The Signal, 1894-1-11, Page 2THE S1(:N:11, I'cDERIf"'T TAYJRSSDAY. JANUARY 11. 1x94.
TIMIWOWtat fibulae.
depart ooderloh es fa-
twelve sad
• .,.,....v.,r. • • .. • • tale a.ta.
L •'. .. .... .. .... 1.M p.m.
a. o p.m.
Wail and Et press .... .. 1.60 s.m.
Wail Lard Er press . ......... alb par .
t[isrd .. ....... ........lite a,y.
• moms t ppe.ii. Peas agsi. N rtes..
Ooderich. An standard sed approved lots:
euseethelic. aro hand for pebbles* *straa•-
of truth. 1616-ly
I)R, 1. - RI :IIARD$Oli,--L. D. S.,
suratoa deader. Oar and vttaltsed air
admtostered for painters extracting of N'Mt
pyecsal attsnrige ti, en to the pre restiss
of the ass:.r&i torsi. U*.o. CD ltaile.
Grand try,.:* ileum Nook. entrance on West.
L. Goderi. h. 71x1 -1r
nat. HUNTER. I't11 sICiAN, (:lit
1.1 ikon. a•c. telbee-Di la�,pe. Work. Meat
tselit, Nadir eel.. Rom nrtti.h Ex -Image
$ctrl.' 1.3 1y
D ...vase. easese. Aeconchers. kc.
Is. C. NS. .—neer,Kaeidesce. Napier -et neer,
Gael. .1. +nasso,;.-Iteaadeaco, North-st,
Opp. blod.•i it col.
tees, Solicltnre. Neranee. Ac., tioderich.
.(Spee -Over Jordan. I►rog Si.,.. li. t 'AM
&ION. Q. C.. M. 0. JtUilNtDJN. see, to
9oltciter. (hover Sc.. etc. Noce)
to lean at lowest rates. Week. tip -
padre ('e►iberne Hotel. (:ode b. Oat. 1 l-tI
tor in Maritime Cenral of Ontario
Colborne Leet. Ina
R. Office, corner of aquas* end West
street. Ooderieh. over tobs,aph sem.
vate Funds to lend at lowest rates of inter
est. 7•.'.5a
ryter�, Atton:e s, Solicitors, tc., God.
rich. J. T. Darrow. a C.. W. Proodluot.
Barrio ars, Solicitous le Ckaat ci to.
Ooderleb. M. c, CamaNm. Q.C. ; P. molt ;
Dudley Holme,.
U • te.. and eomnt!ssiooer for taking and n•
esiving recogniraaces of bail. afftdavite or
deposition. declara-
aSSrmatlons• or solemn
tions in
or coacerntne any wrier, suit or pre.
esedita in the High Court of Justice. the
Cou tof Appeal for Ontario. or is any County
or Division Court. All transactions carefafi
sad promptly rerouted. Residence sad P.O. promptly , Ona Ilse-tf
11141.1m1100111* Institute.
It, nor. off, f t,strcet and Square top
f*r hoar l to 6 r.u„ and from 7 to 10 r.s.
Leading Daily, Weekly and Illustrated '
Pape,-,, .1f si me,, fit., on Pile..
granting free toe ofand Readlag. ,
Appucanons for membership reosised by
H. tl]II
Librarian. In room. j I
0104/ t
esderloh March 17th Itis
Knitting Factory. . f 1
• 10 EW KNiTTINii FA('ToRY.-TRE a
undersigned ber.•o aroused to the pub t
lie the: be has eland op premises with the
latest and must improved knitting machinery
which will be rum by a t horeaghlyexperienced
operator. and is pr. -pare i to do the bestual-
Ity of knitting at very reasonable prices.
Pressers and others bringing in their own
Era to be knit tote stockings•.ock.. etc.. will
beetiberally and pronptty dea;t with. Order '
left at my store, coo. Victoria and Bruce -eta.. I
will receive prompt attention. 0, K.
