The Signal, 1893-12-28, Page 44 THE SIGNAL: QODKRICH, ()NT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28. U3. Lk Oillid, to Reel ream EYIRY THURM)AY HORNING eT e. &stili$ OWL a memo entry rime. as the t errteh taee ass et pnbltotae' a awe In. )dortbttle.t, las The Diearatlr era. There Mr tie Moder, h tis sora r'eara.dee Was ylaseise - It WAS el, sebsefptlMD t will ow • rlabd to a tiet.b. sr math. la advance . • . .e _ ahem mo•►as. .. Se Pandit I ell `'flims was a large •tbedaaee of ratepay- If and k to wand. t)t !'raw Mr leer 1 M len in the town hell Friday evening last to will he (hear the uouuuatien pr+wee.tnga. It had idserlWen snow Ira! and Meer used isnee leeAestm llx. /atlter tsar Rr.ttnwrtie°,pdtorMlMed !lona nosh a,rrr r rant .De anise. • tseen.trr.il wale. •e► tiara and atader.Mfl!K Nu•iteses ;ardor of sissUlerlA year. / Ad verthomo•n.a .a Lon. w ditasuiane Yawed. RRtistwoss w tlieeaa.s• CA..e +s tau, +"t, ismer exoreiiat t I with the say in whish he had run the toil Masa nonpareil Stint a...i:h, ii 1* not to durim the ••t tics can, If any . n. err. t 'ic, :Ave. et Kanuw. n, Sur. Voir "lb. g1 Y ) exceed • :-nr•, fl al, to the hall to s,e! Mr. Butler rise to lits Attu r ,meth. h,. di Yds•e. 'o *ouch 16 let Attu µmen•. til no'1... the ob)•s•a Yf s.•teaf into wort: some! warily the commnnwr•!:b, as I s pnu.,,-e the tin or tee/ heseltf mad Ihad atti. mptedtodo last )esu, they were virtue: m remtr•.!, nu t" se II much mistaken in their man, for if the reit vertu amt one, h retro a pa soot Pe" 1 ' Unlit Sr . P"'his seri ia•hava nen ma• or was ever ong .+ t aria sk weed. au •.e ease teas than 15 y le he was on tameno en In t •kinases) .tote: obese ter e two ( w: his eer was the cause of • F. Ittwas quite true lie lid a hathtl of documents with hint, Fut for reasons ben known to hi.nielf, he did out us • t hem, doubtless from .s fear -of the r.. •11 a-• ion which was sure to fol low. Returaisag officer Mitchell occupied the chair during the hour for nominanug, and AT THE NOMINATIONS. The Result Over the County. beau gives oat that Mayor Butler was lends el (o the o-.'usi'.e sad had male up his wiled to publis!, ask i.- an tnvestigat.ou at ell arts concis: e l with his stewardship is I:odenrh, and to throw duwu a hilt to all and sundry who had not been satisfied COWSi» n,*A. en &..tier• Nott. t:wetter.tweled other rulistous and bent'i .: r uitit'r tell.. I Alf 1 r. r'sms.r,-lal Soares. Idsvidlsrttaeels. A l.nr*n•I n'rn.' a' laFFrd advertise men•• •1' t . n ..••, I s' , ,c lfultwlas rates Per in on, io,..rt„u fuer inters ion, lieI eft thee. rn•,nths. . 1 Olt els tamale'3 W ono yore• . No adceniou r. • n' '.,,, Than two Itnharo in learth will be wl.•ulatcd on above beats. S iter t•err.Ct„r iwst al:a:s.d for cash payments noisome l has lutea. ea throe tneetbe'caraact : I'' par Cert. On ale t . X. 'lumber -Mover, J. W. Smith,mentos', end IS p. -r. »l,,6 •Ara year's. These coeditiur• wilt tome•.:,,, t:y .'otorn i. • wounder, .1. H. t'olb.,rne. Atwst "Us' Maul” wrtivery. t"K h►:►a a:. Mawr bet Who tea to receive Tim Stoxal ✓ ewtilarly, either by -eerier or by Snail, wit: confer • tan or by sand is r.tint/ ns Of the fact at as early a date as possible. Leet! at leer Labe.. the to`lowieg nomination.' were made sol: it.tieK .lohu Peeler Proposer, Tho•. 'anis, eec- Your label :sesta idles reretpt of the date to which you are paid i.p. Sc* that it is not allowed to fall is'o smrrar. When a change of address is desired, both the old and the sew edited* ,hoeld be given. /tepeee,i not 'ts.-ripte o-annot be returned. Carrnpond.•r.- a mold: be a rated on one side of paper one. Pabllaher • tinier, _ J. C. Le Toizel, of I:ote-itch, has been ap pointed Local Travelling naeut for the town shies of Oodet.ah, Colborne, mets iileld and Wa vanish. Local postmasters over the .t: -roar are else empowered to receive euheertptioas to Tile Ilae!t A4 Alt comment: a:.eas meet be addressed to u. VleleeleUll)Y. The Alex At. relepho•.