HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-12-21, Page 31441111ST, ST UONeemw . a M'. lienee i.e rtes elect.ilagal A lee eV Sols •f on Preens are Foetid. FIGS AND THISTLES. rd.. Uelaeese rel/eves lesr.IRM. in whisper of the ehn erer esti he heard tk r thea threader, !mine of the d'vane beet helpers sit close the pulpit itt ekefo& t moan ata mos g. relig oa. Mit he stash y menu sad keep it foo etas/ Mee go prsyimat-ju.t as t:.ol is them he rt Is paying. t old mg Malt with acerber is mil/ • round out way of'Magenta on y.rereiU. There are too malty petiole is the chords „ cau't be religiose iu cloudy weather. II ..me ,tau cad killed (:.,Barb, they ..ul,l remind the turd of it every Jay of .week It could mule soar'. to hint ...hot are mon mina he they pat • '2 eon piece the hat. Don't talk much shoot gtvteg the devil is doe ,with y•o•, Sr. .urs it he had it, lie "If o•.• s.. .wily ors meth. u Hag- ar•l • 1.11',w till is M ...Vane I seed "e hu . Irl 1 141.1. to it," wra.e i'nitip H •.t, .d d .uteitn, llaaet.di., atter haring sed .t for a aver* wound tool fur from., with, se he says, "astoosl ung re. :lt. " Tree, about Seer I have treated nearly 711X) am* of Lao mit'', and e'ght-tenth. ..r that amebae rtg.omt.-d froom sloe sent ,exalt Rouen. -- t1 - rt !My, .I 1) , f'i prriuteadeot of Wade - ug •"•un H•wne et ilustoft. it er woos, spirits, etc . fersisb se Me- t,' smpahle ut eater*Dg here the eueepeai- ,on ..f t$'o.1, muscular fibre or may part ii t,icti .s the seed of -he vital primespfs ' iron Liehg. THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1a!'i. A I]{ NAME. saes. elt =re TM nsti .40 the Aa far .e the salib0te el i be sigaalude is easee.Aad. Harper'. Baer my.: "There is w oavaryhg rale ter woe... married sod single. It is seer right not is ped teem to dem esi s same with the oddities of Milo er His. You are Mary wady Jose, tet Mrs PattNk Fitzgerald Joe, to wk.me.eeer you may be writing. If it le tnsssmry to seedy your tterrespedeat of your married style sad estate, you may du so mid in one of several ways. Please re- orember that • conseponde.t should atm be left in doubt as to this, iamb.mbarraament being caused by tbe osttmioa iii bitese be- tween et masers, of exult lalormatteo ea to whether tie writer le married or nails. You sattasyy plasm Mrs P. F. before the Mary Easily aloresawt taipiarentliesse. You may write Mrs. Patrok ttigoreld out fully sad plainly is the lett hand nurser of your sheet below your proper miniature, or you miv simply lactose your engraved vsttiag card, this hemp ue the whole the steer ele- gant sad also the most convenient method of show.ud o set relative to society. The etoeptien must he remarked here that the vtaitiuug Gerd to nut ut plate in an exclusive bu.ieee- Iett t Otte which bre out svto t.- motely a metal bearing." Card ettyae.la is one of the Omni and most delimits tsete by which a woman clrpsi- tee bet acquai.taacta. It. laws are noalter, able sed ii. stns est 01111101400 or oommreuoa amass tie low that are absolutely uaprr- 1ae•IMs. Comerelae the same oo the oars se sibortty tolls that the owe txgraviel is script through the metre sboutd have the sdtttees below it is the right hao.l Coir ser, the day for removing is the lett en, nes. Tie sane oh..uId .ever include • bas ba d'a title or profession, bet spell out lb. mebawl'. uawe in full, and sot be w nt iee with tie tatt.wle 41en••. ', daughter to the Bret year of Mr social if. has no card, but engraves her moor on her mother's card 11 .