Auotloneertn4. —
sad Insurance Agent, Ooderlcb. Out.
Aust London and Lancashire Fin tsl. Co..
District Metrial Ins. Co. dales
ale Ore at -
leaded to In ani- part of the county. Wily I
denser and Land velirater, Godorioh, '
pperst,, Revise had ooasidersble azpe,1. ea
he le in to i
faoauetloseariagtrade. a pesltlon
dlsehsres with thorough eottandloa all con 1
to Mm. Oedema left at
IMMIsmc entrusted ,
• Hotel• or nest by mail to kis
Ox GP.., �y attended
dorii.tle/. i
V Ctrdes.-Ooderioh Cirrcle, No IN, meets r
Med Monday of 'sob swath In the ball over 1
Ssawat Mhos. Special inducements In
ems t
beredu. U. CALsICK.
Mrmad aka
R J. ACHERON. T4eesnrer E. '
RDSON Seretarv. IS 1 er
Deata1Announoonten t .
aT t� nea ow 1
/ p,
COQ am i
E ("1-, %
t10 DHT.
m.immes ae snllmlesd uatlefeetlen. after a
1�s� eessltlag 1. the meet estaswa►
is en of thagbettsl mad aGob sag
=it am that I have lbs .rely and
worn=bow la OoAwwieh..ssap MUMidissas tod never j
Ass ` pals dMy q tae exoduss i
Wadi of any kid. i
peep seem sled veer little pain In the mest
Z-I!q' CVNI PO10N�
e ht soksgawsper atom me.
th.res earth arra
sewn le ewe.
a'p'e ins IP Ild
/edepeee Nweseeaa in Ib mob.
w.ssesatdsr d the ttgiOlel laltla *tlthlMp
A Racking Cough.
Cured by Ayers CS,Crrg Peetor.L
Mrs. 1'. D. HALE, 211 tieuessee St.,
Laic kiwirt, �. 1., say4
t ►, .: thirty years qgo, i r lei biter
hcyrtao say tatter daiovili:u Cie n.tid.'r•
fail Iw-atiye'efle-ts gi &tern l'Ita-:r •
I'• . t tee!. Il eripg a fro set attack o(,La..
/t :;.;..•• v1.'cS a:fei'tmd the form of a
oatmeal, sasrlftr!ts of the fangs. revetn.•d by' as it fr^avatieg' moat, I
m d ca.rinntrrt tftl'Ian Itore rip'i. rt.
Yt 1,::,• soars et-tltrsoornedia•inta-twtrtia:I;-
al!s) isOil t�,t.:o.:.11,lu'•,. tititiog titi d..),
aoniknf'rab• testi cry r. 'i. T tI i i
t „bei .q'i t.walkosietrienei tree tomes chi. :t ,
w"'.'.l to ►-r; step mt.ateat I et4. 1• o.; • :hoot %ftri porttev'c
sit•ha;_' . -. ! .:.t
!'.lefirly in Despair,
an l te.••' al -w is `" '.led to sit tip all stole
in :6y c� v ahn.r. sou i .. ore what
al.•e/: 1 diol iu 1: -at war. It then it...
o ai::• d to r..• that I I -id a brittle ..f
ltcar's e'h•:ry
Pet -tot -01. I took a
;I.:s ptel.:iritIan to a little
w:.t. r. and v ...:tile to lie at without
con;;lnn,. *I.. a f. -w m.•tu.•nte, I ten
aelcu-is. and n,:,•1 in u).• looming
greatly refreshed and feel:nly.ninch
better. I took a teaspoonful of the
torai every night for a week, then gr;al•
naljy dccretu.ed the dose, and In two
weeeks toy cough was cereal."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr../. C. Ayer rc (to., Lowell, Maas.
Prompt to sot, s4roto Care
■Isard's Ilei ewl M tie Sect
The stock exchange is where hope is ex-
-hanged 14 -experience.