- "i : Y. weds kk. Get teeDefte H, TiI1. Red PAY. U111:. fl, Ws. BE ON YOUR GUARD. DONT PAY ANN' ATTENTION to any roorba:k beat may be published The Star relative to the present municipal election. ),.urual and Mr. B. T . tK kis raeelli;eo nnu.:u►tios night lid every opportunity rcfered to them of getting all the mfotmation they re'luired upon any subject wbi_h km been published in these columns, and yet not one of them dared pot t • 1 eery IT,"oeTS XtA*..r 44 • wall TO an' t aged or infirm indigent u Jail, and yet there are some persons in the County foolish enough to believe that keeping indigents in jail is a cheap way of dealing with the cues tion. ' TP.t times. T•'K• Tmot 4.447 Ma, Bt el •.i: would attempt to explain matters on nom n atioe night and make the fur ty, but he thought discretion was the better part of valor, .wooed his claws. and purred instead of bristling with electricity. Tole t.ireoi* ria THE Sh•sst. lamina ion sight prepared to prdu.e the prop: for every stetemeo' made in these columns anent m:stcipal matters, bat neither the editor of 1 he star ser any friend of his dared ask for an explaeataon. tW Hehr se ii. : 'it. A!.I 4 ,. nliur. O, THE Star on the treeing of no•otnation : The D ubai. though' he envie be on hand to ask those'luevtioss, you know, and yet he tail- ed to show up. H. will probably get very brave in his next tome, when no chance fur reply will be afforded those whom he tra- duces. Ti., vi t. a.. or .r. an; Monro.- fora helmet oboe a surplus for the fiscal year end- ing June 30. of $1,361,565.59, and • foolish paragraph in The F',mpire Jubilate. over the fact _a. a proof that the country is prosper ow. The taxpayers would be Just that much better off if the money bad not been taken front than by (readout laxation. THF eivenareveep.atryens bones rat - tor of The Empire is taking great ati•(a•- tioti out of the tact dist an English captain as South Amo.. recently killed two or three Matabeles before the Metabolite killed him. Ter Si' sat. deesdt ere anything to brag of about the hot -fiery on either tide. The declined F:etlishmmn Ionise the Member barbarian brought his altered civilsratios down to a dead level with the barbarity of the Matabele w h . killed the tlaglish,nan, ALWAYS FATAL BEFORE 1. 1: Whitely Mover, C. l'e'cher, see• ostler, I'ht.. Reid. Vi m. l'reudfoot Mover, .1..le'hesor, sec- onder. -I. H Colborise. toll faLl TI 1.1.1.' a. W. C. Goode- Ply E. Belcher sad Chao. Reid. P. Holl --By .1 S. Watt and J. Kidd. U. Mudalliouddv -Ry John Creme: ant M. Carl. 1"1:lit %t'IIJAn•. St. Daeol'a Ward It. Mclean, It. Thotnpeon,WW. H. !lunacy, II. O. Johnston, .1 ohn. smith. t P•triek's Word Jas. Yates, ..les. som ere, Jje. Wilson, Geo. M. Elliott, F. .1. Pradbam.l 2k. l..trgw's Ward M. Xi,.bolson, Joe. Kidd, 1:. 11. SaIbw , .las A. Reid, H Duo lop St. A°drew's Ward Thus. i'. Naftel, Jas. A Reid. U. Cantelon, D. C. Strachan, C. A. Nairn, A. B. Parket!. oriole "Ivens Trtr,rrXr.•, for years 1891 and 1895. St. David's- Robt. McLean. SL Patrick's W. Acheson. s1. 4norgea M. Nicholson. St, Andrew'. H. W. Ball. Jas. A. Rolfe some was withdrawn front St. Andrew's ward se councillor. D. McGillicatddy's name was withdrawn as deputy reeve. From St. Davide ward as oouncilhors the nsnss of-ftot,t. Mclean and M. U. John- ston were withdrawn. F. Pridham has also retired from the contest in St Patrick's ward, although his manic appears on the ballot paper. By ad- vertisement he announces that he is not in the bald. At the close of the non+nations a poll was demanded by Reeve I'roudfoot. John :\cheaoa, ere was unanimously called to the chair, and • tune limit was set for the speakers. The chairman asked the audience to give atten eon to and preserve order during the delivering of the addresses. Then the cries of " Humber," " Butler,- ' Buyer," " Humber," beran to resound through the hall, and it was souse time se - fore •Iuietnew reigned. Mr. Humber claimed that the retiring mayor should speak tint and give an ac- count of his stewardship, and the chatrnaa c ,tncided with the idea b calling upon Mr. maitre my met metal esseiieestMs. Thea is, in my epinise, net mesa bops of oar taxes being amok lee for • tans, ter the fen of what most remove ear meaty agos- tt,a, sed have sewtethiag dere with al toe. I refer to oar drakes esti sewerage e e ent No doubt most of you are aware et the d•• Starable state of the tuarrate of sur brew atus at tie priseet tone. flyer' few day* pone.