HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-12-21, Page 7THE SIGNAL: (N)ilFR1('H, t►'CT. DECEMBER 21. 1893. T ANCEi oklels x as Cards ar Prises ► nd Saturday. s and Plush regular prices,, and Saturday one-third off hite Blankets, Grey Blankets, Horse Blankets. I "MUT" MWS FRU a' o1JERS ARMCAR EN,s51 Wait r SPECIAL VALUE IN i4ECLING IN TRUA, a.. terse Menses rear taperts.* Veneto Waft Observed. There are several wave of heeling in trees and planta Heeling its ie ...atr- tfines dons by throwing out th., tress h on bah std.-., and thea setting the tre.•, upright iu the trench. Ailing in groove% from both si•ies. A sec led trrutL, if ue rted, is then opened Motile six or eight GEESE ON TN[ FARM. Paltry lieldi..a •fwe leer.' ..t reels. t:o.11ag. rad IYI.k r raL.ra ft is is sulject for sp oodatiwt why roe are mut ns. re gener*lly rai-rd I v ra mien. The pr. .ti st.•crliiufr. • n .. LABOR SAVING SHAPED HORSE BLANKETS ! nlined Blankets, 65c., worth 85c. ued Blankets, $1.25, ' ' $1 50 • Silk Bound ationVolumes. to Frames, bol - Sterling Sliver 1 E. Wirt Foun- ts' and Ladies' Cases PORTER, Booksellers and Stationers. nap* or Cseseln•,es SUSOt► aeaseroe, er value batbt sem tan. I. ear simply. la terser sew. M meow •eiiMt -waled MMl1st sad Mast 4.011.' MIT ACCEPTAILE W Ni. Mr& se INA. set. ser. Osk (are. atasssssne fawn. tea awtrieis M osseaew. • sed deo Is and ora. W e will */ lbws. ter verb apewetfv aa.4. - Chemist. dust CRATED FIBRE WAR but they are mistake. ie longest and strollgirt o shape without attar er dnrate it by a patent pre - pervious to heat, cold ad FIBRE WARE imparts ne tents, and is the lightsA most durable ware eve r EDDY'S. ERS. )PET BON of B .1. Neale's Wort 80 funeral terdiius is the NN t pliio•s rea•oaabie to by W see Mime.., +h!► yawl his yeast. has s ilwitiwe hear so tines pact at feat, N yew way to the LEY it 80N. • JOHN T. ACHESON. AT ] RPERY AND HABERDASHERY WAREHOUSE a A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. 50c. Carpi Cannot be Beaten. Ladies' aid Children's UQden ear, extra sloe. Navy and Black Star. Sams, the belt in ?on for the welt DIST1017.011 =IXDLY EOLIOI?7D. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT F i CASH. �.. ivET72.1SCD, Downer and Hobwrrleeber. OIARRHEA AMONG BEES. iroatsrat Far Asbeted (•..Bride. That Are Wlatered le Cellars. In cold climates bee diarrhea is liable to cause sp.artans trouble. The query a, -What shall be dime when a colony a found affected with diarrhea in the cellar,. and it is too e*rly or too cold to give them a cleansing eight by removing theta rmp.ranly from the cellar.'This ,incise wiz recently considered in the lumu, .4 The Ameri as Hee Journal by a number of premises* beekeepers es Tanen.; sections of the country. The saje my favored letting the bees alone. two or three favored keeping the tem prestuty, well up, while one saggweted pepp.•nnint dropped on blotting paper anti lot in the batten of the hive. O. W. Demaiee, said: "!t the bees are worth the feeble and expense, such a i'olony can he cured by stripping the hive it all covering, close in the bees with wireclath and set the hive in a heated room for at least IS hours. My experiments on this litre made soma Stara ago proved that overloaded bees ' en be relieved .4 exeeswre 1nereture by heat and ventilation without the p.rivi- l.re of a flight in the open air." James A. Oran said: "1 do not think it would pay to try to do anything with PIM, though some have reporters sob - sen by placing the hive in a gauze or wireclnth cage in • warm room far a ,,use, thea lowering the temperature ,;radually us::' ' e bees return to the hire. You might experiment by vary- ing the temperature of the cellar, giving snore veatdtatioa." etc. & L Freeborn suggested that if tie bus have been kept on natural stores, try leading them on granulated sugar syr i sad raise the temperature of the cellar