HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-1-4, Page 5THE SIGNAL: OODICRU H. ONT., THURSDAY, ANUARY 4, Mt. 5 THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE calamouss, 1111117. HEAD 011140E. TORONTO. MOM �e� FUS Iv) Mine Roy �.RR - = B. E WALXtR, (iINtRAL Iffsesegillt A VERY PLADSIBLB ALIBI. MacW1:e-relI's Clear Cut Ex- culpatory Statement. OTHER SIDE OF TML WARDER STORY QOUERICH BRANCH. A GEIt*RAL BANKING BUBNs1Bs TRANSACTED. FARMERS' MOTUB DISMUNTED. DRAFTS tsSuED PAYABLE AT AL,, POINTS IN CANADA, ANO Teif PRINCIPAL CITIES IN TNS UNITED STATES, (TREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE. BERMUDA, ao SAVIORS BARR SU►ALfTlrtNT. DEPOSITS oP $LDD AND UPWARDS IIECSIVID, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ALLOWED. INTSaLST ADORN TO TWO PRINCIPAL AT TMS IND OF MAY AND Mr' •SSR IN SA0NN TSAR. Special Aelesels0 ahem Ite tens 0ONwotlen os ^ and FarweNR' *ales Maris. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. Just added to Stock a Large Assortment (11,' The Latest Novelties in Christmas Goods. Ladies using Knitting Silk will save money by buying our 25c. spools of Brainerd & Armstrong Crotchet and Knitting Silk. t 0 -rte Ia MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS our STUCK is C• 1\I 1'1.i:I E. YRS. R. Be S�dITH, calasgo ;lv House. JAMES ROBINSON, One Pfr ice Cash Store. The Pr/sower le ttleet.MN Jell Aeeeseel of the Murder .f wllltem. ems M1. N 41. DD.. a Detailed Aeeuuet .f f oriole of the •o.ptelous fireem.t.u.ee, and Iwour •f It is rowed to ne a orreet, 1ta.awrrov. Jan. 1 --William Walter M•cWherrell bas made • statement to the eohnty crown attetuer in connection with "hare hI the recent mord,, of the old (Aide at Port Credit. Even eines i.t. tenet and inoarceraii. the esecesed man has been steadfastly) adb.ciut to be aemer- tios. that he will be able to prce, hie en• tire init.-wows of any direct tontteutfua with the horrible affair. and has already received looney from old euuutry friends to pu.h his defence with all possible vigor. lu detailing his movements before and tdt.cv the murder, as prisoner told hie Ude in a quiet sr M.11a.1 LIauue►, m"r. 'with the air of an ho jawed man than that of use telling •concocted .u.ry. lu regard to the eyelet%-ot December 1.1, w.Atu he was sail] to have been seen on the road lu Williams' place, be say he can prove that he spent the tilgbl at • Vork greet hotel, - Toronto. arriving there at o'ekpek in the peening. This he .i!1eve. The emit Sionsiug be sought work at an employ •stent bureau, had dinner at • (lurch street r.staur•ut, spent the afternoon at the St. .►ndre%*s public library, and had his supper at another restaurant. The Morse andIn the evening ho tient to wholes hotel. Parkdale, where h. fell to with two mea who poet arrived in • horse and rig. These leen evieleutly knew him as a horseman. as they asked him to look at the bone and offered tonsil it. After some dickering h.• purchase! the horse and rig for >;I4) and brought them to a stable on West Itarket street, where be pot the horse up for the night. 