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The Signal, 1894-1-11, Page 4
4 'I lig SIGNAL : GODIERICH, ONT.. THURSDAY, JANUARY II, NW. Ighc $inaI, Y .►c rLiut,tD EVERY THt It$I)AY MORNING MT te. Ye•Llti114". amt. Mee of Publlwtn& a sial t0. Worti-street. Ooderiok t►ntarto. Te etas of itataerspt tea 1 se swoosh in o*3tat�• I S a ane mealy . •a • . • , . . .. 8 Ma . I O Iffyear. ddts eree Is S5n, •fie 1 U$44114 Mr yw 1 w will be kook as tear trust, Your label i1t • ot;idstie receipt of the dare 10 which tee tier 1r1.l up. neo that it is eat sneered to fall in•owrear' +s.itod, bah When • clamor of sderemu the old sod the new abloom abeeld be `ftp At noesis :• ;,*Ilona must be addressed to Ir, McOILL1C('lilY. Ta.R luno••L. reiephooa. (aff 35. Goderich. Ont. ODD11JtICH. 'i HCiteiOOY. JAN. 4, 1„t. The 'mayor lotion, hi, ••Ion rtttitQslri#pe will be A tort of a headless roster attach meat to toe town oeuacll this year. rat• newfangilwl •iadings of t he edttorsal articles of The Empire -are almost as pctures.que as The warte on a boy • hantl Nutt that Pude Ili. t: Toot.`\ has decided to retire feria the Provseeial Legis- lature w ho will `the ( Ippasitios hat e for leader ' _`�'�� We h•te'ningaril a toed about that warrior bold. .IUtsCs au Parrraativ, rf lists. What has bonen of the grand generwlissano of the Canadian forme If the killing of Knglish tnicp- in tient .4fncs by a French military force is not • cock -end -bull yens, there is likely to be trouble bet ween two pretty big D ations. i- \ %Ic :net:X % edict -Voltaic \\in jail sod I't Rti' aot'T *'cis is he Pirliailtent is • pretty sore indi.wtios that it Justice in 'rands is not blind the old girl hap t\ter- rible squint. _ .Y\\\_ The n.•% feature. on then' ertjte rj 1 page of rtie Toronto Mail are in the right direction, and cannot tail to he appreciated. Recently The Mail has been picking tap matter and "maker up The t tote of 'Ontario in fat of of pro hibittoo was a very floe New Yews present to the cause of temperance. The politicians will soon come to the conclusion that the conatry is "ripe for prohibition.' People who claim to know `tib' that Buriat', election cost a pretty penny this year. One of his supporters said, "The ole tura got there with both feet, but he hal Cu cough up the dough, all the same. With a email pot. ,•'*re on in Haub own, and any number of colonies of bacteria in the Toronto drinking wmtet, and Too F:•,rut elected mayor of London by the P. I'..1 vote, city life does seem to have a few drawbacks. -- lion. Enw.tete, Il1.ANE, in The Choir on Monday, puts forth a plea for a quarter of a million of dollars to atom« the cause of Home Rule for Ireland. We fear this will not be a good year for attempting to raise so large as amount. The Toronto World now is git in4 advice as to what the Provincial I:nvern meet 'could do to promote temperance legislation, but as The Wor1.1 is neither in scored with tomperasos sentiment nor with the Local Cabinet we feu it will have its labor for its pains. The lial.lh.•:ui• and piurient minded young tees alto were attracted to the towel Opera House 'aturdsy evening by the salaeiousstatementsof the little dodgers, were sadly disepoiutetl when Manager Standen put • string on the curtain and demanded • deco show and got it. Rrli iroua�i the complexion of the coned is : R Presbyterians. 3 'Methodists 3 1: r. opalr•ugaad 1 hard shell. By tr tde, or calling there are 2 lawyers, 1 farmer, I menutachii ', 1 dragnet, 1 hardware merchant. 1 pbctosraphe.. 1 millwright, 2 grocers, 1 baker and a chief Rutter. 'rile Empide is otieeing lithos of W. K. M[Rrutla rand Sir .Ioev Talonr.os to is seibscribess way of premium, forgetful of the fact t Inowissos refused to bare anything to de with MrkeDITII since the Wier made his now historic attack upon the people whom M deslgaated "the commas during 1it64. The Iowa 1,21 aot go to On haw -wows if the mmyertrnude te obey the IM lion a nuld it do to suite mayor tit-ewI I hairsa•nof the meet ry nonnoiffiem se he coati Ivry his am►iti'r 4 o ag 1881 t It is stated iliftdaleentSt member* of the Model class of Mil have thus far felled to &rain schools. the profession of teach - lug toast L.