F:setjay's -Liver Lozenges are the best
loud purifier.
Sutoeyful trials have been made at Havre
f en electrical locomotis e.
He who runs in debt generally Enda that
he only way out is to drawl.
Suspension bridges were built by the
'hineec fully 2.000 vaare ago.
Murdock Pills cure sick headache by regu
attng the stomach, liver and bowela.. lm
Prof. Hammerick,who says chickens talk,
uy yet find out where the chickens got the
Sixteen ounces of gold would Whoa to
Id a wire that would reach &reseed the
It u expected that the tapp+e Cod com-
p bogs will produce 150,000 barrels of
he red berries this seaoon.
There is no better remedy for worths of
y kind for children or adults than 1►r
w'e Worm Syrup. lm
More than 53,000 women in Michigan
upport themselves in other lines of work
hen that of domestic service.
" at last i have reached the turning -
int of my life, 'remarked the convict when
e was put on the treadmill.
.4 gentleman mist kiss every lady to
thorn he may be introduced in Paraguay.
t is the custom of the country.
It is estimated by an agricultural statu-
icue that one potato can in ten yeste be
rade to produce 10,000,000,000 potatoes.
Milburn's Beef. Iron and Wine is prepay
I from fresh beef, soluble iron, and pure
sherry wine, combined with choice aro
matics. 1m
The man who advised people to think
wise before speaking once was engaged in a
sin attempt to stop conversation in tF.e
sera Foxe..
The Germans have discovered that a sat -
factory kind of paper can be made from
he refuse hope that have hitherto gone to
ra.te in breweries.
Curl Rourke, of Trail County. in North
akota, who died a week ego, weighed 520
rundo and was reputed to be the largest
an in that county.
Biliousness should not be neglected. To
rep the blood pure it is necessary to take
pen -air exercise and keep the digestive or
ase active and the system regular. A doo-
r advise fora health -giving laxative the
se of Feelijay's Liver Lozenges.
• lesseestitr Failure.
She was ayoung wife just married form
waling school, one of the loveydevey
der, and although educated - is Taekaa,'
Sa't know beans from any other vegetable.
Stmt thio dialogue with the cook.
Now, Rriddy, dear, what are we to hay.
es dinner "
!' There's two chickens to firma, mum."
is I71 dress them the filet thin,. Where
I their clothes
' Holy Mores, mum, they're in their
feathers yet."
, Oh, then serve them that way. he
eDetect Romans always cooked their pea-
cocks with the feathers on. it will be a
surprise to Hubby. -'
It will be that, mum. Sure if you want
help. you meld he pane the turnips."
" I ►h, how sweet ' I'll pair them two and
two in no time. Why, I had no idea coot
ng was an picturesele."
' I think, mum, that washing the celery
da G• more in your line."
" All right. Rriddy Ill take it up t�
the bathroom, and I've some lovely l'.rist
soap that will take off es cr speck.'
" Thank you, mum. Would you mind
riling me the name of the asylom where
you were eddicaten • I think I'll have to
take some lemons there myself if we in
gain' to work together."
• h.r.m. Leap.
A lady named Mrs T. C. it. Hnm>hriee,
iv tqi is Keene, Ont., wise used only two
beltlee of Memihray'e Kidney and Liver
Care, ha. toe worried a Statement to the
enact that .t ecmpheAy mired her .1 t•-
Samaiatnry rheums m, Mono and liver
tteubl.s owth • assaplisalem of distress
yMd$eg em a sashay *that 66matty sheen
reeserege sheer edema le spy ig pe
basest Mat
elentwire Uttlase* M ilasamisoms.
ith drill, drill. -
th) dental marklas, said Mist
And I would It wen ass wily to utter
Th.- groan* that arise ,n we.
Ob. toll for bat Is.ghing maid
Wham meth stapes Hy y and sound!
Ob. well for the youth In whose molars
l•:o cavities deep are found!
