HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-12-21, Page 2T' - llllld� fide
?or. arclve mai desoK Ree•tre ae alai
Meals : morns tele a.m.
ad sad taproom :;. ..lied ............. a3 r e.
NI p...
call sort '.. anew, ...•••,.•..
_. �•rsra ....
lama•••` � f.11 a .
t.0 ep o.
• ,era,. (4001064, IoW tMt"r w•--'
Oo4er.M. Il wilielanl sed apneyed lo.,.l
aaa.mt►ttirs on \at.d fur psiolrw rostra. -
nos of bet h. art_LI
(' R. I. tttt'1ltttMAWtN. l.D.".,
U surer .,n le::•iil. aim and Thanes* an
adatn'.d..r.Ii Io adaoleupsietwe U ttS int d Mak
Vt tta m t+.., . reiervMi r
a[ aral r,,. Dare -re seine.
Ina a.t!ywl a. leer
intend t ee r.l , a esteeaom W senIf
alt.. (),Ila1'�,h. _ - _
R• WI•'. ',1' h til•NTEjt
ll Cake- ;, ,- 1 Ilaase. Meter' Th.
Paye.. • r 1rc.-.•na, Aeouuu,w.tq t•
t► C. aye.. •!, % near
Mel .1. It -.1 ` I KA.eleya'' No tb .t
ops. Moder
L traL
MiehiN .1 •i1Nsliti ftAI:Itl•
sees, 'i.'' •ore. Steer..., lr. ••u4rn.
_uses nutty. hats more. - 1.. CAR
t►. Y. t .. . to J.i.ln-N^. Mo.,e> n
LpFTI•.I' I) St E. K(KKI'nTI
tecta mime l ret.. t .rover. he., rte. Woe
Mikan al i are, 'w•••. ih,Ruu+ Masai. Ue
palate a'utb.n:e H,. • I,..', eros. telt. atu-
_N. IX of 1 It.tIIK1+TEIt, t'Rt'O-
der is y.e:owe Coorte of 'ea'•res
Wb Colborne r... -e.. e,. V
0..... .wirer of dome and Wee
stew- tiede•re.•h. ...4telryrnarn tam Pt
dots beads to trod s' Moor., rates
amt. es
r, RAF(
• r# t+Girl.
deb. .1Tl•rnaw, -.
yt Prondteet
CA]16k:)N, HOLT A Hoe ow,.
Sedettere OOOodese.t eb. aQ .. Pfilli t
Dealer $eters.
J O. WARD, CONVEYANt:Elt • mad moniutonoser for tette{ and n
e��l1ytag reaveruirawyv of bed. sada.Its a
=.7aIL... depoait.ona or solemn aerie's
er a'n.arw.wt su> action. suit or rat,
aemdfagie tail UtahCourt of Justice, th.
a rt of Appealf r.,to,or an an) tuwtl,
ear vision ' ,,ur:, AI, traneaettom carefulq
sad prompin ex"r.::ed. ttas.delve and P.O.
aJdrsas-a')uoganson •tot. tom--tf
I14111- w AllIffiN>rallwL
AIONKY TO WAN. -- 11r4,000.0'
1A Private roads to motel S> per cast es -
■ woks. LOFTUSI. otic. lit'. Hot too, block,
opposite t'ulb rue dowel. ti„deriee. 407 -if
• accident ImwfascS wept : at lowan
rates, moue- er. Nerttio.et. end xotiare, (iod
erica. 71-
P ciILINIC N aba.e. a 1101.31 00. isms -
near. 17Mf
amount of Private P trade for tay.atmese
Wowing rats ea etrst•elese*I4 pe . App
to NARROW a PNounrot T
. eurwoce• heal Estate and Mosey
Lorain( Agent. only 0nu'lass companies
represeeted. Moony to I.end on mtretgn
lona, at tt+e lowest rata of interest grins. In
say way to matt IL, oorrower. Otis►- 8w.
e.d door from •Square. Wast Street OOode-
. La>.roo. Asst caret ('uttwer. of Lon-
don England. Oat of the oileax end strongest
lire tnentence I'...mea..tee to •he world. Io
walted A.U. 1n► Assets over elthtea.'
dollars. A abate of Merino u re-
ly eol.cited as b.eall of the above
. i act 'Mewed to orate loess a•
gape as g .,d no ea or m wtgatc• ac lower
��oaaale�tseIIret,e. 1i a s No leM.r•in. II eel.