It yoncan manage to do so. It 24/Moat of the many was affected the rest quiet, it might pay better to seeriace one than risk changing the cur- roumdYtp of the whole lot. & France said that if he found the tales affected with diarrhea, he should Ary to give them a dryer place to live in. He thought the trouble is too low a temperature, and toes damp. R. L. Tay- lor would do nothing except to have the hive wide open at the bottom, and to )lasep the temperature well up—to MI bs- Rrea, at higher. U. 14. Bodilttt' ad- vised letting the bees alone, be give Plenty et sir to the hive. Caw at seed r..ta(e•. Attar miscible the all important point V�p tisSp potatoes designed for seed at rPltiw a► tsalperstnre as ponibie with- out away pet host. The conditions. u- ntidily The Amesicea Cultivator, are bed second M keeping potatoes in dry out et boors pits. ii a northern climate after the covering of the pit has hoses .,ver N will not thaw out agate all win - tee.. M-tloya At dearer at thawing too .arty. a nice 'for &eke► MR r Blatin +n eves degree of temperature below locoing, while protectlag the potatoes from too made mond. Tha tubers will mine out with era •• dormant as whom they were pat in the pit. The penitent will be harder by evapoedioa sf Nair monsters. while time hept is will its made CoA by searese ct saro. which rapidly tape eel the M1wteoce unded to give did eller ANSA dust petiole ad ib ADS • I or M.rl miss Egg. c .n y log 1 . dozen eggs to market in ono basket, pled one upon apother, has before this resulted in such disaster as to call forth a proverbial warning about putting all .mss eggs in a basket. Yet hundreds of farmers carry all their eggs to market piled one upon another, and either carry back souse of theme in a cracked or decidedly **scrambled" state, or else are obliged to drive with extreme cannon. The Country Gentlemen smg- geels that a better way is to get paste - Mani fillers that are used in the double eggerates, and then construct a neat, flax WITH PAaEEoO.tRD I'It.1J]t3. opiate box that will just accommodate a single tier of the eggflll.rs, with paste- board between each. This sea should be made of light stuff. Take an empty sheebox that one can procure at the shoe stores. The box can be ,made entire and the cover part then sawed off evenly all the way round, when the hinges and catch ran be put on. A *tont barrel hoop well smoothes! and beet into shape will make a good lursdie for a small box. Let tiw box be of t.:>» the right gist to hole the eggs gathered during a few days. if used for shipping, the Missiles should be omitted and end chyts,added. .igrlealtueat X•w• sand ewe. lkradstreta estimates of a demist wheat crop this year, ataolmtiag to414e.- 000,000 tousle•ie, has been accepted by Beerbohm, ilia Ana European authority on cereal statistics. hi New York state the largest bean growers .'stltuate the crop as not over two-thirds of a full crop. in general it may las estinirsted es a short crop. The or.Mn crop is a short one- prob- ably below that of lett year. Californians are going into tobacco growing. Samples of tobacco grown there are said to be superior to ,u.yt ping grown outside of Cuba. Loot year Mexico was imparting corn from the United States. Thie year She is preparing to export corn to Europe. The lightest packages consistent with strength should be used for abippliag produce, especially when it is moat hog .liletaneru. Fay lag freight on heavy haw - ew.,t1L�. t. poor bus dei Mist.ress-- Whatkw sf pies are Nom, teak (belt -.meow av on le Carel .a' meow le Masa I1itneem.--diet I tell yes to hark thus. qa Witemeelej be odd epee" t suet Nsy ss a6M Z. Orsit--Ss lbay he, gimme -"'Toe vafaw," ea' .. 