11.. described the two men as fol lows - • One was tall. had • black mous tech. and thln.lde whiskers, also dark He wore • knit cap He mast have been nearly ata fret high. He wore a dark muMer round his week, had ou a lI_ht overcoat up wound bi, ears. It value down below his knees. His boots, 1 think. were laced. They were heavy bouts. I should say that he was or 29 year, cf age. was rather •tont, and would weigh about 1:0 pound& Hr wore striped wool mita. This was the man who sold me the horse. The . cher was a little taller than 1 stn. He would be about five feet eight niches in height He was clean 'lateen; and wore a brown corduroy cap. He had w overcoat on. He had • dark cutaway octet, light colored muff• -r about Os neck. top boots, and a pair of black mita This man held the hone during the talk." It.VWherrell said he had tome S19 in his pocket at the time. He accounted for the money by saying that when he left Mr. St•bl•ford•s service .at whcee h.onae he was arrested) about a month aim, he received r0.10. the amount due him for work as a farm hand. The Boodle .f the Cane. When told that the rage found in Wil Name house fluted into the handle found at Stattlefurd's, he enplalne.' that while walking back to the latter place on Preen her 21. he accidentally broke the Bane. and throwing away the piece•. kept the handle L. described the cane pommelled by him. In regard to the. alleged bkaxt spas on his vest, he declared that an analyst e.,ald clear him on that point. Hs panted a .verandah for • Mr ileighington two years ago and the spots were stains of paint. He said he wore a fur cap or any coo resembling one in his life, and said he will be able to prove that he wore • bard felt hat Thursday and Friday. Ho never stoked • Moe. . ( \ He dues not know William Moody. nor would he ittow the man if bellow him. The prisoner ended his statement by declaring in • steely voice: " 1 am Mao cent of the crime, and will prove myself so at the trial... C.rr.b.ratleue. The reporter visited some of the places mentioned in the statement, and Mac Wherrell was folly corroborated on th.• following points. Hts receiving g:O.IU from NIT Stable ford. That he never wore a cap. That the stains on the vest were paint. Tire description of the cane. which was entirely dilllerent from tee one (Gond at y1'illiams' bone The breaking of it. The time of his arrival at the Verk street hotel, and of his staying then. That he did not smoke • pipe. Many other points LaeWAerrell declares he wid be to eiplain and prove to the astefaotiod of the jury at the trial. As we ao not wish to carry over any Fall Goods we intend to clear the following lines at a reduction. Come for bargains. Bargains in Mantle Clothes. Bargains in Dress Goods. Bargains in boys' Shirts and Drawers. Bargains in men's Shirts and Drawers. Bargains in Tweeds. Bargains in Flannels. Bargains in Gray Blankets. Bargains iFWhite Blankets. See our Table Linen aid Table Napkins. - JAMES RO$LNSON, r t , Ose Price Cash Store. M . 1- BRUCEFIELO. lbws rog►11&.tbat Derr did amt pwsost biro Ti sar.rr, .l 2. Jan. 1geMa Mc4),oald returned to Mango kat Saturday. Ara F. Ling be spending • km holidays nadir the permed reef. - W. S. bleI.aald retarsli he itetherl•nd's Cermet* es Saturday 'o reerme his deties as echoedeth.teacher. •, Mr. Desnaof Tarmac, and he dieter, hike Hamas, of Blyth, ,pent their 1'1•eietr nese holidays at the home of their .aster, Roes, Mrs. Lana of this place. Meters. U.rray Gibson, John Aikeshead and Arthur Ketches, aad Dias Liizi. RIM morals( this morsg for the Forest City Sssi- owe Celteee. We wish them meoose& Rev. Mr. Kerrie; el bare a very atmrsattag lectors in the ` ode Words last Thursday er.si.g. Hr esbjeet wee -• Life smear the Spaniard.," dad it was very amreetiive. At the time of wrivag oortect remorse of the votingof the municipalities of Sere* d aTeskorsesitb were set ia. 11e plebis- cite athe hews of refuge googlies were, we believe, .aerial by • large majority. is ea next wk'. Ides we will give a detailed etate.aet with a gait mad • free ride " by nail " before kis departure which would have been a Oust retribution for wed as impostor aed top, as he proved himself to be, during his stay here. A4.410411413. - The assembly held in the Foresters' hall bete, on Thursday night was • decided stamen. Lucksow, Ihtawaaaa, Nil. aid Asborn Were well represented and as enjoyable eveaiog wad spent by all. PA•,.