• getting sones hat orerdooe, spot the knights of the birch sad he ladies, too will hate to tele to other callings. Heferrug to Mr. I.ttl;ltt:, the Quebec Cbroeick, • t'ooservati a pager, mys : "H. Item steel his party w..1: and `Ylhfalty, and the breadh of 1,au•ta1 has moo sallied his name. He is, moreover. a siert attractive Readout to, engager and chsrunng un mapper, filo ',hest in spea•h. and honorable and honest is principle. u It sack a leader the Liberal perty nay well be Lost year our town -mon Mayor Bt Titu was • veritable Pooh Rah, so far as othcm in the town council were coacereeli$. He watt•-ohaiesail of the waterworks and electric light co,um•.ttee, chairman of the re- lief committee, chairnita of the court of re- iisiou, police magistrate et G,detich and superintendent of constables, ilireetor is chief of public works, purchaser of cal and carbon for the town. sod a number of otter positions of responsibility, if not of en.olu mast, which he trill not hold in the year of roes 1091, ABOUT TEMPERANCE LEGISLATION ll.\Vi•; N•i'rlt'EI►'I'iI �T.'l•ii e.teenied tontemporeries, The World of T r onto, The Free Press, of I. cn,lon, and The Spectator, of Hamilton known to temper ane folk as the chief exponents of Th. World, The Flesh and The I)eyil ' ire in "a state of mind lest the powers that be in the Province harken not unto the suite of the people, as heard at tee poll on .Ian I.: in favor of temaerancc lesielstion t' :r newly tuWl abstioeoee in' emperanee, "modes fash tau' nsel s," to mix• au rade:et Doric expression. The temperas.'.: people 'alibis province have got along so far with the advice of the Toronto detaliery and brewers sheet Jobs (-Airtime's pocket organ. or thimouthpiece of the Hamilton whisky plutocrigy, and, possibly, may be able to keep on the way of their pilgrimage towards the land of j'rohibttion yet • little longer without the able assistance of the recently born temperance advocates above mention- ed. On Jan. 1, contrary to the wishes of The World, The Free Press and The Spectator, the people of Ontario voted on the follow- ing : The era.litt Hamilton Kfor has partialsea "How People rha (elds," We (night adorns our talented eootemporary that it M of so value to its readers op here to learn fr..m The Spec how people catch colds. What is wasted is ea article, prey - sant with remits, to tell "How People (;et aid of Colds." The Toronto News has embarkisl in this fool uadertakiag of endeavoring to writs dews the 0aaseial ■tandine and civ eaWjea of The Evening Telegram. The Now could be is bettor busisees, and we might farther say that when the annual ppeaft el The News reaches ate tenth of that eg The Tdepese, it will be better qualified to speak on the subject. Are you in favor of the immediate prohib- ition by law of the impotlation, manufac lure and sale of intoxicating h,foon as a beverage No. An overwhelming majority of the papa of this Prov in:e nearly 100,000-*Ibad their endorsement opposite the word "os..:, anti thereby showed that they were u of "the immediate prohibition by-law of ilii importst.oa. mauufa"ture and sale of intoxi- cating liquors as a beverage " Now, how ever, our esteemed contemporaries are of opinion that what the people voted upon was to abolish hotel and shop licenses and to retain. by distillery and brewery p.rmite, the power of "importation, mtnufacture and sale in this Province, and they are work ing overtime in their efforts to prove that the .question is one which affects the \lot. AT Administration only. For the edification of our anxious cootem porartes we might state that an attempt was made in this county to carry 001 prohibition under the Scott Act some nine years ago, sod it failed. The failure was dw to the fact that while the hotel 'mesas* were withdrawn by the Local ,;overnment, the manufacture mad import- ation of liquor was not prohibited by Iii minion legislation, and in Hares we had the anomaly of breweries working aid ealkag their manufacture over the county, freely and openly, whilst hotels were sot licensed to sell. Is addition tothat, liquor paokages sad barrels, without any attempt at cowed. Meat, were unloaded at our railway statics* sod conveyed to their destisatioo Se open espies vase lo full view mid is the light of day : and in this way the `tett Act, whi ch, if backed up by the prohibitory clauses against