'TWIN sera' O»C WAY To HEEL in Too. feet from the first and qo on Fellowtug i- Enna A. Long•+ plan, as told in his manual, "How to Plant Place:' First. a good sized french is thrown out to one Ade, Alla a TOW of tread* laid down with the roots 1n the trench. Then a woad trench is opened against the Ant, the soil being turowu over the roots of the trees in the fir,,. Observe tom points in heeling in: 1. Always open the tree bundles and spread the trees thinly in the trench. :t. Always sprinkle plenty of fine earth among the rots. 3. Always cuter ttl•m> well to at least six laches above the crown. 4. Always firm the soil with the feet, so that it will be in close con- tact with every root. The same princi- ple is to be observed in heeling in small plat.ts. Tres reoeived for spring planting ought to he heeled in on .tune dry spot, free from grasser weeds that wenbl bar- iror miss., and the root, trunk and most of the branches be covered with eirth. Leave the earth somewhat mound *Wiped to shed water. Then rover any exposed tops with evergreen branches, and the trees. if of hardy kinds. will le safe nn - til spring. Trees frozen ..r 'hrivehel in transit should at once be burial, tope and Mil, in earth until they are fully restored. n la e r Care .l ls..r.. Dining the winter seasons growers of roses ought to carefully examine their plants and ascertain whether they have !neral grafted or are growing on their awn roots, as from the grafted. suckers are always ware to cote up from the stock, and as the stuck is a variety of greater vigor than the kind grafted it in time draws all the nourishment to itself, and the grafted 'flirt ion dies iu the confke of a tow years. One ignorant of this fact, says Meelat's Monthly, wonders why the whole character of his rose plarttatiou •scene to have degenerated. The stuck or ,nekere from it can readily be known by practical examination, the character of the wood being alwsys different from the kind grafted on it. The advice iv also given to prime roses early in winter. Different classes of roses require different systems of prun- ing. Those which „flower from vigorous young wood may be pied rather se- verely, hat those which seem to form flower buds from the old wood los great extent should have the branches left on. N oiaette r,aen, for instance, usually flow- er et the en.ls of the young gaowth, and this is the elms that may be pruned in iwser,1y, while roses like the prairie roses and the hybrid perpetual* require to be -pruned longle ...nose moat of the flowers are produced on short branches which proceed from the growth of the liritrIone year. ••-� " Winter mh.eetlag arm vanillas. Bouvardiaa flourish in ordinary pot- ting soil and regeire all the best they can get, so it is best to give them the sunniest place in the window, Like all other plants that are wanted for winter flowering, they should not be allowed to bkioui during the summer. At all time, the plants moat be kept free from in- sects, and daily syringing the tenser with clear water will be found of great benefit. Alfred Nenner is a pure white, pie 'actiy double variety. Very delicate yet - low Sowere aro produced by the variety Havesrena. ft is also very tryout. President Cleveland bee ling grace - fu) scarlet dowers. and Ptaidest (lar field soft, slslke** piak ones. Whit. Bouquet is a awitabis bouquet of grace MI, mow, white single Bowen. Wend'. H.rti•sltsral Seeleay. At the clone of the late congress of borti.'nitare in Chicago the organizatics of the World's Horticultural society wa• effected. Three ofacers at large wee •erred The president is to appd,ut i (ice president for each country in tie world, and this officer is to apple t .sr•retary-treesnrer for that country rhe membership is to comprise soete:i:•s winch pay annual dues of eb or ea sear that amount as the currency of ens country readily admits, and hubs- duel' who pry a first tee of lff Mrd sit au,.', fee thereafter of $1. The averred ohy.