6ripri,1 t'. ideAblalt.
mad Inen mace Asset. Doderich. Ont.
Afloat (Andrei and Ltsesnu • Fire ins. Co..
sad (lore Utatrfet Hamel lo.. Co. saw, at.
trasded to in any part of the county. 5011;
tteneer and Land "el.ator. Ooderleh,
OM. Hayies 'ad comederable ezperieooa Is
a►estutttoeorrins trade, ha ar in a position to
ellacbarve w tth tharuugL esnsfaccloa all tan
alast•sr eutrttated to elm. Orders left at
m Hotel. er seat by mud to his addreen.
h P.O.. car -full; attended to. JOHN
OX Covoty Auctissaar. lartf
Circles. Ooderich r. role, No Ila, meets
third Monday of each month la the hall over
Tat 911u1a1. metre. Dr/trial iad•oemaate Is
itnw•nce and Wok bsseets. D. CALRION.
��,,��..,.rr H. J. A('HRION. Tree H.
Rl[IIARIS.ON Pecrvtary. Ivr
Dental AnaonaMmNpt.
n it TBS tat er •
It award. me uslI'elted stisfsctien. ahs •
toot. resstiin the tearesteew•a
Ns et d eta ta awl as•sMehed
Ia ShaUb
lt i 1 twee e est, sad
sight teem Oederteh. the brant
diseevevy, which is warranted serer
to IMO the beet gala aortae the exmeet/as
elf Mab ea M•epm elf as, Wad. to •fir
...or owe. eat wary 1!;,!e pita to th. wait
extteon mese.
is • let seasstbetie that 'wen edema W
Mme letheelreasisikt�,gwIs tamale a water,
the1 Me so h l ties►
memo me n le tate. Nalearo
meosstetgr Itlarrsems .• w mese..
o f dm astorm
If potlosM ItMtseg sow=
(f desi
r Dai i. sicamensos.
The antis, emirate' he moan
The ,.*It of pest. relater. ,mato..
Mem w►. t ,,'r .pint at.. it tats we um
or ...Ur of kr.oau,g thele temosal part.
Do-• ..u: tw alnd. unless ,t Ir Wear
In , arta In , h.w.l.. b.- abl. to tr.posd
1. Inn.d . bord- it.'trve•as !4s the bend
1. was.tinti. 1'!,r ls.W beggar. lark lag pear%
•upyin.t st illi Matto.. at matey Is their peer.
Asda 111W cnlh aae'Dv painter eN
flee • tiny is h.. picture, ,"dt >.t held.
110• . karat- whir 'h de.. a hob to bi.pkerrt
In 1r.news Christ in treaty sad sell/ hair.
He d new b;mself, a man extra(ai
,.�j. r.
- e.laCreases is i Creasis New art rue.
I diet stet her in the family of it ['teed
In Anee•rdam. Everybody called her
Awt.t E., lwr full n.111x bring Eat►-lle, or
hewer. I oyer quite remember which
She was soinewla re. averdl► year.. .4 ago',
tbuttgli only Ler perfectly white hair iso
rraye.l the fact, Her Skin was dedicate
and tinwrink 1..1. her eyes luta Ii,, and
Ltihht and her teeth so firm, white aril
n-gitlar Ilrat sane could not but patd..n
mer the abluent apologetic aognettishn...s
with mile. II .It, frequently; displa%-td
t hello •-
She mast have been very pretty in her
vont ii -indeed. I busy Pay she was pretty
.,till --and [nrtttermore, with theme de -
;deride t-laracteriwtics was combined a
r - -! lies at l% iti very Boal in one of
.ser years. The lively eyes, the derlatile
•leech, that abrupt but significant move.
leads, the sprightly walk, all kcal to the
supposition that the brisk de year old
.title woman had behind her a life of
toil ar.•1 pen.i,temt tll••rt.
Seth Wan the fact. aur Aunt Es Coir
mann yearn had kept a little shop. Had
:e'er Nagy. she Mill kept it and was as
Ir ice, at her utast as ever when any profit
.vac to be gamed by it. That the profit
aan meager enough herr Mont; life of pwv-
ert' at'. atot, lint she had been inde-
penilet.t. never had iit-.ougght a favor
from any erre tend felt, to nee her own
words. that a fair proportion .,f pod
tett team bete through life.
