HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-12-21, Page 5thetas ni Mt magi a et holds as T▪ he ems • gees et Ultly t■„ 644 Lives e at to the bee at i• ► Sad wow of diseas1s • dy *Wahl tire It ,u, L. or soma:. ue. We', inning fro ,nd the bc+ Janie Pun r 2:sc. Pars ere', Geon• om i5c. al- warranted pwarranted up' 10c. u n t. os thee- sde, Lelia from 1:'l• lend " up 1, n nice or• t goose very I. of every ening their 1 in making hing that table Our o the mane value u to c Caper er • e'll gtann nattier for d, W '' Store. \\• yen moot rel campus ewiM- N y fres the t ery Moll .may wee for taking Scarf }sing Wawadollar. shop beet , prove th" T11 F Rina 41 • c'nnRR l r'R, E''Ii1't . Tu h 1 HSI) Y. DEC EM BER lila 18943. NADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE aIsa6181«11 seer. NRAD Oi1YOIR. TORONTO. .elf & INN* W .S NINAN ..omen* • owyig • • • e e t L WAUCER. O MamaOsa OODERICH BRANCH. • • 11414100.000. 6.100,000. A G MARL SWUNG IhelleEM TRAMaACTED. FAMED& NOTES D*0IJNTED. MAFIA ISSUED PAYASLLAT AL. POINTS IN CANADA. AND Tea PRINCIPAL C.TIU IN TNa UNITS° WTATS& OAT SNITANI, FRANCE, BERMVOA, aa OM/INN .Awd .SPART$ERT. OtpOOTS Of SI.00 ANO UPWARDS IEQLIVEO, AND OU IMT RATES Oi INTEREST 4U7WED. s.., wYYT AOOSO TO TiIa MSIOSPAL AT TMS END Of MAY ANO re 'SUN IN EACH Veda. spew Atlaa1MN Memo is w Msse^•'- .ad Farmers° Seem MaMae R. &. WILLIAMS, Manager. Just added to Stock a Urge Assertrenat -or_ The Latest Neo1Uas Ii C1ris1ll1 ds. Ladies reins Knitting Silk k will save d & money Armstrong buying our 25c. spools Crotchet and Knitting Silk. V- In MILLINERY and FANCI' G(N)DS our STOCK is Cls►MPLETE, MRS. R. B. SMITE, Glasgow House. JAMES ROBINSON C.Am8I3 STORM OI WE SELL FOR CASH. '1'11K WILLIAMS WINK In our last announcement we invited you to compare our prices with others. A great many have done so, and admit they have saved money. Those who have not called we again ask you to do so, and you will be money ahead. THIS -W Egg Details or the Horrible Tragedy E&:reed M Port Cecile. ANOTHER SUSPECT IN THE CASE A Venom a-atsllehm•a ►•gelced UIe Way to the Nesldeeee of the Merdered easel* em the hey ci eke Tragedy a J•ry Ems - remelted. We are clearing a line of Double Folal Dress Goods for 23c. See them. See our Grey Flannel at 15c. Our 9e. line of Flannel is having a great ren. See our 17e Wool Hose. We have a line of Boys' Ribbed Hoe, seiec.t knee, double heel and toe. GOOD VALUE. See our Table Linen at 1St. per yard. Flannelettes from Sc. per yard up. We have a line of Men's Rubber Coats for $1.:,0. We have received another shipment of Storm Collars fan l nfl's, which will be .sold at the same price es the last lot. OUR MCI COIPRISES BARGAINS ALL THROUGH. JAMES ROBINSON. JORDAN'S BLOCS_ POST CRsnlr, Deo. 1t -Th. Villar. r thoroughly awakened to the e'urmity of the crime wbieh hits been perp-trate& in tear midst. little elm is talked of among the tell•: era, who seem to remits that au atrocious merder, eren swep.ming the moat brutal in the anna!s of remedies crime, has been committed almost at their doom The murdered bodtvs of William James Williams cud hos wife, Elisa \vii li seem, were die.wrered in their hones on their farm, shoot ■ wile and a half I.orth of this tillage, eu tienday afternoon, by a neighbor's eon named tlrboroe. He iro mediately raised an •'arm, and an iaves- tiltatiot of neighbors proved that the couple had been brushy and foully mur- dered. Osborne. isho., father lives across the way, nein& the palace deserted and called the attention of su..tbrr neighbor, Rem Uuldtburp. to the fact. Golds/Burp went over, sad finding the house lucked up. went to the barn and discovered 'hokum's and cattle starving. He watered and fed them and then, footing some accident had befallen the \Vilunmsce. he went into To ronto Hands' and uu'raed the police. A Horrible seems. &today afternoon as the couple did not *bow up the lad Osborne, who' was around the place again looking after the cattle, went to a rear window over which the inside a:..3 was closely drawn, and lifting the sash, pushed aside the curtain and peered in. lie was startled