* of teem are gulag away, and are helug but tempo' aril) patched, and you aha imagine the 000wes1ueoeee rewires trent the so tin tied breaks moot nog, ma foreing debris awl impure water back tutu the cellars along she system. 1 hese brought this nie tee talon the .wuncll un several otwuoee, taut little hu Loan time atb.r than being tet..p,.tariiy repaired ssppto the present, Thu will mows our immediate attention and Is out: of the tmp,wtaat gi.e•taons of the y sr The tont), in my opinion, could be halo ter poenblc its any serious touu,e1ucusuarC,v.t- tsngg omni :mptui,a.Kt he•tug thruwu hack into col -ars or on the premises of any along the system. There arc many other matters I might refer to tut lime, and likely yoar Mil 'Mi e, will not permit of my saying aloe. te,er.linj(this low. , geutlenaen. I would say that these andnett r• of impertwoe pertaioi to oar Interest and prole, tiara esA , ace my best atten u•.u, wilh a view tr a remedy. I trey say that I hate been mterevted in, sail hare taken some part to the town's welfare 111 sseistiag, the brat I (wind, in furthering our manulaeturing interest la some of thee, the anticipated dividend* did not awns °p to tape."atruns, I tit I felt sutisfe,l that 1 b med aserste-1 in my humid, nay to hartAt:r our tow,. s interest in the direction. No I do mit wish to trespass on the time of others alio may (''low an I wish to tanto, before you their respe•tise ela rt.a to push /pewee for which they have been nomia•ted. I am kuewn to. the maj'.r.ty of you, and hope my career as a citizen, sed my ex- perience as • servant at the council bird warrant the ceemfidence and interest 3 ou have nad, and still, I trust, have in me, which, I am pieseel to know, has been shown in the expressi .us of goat a ill I hays received stone my name has been mentioned as this ant n -tams. And, gentlemen, without say in. more, I shall content myself with the hope that )ou will plate ice at the head of the poll on New Year's l)ay, and I promise, if I shopld be so honored, to endeavor to fu:rel. to the best of my ability, the duties pertaining to the °dice, and will not in any way betray the trust thus bestowe•i upon yours truly. Mr. Butler to reply said that no roasoa hail been advanced by Mr. Humber rpainst him as mayor other then that he had been Mug enough in that position. That was for the people to sey Sr far as the drainage .luestum was concerned he was in favor of • a good system of sewerage, if there were funds to prosecute the work, but tub • system would cost in the eit:nity of 1113,000. and as the town was taxed up to the full at present he failed to see where the money retuned would come from. After dealing with that question he again got back to Mr. Humber's candidature and claimed that M 000lda't see why he was opposed except on the principle of the old saws that new brooms swept clean and charg s were lirbtw'" some and tools were fond of them. He wished the electors the co:upliments of the scas..n and took his next quietly, Tone, 8 minute s. Reeve Proudfoot was loudly applauded Yrl.t.art.—ret mem—Robe. &lett by aeesieraties. Far dirty- A. T. Mie DeesM. N, (hareh1iL Fee *ousstllere— Jobe Brogden, Jetts Limber, della lio- Ungar, Jas. Seed. G"uttw'u Tow Sento-. Por reeve lobs Cam art Jobs Waaues. Fut deputy Seal Steed/ by aouleinenam For tvaucilkira Jaw (inaully, tion. A. !neper, Jas. Jobe- stoe and !.'has Williams. l'ut::o,atx o. - Arne. Malloy reeve by ac- olaitimen. For Ls.puty Reeve Ak sander Yuwang and Hi:bard Jsaeil. CswucIIluta Niemen Julius, H. J. Morris, Samuel Pot ttr, .. udi c a A. 1 -'ewe - lids eaug.idol tan 1.- For mei r Joseph lird5n and 'Laid .Agnew. F'u, let deputy ricer Hugh t.arviu and .lobu Whsuy. Fur dad dopey neve teeth I harnt.eas sal .le.hm (beau. I'wu.tu.n Parrish anti Kickley rut! ctrl nit hunt optO.a ie..,. I't iers•.r. For Ale)om K. Boum•s and T..1aeksuu. Fur Rause I'antsier and Mc Miudite. Fur- Deputy Kesuely and Fuater. 