HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-12-21, Page 8• •, DA" 3 r/ t 1ET TO LIECIDE UPON XMAS GIFTS We lwliese ss have satiated the mete grtldi Leis this year. prtioulerly with OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. An • omitted fa.: WE BAwk THE. L(.1'El., `MA6 el0008 Ot R Plitt be ARE ANA t MOWN. Tl ..l lie NO TOIL half• 'rue i'i I. ZNT Se Mht'a tem mesa' s. COME EARL ill. le phased to show you the gotta and •iliac pros, lye:'a:.versa., . Watch ease WON Wtadsw (iEtt. A. FEAI:. URU04111'.. OODSRRICH. 4, 4 HRIqMAS 1:00DS 11�tI ' 'f. • ls N• rel: special atten- r (IcIt i.INE OF • PEI, ( 11*S and SACHET POWDERS. Ali ti.• t'opular (hl•rt- Ili bottle f the newe-t tleeign. Nett•pNlpKf sphere is tu(• wA{ll- a1•le w think of enumeration or t I. ,-erirtlon. Vise cordially int iter the p tit i t-. tola.c and xi• for' t)eui-elw. -. anal get ,1 E. I)1VI$, PI i i. K. Mleilical Hall. LASTTNO 7)LEAKURL a kit rel only by tic.. eget sort of presents. Yoe .1oo't want to tdi e in article that gives bat i.iotrentary es_.oytiout Oise ,..Ates that yews wul last for yes ane( nglee comfort all the t.ac, Something like ose of our beautiful parlor rites. we have them from lrl,.u0 up: an elegem ray chair. an tisk or reed rocker. a eau arm chair, an oak side board, a couch. e heatable, set of dining chairs an old easel or aru�• .osis cabinet. Se.. Mc. The pries ight to Ware your money ea well. In our e,dio.nisg store are elegant (hind Tea are. Pima and Leather moods, Albums. Be. kit. Bibles. aid an inmost* Use of \ mas Qoods, a.. l our prices are the lowest. SMITH S FI.RNITURE Ctshb's (pert, STORE.. Thetis lropWa Ooh. IIIDD 8 PLA/,O KILL - 11 -041311 AND DOOR PA* A7ygAR0.T.RY.BTA�1 .- sgeitiUN-.Wk'CF .IDAR It ore .. ('heirs, MAO IfiL'Extra Ns. 1, QI.is Ode heavy shingle. FLOOR 1 No AND 130, SILO per M. mete ?ACH ay t, BUN aft.tiawall • MAPLE •.. Re -WV FLOORING, Min dried. LRT HEJ/LO(I:, for bil:dinta. LATH I4('K t- R, 0 ATTet, rt r etc. DRAIN T1i.F., FIRE BRiCE, ffa►f 'MOM ![PDD. Muse. *Ulf ANNA L STH�i AaW.. T'EAOHEk West one dor or eaof (la j lti Us W. 1 -Le Sotarding (ZOARP Tr:- WANTSD -fir B �r erenwcs?ds. AppyINN Mat. sort toAeon eats of Ttl (K ;.... lank N X Apnte Wsated. A r W A NTE ll T*.ake Ahab. et Laid l ♦�- era,t.g fair rash' mai, ea .armee sr aAe- • wh.:. or sn ties. We are the Ni o boob1y,s44,ae aa Agonises' V s.►tre r kdsev.ga, (tat :end's} 1• ♦mar. levee aje tPMN.1 he gi_i lee write far DSOS tun. Mitsr'Tttlrwaus �tIs •Mahe, ire. (h j�iih tO. THE SIGNAL : OODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. 103. Htroyed Aelast CANE ESTRAY.—LAST J('LY Ox ay Para 1a OdIMM ewe. Owner le w�airs N.W. setam�� le �t•onis• e NOM B eti gib Prepare' far 1 - or Ur Rost volt YLL w•� Rte' �et�a. a:.p ` "aD .T" 11- FOR SALT OR RENT. -A TWO FOR e� shoo, 1ws sari dwrl lag ylaesi"46: R aids et teed. 7'he =sirs Mr. v�sfer is •�'Mr a� MWi sold w sol wellsr• re wa w Mand .S�.. A frsow shesss�. dgstarr lag shed s.d other sutbilditage. A till ger due with fruit tress Pest edea fke noses for Meta ip rgoer health Apply us the pran to*wets HORTON. Duke P.O. (.s assess stere Isamu too.4.. o.ds elo painTheedFORBALE OR TO RE!W.— Walf(peel. er legs � l owl•. 7,rwatalnua la acres. Akre south half of lot 7, coo. 3, Hi. a cabers. taIag e. :O etrThese leis 1,31be mid eepalwtely or es ., Igoe. be tip tis oacoatota .1. IL MIL H Q ez ew r. er W kr: L C HAYR, i IL FI 1 Pxf IHO AIJRE FARM FOR HALE -THE ria hoasstead of the late Jams. Cases - w..7 of las turt.•Lip of Nan Wotraoosh. be I. oa the to Wills - boa _ ask sad iaor'iaat half of lot SI e gravel road that lead@ from ham. it le oil sated about u n.. a thr.riug ..nohow with Mar • school sear at brad. A a�apae�tl�y� a�w frame home with mars heapsea ea W Okrmvanr with other coa rsetaess% aY gad Mak ad about IU) tare SInn w are en the pomace. Aboti se =emitmood. The sail is ot tae best. tw �1gal MRS. ('SutlADAY. A P. U. hiss VUR SALE AT A MRUAIN.-THAT r oomntodbus buil/lag on taag.t,. Brie eels, at present email*a@ a palate.. by Wst,amitt.lssonic. TOMS MM. is F. elrearm. BresMY P.0. V Al.