HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1894-1-4, Page 3PURE POWDERED by ick lea XMAS OES t Mere. *ODS at end 4. Melo Al,Mite. )ES. reftae 11i/011, • student sad Mee reweee ere dad MUST STHOHOiST, HUT. ssa uses. •umanode* pomade WNoes. .ar?aeMi' aeid Sr Al ...w.. ase 114•0.84446 MI. W.IIIMISAX-111WW. Twowwestr v Yiat MAKING Ofr &WOMAN. fgrsnett ■iflaMN I=lls. a Asan/ The sisMatien of • girl rosettes itself to • awls been .veritas jCdw•rd W. Hob is • sands slldele in the Jammery Ladies' Home Mama Woman's peewees may, in tM eyes of .oda., have seessd to nuke it more oeasp0s, sad uonf.sise ma enter tato the gsestiew if • ssosber meows herself to listen to the p eekaimers of so called " advanced Area " We will 11. led into the mistake of wltivs1. al tha mtod at the estimate of the Mart, if we allow ourselves to be s, led. Hut the error is • creel one painfully so to Use girl who u Do led, us►wisgly, Tato 55. but if we permit oar or.anioe-as.r to rale, the problem wolves itself. We de sot waut our daugbtsrs to be escyvlsp.diaehist true, wowty women The tint we can buy : the hatter we manool. Lel e. Mut look alter the physical develop - mint ..f our girls, teaching them that good health outweighs all thews. Let them ua.lerstand the hams secimai.si, hiding n othsag. I.et them kaiser what 1:04 OI • woman, ..d why II is nes ectal that she shall he Y perfect in health, and Y well- developed in body as paseuMe. Teach, by • tam ea well Y by precept. the value of wduur seem= Theo begin mental de - /Merriest, Alvayg her thebenefit of the largest dWI h year powers, i.litWar, . ball he th1Ms needy to i Wm - Nimes bees ails* altos IHav elq .Mit up w lies l.tlkit raped hast • tile' Nls ed. a1 it. A tasrea. aiiegem1 power u • t remeadoas (utce to a mesa. Ta, it r era ooUog*phall .aea caws w segiset Them. te ess55amhy keep pes •t}Wh et baso ter • year at aeeesimry With her mod her f alalias, teach her tb. rudiments et the Mem, hidusi Dot the t.tdcbeu ate.ett.*moe )l *hew her the dainty chutesake of belt* alt•r.uad good home -builder sad house- keeper, holding up ever before her the ons great truth that • woman is always meet s•siefactery to hermit *bee .he u •medusa, •d meet ►wstttel to others when .►e e wee mely. Let her know whet it mesas to be a wife .d • mother. 11'ake her not dependent. bat Ik.wiee not todepsodent in the modern iaterpiNstios of that ward. Between the two Ism the truest type of womanhood. Let her atm by womanly, her thought of others trader, living her life so that the world may 1.e better t.vauee .he passed through i•., itrresinswe. t amid, weer. " There you are with another hag of.sir- dy, 1 declare What with chocolate and knees, terminal and lemon tall., a.d 1 daft lime what all, you chtldres nowadays c n hardly !sow where to began eattr.g candy, D or whim to doll.- " Didn't folk. •Iw•24'kave candy, tales as they do now, graedsu •' ti, by, o no, oadeod ' 1 cats rcmernber the first candy 1 ever saw 1 dioln't know what it was.' " 1 M ' ob ' how fussy ' De tell us about rr " Well, it wee Y which Y seventy veers ego, for 1 situ i more than five or an yetis aid It en. way down to New Hampshire, in the meter, aid 1 wen to school, ' • t s.