4'°untillors Fur lid, (.'togs'* - 1'ttaaaer, 1 uuiit and Searle : areal her trustees, the wily Ward is St. Jokes-- l'•e lot and Hoover. TO MORE PEACEFUL SCENES. A &'eta-Kwwa reinter said dearmeIlst air I l res Ir rum the Yield. I'iLettderiv. leer '-'6 —Mr. J. T. Lacy. who orieituttrsl the s lid:mer•b•n 'I'ele,Ir..ph her,, and her e,ro.lurird It cunttnuuusly fur ••:,Lorre ye.tra, has been c.milrllyd tbtuagls u.1.". hod to retire from the sphere is welch lie hag lung been • unable figure. iO:. • fuer mimeos ago lir. Lacy was taken with what appeared to be a simile .d parelveto depriving him ,.f the use of foie left arm and leg lately his right 1•„ Las been etre:ken, totally in- capacitating hint from further activity. Mr. I.acy a, the prn...niticats.ui of the edit- r .if the i.ld school. He was burn iu Enrolee l aril served the seven years' t. rm ,of ,triet tim-awe in the art of printing that marry n'.enadian jonrnalista of to -day vet w;•il remember. lu u,ne his I' -i :levee tort' I... inieht lee a been c 'nerdercd the oracle of the comu:.nit% at large and olio autocrat of the councat board, and many events in the history of the town e tand as tributes to his 'fearless and ford G!° pan. Mr Lacy .has the e)utt'atby of • far e• goose! er of rhe:dents of this locality. ea Well as of his brethren of the press, in his miarnrtwne. The Telegraph will prsb ably t,. diena:tiuued. The ()belwr lottery. t kir cwv Ire• 11 —Regarding the "(ju• b,s• lottery scheme. the num'alk.l "Society of Art•, a high legal authority here 'nye that it rents with the l httano I iovernmetit. and out with the ikominion i iuverument, to investigate whether its el.eratioos are legal, at least as far as the business it carries ou in this province is concerned. The pn,vinriai governments are en:ro.a- ed with the edmuo.tr..tion of "criminal justice,' and if the t+oebee scheme which is WAR largely advertising its bminets in ►utariu N att..tia ionoet oierriaw and of the i-rthiatiel code, it is the duty of the Attor n.y 4ieneral '•f the Province to deal with the :natter. Suaplrleaa I).•th or a ('anadiarr. when he arose to address the elector, For 1,111'441T, Ire, 2f - lir lfaighton Ncyee, some rive years he had receiyei the cos- a )"tiu;; men ab..at 26 year* of age, was tinned -support of the electors of t:odench ft.und 'lead hie.- at his offi.-,.:I I Sixth as one of their representatives in the coon- street. The cause „( i,i• 11.ath was net ap tv council, and he hoped for a continued panto rend to.• crater its nouFi..l Front support. He then entered upon • thorough tit. teeition ..f the body it looks a, thou:(!: discussion of the financial condition of the the .% wingman had eat on ti a bel anti town a '+ nest ion which his position uItraluaily 1.eeam• aneoneciona. .0 in chairman of the finance committee for 1 veeiigstit'u will be u'e'ie and thesunnecli Dom- years back eminently yuali• analyzed lire dead mart came from Can fiat him for. Atter presetting the ala, and at ''regent his mother le living in financial case fully, and explaining his aW'iuetapt share In connection with the matter, he said The Star bat! been anxious for some in Bt ITAIN'S CROPS formation rewarding certain charges made ageanat Mayor Butler by others that him self. He was not in a position to say that Mr Butler had made any money out of the town, with the knowledge of the finance committee, and if he had made any, he must hat e made it "on the side," as they say scram the line. Ile next took up U.. •'en el,• getic, progressive and econom:sal" platform of Dr. Whitely, and got the entire audience Into an extremely amiable mood by thor- oughly discu•sirg it. If 1►r. Whitely was yy any more progressive than be was sad Butler to address the catherio'•. could do mon for the town at either the Mr. Butler, on coming forward, was not town oouocil or county council board, he so enthusiastically received as on former I Proudtoot t was willing to step asltt!e, but to: o'couiotu, and appeared to be affected by would require more than the Doctor's "say the chilliness of his le teptior. He took ex- s " before he would retire without the ex ception to his opponent asking him to speak pressed opioioo of the ratepayers to that ef- best and thought that gentleman had no fact He thanked them for pest support right to