to w old man Ulilliam. sitting in a :hair by the table with • coat over his head. The boy at once dropped the sash. and running across the fields, gave the alarm to the wrest neighbors, who, on arriving at the place. found the old setae sitting at the supper table, from wbico the dishes had not been cleared He was sitting back on the chair with a coat thrown over his head. On re- moving the coat a most ghastly sight pre- sented itself. Old Williams' bald load was found so be badly crashed, and the fare frightfully lacerated. In the kitchen the old woman's body was found in a pool of blood. Her clothing was badly torn, and every evidence was v eible of a des- perate struggle with bet assailant. The Otd Maws Wealth. Sir Melville Parker, who lives at ,woks. vile, near the Williams' farm, and who has known the mardere t *maple fur years, toldressedal what he knew of the old couple. Among other things he said that Williams 'ever beaked his money, bet al- ways kept it hidden in his bones. air Melville mad it was well known throsgh- ont the neighb.e'bood that Williams al- ways had a eunsiderable num of money in hes house secreted away. The fact bad been talked about by the neighbors. Ho said Williams wee ,.Lied to be worth $15,(MP. A Vetos Englishman paepeefed. NOW TEEN FOR BARGAINS AT THE SIGN OF THE RED FLAG. Times are hard, and everyone waatst to buy Goods as cheap SA possible. GUNDRT, The Auctioneer, HAS PURCHASED THE Dry Goods & Grocery STOCK OF THE LATE MR. CRABB, and, after sorting up, is offering the Greatest Bargains ever heard of. The prices will astonish you. We aro selling 25 lbs. Coffee for $1.00. 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1.00. 6, 7 and 8 Ban of Soap for 25c. English Prints at Sc. per yard. Shirting•. 4c. Lustros, 8, 4, and 5c. BARGAIN WEEK iN Useful ?resents! W. ACHESON & SON. Lica(' Our Eldred hicps For CItriliiiis 'k: Men's Fine Wool Lined Gloves, 2 Dome Fasteners, 95c , reduced from $1 25. Ladies' hid Lined Mita, 75c., were, $1.00. Handkerchiefs, an Immense and Beautiful Choice. Silk Embroidered, commencing at 10c. each. Men's Large Hemstitch Silk Initials at 50c. each. Every Initial. Linen Department Complete. can be more acceptable than a nice piece of good Linen. We hint. New Drawn and Embroidered Dinner and Tea Cloths, Tray and Carving Linens, Table Runners, lteoutitehed Napkins, Doylies, etc-, a beautiful stock. INSPECTION INVI'17?D. Although it was generally believed that the hired man was the guilty party, an other suepect has turned up in the pewees of • young Englishman, who was known to have inquired hia way to the Williams' residence. According to the rather vague descrip- tions this man was abort ?•b years old. He was of pleasing address and did set wear as overeat. Ile messed rather agitated and did sot give any rerso'e for wanting to me the aged couple. It Is a very singular coincidence that the young Englishmen would have arrived at the Williams' homestead at about supper time, when the murder was committed. popular opinion had aireaty convicted the Williams' hired man of the crime. This nett, idual, who is known only bythe name of John, had been in the murered man's employ but a month. No nus seems t.: have known mach about him ex- cept that he wee formerly in the employ of A. A. (tadson, of Toronto. as a brick - maker, for a year and a half. He was a big man with sande moustache and beard. The object of the murder was undoubt- edly robbery, as the hones was completely ransacked. The pockets of the dead man were turd inside out by the dastard, who, however, overlooked in his heats • roll of bills containing nearly four haw dred dollars, that has since been found ander a mattress in tae rear bedroom. Coo*svu.Le, Dec. 19. -The following ham bees selected to serve on the coroner's jury c Andrew Wallace Atkins (foreman), Ldway walteehouse, James King Morley, George John Cite, Crowson A. Crawford, Aaron Gumtrteest's, Archibald Mortis Bas, John J. Redford. Michael Bench, Sulam Morris. John etswert, Brian Fenwick, Edward Oliphant, Wm. Belford, Walter Thomas Burrell, Lafayette Walterhones. The jury went through the formality of viewing the remains, and were then die - 'mined until to morrow when the inquiry will continue at the Revere house bere. Mr Atkins, the foreman. is a well•known cattle dealer. Ow of the mord important class. if it can only be h,lluwed up, will be the where- abouts of the horse and ratter, wbsa•b dis- appeared apparentle with .he awda, whoever ha may be. The hoses has bees already derrthd as a dark hey, with a noticeable white blase down the eeatet of the face . nae of the head fetlocks was aim white The rutin was a shabby old Weal dein.