HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-12-21, Page 4.4
•jt '' 'gnat,
II ./•t ;reales
e/ le. >µtiNli DOT.
Soo of Pwb:iealws sad 10, North -suet.
tioderiea. Oateno.
Teems ef ananertpdtein s
as month. In s/vneoa. .. $ II
three mon•h•, • ••••• Y
If went it . t asssd. the M(m• Ifet leer
wilIk .....1M
tilserstrMg flees•
Leal and oto.r casmdadeentnewients, lac.
for Sae for lent t5 ;Ii& sad r ecuta per tine
ear ea. ti .imeecrere isuruUS . Measured by
• •eater, .1 .m4.
Ru ouwe cards of all Remand ceder. $3 per
Advertise -mews et Lost. round. Strayed.
saltine t-ncaat.,etteattoe* Wanted and
reaned Wowed. sot ctoeedi•i $
hOnn•red. el per meat).
•.-. on
este and Farina on stale. sot to
t , 1,er•. ft few arae mole h. vac. per sum
I 1i
epwi.T n•wolt. larger •,1.,•. 10 proportion. „yyaj � lour lent t.Jeral, protin.ial ear: muni•
Any sr umin-e.
that up to dela the .eaves ►a Inver d Mr
Ht nese for Mayer of tloderieb toe 1891, ls
progressing meet settelactorily, and the in
diaattooa ace that a terse majority swells
kis oa5Jrlature no election day.
This is L. it sbuoiJ he. Keepeetable romen
women waut • respectable an to rept*
e mitme
theas head of the civic Lord, and is
Mr. 11. r n1.16: they will find a man of wm
they mood out bo ashamed. A town n
judged to a Wage extent by the men which
It elects me its representatives, and no elect
or crag claim to be any better moral:v than
the ruse whom he endorses when moral
Mild Are Al stake. It the electors would
look at the matter in this light there would
be • better class of public men all over the
coup try. and a murk better :otoreemeot o
th' r. t of which is toI
peosiin r the �eee,tsrt I••nett of any ,.ret- cip•1
eldest or reespwc, considered as ad-
vurslrment snot cher,:..) aar•or.11rat) . Mr. Hi esti. is • representative ratan, and
Lorel notIces:s a.apasetli7i» nae oast per
word. no notice, tee isso stir. use who would reflect ere lit upon the peal
Laced abalone inuot -fiery reading
tree than dace
Fent/ per word. No
Heim, for ebun•twand of her religions ani
benevolent indtitutiona calf rate.
femmeeetsl (tossers td tehseemests.
A .nig.- ,i number of dip!ey ed slvcrtise
men'. a 111 he inserted at the ifdlswleg rates :
Per mat.. t o.- •uwvtso........ $0 Ie
four n.rnWY•
" Ihe.-.-ilia
sit evaths 0u
O.1•• tear. .t p't
No nd,eruwment It.. than two itches in
emelt. w d I.• cslro;aie.t on above basis. 5
par rens, I..- .1 vii ,n ,l for cash payments
on Ito•-• mon? L: •vn•txt : le per east. OL.`„ Si! was loci t or too cowardly stud compromising
moetha•.:c4 1 1.r rr„1, on a Tear's• 'I hese
n,odnnm+w.0 r.•arc••ITy euior,-ad. to take the action that the law reiuireJ.
. 1 to
I re
Woe. lie its upright, courteous, with good
rearul.n.j faculties, and an eeruet desire to
a lvan'e the levet interests of the town. It
elected, he would, we feel aascred, cleft
himVlf to wake I,olrich • law•abidiug anal
orderly place, so that ruet.ieote would not
be lisle t bef•.re a grand fury in an endeavor
to punish them for foreibit ridding the town
of a motel peat house. when the executive
Abeet -Tbs. •Ileal" SeUvesy.
'.uhnt- Ther .rte fail to re. ustr Tet Sweeny.
reeuierly. e:,her ray neuter or by mall. will
'wirer a fseur b; ac.ta.ittisg us of the fact at
as early • date a. possible.
Lash M tear tethel.
