HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-1-4, Page 7r 1 THE SIGNAL: (R)DRRTOH, UNIT'., THURSDAY. .1ANt?ARY 4. 1894. h �` IIIPORmati�T cLIIE glcr a t.r ltutrhetalMi'�ayl t15af b„ iB.at 61ankets, coir ..a. to g., to that tMlttr.r fur ti. I to • caltrr and harmer. It may 4a h - wit toe ► tiioneff that the police Liar that memo, w I,i. h was In the eameew.lea sit I.:rerrv, the %% hirV*U.. ♦1$rrd Murderer. t ., hewer of the holm. ' Blankets, ley it described so f,lluar 24;kine CCfiECvESHOT CNTHE SCENT 1.e e1• tl4-,itchir feet '. 4� :wLail !Poen Horse Blankets. ••1 w..1e • w G, 1�eek&, war ua st•t•ntri T1.• • ....us SaG,l.rssiout Turns Out to fin;rr of ...It (moi,:►µl 'tlgge oa thait•Iw,t i ..b It.. w ....debmaa VI lib • Cockney •,: Lis right ci *1L b it•••itl te.•t4; prawis• {tit month, oa-ural-briiwn t„ooetee Iowan' Jt ie.ey.. The Mori Told b, b. dim -ea .ir nowt, eye:ftw's latest &ter . x a x D'alker, the Allred the near, slim build. I t Ammar 1 Ike ( uuclashea Arched at. Tide ie tie c•ouelmioe that has been X x SPECIAL VALUE SHAPED HORSE BLANKETS 1 nlined Blankets, 65c, worth 85c. ined Blankets, $1.25, 41 $1.50 JOHN T. ACHESON. AT THE DRAPERY AND ABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE • A FULL ASSORTMENT OF PALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Oar 50c. Corse Cannot be Beaten. Ladies' and Children's Underwear, Eltra valor. Navy and Black Storm Sees. the best in Town for the money. lEsraCTION I INDL SOLICITED. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. .�_ MVNRO, l0it Dranar and Habe dasher: - A CHATEGUAT MAKE. PHY1a1Axa PRONOUNCED RF.COV- E1Y IMP(OBSIBLY !8s imlussauims szeice1g.ce Or 1- u.,. . ansa/$. Or 0T. rn$Al,t-NI' fa's't" t'ALLILI TO nal . rrMggti UUTar.71,- B OW .50 nauAl'EL lux 50.1.711 A\I WIIIM:T$-i ri ..i.s. A.'ti`►Owtdtle;MER Or sift ugATlTt p►_ From la Prose. Meanest. There have appaarett to the columns of IA Presse during PtCarat two years, many articles bearing witness to the great good accomph shed in various parts of the coun- try by a remedy the name of which is now one of the most familiar household words in ail parts of the Uon.io,on. And now cones a statement, from the county of I. hateguey, over the signature of • well-known resident of St. Urbain, which .peaks in positive and kable language .a to the value of tliiT.wonderworkiag medicine. aTtT¢M&'T. '• 1 feel that 1 owe my life to your Dr. Williams' fink 1'111a, and I desire 10 make 4nteful acknowledgement and to give you e complete statement of my illness sod cure in the hope that my experience may be of benefit to some other sufferer About the middle of October. 891, en the ad- ivice of an American doctor whom 4 bad 000- taltsd, 1 left home for the north to invest to farming trods with the intention of culti- vating them myself. I had been ■ttlicted with a species of paralysis caused by the rupture of a blood vessel over the right eye, and which .topped the circulation of the broad on the left side. 1 was at that time em- Iasabook-keeper byMasers. laoailiade l.awreoce, Mass. The doctor had ad- vised a change of work ao as to have less meatal and more physical exercise. This 1 resoled'pem,boi. delayed too lens as I did not leave sail' the folbwier October. Ar- rived at my destination i perceived symp- toms of my previous ,Inness making themselves felt .rope more. 1 west at once to • local physician who declared himself un- able to understand my one. However. be gave me some medicine to ease the pain 1 felt in my head, partical.rly at night. This afforded me relief for • few mistime, and mmatrmes ewbled me to get a little sleep, atlas &wakening Was always rorss than 0. the last of October 1 went to ION M oust after taking my medicine as dteeted, and dept the whole night. Met the followi.g morning on trying to ries i found myself so weak that 1 could mot stead and could esaro.ly speak. My wife emrprssd to one me is inch a state, na