l'rovineial manufacture and import- atiee, would hare been a mucous, became a howling farce is unsay repeats. We can inform Tb* Toronto World, The London Free Prom and The Hamilton Spec tater, and the distiller* add brewers whew came they really repreoert, that the Hurn, Tract wawa no more partially prohibitory eleasute. The people up here wait what they voted for the prohibition of the •'on port alien, mean feet uremia male' ofup: ritnee. sed malt bqueses as a beverage and they What to see the I .reel Geverament anti the Dewaisiea (Government take joint action to brig about the condition of this, which was asked for is thaw -to os Meaday, ,tan 1, by such as overwhelming majority. They want everything that was set forth in the preamble .of that ballet Aper, and we tumor hugger•mttggeneg er polities' t'ig Klieg will study them with hes. Tial leak►efor ins politic inn. A:t itru 16eirt.TawL has bees 'typefaces! merman. of as,Assra fee Waters Ontario, made menet by the dente of Mr wPC*PHand. . of Hd. • le lea vairt�*s'ition with 112.000 sedgy, a bare in the mature@ and travel - nag Kpsw@ attached, and the (levera. ,yt let salol easily have pat a mese dowsed tine to IiI it than the very reek Aurelio B ee aroma _ .-- if oar hijkly, tostswnve.i but much �p,amei w,sasa�wrary. Tam Star, would bear is alai that Mayer Renee last year lend bimwsr pfd ups three essansiteeee eMWawe. by a ms%s,M/ that 414 his bid - lib , and srmaini y to wtataa@. It esaM sot lsreMf cue try at the Ameba that sisal he Mk* *y a ateebod wick lhemtim to Hua. '1livaAe M. I►at r, of that ilk. As tar book m 1878. Talons' Maven UAi.t wbo is •soaot the late "Too" Duct, of pleasant memory -- made a eel of himself at a political me*tieg :n l'oc'h county, and when the sturdy srrwulturr:s of that eke tons undertook to give she pMMT t was a laugh by hauling es the "Illy" rope, that Indignant bat exceedingly crestfallen young man, told the convulsed audience that although they would not Imes to him then the day woul I come wises he would lose them to listen -• la Irtsmiat.l, Sluct that occasion Tno'•1 e. Mat IIAi t ken gone West and grown up with the couatr,:, and in co irse of time was *eh cued to ye Parliament from Bran ton, Man., so that • 1 men might see what a vhaade the hard frosts and biting bltutrds of the illimitable prairies had made in the fresh yompg sprout from the pivotal point of Perth's fair county. The hardening proems had been a marvel- lous success, and the cheek that young TOM Duct took to Ottaaa would have shamed adamant, whilst the assurance of the young man, if carried by one of the old line cos puns., would have put that institution u tirade I la course of tune a vacancy oveurre,l in the position of Minister of the Interior, and as it didn't require much brains to fill it billet that had bean held by Hea. Eta:.ta DEW ' , and as all the first club -arts Manitoba and the Northwest had stayed at hone, there teas nothing left for Govern- ment to do but hand over the portfolio to yonm. Teo lift t The uttiee was accepted by: the young man from lkandon as a tribute to his pet - 'sued worth, sad not became he believed the real reason was that Cabinet timber was of the stunted order in the land of sloughs, blows sad Na 1 `ard wheat. The young man's laet state was %ores as his heat, and lits head swells 1 so large that there wasn't a hit in Ottawa that could anything like cover his bump of self esteem and the swelling has not abated rreo unto this day• itut that is not what we started ost to re. mark up»o. As we stated befoilri', yonag Inti ., when addressiog the electors in tics little scuootbouse on the verge of the Ellke swamp, was not is howling sixes, but year of hallooing on the Western trail have de veloped in him a heft of law and a power of lung that old lir MOATH rte chewing pebble' by the sounding .ee,aiytl,t well have envied. 