Your label is a standing receipt of the date
to which you are w,•! tip. -tee that it is not
allowed to I.') ,.,-u arrear.
When • shears n( address le desired, both
the old and the new address should be gives.
Kele: ted manuaenpta cannel be returned.
(oreepnod"r. •e main be .rimen on one aide
et name only.
Faisal i.ber's %elle*.
J. C. Le Towel, of Oodench. has been op
plated Loral Teareiliat knew fur the town-
ships of Ordench, (othorne, Ashfield and Wa-
Local pont mentors .•.or the district are also
empowered to rewire sebscriptioas to Tee
Sias Al_
At' communicatiews mast be addreseed
Tet Siew•t.
relephoee Carl 10. riedereek. Oat.
411011111118011. THIUNIW1T. IIMh . N. tele,
Tse vows ov .Tet. In tv rAvoR of etTRie
the Boy or the Brewery. Be careful how
you vote _-
MAYOR K;•TLta 1!t getl't.. A Tli.ifT
string oo The Kter's edger jest sow, aid is
thinking of putting • mor it on the
Twr "itLN'I(" Teller in sites Till "rig
bald" Tit ;sennas, and is talking to that
bald faced politician like the proverbial
hired man
FR',a THr .IPINIOT• gepg•uaED R, •.,tr■
of the Amerinta newepopen regarding
queen Lit., of Hertel. we have come to the
oa.clutiun that there was considerable of
ring psis in her petticoat government
Ur TO Tile 11111 o► roN•:C To meal, Jai
lime room -, has male no pleasant little
jest about that 'yen," Rt into s "although
that able young politician has broken out
all over with the wont p)eibl.i •t tack of
" yellow jtnn,ltce.
file '1.15 -lit 1!t Man's ,.rK ',region
:-utemporarv. The `star, rsdeavon to be -
slaver the rent -tog Mayor, reminds us of th
servile politician of whom it was said, " He
was too una•imons, and sloshed around al-
together too much.
.Y Wet 1i Y.K Ii, .r' A t• u►t,r. It Till. LAST
meeting of the town council to secure me
:meow for Mayor K TI.rn - billiard plant
•-n Kingston et. ('he majority of the cooe-
d were on to the racket, however, and the
scheme dtds't work.
H.1.. MA. •t+tii NOWELt. H.O. Rryri.tu
from A•tatrala, sed it will be in order for
the Dominion to furoiti the ducats for his
little junket. to the inn•time, it should be
borne in mind that trails with the Antipodes
is somewhat more attainable than traffic
with the Moos. for all of which we feel
duly grateful
Sin Jon Twlgpenir'• RS era. it NI,.
court- and Cir. sot., v in jail sea with
bad grace from • man who travelled over
Western Ontario • tee menthe age cheek by
jowl with the odorous Csew:, who got the
big rake-off from the steahags of Met:slew
and Uo'.oij i. Aid it may be thee some
of the boodle got se fat as Astigonish at
previous elect Inns.
As the canvass ptro_r.etes the outcome
looks brighter and, if the :0o•1 work corn
Linos+, there a no doubt that C. A, Hi .-
eet will be mayor oft,oderich in 1899, The
people wan' a good sten and there ough' to
be n.: citation is between the media/Ides at
present before the elector.. The electors
have sought Mr. He urri:, whilst lluoppon
eat is seeking the alio"
Ju I; a Doyt.i to the 1:rand Jury last
week, at the opening ot the County ['Dart,
bad the richt ring about them, and showed
000clusively that ;he speaker had at heart
the question epos which he spoke.
The question of the cheapest and best
way of providing for Oke per et the meaty
is set a new one. Over twenty years age.
the then county treasurer drew the soma -
tics of the county council to the fact that
the keeping of aged and infirm indigents in
the county fell was the most expensive
method of providing for them --that they
could be boarded in hotels and receive
good accommodation for lee than it met
the county to he •p them in jail, on poor fare
aid with necessarily inefhuient attention.