to a neighbor's and regorged him to go for • doctor trod the The doter arrived almost Mimed iat.y, bat meld afford me the'tightest rre'tliieeis The grime then arrived, awl wise the eatillities.1 was iai•tobi me my ease was critic,' sod to prepare for deetth. O. the follosehag day both the prier and Gleam -tor advised my wife to teMgrwph tc my frtende, u they en.nder•Md death approaching, acrd two day later mytaro brothers arrived. The doctor thea esed if 1 preleased that he *hound hal • eolnl'itaties with phy.itiss, awl nn my replying its thealler- sties, M t.lsgewpketl ta o doctor rlfigrati • disesteem of sbeut alteen mil's. nay beth bans to nes me, esked seem qui sad retired for oe nItetiem. Tek twill e/ Oils was that my wife wee tall that L �Ow sat , 'w, y 11Nmt - SW dm fwfer weer, mak Mw be wanes Ali n yye�ar * rr ttss 11111 aseermtasa t• gay des Assam oma Tottery., Ike 26. --Detective (freer Oa earthed • must important link in the chain of evidence against . idiom Walter Mc Vi I,.rrel. the all.,,•.•d mnrderrr, yesterday. The . Ane obtained • is of such iutp...rtance thntjt i• almost certain th..t that &liter will {{g�reet his masa to day. 11eWbirrell till n •1 :•:are Toronto until Thursday t.wil. Ihkttive (freer i* fatly iuformei of his . iove:.ents oil, Ws -aurae! I et and *leo on Thursday up to uoohti°,m so tint the alleged marl r -r had bat little Mart of the antboritt.,t liter all. itcWhirrell wee in the habit of calling at Pie hate of a carpenter itauaed Browii, (Ai Tris,- street. 1 N ,due..lay afternoon he invited 11r Brown las go out for a walk. and together they procce.itel to the Rode - dale 'boar' ..n Twig.. street. !tc\VI1irrell seemed terribly excited. Hu eyes were meatless and .cry bright. Ile world jalap when auyoue opened the front floor After supper he picked up a paper and said • • nee seem to think that the 'tinnier was committed for money. 1 w111 bet my life teat w hart it is 011 known it will be c ti b was nut :minded." batted fur • he para Mats significant answer " That murder was • mounted that the old man's will might be secured. They dill nut want money." • toilt Who IseWbirreU l.. mown., Inc. 25. -That Englishman who hue been catfedng • good deal of anxiety in coornection with the murder of tjs ad Williams couple near Port Credit a • now known, d .ti�r'ns out to be • e etchutan with a decided En;glt+b accent. whi•rh no doubt has been the weans of tSr•win• the officers of the law off the scent. His name is Walter M••%Whirrell, alias McGuire. and is known as e profs& shore! burglar. lie was accompanied in his dee' with Lawrie in selling the horse by • young man named huhu \Walker This youth was arr(tlWL by • c ,nstab''m at !leve- age t •e 4.w -tie -and too what money he lock, 4 hit. Walker has told all he know, c.•ui.l geietll lay liar Is ON "some new about Lis companion This "bald renewer' asp status •t the ,e t,, iu r -, ...i to t1,e perpetra m.* elf I herniaall Lduudrysad ll.,useholdfk»bee alis, brutal inertia of Mr sail lira Wit fur ytl•hty and sats411 o1 sales, fugitives arc waking Hair „nay at s!o.•t 'y with all t1.5 tadfashioned drudgery of wear lie•ae, neatly, that one or poetising Lot red &everting to direettoas. It does nabs 1 le b easterly day '07 ui y.o two ttc d::•t, 1x(44 1 ,rim mak carry theta in s. ea* er. Ot northeasterly direction fro ,tall city. stitzdaaT soar bee been is um la 1'er6•ts the lLinstalls (ta•itlt.eq uvw M1 • . 1NutMer Castle for t:,o paste ie ra, and 1N &met:). the 11114 co'urutuiithi through 1 gala .:httuaersi..t1 b:tu tt-..t,ally5I10.Mted whichthey are paesi'rig- it aiWlog their' eeat�eazre Tu THE dight and pr.neu&utrg their identity being ku,an. fa times of good ch--vt peiple aq aid to forget the t,'rue..,m•, ali.tt!e hcrribl' deed of December 14, ntu l i' ie pussibla that the murderers are by tl.ie time far eat into the country enjoying the !.ospilkl• ity of roar farmer. Ito rthoed nnsttrpecting earl news a the crinin ham At"tat!mire. 4 -row the tart that L. t.