'Twas for this he was chosen to be • ('abi- net Minister -for the strength of hie jaw and not for the weight of his bruit Well, presently it happened that a big political meeting was on at Toronto, and the polis cit man with the iron jaw from Maaitoba was selected to go to the tineen Pity and tickle the Torontoutan es r with the rough sod ready eloquence of the Western plains. He went, and as at the Perth schoolhouse.he struck • "snag,- by calling upon kis hearers to carry faferal politics into municipal mai.tere. In- stead of receiving the plaudits of a grateful people young Mister Ds; t wasn t sun that he had not been 'preacher his eloquence over a goose -pasture --so sibilant was the soiled that greeted his remarks. In other words. he was deservedly hissed. I Inc would be inclined to think that such a lesson would not be lost upon even young Mr. 11%i.s, and that is future he woul•1 he careful as to his matter and manner before a Toronto audience. Rut some people will Dever learn. and the Minister of the Inter:or seems to be built on plans and specifications that rue that way. The other evenin7e annual Board of Trade dinner was held in Toronto, and amongst the Ministers alio were invited was Hoe. Tutees.. MASSE 1141.N -he of the swelled head. Whet' it came to hie turn to speak he just unloaded himself upon the loog suffering audience lie made them tired : they yawned, bet he heeded them not : in self-defence they inter- rupted, and then he rot rattled antethibit. eel such bad manners sad ill temper that he had to be called down by the chairman, and afterwards kindly taken in hand by His F:toellency the Governor-t.ensral. That is the story of the passing of THOU An MAutr HAI t, and the moral is theexemph• Bastion of the arithmetical adage . Nothing from nothing and nothing remaiaa Rem a Premier cannot maks • silk puree oat of a sow's ear. D1AGLNG IYIDENC1. The SI rattier (Yrruut.elanree Surround- ing the. Hooper's Death. THE PASSING OF MR. DALY. . A VERY IMPORTANT -DECISION The •lura el the Aiiempted larowdq al 1 oui.eiIlle 5 iii tin to the Jun Another Import not t%lines^ In the Case is Dead. loi.imrtg, lime., clan 9. --Judos 1►ebcri. Mier delivered an important decision, is the livelier case yesterday. He .1ecbled that the drowning part of the story at L,uaiseaOle mum Kp,3yJhe jury. Joseph F: tirvuier, animportaut witness in the case, hoe died at Montreal. It mea he who t,trne'1 the,hkr of lira Itesaulier'• house at laralseville, at two o'clock in the morning for Mrs. Hooper, who said she hal b,' -o thrown off the railway bridge into tar Hien do Loup. Tb's is the see -and imperialist witriras who has died smelt the inquest. Joseph Nolan, operator et Lepiphante station on the C. P. R., was the first nit- s:.-.+'taterd•y-. (n Septeniler I•'. he re- eeisoil a intaesge from a brakcaman %Loch reitd look out for • crazy %..eau who lumped ••t a train." The moorage was not .tgtie,l nod so had trot been tiled with ,other mesaab'eo lie And,* not say what had become of I(. Ernest \ isu, operator at I..,itieevllle eta ii.lb"rwurr he saw a•citeet about eeptem• her 1: walling along the bun: c f the river at 1a•t:iverifle. Later sr. -used came to the station and enquired about the arrival and departure of tiaras. He asked particularly what time theories"' between the departure of the down eeprees and the arrival of the tip train. lie was told tilers was a Older ecce -of about an hour. t'„utivai(i him evidence in the afteruoon Lineal \ den, telegrapher at lonierville *tatito:o, 'were that when the prisoner was at Loth, vilk onquiriue about the arrival and del..trtare.of trains, he sent a likeesaje an•t signed it Cooper. Witness was told to return to Loatseville and get the meso mitre. T',rph .Alfred Desilets, hardware tner- tit at L•rousn'lle, naid'trr letw accused at l.ouiseville and took dimmer with him. Dr Lindsay WAS with accused at the time. shortly after the prisoners tiepartnre, wit- teas itutas heard of tansy woman being found. Napoleon Minsanit, hottdkeeperr at l.ouiseville, mid that lie did not see the prisoner there on September 12. Prison- er's name was not on the hotel register. G. A. (}racier, merchant, l.uaist'ville, tc-etittd that it was his brother, now dead, who gave evidence at the preliminary trial. Wtrn.'ss was calla' to prom. bin brother's dea#;a. Witness was at his aunt's, Mrs. irsauliers at lw,uisevilk. September 1:1, and shout 1.3.i' a in . he heard some ono grousing and went to the door and traria a woman there. lie aake•l her who vi•• was and she said. " L am little I.euegina' At :his point Mr. (Greenshields mid that in prisoner was not present when the e•n- sersatjon between witness and