• sight when we were gulag home from school, • whole medial of us, the style coach mese along. That was before cars or depota were e ver thought a. Folks travelled by stage is those days. We childreeall torsed out S ti. mow tie the moles of the .real, the bees is • low es ore side, nasi t`e girls ou the ether. ter we were always tmight to tor. s.t ed make nsr mammies when teams pealed /m ; and d if • .choler mint to school and told the teacher data Mows or Hansel) didn't make their madmen settee the gentle mien passed the sight before, the teach •r would call ■p the rade boy or girl and pun- ish them W ail stood there is two rows, and Y the stage passed as the boys made their bows, sad we arts our asarteeies. The W of peessegers .nailed end bowed to us, e nd ase vary pretty lady tamed out • patter of ssmeabieg. ' Some ose picked item, and inside were perhaps half • dotes long, round, white thinsa. ' Gentles ' ' we said. They did look like that. "There was a home close by. and we all trooped is there with ear treasures. I k.ew whet that is,' said the woman, as mean as she isrolled the paper. 'It's assay, 1 saw lots of it is the stares when 1 wee to Boston last asmener.' "' What's it good far ' w. asked. "' peed to eat,sbe said. • We (went . d this.. but they de may it harts the teeth. Mat ase divide it •snug yen a& That% whet the lady mean to have dose, i epees' "Ile 'she broke op the Woks of Bendy. enol Ante CO each • little piece. I deal giAess mine was Wert on inch or two leag, baa I tbseht of was the skeet thief 1 ever " t'm glad 1 didn't Hee is them days, • 'Pare' my yes w. OM 6's sure. tsionottol lelle many Old MGM mannas, ern' Jalla UN SS IPA. atter all " - matte la Ike eleeimese. A nmIseimims n'1 the mems .tint', kind was beteg give at • theater in • smell pro- vincial tees. lit eras d the erittoai mAne the here soddenly bseame aware of the het that he had masa apse the stags mien 4fe patient, Without a masuat's hesitation he Isab a dash at tbm traitor, ereWndea Elie, villafs ' - 1 meant tr strike this with my , bet i left the mopes is myskeelft roast, end bill thereinto saresole tip V the p+mer of this isdue epee 6=1" Ik to add that this earthella bmrig�sal bootee. dews the heitltee Mea 1/11551.11(tial and Wise 1. peepers freer Mei 1 gtw, 1551 Per* /Arm smnlia1/ With eidee aro- - lm 11111ssrEb I a.iM is OM feet HOUSES FOR SWINE. Tee Mane That Are T..ebed r'.• by Tb1e. labs Agan. Tv$.sf Them. Here is a plan that was submitted to The Farm Journal by • Penmylvanis farmer for a hothouse. The foundation should be of grind solid stone all around. This foundation provided, proeeed to lay the fluor or fill up with small stone and stake a cement alai sand floor. Scale one-eighth inch to a foot. The {r.ft over the feeding pen can be need for corn or to store plows. barrows, cultivators, etc. Never put chickens In: they want a place by thenuelsee. A Wieronain farther tells in the joar- w1 quoted first the beet hogbouse be less had any experience with wan matte as follows: Make a platform of Much board+ HnOttOttet reMPi,PTt.. 7 or 11 feet square by nailing them on II by 4's set up edgewise. Then take inch hoards 7 feet long ant nail one end to the outer edge of the platform. Do this cru two opposite sidles of the platform and bring the upper mole "4ue two boards together. nuking th.' tit answer for sides and ra,f, Board up tlsi ends., leaving a place for a door in oneend and a window an the utter if desired. This stakes s house that. you can hitch a teats to and draw where wanted, in soutmer it can be placed in the p•stnrr. In winter it mak,* a goal warm sleeping Wale for the botja and will bold stn to eight old news. in spring it mikes a good brood- botise. s Hy using this -bons* a nt have so beta smelling hoghonaes and yard, as you can stove N befeir'e a place gets foal. This house and a movable lee -ding platUsrm Care all tlmt is needed milers yon are fat- tening hogs in winter. Anotb'r advan- tage, it is cheap and eseily constrerted. As or I%blt)L PLAN OF HouH.x'`4:. so that you can have a number of theta and have thein in difiereut placer it