•rat on red runners. and the horn++ wee black ea•her. with leather buckle•. Detective Greer arrived here ysmenlay and tuck surge of the case. Ile has ordered the *meet of • mem bearing the desr-iptbsn of the hired maw. N hat W. AC :80N & 301. C.A. HUMBER & SON Jewellers, .&c. New Goods and Latest Styles PROM CHICAGO, Cuckoo and Fancy Clocks. FROM BOSTON, Jaa. W. Tuft's Celebrated Silver -Plated Warr. FROM ENGLAND, Crown Derby Goods in China with Silver Mountings. Fine Watches, (locks aad Jewellery Spectacles and Rye Gleams to suit everybody. Repairing a sporre'.y. C. A. HUMBER S 80N, Thee OM jM: a meglple of the Bargains. Remember the place+ Sign the REI) FLAG in C ralb's Block. 0-U N D FLY', The Auotioneer. d TEMPERANCE TALK. Sir 1 Miser Mowat, for many years a lead- ing jade• sed the beet eenetiwties•l author- ity is Qtnada today, ear : "An eseemsee proportion. probably throe thanks of the Mos, tome. Isssey, idiocy, povert�r. sad misery of evert kited we have to nostred with, are owing to the feel evil of imam- F=" The Hes. W. K OlaiMome set .; ig iew declared that this evil of isomers - thee did more harts thee war. and feadse, all put together. (1 y • Bile= bath cr two ego, the Rev. U. J. Mande -ell 'd Toronto, who has berdehee given sural support le the waffle, in preaching to twe er three thousand veluatee s, advised thew M keep away from the her and salons, their -Ria T r:: Iii ti R heli •neeideraM1 ten mall en Seaday last te se oentnodste ail who wished te gals •dssiW aria and Betas, to tbm rasps' tsmpsraase s•4tam, a seeerlsartty it was peaked he the 'lama Mr. A. R. Massie* oeespied the 'Mair% and spoke et the pleasant it gam him is Istrrs.iads, to the rtlsan the speaker of the day Rev. Father Wee After d. lade( to the fees that he he a smear. of NN.wve fie Aitadonses s app edeg helico • hhwet•at wares, en anew& et the sa epee what preyed te hese ensile Wm, -a stress plea fee total abstisesoe, show- ing that the Werth wdweb tapes i•. adherents, and proving the arise therefrom. At he ohm a hearty veto of thanks was awarded him. Two seem bens of St. Joseph's church (their, Mie Brown end Min .loses, sang soles wed Lisp O'Brien mid Joan gee a Mot, dor We the afiersees servers. .-,r•`sa� +"` ;iris.: f C. Rscsaas4 a Ca I *awe alma yeur MINARIYM 1.1e41- NEII .nee Ntetly in a miens ease of weep in termly. IIT e•eader it • remedy no Mems shoed d .rlNi1 8. (Jam lels.. heThai � oadss��/g��gg�arr ms a beds d NMI= L1/11114it ,%XX erbe me ettag a vgrs wt :sdainnts tMm Venn 'wishat her hen* s Q1awAt Re tg->IwEi 1�1aa iraud. Mer brehar, who was le Saw Well seder s Amato AM d esitiNg laarar• Me Mt ins ear weak, end died w�Ts uw iley rountell ham V boSOI to m 7510 le Ube Meg fild el thistese?j�lalf ?. THE NEW TIN AND STOVE STORE " 'ON HAMILTON STREET. MR. J. H. WORSELL has much pleasure in intimating to the citizens of Galerich and surrounding Country that lie has opened out a new Tin and Stove Store on Hamilton Street, in rear of Colborne Bros. Store, where be will be pleased to meet all his old friends and as many new ones as may give him a call. He will en - 'savor to keep on hand all the requirements which are usually kept in a first - clam store. NEW STORE NEW GOODS NEW TOOLS. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, L, REST, III 2,000,000. 