To it.duee her tie dine with us once a
fortnight required the moo! '.r'•etaing in-
vitation. She cattle the,: in her gray
wa,len gown (summer and wint.-r it
was always the Milne). with httkl flounces
.in the skirt end snowy crimped ruffles
it wrist and throat. She brought eweete
usually for the children 'to nibble, at
table wise animated and gay, and when
'toe ingnire.h how the busine•es prospered
AG4w'er.'I cheerfully "she believed it
went right well."
And this "hueine,:," of Aunt Eel
Twat cost'lseted to a cellar -one of
those damp, unhealthy Amsterdam cel-
lars. where to your sntaxement you will
tinct tolerably clean stalls, enol in the
windows of which you will see .11s-
l'lay•ed fruits, shoes. fishing tactile.
-,:e,perage materials and various com-
m "litied too Inlnerons to mention.
In inch a cellar lived Aunt Es and at
the same time conducted a little station-
ery shop. In order to reach this sumptu-
out abode, which was about the size of
a birdcage, one inert deeeend 3O steps.
Then you saw a small -a very small-
tal.le, which answered the purpose of a
counter, on which watt displayed three
or four prints- about :is many letter pa-
per pads of different shales, an old glove
case containing steel lows, goose quills
mid cheap least pencils, six bottles of ink
and four tape measures. That was alL
At the end of the year the inventory of
receipts shown -el nothing to waste, but in
gcoet menthe Aunt En sometimes gained
a profit of 12 to 15 gulden.
This chop in the ei ening was turned
into • dining room; at night it became
a ladchanttier. The counter wee her
.lining table, snot on the broad surface
of a * hest, upto which a mattress was
:aid, she slept.
Iii this subterranean chamber She bad
lived N) or mom years quite decently
and free front care, hoarding her little
•a-: u:gs like a miner and looking hole --
fully- forward to the time when she anal
the chosen of her heart ahonld marry.
When 10 years of age. Aunt Es an -
menaced to the tnenmbers of her family
that she had met the man of her choice.
Like herself, he we. a small merchant -
smaller, in fact, for whereas oho pos-
sesetted a shop, • table and an old glove -
case with steel pens, be possessed no
shop at all, unless that could be called a
shop which would close ne and be con-
veniently carried under the arm.
Karl -that was his name -was a cigar
merchant, though not one of the whole -
side sort who draw their wares direct
from the plantations in Havana. Hit
-walking" shop consisted of a box or
cam in which once reposed superfine Re-
gattas, but in which. not without inward
shame, he now packed for sale his three-
penny cigars. His general stock amount-
ed from 100 to 200, was sold to the work-
ing or lower classes. and it required two
weeks for their disposal.
'Ti. customary in holland, when the
engagement is sanctioned by the families
of I oth parties, for the engagement to
continue from one to two yeah Our
ing that time the conple are free to come
and go as they will -unchaperoned. un-
protected, save by the good tied who
smiles upon. innocent love.
Though Karl's business. redacted Annt
Es, was not as profitable as her own, yet
they would marry. The marriage would
he one of "inclination." for they loved
each other. A snarrlapof convenience,
for their "commercial and social posi-
tions" were equal. And better than all
it would be a marriage founded on rea-
son, for not until they had conjointly
lied by a arum sufficient to eetabliah
themselves and their children in a ooze-
fortablejtome would they ma •y
Two thousand gulden) That was the
very least, she resolved, with which she
would venture into taking a larger shop.
Thou the cigar and paper business s would
be united. and the cleat. no linger ot>m-
pelled to serve both as closet and bed-
stead. could reruns to its original was.
From the time of her bet;pk►d sad
this resolution a great change AM ranted
in Aunt Ea. Rhe who ham tarty mons -
leg till late evening had trilled like a
bark. and whose gay demeanor bar neigh
brt came� �Sigf TOM had If oat ell. OOw
Two aMenotk ai oat
fur their marriage day. 'rias was lust
one aim and may've in lieu. That was
the on. aim, and pul-Isee of Kari too.
But it was not ,.ley in their lovers)
lines of Dewiness to save so large a sum.
