The Signal, 1893-12-28, Page 7IAS SALE ree days longer. 1 aid SaFdaJ EEK ONLY. ur life. Foods like ours at [ov1ar Prices, stmas Booklets, Christmas Cards, [RD OFF loks, Games, Toys .iloid Goods. n School Books 1 Supplies. NG, JAN 3, 1894. 1 & PORTER, Booksellers and Statinners. T8= Christmastide! u r full supply of Cata.aT■AN CSL les ea asmerous or value better Llan this. Mead La ear supply. bers. is lovely conk In ••Wes celluloid hi bead-paret•d bisque, sad debar styles. TIE MIST ACCEPTMIE OF All SETS. re. to it Os. o• what net. etc. Oak ease.. aletades sa Cases. tweets 1s0 ■aaser.s@ M rseaU.a fellows. and drop in sad,D,. w• win W show them. Se a rash for slab sttraetire goods. E, - Chemist. 1 Mrd ust THY. :1' t L G DERTrH. nw'r.. URRn�Y, DECEMR .R 28. 1893. WhiteBlaets, Grey B Horse Blankets. SPECIAL VALUE IN SHAPED HORSE BLANKETS 1 Unlined Blankets, 65c., worth 85c. Lined Blankets, $1.25, " $1.50 JOHN T. ACHESON. arDDURATED FIBRE WARE. is, but they are mistaken. the longest and strongest into shape without SWIM or Indurate it by a patent pro - impervious to heat, cold and 1' D FIBRE WARS imparts no contents. and is the lightest, Id m durable ware ant r EDDY'S. KERS. 14.01:)HgY BON ✓ one of B. J. Nash's Latest ▪ at tursishieds is *a oosstY, mala at primps 3e tided t• by his sea wows. wi f • les poet tea yews baa a : h'luso.. harm dam port _W.I►.a, sea V$w pow AT THE ND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE + + + + + + + A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ALL AiIOUT THE CYCLAMEN. Tleta Ars males 1►dsaer mod :MVgltiw•o- lea B.1• te. Tbro•Sold MerM. The c> clemen combines neatness of lul,ic, elegant foliage and a beautiful flower. The root is a round, Aatiaia tuber, sad can be had at eeed and bulb *tore, or of florists, and when planted should be at least cne-thitd out of t.`.o PALL SND 'WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. Oar 50c. Caraet Cant be Beaten. Ladies' and Cildren's Underwear, eitra valve. Navy and Black Storm Series, tie beat u Town for tie 'NM. ISTMOTIO T XUTDLT SOLICITED. 5 PER DINT. WSCOUNT FOR CASHsteAme . MVNI.o, Draper and Haberd*ahsr. 900 O HER OWN OBITUARY. ea.r. Bleeder Gales matters 1 a. reseteetab.e ata ra.evaL 1-h he startling shames eta 1uasrsl sermon preached over the wrong person oocc rred in ,os Aeries recently. The good. kind sad weL-iateatimed reverend doctor mads the Iistrsmbill eater el week -tog the bast words )ver the wits mad wither of the family, in- stead of the husband sad father, whose Corpse lay is the mast a low feet from him while the meshed widow, to whose virtues he was dieectiag the discourse, was compell- ed to sit is terrible suspense and Bates to her own funeral stmoa. What moat have utassi6ed her distroseand added to the gria -omplicotios .t the situation ia the fact that the lady is • stssnh.r of the entiaest diving's chant. The preacher painted the tf.tela- tisa of home without • mother sad extolled the lady's virtues is • manner t that, Men lass painful circumstances, tsss satisfaction. A wsI1-1nown friend offtttMage to family finally ••y explain i op enough brokes and iadistisct •oeents explain tube minister should omens his remarks to Mr, and sot Mrs Blank. The minister, who was is the midst .f hi. discourse, Ws - understood the isterpsl tioa. sad therefore, managed all the users i tessely his penegy. vie. It was ss nes try -Mg to Nen him sow, but after the percestiea he looked into the open sad fell back. He had dleoovered his mistakes A CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. Isom ammo Wretches reeved of Thor. lttee/sa W..' stoma DrIal. W. T. Stead, iu a awuwuuicatioa to the InwtdosCbruuicle.thus dessert beltthe effects of a new tewetly for dipsuw.uia: The trestaseat commenced on Sept. 11. The experimental mouth expired :Hs pet, It. Our patienta were four women and four Miro. Three of the women were either married or were wtduwa. Ove was a ap' aster. Of I he wen, two were cuuiwercial traveler., no • solicitor, the other au ex-uaval I.tticer. One of then: cause to us gt .t r- uuteed as one of