( .1111.': FARM FOR MALE Lot ninnin: i' .n the Fifth Concession sad part of Lot n .n,trr If in the YgartS loses. woo. :udertcn Township, containing .boat Eighty Three •area. Ft' I'arttc•uta, a rp to. l'AM itU \ Ilol.T S HOLMES. Dated 11 lice Inn. 43 it (ioderial SPECIAL SALE. IRRLSISTIBLE BARGAINS A Great Opportunity to se- cure !'first -Class (keels ti ring the month of December at Leas than Wholesale Prices. All lines of Fall and Win- ter (foods will be slaughtered. N. such value ever offered the public t.efore. Inspection and eotnpaarison of prices solicited. A pleasure to show Good:,, whether you purchase or not. J AMES A. REID. :oedallov�. Irl& Notasaa AW- ORKSHOPON WHEELS. t. 1 Taylor. rotor and -:t der, oral sf here fora shin (sager to N griadiae and tis} MaN r•fspe. rr'ranee and seise-.nv KR a am leaks. ke.ves n..- -made : -made ct.wl to new : ,ergie•1 iwstrumimts ,Rotted . w ebtelre and miters l• to ally re pale - ed. AU stn:• et she.*thir.rtsoat . a.d MN eb.rpee... . ;per Wry Stend-Bautista : 1., •.c, ts3tt.e% DING', humeri stele. Il -It For Service 1HESTEIt N"HITE BOAR FUR • settler. The sub,. r il.: r Its panbased that tt.oronghbeed tans- "'einane Huy.' for salene, ea lot .1. tom, West tYawaao.b. Tense- 1. with privilege of retauDia/. MORN fA1' M t, Nils P. 0. 11.11 WeINFSHM Nola WEST LANDS F01: SALE `lis R,-,10‘;I11ll'-'1Al' C. talo'o;TsI, AC.. a, � • cw Ian • -grM•eMs u •eee e�at p.�wse� aha tutee. Apply a OA VIII IIKI d. 7►1� .nee•. ACITES OF VALI ABLE llesprowed and unimproved farm lands at distances rallies from 1 to II tulles tram Qu'Appelle Staiiioa. N, t%. T., for sale very cheap. No -getter lands for mixed tann- ing are to be. fou.ut L ('meads. For full particulars apply to A. D. DICKSON, .lsfbMep. UMW QirAeptslor' ac Bodes to Or editors. LIKIWI-TOIL% Nimes To Clam T- URtI ft. tie Mas. i .if fat Relief. of CArial..pL,,• ( rohh, Lair of far Tore of O•drri.A, 1(•rekaro, lkerased. Not°oe is hereby given oreoaot to It,d.O. ttO', Chapter Ile, Swaim4. that all parties having claims aralar tic estate of the said Christopher ('rabb, deceased. who died on or shout the 2 tl day of October A.D. lar; are hereby r'ep'.tred on or before lb. :10th day of Decem'+or, A. D. 140. to deliver to the underso sed Solicitor for the Executors of the last t% dl And Testament of the said deceased, their I t,ri.tian names, surnames. aduresses and description, with full par - Oculars and moors of their calms nadthe na- ture of the aeeuritr Of any held by them, after which care t'ie said et.ec'ators will pro- ceed to distribute the nestle of the es1,1 de erased amongst the parties entitled thereto, harin ictiard only to the claims -of *hob the .aid Faccutors shall then have notice; add chit they will not be liable fur the said vista. or any part thereof, to any person or renews n• whose dela, eliali not Kite sotbce at the time of sorb distribution. Doted this 30th day of November. 160G PHILIP HOLT, 8elieltor for M. C. CAMCR')N sad WIL- LIAM I.IL11, Executor., Auction Hideo. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. Tare will he offered fur ala by pnhilc auc- tion hy. Jobs Kuux. an •tioseer. at the British C ea Prides. the Ph.d day of Leosa- • at the Maar of 3 o'clock. In the after- la lands: -Let No. 1 in the Wall el the Bake Road is the ,�1f▪ t aha township of (adborae it Me At pans sold to paamtspp K. Savage 'the flag b be of farm Oes a wa • haat tarn.rose bases and up and ft. soN also • thanes anhard. and a creat of One splits water Ilan/ thioiiiiglilia ela The lade are two take from me/M sothere are • school, tab: ad blas b$ log the tame.- -rbc lands w to • reserve elm. Terme : Tem per gent of the pa.:lase as grey ea the day of mobs sad the balsam le t�l�iy se days trewfbr without Hm tsswor Iwo Ikltis of the pardons twsaer may Ismaia is the lands a mortgage for a farm of peon et 6', tor essiame. Putt further ppaarrtt laden, apply to John Knox. •..abuser. Tbemas Tilt. of the Britrb a: - chaser. or to TURNBULL& BARRIE. Vender's Rellettore. (rated at Oak. 6 Dee.. IM. Galt. Out. agesbaaIMr DisaltutS. OrMIIR ON IOOHANIOd' i.ATI- 1,iAlast� AND ODIC awe. ,f -Ygst and 'Vein= 1 sell P.M. and fres 71511?.... &NOWT MOO VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. lw.ilwi Daily, Weekly sad lllsedreitsd Ala, .n AIL, ONLY !tan tem Ulecrr end iboedlw t. pNlea!toao fYt msabsrthIp resolved b le rose. H. RMITH. QUO. 