HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-1-4, Page 4.4
Biu Oiynal,
t• rraLtaa00
MT M. fewltLLN1'Bi1T.
Oen of Publication s and la, Nertb•sureer.
(bedenoh, Ontario.
Trete' .I a.b.rrlpll•0 1
Y SUsl b, to adrenal . e 111
Are sswthw1111
.. .....,
1f meat to asdld, the pries Per per
JOU ora 1 M
tighter to the tayurwlty °wrest, and NI,
onto tht.ke they were richt.
Reel E► IT14.1111 A u 4'own mos rasa
bidd.a,; is the °*used, w ill be like • Meth-
leea .•1•l w..una• trying to crank hi -tory wale
with her ga•'L There will,be t.ie.e wry
bases a lure the chewing VIA aa.
eats%* HW.T N 04'i i. K► t11.1 LIMO
to t n .w who were the seventeen flee and
tsldepsade0t eketors who voted *genial bias
is St. (.eurge's word, se he could e• watt M
than kis heerlMi uy.psl►yen t is ounvoun.
Wllr* Tai. STA. rat • 1.41111110 . etI'Ir 1011
/4laertNfa lase. BITLLS'. 117 majority tt Baa also do a little
t, a► and ether new: admettaal•Mb. a the hurrah baricesa attaching t« reeve
est Ire for gro. ifser•:uo. sou /N
far 'mach tubo. ueat l..art100. 11a..aTmd • Pnw4foot's 57 an.l deputy acne Henri
a woneerei' wale.
Bue:ness°ar1.of ii a limes and under. 95 per ilea esteemed costeu4porary is welcome 1.0
Mt the endo.
Adverl.erentst..f last. Found. tatla 00
8/tuauion Vacant, flit eat .00. \t'a.ted sad
leasiweas ('lienees Wanted, not seem -tied r
-aeapareiI. i1 per month.
Hetsr on acre and Farms on 8.1.. not to
mooed s Lark gl for drat mnn14 Mc. per sub-
Sepurut month. Cartier 44%14. in proportioa.
Ass .p..ul natal% the ob:.rt of whh•'n a 10
the o *111orranppeny he ceoeIdered .n ad,
Terti *meat and charred a.v-erdiariy.
Local notices :a noapare:t -)'pe one cent per
word. no aa les. +hen
' •.
Local notion in °robbery roa.ting i)pr 'too
coma p •r wont. %o nntu-e for loos than :10r.
twice, for ,'I tbea and other re:ytlo.ii and
benevoieet institutions half rase.
f.mmer,Ml Centrert advertisements.
A limited number of daplaed aivertlee
Menta 4. i:1 Ar inserted at ti a V.oilowtnit rites
Per inch. one insertion. go t0
tour insertlime I e0
'• thee•• months.:.... ...- 100
- sit months 1... 300
.. ..i 00
No ad, entenlent less ileo two inches to
length will be c_kutanr4 on shove lasts. 5
per rent. discount allowed for cash payments
on three moat to.' contract : le per cent. an six
:scathe'. rod I.. %'rr cent. en a rotten,. Those
',editions will he etrkdly enforced. ,.
.ballot "The ali.eal'$Se ler.
fuh.cribee -who foil to r0.e!ve Tn. Smear.
i rw.ufarly, t: er by carrier or by *tall.• will
t OO}uafer a favor ac.sittInst us of the foot at
a M early • date a poen
Lees at Weer Land.
Your label tea standing receipt of the date
,q which you are paid up. Bee that it is not
wed to fall into Anwar.
-- When a change of address is desired, both
the old and the new address should be git-eo.
Rejected manuscripts cannot be returned.
Correepowlen..e muni be written on one side
of paper only.
P.Niaber's emirs.
.1. C. he Tonsel, of Ooderich, hose been ap
pointed Local TrayeU!nq Agent for the town-
ships of Goderich, Colborne. Aahfleld and W-
Local poetemesera over the dist.:. t are alga
empowered to receive eu4scrlpt.ons to Tan
914214 A L
Al' communisations must be •ddre*ed to
Tag 8lexoL,
r•lephone Call W. Itoteriich. Ont.
WUt:1i1CH. TI1CRSDIAZ. JAN. I. 1pt.
THE TFwt'rItt o:L VOTE W.V. .4% C*RxOWN
L -r r, rows.: tr eltr cesse C,i.Ap% 529.000
ta pay tk. adOwire* a Olt. Royal \%hukey
('uolneniw, and am far as indications go
there is no appearance of the .Sol. bodied
commissioners ronntitg themae:t'es out Sof •
4)b by bringing in a report.