•a - We oongratclate William (,etas ism his sumer. in passion the Model haled Exam. We believe he does not ia• 1.d teaching yet tats' he takes • second. We hops he may be as succeenful in that as he hes hens in the past A • lout. Memos,. . -The annual school meeting wen held Is this school house en Wednesday, Dec. TItb, when Thos. Ford, Um retiring trustee was again elected, sad ether bwsnsenwf importance in connection with the school was ..anted. Marrs*... -The annual thank (Werke meetise of toe F:.st Aek6eld Auxiliary of W. F. M. 8. was held in the church hen me Tuesday, Dec. 26th, when • very inur- e/tin address was delivered by Miss Mc Williams, • misiosary of Indere, India. BLULVALE. TUMMY,. Jas. 2. M,a Alex. Craig is very ill. Jobs Patterns& of ('osn, is a tows. .lobs Mee•sr es visiting at W.edliasn. Mee Jeanie Diw..t her been meting at 13orria Mien M. Patterson, of Galt, is vlitiag here at peeseaL PhilipThomas sad Norman Desnan sus. .layed Bewick. Pkil�ipp and Jobe Thomas, of Woodstock. spent Usefiwa. at hese,. Mtn. Jesse Maser is visiting at hes beeth- et's, Wm. Cameros, Steeds. Jes. M4Pbwsos. who has bees is our made Ise sows time returned to Tomato es Tuesday. Jea. Berton, who had hese Mania' • Melee factory ie Priam Rdward Wand, re- t.,s.d last week. R. L. Stewart. who spent kis holiday under the p.resul red, returned to hi ..hemi es Monday. A eery eh•sisg emit Wok phew at the r.idesee d W. It Sewer( es Wedmiaday Iasi, the merrier of hie asegbNr Maty A., to A. Prseber. of Monks. The /t+mants woes aim.ras and eaetly. The Rot J. W Pring perfumed the ememsey i• kis .seal pfieeriag sad hearty style LANS Mo.oay. Ju. 1 VaismeIt 'fire. J. McDss.M. from war Ripbey. is the swat d F. Stott. Weinman,. .4 number d fear amend here attended the ecd of Mie ▪ Reek of a.rvis.who was formerly • rami. BARGAIN WEEK 1N Useful Presents !, W. ACHESON & SON: Out R�daccd Price For f hri�liii�l� IVe��k: Men's Fine Wool Lined Gloves, 2 Dome Fasteners, 95c. reduced from $1 25. Ladies' Kid Lined Mits, 75c., were, $1.00. Handkerchiefs, an Immense and Beautiful Choice. Embroidered, commencingat 10c. each. Men's Large Hemstitch Silk nitials at 50c. each, Every Initial. Linen Department Complse. What can be urore :t ceptal,le than :1 nice Idc.-e of ueo4t ta>aeti We -'tet • New Drawn and Embroidered Dinner and Tea Meths, Tray and (carving Linens, Table Runners, Hemstitched Napkins, 1)o Ilett cur . a 1.•,antifttl 'dock• INSPECTIQ& INVITED. Silk DUNLOP. Traoav, .las. 2. (:.mare Hawkias..1 Pert Allen, gave our keg a Sassiest vii% kit week. Mt. sad Mea Camino clave Ba1hu a a tlsasiest emit es Friday et kW week. Mien R. AS.. esjo• pMesamt visit of several days is the Circialar town kat week. Master Willie Hawkkse, of Sheppardtoe, sorest his holidays hare with hie mead - parrots. Mien Kau Macdonald, of Detroit, Sbotse for a visit of thr.e weaks to parolee and ether friends. Doctor sod Mrs. Cam, of I hl.gessea with their children, were the guest' d KM Atka Iasi week. Mrs. Wm. Robert/we and children ma- jored the New Year by • plwesst'visit of e mend days to relatives .t Ki. bridgs. The anneal meeting of R. S. No. 9, Col berme, saw • fair attendance of ratepayer,. Il. (ldmeaiag was appe:Med chsirenas sad Jam Lawless, seo,etsry. After the rs.dl ig d tie minutes of last year's usual cresting and a special megiag. the missies were ap- proved. auditor's report wen as read d • d. These wbe noted this year were A. A. William for the sorties and J. Cl. (lotto' for ear beard of FA.wtiem. Same i to in the whose 4.Ml.