'mimics. Prodigal. aemos•rr. Bovril Marro NW ties. Bunking and Loan Co. THE HURON AND HR(CE LOAN ANto INVE-STMKNT COMPANY are prepen+) to recent deposits from one dol tar upward+ and to pay tour per cent. interest oo all deports not withdrawn for Mdays. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS The t ompany will, at their meetiag In lie - .ember, declare • dividend for the current half ytar at the rate of sic per cent. per aa - num. pc; able tth Jan,. 't•l. IIORA('E HORTON. r. Roderick -Nov. 1Mb, i* . ZI t Mtrtw ft4 Knitting Factory. Ni F.W KNITTING FArTN)RY.=Ttl� Ile that raj masses te 1 thebs mama whist'res at -um-rug mw .,...sryd v�e� le t k m �sal- Sian hrtsmi r oreaseuable we lenpa sae lensoon ittg.. moat/ OW, will Na Bas6rBF lad promptly dealt with (lettere MRat my awn. ,w. ictoria red leru�a•e . aTRACRAIi. ~~'t atteetlos. D. K. Tenders Wanted M OTICK. TRNDRRII WILL HE Rs nor* h els- undsvalgeal tan to tis rub Eis IS earth' ref qtr herd wove of . sp. ssp.t sad nee tad. at 1w ono (r Thi wain to he p11.4 le mai hosed Is JrArt Isis the. M owls • daiosespof eath. ssinu asses lie. seta. Panty mV t o= dr • C. n,ryNy aawsteetrM(eear H>,00lal Notlisas. T EW CHOPPING SKILL w� �ataega� shah et NNW NM flirt Isaiaelee; grata amp as ll kava have the Wpstaa' st' P:fiss * whimsey ton A ,Melo op •uloewable. No delay la wWp your ben with roe. JOS. a IDD. ally IT Britasah-t. CTODERICH FOLK DRY AND MACHINE WORKS. To the public : Buy Rune -loan Ns a and 4 plows- Hued mac Med rollers and root cutters. Watford N -and 1 plows. American mouldboards, Watford Iain plow. it is the best. Watford seamer& the leaders. Waarord hay rakes. Al so other implements, Plow oasts redaued in Price. Have Inst kinds. Casting* made to order rash for old metal taarly J. B. RUNriM 4M OI•R STOCK OF PERFUMES AND lasf.7 Oeds le sow complete. MANICtRK';. SNAViN1. SETS. Dreestag Cases. &c. in plush• oak and cellu- loid. - { - BI'LK PURFI MK$, SACHIClii AND everything suitable for Christmas time. PRICES MODE:RATE. SPECIAL wrerbto Actool Children baying presents for JJ..MWW i tenet n s'ii Passaur'rtol Dano &rose. Telephone X.. 1t. Illadis L. UR HUNTER. PHYSICIAN. SCR seas mals ultoe-Merriantan near real et. Night salve, hemimbrue.. Hetet. filly atunleipal Zleetiona ONS ICATJOVal u Both the method end ren when Syrup of Figs ie taken; it is pleasant and refrtvlang to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanser the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual oonftiptation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, ple;siing to the taste anti so- ceptablo to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its (Erect!,tet1hered only from the most healthy prepared its many( xlclk"nt qualitiesoummenti it to all and have made it the most popular -en'e�ly 1:: o;:n. Ryrui • '.f ! .,, t i l for sole in 75o bottles t". t:o leading druggists. Any rt'liil -;1rUrziet. who may not have it on hart.i will procure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by Lha CAUFORfrtA FIG SYRUP CO., OAS Fl:AUo11300, CAL. 'OVLVILIM. S lit W vomit- M. Ys NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Flom our ownCorreepondents. Titers I. tai reaalles Sere that Cannel be rand Any ober* Mae -hews et Ow toasty tepeeblly Repined leer Tse bNS.nl. DUNLOP. Traetete, Dee. 19. Wm. Noble, of Kiagebricite, visited here last week. Mine host of •he leethane viatted friends in Kiss bridge and Ilangaanon last week. (Stir former townsman, Jona .thaw, now of I.oderich, was the guest of A. Allen last week. RLTtr.