The Signal, 1893-12-28, Page 5• TIB SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1893. CANADIAN BAN KE OF COMMERCE THE PARIS ANARCHISTS KatAeIJSe D tar. MEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. Valliant is Not Disposed to ('U UtUII- U. OS. Mf OR'BILLION DOLLARS q„tpp,O O• kale Farther intelligence, . . . . . . . . . st,t00000. R. E. WALKER, (;ictsERat Maneotn. OTHER BOMBtSTS -ARRESTED. GODERICH BRANCH. A (kNEaAL BANKING SNMNEN TRANSACTED. FANM(NS NOTES DionouNTEO. DmarTa *snap PAYASLE AT AL. POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL VT/111 Ih THE UNITS° STATER, GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, BERMUDA, ao sAv1Mss SANE DEPARTMENT. Diioa1TR Of $1.00 ANO UPWARDS NECEIVEO, ANO CURRENT RATER OF INTEREST aLowt0. IBTININOT ADDED TO TINE NNNOIPAIL AT THR IND OF MAY AND Se• •oaa IN SAPS YSA& epealal Attemetlen given to the CNNwofian a•I .rid rateie's' Dake Rotas. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. Just added to Stock a Large Asssortmoat -OF Ltes! oe1os iu Christmas Goods. Jam- M Ladies using Knitting Silk Brainerd of save Armstrong by buying our Crotchet and Kitting Silk. • - u- Tn M .liiR KY sled FANCY.UOODS our STOCK is COMPLETE. MRS. R. S. SMITE, Glasgow House. JAMES ROBINSON c.e.asiz iCTOR= WE SELL FOR CASH. In our last announcement we invited you to compare our prices with others. A great many have done so, and admit they have saved money. Those who have not called we again ask you to do so, and you will be,money ahead. THIS SEEK ‘1.- are clearing a line of I)oul,lu Fold Ores, Goods for 2.:k. See them. See our Grey Flannel at 15c. Our 9c. line of Flannel is having a great run. See our 17e. Wool Hose. We have a line of Boys' Ribbed Hose, sp:ic..rl knee, double heel and ton GOOD VALUE. See our Table Linen at 13e. per yard. Flannelettes front 5e_ per yard up. We have a line of Men's Rubber Gaits f•Ir $1.50. We have received another shipment of Storm Collars and Muffs, wl':clt will be sold at the same price as the last lot. OUR STOCK COIPRISES BABGAIKS ALL THROUGH. JAMES ROBINSON. .:.rear+, a •wq.et. Ca.l.wi 1. Ae.are6- leaa Th.er.$tratlr, Bat Nor Yreele- rall, Nastereas Arrest. an Hanelsse A tempu.l- teran %II.r,. P.Lms. Dec. WS -Tb. pb)eiriait attend lug August Vailiaat, who threw the bomb in the Chamber of )*petie*. reports that the wound in hie thigh, had cicatrised VatUaat will be transferred front the in- drutary to the Polon de la Saute on Thur day. Ilia retlr.•nce Jaas increased daily, uafl he nowt fuses to talk of his crime, although be reads all the nee/sperm' print aottoeraing bin. Everted, en Anarebiet suspect, was ar rested yeet.rday after his home bad been searched by the police. His friend Ler- dulesr *1w is a prisoner. Everard 7ras taken before Police Com misery Clement and admitted that he was s theoretical Anat•••hiet, but denied that he had ever conspired to harm anybody. Hi bad neem e..nrealed his anarchistic opin- ions. He bid worked steadily 12 hours a day to support his old mother and had 'ren a perfectly orderly citizen. His fel- low workmen agrerd in givin • hint an exceiknt character. His frankness and . oed !what for made inch a good inures -ton upon the polka commissary that Everard probably will be liberated .o.'n. Baan ua,s a, Dec. 26. -There hare been n uuten.os arrests of .laarchiata hen in the Lit few day*. The information that lel to them was given by Mariano Certtelo,the Anarchist soapmaker, who was arrested in Hnesca, Aragon, and brought here. Im mediately after his incarceration in the city he tinted informer. as be believed that the other Anarchists under arrest were doing the same and he hoped thus to help his own ease. The whole story of the Lyceum outrage was trace with hie and Jose Codini a aid. The compu.a.tor Sivep*ol, who is among the Anarchists recently errewted, has e•.nfested that hr made the moulds for the two bombs which Jere t'oJina took to the IA eenm Theatre. ( ,,dine, however, denies all knowlelhre of ri.ei.,i. JORDAN'BBLOQK- WB HAVE 1-14b.13 Eaigl'ht Days of Splendid Business up to 'late, and aro now going to commence on SATUIHY BYHINC NEXT -TGs SEI.1.