-eti.t, alrtti and Greer `aur up this, trail at !csrboru', stay- be safely •nferr.•J that they are ro Working on eller nearer, or a.tu*lly in th. city. or it, le just se probable that 10 Vestigatitinr. regarding' the guilt or fu, 'boct ie's of Frank le •see, wlw war liberated on , atunlay, compelled their retuni.Trust enquiries it would re e:u that something mot. than Frank L.o*re'r protests of in- -hither and that they think that *here has been a aelarut:•.,n of the launderer+ Frein iu- vestigatiots mad, by a reports' it would stew probable that oar of the suspe ted a - lrten .1. r'lll too -et -jog or hiding in the slums, while the other lies taken deg tu• Seed aesle(1sna wards the country. - {:cad resolutions are the ord. r n! the.Ly. The grounds of the snpposition are thew : Therefore The Jug resolves The consewsus of evidence of witnrrsw 1 will have nothing to do with lied-reee now tints to the perp.trators of the Mar- F am a useful uteuul, but he abuses lie be - der Fseasing two distinct traiteof char- gond rt re si,n. He neglects his wife for actor. t Me was an expert bersentan or by company, and that pier bay takes her driver, or coachman. who, without actually spite out on toe.- The other day she. came ta." ing part iu tee terrible battering of• the tower cracking mV skull, slthr.:* t I am -rare - old %Vidliams couple, kept Himself in the 'iy "full' cowadays. .ri'en 1 &nT fall 1 sm back ground, hitched the horse and did as quiet as *sleeping cat on atiger skin rug tie drive,,:. Ili. n• c•,uiplier was evib•ntly 1 shall do my beet to aware u11 flow the vi.s a bender, at all events s-tnan ofiediim- Racism e, •n.s ii_ the wont comes to. the bru iw►tiuct,, who dig t..- killing. pill won't, 111 till up with water some frosty n:orniog tied do my beat to bunt. *et. ..t w STOCK TAKING SALE. In order to get Our Stock Reduced we will Offer SPECIAL BARGAINS In all Lines POS THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS QUZEIT awrdaa 11 Gold Ilfieisr - ., «..«slat Walker Said. Oa the night of Thursday, the lith in- stant. between 9 and Ill o'clock, he met Mc\\'kirrell, or, as he knew birn, Maguire. M Fitagetald'ahotel on York street. While driukitee together, Maguire, who he claie)" eras a •trauger to him. told him he hal' al hors for sale, and asked if he knew where a pnrchaser could lie found. After some conversation they parted, Walker going across to Tobin'. restaurant VI spend the MOH -and Magnin stopping at Fitzgeralds. Fri lay morning Maguire. came write and tbrr had breakfast together at Tobioa. disuootioue their sen ices. It cost me mmnt the morning ronud town, and had about 30 to hear their verdict. Two or dinner at the saute place. After dinner three weeks peened without any improve- Maguire sail he had to meet a lean at the A FREAK OF IMAGINATION. meat to my euuditeoo and I was so weak 1 1 Exbibiti.es grounds who had conte in from could barely move around the linage with the aid of a cane. (10e day I noticed a par- cel !Magus the table, wrapped in • news paper. Having nothing better to do I began to read it, and, after • while, cane across au article headed " )lirsculoua 4 " I read it, and the'longer I read the more ia• tweeted 1 became, because I saw the .sae of the rosea referred lb resembled my owe in many respects. %When I tiniahed the arti- cle 1 saw that the cure hied been effected by 1k. Willianns fink fills. It seemed as though there w -m a struggle within me i... tv.