•x:.. tVm. G. Adinis, who went three months Leo for a mune of training to the art of war lc t h•- military school at Los 400, cure back on 1 'today of last week. l mwrt,out. La grippe and risusna• t.isnt have made their appearance. We hope these unwelcome giants of war oil frail humanity won't remain for the Christ- mas holidays in our commcnity. Saturday's sufferers of la grippe were the mayor, the laird of Lansdowne Farm, and Joseph Morris, of (:arbreld, out forgetting several of the sick committee stall, seniors and juniors, while we (your correspondent; com- pare notes over the stern and impending grip of rheumatism with others ahead of us in its tender embraces, not as early forgot. too as ori ppm. MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS 189$. Ts the Electors of Qsderich. Lamm mio ni to slew i.the regime et several j, Yesd s�Me brought row i t ear before men as Myer ger tici �wMr year.aI Nye is vbe ni �a.d 1gs ��ld^I�rs.pseito me as to f "te I Tens orlicilifor 1�a. 13•ti C. A. RER LOOI OUT FOR BilifiIIU ! in ('utters. Any Style to oboes from. The Subscriber bees *ye I. announce to the public that he keepe on heed AL1. STYL69 OF CUTTERS of the very beet material and workmanship. such as p(URTLAND ('UTTElt.4 I.KiSURE (:UTTERS PIANO SOX CUTTERS Asa (l LAONTO NFS, Made br the oelsL.reed McLseghlta Car rises l'.., Oshawa Spacial attemtiew.etas to ordered wallahs. AU parties azythisg ` the kiaab,mith line MI1 to mall on the Oldest L'.aahliebei Eteeketorib Shop Is the beefy of Horne. Robert Thoapsos. Cor. Elgin and 1•aeterie-.t . U.dertnh. Grey • Mrs iIndo McNair, star el Mrs Jae. McNair. lath ons , died of onsa- saapains of the threat a few weeks are, at Dseromts, Oat. Mr'. Melfair was with M at the last. The deceased had base teeahhd with her throat for sheet, them tientbs but was only serhu.ly S fir tans MINIM ktsrgsby redeem. elm, esaiMhg e! weep. ,a - ties, .0 esteem. mad iessrrl_wW mewls by the . ,w fie( head, was eves. M. Far- r* we emoted is she Abair, • pee** whish be ikl@d is a erode** asaaser. The regain was .seoYest thresh.*. sed every pie* .aniseed wee lewdly apipiamded, sad the way to whisk **yammer pupil *- quitted themselves deserves spasial rlesaasa Tbe ashen home wee eery eampfully Amor- sited far tie essasise, which teleses great ender on the saheb* and thew aide eeasrer J Kerr. The ..sting hole p alae 6 :clerk and everybody went MOs piswd with the days proosediee. sad mesa* that the pupils were making great the tutorship of Mr. (� r. Kerr hes be.n on.gy d for the teals( year at as taerMM d 150 ea his former salary. This speak. /SI itself. NILE. Toamar. Das. 19. t.eorgo (lima, who are sinew from • hone and bad has ooNet bloc bakes. is n- arenag. (:surge McPhee, eestrsotor and builder, es pours/ up • woodshed for Lar levier, of Ibis place. Jumbo. Mese Watson and Miss Weyanl are qg to teach the sosool,yl this victual* rr abs ...Alar per. Toe tsmpeemoce concert on Thuisd•y eight last by the eveage/rta, Jeaka o and Telford, was • sworn Robert Kukpatrick acid Mrs Wilson were visit -tag friends in Illytb last week. Maw Ida 11 cath, of Myth, is . tallow at K .beth Ktrkpati N: e's. Two mew from aka. .,uur..r aro emotes wood for John Wilson sad Das McThee. They average abort sex cords a day, wet Or dry. besides mita* and Iliad saes for ali the boys atonal. Aoeivsnary services will be preached sell Sunday. Is the morn,n by Rev. M. s Mo, cwt uu the ermine; by Mrs. I'esatlaasd, of l)uegaauo.i. Open Sabbath school in the artersoun. (:dleeti.to to be takes in the aid tit the Salurttt school. Little Tom, of The Star gave • syoupsu of lbs news of Use Nile last week, but be mimed some of the principal Paris. He mimed the targe stwshoces on himg street He can ♦s . goo.