the worst case+ ktrowu to the Church army; *wither similarly t ertiticated from the Salvation Army, while the others were accompanied by tqually satisfactory certificates ns to their thorn ugh paced drunkenness. A fully qualified man was placed in charge, and cum Went asirtants were secured, who saw to it that the remedy at the bcgiuning was ad,ypinietered at the stated interv::ls of three hours, both night and day. Of the nature of the reuwedy I can say w.thind, excepting that it is extremely bitter to the tpste and acts as a very powerful tonic. Atter the patients had been wider treatment fur 10 .dart 1 vis- ited the place and interviewed each sep- arately. A marvelous change had al- ready been effected, but 1 dee idrtl to say nothing until tbo month expired and l had the final report of the medical men upon the vault of the treatment. That report is now before me,and 1 owe it to the public to lone too time in stat- ing the n-anit of the experiment. That result has been an almost un- qualified buccess, tbo only exception being one woman, who, it is believed, did not confor n to the regulations laid down. Of course it is as yet too early to say auytbing as to the lasting effects of the cure, although, judging prem the experience of other cases which were treated ucarly 1! months since, and are still standing, 1 do not thick there is ranch ream to fear that the care is as permanent as it is certainly drastic, if indeed it might not almost bedeecribed as miraculous. For, what has happened? Seven poor, miserable wrecks, drenched with whis- ky or stsdtlened with gin, and iu some cases with an additional craving fur morphia and lau.lannm, have been in one short month so completely weaned from all desire for alcohol that they may lye trusted to go through the moist tavern spotted thoroughfare without feeling the slightest inclination to re_ some their potations. Nay, more: not only has ail craving for drunk been kill- ed iu their system, but in its place has been developed an pb.olnte batted and Ioathlug for intoxicants, a loathing so acute that some of car patients have walked down the middle of the street rather than use the footpath which led then, too close to the reek of the tap- room. • When the treatment begins, they all experience a certain degree of discom- fort, which varies eometimes from acute headache to feverish ague. For a couple of days they are abort as miser- able as they can be, but on the third day the headache leaves them. the sick- ness!' disappear, and they begin to de- velop an appetite. Before they have been under treatment,* a week they can be allowed to go out freely without any danger of their breaking loose or re- suming the habits which bad made such a wreck of their lives. The crav- ing for drink, so far as can be cern from the close observation of the cars under treatment, is absolutely dead, and so far as can ire eeen at prevent those who pave conducted the experiment are more than satisfied with the revolt. The remedy which has wrought such wonders is, I believe, a concoction of South American origin. The secret of its manufacture remains with one man, who refuses to divulge it. cyct.auatt r•ICRsit 7i. gnoend, or the whole crown exposed. Many lose their fine bulbs by entirely covering cr •n n of bulb. The foliage is strikingly handenne, its leaves rouuded and heart ramped, of a deep green, di- versely mottled and embroidered with silvery gray —so beentifal indeed that if the plant bloomed not at all its foliage alone would insure it a place in the window. But bloom it does, and the Rowers, standing distinct from the gay .ilyer and green foliage, are borne upon tall stems, and are white, dark red or delicately marked with blush and pink diadem, sometimes spotted and always fragrant. The bulbs are planted in pots of well drtined, rich, sandy soil, the crowns ex- posed, and after growth begins placed near the gla'e and kept constantly moist. They are tuoistnre loving plants and will :.nly thrive with ouch treatment. A stroug bulb will hare many flowers and will yield them from late fall