deeease,l took plate, that the whole Louianlle affair had nothing at all to .lo with the chart against prisoner The Otsego against him was poisoning his wife. Therefore the drowning -part of The affair could have nc bearing, on the case. la reply Mr. Mc Mater and Mr. t'urnelller held that the l.ouiseville part of the story should he allowed as ft threw light on subsequent events. Dodge lielorimier admitted the evident,. as having some bearing upon 'sae code. Thus the Louisville part of the 'dory will tin to the jury This decision is meet iris portant for the t'rowii Continuing his evidence. witness said the woman was wet from heed to foot and looked as if the hail joist come Ont of the ,water. When asked where mite iraine frost site replied ' I have inn come .•ute,f the river; where I was pushed from • briOage by a wicket black man, who triad to get napery to put me is. Longus Point .tsy• lose. - After she was put to bell she sten tOoa.d the name of John several times and reil'it•sted that all the doors be ieekel, and if Intone , ase for new not tO let then in• tier i.dhing was marked " t G," The fol. lowing day, continual witness, 1 dined with deceased, and asked her who threw her into the river, and She 'said : "John," hot she did hot say tt hit John was, nor if he was her husband. ('role •-sarcine , by Mr. Reeaad-At times she stoke very wildly. She did not say she hid jumped into the river to save the world I Jo not remember her saying that. She also said she had been pushed off the ears Mir. Deaaulier, of Louisevilk. saw de ceased the inoru.ng after she was found and she said that • big black man pushed leer into the river and held her under until he thought she was drowned. She gout ashore, after be let her go. by the aid of "one branches overhanging the rf ver The day following, when she saw her busb.nd, abs put her arms around him and said, " John, my husband." He treated her coldly and she got angry, whereupon the primmer caressed her. ' Ito you swe..r that deceased said pri w e.r threw her off the train'" " Tes, and she also said he hod tried to poi«,n ber with pats green." Etndre .twwr shin saw deceased at Mrs. Desaanlier m Ii,u se at i.onitetille and when she asked deceased who John was. she re plied "John le my husband." and when she saw prisoner she salt! "John, I love you." Madams Sootier, of I.onleeville, mid that deceased told her that John Reginald Hooper was her husband and it was be who had thrown her into the water Robert McCleary. ammeter on the (' I' k testified he was on the freight train which blooper brought deeesmd on. De reseed refused to go on board when she law the train, and nrouttng In prlsnnsr said. " He is fey murderer, he has tried to kill me." Prisoner was near enough to hear what ohs said. Did you hear prisoner say anything wbee she tolled hies her murderer'' " i did nett." Witness then asked bee to get on the train, and she did so Witte/ea spoke to sernsed sad be told him be was rel•tei to (' W Spencer, ssperiniendent of the l' P R. and that he was a detective after • realty woman ('rein esamisal by Mr (lreenshnlda " Did you think the woman was eras/'" •• No, she did not set ea if insane " Itkl her stetanrnt make any Wiper mesons error mind T' " No, I think not -- " Who am she speaking to when she mid these words I" " iielen't know. het she pointed to Why dM yea set ahtnk of getelhedet ste...d shoat the aYMr r " fiecauee 1 had my duties to attend ha' la the evening sermon Hayseed Beat drat, butelkeeper at Lenorale, tmailled that he drove primmer and deceased trues lanuraie to St. Ambruise de Kildare on September I1 The woman appeared in geed health awl ea. quiet during the drive Ile saw prisoner again as Septum be: le when he got ,at the 10.13 train from Montreal He drove him to St. Auibrolse again where he had left his w ife, and who said he wee going to take her to Montreal_ ih•oeae..l said. "I will n ot go with him. lie tried to throw ate .0 the riven." Sbe was put in the car- nage with prisoner amid IC.l. Leblanc, and driven to L morale, thence to Montreal by train. t Tues costumed -Prisoner appeared to take good one of his wife during the drive. Ret Fele r .1 Is -Laporte. of St. Am• buss, saw pria..uer on vjsteaaber Ii, wbeu he called to get papers signed to get i;erorgin• Leblanc put in the asylum. He understood decemetl was unmarried, so he stgpie•I papers. but eft rrrards learned that alie was married. ;t, Le Jeetroyod the certtticates. Maser Neva of St. .tmbrrime teeti*e,l that he had informed previous wituenr about deceased being prisoner's wife and how prisoner Lad said he bad been sent by lir. hu Inette of hoegne• Point Asylum. I'riw•ner showed him a d,rmernt which reed : "A hue of twenty nee dollars is imposed upon any mayor re slug to'..n .Itch cutnmttuient paper.. V1 itutws libost said to Lim, " She is yogi. wi and yon will have to care for her." ser ap. p.