wonted. ONG OF MOVABLE *Wm billed and the body lean and supple. (lover and grams are healthful and well balance/I foode. and -the maitre sow in sununet needs nothing Iiee unless suc- kling pies. Then she should be fes1 lib - 'rally on middlings, barley, rye, corn, bran or oats ground and in a slop. three times as much bran as other Mods being given when they are mixed. The properly of young sows are always entailer and lead in numbers than the young of mature attimals, and they rashly make as much asclas profitable pork per head. Cultivatleve of Tempe In aides' to bring turnips to • state of temperatarre must be comparatively low. No one can raise good turnips whim the temperatnee is over 1111 or 00 degrees, and as soon as it gets beyond this they are bot and stringy. Thus int Pennsylvania tbe turnip would Mee ta be mown to get the beet results about the middle al Sept/miter. A hundred miles 'north it would hare to be two Weeks earlier and so OW, tmil In /Dana& ORD might Doer turnips about undermillat and yet hare fairly good rearitte, soul. parte ot one /southern country we ran get very good turnips by raids. them midwinter. At any eat*, if oge raa remember Oda one point shout the temperature it reqnires, it is a hist foe esoreestal culture anywhere. It say loo further remarked that to bamtgood AIM tundps the mil came* posibly 116 11111111 too rich. Varese Ihe TO state Nevada has 1,900 farms wide!' have lately been rerIghted from the mid desert hy irrtgatios. It is bio Bevel that whms more armee km bees matt to irrigate its leads etad Make them peodurtire. Nevada's pop/abase will se- slect hangs a better olase of settlers than tilled its cities In days wive mising wig Gm oily Wintry of stets t THE SIGNAL : °ODBRU'H, ONT., T H 1418DATo JANUARY 4, 1894. HE WAS A M Milt t w.weae►1. seas" .arms WItb Hollise Ono Ware Tim mane. Nam. A.tt.a, Ile.• lt,.-itubert Hill cane from Colborne eight et' ten mood= ago. and etarta.l in busies. here. !shortly cher his arrival he married a widow named Mrs. Bird. who (wued considerable property to this vicmily. end fur s time that wag lovely tease=d to have ial .n to the lot ..1 Hubert Hill. Two weeks ego however. another woman appeared uu the stem and est ftp a counter claim of a lumen standing to has home and aftectiotu It was kept quirt at grit, hat an Saturday No. ': swore tint a warrant against lout for bigamy. and he mule nts for trial yeet.r day. Itiiiiaw Rickard. J. P., war the act- ing tea estrsle. When the court opened Hill war furls ally charged with marryusg Ane 1 iuk- water in Collwrte .41 \ovrutber II, 1891, and with afterwards tuarrying Mary hied in Newcaatie un Julie 1, Ped, his first wife being cull =iv.. Mill pleaded guilty. .titer limn.. the evident.* of the two wives, the iniglatrrte derided that it ter ss unneceary kr go un will!. the rare, and that the only -course th*t war opeti for him to minim was to commit the petrous talky t'ubongg corneae jail to await lila trial it the twat ail cs• A,p Bipi.a. IllsetemilleVii Uealb. Trderen.. Dee 11.'-..-J. Wi Hewitt'. • meissager in the employ of the C'au•jtate Expense 1'owlauy. was shot and iustaotly killed shortly after the 7.33 train' foe Ham ikon left the Union *tatim& yesterday Hawley and his mate, .lames MeV fl fend, who lives in Ilaruiltuu, Iliad just set their ear to rights. 'Eliao upeies1 their boxes anti t.ec out their bats slid lunches and. fastened there around their waste Haw- ley bout over to get his revolver. His loci was turned to Met'auslaud. who was "diode/1%y • sharp report and turning quickly saw kir fellow -worker falling is the flees with a stream a -btu houthin front his ea nth aril nostril's. Assietatue wee iinnre.liately summoned, bra poor Hawlev's Its dame had flickered out be- fore auT one reached him. An t•nka.w• Alin rriloolar'..