During the intervening years the gues-
tion has been time and again submitted to
the council, by ('ol. R•ea and /its soxesaor
in office, but it seems that even with the
clearest data and the exprienoe of having
to pay dearly for their cherished opinion,
the people in many of the municipalities
are still wedded to the idea that the jailing
of need and infirm indigent. is by long odds
the cheaper way.
Recently a reeve from an outside muni-
cipality wrote to the county trwaeuter,
&eking for information ..n this i:uestion,
from the latest reliable data at hand, and
tee necessary information wae at once sent.
We are enable I to publish the following
extract from the. corr•••pondese'c of the
county treasurer, which will be found to
cover the ground •
suppose you know that the whole rout'
of mantenanoe is horn by the (:overamest
aod county in the proportion of I:overnment
primmer. to county prisoners. For the year
endue" Sept. 30th. 1893, total prisoners in
gaol 284.3 d ye. Of these the Government
paid fur 602 and the county for 2101. Of
the 2241 days 1840 day, were vagrants
The c_aoty proportion of the gaol expendi-
ture was 2.241,2813. If the vagrant+ had
not been there the proportion would have
been 401;1,003. The diferetcafio what the
vagrant. coat the county.
Total cost of gaol maintes•noe for the
year ending Sept. 30th, 1803, $23M.06.
Therefore, $2164.06 x 4411/9943= $1863.50 is
what the musty paid for gaol mu.t..aaea.
Take the vagrant. out and there would have
beans saving of loon. per day for food The
4 mediums would have bees, therefore,
M less 1184=12180 06, and the
ooa.ty'e share world have been $2180.06
A.n .0 its ow• 1•.nw%RD RI tee in say
esteemed an motel by some of the news
paper critics aeries the herring peed I it
is unfortunate for the great Canadian that
ise never could get of to that ehascery
stammer Had he dose se he world base
suited sem* of the I:oghsh ,•urhotvie critics
and pusillanimous penny -a -litter, to a mem
far as oratory is -»seerned.
Toe AIWA ;thee • THAT Hlvx *tee t'CT
forth recently by .loos A. Ee As, The
anti-probibitios oemmigeien,r in
Kanner, to goeneh his dark brown thirst in
real Heerbee whisky is worthy of • better
ease If the " growler " eegee't work in
better slaps .lows A will have to either
leave ', dsediag Rooms •' or " die wed the
death►," as a Htkens i • friend recently
O'eg oM Tss atwstaa 111 THa Naw Yost
tames • iseegue remedy pat is her lastest
masa the eyesmke epos roma wearina.a.d
renadie4 M Temarks elf by this following
MHO Tisk e'see to • large poruaaal eipeud-
ot0 t " I have were messes MI my Ula.
aw8 I boo ivl M..... ethiM,..-these
pairs d SwYw d i mow had a mgesh es
• bsadtmb-' Is tee say eras* siheher
ache sea heir as mesh !
401/1 $871.50 -
'hs shows clearly that the cost of 1840
days (about 5 vagrant. for one full year
each) met the county 1992
It will thus be seen that then is • heavy
charge seainst the county for the keeping
of its tndigente in jail, and that instead of
these unfortunates being maintained there
at what many suppose would not Mach •
east of a dollar • week each nearly four times
that amount is paid by the toasty for the
privilege of furnishing its isdiget poet with
jail diet • ei pal treatment, nod o•mpelling
them to bend with criminals.
This of itself ought to be a good and sof -
flole•t remota for every mnsbripelity raiding
its yeses against the prweest einem of ear.
Mg for its most usfortunate per, but there
is •nether am greater w i petstes that the
oseety is wblested a gash year, sad that
is, by what is beams se tie meaty weed
system. The mama ernmpsie the oe.ty M
the aumbr has hese added to largely, as
today the o.saty a hespies thirty -owe'
wade at a yearly espesditare d $3,174.
This, is additive to what is paid for keeping
isdireits so jail, makes an annual etlay d
over $4,000, Already • number of •ppll-
etione to have additienal indireote pet us
as amity words have bees moseyed, aid it
ie quite possible that the total will reach
Ailciton Sale
We have deckled to wind up our
bsainem in Uselrria'h, awl to accom-
plish this at once we have instructed
Mit. JOHN KNOX to soil our en -
fifty by the time the musty eosseil meets in tiro Stick of
January, awl the yearly expenditure is nun �y m
section will reach some 14,500, is adaliues Fancy e, Goods, `ilver 11 are,
to the county's shareof the cwt of jail X11
saint seance.