-m..the facts 1 had read and my own in - c edgluy, ",•mall eras the faith I had in medicines advertised in the papers. I read the article and reread it several times, I seemed to hear the doctor'. words "he can - mot live • )ear," and then 1 saw the effects of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the case 1 had just read about. The result of these reflec- tion. was that 1 (te-ided to give Pink fills • trial. and 1 immediately wrote the 11r. Williams' Medicine Co. for a 'supply. On their arrival I commenced to use them ac- cording to directions, and, before the tint Awa was done. 1 found they wele helping ine and it wean.); long before I was able to walk to the village, a distance of hal( min. without the aid of • cane, and 1 was rapidly raining Imolai and strength. At the time i was taken sick 1 weighed 212 pounds, and at the time 1 began the use of the Pink Fill' 1 was reduced to Ha pounds, a low of 50 pound. in • little mon than • month. 1 took the pills for about three months and in that time I gained 40 pounds To -day f am as well as 1 ever I was in my life, and my rsoovsry is due entirely to the use of 1». S'''lams' Pint Pills, and 1 cannot recon. - mend them too nighty to those who do not e.lo)" the blessings of perfect health. Yours rr•atefully, L..1.... Br%rota. wiuteeee. Will appear et tt,e adjourned in- qu. 5t u,i1ue,day at.d are expected W give some important evidrw-e hearing ou the first man and his horsing of the horse and cutter during the two nights before it came into Kntcher's t«,a-»esiolt. It is just posdble that be is still in the east end of the city. A BEE -I\ HER RD\\T. Els Arland. A Young French-twin Art+ Queerly in New York: An analysis shows that Dr. Williston' Pills contain in • emedeose.l torte all the element.. necessary to give sew life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered serves. They are an unfailing speeinc for such diseases se locomotor ataxia, partial paralyse., St. Vices dance, sciatica, neural- gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the af- ter affects of la grippe. palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, all disease, de- pending upon vi*iated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic ery.i,.elas, etc. They are alp ; s a aoifrc for troubles peculiar mPerna to feales, each as suppressions, irregulari- ties, and all ny of weakness. They (mild up the blood. and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks In atom they effect • radical care in all cameo arum from meets! worry, overwork, oreecemeso whatever nature. Itr. WitheredPisk Palle are manufactur- ed by the Dr. Williams' Medicate Company, Brockville. that., and Sith•teectady, N. 1-., and ars oes (mM field i• boxes In loose form by the dome or bond de. sad the public are oaatiomerl against i, I f0us imitations sold M.. this shape) at 50 oats • box or six boxes for $2 fit and may bs had of all dr'Ingleta or direct by mail from i5'. Williams' Medi• eine I;emp•my. from either address.M f*a ll~agt raw.' the martial rather girl was seemed ther .b the country with him the preyiuns day, an.1 Walker saw no more of Lim tilt about midnight. when he ram* back to Tobin'& and .dept that night in another bed in the moue raven with him. lie was very wet wLen he came in. (m "ater.lay morning Msgnire went out tint to get the horse and cutter, telling \Wajjcer to meet him ou King street, .wbiuh he e 1, and together they drove W Little Turk, where %Vanier bad told him he sturdys I,. n. " yer Ge!' •, Whit.sM.tts. de yea te " Why -r-NN what kind of & bona I lag to " Lewiston Bootee! 1'1101 edge Met lg mineb• bmom hums the --i. how 1101111tllasla Sk Im . Thought Site Had Hog. 1n tier Hair and .tifeteptel %nIri.l. 11.-r Hus- band 1ikortly Artdr zaps. - turas the laaa.ei Pecu- liar ttea.dl.s. New Yuen, Dec. 26. -Jules .Arnaud, a French Canadian, bran ht bWilliston' thought be could find a pi:echoer for the year old wife to thle city from Montreal burse iu the tenon of a man named /Mao- some six weeks ago. Id Montreal the husband was a Walter in the ('ate de L I.nne and in the same cafe his pretty wife used W s.ng Since Cher. they have made their home at 1'!6 Greenwich avenue here 4..st night )Ara. Arnaud attempted suicide by taking some :Nine green._ Why she did guar on M be drew hue, for whom be had previously worked. They