•_....-` Tdenllean, Ont., Der. 9.-A .elan has been found fr,Asa to death • heir from the main toad, . bet wefts 'rhedtord and Grand Bend. }ie is fish feet eight in.•hee high; spear 'oily -aloud Xi. vein, of age. short, blank whisker., streaked with white On ails pe rein was found 71 cents in •ehey, p envelope ported in Mtoudim tock, •adeeed )y to rs. Elsie Tucker. ('aerie•. ('running. (lot., sed ihoth. r posted at Ingersoll. ad- dressed to JamesMoulton: Ver'tupyle, 4 hat. He ware thick l.w rakers. red socks. dark striped ueerat a. print shirt and soft Notltli t r, and carried a long pair of !toow ia.hl. hand. llrnsa44.7.0trin.. .., , _ Kntwooti. tint., The. 11.-A tel aeei- pent happy here yeet. daj after sin. As Frank Nam. and Misr Jame. Wilson, going home, area driving ,'oath over the t; T. R. traiethey) ware atrurk by the train kuuwn as tide Krie e: twee. loth were instantly killed: The. 1a a tidal wreck. The hones was Thu ijur'ed. • M e N.. it. !ler, el.-tbtui•iek Melartelle, rTleteiT411(, d(hile driving home in a Meth from Monellat§sitorday night, wee run 'Iowa by an I t.nial freight GI *M )hadow B eivanng and in *Vd7 killed. He lib a wife and Jtwdh- • . • • Sidsenia bo Mold. has beert passel authorizing the ode of cer- tain of the Thoneand Islands in the Cana- diangroup.r jihad. to be sold are situated opposite 1.140s t N one et the islands oppoeite Kingston or larockville are to be sold. lea few days the sale will be elven/ord. andrhe plbhe made aware - of the conditions sail,. 111111derearettenr denies the story telegraphed front 4 maw& that ha elaude were being sold privately le prevent their failing into the. hands speculator'. It a provided in the orate in-Conwil than use person eut hold only two islands. , As 01.1 Mates Illemblon Death. Timmer.. Pm. 9. -An old man named John Millen. 60 years of age.- en empluie of the COITOWIliO/O, WSW fouml lying dying on tbe pavement at the corner of Front and la ellington streets yesterday by the drteer of a Conger Coal (lona. y wagon. Ile diettyshortly after was an old resident of Toronto, and leaves • widow end • large family. who ate roe - Dated at the mdden death of the from Trinidad. yesterday. rift that in German seaman, was kn5Wked overboard by the main gaff and drowned. The imp- ugn and clew did everything to save the man hut it was et. no avid. The wind was heavy and the sea was running very Slaseopor'• Trial. was in the city Saturday to see Mr. J. N. iireenshields. 9.C., and make arrears menta for the &dem, of Hooper 141 41 - site. eies the trial opens on Frittny next Mr Greenshields will act as conned few Hooper after the ease has come before the petit jury. Ovum*. • Der. II. -The Dominion Oov - erasure% bee awarded • wantnet to Mews. Fleming. ship 'milder'', of the t'lyde, Sent - land, for the constrnetion of' • three hundred ton steal steam erne= for service in the Ht. Lawrenee. She is tO rag in the vicinity of ninety thousaad della" tom Attalla lloudiliss. She Board of Tmde delegation Sir John Thompson eisenred the delegation that the feat Atlantic lino weir. wan an accomplished face and that an agent hi its Mews at the present time awairng die n eg• otiations Dei to -J. K. Snllivan. mired *gee of the Grind Truk motion fore mum at Parkhill. went en hie trial trip at deed body, badly tusagied., ergs f brakenneau yesterday. la Moe ereonsix ging* 54. rails near lee Igglisellisea prebibly tell hawses the OM Onne day heifers Threnee Hoeseee. J. P. After the *vides". Awl bees completed his honor remmitted dee prima? for tn.! Paartr• illg, 11.