A large and well kept House of Itefure
could be meinteieed us • far ter annual
expenditure, and it is to be hoped that tat
Jan. 1st, the el' -eters of cosh of tee muni
cip•liuee will put themselves en record in
favor of a better and more ec•noniical eye.
tem of ::ares fee they agar
1 I,A V 8 ii El1N ASKED Tt r
este who are dsly .tuailed to vote on the
plebiscite; and as emus doubts appear to
hare arisen in this regard we bested to give
the desired isfermatioa -
Part I gives the names of all electors
qualified to vote at legislative aril munici-
pal election,. Thew are all .i notified to
t the part in the plebiscite vote.
Past II Rates the names of persons who
are Instilled to vote at municipal elections
only. The women on this portion of the
list may vote, the men must nut.
Pert III gives the names ot male voters
for legislative purposesonly. They ace all 1 Ei
entitled to vote on the plebiscite.
tiovrnmeot office holders Jo not vote oft
the plebiscite
Albums, Toys, Barnes,
Dolls, China, Stationery, etc.,
without reserve,
until every dollar is sold.
Thin will he the chance of your life
to buy
in I. L'TrtNCU in I yi rat Lori , Otani;
porary, The Star, wares warm on the age ,
and grey hairs of the editor of Int; Si. vet.
This isn't the first time giddy and Leash
ing youth has *coded at the v eoerable, and !
we suppose it will not be the Inst. The
reference to ago could not have been made
by tho editor of The Star, became that
worthy is three years older than the editor
of Tut. 91.:r.u., and if there be any doubt Don't hesitate, tints is arigenuiue
expressed we will allow the honest doubter ing sole ; use it to your
to examine our teeth, if the Star editor will own advantage.
do the same, We plead guilty to the grey
hair indictment, however. We rather ia•
dine to grey matter and keep it with its
all thetins -inside and outside ot the skull.
In that we differ from the easement editor
of The Star, who is "rusty.' within and
without. However, if The Far doesn't
like the color of our hair we will endeavor to
- AT -
meet tte requirements, aod next time l'rof.
i)oacsst sten is is town we will, if required,
hare the measure of our cranium takes for a
wig of rusty carts or set of frowsy bangs
suitable for jerking jaundice out of • typo -
grit. How would that suit, eh'
Ir THE IMILK-.awn-u ATE.Rt v-alseLEi w'eo
deals out verbose inanities in the Saturday
edition tf The Empire, over the bogus sig-
nature of " Sepb," will muster up sufficient
courage to crawl out from under the fence
of his nom de plume, the editor of Tor.
41•:a•v. will take great pleasure in discus. -
log the uselesseem of the present Canadian
militia system with him. The chances are
we woula find an ignoramus, who wouldn't
know a military column from " • dying
wedge," and who couldn't, for his soul's
sake, drive • tent stake -one of these
fether•bed soldiers who are invincible in
peace and invisible in war. For of such
aro the defenders of the present militia
system in Canada.
Ter 1'n.stRt ATttt l usvgt.Tlea t I)I.l) .i'
Tuesday of last week decided that it would
be useless for them to put up a candidate to
be knocked down at the nest election for
the Legislature. What they propose to do
is to wait until the Patrons of Industry
meet, end if that orgaaimition puts up •
candidate against the Liberal nominee the
C'oeeervatives will support him, eves if he be
• Grit. It's quite • Ieog-beaded scheme,
MI it How will it work for the Domin-
ion election in the "sight constituencies -
four by acclamation," that have been offer-
ed to .I. C. Perm:nen
Tar. Is'rrssa or G. STsst.iru Rversox,
11. PP. , which ham of late appeared dural -
tsnaossly is The Mail and The Empire, give
additional evidence that a outs may part his
same in the middle without being level-
headed. Up to nate the talented roar
cinder-charer has said nothing that hes sot
bees said, aid better said, by abler sem,
antes of note before. It is the MOO MI
sheepskin that is being maimed. but the
drummer boy the time is somewhat fresher
than his predominance
Ir Tel "T*LLow M•an." AND Tut
"Meek Ta)trs" loth jsmo stye. the "pio-
baI11" Twoursos, et eimaed the sages titre,
thews is every reams to behove that the fur
will 8y. Aad if dm Sias Csaow sad the
Orange Wau.eos get geed up is the
proediese Mare will likely be a red hot
ogee. A rwVeies like that would almseet
sake • man ester-bllsd.