6,000,000. A Saving Department has been t*teed in con- vection with this branch. Interest allowed at cu rent rates. I. LOCK WOOD, Manager Goderich Branch. People in this 19th century are bound to have the heat that can be had for the money. That is why EVERYBODY WEARS GRANBY RUBBERS They give perfect satisfectius iu 6t, ,tyle and finish, and it be.rx+ret a by -word that " Jtia t►ci Ruiteetis wear like Troll." NOTICE No. 3. The patroue of HILE'S MUTUAL STORE. DUNGANNON, with myself, well pleases with the results of our united effort., in making the undertaking a nevem.. Our sales' during the past month lave increased wonderfully, and from the successful past, we are led to Anticipate greater things for the future ; and why not EVERY INTELLIGENT MAN and WOMAN, :sleet• working hard for their money, are anxious to sp•nd it where they can get the beat snlue for it, and it is a positive fact, already proven to hundreds, that in no other place it. the County of Huron is better valise given for the r•o.oey than at our store. Some ask How is thief Just simply bemuse our method of doing k.Ntsine'e is the correct one, and you know it We don't put on enor- mous profits anti then try to blindfold you by pretentliug to gi:o you 10 211 per .cot. off for cash, or by giving you a r" mi in& picture said to be worth $5 or $10 to induce you to buy $10 cr it -50 worth of high priced goads. We charge you only what goods are actually worth, after allowing Ate a reasonable profit, and tht.t we must have. But remember, our way of doing business der s sway with long prices. You can today buy at our Mutual Clash Store, almost everything you require, just as cheap as you can buy in Toronto or other large places. lndetsl, during the past month, we iutre keel dollars and dollars' worth of goals to peop:e who for years past have been in the habit of sending to outside placer for their supplies. However, t►o mote need of this state of things, for we are making no promise which we cannot fulfill, when we affirm that we aro prepared to i'on,petc with any person or persons for prtces and quality of goods. He feels assured that he will be able to merit a share of your patronage He will do all kinds of General Repairing and Jobbing, such as Steve - delver. Eerier ughing, Tin Roofing, Furnace Work, Hot Air and Hot Water Heating Plutltbing and Steam Fitting. Repairing of all kinds attended to on short notico. He will constantly keep on hand a good stock of the beet Coal and Wood Cooking and Pleating Stoves, Furnaces, Stove Pipes, Elbows, Tin, Cop- per and Sheet Ironware, Granite and Whiteware Lamp Goods, Coal Oil and general assortment of Kitchen Furnishings, which will be sold at close prices. Second-hand Stoves bought, sold and exchanged" Ordered N ork a Specialty. Give him a call. THE PACIFIC CARLE. The mrit & Oat.mtet irate. W atrhtae eve Adtese ..t gra...., Lovte't, Dee 16. --The Colonial odic/ is hsppiing • close watch an the Ps. -ICs °real: Mille movementMr tie w Reston, dal -is. I ld'asri Me. Ar 1. Reatos, • Coessrvdlve meta bar for Cautionary, the More e1 Cbm eases that the Ooversmmt as telly swan. of the oaks et Fresco =Mug the new Caledonia ...dos e1 es The twas Hells helm hemmer. mid Bas , Mai Me Orsamsy gee Ito perW old to assenA 11/1eseen p+' ▪ Wa• ke SiM•e••M DM Vows% J. H. WORSELL & CO., HAMILTON STBKIIT. PATRONS -Or INDUSTRY , and others i..g pnt•e lists (called wholesale) who have not yet visited our mammoth establishment, come and bring your price list with you : compare, see for yourselves, and then judge accordingly. Remember we ask no savors, simply fair play and British Justice. Accord us this, and you will be par- takers of the benefits to be derived by dealing with us. " Excelsior' is err motto, and we are now prepare•) to supply you with goofs, the prier of wl.telt will prove to you that we hare your interests at 'take ; and you are respect- fully requested to perform your part. Always remember that we utust work and pull together, .'achieve the object of our high aims. We visited the Eastern Markets last week and found importers and joie berg very anxious to unload stock, in many instances at and below cost. Their extremity was our opportunity, and we secured many lints of goods which we now offer at prices never before heard of, as the following ill prove: New Breensdsk sake shingles at Kidd's, J • J.