* were etdsrsd. and extra kedge kr the caretaker ler the Meter aiseseha A dMonwles about the well at the ..heel was lsWere & fig. 1. H. Barker. J.Rim whew part. .estsd awl IL i D. Lammas treatise kr Wee yearsand D. Ow- msg auditor es behalf of the �M�s for 111114.en Rte i. Mi, who Mss'. M W. ACIIESOR....S. SON. C. A. HUMBER & SON Jewellers, 5zc. New Goods and Latest Styles FROM CHICAGO, Cuckoo and Fancy Clocks. FROM BOSTON Jas. W. Tuft's CelebraatetSilver-Plated Ware. FROM ENGLAND, . Crown Derby Goals in C'hiva w illi gilvcrY Nlounting.. Fine Watches, Clocks sod Jewellery, sp-ct•clea and Eye I lasses to suit everybody. Repab leg 1 •recialt y. C. A. HUMBER Sr, SON, BANK OF MONTREAL. $1 z,000,000. f ,000,000. CAPITAL, REST, BROKE THROUGH THE ICE. sed toad of a Toronto Nan by Dr•w.l.t 1. lb. Ray. Toantrm, Jan. 2. --John R. Clarke, reg lets of transfers in the Canada North west Land Compact was dmwned to the bay here on `lathy. H. had been no (Iced walking toward the bay by • gentle Inco *Wading at the foot of Lorne street, when, on reaching the ice he wdd.nly dta • pser+d. The gentleman ran to the spot and discovered that Clarhe had broken through the Ice and w.t atrnggling in the water. The ice was thin around the drowning man, and before assistance musk' be ptornred his body floated under the ice When taken from the water every effort wee made to resuscitate hien bet proved fruitiest. An inquest was not .unid.r.d nen:wary ea the drowning was evidently purely accidental Mr. Clarke. books have been examined and found atrietly durst d thio vieiaity. a whist foe the past year, will ,,ammo s the 8".' "'A' - M..hed e'""`'''). Asses d es washten 1gl)t ....d ... hep willilia►, Mich., who left here Wiest ase yeses ' be es deeoendel se 4s 1603, is what sae ag+. M boa, r'.s Abe 441"L I �n d three awakes. is the outrasod Ns &WA ha will w $ great my Amite ipawn d e "baba M jsslor otaswtat. t. d es be left ..+... i yT a ow is thole dilhe me home lksall. -The maw Wilt 1 a scene ism .f'�. - -- Is w a 'Vadat* of Mesa OsOsre B.dEeth : UN John Wflans ss Illh►S an 11 imi O maw � «h. air hismi• !Nes his • kr gilts Aims N M Bti ass .1 Saving Deftartmenr has beets ojened in con- vidOrg with this branch. interest allowed al cuerent rales. 11. LOCK WOOD, Manager Godsrich Brafuch. --r - CHRISTMAS IS COMING and, in ti• of the fns4int and r'joicil:g of the holi.lsy wt' call attention 1•. our FLAVORING EXTRACTS. oar own Inas. warr..uted pure Anil .etre ■:rung, therefore Cheaper that t1,e bottled eeteecea. 1h. f 'Ilow.tng ,owners in 15cbottles or In hulk : LEM0,1. MILLS. rattles.) R trill t.. tlwond•• 1 L0 p� rP,-RrI\T. lit TIM:.etIITT.R4.RWEti. t 1 a wed. ON t\e1E. K,"•'• Oihers.lo 1.. add,.'. t \IaE4i�. Don't choose your Lis Toads vac. �e you see our Stock. TRY OUR BAKING POWDER -A FIRST -CUSS ARTICLE. FREE SAMPLE. W. C. GOODE. -- -- - - - The Weeitl•se i>rs1t1.. I •egular visage . f poor Artemua Ward. Hee T vont* S•a. ' favored the savages with one or two' yam', 'io onto has often beta Called the most which he told in quiet, deliberate, unaffeet- Enrluh C.ty oo this continent. If the .d style, his voice having but the faintest re o I meodau. ■ 04 the grand jury r, c•-ntly ed', of the American twang, while the be gi, en erect it will be more &I.h sttl', biomes depended for their point on a rubtle they ssgFesr the e•tabluhmeat of a poor sense of