No, it was not easy. Zeal and prime
veranoe brought no especial malt. Mo-
w•pely swallowed everything. lie sought
to ell a bolter and conet•quently higher
pr wed cigar, she to uitn"hire to her cus-
tomers a new x11.1 1111.•re titnehed .ttyl.• of
writing taper.
lint this doublesisrrtlation failed and
threatened the overthrow of both the
stationery and cigar lousiness enun•ly.
"We must not be overhasty," amid .11' -
to him one evening in her little sh' • l'
'and engage in doubtful epee:Atti.:
Whit one has is known, what one t.tav
ti -quite is wit. To woe the coutidruce
of one's citation -ye wall ha discetruus.
Let us wait. We will sncceed in time."
And they waited.
Courage alit) hope never forsook theta
, u the . .ening. seated behind the count-
er, he c ntempineing her with eyes of
:ore, they built ca'tk•• rind form..) spdew•
lid plant for the hthue. Now it was a
tttahogatay bureau which that .hay he load
examined in aeabiuetmaker's shop; thee
again a ssrions diecu-Iden of the plots•r
management and bringing tip of children.
I hoe day a bright idea cauu' to Aunt le.
'•A ticket in the lottery," said she• to
him that evening; •'lik.•..► voice from the
sky it came to Iue. We ntnet tw:h,.buya
ticket in thelot terc," met Karl uupr's".•d
by her worths and manners abd as 'be
bade him.
The eve of the crest drawings the
couple panned in happy e'zpt.•tauiy.
-Two thou'aaudeul.lenl'said she. with
chiming eyes. -We will pray this night
to the good Bawl for 9.000 gulden," and
Karl, as he kissed her, said ho would
and preemie's' in case either should have
drawn a capital prize to lash up to her
door on the morrow in a coach.
Long before the hour of the ,lrawit.,
next .lay Aunt E-'. stood ill auziuuS x
pect:Iury at her shop .1.•.r. Every put---
ing ' wagon --happily lout few weut
thr.:u;h that entrow street -set h' r
heart tt' hating wildly. The sound of
Anima: wheels in the distance turned
her faint, and more than once she caught
at the lintel ot the door tar support.
The clock marked the hour of noon
when, into the narrow street turned a
fietere. and oh, joy of joys, drew up be-
fore her humble little shop. Within ,at
Karl. and with a thousand. visions of
happiness before bet eye's Aunt Es dart.d
up the sellar steps and threw open the
carriage door.
"We have won, we harm won," she
cried einitaatly. "my Kart. my be-
He gazed upon her rally, his face very
white and pain drawn.
-What bast thou:' she ask"l trem-
blingly. reading suffering in his eyes.
-Naught!" said he, making an effort
to rise, "naught, my liehchen. Sacs a
br.k'•ta leg."
Tenderly she cared for him, t ieldiug
hint her chest and mattress, herself re-
posing in a wooden chair.
lu time he fully recovered and re.
turned to his bueinese again.
Thos the years went on. one hope after
anasther departing. Still their courage
did not sink. Neither• remarked their
whitened hairs, their strength fast di-
She was p:t,t 60 and he A years of
age. Aunt Es was ill, but she did not
meutiun it, She felt very feeble, but
overcame it that the business might not
stiffer. Usually, too, she had little pain,
uetver •-omplained and never thought to
consult ► physician.
One day. however. this feeling of weak-
ness so overcame her t hat she begged of
Karl, who was on his way to fetch a
customer :n cigars, not to leave her. She
talked nitwit and in spite of her illitesa
laid plans for the future. In the long
years they had succeeded in saving quite
a sum of money. Of the 2.000 gulden
there vi -as lacking only the healf.
The night carne doted. It was a mild
entnturr night, and Aunt Es declared
that she wean quite well.
"nee are growing ol•l," she said pres-
ently, "and I have been thinking, Karl,
we may as well be wedded now. In all
probability we will have no children, and
for us two we have quite enough."
Karl found that ides very pleasing.
"Yrs, yes," said he, taking her hanoi
within his. -why should we wait longer.
my tiebcben"c"
Aunt Es smiled.
"Tomorrow, then," said she, closing
her eyes. -tomorrow we will"-
Sbe never finished the sentence. On
the morrow the old chest returned to its
original uses, while for Aunt Es was
prepared a narrower bed in a neighbor-
eighboring churchyard.- Adapted From the
aeseter nester's Quarry.