+' of the organisation iv to promise corn' epundence and to facilitate exchange, est plant's and information betwses the own tries of the world. (vee r.rwlaR t7.0rwba.. There are three modes. saysTh.Couu try Oceanian. (lie is to lay them down and pines an Bum MVO at three toeing of tag. U the shwas as waft ripened and the soil is net clayey, this doge well A perfectly sate covering in all sills is e erR e s brandies. the vbes held stews by- sticks of 'Renowned. (rapes usually known as hardy are made aowswhet tender by not ripening the wool mil seal by overs whims. la sense b stances they have ripened a week eedles after simply lsllfMlt town. rain or 'rescIArie& oz3a6. flock ..f geese makes in slnail a.l.titiwl to the income of the farm. Not only are geese valuable for their &'eh. but their 'Iowa and feathers noire -wilt a fair money talar. Pructioaally they farmer has bt.t two varieties to select from, tl:• T•rolouse ot.d (•aui.drn, if ti..• !'sat meat. producers is t•, le the rile foss swbeti•u of hie stork. William Rankin of Maaes- chnwtt*, WK. has hail ;)tl yew a' exjresi- euo in keeping grave, has been quite sure''osful with two crosses, these wade by nutting an African gander an.! En:l► den ii.—se and then eros'ing the young geese wills a pure African gander. The two t:rrieties of China, brown and white, alth.,ngle hardy are not large enough and do mit make pounds enough o,t flesh for the early market. The Teeth -Web head the list as euseepti- blu to greatest growth for extra care. They are morel lsyer i, and their heavy bales* admit of their being confined by a low fence. The Embden, or liremen, although not quite so large us the Ton - loose, bar., the advantage of being knre white. Their meat i.I white and deli- cate. They yield an ab,iudain'o of valuable feathers, all the more desirable eta acronnt cif being white. Either the Toulouse or the Einholen will be profita- ble, with proper bundling, yie ling as they do two crop.® a year. one of mar- ketable ge sdingeand another of feathers. THE EtaltnE t On ant)IP\ uOOe,E. The feathers are plucked three times a year—in July. in d uctober and in Decem- ber. The popular belief is that the feath- ers of lean geese are better than those of fat ooes, and those of living geese better than those of deed ones. The feathers are plucked in July from the young geese, and the down from under the bel- ly, wings and neck. The feathers, though front a living -goose, not being come to maturity, are inferior to timer plucked in October, which, being taken at the season when they would naturally fall oft, are in perfection. The feathers again in December, being taken from a dead fowl, are inferior to those procured in .duly. On this principle it is evident that the sooner the goose is plinked aft- er it is killed the better. PURIFYING CLEANSING EXCELLENCE PURITY $eteetiag Seed Core. Long. straight ears with small cob and but little larger where it joins on the stock should be the ones chosen for seed. The greater ease of husking such corn is not its only advantage. It will generally ripen earlier, and this early ripening makeaa crop many seasons when other- wise there would be suet corn, At only for immediate feeding. Corn that is ripened under favorable conditions will be tilled oat to the tips, and these large round grains have been proved by ex- periment to produce stronger plants than those compressed and flattened in the middle of the cob. The present year, owing to the drought, much corn has filled poorly. There will be many ears wines the grain is scattering, as drought destroyed the pollen from the pistils be- fore o-tore the silk 'was ready to receive it. Seek ears often have scattering grains that. having plenty of room. grow very Large. American Cultivator thinks it is worth while expert renting with such •oro, as, if the seed is well dried, it will undoubtedly produce extra strong and vigorous plants. In ifeestse a w lie. There is an old Gaelic proverb full . f gored: "Chaos,., • good atether'a