humor other than on the exagver- house for the reception d the homelese men &tad use of a plelsree and the startling ef- who are cow sent to lad. �lecta of light and shade that usually niark It has hitherto been 4'aaade.. boast that the funny prod ii O. ions of the far west. fall she could do without the "mot►us" system. Mall Budget. still, her county jails are being used tory tilldree Codes other than reformatory purposes, namely, 1'he,saant tlavov, getiik u t..w sod di teff ii fwiib v ryslit lee. a not thjg a .00thinp effects of Syrup of iP'f�s, %%nen lu distinctive with very hitt, odutcome ^ seedlie of a lavativc and iftbefathcror mother Whetever may be the outcome of the grand jury', recommendation, the fact re- ae vroetivet or biltona the stoat gr+tifving stains that an honeet, bou tiees man should results follow its use, so that it is the beat not be rooked and treatedas• criminal acenrate •eswgllen Ptlnslw, NIAGARA FAu.a, .late. 2. -The condoms authorities on the Am.r .an aide have been .ngnisant fora long tint* pees tent a nuns her of ladies of that 114.1. eons, mer .hop- ping at Hamilton Rt ('alharin.e and in this town Special fs.pector Charles Lwwi. appreh.nded SIn. M. Mae Mabee, wife of the proprietor of the United st..te, betel at Niagara Falfs• Ni V When the woman steppe! from Orland Trunk train en the Amerac s sale. aceomp•nied k�yy Iger nmee, • young ��da7 earned Mir M%Ibsen, the MOW aehe4 her to step into the feats Irerebt's 0*.0. Here seder Mn McMabos • skirt wen stowed ..verel pisses of drew goads said velvets, is view. .g to • t Mid or VW SootingIrso /o'sd on the Orb Beth lanes k•.l burse to Ilk (Whackers deegoing. • ed had W imper& w_ .iI v. aggM thin ever. T►. got uw.rethe ms al r«d to p., The present system is densershaing. _ should sea ',tile. familyy!Sedy known and every family HER KIDNEYS THE CAUSE- b v•ii i. oefj -0., dollar a year. Have it gent to ycur &Toads. rem %eyesores. emus Dee• Keeney was treaty - ed ler lent. hewer. HIS,..N.asarb sed 0.I. S..b1.b w I I bar Ir,w,at - Redd'. S/i.ee-DUl• cared her is seventeen }its. StuLLrl'R•Y, Jet. 1st, 1f;;4.--Mts.Itour., Realty, of 2111, haat Third at , Ashland, Vis., writes an intereetiog story to the Free Press. She eye .he has been sick for , J. J. MOORE & CO of ng Out Remote= yeah ; that the phy.icans she 0.srulte41 in different places in the United ; States and Canada ascribed her ildsto the kaiak lungs, heart, hver, stomach or aiak a eases, but none ever engrs:1 .u. iti.�- cvs. of Business.w All the pbyatcians' prescriptions and patent , medicines she tookof iled to help her, and she kept growing worse. A bout two moat h• ` ar she read of Hod l's kidney Pills in the h ree Press and sen* to Toronto for some. Now she as cured. Doubtless there are many others suffering from kidney disease, but, like Mrs. Rainey, do not know what is the matter with them. 8111 Tye fns 11.54... ' The first house dinner of the .s..e11 I •Iway. • great event at the ?lavage club, and the convivial party that. gathered around Sir Asrusts, Htrrie on S.turday night in no respect fell short of the standard of Porn et years. .among the •entertained and thee -entertaining no one commanded more lively enmities than Rill Nye, the popular American humorist, who has been in London for a few days, and will very likely be beard by *till larger aedi.00es be- fore reoroe*iag the Atlantic. Mr. Edgar William Nye is 43, but he look* older. He might past for a leading obsneery barrister or • benignant professor, with his well shaped cranium, the contours of which are..seeald ley so hirsute growth he round, close dimes eke mad his geld rimmed spectaclN. TMs4laded sothisig el tM typical limbos [• Wsagerassor as thele was is the esen.w4 asairsram ad you to alb Ill1.eM taasnsR. J. 1.