until the Meat Jnne,and each flower has tbe strange faculty of lasting ter *number of weeks. When summer comes, tbe bulb should have a season of rent. To insure this, Vick's Monthly, authority for the forego- ing, oregoing. says the pot may be set in Dome half rbady place and given only just enough weber to keep the ground from becoming dry and dusty. A very good plan is to bury the tuber at this time in the pot in the open ground, and thus the root when uncovered in the autumn is fresh and plump. As to kinds, the Cyclamen peraicum is an old and well established variety of very beautiful and mottled foliage and great variety of coloring as to flower. titiganteum is a greatly improved and larger variety of prereiewn, the flowers of great size and many colored, the wealth of rich dark foliage with its sil- very tracery most beautiful This va- riety is becoming better known. For :nerly it was a great rarity, but is now more often scent and bids fair to become quite as popular as the web known and much loved pet'sicum. It is well to cul- tivate both, as one variety enhances the beauty d the other. ONE OBSTINATE JURYMAN. nr w ea lel Set t rose to tear let for tele 'alee- .eU pad tine Mayer. = Lnadon Daily Newt. The most remarkable ease of a fury •• *tending out " against what seemed ir- rMutable testimony, and all through the reseluuos of one man, oocutred before Chsef Josef.* Dyer. He presided at a murder trial in which everything went against the prisoner, who on his part could odd• say that on his ruing to work in the morning be had found the murdered man dying, sad tried to help him, whereby he had become covered with blood : but when the ma pressatly died, he had cone awry and said a•Niag about it, because he was known to have hada quarrel with the deceased, and isar,d he might vet into trouble. The hay fork with wbioh the ten had tem murdered had the prisoner's tune os. la ether rs spots bis guilt appeared to be established, sad the Chief Justice wits convinced of it, hat the jury returned teaser skittles Wtaaeel Ire From Tb. San Francisco Rsamtser. Martin T. Mead sod S. M. clamor, of this atty. are the investors of the sew sub - stltete for ice skating. They reosh d their patent Inst Wsdaday. Eerf1y what the kseoliwu of their oaopead are they de sot ammo t• say, bet tis body el it is •alpige. Time are four other ingredients. The sabsem a it.eU is of a phobia sad eI*atic alma -actor. The surface is as slippery as itis, and, though of an oily .n ootises, wilt not gems the clothing of those who fappea to tali rpm it. " Our oomp•ny is not organised yet, said .se of the partnere yesterday, " but we Imre iemeset rated that our amapsand is va A . E•De. T Or " NOT .:CILTY." This was alit Justice Dyer's oase,and he pat some very searching •tuestioos I . the High Sheriff. The cerin* of the ac•laittal, said the official, wee undoubtedly the fore man, a farmer of excellent character, es- teemed by all 6u neighbors sat very sn- hkely to be obstinate or vexatious. "Thou," said the Judge, " 1 must see this forams. for an expl•nstion of the matter I will have." The foreman tans, and after ex- tracting from bis lordebip • promise of geo- recy,vd at time that the prsoste had Moo �tfully acquitted, for, said he, "it was i myself who killed the man." It bed been so murder, for the other had attacked him with • hay fork, aad (as be showed) severely iajared him, but in ths Yadds to got p• . of the weapon be id the ablates. to give the ma - for sheers parpose� to its Tier he pians hr ilro ruk aro •lredy drown. Tba bu - inZ will be crested in the form of as L. TM will follow the linen of Me streams It will be 275 list kragrd 160 feet bread. The lateral .heat will be .l the surialsegtb, bus, not se Woad. "The ea1111peiti s will M spread mar Tato the dah of sa omit slaters not spas iris' Itinerating, est _Eden•• sh, tlrssahout all the sew, Oita jab well bit srvaags& dentes. imam •pit. Tari win be used lar meiti g the esla'aead sad givisg is a tees intim wham t the wgaktisbosm.s roughened. Tel lash MI be x11 Net is wssese ry to sgewaNi•h