And they Dees the dentist'. ofare
N'lthost a lbeabt of fear;
But. oh. that my mime need nevermore
In his tittle blank book e)ywrt
Drug. drill, drill,
With thy cold. tray steel. said she:
Ant the tender nerve of a tooth that Wriest
Will sever come tack to ii.,.
-Mary S. Lathrop in Iketen Transcript.
"But surely left some addreser
"Not are I knows on."
Th.' caretak.•r at 19 Westphalia ter
we leaned on the broom which she had
brought up to help bee to answer the
door mad looked at ono with disfavor.
"Do yon tkt►nk the landlord knows?'
No mower.
I took out half a crown.
"Look here?" I said. "this e(dw shall
he yours it, you'll tell me bow long
you've been here, who the landlord is.
asst anything you may have heard from
the tradespeople about the family."
"1 never gossip with treat.•efolk nor," tai her inspiriting reply. but
Rhe gave tue the addr,-as of a lirurin
tiray's Inn and shut the door with all
poesible steed, seat ing me on the dusty
Imagine the situation. A young man
goes away to /Awnst•riand to the bedside
of a dying uncle awl come. back on the
win's of the wind to lay his newly ac-
quired fortune at the feet of the, dearest
girl in the world an -i finds her gene, -
hopelessly. utterly gone -her house deso-
late, no flowers in the windows, no fer-
uiture in the place, "To Let", staring
from every window.
I load only known Clara three Months
I knew not a single one of her friends.
I knew she had some few relations -her
mother'. fancily -mud I did not even
know their name. "Tile Vaneea knew no
one in Kensington, anal they only knew
me through our cat having fortunately
been killed by their dog.
But 1 waft poor thew, and poverty is
proud. --The Vanes' how e, dress and
mode of life betokened wealth. I could
not tell her I loved -her, anal now—
The charwoman opened the door again
and put out her curl papered head to
"There was • funeral afore the sale:
perhaps they'd tell you at the under-
A funeral! I hailed a passing hansom
and drove straight to Gray's Inn.
"Yee Mr. Vane unfortunately died
at one of our houses -19 Westphalia ter-
race. Left no eetate; hal systematically
overshot his income. Sorry I can't give
you any further Information."
Not a clew. The tradesmen knew noth-
ing, the vicar knew nothing, the police
of eenree knew nothing and did nothing
but pocket my money and take down
things in notebooks with blunt pencils.
Adyertisemeuts failed absolutely.
And so Clara Vane was lost to me -
pawed out of my life completely -ley..
ing me with a really respectable fortune,
which it was entirely out of the gees-
tiou for me to enjoy.
1 did see her again. I did, lint not for
four years -four long years,
I won't go so far as to say that an hour
never passed in which I did not think of
her. int TN swear that two never did.
And I loved her more than ever.
Well, after four year. of this life -I
hal my own work to do awl my other
life to live, but that has nothing to .lo
with this story -after four years busi-
ness took me to Tonbridge.
I went by an express train. I bought
the papers and got a comfortable earner
in a first class- carriage, where 1 let the
papers iie on my knee and dreamed my
usual dreams -Clara, Clara. (lira.
As we swept. into Halstead station I
looked out, with a torpid curiosity as tc
the gardens, and saw Clara!
Whizz-zz-whirr! The train had
shot past the station, the carriage win-
dows rattled: the train vibrated anal
pulsated with the increasing speed, anal
every pulse and every vibration.waa car•.-
rying me away from my heart's heart.
In a flash I saw that if I went on to
Sevenoaks and got a train beak she, who
was obviously waiting for the next up
train• would have left the station long
before I reached it. Probably she was
only spending the day at Halstead, and
any search for her there would be in
I broke the glass and pulled the han-
dle. The train slackened, and as it
copped the guard put his head in at my
carriage window.
'Why, you're all right," be Paid
`blest if I didn't think you was tiear�
when I heard that belL It's a wonder it
is connected Just my Jack, ton, and us
10 minutes behind elbeady. What diel
yer do it for, eh?'