are sh.weg a fell eases of
Lilies FurCapes
Full limes in every Department.
/Call and ietawlsie goods and prices.
C. B. MB
Melee; s Bleck. Our. *mere and Montreal-st.
ge•beryieg b0s. , Wm. Meir
:: reloaded.
0: 9••.yIManse«. gtaMaa��s
leg and reps:idea hal, g8 ; R.hertiCii-
ptrlek, leepetw, $1•50 ; Dr. Tttyler,
sm endeam en Mir Me-
pi00 ; Wm. Jepee, wires in repair"
mg hell, $000 ; Wm. Jane, plash la ad-
vert, b0c. ; Allam IMuhemae. gravel, $3.10:
A. elands, growl, $6 80 ; Jams Seeds. work
e bridge aod kill, $3.60 ; reeve, olerb and
ssssesmr, selecting jurors, 86.00 ; reeve: and
councillors' salaries, $150 00 ; Mere, ealar�
1100.00 ; clerk, poetess and etattueery �g ;
A. Sands, pestage sail .ratio ery, 112 • A.
Heads, salary, $70 ; Angus MoK hens, wood
He lira Burton $3 s J. 1. Goldthorpe, build-
ing culvert, $2 50. H. J. Morris moved,
seconded by A. Young. that • by law be
passed that the ioratn•ttos be held is the
township hall o. Friday, the glad d:j; of
December, 1893, at 12 u clo,•h. Woe, aid if
• pull tie deitsaupled, the election will be
held U. Monday, the 1st day of January,
1890, et the following place. . Ne 1, tem-
' ill, Ileen,illsr, Thos Gledhill. Op.
R. t). Nn. 2, temperance ball, Sanford, A.
Haide, D.H.O. No. 3, township hall, alar
low, F. W. hlclh ssgh, K U. No. 4.
berm temperance temperance hall, Kehr, Williams, 1).
R.O. Adjourned F. W. Mm DON 4..n,
Tp. Clerk.
atonics Tow:N Nue.
Conseil met Dec. 16th, 1893. pursuant to
adjosrsmest. Members all pregame, reeve
in chair. Minutes of last meeting read and
paved. Moved by Samuel At , second-
ed Goa A. Cooper, that by-law o. 6 now
reed he pissed Moved by Jas. Causally,
s.00sdod by Swami Sturdy that the follows
isg •000snte be paid, vix., for gravel -Wm.
Lawson $6.16, Jas. C.snilly $6 70, A. J.
Courting $29.58, Jas. Mels $4.14, S. Wakes
$9.96, Hage Malmo 11 56. Ed 1. Elliott
$ 42, H. Hibee 139 12, Canada Company
$30.72, J. Weir $11.40, Jas. Alexander $7. •
96 . T. C. Pickard rent for ball, $60 ; J.
W. Seem fes keep of Toltetos and Charles
Graham, iadigeste, 13 weeks, 130 ; treasur-
er's salary $70 ; tremor* borrowing mosey
$5 ; treasurer's statement for arbritrator
$2; oss.cilloes' salary $190 ; oolleotor's ml
ary $70 ; collector's postage $1 ; members so
hoard of health $10; clerk's salary $106 :
elrk for school emcee $5 ; clerk forarbritp
ton 16, clerk for services oe beard ef health
$4 ; reeve tor work for arbritraton $2 Ad-
journed to meet per statute.
Num *ream,
Cameo:, Deo. 16th, 18013.