daughter, her fa- her uses the devil.' Aed sad r, #1011• Si •Mi : " Cooee your ife M you aOh year ehddrea to be." flilt ria/ lag's. " Ho yes I' Th.limlele las Row ass (�_ The Aiatt I da.r0 i'w wait I'se awake I have v. r •t Ms White's the time for eejoyte' it " elles111111 Amelia PATENTS salM ere, wifit r 'ciotim Alumni" WSW tAllotar N ita WORLD MERIT FOUNDED ON MERIT PtK':JNS OF NOTE. /iaaed'e ll.sateaa rare* masdrwa. The duke of lurk ie cauvderaUy eh,:rter .baa ma wife. so, ales, the princess of it ales is taller than her husband. lbw is she reissue why the princess is usually i.hutograpbe.l to • sitting position if I.er royal apoute is to make a part of the pic- ture. The Bradley mention in Washington, which has been purchased as the home of Mgr. Satolli, w • historical house. In 1968 three (*tilted States senators concluded each to build their homes in a row. The pro - Moors were Senators emptiest A. Douglass, J C. iireckiuridge, of lieatucky, and Rice of Minnesota It wee the old home Doug- lass which the papal legate is to occupy. rte Late Moises A. !donee, of rbiladel phis, was a nephew of rebecea Crate, the beautiful Jewess who was the admiration ce the quaker City youth stare than half a cen- tury ago and who has popularly been teput eel to be ohe original of the Rebecca in ewtt's "Ivanhoe." Aamdinr to 'be le- gend her beauty made a great irnpl'eaa:cn on Wasbiagtos Irving who, by his diacription of her persons! charms made an totally strong impreeaion as Beet& l:cbecca lived to he 90, and waarreetly beloc:d, apart from her beauty, for her Charity. COAL AND WOOD special attention given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Head.>oartere for all grades of NARO, SOFT I BLACKSMITH COAL. Coal weighed on either market or my Scales. Get my Prices beta* going elsewhere. Tunas ('.tali. retesb.ae ('eaeeriles. JOHN S. PLATT, Prop. Yttl-ly. GODERJOH SteamBoiler Works. OLBT A BtdSH ZD ' itifp.I A. S. CHRYSTAL, Seenaseerto Oen/star & Black; Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright b Tubular 33OII Elts, Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. wave • dusters la Upright �atHa e W Olde • peoty�t,�17sp 16E e sesassa ars maim. Itepateleg to. !WU P. 0. leo: N. Wawa --Owes a A. T. S. glslMsk Yetlssll! GRATEFUL EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST -SUPPER.. laws giblet' mee i� the kaswledm,st the M f sad ma rider. sod hp a earsfol •ae sae wepenles of . E.e• has psora tet �1rak�at nowt awqi sevens essay Wavy HMIs. It Is W tM jadIettssse Oa off mob articles artiche of diet list s sea lista draft mitsems amp uwirdas wA* y�leagesmap WO ng to Iii am snood es of m atlaakaausMss,wa(ael�bsereg. fovea se "eke emotee�ea p N w pate !feet s d a tn*ear base,"— Md salllyy to simply with bwear= a "oda. �rei�ae�r. t b' MI 1to PATENTS! STARTLING! The enormous waste of fuel which might be saved IF PEOPLE WOULD THINK when they are buying Stoves to go to dealers wbn han:Ile none .'it the best, geld guarantee them perfect. SAUNDERS & CO. have had the best Stoves for years. SEE THE NEW STOVES FOR THIS SEASON. DOUBLE HEATERS FOR COAL : COOKING RANGES FOK C,,AL : THE KITCHEN WITCH, THE DUCHESS OF OXFORD, THE HAPPY THOUGHT. A full stock of Coal and 'Wood Cook- ing and Heating Stcves. THE SOUVENIR. THE ART COUNTESS THE OXFORD. ThEIR HAN1I MADE RE-DiPPED TINARE is telling its own story in increased sales. WEST STREET_ T. A.WAZKER, Cetxxiage X.ZED sZufectur�r, Maoist gamboled the baelasso of McOREATH di WALKER I have now arewag•d, not only to comas( the ('srriage Trade, but have d.•,hl. -1 to do all classes of work in 11ORSE-8H0EIBE1 ABD MBBBRIL BItAOKSJ 'HINOt NONE BUT THE BEST OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. 