• MOORS d& CO p 60 seq. Ethel - Wm. Sit pe. has sold out his tseinees to a merehant free Ureas HiiL He will take pa eendoe in February. sassy : After an Mame extending ever '- w menthe Mary, beloved wife of )arW Gle mier, let 3. oat. 11. paned awe from time on Tuesday anosisg. Dee. 11. She was • desehter of Vegetates Gramm, of Cesabre•k. sad wee born sear Berlin. the - Soria, in tleptember 1864 and wee come - quaintly 39 yews and 3 months of age. The HUM d her demise was blood poisoning end ether oesnOcatiosa Mrs. Glassier was sated is set ergs to her sow bereft partner is October, 1.617 and teavrss fear children to he eared for. fibs was • °onagers" (Aria - idea and was sennected with Les Frseby- taiaa dnuaL Going OutF 4 of Business. We shall mil our stoma/ E1001re AND till New Team, ea strictly terms.Cosh strictly Dent__tet that rI$T fit Wealth AND llslfllPwill Mill bsemrrted ma. Memento mus be settled try Dee. 311h. J.J.MO= too., mat aids Court Mears aspera, Ywmrish. BOOTS AND SHOES '' purchased at the great liquidation sale of the Cooper .t Smith Estate. Them goods are noted all over Canada for their high quality of material and excel- lent workmanship. We succeeded in securing hundreds of pairs of those fam- ous boots and shoes, composed of men's, women's and children's, and offer them to you at lower pricers. than ordinar7 goods. See our stock of Socks and Ruh - hen, Snow Excluder', Shoe -parka, etc., etc. The Men You Know. •is•i..•� =r[.rt a IZ`Jt: 8.1 s►+�'kids- i\41,1111�111,\\%\tAW FANCY GOODS. A large line of Photo. Album, and other goods which we purchased at 60e. on the dollar, and offer them to you at exactly half the regular price• DRY GOODS. -Wo secured some snaps in Drees Goods, and can offer you regular 73c'. goods for 50c.: also hundreds of yards of Milton,, Flannelettes and Dress Goods front 5c. to 20c., worth 10e. to 30c.; all wool Blankets for 45c. per lb.. regular price 60c. 24 only of Wien' Felt Skirts at lel each, worth 52. 201) Gent.' Ties and Scarfs at 10', to 50.-., worth 25c. to $1.50. GROCERIES A full supply of all the best staple and fancy goods for X111Ess trees o prices to please the closest buyers. CONFECTIONERY.' The largest and mint select stock ever offered in Dungannon. 5 lbs- of beautiful mixed candy for 25e.. Best Conversation Lozenges, 2 lbs. for Vie. French Creams, 25c. per lb. All other linea, 25 different kinds, at equally low- priow be sure you see our steak before buying your Xmas supply. GROCERIES. We have in stock and to arrive in a few days over cies ton (2,000 lbs.) if tea of the choicest grades, which will he packed in 10 lb. fancy tins and sold will below regular wholesale prices. Next month our agent, J... Campbell. call and supply a people at a distance with our teas at the 'awe price as they are sold in Dungannon. Don't buy until you ase what we can do for you. No room for further quotations. Come and see for yourselves and we guarantee you will be satisfied with your visit Remember we sell for CASH. We buy for cash, and having other opening's for rnamehandiae besides Dungan non we buy in large quantities, and buy cheap hence we can at all times supply you with goods at much lower prices than the average Merchant. And although the price of wheat is low, is it not a fact that the price of a bushel of wheat will purchase more goods at our store toile, than would a bushel do on anyprevious year I Therefote, Oh' Farmers rejoice that in the MUTUAL STOin llangaancn is to be found a panacea for hard times. Wishing you the compliments of the sesame, i have the honer to he faithfully yours, JOHN HILES, Dungannon. CHRI8TM! 13 COMING Sad, in view of the feasting and rejoicing at f11A WAWA the .all attention to our - :. FLAVORING FXTRAfTS ... ~IMPS ossa--erseveted pun sod sites strong, therefore .hone- the. the healed cress_ The Following esemtere in Me. b•ttise s is bait : asttaeRtAtr ailleI%wrAl U1Sneweitio `i.a ra ,. tweeslew% ,. wm - a, MOM ASINININIS. 0. a. M .M. 4. Don't choose rourt]Gna. Gooda,'beffbee you see our Stook. TRY OYR INNING NONDE8--k f1UT-CIABS ARTICLE. FREE SAMPLE. • W. C. GOODE. 411 m