-44 tar Pollee ;gest legesay. gelleatiell be glas ta the *OW Magi. MONSON'S 1 VIAL wuwe.e Town) to the m.•eme.te 5. the sena ureal. !:west mus, L. lY.-Mrs Kae reser Jay twiddled that the miming See*. muter the name of Ilar t.. lodged with her ill Pimlico street. luudou t Anew 7, thus dare before the death of Lieut. Raaf Brough, S.ott went to Scotland. He re tureed at th• end of the week and du appeared during the first week of Septets Mr. ,Prior to his dteapi.esrun a lettere bearing the Edinburgh peetruark were deity left for him at witlteri h When be disappeared the lettere ly stopped. Mr 1tr0.•14/1r, an arcs ,t. stated that the value of the est that Lleat, 1Iawbrough would hire c • into pummeluo when Ise attuned hie petty, was 014.1140. A string of wttne...ars mai prudu..d to show that Scott sad Davie were the muse rues. All the wtuawm were caroms es owned by the drfer.ee, but their •yidencos was n..t materially shaken .sdney Harrell, • bookmaker, thenweul you the stand and was Wentifi.d by another wtlnng*, eko slated that .in...ell had been tntrodn .d by Mown at the Hotel llelru pole, LA.udun. under the risme of Deets. kayrnll .ipisitted that lira• was his chute. Mouton knew mud dealt with l,uth biro ted fhemidL•:effe-lir•t sow Davie on Ault 16. F. J. J..iuiutrham teetieed that he be - eau= associated with Honeou in the pro - }feted pur:haae of Major liamlxough'e lite interest in the estate. The witness was shown the leas of the .trowswe t eatmtq which par .rte to have been signed by IhimYlt and l.ient. Hambr,ugb. He denied hit alleged aign4tfte andeiteid that he •rtrr pow the dominoes before His sigt►atare was a b.rgery. Ties ru.lge here refused to allow the pro m ntiou to menet. the prisoner of forgery, as the crime um Dat charged in the tndict- meet. The court ttpn adjonrued. ON RELIGIOUS GROUNDS. IIIPlearimMatlovs giallo In the ,elee- tie. of Jurors la Irelasd. Doe. the II.iuse at CoaituOtia yesterday, Mr Thomas Seeton. autt„Parnellite member for NOrill Kerr!. statement as he diecriminatiou being made on religioms gro4reis in the selection of juries in Ire:and. The Night Mon. :Tames Bryce, 'hancellor of the Iltneby Lateenter. who, answered the almoner nf--ttre Right lion. John Morley, l'hief Secretary foe Ireland, said 'Write Government had neyer inatruetei Om Crown solicitors ebnling with promen- thine in the Irish court.; to ascertain the religiose belief's of prone Mr. Seaton declered that this answer to hie, question wait not satisfactory. added that whet/tett was opportune Le would mo.n that instrnictions be given to the t'reirrn resbeitor to stop Omit acte et. challenging jurciesei Ilervinut of their re *taus belief. - The Government to -day au/speeded the order tho ate Mouse., might debate namai Cnarnan, Pee. lb. -EA -min Miller_ a young married maw sun ist Mike a wealthy farmer of, Herten! 'Township. was yesterday at the quipster Amiens con Act. lits eictltu in It girl named Henriette Nimbi. a farmer's dangliter and ber see was fully established at ld years. 81t. gave birth to a amid just prior to the het assizes, whiz's circumstance preeenteel the ease coming on -for trial at thateeourt The evidence, inaipAy that of the prom entre herself, we; very etroug =gantlet the 1111.1 noel, and his honor charged *rains' ONTARIO INSOLVENCY ACT. Privy Cesserit. Imenoti. Per. 16. -The Judicial coo, iiliti4/0 of the linperiel Privy Counell heard on Thursday the appeal against Om decl =on of the Canadian Supreme Court 5., Pie afect that the Ineolveney Act of Itkr; of the Chutario Legialature was ultra vire', Province of Ontario and Sir Richard Webster presented the arguments on b. half of the Dominion .1 to3gment was re Naw Volta, Dee. IS -The Heratife cor. respondeut in Rio Janeiro cables that on the night of December 10 the city atm thrown into a panic by a storm of &holism' shell which lasted tor fifty minutes. The playhouses were just being emptied of then thenriga of patrons and the effeet was tre- mendous 'ehie was the remit Of an Week mode from the shore upon the island by island batteries responded. 