Senator Proctor is the owner of one of
the moat valuable marblegnarries in the
country, anti his home at Pr uctor•ville. is
the Green mountains, pose -sane a beauty
oanvaled in mountain districts. His
eldest son is manager of the works
Some idea of the value of these quarries
and the enormous amount of work per-
formed can be estimated from the fact
that there are 13.000 names on the pay-
rolls of the company. and the village of
Proctor is made up entirely of the em-
ployeett There are 500 cottages in the
pillage -beautiful little two story dwell -
rings -that are rented at fit per month
and always kept in the mast perfect
repair The drives in and around the
neighborhood are solidly macadamised
by the hard marble siftings from the
mines. and one may drive for miles over
the pictsrerque roads on a roadway un-
exampled for amoolhums and freedom
from dust.- Washington Post
A Dytsg M•s•a •Woes
Jndge John Atone. a pioneer antler of
Livingston egwnty. Mo.. mad for several
terns • member of the manly enure.
died at Utie• .'a Wednesday. aged gl
He had be.. naoeeseioes for some time
before death. lmt Saturday eight ronae'd
mall said his eldeetenn. Rommel. of Mar-
cel. Ohl.. was standing by him. but
would not steak Il amatgy • tdegrs
ostia aanounagg the . tar's death M
tam hour when his a dation p him
1 at lins side, -allege teourd
since COTTOLENE has come to
hike its pla.e. The satisfaction
to tth whkh the people have hailed
the advent of the New Shortening
ev'tkn:el by the rapidly increas-
ittg rtwrfmoutt sake is PROOF
POSI FIYL' not only of its great
value as a Nese article ofdiet
Res is also sufficient proof of the
general desire to he rid of hide
gr'ilibk, unwholesome, unappe-
titing lard, and ot all the ills that
lard tet, (notes. -fry
at ct..e d wa-te ho time In
e• n, 1.1.e thousands of
u!':- • -u have now
11e :,.. I,v
Wellington and Ann ate.
Dr. Fowler's
In., - t of Wild f$trawlw'rry is a reliably)
re::u,ly that can always he depended on
for car,' cholera. claviers mfantunt. coli••
cr.rmpo, diarrhu'a. dysent.'ry, and all
I•svitln .n of the hoods It is a pure
T rutainins an the virtues of Wild Straw-
bcerry, one of the safeet stud surest cures
for all somnnr eumplainta, combined
with utter harmless )et prompt curative
agents, well known to medics, scientee.
The teats.;
of Wild
Strawberry were known by the Indiana
lobe an eccelleut remedy for dim -drew
tlyrutery :.lid l' oone,t ass of It s bowels;
bat medical etteINe has plated before
the public in Dr Fowler's Ext. of Wild
a complete and effectual cure for all
these a ivressia ; and often dangerous
complaints ea common in this change-
able climate.
It has stand the tett for 40 years, and
hundreds of live, hair. been saved by its
prompt use. No other remedy always
mer complaint, lin ptrsupaly, quiets
the lotto : t effectually and allays irrita-
tion so swamiefulle as this unrivalled
prescription Dr. F.wkr. If you are
going to tratel ltd•
Is. :ore awl take a bottle with yt11. It
ov. rcr>tnes safely and quickly the die- -
Ire -sing summer complaint no often
tensed by change of air and water, and
is elm a specific against sea -sickness,
and all bowel
Price 3.1a'. Beware of imitations and
eub,titutaesea.l i.y auserupuloesdealers
for the sales of greater perlAte-
A Wasson'. e:eed Vat/Df.
Many people who would recoil with horror
loom cutting • fellow creature's throat.
tehicu does not hurl very n.ucb seed only
hate a moment will murder a wonae's good
noose without remorse or mom and
'list hurts worse than death or a life time.
It is • meaner crime than murder, writes
uurdette. We cry out, and rightly too,
.lest the sensatlo•nel and depraving haLit
••f making heroes out of robbers and cut-
throats. It is • horrible thing to do. And
.et i have loam of hatred and loathing for
the late Jesse James than 1 have for some
people who have sever bees convicted of a
capital crime, but whoop tongues, we know,
are worse then any knife that eves eerered
e human jugular vein.
it. it 4 sees siet. Seadarbe.