•areld angry when told this, and then went tot Joliette, taking the papers with him. Ht oyer s father is in the city and will watch the trial until the clone He feels keenly the position his sun is placed w. THE WARDEN FOR 1804. .‘T TiiE TiME OF WRITING the isdicatinus are that Reeve Mn.ma, of (;ry, will be Warder of Hire. fee 1994. Mr. Mn.... aitheagh not amongst the older tier of wsembers el the Cosety loue- cil, nevertheless steads is the frost rank so far as ability and so Intelligent knowledge of the duties of • eosaty onaeciler is coo osrued. He is an old resident of Hume, mrd boa bees feretneet la advancing the ma tared program sad poseperi'y of that see - deo of the meaty in which he has resided for se many years. Mather paint in his favor is that Fast Hares bas sot heel a Warden of Reform pro - oiivities for massy year@, and grey has sew e been favored with es eserutive head of the 4'nasty Conrail, altbrfp M is em of the largest mad arum eragmssa 9Ssahipa In the emesty. For them reemrs Is 355514 be a &medal thing fes the Ganite OMNI" to math ems Jl OK C N AL)(' i.TERATED OLLI. Mr Move's so.e k' 'i he a emehmes and a toseoaog to omkeaeshihNioe of him- vets, sad sheens Otay'e Malar atermiNia. MN epos al winds s we sward M@ sees•- I ties to etoenpy tlic Wartime's chair foe illi CANADA ANO HER WHEAT• The tepeert at the Haa^5I-cieaeral at 01 - lana Ie the Ar .rteee tiewerar.ea. (arta%t, Jan. 9. -Mr. John B Riley, e'ousel general of the United $4 has ferwanlesl to the State Department o Waahingto!t Itis reply to the circular re- ,•ently received by hint saking for informs - eon as to the consutuption of wheat and deur in Canada. Ile stater that the staudrrf of living iu Canada its practically the main as in the United States, end that the same quality of tour is need.- Canada is eseetttielly a wheat producing country. and the import ati,m of American wheat and wheat tont are only nominal. - For the year ending Jobe :i11, Den, t ari- ails imported 601•113 bushels of wheat, 66.105 of which came t from the tinted mutes, ami :p1.:►.9 barrels of wheat flour. ..f which :HOMO came from the United. States, anti during the same year Yamada exported ',114,144 booklets of dossed/ wheat, of which 1,4'.9.1ntl bushels were sent to the United State.. and :001,996 bar *els mit dotnestie *heat dour, of whiel 4,995 for the United States. Taken to L•ether, these figures show that the t'aite '.tate^ affords a market for I'anailiar whilst and wheat tour ratan than the •-ns. verse. Matahall P. Thatcher, United State Cotten) at Windsor, Ont , aim vera the questiou. what "are the,.peoe Bete of ex tenting the trade in wheat., beltt' in Can ads by saying " i can answer this now. itetelligibly when Cottontail dlenusus of the Wiliest tariff bill M'GREEVY AND CONNOLLY. Arsareet is Their Case Cermeweed Ir the ('hearer? plslstawartlierr'rs.... - TueuraTo. Jan. 9. --Before the Chancery Divisional Conn yesterday sr:lanent coon meneed ou the stated case in the Connolly Met :nervy matter. Evidence was pnoduce.l at the trial et Ottawa biased upon Meters between Thome. and Hobert M•-(ireevy. It was objected to by counsel for the defence. but uevertbe leen allowed. But the ground for the tib ;teethes was soma and in consequence Mr. J-rstios Wee coosiuted to reserve se ram for the Divisional Court to determine whether the court was right or wrong is admitting the evidence. Argument will also be heard npun the question of prat tic. as to whether the court wasright it allowing the counsel for the defence. The object of it all ie to quash the conviction rr failing this to obtain a new trial. Mr. Ayle'worth, 9.l'., and Mr. Blake, Il. C., appear for Messrs. Connolly and )i,. Oreevy, and Mr. Gisler, 11 t., and Mr. Kerr, 11.