23961y. • mo. aell. WAHLEsEettg PROPUU a role, CRISP AND CASUAL. shard's Llnime s ter Rale Lserywbere Cellist -ale fruit sells well in Japan. The young earl of Dudley's valuable life is insured for $6,000,000. A three -eyed girl of rare beauty is a own- ing sensatisn in Europe. About 150 mal.s of the Mexican railway are laid epee steel deepen. Rabblte are reported in rood condition for the winter's chasing and banging. Even the bees find it harm time, and are to be fed on cheap sager by carnet apaar. ists. There are 113 schools iu the city of Meal- oo, nine of which are night schools for adults. There are probably more Mohammedans in India than in all the rest of the world put together, Expel the worms by using the sate sad reliable and aotbelniatio Freeman's Worm Powders. 4 The chances of a pence being killed in a 24 mile railroad ride are said to be but one in 1,491,910. in Eoglaad a 0100 one•yesr occident ia- suraace policy is sow thrown in with a pair of suspenders. To invigorate both the body and the brain use the reliable topic, Milburn's Aromatic quinine Wise. 4 .t potato claimed to weigh four lied a -half pounds, is the product of • (.rear•vilie, Idaho farm, The ,i-_'-..4 Canal from Marseilles to the MOP MOW is receiving great attention tletiieaal are • mild purgative acting 3 Liver and Rowel,, reproving a� 4 ♦rt (glad is Sams bay is inhabited ealy by • pack of ravenous dogs which ha• • at most degenerated in wolves. The aeseta of the life insurance campetnie s of the I'noted Mates aggregate tBI0,0011,000 while the Cross income is =0,000,000. Victoria Carbolic Salve is a great awl to internal medicine in the treateseat of aecre- fuloua sores, nicer' and abeeseses of all kinds. 4 A minis ball was recently renewed green the head of Andrew Cortes, of Will or -env. Texas, where it bud laid for the past 4' year.. The 'chooser governor Ames, Capt. C. A. Davis, will hhortly load 1,800.000 feet of lumber at osettle, Wash., for the united Kingdom. A mountain elk was recently shot at Bucyrus, Kan., although there are no mous- tams In the state, and elk were never plenty there. we Weald be Ues emebie. .\ monster of • promised Now York church, who was about to leave sense for a few days, was bidd tog good -by to his family. When he came to Bobby he took the little fellow in has arms sal said " Well, young man, I omit you to be a good boy, and be sure to take goal tare of mamma. Robby promised, and the father depart- ed, leaving bins with • very Pep. and fall et his new sad mighty ewpoa. 'airy. When sight eau sad he was •ai• led to sa re hie pprayer; the roast guardf•n exprwed him as follows : Oh, Lerd, please protect papa, and brother (tick, and sister Alice, and aant Miryry and all the little Jams nboys, sad BoWry. But you asedn't weskits about amma, for I'm going to look ghee he - myself.'. u tearer. 1LbYaead mom twee. 4.'. WHY Does DEO. BARRY, the Oodcrich furniture dealer and undertakes., keep the beat stools of furniture and undertaker's supplies! And how is it that he can sell en Che. p BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is " Small Profits and Quick Re turns." He also makes s specialty of picture fronting. Clive biM a •! before lag elsewhere. Resere Fluid always on band. =367.7 tAttni. Tnwt Mil Oat eitale�li��w � �; DUNN'S k• 'k•.+ a 1)1/ te'.fi NU. ,lead 1, L OR na/ lPfJtlt rat . ed- K1 • Yb • C s • P � lilt�Obt� trtggtt/�5 rOf5t6 114Mis sae 1. cif fie . N Vam t7New •ev ..1"F aeries sehs•0esg M a isal se•••• la new raaMeaer tv Moe a • lntlrwM cw. OAsetiIw otMz.wartaseee, D. C POWDER COOKS 6EST FRIEND ingINIDST SALE IN CANADA. YO WILL CURE YOU "RaetaeS• Neese tee kid- ee,a are le beekre He l nle. " 6 pm mat. el tiistfress Is firstd elms r •Aa f0hr "Delay /t K I•1141:17:lases!�' t►eesl., reealt la led •lope Uver Cas /wt Arad t he areae dna• tllpifa,awl blyAea yeses ;41.0:::. try to h .a'. a Old tea mad hensltkr stop► �i1� su Set •' ria ▪ . sinus a;weal: etele: dteamesis �„� d/Iad~•edI. Illeass y P arehilee .'r Eaes ewes. Eib ore Athc b MI deems e• Eitzikorzlitosesese •