(.nwrLeva+.- Having suffered for a num_
nor of yeah • ith loch headache 1 mncludrd
ono K II K , and by the time i had used
twnhato les I war cared. and have not tool
ast symptoms of to mace. i mo safely n-
,s,n,a,em ' H K R fir leek headache
Mas A. A. IIAN+IT, Orono, Ont
satsb.'s ettl•aapmy et Muter.-
" If sou mast merry let ormanoa Nene
have • show is the tr•eeaekshun Doan' go
off your feet becalm yeti meet a girl thatoss
. '.g like a :yahoo, smile like a rose, and jump
old • str.st kyar without bod.rie' de driver
to ste .. A elle wilt have much to do ber-
ea'iss sinitiu' sad cemluvstle' dimples. Refo'
toe fall in I.... end • girl who looks too
sweet for myelin' is a red plush ,ague,
kinder %woo. as how many inch dads your
moor'.,ns would afford her. Redo' you let a
per o' O •shins eves sad a cunning diw,*
midi. ate ye. leek sr' eo' a li,Ne ea' se. if
.i. owner hee a ase,per Iii.. • wild eat Mar-
rowgs cm • faders en epty hakes* p n*M take
each odder nnetgh• arse ties,.m.'
mimosa express to say us.
'ossa osrd what be has lived or *awl
Metol will certain!yr rest if ooa armed, mat
the body will aseutedly becune theorised d
n et exereiesd.
The her. wryer asks, what will people
t hink et we if I do thew thieve, but ehal
will 1 think of myself if I do sot do then
The heart is always hungry No Duo
lives happily abuse. The sweat and It..
hest is wilier and better for . he !mends be
I; reel neva consists mot in what one has,
,Nit is what use olio makes of the pose..
'ions , not is capacity, but in a right earl
ciao of that capacity.
There is nothing more tantalizing to a
man than to gin home with eomethiaw ou
'as mind he wants t.i scold about and rind
th. re and be obliged to ao'
Oar ►sinus /sin e.lwiam.
Utas Saco, --I was !rromhl.d with relama
Mali rheum) for about two years, but I ,lid
Poi bother with it u..til itIan to itch awl
spread mer nay haul. I t en took four
bo ties of B IS K , which completely drove
" away. It tea- by my sum's advice 1 rima
It I1 it , as K K K. is our family phy
aicun. J. d Musa, Cadiagweod,Oat.
lie Was epeaalag to Whoa.
From the lialilmar• due,
A you -'n Baltimore beau, on a roan•
visit to Chicago, was riding in • ems tied
tar is that city, when two hustling Wooten,
A ho entered, exclaimed. "There's ne chance
of getting a seat here." The lfaltim rem+
doffed his h invited et and a toad her to take bis
)dace, to her utter surprise. The ear Ir -aim
-till mere crowded and madame'• .hril'
...gee said : ••Woe -t you sit in my lap`" Th.
courtly Baltimorean how -ed sgaia, and raid
" I do not deem myself worthy of that h•.n
•or " •• Why. I didn't mean you l wee
talking to Elva," was the indignant an
e wer. An acgwitanae of the Raltiamwea'
'o1.1 the atony m bis rotors to thieoity.
Womb loo tlp.Mht 1a Noy.
l►aaa Sias. --I am truly sag that Hoyt
yard's Pectoral Bolero M the beet reused%
ever made far es.gheand osMa It is wort
its weivht is emit. BAtav Pci oca
Leesville, Oat.
The only duty there will
be in connection with my
goods will be my duty to
sell and the duty of the pub-
lic to buy in the most satis-
factory manner and best
Ready-made Clothing a
*specialty, and everything in
the latest and beat Dr)
Goods and Groceries can bl:
had at hard -times pnces at
The TnD10 Cash Slog
▪ P. O'DEA, Manager.
ANDORRA= Tea n Armani S.
Specific; and Antidote for
Impure, weak sad impoverished blood, dye
perm slesplemag a, palpitation of the
hart, liver awrelgia, lam el
stnm ori , �hN�y rieary
diseases, Bt. ver doses. Irene irreg-
ularities and metal debility.
Proprietor and Maaufaetarat.
Molawo's STIRS= RzNovATo• ma be dab
from W d weashen
la Iowa, as d haw
all the all_
Dees wean Owes bead ataal
diaremsn, Ili' .l., Durham and Tomato.
Buchanan & Son,
RA stirarn-uta
*ogee M Ni. Cessiltwaee'e.