-r thio pproobati..wy year the coital u t the oily daughter in a familywrite...n!) Mies Weft her Cunt!),a sme. he younger laaahteri ante the full same. It has been derided dist on a widow's card the de., name so tong Marne, o bard to relioquah, gpnaed was employed : " h$." dee aids. t seine puente were so op Is their dsuler they would see de p ii maps what be said, sad they ised,their ease -come lost two and mem Wen," Mee,trapby is ardor. . Mrs. Permute I w•atj ems .t -dime lefties. g Clerk Her. is one, madam. that is used to au oar licheekt. Mra Pervean Well, it yet will have Nee . few mese tsimde painted ea the.. empty spaces, i'll take it. _ volts• • Hes el thew. Woe. fWMaa it was • hot day, sad delay. Saws Imo ple were arum The heeds -ear rattled aloes over the dusty village road, and the pas w ager• grumbled nosily •ad waved their Lass- Suddenly the oar stopped. Nobody to get out Nobody in sight oh, yes ' A enroll, dotty child in the road, st•sdiag still watching the oar with a soared, drgopieg face Soat.thisg on th. track' Tb. dri ver lumped down and tamed it to the child. You should have seas the thong' • big, Mack, limp. rag doll, with scarlet eyes ' Then the oar west on. Rot the driver trlaughed sad the crops people united, and ot! said to soother, nodding. • He stopped the oar ea purpose not to rue over that Rood hit of mews ' A child's dolly'" Tell it again. HYGIENE OF KISSING. Prof. Moller. of wile., amamer.te. image ss lb, Mad [deme. That bright little mesal Science Siftings has dot* something to help in warfare utmost the deersrous, custom of kissing - - •Isogerou s, of course, if indiscnmonate. 1'd he the last man in the world to say a word against • courtship is., itut church door ..Backing bets ecu women folk. and the sb.bberiar that gore on at railway stations ugh' Kissing has been called an ex change of microbes Prof. Mullet. of Berlin, has published • paper, in which he regard" the human mouth as • coot re for the spread of several diasa,es through the instrumentality of hies- . tuftybe retained with preprsty for eceul Ths snug. up the sutiect Is kissing • we. though it. all prwaidal setters the hygienic habit or not widow writes her own Cbriatun name in • Innocent thddren at.Perham the gre•t- Mead of that of her husband. rear sufferers. Erylikes to kips • beau- tatel child. Mothers, too, often encourage CURED HER SIX LITTLE ONES- it. From the point of view of hygiene we believe this itdworm mate It moss of children a great evil. Let us leers to show .aur de- light in them an soave other way. And per- haps adults will bear to mind the injury they may so uietimee do by the well tamed - ed act, at least when they are ill. Still better will it be at that fact teaches us to take hotter care et the month, acne sad tie throat, by Treater cleanliness, so they need sot Le, as new, oentree of castagion. A Meioiree fr.armseei fee M►btbeirie tyemel) Rerrepe from a any. " I am the happy mother of six children," write* • lady correspondent of the Brooklyn Eagle They had diphtheria• year ago, sad thank • ••.t, i had them spared to me." She Boer drinking in this country predsoee gives the care to the .arrattrc of her own • he very lowest farm '4 ioebrityr densly expsriettoe Wsee the symptoms of the allied to •d1•oi.al Mosaic ne mast dream appeared took a pier of fat tango ens els • of t'„"attend Af(leee a am,.srget aura are Item, MMMT : ocieguoe boom, sewed it oa • piece of Matt flaand, to \meran. eatnrated the whole to petroleum sad placed • Steseettleollao'llokill. ear. She thee made a poultice of pounded Why tie abuse hawbies adejtittitg whoa raw oor.te/ which she put into the child's Sinal B.lw . •i t..o e • rimy weeiige of stat kings The stockings