Me. The mei ad dirt left from the *psora' bases Ili ilk in ths lighter igsid. sad when the M&M•abe hardens .gala the new wrfrss wit as peefootly smooth and dasa. " TM hops •.sail rias at 2.117 (leMdsa t aware. It is twenty foot .ggaee aad was Mie manly to MA the video of their watarial fart ths poorest t which it is to be gut. ).rest WetuNas, wigs has won • stsdal as thea ..IMskater .f SesBii•sH•. and who, with W pirouettes 7$11111.11111" FILM Tap GratUng Worthless Trees. Many farmers who have good orchards suffer loss by allowing a few trees which bear worthies fruit to remain year after year. When this poor fruit is about to tall, the owner resolves to change the tope next spring by grafting, but before the time comes round doe has forgotten his resolution and tbe tree remains. This may be prevented by following a sug- gestion from Country Gentleman to place some permanent mark on them or by blazing the span branches. In inserting the grafts, the common mistake should be avoided of petting them out at some distance from tbe cen- ter, thus allowing much of the defective growth to rennin atter all. Select shoots never more than an inch or two in diameter and make short round stumps of them fur inserting tis gra and compact bead may thns be given. If a sufficient nnmber of grafts are set, the fruit may be changed in a yogi few years from the useless sorts to the beat by this operation. A FATAL wM"XT. Re bad no fen as to Ws beteg fogad guilty, bet, the Aasiam briar ls•t ewer, his fats affairs meld bare been rained by a coafsg- .i.e, throne% tying is jail a looms be et• Meal matters to take their Kane. Hs was hurdled to flag see d his own s.rvaau massed .< the usurd.r : be support- ed his wife gad Millirem while is jets • mos - aged a M aleesd as the limy and .1.eed ferusasaBe added that it he had failed in this Its weeld e.rtabaly have nosfeae.d to hi. own .bare in the bgis.ge.aod rho lodges ltt9ive y yry ear for Its his lordship ma& bydri s ate 's mistimes, sad at let, hi. -ing M survive Mus, he gnpiietsd Mardi fres to t.11 the story. a Pam .by. 1..sen Ms --"What dem that baby mut' It Is this poser Assess Baby — 'Ahgoo, '4Of rare., ,bat'. it. *ad doge baby wast Paw Ida'M1M r!" 1'gs, mammas *swing. correctly. i wore der what • baby wages .f p.sail sad pope 'Me'M!me! am ' Bless his hs... t Y. waste to b.gie to meta W semi la'—heed Nowa. The White La Pewee Rase. Gardening describes this rose not as pure white, but ratber a blush white. It, however, is one of the loveliest of all new roses, and now being extensively planted in greenhouses for forcing for winter Sowers. It has been tried for a couple Sr years. iu some cases extensively, and oder much of the country, and reports of its behavior are generally very good. About how it thrives out of doors, north or south. we have not yet heard. To Med O—o Ilisadostes sod tis elms. the maim �im� ist Cal whim aseq.• sod Idm lstel.. st. dM„ a insad eerie@ ea g ish. t meg habli al eau the toe, has Mated W way bite used•1 * er Isse 4tIMB• mambos tie Meow sad gem Mee is hetes .a.AIis, lee tweed tie sob te • boa*, seibtbg. tellisseeMistimed ,� the sr sees 141e�y�.wed-Ia lo *same • Ade be �'g time. use Syrup e;Ass 16 M 1Mwleoes, stases eldg• .11110*Va era ad@r mhhrgia the NM es bees% er Is horse se fOlintO ON MC817 Fable et the Rase Sael.ca. In the village of Smithvillo • brand new Ram Moloch was set up. Thep vil- lage had never had a Ram Moloch with- in its borders before, and some of the villagers exulted in the enterprise of the town. ''It will improve trade," said they, "for the farmhands will now come to town to see the Rum Moloch and incidentally wt11 bay groceries and things." They forgot that the farm- hands were then buying groceries and things, but not incidentally. The Wise Man of the village shook bis bead. He bad head what a Moloch is used for, and he told his fellow townsmen abort it. "We'll wait and see," cried soon of them incredulously. Others cried: ' • This is terrible! Lead the way, and we will pit•.:h the Rum Moloch out of town. " So the Wise Man strode into