MI, 0* ..IIT T,14,4E A .. 0u11 1 0. 4:: I ••A •. ET -
ting a police magistrate appointed tet• do
the work that the mayor Lotuses to de, if
we don't want to tee the people of the orlwr
wards take the law into their ono han4a u
they of Si. Patrick's ward did last )ear.
('oi\. 11.1..14 Mu.a.%, of "T Ito, tis'•
ward(duoull be a tit nn t proper prrs.•n to
be chairman of the water works and electric
light .,omni:tree for 1541, vt:•r mayor Po T -
I0, .upergnnutte.l. Mr. 11rn.it would
malts a capable, honest and practiwl•head
of the committee.
M 4 \ * •14 Br'n.a's m• to • • . 141- . 4.1 1.,
claimed that the present system of collect
tog tater in (.o.lerich was wrong. Will lie
now put howbeit on re.-er1 for its early
abolition, or will he admit that, 10 the
pictwrcotuc parlance of the wild and woolly
West, be was "talking through his hat."
M.A\,•R H( TEL* i•%Y' Tit IDs TO THP. TO '.1:
of t►500 on the billiard hall and 6701 on the
plant. Ie also pays the rent` for the hall,
and r;opplics the glaoftic. .riled after he
does all that, he winks at hie caretaker to
run the place wide open without -a lienar
Mayor iii1J-EK is an ox -eyed daisy Ib the
interest of law, order,and morality.
BY .o Ii Iexoi'intTUtct Ti.*' SI•:s
omitted to ray that it wee pleased with the
nomtsatioo of M. Y. M. -LEA' in South
Huron. A better man for the billet doesn't
live in South Huro, and, if the Tory candi-
date is a Weisimiller he w ill haul down his
at once. Here's to ye, M tc, and ttsan1
happy returns.
Aquanote..ntity in the leaperalty note.. fAcl
THE 4. iTCSWOStO R11•rItrEwt4AYa, "NOT
this year. Apiys oe.16 osier yes.'' _--.
Bt-TLEK Ilea ONLY 031t rS IN.. Tilt
council to say, ."416e,tleser 1. what ktf pests
AT 1,1*1 A..ucxselnea l)Orttxl.i. Gon'esc-
ment was still " leefitiss toward Washing-
THE Hot -►: •.r Rrrvts is as assrnEn
fact at the nett MOM e1 the County
lt.is NEW? 1%.- T, LOON. As Ir Tin r1104 t•
biM0_e.4e would hit the entire piewitea to
the tees of 2'to 1. -
Toe istriffwoLles r*1r:* Ott wtvent cit
1894, ant. although there may be marling,
there will be no
tt'tT• It 114,11.141* T41:r
the chairmanship of the
elector l'ght committee.
W11E% 3.1.lyon BrTLt
ensue:l board during
Wit that et Orltal.L•,
.4 Tt'.t:L4. .R.ru
waterworks and
PILVdur.,4 AT 1)01
'hie sswp Ails.,
LJIL?Phan t' NOW rt 1111.' t'f. r1rT nor
t, sod ?lead•y las( voted for the
pay sa •saiost the Brewery, by a majority
.f 7. 'Rah for Salta**
M 4%•.K Ill PLC*, a% 4 1,l..14trt►1. 11► 414 Or
the town council for 1894. will be ea pictur-
esque a Dooentiy.a4.IC tteu.Eu, was when
banished to "t Helmut.
LA+T TINY 11414.15 w.4*. Ttle••11• h"•w. "1
Elis chairmanship of Ake waterworks and
" patrie light committee he got sulky and
resigned from the council.
1N -14r'.. 1894 4 RlTErl'IR 44 THS % tar:
a M. 14411 may be occaaio.ally employed
at the waterworks without the will or coo
sent of his worship the mayor.
% i. 101Lb Llai T., eN0w, 10r 0.10*,
if every sous who ripely etpreerss dismtfs-
faction at the aim el the majority in favor
of prohibition, trMS Mot way.
T 41 '7". A N 1oITT eebl0 rota THAT BCTl.ra
carries in his eartiAiiikpeeket. but one of
these days it will ran up against a stone
fence and meet with • greed ooUaps
(1► WHAT set I. II OF reser• 117
majority d he hue', enough backing in
the council • +isoNe him M bay the coal
and oar Ibm1/sterworks plant
Tin 4PI•
l410111t1y 0o0
molter a
.murkier wt s0
Arte Kr rotten,. w In,
rirti'Hreett.e of wilfal
mow busily engaged
Oa the same material.