were then placed you, aatarrb, and thus mime. yes of this on the child's feet, sad tee pweltice, warm - • ...mode habit ` la mem of odd in the ed, drew the fever from the little ones Mad, Naval Bal..t gime inatast relief and haat. Furry t.ttuato catsup was ueeo as • effects a poetesses' eere: From dealers or gargle frey,teatly, • tow drops only being by moil, pest paid. 60cemail er *1 large emphyed to set the throat of a child too bottle Fulfnrf t Co.. Brockville, tint. i young to wide. When the patient vomrt- - it on the throat of each child from ear to eat she gave it lime water. When the is. &awe of Mon, • pat hent promoted symptoms of croup she t moat mac ea. once heard to say that save it from ten drape to hall • teaaponaful be would do oaythi.g to secure .+ether .f coal off every half bear, lesseorug the tllemio id pomade. A wager was laid pet- dope as the creep damapeared. She kept vollily that be Should be salted to allow him• the patient warm. did not' give ice water, The good Merryman had evidently met salt to he killed for a thou.sod pounds. It employed physic, and predated on irnta- Such camps before. He asked the father was mestinoed to him H. took twenty- tion of the neck which, becoming very peso- bow he ted the child ; and he learned that tour hours to 000ei•ier ; and the waw having fm1, was allayed with tallow. She mod to ire dietary was of • kind that would ulster - "apo 4, tme .,artier ratted co him aphis, blow • little sulphur into the throat, and in ally overheat the blood and iat•me the who, hum answer : '•Weil, I have cow%oder- that connection she observes that if parents pensions. He prescribed an satire change fed i our oder, and have come to the one- would Rive their children sulphur and es the boy's food; iaatead of meat' and donors that your thoos•ad woods would not be of any torsi- a to ate after my de- .esse but I tell you what i am prepared to do. 1 will consent to allow you to half kill me f •• flv. eu dreel coos d Tb. Retarlee el reed re reertal.. The food that • little child at' loses two fold isPnetate ; it may Dot only deprave the appetite, hot cloud the intellect. It may do more than that ; at may inflame the passions sod pervert the moral nature. A clergyman who hu thought much upon these subjects tells of • father ash.. was sorely tried over his little son. The child was so obstinate and wayward that the fails •r sought cement of hr mutate•. Re asked whet he should do with the boy ; he bad tried everything be could think of, mnrdl suasion, eatreattee and be was abut to resort to fore.. Rut nothing seemed to Nadi the oars ; the child was incorrigible, molasses and eaaeafrae tea, or something Ass to charism their body, they would sot take the disease. Sb,, says die dose sot know of any owe of diphtheria which re - en! • and fatally where the remedy she a ug - gravies, rich pastries sed the like, he substi- tuted plain bread end milk, with wholonone fruits. A short time afterward he called, and asked as to the results. The father is - ter -ed him that hie on seemed entirely CHRISTMAS FRUiTt' `. "- Oar Stock is now complete, and we are ready for your orders. Our CURRANTS and RAISINS are exceptionally fine this year. Besides, we clean every pound we sell. Inspect our CHINA and LAMP GOODS Depart- ment if you are looking for anything in that line we can suit you. 0. Aa NAIRN. NICE ASSORTMENT OP FANCY FEATHERS, FELT HITS BEAV- ER HATS. TOURIST HAT,, m . ALL TUE LATAST - - RIBBON'S and .NOTION'S, all at Greatly Re- duced Prices. .tt B PATRONS CAN SAVE MONET ST TRADING WITH Uta. MISSES TATES. Fall Millinery! I have returned front the city wlil; THE LATEST AN BEST STYLES in all branches of FALL MILLINERY, and solicit the patronage of the Ladies of Goderich and vicinity. 