he heM it out to the mendicant, remarking, •• Whit's that, mo mos ' The blind roan e. tended his had, took up a pinch with ha thumb and finger,and with. out hesitation said : " Tf15t r sand Everybody ht4lh.d ramps il' K i.eon. - Sup.rear Ise Para.., There w wispy Ialss told, most of than apocryphal, of yneer iseidesh .t weddings. 1 omi vmneh f•.r the followingA working• teas was Ming suited to tlady of hes °ailee at a certain church, and just before the menient for the peednction of the ring arrived, the othl inti*gR clergyman leaned ever toward the beide sail whispered t. mean take ear your glove." To his is. tease dismay tee benne/room resented the .cries sed pried : ' Para, mister. me wham- psrieg to my gal'."--LSSdss Rl,.... • HIS SUFFERINGS ENDED. The Pals. tlt•t ware tree*.d Mts.. new seeable Mist s. ss.e'. M Iso. wits, Jas. lath, IAAa. 1 I . I'oak Ila, aped 39. • married nes sad s well ksewe reddest et this teen, hit• suffered at intervals for years back, wkb latosse pains is his Mak, which bars 'fres laid him .p. Abeet • year ago be .ese.tv.d the idea toss thane paw *eye de. to Was" trouble. Ad10t ee this idea, be bsnrht ss . of Dodd Kidney Pill. Irani IL A. Massae 1 drtlsdek bas, sod and them Throe bolosn ssatm� bks w that be bus ares bad .q ro tela d ail Wel& Th LONG and SIIORT of it is that M. i)avla k Sow*. Cigars have no equal. - ' r wee nix ser, •t. Hanes : Ifs the 26th o( .1 bar, Oil board a ship that was rhung trout 1 Wm. Todd mei elite Charisma yl.R i►ubliu to Liverpool was a party ed nieo, ' weie fumed m the holy bond. of atateittwy who were diecuaang which or then :wade by Itev..1. aI hay, of Lu••kooir. the biggest, stir when ate was married. I,i'ey .V. I. Met!usrrie u Home front When each of them hail told his tale, as the Clint/is Model school where he obtained Irishman who fuel been lieteume, said . a profepional cer4fiate. 1(e u eag*gr I .. RruSure, and when 111 was uixrn,•.l to tea'her for '.5. Xo. 9t.trey, fur ",,4. lgrt Maluouo•, t11' sweetest lib iu t►ir- 1 Lied, there was more foss at that %ed,tln Toe ` i.e. et. is only til . year u. sit asce. of any of ye.." " I'll bet you half e crown there was not, remarked • man with a hitch colla/ 1 aid white waist.wat. le 1►oee," raid 1Lt i 1 i I eo • nen oat appointed t.. hold the- stakes said he judge, cod then l'at asked are itowlsz a ('.11 rant* of the stylishly dressed '11511 what they did at 1 hi. wedding. \\'hen 1 was married, began the man,I " the strop in which 1 woiksed w•■ cI .1 LthesFlll' and the bells of our pariah church rug • 1 magnificent marriage peel, and 1 had es; much rice thrown at me as wobld Mee I b4 s made a rood sued pudding." - "T'hat's nothing," replied Par. ' Whea i 1\ ' I was married all the church bells iu DeWitt - rang, and the mills and shops were 'dosed, WOOL, SEAL, GREENLAND end t )i had enough cabbages and pratiee , thrown at me as would have kept the chit I MINK, BEAVER, ASTRA. dren is 1111611,, workhouse a week. CHAN and 'POSSUM. " Ridiculous, ' said the Esgltshrnan " farcy him sa,yis sal the shoiw and seas I in i)ublin were closed, and all the diureh 1 bells rug. Ridiculous, 1 say : give me my ^' money back, the man is road...1 Not b fast, strroRer," sad 11.t, whit GNTS' N I ' +iI e*id isas true as St. Patne(A is tllto_ �:-Id l4 IS IIS US/ beat of the year, for I Vats usserj j asa Suaday ' And he woo him bele: - - Pull linea in -cry Department. A 1..11,1 i. Hive. -"When the fivauciei, tai elland �et•min.Q,iooleand tri.-K. cyclone struck m 5054 • man of moders U R UAAIya k 00t t Ilius mybpi shoes C. R. as �1 were woru through on the soles, and all my net„ean. Block. Cor. e.; Wine sail Mon, r•aI s'. other shoes had been repaired and worn on _ - til it icemed as though they .ouldn't be ont a any longer But 1 got the old air of; J.J• MOORE & CO.. otii again cher* were three or tour pair of s them and looked them over. The right I alio. of the pest pair 1 picked up had • • great hole in the toe, •911 I was struck by the fact tit the upper of -the lett .floe WAS Ttadly broken, but the upper of the richt sl oe was sound. I always buy .hoes of the same style and .I.tality; why shouldn't 1 • match that good right shoe with the good' left one, and run em into the shop and have them one:hauled : That 1s lust what • t,._ shall s- our stock of Uo*T0 4 t 1 did, and not even the shoemaker knew w AT Moir till New Years, on ..:Icily that they wereont origlsalty maw. 1 had i Ch !erred', them soled and healed and Aced up, sad f s1►en't Rover Shal 'fa*1e1 lavas *115 they came out looking trim and comfort..411,•11.I,N,* will .1111 tie:extrrled M. • able. I've got 'em on now, in (act. ' Thi. 1 Eru Ac.onts must be settled by neer, .a.e. may he u old as the hills to somepee,., but it was new to ane, used it My .ie sw J. J. jjjtQpgs �_ 10 othere. " 1 wear .ids Court Moose Aqu oederic9, oing Qut of Business. THE NEW TIN AND STOVE STORE ON HAMILTON STREET. We arc .ole agents i atter for the-C'eele�,titt�'t Pleasant Dream and World's FairCoal and ood Coolthng Stove* an•t Range.* with (Ienuint• Duplex (.rate* and all modern improvement*. E. cry Stove warrantell. The finest Stovt.I in the market. - - Have you *ecn our new $tanchy Steel Were in Tin ead.COney kettles and Pudding Dishes. One piece of this 111W s will outlent three piece* of Agate or Granite Ware. We are offering Null (tools M cheap as any in this Ent& , All 4i. dered Work attendee) to as punctually, as possible. Give as ,a tell. • J: H. WORBELL & CO. AUCTION SALE e)F FURNITURE PICTURES, STOVES, &c., j CUNDRY'S AUCTION ROOM, ON SATURDAY NEXT COM MENCINO AT 2 O'CLOCK, ALSO WINDING UP 'SALE OF DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, &c. IN THI. 1VENIN(; AT 8 O'CLOCK In the meantime we are selling everything we have on hand OHSAP. Gla NDRY, THS AUCTIONEER.