-- THE BALANCE Of THE STOCK BY AIICTION. In the meantime we are selling all lines in stock very cheap. THE CHOICE LOT OF TEA IS GRADUALLY BEING REDUCED, but we still have the best Tea in the world to sell for 15c- and 25e. Come and try it. GUNDRT, The Auctioneer, ix MAZE'S OLD STAND. THE PATRONS' PLATFORM. S Wheel tssaaft acM a Let .e.e e rrir to iMoa. The following i. the p1•tlstm of the Pamper of laduetry as adopted by the 0r and Aesoeiaties es Oatarts and Quebec at Lodes .s Sept. 22, 1891 . -- L 'W'' Maiistieless of British eoaa•oties. I. The resembles al the public leads for the casual settler. & Parity el adersietemise and absolute iadependenee atf Nerti.....t. 14 aha*• Rigi�sea.tis every department of li p�te.phScstiss et the laws sod • g.ssesl redaction is the mmahisery et Goverment 6 The abolition N the Usssdiss tarsale. 7. A mom of civil swiss reform that will give each misty power to appoint or slam all .nasty elRcisis paid by them ex - - afgas 'ItieK ht reverse only, and se adiusted se to fall es tar as jessihle apse the lexuriss and set arts the seerearre of his 9 lu.I lewd !reds ea fair end equitable Mem hs rn s% Camila sad the meld. tO Rll1etesl Isgldeties that will protect labor sad the retake el labor hem theme esmideMiess.wd tarmspiee Abid mad/ ohms, Ike phis al the .side petlawa •, sad! mulkoniless ar 11048110111111 tl. Pm*** Rf Me hisslh g a eel way's by government grants as contrary to the public istersst. 1a Prepaeanem of the 1►anisioa and Pro- vincial voters' list by the muniapei odious. tE. Cesiertnity d •lectatsl districts to comity boundaries, as ocestitated for mwsi- eiptal perpees, as far ae Na priecipal of re- presestallos a f peopulatee will allow. CONGRATULATING ITALY. Preece Red •taglaad TlrkMd at Der ...so- re.* O.er the De. rl*he.. Hoye, Dec. 56 -The French Anthems. dor has congratulated Baron Blase, Minis- ter of Foreign Affairs. upon the ri: tory .4 the Italians over •Derviata.s near Agonlat last week. Yesterday the British Charge d'Affaires called spur, Barn Wan.• and congratulated him and tits Italian Govern meat in behalf of the Queen. In diplo static circles the opinion is that the vie - tory will strengthen the relatnous between Italy and England owing to the prospect it opens of Lady's ability to aid England some time in the Egyptian Soudan. The torus-lier.waa Treaty. 1.n'Dos, Dec. 96. -The F.xehangstlazetta of St. l'eteraburg confirms the reports sent by the rutted Pr•s+ agent at Berlin that a Rus•o•Ilermen commercial agreement has '_sen entered no.. I'oudrmatiam of the statement has also been obtained from other sources in St. Petersburg By the tens of the agreement Grnuany lowers tier duty on Russian rye and .oats to the level of the Austro German tariff. while Heusi* redn.-ea her minimum tariff of 1891 on German iron, tin, machinery and agrarian implements by from 10 to 30 per cent. Russia also reduces her tariff on coal sent by sea. The tariff on iron and steel rails is unchanged. German duties on grain other than rye sad oats have not yet bees decided upon. A settlement of the whole question is nevertheless likely. opals -s Metti.mests With Melilla. MAbulb, Dec. 26. -The newe- papsr estimate* the indemnity c' Moro•o ought to pay spina in slew of the dis•:al Rise at Melilla as about 10,000,000 francs. The ministerial newspapers consider the attitode of Muhl treat at satisfsetory yet recommend the mention of one large force at Melilla and the concentration of another in Andalosia until the payment of the indemnity shall have ' been fully guaranteed through the receipts of cue toms. The Spanish Minister in l'angiei has telegraphed that the Sultan is ex fleeted to swim' at Menke& to -day. New Grower asS Nee Cabinet. AVNER*. Dee. 226. -Numerous ttwtlage held throughout Greece bare poll'--* the King to dismiss Premier Tidemarks and dissolta