( piece ahead when be err see the *eon aead« coming. Hs sirs • tt .s May H. &.a) mare. the Mel. Attar . must... It is a good job the thaw oras teat week to thaw out beau Tool to let him slime woe more in 'rhe Star. ,'rem saes her e.rrwpuwdaat. Muwt•.ee. Dec. 18. Mark, keep oar l omaeresat Liss or you will be stepping ea Abs Lou,. Maw Ida Hetheriagtes W returned from virtual' frieods is Actium. Mrs. R. Mellwaia has been vary ilL }{'e hope to his, of bee recovery. Mrs I.ucv Mcllwain is visiting Miro Maud noble end *tssos Kapp* till after the tea meeting. Dick, be careful, or that fellow front Re1- fast will be after you. Too 1 bomb, we would like to hear frets you .Irate oftes, as at afforded us great plea- sure rsdieg your desertpuoo of our village in The Star. Ib.... ASMFIELD. Mo'P.ai, ilea 11. A. M . l tooagh and wife, of Manitobst, are visiting friends in this vicinity. - A public eternisation of S. S. Na 5 will held es Friday, 22nd inst, ooenmeaciag at 10:30 A.M. All interested In educaties are cordially Invited to attend. There died at Lucknow on Monday, 11th inst. Angus NIcDougall, stone mason, after a long and painful illness borne with Christian resignation. Deceased, olio was in his blot year, was a resident of Lucknow for 20 years and was an industrious man. His remains were interred in the Kinloss cemetery. A large number of relative' and neighbors were present. it is our painful duty this week to record els death of the late William Ritchie- Ito was a man who was er eie'ed by ereryose who bad the plurs•.re of he scquaiataace H. was an esteemed member of hof L, No 1044. He was buried under the auspices of the Orange order, and the number of breth- ren who attended showed the high esteem is which he was held. His remains were inter- red in the %ia cemetery, then to await the ge � resurrection. The widow aad land- fy hare the bort-felt sympathy of the neighborhood is their brua.earet. l9RUCEFIELD. Tremae. the. is, Lh. H. R. Elliott has returned from Chi sage for a holiday. Jobe Foote, of the Detroit Medial School. is spending his Xmas holidays at hoese. Rev. Mr. Moiosald, Rae. Mr. Contest and Rev. Mr. White will address msstinp weight and tomorrow night is 'ibis M lot and Unice churches respectively. .sale ender the auspices of the R. T. Lb.? of this place. it was with sorrow that the sews was re- orived hers of the death of Rev. Mr. 1:rahme, et Rgaosdville. He had preached in the (Asada Presbyterian church of this plaice for 'warty three years. The sympa- thy of this osis bsebeed is oxts.ded to the widow red family sad friomde of die de - retie J LANES. S. Tewpoat, Dec. 111. It K Lorne, was down to Dederick oe the jury last week. Yastrow -Nies Fiore** Motsteai, of 0ederbb, apart last week at M. Couturiere Hour -Mie MrrlgMet Ossrray, who hr bete rearrOft at the aillieary Is 1 eds- tiab, aped, .ani week at home As AI. --Or. sad Ile. W. T. Jshaatar, Ida hart bar Alinas beside is this vtafr illy. left hot week For their Some L purees east,. B. wont Fear- The anneal rxarrisatiru hold in this subset beer. ns Friday, Doe. Ifs, in the thermos. *rear t way that bas has. Mkt is this sassier, altheagk there have bees tams eget suss is prowleee yews. Despite the very On pweble ehrras.a, all the span ream is to steel Masa wee** plea by •aura After the mai asaal- tles wends•m bed bees tltsrletlest. he whish the pp1D _sibs,, •s11111111 r1esr11eve. e TOUR SILL POR MURDER A.4 moopee WWI be Tried flee las Lab « Js.eery s. Joutrns. Qce., Dec 10. -Te day Om wintsr *aloes for the dietries of Joliette opened The meet ba ems up for trial le that of Jettal lisle, Ge- mmed of murdering his wife by atbmlahtee- prasel: acid. The *Wen* of the Cern was laid before the Drawl Jury this mom - lug. and they will deolde whelker It is suMoteet to warrant them In retsasing a true bill The ems is we et tie most s• tereetisg which has yet Nees recorded in Um asnale of crime is the Dotal** The evidence la the oras is partly circumstan- tial trims begtnning to esel, for so far it has sot bees proved that the woman was positively murdered. Tie verdi-t of the coroner's jury was that simpletons circum- stances, which should tie tnv.otlgated, sur- rounded the deal h semen .t stoop.r'e Lira. The areusetf was burn in 18140, and spent his youth In Port Hope.. list.. when his _ outsets still remade. He early developed a pounce' for collecting stamps, and has sold OTOS $4001► worth. Hie enthusiasm on this point wade him bsown all over the eoolineot as one of the greatest philatelists in Canada He eereed to the Northwest rebellion, and at its close he secured • position in the Postulece Department in I►(laws, which he held until the limo of his arrest. He was popular he utaelarl Orates Ir the Capital. being a member of DUNGANNON. Ti t_'ott, Dec. 1111 Division court will be held i• the weal place Ian S•tu.dey, the Med, be voephaMt with •rraagementa Municipal nomination takes place en Fri- day, to commence at 12 o'clock, when a dee** will be .