call him up. The town had not hoped to ire again returned and wished them mode as meet) progress as it might to have ti e tom iments of the season. done. but be, as mayor, had done his test. Ir. % iattely who is opposing Mr. Proud- rtunity of foot for the reeveship was next called for. " He is oat in the country," -tooth W. C. (:ode. As • matter of fact, the doctor had beets out in the country Dear fieomitler, but had returned and was comfortably seated in an opera chair at the Sim Fax entertainment at that particular moment. Well, then, Mr. Holt is next in order," said chairman Acheson. Mr. Halt bad served the town and county At their respective boards, and knew of no reason why he should be opposed. He had endeavored to do his duo , and as an indica- Mewl Pedemelsm Is the Las asmas M atm Mum rated tee the rime am she sear el, Dr. I. a Rase • fWsvr Mu Mw M. Tosnwm, Des. 25th, 11196. -T s One of Dr. t A Rees. wjg wee stood of diabetes by D014'.1< we enisiswtuy re- mit liable to esu nosed widespread attrition bel essswd thoughts bring out • more Ce- mae kabie Aar of toe matter Mood pais Msg. as • deveiep eat of diabetes, is al - em a eematdred feel. When it sets in, the atteedie, phyeemes always gives tar tots! Bae"el.r hope he may have had. ie Dr. Bens's ease Mend twiseeing had set in, yol be wee owed. His L the may iaet•ts.e of a wee tag 4a.. *dwea d she bleed f]i reel. and lbs 1"44.113 Wthe we el Ayl1 n1 re - BMW normt easeterm emery ens that Oh.D -pewees sleep.isee seIOUsynad As he would have another o addressing the electors be; closed he would say no The chairman gave the o speech as being -1 minutes. Mr. Humber on rising to address the electors was warmly greeted. He said . - ei un. Flames, - The time of the year has again cones round when you are all el upon to choose and elect your rep-seentatiree at the council board, and arr.oxg thane who are °Cerise for your in terest and support ae mayor for the ensuing year is your humble servant, This, gentle the evening at present. ictal time of the man, is not of my dna seeking. After havtics that the rstspsyers bsli..ad him faith My been waited uponprominent f!ela large andes rpectable ratlttisium bad ratepayer of our town,and after giving theI been earned by vOtwn of an shades of palm matter deeervd oomidsratioa, 1 cpassnted tics asking him to become. a atwdidate for to allow mywe to be brought before you. tb* blithest municipal a16m u ons gilt of I did eel, wever, comp) with their re• the people. Ha had been roust esimed to re - meth tbe position, and 1 of which, as tar as dates to retinue hit the position which he my judgment anal ability will servo a, I am bad hsrotofome held i! the ratepayers dill preferred to assumed honored as year abeam. had oonfdenee In him, as he believed they It u not my intention to enter late • had - woe, tion n, resll o tq a lengthy discussion respecting Yr. Het- W. ('. (leode was next aalled epos, and ler's drnin etratios, since you all, no made s pleasant adds., in which he said doubt, are familiar with hie omen he was not seeking the elks bet had been as your chief magistrate during hie °aught out by • tttlimher of rsand 'beets of °thee, bat 1 am of th„pini„. with asked to run. He emetlwMd le 7e ea. es he !wary ashore, with whom I have Dome in did not behave is life Woes poiljewlSee. esetaet that Mr. Bator has had a lair He hal tssebiag ag"1'. Mr. but share el the public favor and oweidderatree IVI /el, aiW haN ses in this dinettes. and that the tier has °p ► wooer the seere ) erre e M berms when le ehesM be lsmssfan ed to other le him, and thus mike a MEOW ` the heeds. It esrWnly would be entries ler 4°Pety rseysship the town might AMr oral Rh. t►o paeitIsl We.. ssatlemes, there u a outlay he cross laltias d a said my men ha eewdd! be held • hie lease of M M m ORS d•a1 reeooct he •t this hour s.00adsr. and !or • vale ea o mag ear tts'• interest sad welfare, bet • 6°Y. neer will est persait of g eiinngt as rally into D. lds(iillicuddy was net a etrte ab this „new m K r len wing. Neitherrid with the emeset of hie maser end ah•R weary yen with sa psepietiag y arm and olwsMM iess as ear taxa•, baht• O. U. Blu•tt ease