found. however. that i►onohue did sot need another home. and driving away front there nc•ticed Butcher's plate. and Walker amid he knew that milk :luau and suggested they try there. The story of the proceedings at Benin: •s is already well te. her husband ezp.ained. ile pre a. knuwu, and \Valk. -r'• second agree. is 1 Ate ctvey by saying that not Wag able to general narrative with that already pub weenie work in the city he had been ew- liehed. There are. some-dbierep•nciea: pi,yed se a detective by Dr. I'arkhunt, however, which further inquiry will pro Yesterday morning when he returned home bably rectify Walker says they tried to his wife told him she had s't'allowed some &.0 outright tore Butcher,only for the Bou't's the green.• Lie asked why she had {.ken COAL AND wool') sale' the rrgnest wee only tut the animal's the poison. keep for the winter Then Butcher most •' /termite I have su many bugs in my pereist.•utly declar.d he had no previous hair" was the reply. knowledge of either of his visitors, but The husband asked for farthet explants" Walker showed conclusively that they were tion, when his wife told him the bugs in well acquainted , her hair troubled her so she did nut want Not waking a deal at :lag time they to live. Arnaud then took her to the New drote away down the road and had a York hospital, where the woman remained drink at a hotel. fur which Majnire paid, en hone, and than. Arnaud says,th. baser and' after that 'Magnin told him 4, take 11.1 doctor- WW him it was wet • 0a40 that k to Katcher and he would nee , they could treat. Arnaud hurried i• wife y He foal.'. (Meer McGowan. 1 en the nee-- - --_- without asking any gne.lots- Policeman entered the room where Mn. They Olsen camas back to the city end pat h dressed the officer. saying. .. even- ing. ('apt. Parkhurst." Policeman Mc- Gowan called an ambulance and Mie. Arnaud was token to Bellevue hospital, where her mental corditiuta,will be deter mined. After the removal of his wife to lbs hospital Arnaud was seen at his home. H. was found lying on • sofa with a ban d around his bead. Ile was much per- turbed and said to his visitor. " My wife has bugs and I have got the bugs too I nee some ointment to get rid of them, and it .dayd the devil with my hair " wieterlwg 0.leta.. The chief difficulty in wintering onions is to keeping them too war and too waist. That is the tronbl' usually when they are kept in cellars. Any place 1, am a harmless goblet, propose to cut the tippler. I abhor hie fres,'+rot kisses. a•d when he lifts me from the bar -1 tremble lett hs rum deceased muscles let me fall tied so be dashed into a thousand pieces. How 1 wish i were at the service of some tittle innocent child or some lovely woman whole knot-. would make me clink wutb de- light. r�VWLER' EXT WJLD R� *4TRAwBER �_ CURE •� .4 COL./C �A C fig ORBS CHOLERA- ©IARP'`"OEA nY5,C: 'ERY Ui 1 cr D..... J CHil DREG R„ Price. 3.,.... L'EttAh1.c; 1N: rAT N5 Lamps and tarnp Goods, • Cutlery and Silverware, then b.c home and then started for a •ewan it till Hohd• He did an and Butcher h 1 e r up at Tobin'' that night. On Sun.Isy, rt Armand was seated the young woman ad walked g to Beteher's, and not ending him O°d in 11•'IS'a'r to groom the horse, Butcher same in while they were thus engaged,and then Walker told Botcher who he was, and Butcher at once recognized him. on Monday morning Walker walked out to Butcher's place and god the home, which he h nght in and delivered to Magnire at alt' ti badge. Msgnire told him to meet hist ag'kin at ream on the earner of King and Church streets and drove off up isiver ttrret Walker kept the appointment and waiter' on the . .suer till two o'clock, but Magnin .lid not turn up. Thru Walker went down to the 1'nion'tation to sell paten• to gel money for • meal, as Maguire Md not paid him the promised dollar, and slt.•rtly after arriving there he nn semi* Magriire. who bad a parcel ender hie arn•. 