Censer oe coma' met in Tp. Hall. Mem-
bers ell presses. Mistime of the last meet-
ing read and approved. The following
Meeks were laced, vis . Amt. GM, for
amo eloep killed, Ili; Wm. Hill, one sheep
killed, $4 68 , ss Rill. plank sad repair -
leg culvert, $6.46: Joie Halliday, fur
gravel, $3; Xavier tt-esidr for gravel, $6..
R ; Michel Sense*, for vel, $5 ; W.
Atrashas, seamier ditch sod
bridge, hunter an
.50 ; Amos Fisher. lambd I.
m�aomlag 116: Jolts Romer, for gravel, $7 ;
Jasw Jewell, repairing, IN 66 ; Thomas
Olod►sll, realm, SDa : John tMyauingtee. re-
patriate ealvrt $1 ; John Josh eklefts Ing
rood, $2 50 ; Ar.Mbdd Malley, gravel, $1
Thames Dasher 3b :Joe
IT to ssritmmtmo TO Long As Ir How. J. C.
PeTTsaeotr were amines to take sac d Hes
••eight eesstitmmsm' fear by aeel•m•-
ties," which The Star and The Wisdom Re-
view aver have hese egered to him. He
hes given Herm the odd shoulder ies he
est with the ahiBleg reception in Asgsat
Tea *mem. weemso a• Tan Wow
Neese Cwnwvmive Amanita** Tuesday ef
est week we held in the Omar Mar sad
Tttstrarr, Data
Teursaerea-i!. P. •- --' ea
woken of a he held Thesu ay elll�t d tkit
week hen bee. pal sell for a week Myer and
we hep to eco at its geed •ltedaaoa. he
we end of to prom we learn that those who
were to address the westing were prom sissi
by Illness. Thursday ev seat the
.entire, will he • idrmwd by ey. J. E.
Sewell, J. L. Toss, D. Mcfs lRonddy sod
the pester.
CRrnce Noyes.-Owfag to an attack of
la grippe, Rev. Mr. Ma kay woe prevented
owning out from 1:edrrteh to modest divine
survive last Nobbath. A prayer meting
was held, A. C. Meedimaid sag hit e
►Doe net pasta will be elite to be via' no
Jostle C./ssTaa.a s H i it'u_ --We have
received from the publishers, the Carswell
Co. i Ltd. 1, Tommie, • heady little book,
compiled from the Criminal Code, by J. T.
Jew, High ('unstable Comity of York,
which should be is the bends of every
wide awake testable. It deals with schedu-
ler of fees, crimes and punishment*, the
oourta and jeriedtemoos, tc. It is a handy
pocket manual and is well worth the price,
75c. sad $1, according to binding.
THE V.te"taan.- The Deaemher Van
guard is of double site, containing 12 pages
of statistics, facts and eryulsent• that must
prove invaluable to prohibition workin at
the present Important crime. Among; the
prominent men whose epiaiose aod infor-
twtiAn are p•erated may be awned Dr. J.
J Maclaren, (1_ C. ; Rev. Dr. Milner, J.
W Hengough, Hun. Geo. K Foster, Hs.i.
A. Vidal, Hon. G W. Roes, Sidney Fisher,
Dr. A. 1'. Hastier, Rev. Dr Dr. McKay, .l.
Kimber -John,, and the editor. The work
is in itself an armory for pulpit and plat-
form advocates. A special feature is a
trial scene, illustrated by liesgougt•, that is
in itself a compendium of useful io .wwlation.
stark c» sent post free for 15 scuts.
Address The Vanguard, 86 King St- Fast,
Toros t o.