leeward and tie•, .to. This wow... dwbe, istare a aeswe.ed that be wee • esdidate ler the same of you. bet. I am of epinhs, met the sMtine of messifier Ie St Petrick'& ward. aisrity. Mem abs Its. her made prevision Ise the pull/Whin •sed prementhg of a es pert of the pesitles sof ear Seems* at the elstm a each year, end whisk are to be made as pwlae es p.dhim ea primed fora* -aeries of Masks' is lie p tare snow be - bre yea taw year L/mraallmw. It is w our mese nerd ne methee ether towed god s sand harem umtert•kes wham, sash se we have Sal, fiesewewess mases -.1. mss, wMk $ OiIZ .i whrktMw di awl tb R s A i,RRli« wrlme sold A.1111121): .psi A .tateur.nt .rr the Inward of Agriesltere !shows Smaller tetwrms, Lerner, Dec. 16. -- This mornings etaauiard says - - A statement has just been torted Ly the Board of Agriculture eetimatiug the produce ed wheat, bar:*y and oats iu Great Britain for the year lt49:1 It afc,rile no ray of hope fee the fartner. The yield of barley in England was 10.00etteN1 bushels leas than in 19112. of menti. 6,t1M1,000 less, though the arra cal tieateel for L •th grains exceeds that of the prevtone year. The w of Great Britain under wheat decreased by 330,000 acro. and Claw yield was 9.0000.000 bushels under that of 1492. Rents within recent year. have fallen 50 per cent. yet they must fall 15 more if farming is to be made to imp." 1 fleeted be meld emdeav*r w !nab. as peed mm of she 'ebbs wteeey le pas es. pediawtes •go e• dale he had her en- siled M Is is W sew 11e1OMMOL The emstmg wee he.tybt te • ole., by a yob of thane to the shat, we/ the wenn* &bents. OUT81OE MUNIOIPALITIE L BOOKS AND PERIOOIQALS. l'.arapt:ty Snot c.0 hetero. JoCteNAL We have renevtsd a espy et The (hamsher sib.. and Leather Journal published by denote Acton. Toronto. It osutaiwe special views and deecrip1,ttiuss of the Ohaadise Exhibit at the "(White City.' 7 he latest views of interest to the trade as well as the spring aanountement of the leading roam°• lecturers of the Dominion. It is altogether a highly artistic production, a credit to the publisher and to the country of publication. S ntn.ta'. Mto,tracc fur January lurks the beguaieg of the flfteeetb volume. The ant great 6etioa feature fur the year ea the serial, "John M.a.ch, Southerner," by George W. ('able, author et "Old t reale Days" 'flus is the lint luau novel that Mr. ''able has published in many years, and is a must demise.: story of the new South. 'the opening chapters reveal Mr. tables spit tett sync style and clear character drawine at their *en beat. Serial stories by .1. U. Barrie and George Meredith are sen wooed to begin later. leather feature of that yeas' will be a series of special fruoeispptreves select ed by the eminent art critic, l'hi'sp a Albert Hamertou, to repressed the tendeooies of contemporary art. Each picture will be socrompauied with a brief article by Mr. Helvertoo and • portrait of the artist whose painting is repnduwd. In this number Menet'* "Filer' is the striking picture chosen. A N ass l e ie., M vu tele& Frank R. Sltockt.,n, in his own delightfully humor. n, way, commute to mule the irrepressible " Mencius " interesting to tie seouod Install meat of her oorresrosdeme with tier old '• Rudder t:range "mistress. These letters, n ader the title of " Pomona's Travels,- tea °sly be found in the January Ladies' Home lournal. Mrs. Burton Kiap and strikes the key note of the trona by giving some very practical sugi(estions for a new form °f entertainment voter the title of "Fifty - I'slit Luncheon I lube." " How I Became an Actress " u the theme of a moat valuable bat of autobiography from the pen of Adel aide Nasion del Grillo. .A sketch. with portraits, of Mrs. Ilooeksoo %i'alixsc, who was born in the White House during the administration of Andrew Jaelew, aid whom he atlectionately termed " i'M sue- shioe of the White House," furnishes the biography. The mooted installment of Mr. William Hein Howells' " My Literary Pas- sions " is as fell of interest as the first and as well worth reading. 