Nur 1b wsaCM "
site tl' tt4liie to see
brbutlm le obs wneril
• twli/ds. flier's
Tis ror4Tp-al. emir t.n ION 00 Tet ('1)4.14.
t, ('mesa will he about the same as that of
heat year. Ebbs. MIL. r., of (:rep, or K.
Is W %to re • et•t tt at
tlpthout enough
move sod
hew it MuM:e
Ev " 11)4 1T-iI0t"I.I• i.. *'. T IO1*T11 T.•
hinder His Worsljip from reatgning. Roost-
ing on the ridgepole of adversity and under
the dark cloud of a hopeless minority, while
stripped of the various little offices that he
has made peculiarly. its own during pest
years, some of the sterling puddles which
sanguine friends of his allege are concealed
umber bb rejgh exterior might be developed
and trenititt to the eager gam of an anxtouf
and expectant aggregation of tax -payers.
ALWAY11 *T IL%Lr-t,OCil.
Hamilton Herald There seems to be a
growing impression that if Ili. Ityersort
doesn't hurry up and call h.mvelf orf he will
have the whole country laughing at him.
The doctor has not yet learned to be sure of
his ground before he speaks, and the comae
queue* ie he keeps gOi0R or at half cock and
massing the mark.
4 • v+Tt.l' to,ptI f.4ln..
_Ottawa Free Prem : Up to June 30 last
the Dominion e:u'ernmeses eommtpton to
t.ke eeodence regi►tding the liquor tragic
had cost the taxpa)`ers of Canada x20,000.
\ et tt has mach. no report, and when it
makes one the Government will know no
more about the prohibition ,}ueetion than It
does now.
114? 1%01E0. 7 w1:4:4K1 -. .1E41.
Owen Son.d Plaindealer .t "steal- of
>'100 in our local affairs would create •
startling seoastion, and be talked about for
the ort ten or twenty years. A steal of
4100,000.1 Ottawa is scarcely a n100 days'
wonder, the mama being that the people
are taxed indirectly to coyer moneys tato
the 4.overnmeot treasury.
The assu E*Sadiy. YOURS..
tl.Mee Seeeese..1 lease.. bee its Comb l M
el tM hie -Oki w UI k eisM • Paw
Ole ama4 al lb* tease* Meted
1(ftfcwefebe V.e•ese tear.
Klsetion day in t:oderich paused off
quietly, and with the ex*xrpte0 of the vole
us the Mayoralty in tiudwrich, was highly
aatiiactorytoTim 5*•.x.ts_ IL weukI he
ueolees for us to deny that the re election of
Butler wall not what THE $t•..xs.
mid, but the "solid \ate" of the town
t ditfertutly, and so that worthy has
been infltctwl up.'u the town for another
How Butler wall elected would take more
space to tell than Tot So." AI. ed willing to
accord to the theme, aadjor that cease, we
will 001 outer tufo detail, but we know the
deviem resorted to by him, the degree ex -
praised by him as he begged "tor o.. -more
kIyeato r from door door, aid a the
tricks of deceit and ways that are vasa " to
1 which he resorted t get • solid vote out -
1 side of his regular party endoreation the
latter being worked for alt that it was
to SL I►Avuii want, lir. Humber made
an excellent run, and broke in upon that
stronghold of Butler's last year's contest
but in St. Patrick's and St. (ieorgire, where
better thinexpected,the vote
should have hes in Humber's favor went
to pace. The reauw why it broke in
these two wands, and the nines* resorted to
to cause the stampede are well known tad
can he checkmated in future contest' tor
the may/Welty.
the t•4 Eh114 410..
11 oodstock Sentinel Review 1 hie of
the revelations made by the census, says an
exchange, is .he fact that in Canada the
renting pf farms is, ex4xpe in the l'rovinoe
of Prince Edward, os Nsinoreses. in 1871
Ostario had 144,212 occupiers of farms who
were also the owners, and 27,341 occupiers
who were merely *maata. At the last
enumeration we had 294,034 occupiers who
are owners, and 60,483 occupiers who are
tenanta. To put the case ts **Other way,
. t.14e0 per cent. of the farmers were leftists
in 1871, whereas in 1891 twenty -me per
*sat wore tenant*. le gimbal the hcrease
has bee, is about the same ratio. There
are 19,079tesests there now, against 7.995
twenty years age. The other provisos*
show a smaller leonine ie the tsastm,
while Prises Edward has added to the ewe -
her of owtwn by 1,500 and has deww.ssd
the tenons b twenty-two. Then are (raw
only 813 *fart fanners in the little ideal.