(' , for the('ruwn. The argument will last for several days. Pla5ei a Cool tease ow Nlr, MAUI.%x, N.S., Jan. 9 --.'t Immo nett who rattle by the steamer lionavista yes teiday via Bowes, to preeeed to Ns wfoand Lnd, was robbed of Ilr'i at Boston on Saturday. The Newfoundlander while waiting at the wharf met a Dian whe claimed tet to an acquaintance, and who told him he was coining to Halifax with his wife and child. He win going tot ,his boarding hones tot them, and wonkd not his friend go with him Iledid-so, but the wife and child had gone, taking their trunks with them. ills money was is tM trunks and be did not have sufficient to pay his board bill, and if his friend would lend him the amount he would pay him se soon as he pct to the boat, The request win.omplo'l with The Beaton man re marked that there were some articles rap stair* which he wanted to bring with him. He went away and the Newfound lander is still waiting his return and the f<'14 Another Saspeeted Yaw, Tom i,rro. Jan 9 -1 Norge Jobaston,who drives • coal Bart for Manes. Aikens, of Sherboorne street, was detained in cowl Rection with the Williams' raw yesterday It will be remembered that at the inquest Mr. Robertson, a fruit grower of liability deposed to having teen a man with • sear on his cheek and wearing rubber hoots on the Saturday night "f the week in obits* the murder took place at Port Credit eta Don. Yesterday Detective Cuddy foetid the man on .tdetaide street and took him over to heaLstartera There he deposed to having slept all night at Port Credit station until seven o'clock in the molwiag. He was travelling from Buffalo to Toronto, where be arrived the nut day, sines teas remaining in the city.. His account wee evesidered satisfactory and he was allowed to go. aortae. theme Are est A 1'elieeraw, Toanvni, Jan 9 -- fest night John A- ('harlton, a policeman on the city fora, was smote' and lodged in the station houe, ...harped with procuring by imper etsuatiee a sum tunotendeig to nearly t� 000 which had bees willed to another by • geetlemas in Australia Charlton diode. the charge Ile will be triad by the pollee sogistrats to day salsa -sig nte.awee. IiraTsm, Jar. fl.-llleamo. a a logon It Oa. beakers. Otay.sr, weal INs Bgsl• delis mossegy. - -16 OFF I W WANT ROOM Our store space king too limited to carry over nny Winter Guueln, we've decided to take 20 reale off every dollar's worth of Boots, Shoes. Ruhtxts and Overshoes : olfall Overe mute, Ulster's awl Boys' Suits, off every Mantle, Fur Cwt, Fur Cape. Fur Set, Fur Cap anti Cloth Cap; oft' all Canadian anti imported Tweed; ; off all Grey and White Blank- ets . On other special lice, we will make still greaten radaptjons• Our price* tering marker) on the ('law Sailing Cash System, such Amounts clean an actual loss to us, but evert thouzh we were not com- pelled to clear the• a lines we would prefer doing ,o to 'allowing them to :;row old tick Ion(h42114k MONEY TALKS -Talks resits, too. We know of no such'pleial- cr as a low price, and we've tried to make it,. voice ^list:nctly heart) in every .Iepert:nent of oto store. Everyone needs something, and sensible people will sutiviiate their wants during this Sale. Boots and Shoes. Remember every pair of Roots, ,hoes, �kpppers, Rubbers and Overshoes is acted. ed in this sale. It is the greatest opp,rtua• it ever offered is (:oderieli. .11.1. NEW (alt )Ir. I:egutar 'sale value. pries. 1' y's long Boots $ I :.0 Men's " " 1 'OS Felt Roots, toted 2 00 Buckle Rubber Roots - 1 26 best quality whty 1 Men s Heavy Split lease Root■ 1 Men's heavy Kip twee ciente 1 Fine Stoat, Late. and I .alter lien's Fete Cordovan "Ito.., lore and I;alter . Meat Waterproof Overshoes •• Snow Excluder Oyer shoes, best ,quality lien's Alaska t iverahoei. . '• Mackinaw Sex fee Rubber hoots Men's Matkir•aw Sea, fleecy Lined WOilaeei's Split Lace Ilotote 1 00 /.I ore grads Lace Boole 11omene4lMs titsia Mitt doe1 -0 \t'. n tea's $ id But t Roots • 1 Women's i<Jair Deugola Butt Boots .. . . . 225 W ar►su's Extra File 1)oagola Batt Roots .... 350 Wesnea's Felt Butts . over- shoes. i 25 We net's Boat duality 4Iva: - shoes, Button or Lace 2 00. . 