'l'he editor discuses* with much earnestness the vexed question of the education of our .emertcan girls. Miss Julia Magruder's delightful serial, " A Beauti`ul Alien," which grows inchatm and interest as it proceeds, furnishes the fiction. The four prize hymns, to which were award. rd the prizes in " The Journal a Musical ier.es " of last year, are given in their en. unity. Alice Morse Earle is interesting and instinctive in "Stamps and Marks on Old Mra. Frances Hodgson Burnett and Mr. Birch continues to delight with fact and pkctnre concerning " Little Lard Fauntkroy." Women everywhere will be delighted with " F:mbrutderies for a Dining Room, by Mrs. Barnet Bruce : " Accessor- ies to a Girl'. Room," by Aima T. Roberts, and Mrs. Mallon's fashion paper, which are charmingly illustrated by Frank O. Smit Harriet Ogden Morison gives an revisits page as " Lorimarial Embroidery, ' •et J. Idecdosead Galey writes of " Literary Recreation hubs." Mothers will le ieter- sated in Mise Saovil e " Kindergarten Work at Homs," and all bousek epers will he helped by Miss Parka's . Household Hints." Altogether this New Year Journal, Ina its exquisitely designed cover by Mr. Wentzell, is an idea! number, and worth many times its price of ten orate. The Ladies' Home Journal, with • •:ircalatiow sf over 700,000, is pnbtished l yy .The Curtis Publishing Company., of PbSsdselpbia, for ten cents per nambsr tts4 sone dollar per year. Tihhtgea card•, Headaches and fevers, to c:eanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure er sluggish, to permanently cure habitual corm stipatioe, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritation or weakening them, ase Syrup of Figs. Respected el, the r'ragme Murder. PRAGUE, Dee. Seg.—Four men haus bees arrested on suspicion of having murdered Rudolph Melva. better known as Rigoletto, of Tuscany. who was killed beside at'hrist- mae tree in his hones here on Saturday. !'heir names are Ilolzel. Dragoon, Dvorak and Kris 1 hey were examined yesterday, but no fats were elicited except that they all were members of the same secret so- ciety. They are believed to be Yonog Czech agent., who, killed Melva because he was said to have betrayed the secrets of the notorious "Omladina" and to hay* aided the polies generally in learning the plane of the Young Czech agitators. At the examination Bided offered to amts., if he could get a release from the oath of lain secret society Dragoon at once told hits M *peek not the tenth, but Dlolzel re maimed silent. The poll', theory of the crime is that Dvorak stopper! outside Metres door tee watch for intenders. that Drapers throttled Metra and Ikelsel *tat, Wel him. Ilid.el-• trouser. were stained with blood when lie was arrested MM Wes Its Nes see. \•w Voila. Dee. to A alecial from C.millea. N,1T., las*: A tars war has broken out at Id Guns Del Gallo, Lincoln County A dispute rove between Meld cans and tnaerieane rise/the ownership of • herd of sheep In a battle that followed five Americana and nineteen Mexicans were kills! rises Ames, sheep'Merders. *icemen, N.Y., Dee. 96.—Utaooefermed ,,_ have veaebed here of a fight •=1 dles,.bgadets to Lineal* county. in wb three Mexican peons wee. killed. Tho mane of die alleged counter is 180 miles from a railway. Tido is the nearest tole - graph sesties A deadey trise riot's. llt'nsuam, Wieb.. Dee 1t - ' Kid ooh mmpHof Conformal. and Jerk Raba, of *diiler. N.Y.. the former at 131 and oohs lager el 145 peneda, fought on Ser day moewias before the Muskegon AtbleIee Ash at Lake View, jest oetmid* the City limit• Deem wee defogged. A Pueblo Ie the amber name. Htneetwewow, Pt , Dia. 111—T-- --j . sesswlwg a Meek of ,nag (e hese ea ewille.sal hews to My observe .ad armee mild The develtra .f the dassb wee See e••e•lle. .ad ► Weekes Mame ao pent LOWI _ 11111PATsa The sewer on Weirlee•it le being w• paired Heseswiek sodas Woe= •t KNde, $1.50 eq. Sesoley these/ 2804 1893, et Remember St. Qesrge's Xmas tree, 'Thursdaya tow 1 Tread t Ilk re Ruaw, Reosa.mh.r St. (lest'te's Mwaday tidied Suras tree-, Thursday. Dec. 16th, 181111, mL the tuned t l,,wra H -use. Remes•Get 'L (beerge s Someday !!!lied \sere tract, Thursday Dec. 28ik, 1414 et the I:rand Opera Home. Remember St. George • Sneday solute Xmas tree, l'l.ursdey, Dec. 2lith, 1893, sal the tirmd Opera House. 