1101111140 the water front were mach damaged, but the number of casualties is unknown Pohlad., WISI be Overthrows. WARIFINGITOR, Dec. 10. - From edema! mutts received here it is asserted that the Breallian Government's element for final vietery are growing lam every day aod that Admiral Mello will overthrow Pidsoati °Metal &deices have bees received of ca. movement of a harp land forte under an Trillium' lila Tasseer. lag out a threats of alleged Anarchists is kept up In a meteor, by the tricks of preettcal jokers. who prepare sham tonabs of large dimensti end plare them at the edoors of the houses occupied by arietoorata Some of them hare been fonnd to be discovery alway a Inmates terror. and Um polies are kept busy carry's, the bombs •411 to the prefecture tine of three sham affairs wee left at the house of II. 1%. Rothschild. "me of the greet bankers. It will go hard With those jokers if they fall into the hands of the pollee. Stool Wail. roe UMW Cial•miblin. eireles fail to eter5Arm the well anthenti noted remora ol • large 'shipment of etsel rails 'rowed Cape Horne to British Volum him novo ht no "viol meant of an inatirsneo matey eet having been effected POW* AliPals, ,W11141$ lisboirlOP., has reeovered from semet at laitteale, ergesely. sad las taken ram. 0.4* 114Cre ear- reepesderms lope that Hp. 4elegate be the Mega he LI= Mrs. J. It. IfossNirnru. I:Urea& Ave., omits Cruz, Cal., writes; " When • girl at schril, In Reading, Obi°, hod a severe 'meek of bruits fever. Ou my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, awl, tor • long nine, 1 feared I should he 114.111111111elllly Priends urged me to use Ayres Ifair t'igor, end, OD doing so, my lLsir Began to Grow, and I now hays as fine a heel of hair as tose mai! wish for,bring 4, how- ever, from blonde to dark brown." , "After a fit of oblness, my hair came out In condefulls. 1 used two bottles uf Ayer's Hair Vigor - and nee iny hair is over a yanl long and erre full anti 11.-:147. 1 bat recorm mended this tinier:nom te other, with like reel effeet."-Nirs. Sidney Carr, 1460 Regina st., Harrisburg, l'a. 'I have used layer's Ilair Vigor for sever= years an always uhtained sat it. factory results. know it ie the best preparation for the hair that islireihnia- mC. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor • files Warr Mr.1.1., 414,101111(11 and front de Hudak, mimicry re). A 114gru arum., Sy tar.4s odd, doesn't it 1' et 411‘ an •ristuersey 'ousts in ttaskingtoe, seri It to, relatively, at least, the Ned. in wealth, culture, and refine- = el 01 *bat of uur best circle of white Washroom ass co'ored MAID'S paradise. The term " voluted the one they invartably employ in etwakiug '4 them selves. Tisyyllytin t hey are not negrom -1tliat" melees are Ali- binClitt that they *re. colon -51 people, awl that Ishii. ladies and gentlemen appreciate that /act Sod address them accorrigiviy. The stand- ard of inutility &mon CU' whites is fixed by their use of thee terms, But, call them whot you please, Washingtoo is their pars dee ; tile one spy on ',nth eine a pail HI their number hate a ocial standing. et.