[rived at as to te bother the present oommotl will be reappointed or an electees beld ter sow members lot 1894. Het\'e Tnsu. -On Friday of last week it having teased c..sstautly and beastly during he whole day, the snow rapidly disapi ea•ed and as a result the sxcelleut sleighing also However It wee sot for long, as since thea cuarderanls snow has fallen and sleighug a ,,rata pretty geod- !Hermit Vt. -Ere our or ‘t, ('btytmas with its festivities, meeting of relatives and friends, as also its joys, and entertalnm«te of :arena kinda, will have panned away. we extend cuaspltm«ta of the swum sad mass aures of the same to one .:suns•, Ts/ and it. warnerr-U. Feather, as also to all fellow-citiaees of oar ltoginies. &esteem or• Cot `tIt_ -The municipal council of Whet Wawanosh in pursuance to statute, met in tbe town hall on Friedayy, the n 15th. All the members wepreset. It was pleasing to see the genial clerk I. his plans •. the board and that he was able to perfur his duties as hitherto, being somewhat im- proved in health. His many friends sin- cerely hope that he will ere long enjoy his former state of health. The unusual and sail eight of three hearses heartier each a body to the same church within half as hour was wits.med at St Alamitos church oo Monday mon. lag. The onf5os were laid is the church side by side. The hearses was from. 1Yiybem, Rlyth and Gunge** rsspec Lively We learn that oar of the eaak.ts .untamed the remain of Marin Fiala od, an .coewtrio character who formerly receded in this Dxtios, and who was well known to many of Ter Sine it's readers. J e. so brei the Anon e, uartatte, ti. St., o ,wills tiles ('bib and the choir of St Alban the Mar• tyr's church. He also heloeget to the Iadeoeto est Order of (Sddfeflews, Forest ere, Suns of Kn.gland. St Ocwge'. Society and other fraternal organisation,. it 1881 he was married to Georgina Leblanc, daughter of the lab ()firer Leblanc. a farmer "t St A m bruise de Edda*, sis miles from Joliette They boarded to 'ether le various place.. sad on October 11, 1891, she was admitted to Rockwood Aglnts, sear Kingston. as an insane pa- tient. cls September 10. I•IIKI, Hooper took her away. sail w the 18tb of the same month As died at Terrek.ans sta- tion under sespiriona eirenmstames. It was abe.quertly diseovertd that Houper had pan -based ppetretc mid in Montreal the day before his wife died. H. obesdsed the poison from a druggist named N'ebb, where .tenth was reported some time ago, on an order from lir ('. K Cameron, of Montreal. An analysis of the stomach was made at Toronto, bat no trace of po: eon was found. Prwaic arid, however, is a poison which does it. work very gniekiy, leaving so trace after a short titre-. The lawyer, for the proserntten are 1'. A. Coredlier, (' , ar.4 Donald McMsater. Q•('.. for the defence,, .1 A. firrenshielda YC , .1 A Renaud said Mr. Ward et M. P. P Jndtfe ltelortster will preside at the tried. Jot.: err hoose , Per 16. -At i oelwk last night the grant! jury Iii the Hooper case returned a true bill against tis pris- oner. The jury heard 9n witnesses ami decided it hail owing!, evidence is war renting them in rotunda' a treat bill. Tho Otit•rio witnesses arrived shortly after, bet their taaumosy was taut r• quired. Judge Ddorimier thanked the jury for the ttusner in which they had discharged their duties The crown pruea•ut..r asked the ..Hort that the prisoners against whom true hills had been found be arraigned and all to plead. ilooper attired the dock, and after the olerk had read the charge of Murder. he wits asked if he was gouty or sot guilty Hooper replied, ' • I am nut malty " Mr. Reiland. tar the &fears, asked that she prisoner be allowed • mixed jury. The crown ted objecting, the clerk wee orderer* to see that a new jnry was swamooed for the Hooper