1'h.' skating risk was open on \Wedoerdsp eight of last week, but on account of the thaw has mot beau open sumo. The thaw of lit week took away nearly all the now and to ominous* there um no sleigh•ag ostler ist utas Iasy. Sir. lisndry Sr bought the dry goods and groceries departuient of the stock of the late lime Crabb, and I: W. McKenzie the h ard nate Itch on human dud hones aid all animal. cured in 30 .u.nutes l.y \Youlford'a 13ani1ery Lotion. This never tails. Sold by F. Jor- dan and all drat lets. 30.1 fig f The l.oderich Organ Inas ken chines is preference to all b4 competitors in the contest at "l 'r ewe rch, A shbeld, Gens Thomson is the local agent. Wooten the buddies of the piers, build - i ut two tugs anal repairing of a number el boats then will be e'eeplayn out for a large number of mea this Wester. Nearly all of the cellars is St. George's ward hays been needed during the past week. A member id furnaces int the copse of hoes in that ward were put out by the I English spavin L'uimeui removes all hard s ft or calloused I.uuips and bleewiehes from hnrx a, Llood spavin, turbo, splints, ring boo., sweeney, sines, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs. etc. Lave 1150 by I use of one bottle. Warranted the moat' wonderful blemish cure ever know°. Sold by F. Jordan and all druggists. 30-ly Relief is Si, Hours --Ili lrressimg kid• water. trey tad bladder diseases relieved is six hours by the •• Nice l:ajAT Spurn Aesrmtr- ' is KIDNEY ('t KE." This New remedy ea great surmise amid delight to physicians en moment of its excr,edisg promptness in re- liering win in the blad.le-r, kidneys, back an'l every part of the unitary passages its male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immedi- ately. If you wet gaiek relief and cure this is your remedy. Meld by F. Jordan and all demean**. 30.1y INtawa•s vee 'Wrack. t en e w e, Dee. IS —The nese on ides downs park yesterday constituted the °peeing tit the Ottawa Driving Club's winter track. For an artificial ice tra:k it wee in splendid c..nditi»r. and the time was fast even et the turns. *warm eller Atsewdw4 Tomei-no Dee. IR- -The dreier in-('oaraeil providing for the el•'sia2 of the cattle during the winter along the internal•"nal boundary has been anieadd so as to make it appltcabk troths tcrilleries and omitting Manitoba sad Whisk Lslsrebie. Mneme teaedsiitllt IN Italy. Lomax, Des. !L—allroa.se 'land"natal of Fieaesliffea le sow le Riviera, Italy, accompanied 4 lea. Mise Mary Mee &maid They IMO allaying at San Remo. Appeb•wd Customs Iuspeeter, OrrawA, Dee. IS --.blfrnl lbnitbee, ea Y.l'. fur Kest York, has been apnoninted diatom inspector ler IN astern i►titarto, In pls a of the late T. l'. Newborn, de.'.arued The Demeaned aewtniHm, of est eT.rwx, F).,' _Ni -- fb.- battleship Resolution, which was damag.d in a gale has the Bay of Riecay whit. on her way from Plymouth to Gibraltar awl returned to th a p..rt. will go to Pnetsm'wtth for repairs. MT Mk • Old Chum Plug. No other smoking bibaA:t o seems to have supplied the universal demand fora coo', mild, sweet smoke like the " OLD CHUM." The name is now a household word and the familiar package has be conic a nlenlbcrof the faulilti' Z cu r L LEEBUNN. 'ft teuiv, Dee. e t Willie and .lu+aph ioaaw., of t:odrn Irv' war bterg • traasieet visit oa I Mist Eve. Lot all those wise annually shut dose by a verbal pledge ren Now feat's [lay second their thought for ttiu henetlt of their follow bamamity by voting " Yee " for probabtxon slier ti s a. ea Now Tena'. Day. ns Borrie : Mr% lames died ea M day peening l.at alter • wrseata Rime lwesehitis and ether trswbML O• C. B. SRLNE & CO.' arc sine .ag i full rang of Les' Fur Capes iv WOOL, SEAL, GREENLA MINK, BEAVER, ASTRA CHAN and 'POSSUM. GNTS' FUR1SH1NG Pell Uses la every Dgartmest. •Kell and enrolee goods and price. C. R. 811111 A CO. Y i D Melees's ltlock, Car. eerier. sad )yentaeli. BEGIN x x THE NEW YEAR ON THE "PAY AS YOU GO"PLA and stick to It. In dealing at this store the Cash Customer not taxed to help pay for the Credit Customs or the one that never pays. Here all are on one le- vel—all are Cash Customers.. I8 r Al