2=SS CAMERON_ FALL AND WN9 MILLINERY. In thanking the Ladies for their patronage during the past season, I would solicit a continuance of the same, and invite their inspection of my Fall and Winter Stock of Millinery. New Shaded Ribbons, Fancy Feather Effects, &c. H. M. PITCHER, "THE EMPORIUM," Wcst-stn, Neat deer to "Star" Office. .hawed in his disposition : from beitlg irrit- able be had become docile. The as tee boas of the brain bad hoes sad die intoner serious irritability no bag• er elided. To the father, this madden ttraaefurmatioo seemed almost mirsoslees. • To the minister, it uu all very plain ; he had removed the cause, and the effect me iosgsr followed. -Demure is Family Maga- Matt. • Mile Sec. Melber--Ind yea thank the gentlemen who carried you aeeoes the crowded street' Wee Soo -I tried to, but I didn't know what to say -the words wouldn't come eomehow, hot I gums it's all right, came my dog awned his tail enough for both of us. -Good News. Tall SIGGNAL. le only one dollar a year. Have it sent to your fri ase. SCHEDULE OF CONVICTIONs Returned by Justices of the Peace in ail I for the County of Huron, for the quarter ending December 12, A.D., 1893, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario Chapter 76, Section 1. e lfmao el Prosecutor Name of Defendant has. StrasMs. L Nfeiebea aa v S A. Neheleos. 6 ,t le W. J. Paisley. 111. Dindep. Wee. Bsllsayae. Wm. • cCltr. M. Deploy. 21 ohs C. Mambos M. Dunlop. Wa Balleatys. ohs Stallard. Ca.eteMe. M. Daelop. Joshes Cook. W. J. Pander. sees Dans. Nature of l bort,. Thos. C.aig. Larceny. , W. Atkin. , Druak. Mery Walton. Vagrancy. Xavier Basekler. larceny. Jots 1 Mrialea. I Vegraacy. Wes. McGinnis. tt Fletcher Pestle -'Disorderly. I wets Geo. Vsaotose. George Wileus. I'agrsacy. IlSd llivan. " 'Thou Smith. Rabt. Rich. 'Jae. McLeod. 'Jobs Reties. Smith. . ample M.Aischy. !Jabal Carrie. ( Pat. Reorder. Woo. O'Brien. Robert Rewash. Jarmo .v shares. H 0. }:dssll. sooty W ilteic- Rear#e Constable. Was Yeer de Robert Stevens. ((;1eceseraa.. Stewart. Job. Ilesos. ohs Ras. esathas Kerala. ..ha Kelly. thus. B. MelMsald. Vest. Ylyss. B. McDesald.1. Sasdsmen. Grewlede. 0. L. Nosy. 40'J. Cree& 4141. Wyle. *T. Casty 4314 L Rtrmitege. 44 R R. Cerins, 46' 1611. Moller. 47, '• lei 003 N. T. liar.... 50 Js. (lel. s:t a 11! ClsAtpe M het SS MimMte J. Ram SS Jobs T. r11NOa► .id Bell ae. Beery. Mea. Miller Marro BeAt . Q. 11.1. W. SreittkhD. Robin s Kennedy. Fal.. 'I Davis. Dswm. Davi. . M. Skieves A. O'Rries. Md( He 6. Charles Aa Shaw. SbnMbate Oiu . jtbee B.Mset. 26 Rosh. Mollf.tb. August tom[. 67 St-. Wes. 51 r Jabs Walker. 64 44 °mittisg to expw tavern keener. Drina! sad Disorderly. SIPS liquor oostrory to law. Arias sad battery. Drunk mid di srdsrty, el Abusive leesasge. Breach of Bowe act Am•ult and battery. Drankead disorderly. Assault. act. Wag lisorewit hoet homes Wag liquor during prebibited bre. Assault on oosatabie while sodom- ise his duty. Drunk anal disorderly. Perjury. Utteries threataaies letter. Aerials ureses village by law. Aemstt. iasesity. o keep team.. saga ta prop.rl,• Treeraes Fe bee mem Uremia of dental act. Breach of game law. leder/eat ass tilt. ``larae tummy. Data of evict ion Name of Cenvictieg Justice or Justices. b Jekr, Batter, Mayorof l3oderieb. .t to Nov. Dec. Noe t lot, Nev. Dec. k0at. N 14111.11,1 in r Nov. 'ladeeest behavior ad theft. 