trial The sass will be tried on January 3 and will probably last a week. The indictment presented to the grand jury against Hooper was remarkable for its brevity, and reed es follow. jurors of our Lady the Queen. pr. Leet that John Reginald Hooper. on the 19th day of September, in the year of our Lord 1853. while prising in transit from lea- erit through the said district of Joliette, by a train of the C. P. R. Company, did murder his wife Georgina Lablae Tb. grand jury war oosapoaed of 11 farmers all French-Canadians The crown has as over one hnadted witnesses to (lame* will bring forward a number of witnesses la their behalf. _ Iesplrleas Death of a Teasg Meawe, HAmtt-Toe. Dee. Ia.-One of the et Loathe Caveat, named Mirada. - is, died yesterday from the •reef• d ala overdose of morphine, which she had tall. Thursday night while suffering firma a painful internal trouble. As to whether the poison was taken with suicidal lets* eansot be learned, but as ala Morphine was secured without ens knowledge of any of the Meters the ease looks sospicicree It is probable Coroner Ifsekelea will order as inquest. Mercedes Plows. was shoat 17 years of cgs, and was brought to the caveat two months ago by a relative named Mrs W. Asdrew., of Troy, N.Y., sad a sister named Josephine Pkewee Day, of New York. bath of whom an on their way to Haatle.n. Harit•roe Deo. 18. -The Mystery arm menhir; ale death of Metestlas Plows at the Loretto Aeedeay has heel) cleared sp. Mere her death she admitted te the Ma- teo that she bad t,keu morphine pinks SM died happy sad felt sew she would in to heaves As HEIR On Monday, of last week, Henry Fowler was toads tic recipient of as eradiate Christy* box, although Christ- mas has sot quite arrived. However, we o co onoder it will be espted as seek heel so close to Christmas in poise of time, it hung as heir to the marcor. We, aloes with the *ay friends of Mr. and Mrs. Pewter, eee- gratulate them, *pine that he mill be imp sp r.d We are pima* to be able to state that the mother and Mir, who is said to be a fins boaooleg boy, are doing well. %-istmL -Celia Peached a former resi- dsai of Dearman* sad new of Joliette, Michigan, left Mrs oe Msaday ea routs foe the Nast, after having bean as • visit to re Wives and friends. Dams Ramsar puts it that his object la Boise deet a to eater isle aatrinesy with see of flsspanan's fur mw if so we wise him sed his fair one mroo* I. the matrimonial sea of Iiia.. Eiwi Poetised, of Kinnard** and formerly of finatoe, who has been viit*g the hease- *bad lett here for his motet pleat of abode on Monday. TrisPIMA %tit Cos, CRT.-Asegeeflsstsad snocsssfal temperas* aemesr't was held e nder the ample= el she Ipwsrlb leases society. in tin Methodist tiara htru, the pastor, D. Rwna%t Is to Ask. Ti. sysagdrra, M*ma ADMAN* sol T.M.ed, who have for ante tire boleter*en*Umpteen W at ( sew., d en la ks se�ghber- hand, aut.rtain.d the Ise p aedi.ss (lbs seise beteg fitted to Its utmost asperity i Se the settee *•tiihel'an .1 all present Mom Crease, of Cr*w., also rendered ex Whet amshtance to the stertabarseat is the eeebattes of es.eral spp a rhte and easels "--'-- allbated Omega. Too mesh praise ter cet he shunpaMO she yesesyeses lob for the bl,h 17aOeiweat et pe am'her is making a,wrrae Is server to 4.ett., pie iy use el the Sher m*abMs i• as Now nest► Wales PU.bam..t, Ile comp Histo said : " I end an bigotry ate a .ember el ••.pews alp** resel.eae, we'* prekaa.tl derby the red a•cMims O. We es+ers. Met, at a a rest at As eaeaseo /nen Liseneed. Toaoowrn, Dee iN Joseph 0. Owen, who it is alleged le wanted My the O.,tarb Ordeals est foe fu, g. vie . Arid to have bees eammllied before the tailor. la 1857 ed the Cmet.i Rask. sae bees :owed as Peelle* Oregrta, where he is aesieg as t Ab weelb ! tilt., s Imp M N ••..