$ hrrre they are something inure than mere hewers of mod mei drawers tif water. reelly numbers about Mk all told, and is the/ reepect ii•et Oiled u en equal footing with WI r51 ilcAllieteri" fuer hundred is the Nos York nietiopolue These %Vieth - • poste • e• in tinny cases 54 lark,nyreoltly rimy. their own carriages, ahil they lieve Unmet, le uluielance elm Banister to . heir %sloe Tiny nave every -thing, In -bort, ihat money and gigot taste cau stag - :ed. But Ore is one theig they waut that ail their wealth can't goo them, end tt at is u et in.. Tie 14 raltlitest color .-1.aage plans milt the mistiest white if it "ere le his peuer te examinee skins alao. In their church wonhip the colored "four white neighbors, sad a e'dored day laborer Would hesitate as mach to enter one (.1 bese sanctuaries as a whits man 5.1 the *inn degree siould in presenting himself' at the portals uf I:race Clutch in New York. .11.re are other colored churches there where the poor and the lowly weAlde do meet ea equal terms, hut they are not the churches of the "four hogdreg," /- The swelleet colored church in 1Vashites- ton is the Fifteenth Street Presbyteries.. oo Sunday morning. Fifteenth istreet,C la the vic nity ef the church, is tilled with carriages. The eloireh nri malt and ulargii fashionahle. The nmt of the *embers keep eminent, And they ase them on them occasions. In thn TO pp.et they are spine the a oret 110/111 of ethos. sivebbery. In land ewer; g"ntkimin walk, to church. Ile may own a Keilrel carnage., Ler he does D ot 41•41 them to take hint to and from the church. Some of these days AITW.'14,1811 Will OW/ this custom from their Kaalish anue01, aad ellen the American whites e h dish the present fashion of ruling te , be,h, the el /shriven,' mimed feel= will profit, by the objets leveret ▪ 111410 Butler, Bunn, Nad Rheum& tient Thos. Wanes, ntheffield, N 11, Lockjaw. fly, McMullin. Chatham. Oat , Goitre. Mrs W. W. Johnston, Vralsh, Ont , la thimmatt inst. James H. Ruley, Parkdale, Ont , Nene In *watt am* esealicittel lead aethenti /*tett They suite to tho menta of MIN ARIYS LINIMENT A Cove mom Wife is the troll Lonna, Win or too Ytio have loon readies it for the Ohl heer or re. \ Husband Directly. love ; &POW WO the nest tonne) Netictere fievill. A Reese Leaf. bottle, of Merohray's Kielney and Liver Cure, has Ms nerds.) • etatsvasat to Uni effect that it completely rand her of ie. diumnatory rheumatism, Indite, and liver lemma trial. Akio dime- otos. setweyiag beanie heels aid deem ba -SLAUGHTER ! SEE THE FOLLOWING RERICTIONS: 3 Laclies'Fur Coats Astrachan Curls Cloth Mantles t4.50 6.35 Cada tliner for $1.75 - Note these weep- ing Reductions. Oui whole Stock of these Goods must go, regardless of price. The Greatest Bar- gains ever offered )1t, SEASONABLE Lace and Chenille Cur ., Rug. and, Mats. 11% discount for Cmh on close cut regular price,:. WA firot-clam Note and Mantle Maker up Aisles. MORK BROS., G at Cal:pet Warehouse) the County. BOOTS a d S HO E WHOLESALE RETAIL Protect inur feet: and' fa gr Overshoes, Gum' Shoe Warranted' FIRSIR 's No BEGIONDS r old Bankrupt, Moth-eaten -goods but the best quality at prices eh ged elsewhere for an inferior Von earl do is by pur-' A_LARO STI OF GENTS ANCY SLIPPERS, Ow' p rot About 'twenty different lines to choose front. Very cheap. E. DQWNING. Safety Bicyoles FOR LADIES AND GINTLEMEN. 7 v. Mill OUT Su ALL DOMPITiTtthe : PNEIIMATIO ,. from W50.00 up CUSHION TIRZB, 01111 cOMP MORS ARK SIMPLY NOT I/C IT /Oft QV•LITY Ott POO IL GOSHEN CARPET SWEEPERS, "I" "1" II" igaIrtVIS RIGHT. • GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSE. R. P. WILKINSON. CHRISTMAS GOODS 1 The Fnest Quality of Christmas Fruits, Nuts and Confectionery,