From then facts it would appear that i, the
older Provinces, at least, we will soon have to
feel all the perplex*/ problems of headierd
rm. Rut itis • comfortless thought that as
the Farces are a 'w to he n4:r IsgSlators.
thea salmis* «144 ise may
Mew Mr* M Wise M.4•re4.
enec•0n, 1)es, Pollce authorities
have now obtained 1/a tree story of the
Wilmette murder Mee Charts (uodrtok,
who has made • doses .tiesmwwb regard
trig the craves within the six days be has
Immo hs custody He wee taken to t¢be
3lpwnty. of akitw, will be warden for items of the mime and compelled to walk
For prohibi.
tion, male 49 48 010 45 43 66 37 347
Against, ma's 34 27 22 24 34 42 17-200
For, female 10 12 13 10 10 8 11- 74
.%gatn.t, female 0 7 0 1, 3 2 1-- 14
ree NATO"
4. 2'--3 t 5 6 7
'6356564c56 82 43 -401
32 46 55 42 30 52 27-204
4o1 Mtttt.
31 57 64 61 54 66 34-.3137
03 45 46 28 30 62 36-310
John Huller
C. A. Humber
11'. I'roudfoot
J. It. Whitely
Dint 1)1411 Ty RCI%T.
4.V. C. 1 ioode 56 36 40 31 17 4g9 23 231
P. Holt 40 61 61 57 66 82 45 - 412
or ,t Uj.o0 e.
St. David's --
W. 11. Murney,
1. CC.'Oinith 'Elected by .00lhwtion.'
R. Th.,m, ! .
tiK tsili--
4.. 11. Elliott -16iIS
4'..1 Prtdkam .... 7s ,fb7 7 34
A. sounders 49
J. Wilson : • 'Ca L8_.•
.1 . Yates 50.... 122
Councillors R'IMott, Sou.dece aid' Yates.
St. George's- - l w . -
H. Dunlop 79 . , -
.los. Kidd 38.
NI. Nicholson. . 57.
J..1. 'Reid 70
R. R. Bellow. . .. , 61
t'ouhl'iU4xs ihutisp, Heid .,d Sallewa
t odrew's
C'abt loll .. .81 42'•--12.3
Corbell... 33 18 52
a4fteltt79 4 125
Nairn. ..81 '44 . -125
Strach... ..89 37.•.. . -126
Councillors Strachan, Nairn aaddNaftel.
.tit n1PCTT-tr TE.
1 2 3 4
111cOmrd Jewell " 39 30 46 45
Ales. !leen 80 39 89 36
100'T re A.w0? *lea M 441.0 R. TLEtc'4
%Med Mlillaa ILiagesimoot. was stopped treat
deg witbiled a Maw. What r
t the
aaM.I.bee del g when this . is al-
bttwe/ M stndnaa in straiten '
.wtv us ('au.t0 Ntw " trait
111111100 tried have bad •
.1----111100 odd be • terrdbl •
aimed the .pot where Mn rens wan robbed
sod mwnlered. When (Io.drteh was
brought bask he told the entire leery He
bdmltted that be drew the meet acre
Mrs. (`raw'. throat, Aenordisg to Oood
rieb's *tory he was beading over her bed
when .he awoke in • fright sad threw her
arms about Mak Galling loetdly fe4 help.
The, he .Ir.hed her across the seek and
the bide of the neem caught is her hair
flat •te(.wnts for the hairs Luted Writing
to u. blase - -
Nathan Joke. 88 61 81 .30 2,50
Henry Morrie. 56 43 87 49 235
Samuel Potter 54 43 66 70 232
Andrew 3. young 47 56 97 31 236
lea W378353 265
No s 26294433 132
)Ot 4.0r"1:111.1.02,4.
i 2 3 4 5
73 30 58 82 30-273
21 18 19 41 56-154
95 86 54 49 24 -308
74 34 42 91 43--283
roe 0004 L
I urnion
Ale'.. Stewart, acclamations.
roe I.errry.
.lames tabsos, 0001amatioa.