"I stopped the train because I am go-
ing w get oat," I said firmly.
'Nothing wrong''
"No; but I am going to get ort."
He planted himself firmly in the door-
"No, you don't," he Pail.
i was desperate. I took out a C3 note,
laid it an a seat and advanced toward
"And what about my trouble, Mr?" he
asked politely, gazing at the note; "stop-
ping the trate and liable, sir, to get into
I jumped out of the carriage. He made
way for me deferentially. Our hands
tovpcbeL Great is the currency, and it
will prevail The next minute I was
speeding hack along the down line to -
wit el
we'd Halstead statism. My breath canoe
fast and with difficulty. My knees ached
furiously, but i ran on. I could hear
distinctly the rumble of the train in the
tunnel behind res.
If the thein line up wain, it would bear
her away on its bosom. If i won, ahoeld
h k premed my tailing legs forward;
fought for freer breath; got it in a rap-
ture of relief which by experts I. called,
l believe, the second wind. mad the main
Zine up and 1 came is meek and neck.
But of course 1 Wald . the down
platform. I flew upNdMop. and over
lite bridge -I reroltM NM up platfotw
CW,$ wog J IEMlltl$ bt0 reel etre
carriago.- .
I stumbled in after liar and sank pant-
ing in tete comer. She anted at the far
window, did pot turn her eyes on mo till
the slow throb of the t .tie betokened de-
Then she looked at her fellow traveler
anal blanched. We were alone in the car-
ri•age. and I fear I had a lunatic air.
Then site recognized me. Her face flush-
ed, awl she said:
"(lb. you!" with a delightful lighten-
ing of eyes and brew nnal a dimpling at
the corner of the mouth.
"I had," ," 1 ezelaimed Rantingly, "to
run -to catch -the train!"
"I suppose so," slw said, leaning back
iu her corner awl smiling. "lt waaat
very wise to give yourself -so little time
to do it in. Where have you sprung
from? IL(ve you frientla down here?"
"I have sprung." I said. heti ' g to
recover iuyself, "frm tho main line
down, and am subje: t to a penalty not
exc.'e.lityf 13 for availing tnyself of the
electric communication and stopping
that train."
"Why. slid you stop it. if on.' may ask?"
"You may sal, though the guard did
not. I stopped the train beeeou,e i have
lora looking for you tor four years, and
I saw you on that l.latfurm. I would
have stopped a tiger air the march of
civilization on the same grounds."
i mopped my forehead furtively before
"I have been looking for yeu for four
years," I mid, "to ask you to marry tire.
Dear, I never have even iii tight of mar-
rying any one else, and I intro been look-
ing for you all this time."
My flippancy, born of ucrv.'nsnt•as,
was deserting me. I leaned forward
"Oh. how good it is to red your dear
face again!" I said. "This pays for alL
It -
"Stop!" she interrupted. Mill looking
down. "1 :Appose you don't know I was
married three years ago to General Peg -
' llat rit'l:" I sank t.aeb-ei: k at heart
The train stopped and a copy of The Fi-
nan.'ial News pit in, with a gentleman
completely buried in it.
That wax an awful journey. I sat up
very straight and asked' questions about
noses and the people who lived at Hal-
stead anal the prospects of the hops and
many other things shout which I :lid
not want to hear, sled Mrs. Peglar an-
ewerect nle.
Anti The Financial News and its occu-
pant sat oppoielte To me.
At Charing Cross, as I handed her out,
she said iu a voice that was not very
steady -
•"W ont you come anal see me donle-
timas? I live at the Red Hoarse, Hal-
stead." -
"No," I said. "that would be too
much. I hope I shall never see yell
again. ' li:xolby." my sharp disappoint-
ment leading a vinegary flavor to my
voice. -Voter mother, I tryst, is'wellr
fibs did not answer. and I blundered
t ,'
oswgret to we that you are in slight
mourning. Not, I trust"—
"No, no, nor' rho cried -.vehemently.