1 10 1 40 152 118 Regular Sats value. price. r0 $ 'Lt+ 45 2s 7) 49 9t) 62 1 4.5 fi5 45 56 All 11 ool 'iii Finish French Henrietta, 11 yds. wide 9 Fancy Tatted Ilie** l:cads, l i yds. wide . . .111 %tool Black Hopsack these I m ods. ..... III Wool Navy Hopsack Dress 1:uods. . . . Hcaty double width Beaver Mantle Cloth. Heavy double width With Wale serge.. . . .... - 1 1 12 Ladies' and Children's Un - 68 derwear. 20 different 114 lines to choose from. 1 b.) 1 00 Heavy Ribbed 1 esti Fine Hero,, 3 26 2 12 ruts Australian Wool Rib 150 1 07 bed Vets, Silk Trimmed 1 00 Extra Heavy Scotch Natural 1 75 l i!0 Wool Ribbed Veda 1 00 tt0 Eters Loog Natural 'Pool, 50Hoar hoe i juality . 1 25 34 Ribbed Drawers 50 Fate Snub Nod I:rawer. 1 00 75 52 613 Flannelette Drawers •frim- ud with Edging cr 25 aa Flannelette Drawerd'nm- mod with embroidery 75 `rl Flannelette Night Dresses 90 51) i l:i 50 39 A i ,rt Men's, Youths' and Overcoats, &c. 92 1 48 2 39� 60' 1 36. Trimmed with Embtoid 1 50 98 etrildreo'e Pur Australian Wool Vests '2: 16 Heavy a:l Wool 131k. Stock- -- Maw Ladies' sires , ... 25 10 I:it.a Heavy Ribbed Stock• tog, pore Scotch Wool.. 50 35 Children's his. is this lice. similar re- ducttoa*- Bops'; Men's Fur and Cloth Caps. Every coarsest of this year's make. Men's Tweed Overcoats, Velvet Cellar. i Men's Black Wonted Over. . ©ate, \'alvei Cellar Men's Heavy Tweed l'1.:ers, sternest 1'ollar... Men's Dark Knee Wide %Vale Overcoat, Velvet Collar, Fise Trimmings 12 00 Men's Fine IPue Chinchilla, very hest Trimmings 16 00 Men's Imparted Frieze Ulster., beat make.. . 15 00 Men's Ihlott loth PsJackcts Veuthi " 33, 34 sad 35 chest rDa►sare .. ..... . 500 Youths' Tweed Overcoats, Velvet collar, 33, 34, and 35 chest measure 4. 7$ Youths' All Wool Tweed Overcoats, 33, 34, and 36 chest measure 6 00 Roes Pilot Cloth l'ea .tacketq, 4 to 10 years Boys' (ape Overcoats •' Blue Serge Suits, 4 to 12 years Boys' Treed Suits all sin.. Everything goes. Men'. Australian Heaver Bond Fur ('ape, teal 500 f.$19 Top - .. *790 Men's Black Perinea Iamb 9 90 4 110 taps 11.•ni Black 1'eraisa Iamb 9 00 Men s Nutria Beaver ('appos. Heavy Heaver ('l'.th Cam with Rawl ltr e's (hack Astrachan Pape 9 30 Men's and Boys' Underwear. 6 8 oo, 25 different liners to I'ape. 7 00 5 (A 4 00 75 45 i 4 0 4 50 3 5) 2 5) 19 29 select from. 3 19 Mens Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers.... * I Men's Pm a Wool Skirts sad 300 Drawees Men's Fite Scotch Natural Wool Shirts end Draw- ers. Meas knee Fins Altoraliaa Wool Striped Shirts and 350 3 00 1 75 3 25 294 Drawers . . Boys' Heavy Ribbed Shirts. 2 50 1 79 Natural Wool 3 0D 2 lb Ribbed Shirts . 3 75 2 6e Men's Heavy Top Shirts. .. Ladies' Furs and Mantles. All this 1116isoe's lends ladies' Bleck Astrachan Fur Colts $36 00 ladies' Black Preece Hare Gape 2111 iosbss Meg 900 Ladies' Meek French Hare Storm Cellar and Muff.. 4 75 Ladies' 'labral t )ppos.om Storm Collar and Muff.. 9 00 Ladies' Greenland Seal Sower Collar sari Muff.. 950 Cfild'..'h inch White Wool Bis Child's 48 inch White Wool Bou 60 Lades' Tailor made Mantles Ripple Collar 6 00 Ladles' lkows Fancy Bowie Cloth Mantles, Heaver Fur Collar 12 00 Dress Goods and Cloths. All dialer weights most cost. Single width Melton Drees Coeds. .. ...9 Double width Reps lotto (loud@. . . . $22 50 35 $ Is 7.5 42 1 00 62 1 25 5 23 15 30 18 50 39 100 7i Men's Gloves and Mitts. Every lee lee than whirl mle Mea's Lined Kid Gloves ..5' -75 1 00 652 .e .1_25 " Doe -skin (:lovas ltorey'sMakeu . 4 SI 2 801 Move's Lined ( Omuta. blsek- S 75 Make) Jlca's skin Homemade N ad t* s 7S- Mitts. Veal all Wool 19 Tweeds, &.c, 3 40 $49 49 60 75 98 175 19 10 Being this list along and see it we doe't do as we advertise. I Hash rides Tweed. $ 36 $ 23¢ All Wool Halifax Tweed 40 7 16, Heavy allWool thwadies Mantle Rites Heavy all WeolCana- t dire Tweed....... . liaise they Flannel, Plain or Twill All Wonl(;rey ribasil.Plaia l ee Twill ........ . 12 $ 7t l AV Weal ! s lWlnel. . 1 (;sod antis i!@ga (Rprlrg 25 17 Creve kneed) . .. . go r'gardlam 50 32 66 40 90 124 25 15 30 19 2 76 200 276 1 9R We've bean able to quote only a f.'w lines from each department, but if the pricers interest yon conic nn•I test tho crock,, anti don't boy unless tl.ey suit you. Everything its in plain figures -square, anal above board. I MSIINIk &Q'" f