1 2 3 4
of 40 16 42 33-172
21 96 44 40 29-160
1 2 3 4 5
74 69 51 88 66 -327
18 29 15 19 19--100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Agnew 82 103 84 27 4 14 94-341
Griffin 16 62 50 50 130 80 66-462
(;irttts 65 77 64 21 88 82 56.463
Whitely 57 71 52 54 39 8 36 -316
Masahiro 71 96 83 54 40 27 32--403
Cowls 29 49 46 13 93 73 66-367
Rime*, Griffin ; deputy, larva : 9d
deputy, Chambers.
enroll 00 earn.. C
easiest 36 46 50 29
For 56 41 23 21
70 90 16- 266
26 38 49 252
Vie 72 118 99 30 37 58 80 494
Ne 36 36 27 40 96 29 11 773
('etuseilleirs .4.04.41 by anelamatiob-
A lseepes4.at Tea* Mlaaseer Commits
a.i*14e Is M, JN.. Men.
Sr. Joe*, 1. 11, Des. SO -Yesterday
R... Cyrus 43. Biroa promised
M tt14 S
04t404 mind* .t the reddens
of 8wMor Lowts, by potting s ballet
through lib beam. Iaet owing be radii
and he. Rims Allison with bosoms, and
at the lad 111011iliikal1---- oneferome was a1.
bathed as a prwbwwer sod M Arend
Maven M . A. was 90 yeses of me
sod • Ply bright yoas t beet He
arra here ■onlay iso • Sew days' rat.
being remplet0y brokuh down by over
work. The lashed last night revealed
the tad that he hal bees in a deapoodset
mad Ser the past few days Mee west
late the !matrons,. larked the deer sod
there took his lies T1e verdict related
terve that doomed ease M lite de*43 hy •
ballot Mohamed from • Town**fa
.... HE PLt016C11 E.
• M.,4..its .f *0.sss Ow Probabilist' 4.
ties Previa*., '
Towns', Jau. 1. --The people 0t (1e
tarso yesterday decided by a von of al -
sunt 2 to 1 in favor of a pwhiblton saes -
ease as regards the liquor traffic. 1443 re-
turns giveu to day are oecomarl4v i.aem'
plate, bot out of t20 w.... beard
from up to • late hour only about 35 de
elated egallst prohibition ('sties, towns,
villages and rural districts gave like re-
turn* The prohibitionists proved Astern•
ions in all quarters Below are Karen the
iwmber of votes ',oiled f..r and against in
the largest cities and 1..4 Me Meat of the
rewauuug wutuetpa'tu.+ will be hear)
froom to clay.
For. Against.
Toronto , . .10,4(70 N 479
Hamiltue............... J :MO :nth'_J
Londo* )-Il 1 sill
O41 3-w
titselph 1,018
Brantford. ....-.. •,1,300
Peter teeie ... 811
W oudetoet
a -r3
tf U eta
711 327
434 337
St. Thomes tl'25 1'33
The total tato polled w far ani heard
from wee 08,0(07 torr, and 37 ftp+ against.
giving a majority f. r 1'ri:itbition let
1% gave gave a large majority for pw-
hibitiou,. but reliable tit,•uren could not be
It is Hot improbable. careful stats*iane
sit, that the total vote iu favor of pruhl
bittou wiU tach 104r,W0.
A DEVOTED 000Yp ..
la Navies the lives of 044.04.1/4•11111141111,14
rhe Ole ••• to NI. Otwe1M,se.
MoNT1111%I., Jan. 2 - A sat ease aiding
out of .i.yo tion to duty vu the part of •
volttlg in, Tical practitioner c#4 this city is
much talked of in Freund. Canadian cfrelea
Some tune ..duce the )vting children ..f
14ergt. ('harbonoeau, of the city ooliee.
were attacked with seirlatina and the
disease •esu sed so t irnleut • form that
fro days the lives of one of two of the
little Hoes were almost ilcs euired .f. Dr.
Jotal, of Notre Dan:u hospital, end one
of ' the most skilful medical gentlemen
in the city, was r•U..1 in, ,end Gar many
daye and nights ' he tattle.) witk
the disease. 1'he dan:rer era+ at last past,
and although the dosi.-r hay! galn..l • pro
fessioqal triumph. the +sm.• was achieved
at • letrible sacrifice at' home.
Madam* loyal. wit iu a short time after
her husband began to a•trad the family
meutionel'above. sickened and died of the
same disease. The doctor had not been
married many Jean and hes the sympathy
of the entire co*muntty in his bereave-
-OW. .
lam, Igrarerrty Cas.f.4 0. T.renl. A
• r.• r. A. Mae to Mamllton.
To1N.*to, Jan. 2. -The reenit of the eon
test f.*t the mayoralty in this city. be-
tween R. J Flaming and Warring K -r•
Dotty. restated( -in _the return of Inc latter
by'; lame iiujority. The rotes polled by
Kennedy were 13.1043. and by Fleming.
9,319: majority for Kennedy, 4.6''4.