"Mamma, at least, is left to me. She
doesn't hate in. because I tried tb do the
best for her when she was -left penniless.
She knows I thought I ought to marry
General Peeler. She knows Low I cried
and cried and wondered why you -where
(lare stopped short.
"Goodby," she said and walked down
the platform. "I'm not in mourning for
my darling mamma, thank God!. It's
for General Peglar, of course."
Wo went down into Charing Cepa
garden. where the children and the spar-
rows play and sat there in the sunshine,
band in hand. -Philadelphia Call.
Liquid Osyres.
Liquid oxygen when first formed ii
milky in appearance, owing to the pres-
ence of some impurity which may be re-
moved by passing It through ordinary
filter paper. When pure, it is of a pale
blue collas, which, however, is not line,
as some have thought, to the presence of
ligtiid ozone, which isbf a dark blue col-
or. Liquid oxygen 11 a nonconductor of
electricity, but is strongly magnetic. it
may be lifted from a cup by presenting
the poles of a strong electro -magnet. it
seems to have very slight chemical ac-
tivity, since it will extinguish a lighted
match and has no action on a piece of
phosphorus dropped into ft. It I. well
known that the A and B lines of the
solar spectrum are dee to oxygen, and
from recent experiments on the top of
Mount Blanc it is thought they are
largely if not wholly dee to the oxygen
in the earth's atmosphere. Professor
Dewar showed that these limes come out
very strong when liquid oxygen u inter-
posed in the patty of the rays from an
electric: lamp. -Science.
A Freerh Epitaph.
In a French churchyard is a monu-
ment having an epitaph of which the
following is a translation: "Here lies
Jean Pinto. the Spanish vocalist. When
he reached heaven, he united his Tubus
with the voices of the archangels. As
.nose as he heard him, the Deity cried,
'Keep quiet, all you fellows, and let us
hear alone the illustrious finger, Jean
Pinto!' "
A 1:1551, tsspele..
He -I should think it would be very
band work to write a modern soAety
She -What can there be so Mrd about
He -To restrain the impulse to kill of
all the leading charnia ••-New York
mesa. Wigs.
Goodman -Do ever think -of the
gond old saying that it's more blessed to
give than to ma-erdve?
Paisley -Yes; when Pre got the boa -
tag cloves ee I do. - Vegeta
MIN fie tits housewife wit%
Aad makes lter bees* crisp sod light.
Her tweed attempt the appetite ?
WW is it makes he, pastry such
A Nest. her husband eats so mach,
li sigh pies be never used to touch ?
Whet is it .!•omens take so nice,
Better than lard, while less in price,
And does the cooking in a trice ?
What is it that fries oysters, fib,
Croquettes, or eggs, or such like dish,
As nice and quickly as you'd aish?
What .. it saves the time and cue
And patience of our women fair,
And helps them make their cake so rare?
Whoa at tarns the gt.tnade
Of even lover a I p.:,. Good
Iby making " COTTOLE N E s• so good ?
Made .•t.,, by
Wallington and Ann Streamm,
■Isard'. Ltsissestis tie Male Rewe.,.
t One may live as a .•ornlucr"r, a burg, or a
mai'istrate, but he must die as a man.
Actions speak loader than words. The
fragrance of u flower outlasts its beauty.
To do their work well is said to be the
central passion of all -retro of true ability.
The more judgment a man has the slower
anal the store careful he will be to cosi-
The desire of knowledge, like the thirst
of riches, increases ever with the&niniaftion
of it.
We cannot control the tangoes of others,
but a good life enables us to despise slam
The earliest education is the most impor-
tant : and this belongs uo..uestionably to
kseljav's liver Int.ngrs do not weaken
one like pills.