Tt+r Denney oa.--The February issue
of The Delineator is dulled the "Midwinter
Number," and its commuters as instrocti e
sed enter-taaing as useal. The fashions die
played are handsome and hermit's, and
ladies who hate sot yet completed their
Winter wardrobes cannot do better than
follow the styles of this month The weals
of mases, girls aod little folks are also fully
considered. St. Valentine is bin far
two novel divetooa•, ole being A Vaeodae
Tee, and the other A Tree -Love Card Party
while a third eotertaien ant for the meth
is provided in A Poverty or Hard -Timm
Party. As article appropriate to the times
is on Table and Bed Linen, and another
equally seesoaable is What to do fur the
Far. la the Household Reoovatios series
them s practical and valuable instruction
on How to Upholster, sad the paper on
Child Life tresis of tee Higher Education
of Girls. Physical Culture retinues the
subject d the Physical Expreesw of the
Lotions ; in Around the Tea -Table varies,
ist.remisg metten are discussed, sad the
third eostributin. on Thins teat Should be
Left Unsaid will be of general otrvice. The
articles os Deem Fabrics. Trimmings ami
Millinery are invaluable to Dressmakers and
Milliners, and that on Tar Kegs and Robes
gives the latae! information about these
injuries, Lovers of Knitting, t'rocheting•
Tattling and setting will find much that is
n ew in the papers on these subject& A sub-
scription to Th. Delineator is only ole
dollar • year ; single copies, 15 Geeta Ad.
dress stolen to The Delineator Publishing
Co., of Toronto ( I.W.I. 33 itiehinoed Street
West, Toronto, Olt.
make provides ler iso holism* and imam net a the Tow. Hall, es reported is The
peer, end as este d doe meaty Star. Crispiow ..-.p&-1 the
ossaetl .ageea erosd the rearm Hs with
sash ether le odeaveeiw to ham the wide-
ammes .f Hsi .mien,.' peer pet epee
the panty.
In 1506 there were eeky two wands en
the waft `der the steenes, ea • east el
sue. baa 1. td» pews thee have tat -,..ed
Waned Mamlefs sheer, sad Tor Homer
kept his eye ea the sent
Wm? setae RAT sees reeve flea urea
t ren Resells* weer ? If he im't amt. I
hell tabs fret pleas Mem Jay Comm
Rorsnsa, and then thein 'AIM', on all pests•
Wap. • weigh mf }tr0 std spar of
weml+iti • In yeah.
owed of SI•tteeee, by Sedd's Sidney Metk
alter bleed psiousieg bed see In. peeves
lee velem ef the remedy.-tilsgoes pee
pts lers'veeted Ie lbs rose.
Mew.. o t, Dec. 18th, 1893. -The rag.
dents of this section of Getario are deeply
interested in the ease of Dr. K A. Roe, of
Poetised. who was eared when is the last
stages of diabetes by 1)edd's Sidney Pills.
Thereluctance of doctors to use, or even
recognize, patent medicines ie well koows.
The public, therefore, reams that when •
medical man soksowledpee that he owes his
UH to Dodd's Kidney Palis, sad gives prac-
tical proof d his belief is their wit. by
prescribing them, these pills most pommies
ettreordis•ry virtues.
plsaks, $3 Raster
drawling wn.aj ler flees IAtda, p; X.
Re ehler. far lender, $17 IS ; H. R sante,
14 ddaayys. week en reed, $1 ; Alms- (71m.,
eairisg McPhes'e solverts $7.10; Seward
ii4.ad. V.1:7ng rod, 111 , Jaw TAT
gruel X46 t &siU* $3 80�
Yrs *Stitt, taxes rafundd ; Ates
prietfeg K 75 ; Jolt. Menet*. t
refussisal, $1 41 ; Henry Dodd. lamb,,,
toe. ; Rommel Morris. w(N Inn...
go; Win. Y!te�r'riek,, �relumb , SILOS
I Na He ball Mi41
Geer, trees bar his, IBMs i Wm
1'beton News -Record : We aro pleased
to mete that Tag GousnicR Sin e A L has bees
e nlarged. Outside its political ottvrwomes
Tae. Siawat, is a very good newspapr.
Gselph Mercury : Tun (;ooseteit Sw-
eat. lye bees improved and enlarged. Mr.
McGillicuddy las est mens of his incisive
vigor, and is unsparing i• dseosioing all
d ame and hollow preemie, whether in
Church or State. It is also a capital local
paper, emeting the mows of the 'form dis-
teimt toast oloeiy. Mr. *slanioaddy is •
redeem d T e Mercury, sail we trust his
set rprlsa will brig him increased weans.