the presence of the Moloch and laid his bands on it to poll it over. The crafty Owner of the idol. however, had slyly smeared it all over with teeth Meek paint, which the Wise Han instantly discovered. "Bah!" be cried, looking in disgust at his blackened bands. "This is dirty work. Let no wait until the Moloch is dry." So the respectable peo- ple waited for one day. When they re- turned. the crafty Owner had fired np, and the Moloch was now redbot, tbe paint thortmghly dry. But in the Mo - loch's rtdbot arms the Wise ]den, la agony, new his own dear boy burned to death. This story teacbew that it is bet- ter to attack the rum power at the risk of soiled hands than of burned flesh. — (h,Idett Rule. Motor ea Nee's. The Bride is considered by many eon ist. the beat of all the white roses to stand. 1t is fres flowering and an excel- lent grower. UR DOCK Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, unlocks the Sncretiont,,Purtfieathe Stood and removes all im- purities from a Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. Cl.1RES •= (DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS 1GONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMAC DIZZINESS. DROPSY ,RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASE -c STARTLING! The enormous which might L If PEOPLE WUI when they are b J viug Stoves to go to nu..e but the best, and guarante COAL AND WOOD Y1�.22D- SAUNDERF have had the best Stove SEETHENEVV. FOR THIS SEASON. DOUBLE HEATERS_ FOR COAL: THE„SOUVENIR, THE 'ART COUNTESS THE OXFORD. COOKING RANGES FOR COAL: THE KITCHEN WITCH, THE DUCHESS OF OXFORD, THE HAPPY THOUGHT. A full stock of Coal and Wood Cook- ing and Heating toves. T11EIR IIANB1AE PSE -DIPPED TINWARE is telling its own story in increased sales. WEST STREET_ Special attention gives to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. JIeadeuarters for all grades of NAND, SOFT & BUCKSMITH COAL. Coal weigbod on slitter market or my Scald. Get ml Prices before gang elsewhere. Tutus CASE. TeleNeae Cestserltes. The Madam Host. rope is of a palm lemon color and is claimed aasoag demo Mole tea roses. Catharine Mermet is • Ase tea roes of flesh color. large. full, well formed. American Be.nty is of n deep rich rose color; large flower, of flue shape; a good roe for pot or forcing purposes and • ihperb beauty. Mrs John Laing is an elegaat rano of soh pink hoe: flowers fragrant, large finelysod shaped. It is superior for early fittnvesir de Wootton bears a targe rods, deligbtMUy fragrant and of light crim- son hna Roars hardy enough to stand consider- able frost and to .err a climbers are scarce. bot ow of Um bast is (31st!• ds Dijon. Thomas limbos awe tie, 1W has c!;au been known to gee damask safely gybes the ILsrsoonsi E 1ma knee *Nero. it is a tepid power mei is • bw years will eoswr Ito OW a l • We story bosses. JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. 21!1-l7. GODERICH S_ ..__WA-LK� R Cassi.age Ivr..aaa ufeactuses, Having parch sed the busies.. of M0CREATH I& WALKER I have now arranged, not only to .ontinua the Carriage Trade, but leave decided to do all chases of work in HORSE -SHOEING MID BEHBPIL BL1CI8II? O. Steam, Boiler Works. (ESTABLISHED lap.) A. S. CHRYSTAL, NONE BUT THE BEST OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN F..VERY DEPARTMENT. leo MO. eau• ywALICER, 2396-1y. PROPRIETOR. SucoesStr to Climatal & Black? Manufacturers of all kinds of Stade* ary Marine, Upright k Tubular NEWSPAPER WIT. Sigurd'. Ltalasesta••eea Sanaa. 1e. A barber has no right to lather hie wife It's a wise cow that knows its own butter. Character is ole thing that is worth one's care whetter it pays or not. A t'hic'go paper swells with indigaetiou that dried apples are not protected. A miner may be ever so well oti, but he can't help gettug ►oto • hole ooaaaioaally. One of the most satisfactory places to at- tend a church tair is at her home Sunday evening. Every man is supposed to know his own business, but it is hard for his friends to be- lieve it. The burglar is not inclined to be talkative but be is a vreat bore when he tiods the safe locked. Expel the worms by using the safe and reliable and anthelmintic Freen.an's Worm Powders. 