HwanLrux. Jau. °.-Thi result of the
.lection; •1e•terday returns .t. 1►. Stewart
tP. P. A. as Mayer, for 1'94. Stewart,
*988:.,C.rseallen, '2.62:1. Yen Allen, 1,331.
- -ether Carle.' *Arent
(ktetrw tnetwge t ox . 1„*dun. - bier, .
St. ('ai'barloee. Ddsald Robertson: !Olt.
Thomas, (.' I.. -it0R: Belleville: J. E.
Walmley : Brantford George Watt : Peter-
boro, Jas. Ket.dry: Wo..Llock. Jas. Hay :
Owen Sein:id, MrlanghWo: Berlin. D. Hib-
ner: (belt. former M07or by acclamation.
Hro.kviae. John Cull rt,N.e
The 11..s0and of a (enrollun Girl Wasted
Another tl ifs.
(l*. u1.4T1. • 4., .is- ': -Chief 1leetch
has received a letter from Mrs, l' Tobin,
giving her address se 'IV, West Fifty aiath
stmt, New York. a1'.ing for information
concerning the antecedents of one G. W.
E Field, who, Mrs. Tobin says. wishes to
marry her daughter, and that she had sus-
picions that he wan • married neo. Field
wan formerly an archttect for the Big Fos?
railroad, huh left this city for New York
about • year ago. An invretigation shows
that Field married Mise Mamie E Johnson,
of Toronto, Can., and AO far as anyone
knows Osler secured a divorce. it is said
Field is the .on of the Governor of Ja-
maire. who 14 a relative of Cyrus W. Field
of cable fame.
This information was forwarded Mn.
Tobin. end it will probably prevent some-
one biving • sot of tamable.
Alleged eapases *orderer Arrested.
Nar*xst, Out.. Jae 2 -The Napesee
pollee have *rioted Barney King. the sup-
posed murderer of Angus McLeod, hard
ware merchant The polies have been
looking for King eves since the murder
was committed last September. They also
arrested Thos. Witinl and John Damen.
It is supposed NW tie detained as
wit names. •
Tea Mat.oDwe r00A[ltrtt roll Jane' A.Y,
1894 -9‘e thirty alma Totems of T►.
Methodist Magellan apse with • strati
somber. The meds whw4 «*44 attract
mess sweeties is that by Het- J M 4 ab
moo, Notional 8serstary, of " Child Pro
*anon m Ontario,' an important subject
ably treated by the anther of the Child Pro
victim Aet. Other arts 4s on sacral referee
are ore os "('htieti * t(ooialism," by tate
Bev..{ C. Courtier, 11 It., ors on " The
Prison System) of Ontario,-- use oe " The
(lurch and Socha Problems," std • very
clever iBra
ustt.d article ray Helve Camp
bell, on " (:.ateresip; " and " Dock rate,"
sad tamer for bowler children. 'rhe
editor .uatnbutes • k•adeutnely illustrated
article entitled " From Olivet to Hebron.-
Other articIrm are •'%un. -h and Its 31eu.or
oe.. by Waldemar K.4.., with numerous
tams eugras twee. A life .ketch of ' Bishop
Patteson. the martyr nomiouary of Melan
esia, by llsa \ arwood, and Introductory
chapters of Mrs. B•rr'a new 4 •.rui.h Alton,
„ A :Mager from the Sea, and \In. J.11a
McNair Wright's Dragon and the Ire
Kettle." The a.taonsochiest for the year
to very attractive.
THE L41.1t'. •hart. 41. x014 I►t. EMCEE
Thu large monthly clone its fourteenth
year with a brilliant Christmas uninbrr
under the ,..int editorship of Mr. Tbu..
t(engough and 110* .1. 11 4.Vether aId
h:servHoeg t.tout Thu doorsill shows Dew
Id, and .:ger. New type. new paper,
bautitt.t new title Inge, oew department temperance queetio0. The 6¢t tit ern •
hsdiugs, rpai*Ily drawee.' hy w Toronto draw The second time, the same Dumber,
lady, 3.1 us .Iearey, and "" feature.., all v • i 43, voted, and .Crowned out Mom .:old
to make up a brat -ells publication that a water by twenty nisi troy The time.
Henri Brows dtee.m. "TM red -s.+ -
Deism VOFetiOe4" sad dos drpaf+tsrte era
lilted with the sisal variety of waiver,
bight verse and homeroom easodshs-
Ti eto4,. Jas. 2.
Mr4. 11. Mao/ease speed several days is
t iodench last week.