'Oat. 100 14 14 40 el it 44 44 aa I. tt to at 1 as. H. Sheppard, J. P. leis Nettie, J.P.. Sdetmrth. ohs Bistsia and D. D. Wtlem, J. ohs 1lealtis. J. P. 1 11{Jeha Beattie and D. 0. Winos, J. P.'s. " G. 04 ohs Beattie, J.P. 7 20 as. McGarva. J.P. 1 61 11 11 41 41 1 1 las Metlarvs sad Hy. Steep. 04 14 OS 46 N. H. Young sad Wm. CLmpbmll, tie M (hyw ll, Wa ampMflt, R Berta. J.P.I. Caldwell, Wm. Campbell, Rte, .. P.1• Snell. i. P.. iCsMmr. r1 ,1 n0 t. end .1. M. and J. M. 'flew sba to be paidhoe w . % whom paid overtly If ea psist, sa why Ask general tetrads Paid.raid Justice. observations, if eay. J seticc. 1 '00,8 days 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 IM 1 1 1 2 60 tp 2 6 b 00Sept 23rd. b 00 F°rehwite. 60 00 60 00,51.t 0•t. 90 00 Forthwith. 4o 00 " De lbwith. Si is N 44 *omitted for trial. mouths in jail. witted for trial. 6 months to jail. .. 6 .. 1Cotuw.itted to 60 days u jail. 60 Net paid M Was Bmils 3 months is jail Committed. 44 1liemimed. ('ommitted to jail for 21 dame. Peid Teaof Sesfeirtk. Lie Tram TOHL Me(il be jail for 6 mastic. Paid to Wm. Lissome Inspirer.. • Tree. Tress of ewe Tremont. W. J. Matey. te to jail for 1 wrath. , Warruat cemmite.sat isssed. The Clerk of the P Dismissed. of Dederick. °Treasurer of village of Blyth. A.goitted el the .harp. Forthwith. Tillage Treasurer. If larenissed. Withdraws. .em. to jail. Basad tog 111 .nests.. W Ithdrawe. Resod lie 14 mensba 4.1 04 411 .fDai.1D algia to oreptsieatttt. Dldmirmd. or west of evldeneo. jail lar •meths fitted M prises. tr 20 6 a irertbwtea. a T. B. Wilmot, Asety- ii Is Rev. Inas. and We. Lewis, J.P. . 3.,. i /loner. J.P. 1 eaMeimagbl Ales ssswert. wise tis-iI J. O. Word. . Cam dimisa.d g;».leted Tetra Treasure'. 1 Itareby eat* SIM above to be • oeffort mad tree espy of She Munn Seal to nay east. 09100 et the Clerk of the POI" Owtelles, Daiesher 1.14, IrbrL it t 1i 1i tl it 1ft 1f 1 t 11 1 4 41 1 t f .444 s.` as a -_ l r V' . .e SLAUGHTER SEE TilE FOLLOING REDUCTIONS: Ladies' FurCoats Pt33 ()tt for $29 h'/7 29 00 23.00 Astrachan Curls $500 for $400 4.50 " 3i0 3.25 " 2.50 Y 30 " 1 90 2'3 " 173 Cloth Mantles 91000 11.30 7.30 6 MI 6 00 10 Oe a 50 :E00 for $ 7.15 6 35 5 63 4 93 3 60 5 00 2.90 • Cloth Mantlings $2.25 for SI 75 1.50 1.10 Note these Sweep ing Reductions. Our whole Stock of these Goats must go, regardless of price. The Greatest Bar- gains ever offered in S AS NABLE GOODS. is what we mean. Call and see us, and get Goods Less than wholesale prices. A big stock of New Carpets, Oil Cloths, Linoleuins, Lace and Chenille Curtains, Rugs and Mats. Ilighert market price paid for Rutter ant'. Eggs. tri; discount for Cash on acme cut :wider prices. EVA Ara -class Dens and Massie MAker up -Moira. COLBORNE BROS Great Carpet Warehouse} of the County. O BOOTS and SHOES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Protect your feet and avoid la grippe. You can do this by pur- chasing your Foe,: wear from E. DOWNING. Overshoes, Rubbers, Gum Shoes, Mackinaw Sox, &c. Warranted FIRSTS. No SECONDS, or old Bankrupt, Moth-eaten goods but the best quality at prices charged elsewhere for an inferior article. A LARGE STOCK OF GENTS' FANCY SLIPPERS, About twenty different lines to choose from nutiful goo& Very cheap. E. DOWNING. ,Safety Bicyoles FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE ARE OUTEELLLNO ALL 0011PIMITuRS PNEUMATIC TIRES, 1160.00 up OtIR 001IIP TIT011te NOT IN IT TM Q▪ UALITY OR MUM IRALEWIS, Quad Os Rom est Nest, Omura Areerarg. eassil Now. LAWN MOWERS. im,,enne patsies loperlseekta. GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSE. R. P. WILKINSON. CHRISTMAS GOODS 1 The Fnest Quality of Christmas Fruits, Nuts and Confectionery. R.W. RUNODILAN.