1las+ panel he gay. to Walker. sayl•ut 1: was a Toilet of beef for Butcher. and teplm: where tie v can be dry had held at a him to take it 4.. Butcher on King serest. nearly nib fi*m temperature about the near the a hatario brewery. Hs did as freesiag,�,int 'sliest. Onions may freeze directed. found Butcher. and handed over witboa �ng'limed, provided they are the parreL In parting with Maguire at not allowed to thaw and freeze again. this time, which was Miter. en '! and a o'rh.'k ..n Monday afternoon. the hath, and the last time be saw hien Maguire said lie wise going tither to Bagalo or Kande City. • in concluding hie story, which he told in • straightforward way and with appar- ent geuersl rses.•ity, Walker satd bealt>MSa roewtd the city n..ul %W.dnesdsy, wM started east 111 swarth of work, a.d bad beat hl' way as far as ffitWbs)t, wirersar• was arrested in the manner deasrtb.d. %ware and walker time vsterned to tM city, the former going again to Tobin's, and the latter. having .o nanny, went to the Salvation Anna, ,hotel e. %%Mom arenas Ifbfore .eparmllag, however, Ms inure told him to go out i• the morning and get the horse and Mid nim with it at the Doo bridge and he would glee him jl far hu travail* Maguire thea took from Lr pocket a mesio book, sad, tearing • led mit, wrote "014 rarliasawt dunk- ou sail it•.di it to Walker told him to k Where. however, the winters are too warn, to make this method of keeping .ate. it is better to prevent freezing, lett keep the .mions where they will be at an times tory near the frtrzing fit. . )s,a.dyr is..d •!raper• money in buying elaborate road - The 10inch disk har- row Is *and ou. BTpt'y well r.%tllatntl farm. First go over the road. pnt in the culverts, cover them with dirt and take out stnnura and mrkw. Spread a 20 incl{ dirk harrow to the fall width of the road by bolting • 0 by 5 piece to the weight box, and another in front for hitchiag Put a team and driver 1n front of each gang and go ahead, followed by mother f0 inch harrow apr.ad to run Indan the asst, is the advice Of a Rural Now Yorker correapoodsat Granite nd Puritan ware Carpet Sweepers, Clothes Wringers, Japanned, Tin, and eopperware. • We have a Fine Assortmw of Stoves and Ranges and if you are thinking of buying anything in this line we think we can suit you as to quality v ii price. Special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all gra.ies of HARD, SOFT & BUCKSMITH COAL. Coal wefghe.I oo either market or my "canes. Get sal Prices before going elsewhere. TERMS CAMS. TeleM..e e'saueettes. JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. tilt 17. GODERJOH Steam Boiler Works. 1IiBTAIILIBHSD'lf l A. S. C H RY STA L 7 IEATING AND SANITARY PLUMBING A SPECIALTY, SAUNDERS .& CO., W EST -NT Ili.: Fr. S_ .A_WALKE Carriage Mai2ufactu c i, }lacing purchased the busily.e ua fficUREATH f& WALKER - 1 have now arrange.', not only 1,, ...ninon the Carnage Trade, but hate decided to .lo all ,•'.asses of work w HOR81-8HO1IAG AND HUM - BLACKS/4ITHIIIC .er _ • rp" NONE- BUT THE BEST OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN EVI•:L\ lih:l•ARTMENT. 8ve eaerfo ('Arrant & Bleck] Manufacturers of all kinds of Motion - wry Marine, 1'prighhtt is Tubular Salt Pane, Sanoke Stacks, Sheet iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers In Cprliht .ad Ilor rental !nide Tape Unisex Anlernatlr ('at Ole Ravines • All rises of pi • and pipe f'at'es etl e• band. Rnlwaate• furnished of SOW MAtk's. P'9►lring peosately attended to i'. O. Hoc T. ftiioderfrh. Out. Werke-Opeoslts O. T. It. Station. Ood.rlck. ATENTS 1 • 2396 1 v. JNO. A. WALKER Pt..,11: 1*. 