Mn. been C7.ttas, of Stratford, ansa
Christmas Ude with her paresis hero •
After aa abates a two Sundays Iterv.
M. Mackay prwroksd a strong eines ea
the result. of it iesspe $too os luadsy last
The prohi(sitico tsu.elog held Thursday
sight of let week maw a lair ettead0soa.
A. C. llaodo.sid. a Dunlop, was the chair •
mea. J. t: Tom, P. S. 1 , ani D. MoGil•
holiday, of 4iuderich, were tie speakers,
both girosg stirrtsg addresses. A *hair of
yokels, under the leadership of E N. Shaw.
.nag se4ctu.os of hymen i Vim Edith Hor-
ton. presiding at the orsaa.
A usartetta of young voter. w.•tr W d.ep
fright when behind the curtain, the old
voters hermit told them that the lode goat
would take them uaawars swami) sad all
and cher o.•uld. t not• their ballot the right
way. But the lads voted and wore told by
the old voters afterwards that prohibition
hal to be tested tad the goat Cul been re•
moved ere the break of day, and that Was
why they dda't w the groat this tua.o.
-:Pranslrtu. WIN- Heat. --Three did
forest tinea is the course et years the
raters te this ward, No. 4. Colborne. have
.apreased their views b the ballot ou the
lords to Consumption..
tb• Cough, haat the Longa
and str ngther. the 87itegs
.Sc.9.111. Emulsion
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil
and hypophosphltea. It is
palatable and easy 011 the
s l at til a c h. Phipiciam, 1118
world overt endorse it. . .
Iwtt N hoist by WINN!
0..et a Mau DeliNis. A1 4a.1sML ea a gm..
Hef111il+t hiltss M.Allr(er, of the I'4yr
lute, sad well Livian n. this %allege, ass,
no ('hr lay..noted w u,arrTa_. to
Mies IlaswMt .."pro&', of Tuekrrsmith
Brussels. Mrs. a. Ihewe parked a i
wt of beautiful pa.tesia and deist; la her
fat bet '•-ttarlen on 4'brimmed day awl pr..
mated them to the "Whet e1 The Peat.
a credit to "Dada.; lkauUfnl half rotit however the brit'.test colors e1 the dee- _
portraits of web•kw wn ladies 56040.4, • water plumes esu• drowned is pun ould
large nae of Lady Aberdeen, sitting at a water twenty fathoms deep 1.1 erre) hrity. H
apibniDg wheel, a .a:g Vacmaoes and J. 4i. ('neaten were
An outline u t 1v.. of this famous tady s (e scrottm:os, whilst he se, peuhsbstioniatsla•1
eel don the trout
sod work. together with a full report of her
.S11ANE& CO '
no repreesnleure.
fine ald1ees to women at the meal nesting {
is 'Poronto ie (1•ctol..r. A'pallid article 1 O. 4: T. No. 213 closed iL. sego .re et mwiw.r .full rows_ of
Ay Mrs tt'stherald relates to Tim MaresMaresI ll
teenth year as a lodge b) hoWmg its annual
Daughters and remblellisbed with portraits supper at the ball on Frida) eeewes/ cel lest of Mrs. Isabella 14avis sal Mra I)ickmans, wek livid; • rood att.nda.oe lel preof New Y, rk, Mfts. Tilly. of 1.do,'. •d met members, a Dumber i f Albert Lodge,
4.11.s Itrown, of 'cerate. A sketch of the No. 299, frn, Poit Albert, were prescut
he Methodic a r. 'sed eejoyed • pfewseat and social events:
Latina to the order of Imesooeeeses u illus together. 1he emceedis.a opened about 8
trate,' with portrait.. of Sister Ihra Stereo- r.w., by all setting down to a genuine bot
sonformerly of Hamilaeu, and Mie. Lucy supper at which fowl replaced oysters
Rider Meyer. An interesting rev hwd•d, among the specialties of to • menu of former
" language Learning by lluther s Methods,' 'years. The duties of the cha,rm&n were
osinta rte article. by Mr Kengough, based I tilled by Bro. 1t'h.. Gordon, W. C. T. of the
on personal interviews with 11n. Jennie lodge. Alter supper a program of songs,
lhewery, who is introducing the (:outs readungs. recitation* and met tel ..wire
seethed tit teaching French : Herr Haupt was given by our goesi• awl members of the
"German in bye weeks : and Mr. Dee lodge and the patbennv closed at 11 • '1
Brbay --" Latin in sit weeks. There are by .*.gins ••4:041 !re with you 1111 ee meet
portraits of these three notable teachers. again." _-
Ha0t•a1; - M 4.. t; t. i for January opens PORT ALBERT.
with a frootsep en In tut4tliustratutg• poem Tlc.w\ , *Jan. 2.
den -Haired laddie, followed by the tustin- Teset.taMc.00efll!1...e.gtheListasocome
stalment of George du Maurier's new novel, tut Modalities siva, is last week'. aro. 14.