The art of exalting lowliness and riving
greatness to little things is one of the no-
blest functions of espies
Skin diseases are Beet annoying because
so noticeable. Dr,, Low's Sulphur Soap
heals and cleanses talie skim lm
Called Iled Ixeea tax Old lore.
1.rwu S. Butler, Karin, Nfld.. MSS .111.
Thos. W :hettieW, N. R., Ledsepta
Hv. Mc Ilio, (lhatham, Oat., 0•111101.•""
Mrs. W. W. Johnst,,o• Wallah, that.. Ie.
11am matt ion.
.lames H. Hailey, Parkdale, Oat , Near
(. I. Lague, Sydney, C. It, Le Grippe.In every came unsolicited and aethenti-
rated. They attest to the merits of MIN
axDOTuta Tz,i a aslaaotp.
Specifk and Antidote for
Impure, weak and impoverished blond, dys•
sleepleserar, palpitation of the
liver complaint, neuralgia, loss of
memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall
Modes, jaundice, kidney and unary
diaeesss, $t. Titus' dance, female irreg-
ularities and vesperal debility.
J. M. Mci.EOI),
Proprietor and Manufacturer.
rtchsot,'s itvsrtra R5Daysms can be dab
from all drugrin. is town, se well as from
all abs drtigtfsto between owes Mead and
S'storth. Itrassels. Durham and Testabie
Buchanan & ;on,
Dealers In all kinds s1
And bellderkillmateriaal of every descrlpOm
School Furniture a SAecialtj.
This is a pertinent question and
use to which you should give
If not, you cam easily get sat
isfactioe by railing at
emesfty of READY MADE
head will be disposed of at
whe$e er they will bring. Call early end
1101 aorilekas.
It has often lest' eMabaded by
nh;a:uiogi7Uaidallililbrience gen-
erally. that nervous imago or nerv-
ous impulses which pass along the
nerve fibres, were only $sibs names
for electricity. This y plans
ible statement was ace* ted for a
time, bu' has been completely aban-
doned since it has been proved that
lb. nerve are not good conductors of, and that the velocity of a
nervous impulse is bat 100 feet per
second -which is very mush slower
than that of electricity. It is now
generally agreed that nervous energy,
or what we are pleased to call nerve
fluid, is a wondrous, a mysterious
force, in which dwells life itself.
A very eminent specialist, who
has studied profoundly the workings
of the nervous system for the last
twenty-five years, hat lately demon-
strated that two-thirds of all our
ailments and chronic diseases are
due to deranged nerve centres within
or at the base of the brain.
All know that an injury to the
spinal cord will cause paralysis to the
body below the injured point. The
reason for this is, that the nerve
force is prevented by the injury from
tesehing the paralyzed portion.
Again, when food
is taken into the
stomach, it comes in contact with
numberless nerve fibres in the walla
of this organ, which at once send a
nervous impulse to the nerve centres
which control the stomach, notifying
them of the presence of food ; where-
upon the nerve centres send down a
supply of nerve force or nerve fluid,
to at ones begin the operation of
digestion. But let the nerve centres
which control the stomaeh be de-
ranged and they will not be able to
respond with a sufficient supply of
nerve force, to properly digest the
food, and, as a result, indigestion and
dyspepsia make their appearance.
So it is with the other organs of the
body, if tire nerve centres which eon-
trol them and supply them with
nerve force become deranged, they
are also deranged.
The wonderful success di Ike
remedy known as the Great South
American Nervine Tonic is due to
the fact that it is prepared by one of
the most eminent physicians and
specialists of the age, and is based
on the foregoing scientific discovery.
It possesses marvellous powers for
the cure of Nervousness, Nervous
Prostration, Headache, Sleeplessness,
Restlessness, St. Vitus'e Dance, Men-
tal Despondency, Hysteria. Heart
Disease, Nervousness of Females,
Hot Flashes, Sick Headache. It is
also an absolute specific for all
stomach trouble..
sNo_ E_ DAvzs,
note see s• F. Js t • \,
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Goderioh and vicinity
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