4 Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Aka desires to Upright sod H Vale* E.glass. Automatist Cat -Off p_slalty, All rase .f pl • sod - iwMRErtlus•l. loam rhistY. sa Werba alae G. T. R. IS _s11n. Ymdeds•. had Joy Weald Mt at Me S»ret.. if the workingusten shonld .nddeetly take it into their beads to take the earn- ings that they bitherto have nerd for intoxicating !ignore and spend thein for furniture. how mach tto you supple. would be let Moo.* tip. Oho furniture market? Not Is Num 0,000.000 in Meer weeks. There would then be no stagnation of trade le •M furniture market. — Rxehsnga Roma medical .1aHatin in *witasr- llemd slow that Ile pot cent of tits roma meligible who wadd otherwise he a igible Sar i.Altaey=ete tome ed unit by acesels• .. ORATEFUL—COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST—SUPPER. "By s doomed' kaeuvlsass Of the dl mend e taws width govern the solien sad }settee•, Dai lr a fps fisc a,erkiwgra � i/gasltisl •Et * �a ee � ost=1 taead�a,� may �v1.Me mi N sed rtlaltslgeese may be modestly NOM to recut every widow 4 et subtle asladl•s are IR ready as steep wbe ever there �em1 pareb/ osemioaisl wrtaled frame."— coot bled .ad a pregsrll cswz *osibee as en& Made tdetnpp with brutes water or silk. amid oats to sael ts.b7 wows. Waned thus JMIN LM4M dIsa1.•• gel. rhe. ensoseses.?tit-few PATENTS ! MEM MBE tit AN CI7Ml1ITt obsess . •oe m � attended a see, Mike is •.d wgl apse Bead MADLL m abase • else as TAiX PI IPSISISSO AI NIM 04,11s7 1St ATENTS niti esu- I ..��R The tellefront wine extract fro • letter from • ghee tt� Mr. Jas. M. Carson. Banff. N. W. T.. will denting A>�txtents mammoth's for it:—'•I have been troubled N with smammoth'ssti•tisu •ad gsaar'al debility std t redatton ofd to was induced to age ran B. B. R. reale 'ee�° boat a�,iss e • mein your •devot o set. 1 sew • ev.ltrw ova- a - I trie.da, as *1 rovisetreresdimg it aoe.to all my National tins are • mild purgative acting on the stomach, Liver end Rowels, removing all obstructions "Did the odios task the aoloael ` Ver. bat be bad these days' start and there was no reward out for him" The boiler-m•k4 with oratorical tenden- cies ought to have little trouble in rivetinc the attention of his bearers. The ideal juror is • Grimiest case is the man who eitber never reads anything or never unde stascle what be reads. \-tetori• Carbone Salve te a greet aid to internal medicine in the treatment of scro- fulous owes, ulcers sad •b ce.ses 4 all 1kinds t', l . /Ur HAaiM ai CO. 1 vo aged your MINARD'S i IN1- 1IE11'I' snesagetull is • • serious ease of weep is family. Iyesasid.r it i'retosdy ao beaks should be wiliest& J. F. CcYvtxolgAs. L•pe Island. That string on my6.•r _sass home • bottle of MIN.'.RD'S LINIMENT. THE SH:<Al. u only MO dollar a year. (fav it Eat to your friends. CmMtp•e1M eared. WHY Does GRD. BARRY, the 1, Doderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the boat stook of furniture and undertaker's surplice 1 And how is 11 that he can moll so cheap 1 BECAUSE alorise le�Ms„Ni DUNN'S JrJ•�mt. 1� Os- sers a •vioNBESTuRfEND gD.ni IM AOA. 4'2 P�WDZER autl y cis tr. He Gods that it pays in the long run. Elie motto is : " Small Profeta and Snick Re turns." He also makes • specialty of picture framing. (live him a mil before ppnnrobaa- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 23571 �+%• BAKING HAV YOU BACK -ACHE DODOS KION"Y P l t- WILL CURE YOU "Itaciseh• tM tasoM the h11- y t5e s�os. a.ya era is "D•1.g 1a trosa&a Dears dawp•hw. ksp- KWasp MMI /Ms looted Aid n•g arty: p.r • rsN.f ° troubles torsion w1E In fed IJood. of di..... IS Ortp•psia,, Utter nit eased by Complaint, and Iltatikrg/ heel- tie most dee- my!. W ee - Int ar •F re bra .tfe a mitwrytlt� try N Mw a flealtk, eltp te1Hmwf sweet► 'lite adore *douse peel *Menem *wase when the ss/et whore Addax s ori 0.44's kids., amsfre .Alm for aria!► �ia/arSs sow W emirs or wise* {./n,,sed. gis g., ►'msv.•sa T/lslliTe 111501.• and e