Mise ]I.t'o.,eU has secured • good position
as teacher is the MildrOsM
y school. and while
we regret her departure Than 41n.eet M, we
wok leer e . cry e t Boas a herr' taw labor.
The Cwasual Oeeern.4v of the Imperial
Pnrllament is 0.eabew
London. Jan. 2 -A moat snnsnal seer
rent.. was the meeting Teeterday of the
Hone, of 1'•.mm„na. From nu• time when
the memory of rnan ranneth not to the
contrary. Parliament bee adjourned over
New tears Day until yesterday when, in
etemd .1 enjoying a holiday. the Hoose of
(•nmsaous was hard ea work attempting to
akar away some of the great mass 01 legis
Wive business.
The matter of the damaged warship
Itsolntion was again brought op, After
which Mr (hailstone Intimated that an
alteration of the circumstances in come.,
lion with the business of the Home would
probably enable the Pariah ('osncili bill
to b. paved at the Etat by January 10
without remorse to exceptional mewls
The Prime M(nielatai statement wee
greeted with rheas
b amber .f Modem OWN* Milo 811
the rod of Ike Teen.
beano*, Jae I -The Times palatial
an agrirnitnrsi 'stew a Great Rrhdi.
According to Irides the area in Orad
itritain devoted to wheat was 1.798,099
aerie. to barley, 2,931,985 and to oats,
4.4116,544 The Wheat crop is estimate!
st 40, 499.407 basis. The paper says
that at the end a the year there were
9,079, Vin horses In Great *dela. 11,907,
564 bead of rattle, 111, :74,054 sheep, and
2.278, 008 pig•
M.r.a'. Mow of Medi*.,
Goolumfra, Jae. 1l -A vete wall take,
bees yltrter oyjb. disdain of having a
bens. a1 seep' ..way .f Herm.
it wee tows by abseil ad
by Maret d. S8412.", called 7 I.ol We are pleased to fie The wane of Miss
" Trilby," embellished .114314110.0 drawings
by the author. There are two other stories
to the Number which have • serfs- Uharac
ter, altlorugh they are comp:ete to theorise!
vee. 4 hie is " .\ Midsummer Midnight,' in
Brander MVignettes a Ms " Vignettanhat
tan,- and the other is btu second of William
VcL nnaa's tales et the French Revolution,
"As Told to His 4 i race.' C►spa Waiter coo -
tributes a striking story of 'Western ranch
lite, called " Rai/UM and Pedes, " in which
the principal .jbasscter is • highly -strung
hone. There1. also • study a Naotncket,
by Helen Campbell, called " The Ending of
Barstow's Novel, " and this, with Thomas
Nelson Page's short story r.troducisg the
Editor's Ihawer," add a tale of San Fran
cisco life, by 4;.raldise Bonner. complete@
the story telling of the issue. There is ea
important and amply illustrated article on i
"F.gypt and t'haldca in tie Light of the Re-
cast D1.00veries,' by W St.l'had Hoacawee,
in which new light is thrown no the origin 1
of civilization. The centennial auni.e dery
of the first appearance of Napoleon in au im
portant military eugageme.t is oommenorwt-
ed by se,rti(ds, "Captain N•ge*mh, Bona•
parte at Toulon," by Germain Bapst, alias -
trend from • hitherto uapubtiebed drawing. 1
Richard Harding Davis completes Ineettelies
of Foglimh life with " Tbe %\'est sad Fah
Ends of Landon," °outrasttag the high and
Sow tide of the British metropolis. Janine
thes' Fur Gapes 1
1 Full lines In every llepartmeat.
Wiriel1 aid ea/males good* and priers.
C, R,. SHIM i CO.,
liaises Buck,. eft 0_111 r>w►.tx.:.1.
They won't smoke say other while they can get Ota Corns even if they
hews 4 t borrow (j. for there is no other Ie`oco which herbs
sue n oke. • M. :usu.! ea.. minallamismis. au ra &
BEGIN x- x
•ear .
and .*IcI to -It.
In dealing at this store the Cash Customer is
not taxed to help pay for the Credit Customer
or the one that
never pays. Here ' ItWSVEGtik
all are on one le-
vel -all are Cash celkS‘t or MeV e
' a