A little Remelt boy, aged 6, wag Wing
dosser at hes grandfather'. and had runehad
the dessert. " I wart mow pis," grid
Smog Anger. " Rare neurons," natd his
gramdt.ether. " Whick would yon matter
have, Awgaa," said hes grasellather ; " pr
belie* or pie !" " Pe," r"epeal Argun me
�g1aatti.ell;. .. Ret thee. and his srssd.
4M. ' there might .este say kilt M
" Well," mad tips epee
have game of the pamie/�.
Dealers Ia aa kiwis of
*- Mysteries of the
The latest discovery in the scion'
tic world is that nerve centres located
in or near the base of the brain cot:-
tr>I all the organs of the body, and
when these nerve centres are
deranged the organs which they
supply with dote fluid, or nerve
force, are also deranged. N'hen it
is remembered that a serious injury
to the spinal cowl will cause paralysis
of the body below the injured point,
because the nerve force is prevented
by the injury from reaching the para-
lysed portion, it will be understooi
how the derangement of the nerve
centres will canoe the du-angemeut
of the various organs which they
supply with nerve force; that ie, when
a nerve centre is deranged or in any
way diseased it is impossible for it
to supply the same quantity of nerve
force as when in a healthful condi-
tion ; hence the organs which depend
upon it for nerve force suffer, and are
unable to properly perform their
work• and as a reselt disease makes
ltd appearance.
At least two-thirds of our chronic
diseases awl ailment, are doe to the
imperfect Retie' of the nerve centres
at the base of the brain, and not from
a dcrai.gement primarily originating
in the organ itself. The great mis-
take of phy-s:cians in treating these
disrm.e. «a lust they treat the organs
•r•1 not the nerve ccntretti, t.!,iah ate
the .arse of the trouble.
The wonderful cures wrought L.
. the Great South American :Venire
!Toni': are due alone to the het that
this remedy is based upon the fore
going principle. It c ues by rebuild-
ing and strengthening Ilia nerve
centres, and thereby increasing the
supply of nerve force or uervo•:.
This remedy has been found of
infinite value for the cure of Nervous
neaa, Nervous Prostration, Nervous
Paroxysms, Sleepleasneets, I''or'getfttl•
nets, Mental Despondency. Nervous
nese of Females, Ilot Flashes, Seek
Headache, Heart Molise. The first
bottle will convince anyone that a
cars iS certain.
South Ametican Nervine is with-
out doubt the greatest remedy ever
discovered for the cure of Indigestion.
Dyspepsia, and all Chronic Stomach
Troubles, because it acts through :he
nerves. It gives relief in one dal.
and absolutely effects a permanent
cure in every insstance. Do na t
allow your preindices, or the pray:;
dices of otl•eri, to keep you fa-.
using this health giving remedy. I -
is based on the rerult of years •-f
scientific research and study. 't
single bottle will convince the mo-'
sorer..-, is F. Jauaae,
Wholesale and Retail Agent to
Goderich and vicinity
<$° FOWLER & CO.%
Htah For TIS Holiday Season 1
Aad hefkle Y materlal of *Tory desertptle.
School Furniture a Specialty.
This is a psrtissat guestioo and
else to which Tea ahonld give
II not, you ma easily get rat
ilicties by collies at
COA gaa. eel D\ 11AUK
aNly head will RheRtAdot
whitetail, ashy will bring. (LII early and
All persons desirous of purchasing X N .1
GIFTS !►houltl call anti see the
The Wonderful Cheap Men
t'ha't' :ire 'ahow111', till kinds of WINTER GOODS ,It
prices that will surprise you. (*Il and
inspect their stock of Warm Felt Goods.
T. 1r0R 8: CO.
Tna WON»ERrtt. ('itg,IP \Ie
s-• North Mule of Sonar?.
she Me heel Ce..lat I.'.wapoa for his Amen profession. opium aasaemm ea overt arliair
Review moos , sores tsars In the ('less Ifeawm sad neve Peso Ia Sliestasew Dad
etigalMa he shewM lases newts promo peseta t haulage"le pays se armlet a er�w�1 that bre a sttia� �aMtlaes mea- Cattalo MOM. es
Te.sd•p. Ammer" 11. Mat. Qttslafua lite.somas eaoma ��r W__elk``•
J. W. W>�ralsvtlAT. PtdodP 1