100. GRACEFUL -COMFORTING EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST SUPPER. "Air • thorough knowledge of the osttral laws which govern the operations of disunion and nutrition. and by • rarer applic*tiun of the fine properties of well .rlet ted Cocoa. Mr, Epos has provided for our breakfast and 4010. per • delicately flavoured beressee which name wave us many heavy doctors' bills. It .by the judicious use of such articles of dirt that neon - sin utbn may be gradually built up antic strong enough to re.iat every tendenc) to dimmer. Hundreds of .uhtte maladies •re nu•titM around us ready roattack wher,".r them 1. • weak point. We may escape ninny • fatal shaft by keepingoureelves well fortified with punnt blood and a properly nourished frame.-- ('ir / .Serricr (late(('. - Made *Imply with Trilling water cu milk. :Sold onlyin oacketnby (fencers. labelled thus: Jtient [PP• a ('e.. I4.1.. (1esel0s. Leads.. F.aalaad. . - --� 21T :Ow CfRATM. Tasel ISM ARO CIIPTIMPITf qyt��, ass all bonuses 1n the U pate. oMa attsmd it to at MOUl1:R4?R /Mid. Ow ate.. N opeosigs the 1'. 9. Patent Cot hos. rad mi tan obtain Patents ha tem cisme has New' -helote from It'//RIXBTON. Send DX/. OR 1)14 INt7. we a vise as to satabtllef tree of charge and we mato CRAMS UNLESS W'S OI - TA IN PA ENT. W. meowis the Pestmasler, thesant , 6. T glom Ores e4P' et .1 cls gni Wenn and refsrs,ssss to intent ellea4 In yew OWN State sr (bestv write to O • aG♦w we*. Onifeatt.Pme O04ot N-Mya ND. O Illis.tiIc Aosrlstu Agency for : PATENTS 010 AA s rte. r.. lerrrrk 4 0. al also tt N myna en all YX • t spat aw Yows. 0tec y ewrree far s.0*. nitwits In .%moles- 1*.rr ppe.ttmew tatsa oat ie Ir ho wrbt Arron the pe Ale 17 a sorb even free of Awe* w tae 'cieuxir �e ►uterkauu 4.43r4 eir^eletlmt rf rn ,rye.tlar pap" In 10. rem St4mMtIA ay 111 e.. 4(n 151.II gest fes• 1 A t About Helm. S t93. 9 s rCaa i-lscga.asa idw. Ate.. rum' :4 WHY 1)oew (IEO. BARRY, the (loderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the beat stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies! And how i• it that he can sell so cheap! BECAUSE THEY ARE PLEASANT T 0 TAKE YET POWERFUL TC CURE ESEUAT$ LIVER 101:1 UCI1. ri titl� A 1100. fhty do1101 a:arv0em ...d, s• : we, en Mo sy.:on h'Yeigna and notwe a •i• •..at'IS.y toe op th. UMW and '. 05a.0.and sive t•:rsr,u.li.ir(-were hl.. do their « k n.rurslly mot welt - i1,yf 1')'1"i'.1'. t«igrtwi:.w,-ileaill,ihe, I..IHm• n«--.1'irni,b'. `.' a. • , .r.l alt .il e:, a ... Intl : ' r. - -1.,, -•. I,,. (-4 l.'ur sy'•nslrt roe Timm. THE VII TO HEALTH, } Viagelcs all the slogged avrnvre cf the Bow'lKidneys and art7inq off g.adlLushy mahout wt keninLivereg, eth4 ens• tem. all the intpuiides and foul hurlers of the secretions; at the lame t'",.• Cor- recting Acidity Of the Stomach, curing Biliousness. Dyspepsia. Headaches. Dlrziness, Heartburn. Constipation, Dryness of the Skin. Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dies. Salt Rheoum. Erysipelas, Scro- fula., Flutterf..gof the Heart. Iler- bousness. and eneral Debility II I Ohweeld and menycetn. r rinncooftdar B('• t'UI;DOCKq sono+ BLOOD BITTMLS. ue For !fate by all Deniers. f.111OVaI&CO., PrOOlideri, Tante. 1 HAVE YOU Ile finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : " Small Profits and Quick Re turns." He also makes a specialty oficture framing (live him a call before purchas ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 235711, DUNN'S BAKING POWDER 1'HE000KSBEST FRIEND L000UT BALI IN CAN*BA. BACK-ACH E 00005 KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU "Backache moans the kid- neys are in freebie. Dedd'. Olney Pillsive reem pppt relief 75 per serit titff di is ret caused by disordered kid- • "Night a, well fry to hate a healthy city without sewer- mya,�as good sewer- :zoos when the thog are the scavengers of the system. "Delay /s elangeroua. Neg- leeted kidney trouble, result in Rad flood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, aid t he most dae- yeroua of all, Bright, D'.ssse, Diabetes Gad OroY 'The a63•11 diseases earnest .x/1t wh.rs Dodd's Kidney Pills art used. S.Y k7.1r. ser, Sim by stollen t.. ey brei mit. Il k t�..'tT MO*"Wens fee bosh mal gamy Iran. 1 (