-Ahrehs..-.ass ei c. cash hi .t th. ism Mara O.P. a Wake at waning •.d was It1.- was a nes Moser • we ...1reT1t our ,tock of ROOT. ANS ae101DI AT t'SaT 1411 !tee Year& co strictly rash terms. Ilon't trivet that 1I!IT07 WORK VIM RCPIIR/SC *441 will be carried rm. fl' ,counts mast be settled by Dec. Mb. J. J. MOORS Lk 00., Vest rde Court House Square. Ooderich. LOOT 0'UT FOB BiROAIXS THE NEW TIN AND STOVE STORE ON HAMILTON STREET. MR. J. ' H. ,WOR: n; touch pleasure in intimating to the eitiees4 of (ierteekh liml.wsproonaing enmhtry that he 11114 o1a•ut'd out A DPW Tin and Stove Wore on Hamilton Street, in rear of Colborne tiros. More, wiwrat h.' will be Seemed to ill..•t all Lis old friend.. and as many new omit as limy t;i•e him a wall. , 1104.1 ep- deay.,r to keep ou hand all the 1eydiretnent4 whit* aitt usizrN 4ept 64tiist- clans store in Cutters. Amy Style to choose from. The Subscriber here leave to announce to' the public that he keeps on hated .A LI. STYLES OF 1'UTTF:KS of the very beet material and work, .unship, mach as t PORTLAND (UTTERI I. ISURls CL TT -PIANO l$OX Cl'TTEKS ..d (MAMMON ES, Mar by the celebrated McLaughlin ('sr rice, ('o., llrbaw& Special attention riven to ordered vehicles. All parties requiring anything is the blacksmith line will oto well to call at the oldest Established Rlacksmith glop is the County of Huron. Robert Thompson. ('or. Elgin and Victoria -at., •.oderich. After the Ball Therm it ohms • great mob for S. DAVIS li SONS' GClgsra NEW STORE NEW GOODS NEW TOOLS. lie (tris aa.ureti that he will be' able to merit :'.share of your p'atrouage. He will do an kiwis of l:eneral. itepairing and Jobbing, such AS stove- piping, Enve$rougking, Tin Rooting, Furture Work; ligt Air and 1iot Wat.r Heating Plllulbing anti Stearn Fitting. Repairing of all kind. attended to on Abort notice • He will constantly keep ..n bust a good stock of the, u lsod Gal Cocking awl Heating Stoaee. Funta Tui, Stove Pipes. BMW,i"tas sol R&i' Tr+enerare, 1:ranite and Whiteware' Lata t: l.�lld ti , gdmerwl assortment of Kitch'ti Furnishings, which will int Mist tat (ILes1+ ilesoyt baltl>i Ws.es bought, rind old exchange.l. Ordered 'crk s f seislty. Give hint n call. , J: H. W OR SELL & 00., HA.MILTILY. r13i:1:1'. GRANO OPERA HOUSE STURDAY, JAk 611 lb Aut. Is Tl't first ,of Ams,riatw --X.IDsp,ret y ' ('NA Mite A. D N.1,6&iaor. LATOSKAJ THE 1,REAr • The Americas, 1 o.stittlien, thi Areekicin i.Isa, the Americas !pit*. T lite firsi,. bust, "-ML$ 'the tam . w SUPERB COIPAIiT OPIIA PARC COIEDY. BEA UTI FL; I. LAJI13S. GRAND MARCHES. (;OR0EOI.1S' COST M`E•S. EVERYTHING REFINED. Admission, - Reserved Seats, - 25c. !morel"! • Ser •a.. THE SUIEDAY SUN i. th•e :,neatest Sunday New: - paper in the world. Price 5c. a copy. By mail, S2 a year Daily, by mail, - S8 a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, S8 a year The Weekly, - - - SI a year Addge.a TSR Six, Sow Creek. THINGS ARE STILL HUSTLING, we want to make them go a little faster and we are going to have another AOOTION SALE On FRiD•►Y AFTERNOON and EVENING and on SATURDAY AFTERNOON awl EVENING next, when we wilt offer the i,e.t Stock of I)re... Good., (1rocerie4, Clothing. Lsdiddt' taek 4s, Ulster', Cornets, Spool., Tweed*,'scarf•, Parasols, Tees rind Cots. Raking Powder, Rte_, Y BY AUCTION. We are selling you Goods at your own price and every one who comes gets bargains from SUNDRY, The Auctioneer, IS QUM OLD V A* . r •