A grand, heavy elms eat cedar shingle
at ifiidd's for $1.80.
is Disease Germs living In
the Blood and feeding upon
Its Life. Overcome these
germs with
Scott's >,
the Creels Of Cod-liver 00,
and mak. r� nr blood lteaithy,
skin pure and system strong.
/fiba siert. the world over,
samosas tL
Iir'f la Maid hiss!
alma s..w alissess Al Ala a0.
en Rs at least no Chtitita .
bowabw Inify�att�tt�it ~sad ata�Mwwt holds ies het week s
fitodog aeer reat 77 rr.. Y. ;
mal meet
n( al is . bey *treeing W • guud a,
• lesson Lala,.
• lady nested Mn T. C. M. Hw?hr,a
lvia[ i•
Keene, Oat., who wed oily to.
��� of Mwnbrey's Kidney and Lot
Cay., he. to weeded • statement is t►.
semi that it ommpietely oared her d
flswmshtry rhsimseism, kidney •sd at
tombless. st
Sash • ouplio tieh el dimssr.
yielding se quickly to this remedy sleek;
enemas.. sister euf[ermn to glee it .,,
Imams trial.
A Pair
of Gloves.
A Pretty Tie
or Muer.
A Pair
of Slippers.
Material for
a Dress.
in Fur.
A Mantle or
an Overcoat.
A Dozen
Table Napkins
A Fancy
Table Oover.
Nobody hits too many. Appropriate for wan or woman
boy sir girl,-- yon can't go astray in giving one. Were
got them in Cotton, Lawn Linen and Silk, rauiging (mut
'lac. to *1.39, altogether the bigjt variety and the bei
value. in the County. Special prises in Japanese Psry
Silk, Hand Embroidered, 3 for 25e. and '2 for 15c. Purr
Silk Hem Stitch Initial at 23c.
In La ire • Kid Gloves we' loop Perrin }'rerv'r (loon•
the best in taw World. Lacing Glove. from i'ic. up
wards ; Real Preach Kid Mores (every pair warranted,
for $1.00. In Men's (loves we've a big range 10e. u
$2.39. We cave you from Ie to 90 per cent. on thew
We've a special selection for Christmas Trade, Whim
Ladies' and ( ientlemen'a. ('aebmere S! unless. from Illus
upwards. Gt•h Storrs Prices all through.
We've got them from "good enough to lent "'t.
the kind for special use. We can give you It Sion elt•
for a surprisingly reasonable price.
No nicer gift for • Gentlemen. We've grit some Tflr}
pretty aperimens at prices within the reach of every-
Although the Ladle,* generally prefer choosing their
own, still, wren a man cant slimly go wrong in making
a selection from our stock. We've everything that'
new. Black Henrietta. are always seasonable. Our
prices range from 23c. to $1.2'i. Coming from the mans
lecturers direct they are positively the beat value int e
A (asps+, a Storm Collar, a Boa, a Muff n Cap or
(Jest we can furnish in any known Fur. We'll Rwfan
tee! the Gond. and the Price. Nothing prettier for •
chill than a White How with Muff to match. Weis
the different lengths and sizes.
We haven't an old Mantle or Coat in the Store. N•'
slon't want to sell to you if we can't gave yew mart'
We'll ho phased to have you examine and compel,
No incre set eptable prsmont for • Houm'wite• N
offer a very large selection, bought directly Fran the
manufactureni in Belfast
In Flt, Jute and Chenille we have ensue eery pr°,
designs atnet much below what they formerly Irv?'
All new mltail(sr in Felt, 2 yards wide, for mak"
.Irsp.w, he.
There are many other things such as Purses, Sleeve Butter, Scarf dos
he., which might. suggest themselves to you. Dont do your Christmas
lag without giving us a look. We'll give you the biggest and best
worth it's tebtefor ready nosey to bay. Give a• a chases to prove III
A oval anti pretty (':dander free to cumtotttrra.
f a, :..
&9t fore.Qtce