•baled Os rlsYssela. (-'u, mamma new s. P. E L. les. lila rhe ereltaaea/ elfosimisiai obi folios MIS (s freeload elsetimis lob lhe sew id of Ib he WO WI w *WNW es orsbossisa Aga webs- hewn .mete emit dlasessrdet1 M algesi (iR ml as 1t sese a a good dol of yrs -Dr. Pieres's Gioldea Medical Die. eovery. And when you hear that it cures so many diseases, r you think " it's too good to be tree." But it's only rearseable. As a blood - cleanser, flesh - builder, and strength -restorer, nothing like the " Discovery " is known to medical naence. The disease, that it curee come from a torpid liver, or frost impure bloodFur evarytbing d this nature, it is the only guaran- teed remedy. Inis, Bd. iousosas ; all Brooch' treat and Lung affections ; every form of Scrofula, even Consumption (or Lung -scrofula) its its earlier stager. and In the most stubborn, Shin sed Scalp Diseases — if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. - The worst cases of Chronic Catarrh in the Head, yield to Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. So certain is it that its mak. ers offer $iso reward for an incurable case. ENMiLLiri tomo Ay, Dec. 16. W►bt.twi Brun, -0e the ecenug of the 13th feet at litwyside. Whet* towrriip, the miasma of the bride's pinata, hoes Moab, third daughter el Jelin Kerosene, J P., was started is hot, beads of matnuIswy to Harry Mast orrery, of Gime Adelaide,« N. W. T. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R Henderson, of Auburn, and tete whammed by over forty tainted gents sad dative'. Tits bride looked esoadiade pretty, sad was attend in pale peak alk with cream lace and oirange bleuesrr, sad carried is her *ad a headssnie -,test d hot bare Sowers. The hridamaad t•,r tic.. oces len was Miro Ulla Stewart, of ilss millw, who was charesiagly attired is a Mt-fittino dews of tasto.l esahaerre w•cen lace to match. The groom. was Walt. oil by Norman K►rsighan, hooter at the bride. After the cvremoay the weddrtg party repaired to the dialog -room, ware • sumptuous repast was most laviebit spread. and after the usual tenets to the health i the newly married lir and othertsetdal to the festive eosumrw, the goats sawed thorned res with dasesg music, etc., wad a late hour. Among the invited names and gest* present were (het. Mostgesserr, father of the groom : Mr. and Mrs. Sten", brother in-law and Maier of the smote. Mie Oliver, Seafertb ; Joseph Book. Cuibaws; J. Connelly, W Blake. Rohe- McCue, sad • large circle of relatives teem (lederisl township, The newly marred pair will trate for their new hour in the Northwest sari) in the new year where the *ems hasse Waive a- nive fermi.Wte We •ct..d our t'e.egrais t - sae to the bony pair and wish thew di armor of seals is their sow hoe.. The heeds was the iseipi_t of may weal pts. seats. Mos rrMVO Atorr Huai. -laser dealers express shW sandman this tis changi.g of the Americsn duty to limo from 8.1.0 to 20 per cent. ad. valorem wig benefit horse dealers. The oostaww Wast will benefit the most, Meet* wader ttMe• Kittle,' tariff the of ppeeasrt to mob= animals was prae�Wll p,viihits•p, r 0 duty was charged es • bens se ester whether it wan Mega ali0 WOOL Misr Dos proposed chew all ,Inns maw be d Pod - NEW ACVERTISEMENTS--DEC. 21 Pies Local -Photo. it. B..Ballowe... ► Local -Tailoring -F. J. Pridbe Leslie( Pleasure - W. Smith Last (lame. -Freer L Fitter Boots and seas -K. Dwwshg Granby Rehberg -A. Metim A Co.. ..» b Bargain Week -W. Ashes. A Ban..... i The Red Flag -T. Otmdry ..... .... Tics. Days yet to Decide -0. A. Fear. b Mea Wanted -Brown Bros. I Co...... Jewelry C. A. Humber t Son i Headgnarteee-W. Smith. 1 llssndere Wanted -4. H. mi . Fisher.......: Cutters -R. Thosm ....... s Notice Na 3 -Jobe Balm..... - • . - i THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. elodeiresei Mom Drums, Dsssaber *lima IitS Wiesen.. d •Yw• genet neer. Iraqi a fit re•» Mersa a res ran°s"W 6 O•wt-s.'! seal albubomb r�ret.e. der wirs.0sid1qY11 1ererr5 =1561MM1•A111 pp slue Live 1 t4'N(l- V aMartek Mwisbig• es ISS. Mn. Rem --Yerieg,nr• w•a 1101111,0011SitY- rediletter Mita; R landM�i, 111001, -At Ece.a uwt.g asf Sadaftorat p Iodic Ater Me•ps fir • W Med broom m luwrw• lath (TtWts�IM NaMea►� rowel WA lad It •flbwts- tis Illtly dal •_re. as Doe. N- 11/ Z• mai so me Tera N DIED. re IM Rh lose et ate er dtasbht r • t. u Ns It at hs Ir n• fe ft et I- ' .. H •