the Chamber. Negotiates. be- tween the creditors and the uelursaMat have been suspended on seem* el the protest toade by the French rail F.ng:ieh holders of Greeks bonds against Trlooupis piste to appropriate revenues atredy Mr Itrretein, the tative of daa bondholders syndiMb Athena to -day without hating 'forted any ar emcee/el with the Ownwawat. Towable r Ma teaebetaa. Bat -mate. Dee. 26, --A merlin corresp. an dent says a ruptnre is thre.Aea-d between massa for von Caprivi sad Dr. Uigoal. The latter, with a view to passing the to teem tax, wishes the tiorerum••nt to in 'does the Support of a section of the s'on• servatives by advocating an international monetary mamement. Caprivi declines to sonde to this proposal and Count Zahn - berg hacks him. Tbe disnute Ms been submitied to the Emperor aid the Milgns lion .of Dr. Rigset is fere akb. Arasena• et Orders.. Losnns, Dee. IIS. --Chemist.. wM rete heated at Osborne Hours es awlal. After divine service, attended b the whole householdmeditated end editated be the Rev ('!•meat Rmifi, chaplain, the queen dem* out Afatlifil dinner was fall He a Meet party vee by the Primes. ess Best rise's oldest At Sandringham the Meseta of Wales and the Duke and Duch as d York attended serviee la the Parish dhereb. They passed the rest et the day is she/dote MOM. All Sorts and conditions of Man smoke the famous Cigars EL PADRE and LA MIN A S. Suets a sem. r.sesses IherArew wysies. Lamm. Dee. it --A du*aisb hem St P.hesborg stys the sanitary peevtdw sad nazism at Wsrww have bees MOWNwand L.*.. el May sr vsds have bees lend.. Wally la the la. dedrW dams. 5 BARGAIN WEEK BANK OF MONTREAL 1. CAPITAL, . 1112,, 000. REST, c2,0306,03:000000: ooOGoo,000. Useful Presents Swith taznng his br1) ,�ncrtrneni has been ofr d i;. con- Yeclion W. ACHESON & SON) Hd Our llIud Prices for fttrkhuis Men's Fine Wool Lined Gloves, 2 Dome Fasteners, 96c., reduced from $1 25. Ladies' hid Lined Mita, 75c., were, $1.00. Handkerchiefs, an Immense and Beautiful Choice. Bilk Embroidered, commencing at 10c. each. Men's Large Hemstitch Silk Initials at 50c. each. Every Initial. Linen Department Complete. What van ho more acceptable titan a, nice pie... of good Lee, W. I New Drawn and Embroideraf:`1)ini.er and Tea Cloths, Tea) ,incl Carving linens, TO.- Runners, Heutatitelied Napkins, lfoyliea, etc.• u Isvnttiful tock. INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACRESON & SON. C. A. HUMBER Sc SON J ewellerc, 3 c. New Goods and Latest Styles FROM CHICAGO, Cuckoo and Faris y Clocks. FROM BOSTON, las. W. Tuft., Celebrated Mimes. Plated 1t -aro, FROM EN GLIA D, Crown Derby tools in China with Silver Mountings. Fine Watches, Clocks sad Jewellery, spectacles sad Eye Glasses to suit everybody. Repairing s specialty. 0. A. HUMBER •& SON, THE NEW TIN AND STOVE STORE ON HAMILTON STREET. Interest allowed at cu. -rent rates. H. LOCKWOOD, .1faaa ser troderich sa1� People in this 19th century are bound to have the -� best that can be had ft:: the money. That is why EVERYBODY WEARS GRANBY RUBBERS. They ,Sit t.ctfret satisfa.•-tion in tit, ,tele atwl finish, an.i it he comes a by -word that "GRASSY Rt'Nlltli, wear like Iron? Tlig MR. 3. H. WORSELL has much pleasure in intimating to the citizens of Go erich and surrounding Country that he has opened out a new Tin and Stove Store on Hamilton Street, in rear of Colborne Bros. Store, where he will be pleased to meet all his old friends and as many new ones as may give hint a call. He will en- deavor to keep on hand all the requirements which are usually kept in a first- class store. NEW STORE NEW GOODS NEW TOOLS. NOTICE No. 3. The patrons of HILE'S MUTUAL STORE. DUNGANNON. ar with myself, well plea,ed with the results of our united efforts in making the undertaking a success. • sur isle' during the past month have increased wouaierfully, and front the successful past. we are Ieal to anticipate greater timers fur the future : anal a by not EVERY INTELLIGENT MAN and WOMAN, after ..orkir:,;